Game of Thrones Nicknames

I can name a few in both episodes..
Ethan the Brave, Silent and Wise.
Cutter the Potato Fucker.
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I can name a few in both episodes..
Ethan the Brave, Silent and Wise.
Cutter the Potato Fucker.
Also, it's The Brave, The Wise or The Bold.
Jon the man Who Knew Nothing
Pretty sure there was a "Silent and Wise." aswell.
no it was just brave/bold/wise
podrick the pimp
Rodrik the Ruined
Gregor the Good
aka Pod the Rod
Mira Of The Most Hospitable Thighs
(coming next episode)
If you stay silent, then Ethan is called the Wise
How do you even get the bold title?
There was no Bold, that's just what Ramsay called him.
You don't. That's just what Ramsay said before he killed you.
I'm actually a fan of the name Rodrik the Ruined. Makes him sound badass.
AS in ''he will be remembered as Ethan the bold''
I don't think you can get her to say that.
I really wanted to hear the Ethan the bold variant song by talia.
Lol Fock
Are you sure its impossible to get the bold title? I am pretty sure there was a video for it but i cant find it anywhere.
I'm not absolutely sure, but I would definitely be surprised if you found it.
Given names: (in the game, the show or the books)
Gregor the Good
Rodrik the Ruined
Ethan the Brave
Tyrion the Imp
Margaery the Little Rose
Cercei the Brotherfucker (I didn't make this up :P)
Ramsay the Bastard of Bolton
Jon Snow, Lord Snow, Ned Starks Bastard
Cotter the Potatoe Fucker
Characters i would personally name:
Asher the Reckless, or the Exiled
Gared the Valiant
Mira the Bold
Ortengryn the Kind. Or the perverted if you take offence to him checking out your... functionality.
Ser Duncan the Wise
Ser Royland the Strong
Talia the Talented
Elissa the Watchful
Sera the Bastard
Ryon the Fourth Born
Ludd the Depraved
Finn the Bully
Beskha the Rogue
Malcolm the Messenger
Bowen the Lucky (If you saved him)
Thats about it
I laughed my ass off to "Cersi the Brotherfucker"
Gwyn the Aid
Jon Snow The Clueless
Ludd the Loathesome and Gryff the Grim work pretty well in my opinion.
Ludd the Bellowing Wounded Boar.
Ethan the Hole-o-Neck