Does your playstyle change or stay the same across all characters?
As Gared, I tend to be confrontational, aggressive, impulsive and somewhat crass around most people, but formal, polite and professional around members of House Forrester. As Ethan, I was level-headed, diplomatic, kind and firm. As Mira, I'm pragmatic, selfish, and will do whatever it takes to help House Forrester.
So, do you maintain consistency, or do you have different ways of playing each character?
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I tend to play aggressively no matter which character I'm controlling. This hasn't always worked out well for me, but I figure in this world you're gonna get fucked one way or the other. Might as well go out guns blazing.
As Gared, I tried to be as kind and as obedient as he possibly could be, because that's what it seemed like he was. But he wasn't stupid either. He knew he needed to get tougher at the Wall, and showed everyone there he could stand up for himself.
As Ethan, I tried to be kind to the people that deserved it, but in certain decisions I purposely made what I thought was the wrong choice, because he is too young a lord, and I feel like he wasn't supposed to know what he was doing. I took three of Erik's fingers, thinking that that would be what Ethan always thought being a lord was, since that's what he had seen his father as. I played him as a rational yet confused adolescent.
As Mira, I tried not to show emotion.That one line she said was a perfect representation of what she was. "It doesn't matter what you feel. It only matters what you say." She's a very loyal person, and the only person in King's landing I trust with her would be Sera, since they've been friends for years. Otherwise, I tried to remain as perfectly neutral as possible.
As Asher, I was a badass. Every single chance I had for something witty, or something violent, or something drunken, I took it. Asher does not hesitate. He acts. I killed Tazal without hesitation. Yet, through the midst of this, he wants to protect his family over everything, even though they cast him out. He's not willing to forsake them like they did to him.
As Rodrik, I was as a proper lord should be. I was decisive and firm. I did as hard as I could to keep up my image for the sake of the people, and when the time came for it, I refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. He's the one that's going to put House Forrester on the map. Yet, while he is unwavering, he is still good natured. I basically played him as mini-Gregor.
Pretty much the same, though Mira is a tad more timid for my story though, definitely not wanting to rock any boats publicly, but protecting her family as much as she can within those parameters
Yeah. I wanted to make Mira strong, just like the rest of the Forresters. Just in a different way.
I would definitely say my play style changes baased on the character I'm playing, whether it's in GOT or in other games as well. Like you, when I played as Ethan, I tried to be diplomatic and stay calm since I was the Lord of the house, but as Asher, since we know this is a guy who has a temper and is violent, I play him as that kind of character. As Gared, since I was told that my actions will reflect House Forrester, I'm trying to get on the good side of people like Frostfinger and Jon Snow and stay out of trouble, but with people like Finn there, it might prove to be difficult.
It all depends on the character you play and what we know about them. Like with Clementine in TWD, she didn't want to steal from the car in Season 1, that's why I didn't have her steal in Season 2. But as Fiona in TFTBL, since she is a con artist and a criminal, I stole the money from the dying man.
Rodrick - Trying to do the right thing but his traumas may have changed him into a more cruel person.
Mira - Like James Bond.
Asher - He lives by the three B's. Boobs, Blood, and Booze.
Gared - Honest and if I can't be honest silent.
Ethan - Unsure what to do. Siding sometimes with Duncan and sometimes with Royland.
In order of appearance :
Gared : A kind and naive person who has encountered problems he doesn't deserve . Recent tragedies haven't changed who he is and still tries to save all those around him and trust them .
Ethan : A boy who has unexpectedly become a lord . He feels the pressure and wants to make everyone happy without looking like a kid . Wants to show everyone he can stand for his house as a young yet brave lord .
Mira : A girl in KL who is left all alone . She isn't willing to take risks unless they're absolutely necessary . She's grateful to Margaery and counts her as the only person she can trust and won't betray her no matter what .
Asher : A tough guy who has a big soft side inside . In spite of being exiled he does everything he can for his family and isn't going to let anyone stop him from saving 'em . Right now he's more considerate of other people but when he hears from Ethan's fate he'll go full badass mode .
Rodrik : New lord whose goal is to protect his house and to honor his father's legacy . Having heard from Ethan's death , he's realized that the only way to help his family is to be relentless and show true courage . He doesn't bow or kneel to anyone and is willing to do whatever it takes to take revenge for his father and brother .
I try to play them all differently, based on the backstories of each character.
Ethan: A boy trying to fill a Lord's shoes. He is trying his best to perform the role he is thrust into, but is a little unsteady and unsure of himself. Anytime there was an option to ask another character what they thought he should do, I had him take it. I also had him ask other characters to evaluate his decisions when that option was presented, like asking the Maester if he did the right thing by exiling the thief to the Wall. Even so I also tried to play him as someone who could have grown into the role, if it hadn't been cut short by Ramsay Snow. He was commanding with Ser Royland after Royland angrily complained about Duncan as Sentinel ("Sit down Ser Royland!") and he was equally firm in dealing with Lord Whitehill and Ramsay Snow. (he called Whitehill a craven, and pulled Talia away from Ramsay)
Gared: Honorable to a fault. He lives up to Lord Gregor's description of him as being more honorable than many a man born into knighthood. I like the idea of the social climbing pig farmer being more 'knightly' than people considered his betters. So far he has honored his oath not to tell anyone but Duncan of the North Grove, and I always had him go with dialogue options that portrayed a strong sense of duty to House Forrester. He went into exile without question, and there is probably no more loyal a man in their service. I also had him take the fall for Cotter and Finn at the Wall.
Mira: I'm playing her as the house schemer. Every move she makes in King's Landing is done with the long term consideration of how it might aid or jeopardize her house. She plays things close to the vest and doesn't reveal anything that could be used against her to Sera. The statement she makes that "It doesn't matter how you feel, but only what you say" sums up her character for me. So far she's been fairly loyal to Margaery because she may need her later on (didn't forget the letter or steal her seal), though she's also scheming with Tyrion. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.
Asher: I'm trying to play him exactly as described in Episode 1. He's a reckless hothead who will kill first and ask questions later. To me this character is the Sonny Corleone of Game of Thrones. I'm also playing him as someone, who despite the falling out and exile, still cares deeply for his family. I had him choose every dialogue option that implied concern for his family back home, and defended them from Beshka when she complained about the squabbles of the lords of Westeros. ("It's not that simple"). In keeping with that hothead persona, I had him execute Tazal without hesitation, and to slit the throat of the mercenary guard despite Malcolm warning them to play it cool.
Rodrik: Despite being physically crippled, I'm playing him as a man with an iron will and every bit the Lord he was raised to be. He's consistently decisive, firm, and commanding. I had him slam his fist on the table and remind his quarreling council that he was the lord of Ironrath. I also had him not hesitate to threaten the soldier blocking his entrance to the great hall that there wasn't a man in his service not willing to die to prevent someone from blocking their lord from going to his own hall, and to order his Council to stop providing food & wine to the Whitehill soldiers. With Elaena I had him barter with the Ironwood, because a lord must also know when to compromise or negotiate, and he understood that the alliance between the houses would not be sealed by appealing to any sense of sentimentality. I also had him refuse to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring because he is not Whitehill's vassal, and humiliating himself would have made him appear weak in front of his betrothed. It was more important to appear lordly than to grovel for Ryon's return. Other than that choice however I've been playing him as being devoted to his family (let his mother enter while he was in surgery) and chose the all the brotherly dialogue options with Talia.
Asher already has heard about Ethan. So did Gared. I don't know how though...
You just expanded on everything I said lol :P
High five!
Yeah, it sounds like so far we've played the characters similarly.
Im honestly pretty aggressive with everyone, Gared and Asher its more obvious. Mira its more passive aggressive.
Rodrik I try to be calmer but thats not working out
I like when Rodrik is talking to his family and Elaena, his voice is full of warmth. When he is talking to his subjects or others, his voice is commanding and full of strength.
That was a nice touch. Both well written and well acted...
Are you sure ? I don't remember Asher mentioning anything . Gared also . I think we would've gotten a reaction from Asher .(also Malcolm doesn't know either imo)
Asher and Ethan were really close back in the day so I think he would've said something .
It changes a bit but not too much....
Gared: With him I play the good guy make all the honorable decisions and so on. And what comes to this Cotter v. Finn thing I tried to ignore them pretty much (not that I didn't enjoy them, I just role played Gared that way
) but I still managed to get myself in that fight with Finn.
Ethan: Well it was easy to role play someone who is struggling with decisions, whether to show mercy or not etc. since I really was struggling with those decisions
So I guess I played him as someone who is still a little unsure with ruling but trying his best.
Rodrik: Well with Rodrik I try to make it clear I'm the lord and lead the house but also love my siblings. That is what made me kiss the ring. Lord Fatfuck might have enjoyed it but Ryon got to see his family and anyway it's more important what I said after that scene: "I'm going to kill that man."
Asher: Didn't have much him yet but he is the character I really just go with the flow. I try not to think too much the consequences with him since that's not really his style
Mira: Pure survival playing
I help Forresters when the risk for me in it is not too big, I'm pragmatic, try to stay out of trouble, stay in good terms with Margy. Of course the plot gets me to trouble anyway but I try my best 
Gared: The kind and honorable good boy
Ethan: The too honorable and even more good boy
Mira: The kind girl with the slave boy, bootlicker of Marge and BFF of Sara. With the rest, screw you. Even you, Tyrion.
Asher: Bad Ass who is arrogant with everyone.
Rodrik: Eddard Stark
I pretty much just play the characters as they are presented to be.
Asher the reckless one, Rodrik the leader, Mira the political one, Ethan the nice one and Gared the brave one.
Ethan I played as a Politic-focused guy, Asher I play as a (goodhearted) Action guy, Rodrik I play as a sort of mix of Asher and Ethan and Mira as a "stealthy" type Gared I assume as a mix of everything , like honest so I told Jon Snow about the North Grove
I'm boring, I play them as basically nice people with touches of their own personalities. (Asher is charming and impulsive, Mira is smart, timid, but strong, etc) But I don't let them take crap.. except I did swallow a bit from Cersei. Stuck up for the Starks still, though !
I agree, I don't think Gared, Malcolm, and Asher know about Ethan (or Rodrik) yet.
Although I guess it depends on when Malcolm leaves. I've always had Ethan choose to send him so I don't know what happens if you refuse.
Of all the people you chose to be Nice to Cersie. I told the B word that everything she didn't want yo hear like a straight up gangstah
Same here. With Mira i just wrote that that letter myself. No way in hell I'm gonna lose that marriage to a cheeky whitehill
I play each character considering their position and personality, although trying to pursue a common goal, which is revenge. I want to avenge Ethan and Gregor, but I also want to kill Ramsay - though I know it's probably never going to happen since this series is following GoT's seasons 3 and 4, where Ramsay's still alive. Oh, and i obviously want to give tit for tat with the Whitehills, not all of them, but the soldiers and their lord and son, maybe.
So, as Ethan i was trying to be strong and brave to protect my House members and folk;
I play Gared as an humble but proud squire that stands for his reasons and family;
In my hands Mira is Sansa-ish, a little northener girl, always torn between family and duty, that must take difficult choices in order to protect her beloved ones - while trying to stay alive in the dangerous King's Landing.
As Rodrik I'm confident and joyful and kind in front of my sister, but in front of others I act like a true leader, a fearless northener man who's not afraid of anyone and will do what's necessary to protect his family and smallfolk;
Asher is a disowned son that wants to go home, but he's also a warrior whose hands are not the cleanest and who's not afraid to get them dirty for the ones he loves.
At least, this is the way I feel the characters are, and I play them consequently.
I always try to be the nice guy when I play TellTale games
Basically I play every character as truthful as I can.
Rodrik: honorable, kind and strong-minded, likes to make jokes. (i loved when I had the possibility to enlighten the mood)
Asher: cheeky, worried about his loved ones, strong and quick-minded
Mira: political, smart, selfish, suspicious and mistrustful, didn't take risks YET
Ethan: a bit indecisive, tries to be responsible, loves his family and protects them till the end
Gared: a bit innocent, fair, good-hearted, trustworthy.
Now that you mentioned it , did Malcolm in your game also say that Asher's mother sent him or did he mention Ethan by name ? As Ethan I allowed him to go there but he didn't say anything about Ethan .
I had Mira kneel to Cersei and acknowledge Joffey as king. I also had her say she'd be more loyal to Joffrey is there was any conflict between duty to Margaery and duty to king. Basically I had her say everything that Cersei wanted to hear when pressed, while going with the 'answering questions without saying anything at all route' whenever possible. I think that's the smart move with Mira, and it is also what Margaery warns her to do.
You probably don't watch the show because if you did you probably wouldn't do that. I did the complete opposite.
I play all of my character aggressive though kind/respectful to other characters if they deserve it. With Mira its more passive aggressive though.
I usually play as a douche my first play through and the second one i play a little smarter.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here and play all the characters pretty much the same and feel like a dumbass for doing so ^^'
There's nothing wrong with that. As long as you're happy with your choices and conduct, what's the harm in being consistent?
I played Ethan to be really ballsy but inexperienced, Rodrik to be the competent lord who's not gonna bow to no man, Asher to be the reckless charmer, Gared to be the tough but honest guy, and Mira to be the more scheming one. So...everyone's different.
All the same, except Mira: In my story Mira is honest since she's a Northern girl, but over the course of the game she becomes more cautious (but not the cunning one, she's good-hearted and don't want to put the others at risk and acts more like Tyrion - here's the common ground between the two). She remains loyal to Margaery but agreed to Tyrion's offer - if we will choose Tyrion/Margaery in next episodes it has to be interesting.
I really want to say that he said "your brother, Ethan, sent me" but I could be wrong..
That's exactly how I play them all as well
Hah, great minds