This dialog is not in games, But I want know who know this: I,m sooooooooooooo changeable, It,s my weakness But if i want be honest, It.s my only weakness.
This dialog is not in games, But I want know who know this: I,m sooooooooooooo changeable, It,s my weakness But if i want be honest, It.s my only weakness.
A character who couldn't hurt anyone, even if she was really mad at them.
Bit of an easy one. Gonna try and come up with a stumper.
Clem reminds her, of her.
I've no idea. Clem can directly kill the Stranger and Kenny but she can't accidently cause their deaths too, so I am very confused.
This dialog is not in games, But I want know who know this: I,m sooooooooooooo changeable, It,s my weakness But if i want be honest, It.s my only weakness.
Omid could be the white Russell but he's not white...
I don't know the answer, but I thought I should let you know that in the thread title you spelt "Guessing" wrong. You spelt it as "Gussing".
Yeah,sorry some times I,m very tired and even can,t spell my name truly! Now Answer my question Dude!
Not the person I'm thinking of. Although, I think I remember Rebecca saying something like that.
Getting warmer.
Although I think Jane thinks this. She never says it. The person I'm thinking of determinately says it.
Jamey? Janes sister.
Yikes, freezing cold.
How could she think that, if she never met Clem?
We have a winner.
EDIT: "You got a good one there. She reminds me, of me."-Molly
-She can kill him out of mercy
-She had to throw him off her
-he attacked her
-Your name is the furry one and your favorite charater is Sam?
If it is the right answer which it probably is, then well done!
2nd one I got right ¯_(ツ)_/¯
No its not from walking dead its in a detective movie.I gave All of clues! If you even didn,t see that movie with my clues you can.
Here's one.
This character calls Clementine a dude.
Did you see this?
I don't know.
He's urban
His mare's gone lame.
This fella has his hunger drive him mad.
Most of us love this character even though they have no character development.
Ol' Breckon down the way.
wait is it a person or a group of people?