Does anybody think The Lost Lords was better than Iron From Ice?


Honestly, the pacing in The Lost Lords felt miles better than Iron From Ice. I understand Episode 1 needed to exist and it's still a great introduction, but Episode 2 really made me appreciate the characters more and of course the CHOICES! I don't get all the 7/10's. This episode was pure brilliance! In my opinion of course

So...Who else enjoyed Episode 2 as much as me?


  • I agree, I thought it was great, even better than the 1st. Don't really get why some reviewers weren't too fond of it. Not that I care what most of them think, but still, it's weird.

  • I do, I loved Iron From Ice, and I thought The Lost Lords was miles better.

  • edited February 2015

    I almost always prefer the second episode compared to the first. Only exception is TWAU.

  • Me.

    Iron from Ice made the whole story with the Forresters seem like the Starks Lite, this episode made them come into their own and got me more invested.

  • Much better.

  • So much better

  • I thought Iron from Ice had some necessary setup and I still loved it, but Lost Lords felt like I had actually gotten into the story. There was a bit of setup with Rodrik and Gared, but adding the marriage and the different way Rodrik is treated as opposed to Ethan helped with that storyline, and I didn't mind the Night's Watch training so much. It felt like I was actually a recruit and immersed me. It also provided a nice rest from the high-powered action of Asher's story and the terrifying intrigue of Mira's.

  • I thought Lost Lords was really fun to play, but it doesn't have the same self-contained story that Iron from Ice had. It really felt like a bunch of random scenes jumbled into one. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the scenes, especially the funeral song at the end. That freaking song gave me chills... But Iron from Ice should be regarded as a force in its own right.

  • The only thing I slightly disliked about it is that it jumped around a bit to much. Still awesome though, not to mention the awesome ending.

  • I liked it better than Iron From Ice.

  • Hopefully that opinion stands for Tales from the Borderlands.

    bloop posted: »

    I almost always prefer the second episode compared to the first. Only exception is TWAU.

  • Beginnings are slow for me. I never really get drawn in until the second episode or some shocking cliff hanger at the end of the first one.

    Hopefully that opinion stands for Tales from the Borderlands.

  • I felt the decisions you made as Ethan in Iron from Ice felt more weighted than any of the decisions you made lost lords but I felt story-wise Lost Lords had a stronger strategy element to the decisions you made. Because you could easily have 2 member of your house promise away your ironwood and have two member of your house building an army

  • i disagree somehow i felt not satisfied by ep2 and it was too short for me but i think it paves the way for a great ep3

  • Yeah, definetly.

  • I thought it was much better. Put me back into the mood to see what happens next.

  • Honestly I thought it was way better thanks to Asher. I don't understand how this episode got lower review scores when IMO it is miles better.

  • Yes alot more action and more random twists.

  • Just out of interest, what did the reviewers say that was bad about it?

    I agree, I thought it was great, even better than the 1st. Don't really get why some reviewers weren't too fond of it. Not that I care what most of them think, but still, it's weird.

  • edited February 2015

    From what I read most critics didn't like Gared's scenes.

    Applejunk posted: »

    Just out of interest, what did the reviewers say that was bad about it?

  • Yeah. It definitely fits the 'If this was 90 minutes, it felt a lot longer to me.'

  • I may actually have enjoyed Iron From Ice more, although given that I'm in the minority here, I suspect that's because I usually like the first part of a series because it has a strong emphasis on world-building and characters, which I enjoy tremendously. Also, the stakes seemed a little lower than Chapter 1 - a good thing, given how heavy Iron from Ice got, but I enjoyed that tension.

    All that said, it's a minor difference any way you cut it - both are excellent, and I'm going to go back and hibernate until Tales from the Borderlands releases its next episode.

  • Wayyyyy better than the first. I'd be confused as to why anyone would think otherwise. This was really well done. Really alot to like about it.

  • They're the same for me. I did like how we had more character development in Lost Lords and Talia's song shook a tear out of me

  • I liked it better, however the only problem i had was the length. The episode wasn't as long as the first one.

  • I liked the first one better, too.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    I may actually have enjoyed Iron From Ice more, although given that I'm in the minority here, I suspect that's because I usually like the fi

  • I love the Lost Lords. It manages to be both hopeful and tense.

  • The Lost Lords > Iron From Ice. Both were great episodes, but TLL was a lot better than IFI.

  • episode got lower review scores

    Really? I thought they were pretty even/or better than Ep.1

    Honestly I thought it was way better thanks to Asher. I don't understand how this episode got lower review scores when IMO it is miles better.

  • Oh, for sure I enjoyed it more. A lot more action, more plot twists, a great advancement in the story, interesting new characters/choices. Hopefully this trend continues and each episode gets better :D

  • Most of the reviews I've seen are like 8/10 or above, so I think this episode has done pretty well.

    I agree, I thought it was great, even better than the 1st. Don't really get why some reviewers weren't too fond of it. Not that I care what most of them think, but still, it's weird.

  • It felt so much smoother than episode 1. i agree.
    The cuts were shorter, changing characters more often, and i dunno, i was intrigued all the way, witty comments, intense moments, and great characters.

  • It was only a few minutes shorter than the first episode.

    Khaledmm posted: »

    i disagree somehow i felt not satisfied by ep2 and it was too short for me but i think it paves the way for a great ep3

  • Of course. Iron From Ice was great, but The Lost Lords was fantastic. There were some really severe audio glitches that had me pausing a couple times. But god damn, it was amazing.

  • Iron fro ice was an intro episode Ethans death showed that, this episode let the characters actually develop well.

  • I personally preferred episode 2...

    From ep1 I just got a more "intro/opening" feeling where you kind of got familiar with the characters and the situation they're in. Ep2 felt alot more like you were in complete control of the gameplay and kind of knew how every characters "story" should be played out.

  • Yes. The Lost Lords is one of Telltale's best episodes.

  • It was 100% better, well cause know you understand that characters more and you no more the names of know what's going on so that's why I think it's better

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