Can you betrothe whats her name...

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Im sorry i cant remember the name of Rodriks betrothed.

But i am wondering if you can succesfully betrothe her if you don't forge Margaery's letter.
I saw that i was only 33% able to betrothe her succesfully, and im sure part of it is because i did forge it in my playthrough.
So any of you could do it without?


  • edited February 2015

    Yes you can, I haven't tried it but I know for a fact that it's possible. I think I remember reading the letter makes her less inclined, but either way if you offer your ironwood she'll agree to marry Rodrik.

    Funny though that one of the ways you get her is by Rodrik offering his "wood" IF YOU GET MUH DRIFT.

  • Anyway you can marry Elaena without offering the ironwood? Kinda sucks that I lost like half to Elaena, half to Lord Whitehill AND an exclusive trade agreement for it with Tyrion, I need green peace to get planting some trees right naow!

  • Maester Ortengryn likes this.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes you can, I haven't tried it but I know for a fact that it's possible. I think I remember reading the letter makes her less inclined, but

  • edited February 2015


    I got her to agree to marry Rodrik on my playthrough, despite having had Mira not forge the letter. When Elaena says "I have to be practical" and then explains her doubts about the arrangement, you have to have Rodrik barter with the Ironwood. She'll agree if you promise her family half the Ironwood Grove once Whitehill is defeated.

  • edited February 2015

    Yes you can!

    You can get her to agree to the marriage by offering her half of your Ironwood. As far as I know, that's the only way you can get Elaena to agree without forging the letter.

  • haha, i got your drift :P

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes you can, I haven't tried it but I know for a fact that it's possible. I think I remember reading the letter makes her less inclined, but

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, he iron would.

    All the puns come out today.

    rcarass1 posted: »

    Maester Ortengryn likes this.

  • I believe Lord Whitehill took all of the wood, he had his half, and now he's taking our half.

    ayy-lmao posted: »

    Anyway you can marry Elaena without offering the ironwood? Kinda sucks that I lost like half to Elaena, half to Lord Whitehill AND an exclusive trade agreement for it with Tyrion, I need green peace to get planting some trees right naow!

  • Thanks guys :), leaves me with the dilemma though, do i want to share 50% of my ironwood, or get Mira in danger from forging the letter...

  • I straight up offered 50% rather than forging anything. Way better to secure an army instantly that way, I mean it's unquestionable that you need their alliance above everything.

    Problem with forging Margaery's letter is it can totally ruin your diplomacy - it's pretty obvious it'd get found out, and with the murder investigation thrown in Mira can't afford to lose trust from Tyrion or Margaery, her only friends in King's Landing. Maybe Tyrion will back out of the trade agreement from distrust, not worth it to me.

    Jere85 posted: »

    Thanks guys , leaves me with the dilemma though, do i want to share 50% of my ironwood, or get Mira in danger from forging the letter...

  • Ohh right, I figured he was just taking 50% in total, I suppose now Elaena's house is gonna fight Whitehill for their promise of 50%. Cool! Made the right decision.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I believe Lord Whitehill took all of the wood, he had his half, and now he's taking our half.

  • If you offer Ironwood she agrees to the marriage

  • I didn't forge the letter and I offered my ironwood to her family.

    That's probably the only way you can without forging a letter.

  • Lord Whitehill can't claim his share if he's dead, though, so we can still fix that

    ayy-lmao posted: »

    Anyway you can marry Elaena without offering the ironwood? Kinda sucks that I lost like half to Elaena, half to Lord Whitehill AND an exclusive trade agreement for it with Tyrion, I need green peace to get planting some trees right naow!

  • And I bet whoever searched your house will find evidence of your misdeeds as Mira and go after you like TWD's S1 stranger

    ayy-lmao posted: »

    I straight up offered 50% rather than forging anything. Way better to secure an army instantly that way, I mean it's unquestionable that you

  • The way I interpreted it is that you would give half the supply that the Whitehills are using.

    ayy-lmao posted: »

    Anyway you can marry Elaena without offering the ironwood? Kinda sucks that I lost like half to Elaena, half to Lord Whitehill AND an exclusive trade agreement for it with Tyrion, I need green peace to get planting some trees right naow!

  • I offered 50% of the ironwood to get her to marry as everyone has mentioned. The way I see it, your giving up something that isn't in your house's possession. In addition, the financial blow will be lessened if Mira can secure that iron wood agreement with Tyrion before the purple wedding. Then you can at least cut into some of the profits your giving up.

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