Season 3 Kenny/Jane problem
just been looking at the hex file threads that are now closed and are fake,some confirming that Kenny was to be killed off in the first episode,i gotta think that something like this will happen for the game to progress in it's story,how exactly are Telltale going to cover 2 or 3 seperate endings without confusing themselves?
Kenny and Jane cannot live in the same TWD universe together now,neither can any of them live long in season 3...If clementine choses the path to go by herself one of them is dead,the only way round this is to kill them off early or let a new character take over and you run into clem and learn about her story.
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I think they could find a way to merge all the endings. There were multiple story lines in 400 Days that were somewhat linked to one another through minute details. I think it may be better to have a DLC to close the gap, but it's not necessary
Depending on which ending you have would determine which story arc you experience. Like in 400 Days you can choose which story to play first...well, they could have one that deals with the Kenny endings, one for the Jane endings and one for if Clem is alone. Either way, at the end all the stories coalesce to lead to the same finale. Kenny/Jane doesn't have to die, but killing them off makes their jobs easier than trying to make sure they don't trip over themselves
It may take longer to make trying, but I don't think it's impossible
They don't have to die. After X amount of time, tension between the two can rise and they could have Clementine decide that she's going to take Aj and leave Kenny/Jane behind....or has to choose between saving Kenny/Jane or saving Aj.
However they axe Kenny/Jane, I hope that they don't do it within the first ten minutes of their return
After I've seen how choices get treated in the later episodes and seasons, I believe Jane/Kenny would be killed off during the 3rd season for certain, if Clem chooses to let one live. If Telltale lets them live however, they'd probably get the treatment Prince Lawrence from TWAU got if he's saved in the 1st episode, which means they won't leave much of an impact in season 3 I guess.
Maybe that's what Telltale wants us to believe. They're known for making tricky plot and after S2 they may try something different.
Could be. I mean, most people thought Clementine would be able to stick with Christa and Omid for the whole 2nd season at most. : /
And hopefully we get to see Clementine raising AJ well. I would rage so bad if they kill either one of them off in the same manner like they did with Omid. So let's hope Telltale will let them both alive for the next whole season at least.
Since you can even get them both killed in one save file I´m gonna say things are looking grim for them. I expect them to die on the first episode of S3 if you have either of them. Sadly.
Why would it be a problem? The most easy, and most likely choice is that Kenny/Jane/alone Clementine all end the same way, Wellington. Kenny leaves Clementine there. Kenny leaves with Clem but dies, and she goes there. Clem leaves with Jane, Jane dies and Clem ends up in Wellington. Alone Clem finds Wellington. Something like that or some other variation. All that will happen beforehand. Maybe a short video clip will explain. Or they will have you start off alone, with Jane, or with Kenny and by the end of the first chapter you will be in the same place. That would be kind of cool. If they really wanted to be awesome they would actually allow for all of season 3 to be based on being with Kenny, Jane, or without them.
Yeah, but why would Clem go looking, or somehow end up in Wellington if she's with Jane? I doubt she'd willingly go North.
Who knows. It's just one possibility. Maybe Wellington goes tits up, and she heads back to the store where Jane, and her ended up. Or after leaving with Kenny they are forced to go back to the store. I don't know what will happen I'm just saying that most likely the game will start off at a single point with an explanation on what happened to Jane/Kenny or going it alone.
it's not always winter time in Michigan....if they went to look in the spring/summer Jane might not mind looking for it
It'd still seem like an unreasonable trek, they are trying to rebuild Howes, besides, there are plenty of other locations that they are sure exist that they can go to.
Agreed,and i don't think Telltale will write 2 completely seperate storylines to cater for the individual players choices (Clem and Jane/Kenny and Clem) ,they could do something like they did for Nick in season 2 where hes still alive for some in the later episodes but it pretty much confirms in season 3 that Jane and Kenny are toast regardless of who you saved.
It would be the best thing to do IMO
Yes sadly i imagine it will go the same way similar to Omid and Christa. Kenny or Jane will appear for the first 5/10 mins of the game and then be killed off and all the S2 endings will somehow link to the main S3 story eventually. It really sucks though because i'm a big Kenny fan and after that S2 ending it would just be awful to see him killed off.
Pretty much. Which sucks but what can you do.
This is another reason why I like the idea of a three-year gap between S2 and S3. If Kenny/Jane meet their makers in episode 1. at least we'll know they didn't die immediately after they walked off into the sunset with Clementine and AJ (figuratively speaking).
Just give them both a chance to go out with a bang, that's all I ask.