Asher, Rodrik, or Talia.

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

If we are given the choice to kill Lord Whitehill in a future episode, who has more of a right to kill him, Rodrik, Asher, or Talia.


  • I'd give it to Rodrick if it came down to those two. But for some reason, I see Asher as being the last male Forrester standing... IDK why... just have that gut feeling.

  • Asher beats up Whitehill until he's in a bad enough position for Rodrik to end him. Rodrik gets the kill, Asher gets the assist.

  • I would love to say Rodrik, but he will most likely die before he even gets the chance, or die trying. Asher may be the one to end Lord Whitehill, if he ever does come back to Westeros at all.

  • Asher. In addition from all the other crimes he's committed, he kept him from being with someone he loved.

    The only thing that could possibly save Whitehill is Gwyn begging Asher, (and only Asher) to spare him.

  • Ramsay

  • Neither. Lady Forrester stabs him in the throat, stating "you've brought this on yourself"

  • Rodrick but I think Asher is going to be the one to kill him

  • That's a good one too, all 3 of them have a good enough reason to kill him, but I'd still think one of the PC's should get to do it. Or maybe make it a choice where you can do it or have someone else do it.


  • Rodrik or Talia should be the one to kill him. I even said as Rodrik "I'm gonna kill that man" and I intend on :P

  • There was a time I would have said Asher, but after the events of episode 2, I'm backing Rodrik to do it. Really, it is only because I took the line from Rodrik as a promise to do so... when Royland asked me if I was alright, and I responded "I'm going to kill that man" That was a promise from Rodrik to me.

  • Rodrik deserves to kill him the most, but I have a feeling Asher will be the one that kills him

  • edited February 2015

    Even a dog would have right to kill lord withehill, i don't really care who will have to kill lord withehill after all maybe we will have the opportunity to kill many withehill so

  • I think Asher will die before Lord Whitehill.

    So Rodrik.

  • Rodrik will be the one to kill him. He was humiliated face to face. More personal. Asher can kill his son though, Gryff.

  • All I know is that Talia is going to skewer someone before this season is over. That "Royland taught me how to swordfight" line in Episode 1 must have meant something. Unless they're saving that for season 2 (considering this is allegedly a multi-title series) and want to play the long game.

  • I think an awesome choice towards the end, you have the cast of characters around Whitehill after decimating his army, and you pick which character you want to take control of to end him, and decide how you do it. Say with Rodrik, you could say public execution, or end him right there, Asher would bury his hatchet in his skull, etc etc.

  • Rodrik and Asher will fight their way to him, but never get the chance. Talia will be the one to finally deliver the justice.

  • I'd say I like Talia's character, she's kind and strong-willed at the same time, her scenes with other family members were really touching, but I hope she won't end up like another badass-men-killing-machine-avenger like Arya - it's definitely not the way I want to see her character to develop

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    All I know is that Talia is going to skewer someone before this season is over. That "Royland taught me how to swordfight" line in Episode 1

  • If hed got on Ramsays bad side being killed is the least of hes worries :D

    HiroVoid posted: »


  • Is Ryon and option?

  • I don't think she'll end up a 'badass' like Arya. I expect there'd definitely be an 'what have I done?' reaction and she wouldn't be in any hurry to kill again. I don't want her turning into Arya either but I know that line must have been dropped for a reason.

    JohnKersky posted: »

    I'd say I like Talia's character, she's kind and strong-willed at the same time, her scenes with other family members were really touching,

  • I would imagine Talia would do it but only as a surprise. Perhaps Lord Whitehill finally has us cornered either as Rodrick or Asher, and suddenly either a crossbow bolt or a knife strikes Lord Whitehill in the back of his neck, he's shocked, dropping his sword and flimsily grabbing at it, as he turns around, shocked. As he tries to say something he coughs up blood and collapses, allowing us to see the perpetrator and it's Talia.

    I'd love to see that. Or have it be determinant if you fail a quick-time event or make a wrong choice or something.

  • I'd love it if it was all determined on what you said or did as these characters, making it all determinant as to who ends Whitehills life.

    Like for example, if as Rodrik when your sentinel asks how you are, you can only kill him if you say you will. Or as Asher you can only kill him (hopefully gruesomely) if the majority of choices you chose involved killing, like breaking Tizals neck or that one guard at the end.

    Maybe not through these choices exactly, but just differing paths that can be set on who kills him.

  • edited February 2015

    Meh, I'd really love to see him bend the knee, kiss the Forrester's ring, one of his sons taken as a hostage on the other killed in front of him.

    Oh, and his daughter wed to Asher so that Whitehill looses his standing, his pride and his manpower.

    Then an after credit scene where the humiliated Whitehill hangs himself, is thrown into a cart full of rotting corpses and is taken away into the sunset.

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