Does anyone like the Forresters more than the Starks?

One of the themes I like about Game of Thrones is family. While in the books and Tv-series, the Starks are obviously a close family, but we unfortunately didn't see it as much as we would have wanted before they all got separated. I feel that House Forresters have a stronger potential of capturing the theme of a family struggling together against the odds and winter.

The scenes Rodrik have with his family was extremely strong and heartwarming and I enjoyed them immensely. And regarding about people thinking that the Forresters are a Stark copy, I'd say that in Episode 2, House Forrester established their own identity, one that I have every intention of ensuring its survival.

What do you think? Do you like the Forresters better than the Starks?



  • edited February 2015

    I like the Forresters but hahahahahah! No.

  • Nah the only stark I dislike is the annoying ugly redhead.

  • Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?


  • Considering I don't watch the show...yes.

  • edited February 2015

    No he/she is just a hater. They hate on anything Telltale which is ironic lol. I guess they have nothing better to do.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?

  • I still like the Starks (and here hopes they will get their revenge) but I think the Forresters...well I can see why people would like them more.
    Dont get me wrong, a lot of people idenitfy themselves with the Starks (and i understand them leaving the show after Ned and the Red Wedding thing) but with the Forresters you can make them your own a little.
    Your choices can make them cunning, inteligent, honourable and so on. They are YOUR house and you are the unseen part of it.

    TBh i'm more of a Targaryen fan myself so there...

  • Fire and Blood.

    And yeah, I agree with your point. House Forrester by Telltale is made to be our house. :)

    Gorvar posted: »

    I still like the Starks (and here hopes they will get their revenge) but I think the Forresters...well I can see why people would like them

  • No. The Starks were the original, the Forrester's just a carbon copy of them.

  • Yeah I think I like the Forresters more. I'm more attached to them than Starks.

  • The Forresters are rather weak overall. All hail Whitehill.

  • I don't like them more than the Starks, I like them differently. The difference is the scope of it all. The Starks deal with the global scope, with Robb being King in the North, Ned ruling as Hand of the King, Sansa destined to become Queen and Jon playing a vital part in the Night Watch's defense. The Forrester's scope is much smaller. They have to deal with a much smaller crisis that only threatens their House. To them, it's a matter of life and death, but to the realm, it's just a footnote in the larger scheme of events.

    I think the Forresters are more relatable, because they are more like us. They aren't world leaders and there are a lot of things going on outside their control (just like in our lives). The only thing they can do is make the best of it, and try to do the most honorable things in the difficult situations they're put in.

    For me, the enjoyment comes from knowing that this is just a tiny storyline in a huge setting. The Forresters are exemplary of all other minor Houses that are affected by the war and the shifts in power that are going on. Unlikely heroes such as Ethan emerge and try to protect their families from certain doom. The Forresters are definitely not the larger than life characters that Ned, Jon, Tyrion and Daenerys are. But it's their humanity that gives them their appeal.

  • quality shitposting. The thread asked a simple Yes/No question "Does anyone like the Forresters more than the Starks?" and I replied with a mere "No" but your subconscious grudge towards me somehow made you call me a hater. Top lel

    No he/she is just a hater. They hate on anything Telltale which is ironic lol. I guess they have nothing better to do.

  • edited February 2015

    You're always hating on Telltale

    quality shitposting. The thread asked a simple Yes/No question "Does anyone like the Forresters more than the Starks?" and I replied with a mere "No" but your subconscious grudge towards me somehow made you call me a hater. Top lel

  • Maybe not MORE than, but easily just as much !

  • Of course he doesn't

    how could you possibly believe he would actually like something from telltale, are you INSANE

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?

  • Hm, actually I don't really like the Starks, I used to like Arya and Robb. I prefer House Forrester :)

  • Well his name suggests that he likes Clem....

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?

  • The Starks will always be at the top but I really like the Forrester's.

  • I really like the Forresters. That said, I'm not actually a huge fan of the Starks in general. I quite liked Ned and Robb, but they're gone now. Sansa has had a great character arc, so she's probably my favourite living Stark. I generally can't stand Arya and find the rest of them boring, including Jon Snow (though he's gotten better in the latest books).

    So yes, I like the Forresters more than the Starks because I'm a fan of all of them, at least at the moment.

  • Apparently he likes Clementine.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?

  • i love all the families and everyone in GoT. :)

  • I think I like the Forresters more because I play as them; I am them, which makes me feel more immersed and involved, and I care a lot more about all of their characters than I do about the Starks.

  • I'm more attached to the Forresters, because you know, I AM the Forresters.

  • edited February 2015

    Of course i do, i really don't like stark because of Robb and his father and his mother dum moves..... so yeah i like more Forrester than stark because i am forrester...........BUt I LIKE THE NORTH without Robb of course

  • Yes, I would say that I like the Forresters more than the Starks. I'm not a Stark-hater, in fact I really like all of them but I just don't relate to them at the same level as I relate to the Forresters. It might be just because I only read about the Starks, but in the games I am one of the Forresters.

  • To be fair, all it takes is a quick look at your profile to see comment after comment of criticism.

    quality shitposting. The thread asked a simple Yes/No question "Does anyone like the Forresters more than the Starks?" and I replied with a mere "No" but your subconscious grudge towards me somehow made you call me a hater. Top lel

  • Don't waste your breath Gary, all the dude does is hate on Telltale.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Do you like ANYTHING from Telltale?

  • The Starks are great but I think I may get more attached to the Forresters because I am that House/family in a sense.

  • Well of course i like them more, because I play as them, but if i would play as the Stark Family and the Forresters would be in the TV show instead I assume it would be the other way around.

  • What you liked Robb but not Arya wooow did you forget robb's dum moves?? he was killed because of that...Arya is great, bad ass of all Stark

    I really like the Forresters. That said, I'm not actually a huge fan of the Starks in general. I quite liked Ned and Robb, but they're gone

  • I have never liked the Starks but i like the Forresters a lot.

  • I like both families, but I don't think I like the Forrester's more. My fav. character on the show happens to be a Stark.

  • edited February 2015

    I started with the Starks, so I end it with them!


  • Do you mean Tyrion Lannister? How could you hate him?

    Ja1862 posted: »

    Nah the only stark I dislike is the annoying ugly redhead.

  • Uh no. Ned's still the most righteous dude in the Seven Kingdoms. He totally should of seized the Throne during the seige of King's Landing. The realm probably would've been a bit stabler. And no so in debt....

  • Why does everything have to be a competition? I love the Starks and the Forresters.

  • No. It'll require some pretty superb writing on Telltale's part to make me like them anywhere near as much. I've known the Starks for the past thirteen years. Until December I'd have been hard pressed to remember the Forresters existed. They're growing on me, though.

  • I don't personally see this as a competition. Someone asked which house we like better and people have answered; they're not competing about anything, they're just telling how they feel about the said houses. And many who answered said that they like both, just like you and me.

    KCohere posted: »

    Why does everything have to be a competition? I love the Starks and the Forresters.

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