What would you change about the first two seasons of TWD?
As Season 3 draws closer (hopefully) if you could what would you change in the first two seasons to make it better?
What was lacking?
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As Season 3 draws closer (hopefully) if you could what would you change in the first two seasons to make it better?
What was lacking?
Lack of hubs and character interaction/development in Season 2 sadly. I remember in season 1 you could talk to every single character, find out more about them, view the surroundings a lot more. It just felt rushed in so many episodes in season 2. I mean i liked the game, the story was good but lacked a lot in important areas. I didn't feel hardly anything for the cabin survivors. The only 2 people i cared about was Clem and Kenny because of their Season 1 history. Also Christa and Omid too for the same reason.
Season 3 episodes need to in my opinion be longer as well. Season 1 eps were always 2 to 2 and half hours in length where as season 2 was only 1 and half hours at most.
A lot. Where do I begin?
Okay, Season 1 I would have given the Bandits proper development and make them have a well developed character as a leader and have him actually appear as an antagonist. For Around Every Corner I would have Crawford appear as people instead of generic walkers and spend the episode fighting them. Crawford believes the group is dead after running into the hospital because walkers flanked it and no one goes in. The group kills the walkers on the inside and the Crawford Soldiers hear the gun shots and rush in. The escape from Crawford ends with a gun fight with the Soldiers and the Oberson.
400 Days, I would have the group all go no matter what the same cutscene plays if they don't regardless.
Season 2 is what I would change the most. I would have far more dialogue from Clem and the group, more hubs and puzzles, as well as replacing Omid and Christa with Alvin and Rebecca, altering the Carver saga by making Troy die (He could have been the one who killed Reggie instead) in Episode 3 Carver sniping at the group with the 400 Days Group (Who have a much larger role in In Harm's Way) They replace the generic Russian Group in Amid The Ruins and makes for a more interesting fight 6 on 5 and Clem can kill one or two
as well as Becca replacing Arvo (Clem kills zombie Shel). A Nick or Mike choice whoever you don't save gets bit and sniped by Carver for good measure. Whether you sat with him, Sneaked out to find him, Agreed with him on Carver, Saved Sarita or agreed with his plan to go north all matter. Also he remains Kenny instead of trying to be psycho Lee. Saving Sarah matters and she plays a role in the remainder of the episode. The ice scene is saved for Bonnie who dies no matter what but it alternates on whether you saved Sarah. If you saved Sarah, Bonnie will help but they both die. The shoot Mike/Nick option and finally Luke replacing Jane (Who should have been scrapped)
Lee not dying
Basically this:
Season 1
Season 2:
haha, this made me giggle
Um why
because Oberson was his name...'the' isn't needed
Nick's death is really the only complaint I have, no idea what would happen but, yeah, the only thing I would change.
Determinate characters no longer being one sentence, let me stand in the background and not do anything characters
I would have cut down on the use of comic characters season 1 used. One is ok but having three just makes it look like you are shoehorning them in there to help improve sales. I know Lilly technically isn't a comic character anymore but she was intended to be when they created her.
In regards to Season 2, I feel like it could have used the 6 episode treatment Game of Thrones is getting. This could have made for a smoother season and more character interaction. I also think Season 2 should have stuck with the original storyline that they were going and/or left in cut scenes/dialog. If I had to choose one, I'd go with keeping the original and cut story parts. Oh, and I would have Clem mention her parents more. The small references in Season 2 were few and didn't have the weight they should of had.
I would have to go through Season 1 again before I can make any judgement on it.
Her not acknowledging her parents that much didn't bother me much because Clem is a completely different person by then (some two and a half years after she last saw her parents).
I think it made a lot of sense for Clem to recognize Lee as a parent figure in season 2 than her actual parents because Lee was the parent figure of the person Clem turned into.
Not doing the 16 month time jump and substituting Rebecca and Alvin for Christa and Omid. Seriously, the only reason why that didn't happen was for Clementine to look two years older. It served no other purpose.
Oberson is the same as an overseer or supervisor why the game names him that in the files is beyond me
Who are the 3? Hershel, Glenn and? If you mean Lilly being the other one, she is not the same character from the comics as this was said by Robert Kirkman himself
Yes i felt as though not enough was referred to about Season 1. I really wanted Clem and Kenny to talk more about what they went through like maybe talk about the St John's? Or something small like Clem could say "I remember Mark did this or that", something we wouldn't normally expect to hear. Clem or Kenny rarely discussed events of Season 1 to the cabin survivors or the other characters. I know not everyone cares if the past is referred to but for me it would have made it a more fascinating experience.
I know and I said that it in the post. They initially intended her to be but then Road to Woodbury came out and the game Lilly got retconned.
Luke´s death.
Does it matter? I didn't mean anything by it. It just made me giggle
I don't even know where to begin on S2. I am going to go with S1, because that imo is pretty much accepted. I am going to go with the same basic story, so i'm not rewriting everything, just making a few changes here and there.
S2: Episode 1
Second Episode -
episode 3.
Episode 4
Episode 5
Arvo manipulates mike/bonnie into feeling sorry for him. They release him, and offer to escape with him. The whole escape scene does happen however Nick is shot instead of Clementine, right in the stomach. Bonnie/Mike/Arvo all run in different directions. Nick slowly suffers and dies because Carlos can't do anything for him
Carlos towards the end gets into a fight with Luke. It becomes deadly, and the final choice to my rewrite of s2 is Carlos vs Luke. Sarah is right next to you when you decide what choice you will make.
Interesting ideas, however, I would have had Kenny back any day! No one makes me laugh more with some of the lines he comes out with especially when he's angry!
I've seen this on the PC version of the game, but not the console. How about a pause button at any time (one that allows us to see the in-game stuff).
In season 1 I don't think I would change anything but for season 2 I would make the episodes longer and focus a lot more on character development. I would also let some members of the cabin group survive until season 3 since I think that killing every new character we met by the end of the season is getting old. As if there was a rule that Telltale had to follow and it forces them to make sure every character they create doesn't survive more that a season. It would actually be better if we met a character and learned a lot about him or her during at least 2 seasons, imagine how hard it would be to see them die.
[Season 1]
"Hey officer, are you dead? I know I just blasted your head open with a shotgun and I am clearly in shock, BUT ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" um...no.
No vanishing cows in Episode 2?
Less annoying train puzzles where we don't walk back and forth back and forth-wait I need a pencil now? Motherfu-
Having actual bolts and locks on that door in the school classroom to try and pick open, instead of just a plain door that Ben is just putting his hands on, staring at..what are you doing kid?
"Okay so everybody's okay with leaving an injured man alone in the house with a stranger hanging around stalking us? likewise, everybody's okay with leaving Clem and an injured man alone in the house with a stranger hanging around stalking us? Thank god."
Giving a better excuse why Kenny couldn't leave that alleyway when he clearly could.
[Season 2]
[Cracks knuckles]
Decision with the bandit needing water down at the river coming back later, and then better than Arvo's "I'm gonna to say you stole from us regardless" deal.
Sarita ACTUALLY knowing how to work the wind turbine and Clem helping her, because lady seriously, you've been there weeks with Kenny and you don't know already?
Actually hearing the reason behind why Luke took off in Episode 2.
Carlos being more open to Clem on why he's so protective of Sarah.
A.J born in Episode 3 so there's more time to bond with him as Rebecca's health slowly deteriorates into Episode 4.
Alvin not staying mute until he gets scooted off to Carver's office.
More details about the George business.
Nick's mom getting mention instead of forgotten by practically everybody.
Carver sticking around for an extra episode to being more of a decent, complex villain before his demise...instead of just being a human Lots-O-Huggin' Bear.
Carver's camp not having the set up of a playschool run by a Lots-O-Huggin' Bear, and In Harm's Way not being the human told equivalent of Toy Story 3's prison/jail break.
More on the 400 Days characters actually playing a bigger part within the story.
Luke vs Kenny staying the course with the moral decisions if to side/agree with them or not, while showing the vast contrast in difference between the two men as people and in how they endure a ZA, yet neither one truly being wrong. e.g Instead of it being Jane trying to find shelter for the night, it's Kenny that Clem is with and him who confronts Arvo with his amazing beard of aggression. Meanwhile instead of Mike and Bonnie it's Luke and Bonnie with their stupid cute raccoon shit going on there for the more compassionate side.
Even though it was super funny, no porking on guard duty.
The cabin group developed, EVERYBODY developed.
Mike still being one of the bandit group and leaving gamer conflict if to trust him, BOOM!
Christa returning, still bitter about Omid, but hey look a baby that might help bridge bad waters between her and Clem, SWOOSH!
Nick not dying a on a fence and not being a ghost to the group until his second demise, and dying a hero as to the polar opposite of dying a coward not owning up to Walter about Matthew in Episode 2...still an painful ouchy ow ow death, but a hero dude, Jesus!
Sarah not dying on the deck in the same god picking episode we just saved her in, and giving her a death as equally tragic and sad as her first in the finale, while actually using a gun like Clem taught her instead of just standing like a dumb dumb for the deck to collapse.
Jane doing her lone wolf teaching thing and leaving with future season potential, and not hecking up the finale and having her doomed as determinant! >.<
No swapping decent & refreshing sibling dynamics with a weaker secondary seen it before 'I'm just going to talk on and on about my dead sister while the camera sneaks in some focus on my butt whenever possible here and there.' sibling dynamics. Eat my shorts.
No Russian looking and acting like bad guys cliché [seriously, I feel bad for any Russians that played that episode.Why are they always painted as the bad guys?]
That when there's a shootout, people don't swap guns and actually get hurt instead of doing the Matrix!
Towns unforgotten and existing instead of endless path stupid pines!
Wellington being a bit more focused to the plot.
No stupid final show down fights like some old Star Trek duel, even if the music is intensely hooking. What are you twelve?
No sims characters in the endings.
No "let's just go back to the Howes, I mean it was fun there right?" endings with non-rotten 9 day old Carver corpses.
No frozen lakes.
No Lukes in frozen lakes.
No idiots thinking it's a great idea to cross a frozen lake for the sake of drama.
Banning of the lakes!
No shock values deaths, where only a few minutes before it was decided to vaguely develop the character in question before stupidly killing them like every other stupid death, and then having the camera pan around at the remaining survivors in Clementine's group of some developed characters, some not so much if at all, and suddenly realizing as does Clem how totally screwed the remainder of the episode is for that kid as she huddles up and cries by the fire wishing for marshmallows to rain down from the sky to ease her suffering of the next wave of bullshittery about to hit next.
Okay, I'm ready for Season 3 now.
Not really. His death was meant to be a shock factor and afterwards I actually felt a bit bad for him.
Lol please. People know that a 9 year old dragging a 6 foot man as well as an 11 year old girl kicking down a door are very hard things to believe. No one is gonna agree with them making Clem kill all the Russians.
But I loved Lottso
True. Or even bit of stuff that we didn't know about. For example: when Walter or Alvin mentioned about Clem looking like the girl on the peach can, Clem could have said something like, "...My mom always loved peaches" followed by a sad Clem face. Clem could have mentioned something to Kenny about how Carver is/was "worse" than Lilly, and Kenny can unexpectedly agree with her, showing how he may have forgiven Lilly in his heart. A cool determinant dialog could have happened between Clem and Carver where Clem states how Carver's camp is like Crawford and how it will fall. That would have been a cool little surprise for people that took Clem with them to Crawford.
But, Clem spend over 8 years with her parents with at least 3 to 4 years being times she can actually recall. Clem spent Lee than a year with Lee. I understand that Lee was important and a powerful influence on Clem as she, like everyone around her, got caught in a world gone to hell. She should recall him and he should have a strong presence in her memories. With that being said (and I semi-mentioned this in another thread), if she doesn't mention her parents a lot, let's at least give her a reason why. Here is my little take:
Lee came at a time when Clem was alone (after Sandra was attacked). He, Kenny, and numerous others all sacrificed their lives to protect her (Lilly may be an exception, but her intent was to do what she thought was best for everyone. She tried). All along the journey, Clem hoped to see her parents again. After being kidnapped/tricked, having Lee and possibly others search for you, and being rescued by Lee from The Stranger, your last shred of hope is killed by your worst nightmare: the zombified corpses of your parents. Not only that, but that very man who protected you like his own child and risked it all with (determinately) a missing arm passes out and is going to die soon. Everyone you have met at least died a meaningful death or died because of a legit circumstance. As for Clem's parents, they just died being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not for saving Clem, or protecting Clem, or saving and protecting someone else (from what we know at least), but from just merely being a victim. How pathetic is that. Clem mentioned to Sarah in "Amid The Ruins" that people dying like they do in this world is "stupid." That very line made me think of Clem's parents. How they died must burn within Clem. Everyone else seems to die fighting or at least had a chance to fight. Clem's parents were just a casualty. Thus, she keeps quiet about them. References to them causes her to remember their deaths that she can't even honor. It just sits inside her as she builds mental walls around it to hide the pain. She blames her self. She does it to move on. She does it to survive.
For his story, I would keep Rebecca alive and have her die in the Russian shootout protecting AJ. Maybe we can have Alvin survive until then. He dies protecting his wife and child, and she dies protecting AJ. Clem can have her or someone else shoot Alvin and Rebecca in the head to prevent them from turning (if she does it, the scene is 10 times more tense as she is reminded of her parents). As the group walks through the cold, AJ turn while in Clem's arms. He had died a while before from the cold. Clem tried to be the Lee for AJ, but failed. Clem now starts to take on a little bit of what would have been Jane's demeanor.
Tough Clemenmenemenemen, tough.
Season 1: Nothing.
Season 2: Everything and I mean everything. For example no magical return of Kenny, no shock deaths that make us go "Oh alright I guess their dead now" and lots and lots of character development.
Yeah, the peaches thing I thought would maybe come up again somehow or they would've done a wee more with iy
Yeah, talk about unrealistic
I would make some changes, for Season 2. Season 1 was near flawless but if possible:
S1: Have Chuck last longer (if possible) and have that deleted scene at sometime in Ep 5 Lilly return in the RV. (See the wiki for details)
S2; All I want was for the Cabin Group to have more than what they were given, especially from "In Harm's Way" to the finale. I'm not asking that all of them survive but just three max: Nick, Sarah and either Luke or Rebecca.
Also, possibly settle in that small town across from Parker's Run, if the walker count is to a minimum.
I would say Luke, Sarah and Rebecca
Clementine shot more than 4 zombies at a time, so what is the difference? Explain it to me, if my opinion is so WRONG PLEASE EXPLAIN.
Very Interesting Ideas, I like them.
You say it's unrealistic for Clem to turn off a wind turbine and then suggest that she single handily win a shoot out against 5 people. Yeah...ok
I wouldn't change anything about Season 1. It is good.
For Season 2, I would a change few things:
Have the original Episode 4 story that the slide portrays.
Nick and Sarah aren't determinant until EP5. The determinant choice being that Clem saves one of them.
Clem has 3 options in EP3 to either walk away, tie up, or kill Carver. He returns in EP5 if he's not killed and then gets killed by Kenny.
Kenny and Luke fight in EP5.