Jon Snow - Did you reveal your secret?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones


just wanted to ask if you revealed your secret when he asked you why you want to become a ranger?
Without hesitating I said it would be because of the north grove, what did you do guys? You think it was smart?^^ Dont think Jon will tell anyone the secret and i just wanted to be honest.



  • I did. I trust Jon he is a good guy and trustworthy.

  • No. I promised Duncan I wouldn't breathe a word of it to anyone at the Wall, and I'm playing Gared to be an honest bloke, so...I'm keeping that promise.

  • Duncan told Gared not to tell anyone. I saw no reason to speak about the North Grove as for now. If something is connected to the North Grove happens during Gared's story, I will see if it is wise to tell Jon.

  • exactly the same reason i told him^^

    I did. I trust Jon he is a good guy and trustworthy.

  • I didn't tell him. I know Jon is a trustworthy and cool guy, but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone

  • Nope. It was the man's dying wish that he tell no one but his uncle !

  • I did, but it won't matter anyway because I play on Xbox One...

  • I feel like Telltale is doing that on purpose that you thinl, oh it's Jon Snow, I can trust him, and it just hits you later. But yeah I didn't tell him because my Uncle and Lord Forrester asked me, too.

  • Nope, just said that I want to protect Forresters.

  • No reason too so I didnt

  • I said 'Winter is coming'.....which I guess refers either to the wildlings or white walkers.

  • I didn´t. I said I wanted to protect House Forrester. I promised Duncan and Lord Forrester I wouldn´t tell a soul and I intend to keep it that way.

  • No. And this is coming from someone who told the maester and lady Forrester. I had a duty to tell her what her husbands last words to me were about. Gared doesnt know Jon Snow. Sure, he seems like hes a good guy. But he's not a forrester.

  • Nope. As a matter of fact I said nothing. So Jon Snow knows nothing.

    Alt text

  • I did, its Jon fucking Snow, hes a trustworthy good guy, from Gareds perspective it would be a stupid move but for me as a viewer of the show it was logical, he might help me with it later so why not?

  • That is damn awesome! :D

    bloop posted: »

    Nope. As a matter of fact I said nothing. So Jon Snow knows nothing.

  • I did tell him. From Gared's point of view, it's absolutely crucial to become a ranger. So I had a feeling telling Jon why that's the case would really increase my chances of becoming one.

  • I did it because I thought that Jon might know more about it and might be able to help me find/get whatever it is.

  • I went with " coming." Seemed most appropriate, really. Mentioning the North Grove at the time didn't seem worth it.

  • I did... Mistake... I thought he might know what it was and be able to help. It wasn't till later that I remembered that Jon Snow knows nothing...

  • edited February 2015

    ^this... i agree, Jon wouldnt deliberate betray Gared...but somehow, someone might overhear them speaking about it...effecting the story later.

    gwendog posted: »

    I feel like Telltale is doing that on purpose that you thinl, oh it's Jon Snow, I can trust him, and it just hits you later. But yeah I didn't tell him because my Uncle and Lord Forrester asked me, too.

  • No Way they asked not to say anything. I am loyal to my house, not some guy I just met

  • Nope. While I agree you can probably trust Jon Snow, Lord Forrester asked me to tell noone but Duncan and I swore I'd tell noone but Duncan.

    I said it was because winter is coming. Not only do I love saying that Winter is Coming, I also didn't feel like it was a good idea to say I wanted to protect the Forresters, I don't want Jon to think I don't take my Night's Watch vows seriously.

  • I am going to replay this scene and not say anything... That is epic

    bloop posted: »

    Nope. As a matter of fact I said nothing. So Jon Snow knows nothing.

  • Yes, I figured he should know something for once in his life.

  • LOL

    Yes, I figured he should know something for once in his life.

  • edited February 2015

    I did. once you go black, you leave past in the past, so if Jon will be my new friend, I cant keep secrets from him. friends do trust each other.

  • edited February 2015

    I think it was a bait. We instinctvely trust Jon because of the show, but he might let the secret slip somehow.

    Maybe not even intentionally. If you notice, Gared never did tell him that it was meant to be a super secret.

  • I did not reveal the secret to Jon Snow. Even if I know that he is a trustworthy guy, how would Gared know that? He made a promise to his lord and he intends to keep it. Even if I like Jon Snow, Gared knows almost nothing about him so he wouldn't go blabbering all his secrets to him right away.

  • No, I didn't tell him, I know he's a good guy, but a promise is a promise. But I wonder how he'll find the North Grove if he knows nothing about it.

  • Good one, Telltale.

    bloop posted: »

    Nope. As a matter of fact I said nothing. So Jon Snow knows nothing.

  • Why would Gared tell lord Gregor's secret to some random guy from the shithole full of liars, traitors and murderers? Not the brightest idea ever, really.

  • edited February 2015

    Yep. I wanted to be honest with him because he is now Gared's superior and the brother of the Young Wolf, the man Lord Forrester supported as King in the North. I thought that would count for something with Gared (plus, everyone in the North knows the Starks are good eggs) and it might encourage Jon to support my intention to become a ranger if he knows I'm really passionate about it.

    But, like you said, I think those big brown eyes and that melancholy voice are set up as a pitfall for us players. In hindsight, I regret opening up to him and I imagine Jon might let slip that the North Grove is my reason for becoming a ranger, doing what he thinks is harmless brotherly mockery, but to the wrong audience (perhaps, say, Frostfinger), it could be a piece of information worth killing for... gulp!

    Pride posted: »

    I think it was a bait. We instinctvely trust Jon because of the show, but he might let the secret slip somehow. Maybe not even intentionally. If you notice, Gared never did tell him that it was meant to be a super secret.

  • No, but I'm to understand the Jon Snow knows nothing anyway

  • No he is not Duncan.

  • I have told Lady Forrester, the meister, Duncan Tuttle, Frostfinger and Jon snow. Game on Telltale and show me how much it matters..

  • edited February 2015


    I know that Jon Snow is honorable and can be trusted because I'm a fan of both the book and television series, but Gared shouldn't know that. He's just met Jon Snow and knows next to nothing about him. I liked to try and play the characters as I think they'd realistically act given their backstories, and it isn't in character for Gared (as I've played him so far) to completely trust Jon Snow yet. Also I'm playing Gared as honorable to a fault. He lives up to Lord Gregor's description of being more honorable than most men born into knighthood. So he'd never break an oath, and he promised Gregor he'd not mention the North Grove to anyone but Duncan. He made the same promise to Duncan IIRC. I believe Duncan warns him not to mention the North Grove as well.

    So far Duncan and Gared are the only two character that know about the North Grove. I'm guessing Duncan will be killed at some point, leaving Gared as the only person that knows. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.

  • I told him, but then i changed my mind and it was too late :D
    But i think it will be fine. Jon would never say to anyone :)

  • I did, he is the probably the only Person at the Wall i trust, so i though it couldn't hurt saying the truth why I#m there (Since I heard of it i wanted to know what the North Grove is so I want to find it)

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