Mira: Will say/do whatever if it will advance her family.
Rodrick: Doesn't bow down and is strong and decisive.
Asher: Crazy MoFo that will kill anyone that gets in his way.
Gared: Is very honest and somewhat kind.
I know Asher knows, because there's a part in the second scene where he says, "If I have to I will murder my way to Ramsay Snow and cave his bloody head in."
I agree, I don't think Gared, Malcolm, and Asher know about Ethan (or Rodrik) yet.
Although I guess it depends on when Malcolm leaves. I've always had Ethan choose to send him so I don't know what happens if you refuse.
I usually play selflessly with the characters or the best decision I feel I should make in the situation but I do change how I play each character slightly.
I play as the honorable hero-type underdog with Gared, Mira as the formal diplomatic sescretive handmaiden, I played Ethan as the kind intelligent and strong young lord, Rodrik as the charming brave powerful and slightly intimidating leader, and Asher as the charismatic reckless and impulsive warrior.
Well when you get down with it, pretty much the same as Jere85.
I'm all over the place. Just because of the fact that we don't truly know the affect our actions will have. Sure we can guess pretty well it would seem. But until I've played every ep. I don't call anything cannon. Who knows by the end of this Garred and Jon may be the only characters left. With the teaser for season 2 being what the duce happend to The Forresters. TellTale started this with the death of a tween. Sadly I feel there may be little satisfaction this year. To be clear I think "This House Will Not Fall " is true. After all is done "Iron From Ice"
It changes depending on the dynamic of the environment. On the wall I try to be straightforward and honest as possible. I figure as nobodies they will appreciate it and the potential for blackmail is limited. I also try to take the blame for my comrades amd shutup when getting yelled at by my superiors.
Kings landing I figure everyone is playing the game so I do as well. I promise and say anything to get what I want. I steal and engage in subterfuge but am careful to not do anything that might be able to get traced back to me.
With the forresters I try to be honest and toe the middle with my advisors. I dote on them whenever possible..
With Ashton (bar somewhere??) I'm ruthless but loyal. I killed the merc leader because it made very little sense to spare him after cutting of his arm (he wasn't going to forgive me anytime soon). In the future I suspect I will have to do more of the same.
I mean I change just based on who I talk to. If I'm playing as Mira and talk with Margaery I'm really respectful and restrained in what I say, but if someday Rodrik meets Lady Margaery I'd probably be the exact same. I think status is a thing too, as Mira or Gared I understand my position and don't cause much fuss, really less demanding and try to do my best, but as Rodrik or someone in status I'm more authoritative and speak up more. Depends!
It changes. Gared is brave, smart, and merciful. Ethan was kind of dumb, but tried to do what he needed to. Mira is honest and squirrely. Rodrik is a badass who has seen some shit. And Asher is just here to fuck shit up.
Gared: Overly honorable, kind of foolish, extremely loyal.
Ethan: Puts up a show, but extremely insecure privately (comes across mostly in his interactions with his siblings)
Mira: Kind of desperate to do the right thing, trying to be a schemer and failing often. Very loyal to her family and Margaery.
Asher: This guy is a tempest. One second he is joking, and laughing and being the nicest guy possible. Which is why it is a surprise when he suddenly gets dead serious and starts killing everyone around him.
Rodrik: Rodrik is unbending, he is supremely confident. A horse fell on him, and he was up out of bed, refusing the milk of the poppy, and reminding people that he is actually in charge. It is the show Ethan tried to put on, but with none of the private insecurity.
My play style definitely changed when playing with Gared, when he is at the Wall I tried to make him seem a little reserved as he wants to just make his house proud and try to get on with things but he is still capable and able to stand up for himself (punching Finn back and not taking any shit from him)
I've got to admit I've enjoyed Gared's story more than the rest, I don't know... It just feels more action packed and the decisions I have been given allows me to play to his character.
I play my Forresters as a whole dynasty of aggressive douchebags who will go out of their way to be unfriendly unless you're doing something for them/are a Forrester yourself. This is Game of Thrones after all, and given some of the option it kind of greys out the Whitehill conflict which is amusing.
I'm pretty consistent in my character choices, but it also depends on the situation.
My Rodrik has to go from being aggressive to more flexible because there's a time and place to stand up and fight, but others where you shouldn't.
Mira started off being a goody-two-shoes, but she's developed into someone who has no choice but to take risks. She's tired of being Margaery and Cersei's piece in a game and she's doing all that she can to arrange bigger and better things for her family, which is definitely her main focus.
Asher is still a risk-taker, but I make sure that he keeps good relations with everyone. His dedication is split because he obviously is in the right to feel betrayed by his family, but he also still loves them. He also has love for his new life, however, and he's going to have to make a choice between them soon.
Gared is strong, but level-headed and kind. He does not like holding grudges, but he stands his ground. He's very likable by everyone, but he's not afraid to stand up for what is right.
My Ethan was both brave and wise. He got people to shut up when he needed them to (cough cough Royland and Duncan bickering 24/7), but was also willing to listen when he needed the thoughts of others. He stood up for Talia and said "Take me instead." Super honorable, someone who the Forresters would be proud to fight for.
My Rodrik is vengeful and angry, that's what I wanted from him to be because of those whitehills bastards
My Mira is a good girl and not selfish and do cares about her family.
My Ethan was.....good kid? Meh forget about him
My Gared is tough and honorable enough and I made him promise to find the north grove and leave the nights watch, he is even a loyal character
on my walkthrough.
My Asher is badass, I made him stomp the neck of that dickhead soldier, and i don't give a crap what does daenery says or croft, and im gonna make him play like a gentleman and then let's start a fight.
In my "canon" play-through I try to make all my characters have consistent personalities and make choices in line with those.
Rodrik: Serious, solemn, stoic. Values concept of lordship very highly and hates it when people try to undermine him. Completely hates most of the Whitehills. He is generally very soldierish in his outlook and demeanor, but has a soft spot for Talia and Elaena, who are the only people he smiles for. Sort of like a young Tywin Lannister without the tactical genius.
Ethan: Hates conflict and fighting. Very peaceful and friendly in his outlook, to the point where he's quite impressionable. He's slightly afraid of hardened killers like Ramsay or Royland, and will tend to give them whatever they want in order to satisfy them. This didn't stop him from choosing Duncan (who he admires) as Sentinel though.
Gared: Holds the concept of honor in high regard--if he makes a promise, he's sure to keep it. Constantly tries to save and help as many people as he possibly can, even his enemies. A bit naive. He likes it at the Wall and is reluctant to leave for the North Grove. He likes both Cotter and Finn (though he highly disapproves of Cotter's stealing).
Mira: the most intelligent member of the Forrester family. A bit of a manipulative schemer. Willing to go out of her way to help her family. Tends to get a little bit sassy as a defense when annoyed or frightened. Descends into panic when her plans collapse in Episode 3. She trusts Tom more than Sera, though she's wise enough to be suspicious of his motives. Also a capable fighter, as shown by the Damien-stabbing, though she keeps this secret.
Asher: a bit of a nutcase. Explosive temper; he'll react to any situation with the most aggressive response possible. Takes pleasure in fighting. Beskha is his best pal and he sees Malcolm as a surrogate father figure. He secretly pines for Gwyn and for Ironrath. Along with Mira I find him to be the most fun to play as.
In my second playthrough, I have all the characters with opposite personalities--Gared is an asshole who blabs about the North Grove to anyone who'll listen, Ethan is Joffrey mark 2, Mira is a moron, Rodrik is calm and peaceful, Asher's polite.
I sure do tend to change my gameplay style a bit whenever a shift happens.
Gared: He cares a lot about duty and honor. He is loyal to the Forresters and whenever he has made a promise, he will keep it. Joining the Night's Watch has given him a lot of inner turmoil. He want to help the Forresters but he also want to maintain his oath of loyalty to the Night's Watch. Despite his honorable nature, he can be aggressive and pragmatic during a fight. He won't let his opponent have the first strike.
Ethan: I mostly plays him as a boy who has the potential to lead. He is openly brave when he deals with the Whitehills and Ramsay Snow. He show his father's sense of justice by cutting off Erik's fingers. I also play him as a boy having to grow up very quick. If he has lived around for longer, he would have become increasingly colder and pragmatic.
Mira: She know she is in a difficult position. She is inside one of the most deceitful city in Westeros. She has to constantly play the game in order to survive and aid her family. She is still the most gullible of the Forresters. She can be daring. She is usually polite to anyone who meets her and try to form loyalties with her curtsies. She still have a difficult time being manipulative as she doesn't want to push her boundaries with Margeary.
Asher: He tends to be more aggressive than the rest of his family. Years of fighting in Essos has given him a sense of calmness and maturity. He still cares a lot about his family and he wants to return home to help them. He is very ruthless toward enemies and rarely spares them.
Rodrik: I play him as a man who has been groomed to become the leader of his family. His father has taught him everything about leadership and justice. Thus, Rodrik follow his father's footsteps and tries to be a good leader. Mostly, he is capable of inspiring order among his men and he rarely shows weakness in front of his men or the Whitehills. His main conflict is whatever to keep hold on his pride and honor in return of his family's well-being or throw his honor aside, get humiliated by his enemies in order to keep the safety of his family. Being a lord aside, he is very kind and caring to his family and usually treat his men with respect.
I play all the characters as this sort of humbly bumbly nice person who tries to get on everyone's good side, because for some weird reason I don't want to offend anyone despite them being fictional lines of code.
Rodrik: Never one to kneel, but knows when to keep quiet. Still cares for his brother, but still prioritises making his house stronger.
Asher: More headstrong. Cares about his family but still feels very distanced from them after his exile. He really interests me!
Mira: Smart and knows not to give too much away. (Much to Cersei's disliking). I've never had her do anything vindictive like forging the letter, but I did have her defy Margaery and go with Tyrion towards the end. Since I don't trust Sera and thought she had a cheek to ask me for favours to get her into a higher position, I'm not that bothered about keeping up Mira's friendship with her. I made it obvious to Morgryn that she was playing a game.
Ethan: Kind and diplomatic.
Gared: Nice guy. Sees more potential in Finn as a brother than Cotter, who he strongly distrusts. Plays as neutral as possible, even when Britt was antagonising him.
I played pretty much the same as everyone except for Rodrik, despite being a lord and strong-hearted, I had to take in consideration his situation, I mean he's strong but not strong enough to fight in his condition, and if he's too much of a lord that means more trouble for him. Having a smaller army and barely anything to supply his people, I had to suck up to the Whitehills, kissing the ring, putting up with Gryff's bullsh*t, I mean in his situation he wanted first to protect his family and not being reckless about things, of course I had dialog choices where I had to be more aggressive, but I know how he acts around family, and that he'll even humiliate himself to protect it, to a certain extent of course. So given his condition, I had to be more reserved when interacting with the Whitehills family, but never with those soldiers. Also I trust Gwyn.
Rodrick - Trying to do the right thing but his traumas may have changed him into a more cruel person.
Mira - Like James Bond.
Asher - … moreHe lives by the three B's. Boobs, Blood, and Booze.
Gared - Honest and if I can't be honest silent.
Ethan - Unsure what to do. Siding sometimes with Duncan and sometimes with Royland.
As Gared: I look out for my brothers at the wall, including taking the blame for them and playing mediator... but I also have a temper when it comes to someone threatening my well being and don't put up with people screwing with family.
As Mira: I am either very crafty, or pissing off the wrong people. I try to say what everyone wants to hear and play the innocent role as much as possible, all while doing what is necessary to help family. Though, I've refrained from grabbing at the heels of every opportunity that arises(I didn't ask Margaery to ask Joffrey for help... I knew how that would turn out). I'm waiting for the right one, and being as careful as possible in the process.
As Asher: I like to think of him as being loyal to both family and friends, even after all the years of being away from the Forresters. Even though he was cast out and outlawed, he still has that burning need to protect his brothers and sisters. I try to be the mediator between Beskha and Malcom but if it came down to choice, he'd have to choose family.
As Ethan/Rodrik: I play(ed) both of them as noble, intelligent, and hardened. While Ethan was just a kid, he was a Forrester and I took every opportunity to show Ludd that we are not weak(all while making an ass out of him in front of his soldiers). As Roderik, I choose to do my best not to escalate the situation with the Whitehills, but when things get heated I bark and show his dominance. I got back up when Gryff told me to stay down until he stormed out like a girl, and there was no way in hell I was kissing Ludd's ring. Can't show weakness.
Gared: Very honest, maybe even a little naive, he always tells the truth and never lies (tho he doesn't tell about the North Grove ofc). He is nice, protects other people and tries to stay calm, but when provoked he will fight back and won't take shit from anybody.
Mira: Selfless, always cares more about other people than herself. Probably a little bit to trusting, she trusts Tom 100% and also Sera. Loyal to Margaery (at least she was, but I guess that changed through episode 3 ) and wasn't afraid to defy Cersei.
Asher: A badass who acts all tough but has actually a soft heart and really loves his family and would do everything for them.
Rodrik: Very cunning and diplomatic. He doesn't start any shit and submits if he has to, but he still loses his temper sometimes and gets aggressive. (Oh man, looks like everyone of you plays Rodrik as a badass and I always submit as him, kiss the ring and stuff like that, because I don't want to cause anymore trouble and act like a pussy I still get really mad sometimes like when the guards were making fun of Ethan but meh, idk, my Rodrik feels like a loser now lol)
Mira: Will say/do whatever if it will advance her family.
Rodrick: Doesn't bow down and is strong and decisive.
Asher: Crazy MoFo that will kill anyone that gets in his way.
Gared: Is very honest and somewhat kind.
I know Asher knows, because there's a part in the second scene where he says, "If I have to I will murder my way to Ramsay Snow and cave his bloody head in."
I usually play selflessly with the characters or the best decision I feel I should make in the situation but I do change how I play each character slightly.
I play as the honorable hero-type underdog with Gared, Mira as the formal diplomatic sescretive handmaiden, I played Ethan as the kind intelligent and strong young lord, Rodrik as the charming brave powerful and slightly intimidating leader, and Asher as the charismatic reckless and impulsive warrior.
Well when you get down with it, pretty much the same as Jere85.
I'm all over the place. Just because of the fact that we don't truly know the affect our actions will have. Sure we can guess pretty well it would seem. But until I've played every ep. I don't call anything cannon. Who knows by the end of this Garred and Jon may be the only characters left. With the teaser for season 2 being what the duce happend to The Forresters. TellTale started this with the death of a tween. Sadly I feel there may be little satisfaction this year. To be clear I think "This House Will Not Fall " is true. After all is done "Iron From Ice"
It changes depending on the dynamic of the environment. On the wall I try to be straightforward and honest as possible. I figure as nobodies they will appreciate it and the potential for blackmail is limited. I also try to take the blame for my comrades amd shutup when getting yelled at by my superiors.
Kings landing I figure everyone is playing the game so I do as well. I promise and say anything to get what I want. I steal and engage in subterfuge but am careful to not do anything that might be able to get traced back to me.
With the forresters I try to be honest and toe the middle with my advisors. I dote on them whenever possible..
With Ashton (bar somewhere??) I'm ruthless but loyal. I killed the merc leader because it made very little sense to spare him after cutting of his arm (he wasn't going to forgive me anytime soon). In the future I suspect I will have to do more of the same.
True, but thinking back, giving each one a different personality is much cooler
I mean I change just based on who I talk to. If I'm playing as Mira and talk with Margaery I'm really respectful and restrained in what I say, but if someday Rodrik meets Lady Margaery I'd probably be the exact same. I think status is a thing too, as Mira or Gared I understand my position and don't cause much fuss, really less demanding and try to do my best, but as Rodrik or someone in status I'm more authoritative and speak up more. Depends!
It changes. Gared is brave, smart, and merciful. Ethan was kind of dumb, but tried to do what he needed to. Mira is honest and squirrely. Rodrik is a badass who has seen some shit. And Asher is just here to fuck shit up.
Gared: Overly honorable, kind of foolish, extremely loyal.
Ethan: Puts up a show, but extremely insecure privately (comes across mostly in his interactions with his siblings)
Mira: Kind of desperate to do the right thing, trying to be a schemer and failing often. Very loyal to her family and Margaery.
Asher: This guy is a tempest. One second he is joking, and laughing and being the nicest guy possible. Which is why it is a surprise when he suddenly gets dead serious and starts killing everyone around him.
Rodrik: Rodrik is unbending, he is supremely confident. A horse fell on him, and he was up out of bed, refusing the milk of the poppy, and reminding people that he is actually in charge. It is the show Ethan tried to put on, but with none of the private insecurity.
My play style definitely changed when playing with Gared, when he is at the Wall I tried to make him seem a little reserved as he wants to just make his house proud and try to get on with things but he is still capable and able to stand up for himself (punching Finn back and not taking any shit from him)
I've got to admit I've enjoyed Gared's story more than the rest, I don't know... It just feels more action packed and the decisions I have been given allows me to play to his character.
I both watch the show and read the books.
I'm not understanding the reasoning behind doing the exact opposite. Because she's an unpleasant character in the books/ tv series?
Thinking back... Here's how I played everyone so far:
Gared: quiet and subdued, but doesn't take any bull either.
Mira: putting her duty before her family, like not asking Margery for help and obeying her command not to talk to Tyrion.
Ethan: inexperienced and naive, merciful...yet I still got called "bold". 8U Wonder if picking Royland over Duncan is a factor.
Asher: not as bloodthirsty as he was stated to be, I actually play him as nice as I can, so far...
Rodrik: strong and quiet, defiant, not taking any crap from the Whitehills
I play my Forresters as a whole dynasty of aggressive douchebags who will go out of their way to be unfriendly unless you're doing something for them/are a Forrester yourself. This is Game of Thrones after all, and given some of the option it kind of greys out the Whitehill conflict which is amusing.
I'm pretty consistent in my character choices, but it also depends on the situation.
My Rodrik has to go from being aggressive to more flexible because there's a time and place to stand up and fight, but others where you shouldn't.
Mira started off being a goody-two-shoes, but she's developed into someone who has no choice but to take risks. She's tired of being Margaery and Cersei's piece in a game and she's doing all that she can to arrange bigger and better things for her family, which is definitely her main focus.
Asher is still a risk-taker, but I make sure that he keeps good relations with everyone. His dedication is split because he obviously is in the right to feel betrayed by his family, but he also still loves them. He also has love for his new life, however, and he's going to have to make a choice between them soon.
Gared is strong, but level-headed and kind. He does not like holding grudges, but he stands his ground. He's very likable by everyone, but he's not afraid to stand up for what is right.
My Ethan was both brave and wise. He got people to shut up when he needed them to (cough cough Royland and Duncan bickering 24/7), but was also willing to listen when he needed the thoughts of others. He stood up for Talia and said "Take me instead." Super honorable, someone who the Forresters would be proud to fight for.
My Rodrik is vengeful and angry, that's what I wanted from him to be because of those whitehills bastards
My Mira is a good girl and not selfish and do cares about her family.
My Ethan was.....good kid? Meh forget about him
My Gared is tough and honorable enough and I made him promise to find the north grove and leave the nights watch, he is even a loyal character
on my walkthrough.
My Asher is badass, I made him stomp the neck of that dickhead soldier, and i don't give a crap what does daenery says or croft, and im gonna make him play like a gentleman and then let's start a fight.
In my "canon" play-through I try to make all my characters have consistent personalities and make choices in line with those.
Rodrik: Serious, solemn, stoic. Values concept of lordship very highly and hates it when people try to undermine him. Completely hates most of the Whitehills. He is generally very soldierish in his outlook and demeanor, but has a soft spot for Talia and Elaena, who are the only people he smiles for. Sort of like a young Tywin Lannister without the tactical genius.
Ethan: Hates conflict and fighting. Very peaceful and friendly in his outlook, to the point where he's quite impressionable. He's slightly afraid of hardened killers like Ramsay or Royland, and will tend to give them whatever they want in order to satisfy them. This didn't stop him from choosing Duncan (who he admires) as Sentinel though.
Gared: Holds the concept of honor in high regard--if he makes a promise, he's sure to keep it. Constantly tries to save and help as many people as he possibly can, even his enemies. A bit naive. He likes it at the Wall and is reluctant to leave for the North Grove. He likes both Cotter and Finn (though he highly disapproves of Cotter's stealing).
Mira: the most intelligent member of the Forrester family. A bit of a manipulative schemer. Willing to go out of her way to help her family. Tends to get a little bit sassy as a defense when annoyed or frightened. Descends into panic when her plans collapse in Episode 3. She trusts Tom more than Sera, though she's wise enough to be suspicious of his motives. Also a capable fighter, as shown by the Damien-stabbing, though she keeps this secret.
Asher: a bit of a nutcase. Explosive temper; he'll react to any situation with the most aggressive response possible. Takes pleasure in fighting. Beskha is his best pal and he sees Malcolm as a surrogate father figure. He secretly pines for Gwyn and for Ironrath. Along with Mira I find him to be the most fun to play as.
In my second playthrough, I have all the characters with opposite personalities--Gared is an asshole who blabs about the North Grove to anyone who'll listen, Ethan is Joffrey mark 2, Mira is a moron, Rodrik is calm and peaceful, Asher's polite.
I sure do tend to change my gameplay style a bit whenever a shift happens.
Gared: He cares a lot about duty and honor. He is loyal to the Forresters and whenever he has made a promise, he will keep it. Joining the Night's Watch has given him a lot of inner turmoil. He want to help the Forresters but he also want to maintain his oath of loyalty to the Night's Watch. Despite his honorable nature, he can be aggressive and pragmatic during a fight. He won't let his opponent have the first strike.
Ethan: I mostly plays him as a boy who has the potential to lead. He is openly brave when he deals with the Whitehills and Ramsay Snow. He show his father's sense of justice by cutting off Erik's fingers. I also play him as a boy having to grow up very quick. If he has lived around for longer, he would have become increasingly colder and pragmatic.
Mira: She know she is in a difficult position. She is inside one of the most deceitful city in Westeros. She has to constantly play the game in order to survive and aid her family. She is still the most gullible of the Forresters. She can be daring. She is usually polite to anyone who meets her and try to form loyalties with her curtsies. She still have a difficult time being manipulative as she doesn't want to push her boundaries with Margeary.
Asher: He tends to be more aggressive than the rest of his family. Years of fighting in Essos has given him a sense of calmness and maturity. He still cares a lot about his family and he wants to return home to help them. He is very ruthless toward enemies and rarely spares them.
Rodrik: I play him as a man who has been groomed to become the leader of his family. His father has taught him everything about leadership and justice. Thus, Rodrik follow his father's footsteps and tries to be a good leader. Mostly, he is capable of inspiring order among his men and he rarely shows weakness in front of his men or the Whitehills. His main conflict is whatever to keep hold on his pride and honor in return of his family's well-being or throw his honor aside, get humiliated by his enemies in order to keep the safety of his family. Being a lord aside, he is very kind and caring to his family and usually treat his men with respect.
Gared: Completely neutral, not nice, but not a complete douche either.
Ethan: Nice, but a douche to his enemies
Rodrik: Very stern and serious.
Asher: complete smartass.
Mira: cunning and smart.
I play all the characters as this sort of humbly bumbly nice person who tries to get on everyone's good side, because for some weird reason I don't want to offend anyone despite them being fictional lines of code.
Rodrik: Never one to kneel, but knows when to keep quiet. Still cares for his brother, but still prioritises making his house stronger.
Asher: More headstrong. Cares about his family but still feels very distanced from them after his exile. He really interests me!
Mira: Smart and knows not to give too much away. (Much to Cersei's disliking). I've never had her do anything vindictive like forging the letter, but I did have her defy Margaery and go with Tyrion towards the end. Since I don't trust Sera and thought she had a cheek to ask me for favours to get her into a higher position, I'm not that bothered about keeping up Mira's friendship with her. I made it obvious to Morgryn that she was playing a game.
Ethan: Kind and diplomatic.
Gared: Nice guy. Sees more potential in Finn as a brother than Cotter, who he strongly distrusts. Plays as neutral as possible, even when Britt was antagonising him.
I played pretty much the same as everyone except for Rodrik, despite being a lord and strong-hearted, I had to take in consideration his situation, I mean he's strong but not strong enough to fight in his condition, and if he's too much of a lord that means more trouble for him. Having a smaller army and barely anything to supply his people, I had to suck up to the Whitehills, kissing the ring, putting up with Gryff's bullsh*t, I mean in his situation he wanted first to protect his family and not being reckless about things, of course I had dialog choices where I had to be more aggressive, but I know how he acts around family, and that he'll even humiliate himself to protect it, to a certain extent of course. So given his condition, I had to be more reserved when interacting with the Whitehills family, but never with those soldiers. Also I trust Gwyn.
I used to be friendly and obedient with Margaery (as Mira), but after ep3 I don't give a sh*t anymore.
You mean 4 B's Boobs, Blood, Booze and Beskha
I know right? you give her all she wants then BOOM "Fuck you Mira!" right in the face.
I like to be a sassy little prick.
But then a character is like "you're ugly I don't want to be friends with you anymore (flicks hair)"
Then I regret my decisions right after.
I only care about Asher. We have not enough Asher action (if you know what I mean)! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
dis... dis gold
As Gared: I look out for my brothers at the wall, including taking the blame for them and playing mediator... but I also have a temper when it comes to someone threatening my well being and don't put up with people screwing with family.
As Mira: I am either very crafty, or pissing off the wrong people. I try to say what everyone wants to hear and play the innocent role as much as possible, all while doing what is necessary to help family. Though, I've refrained from grabbing at the heels of every opportunity that arises(I didn't ask Margaery to ask Joffrey for help... I knew how that would turn out). I'm waiting for the right one, and being as careful as possible in the process.
As Asher: I like to think of him as being loyal to both family and friends, even after all the years of being away from the Forresters. Even though he was cast out and outlawed, he still has that burning need to protect his brothers and sisters. I try to be the mediator between Beskha and Malcom but if it came down to choice, he'd have to choose family.
As Ethan/Rodrik: I play(ed) both of them as noble, intelligent, and hardened. While Ethan was just a kid, he was a Forrester and I took every opportunity to show Ludd that we are not weak(all while making an ass out of him in front of his soldiers). As Roderik, I choose to do my best not to escalate the situation with the Whitehills, but when things get heated I bark and show his dominance. I got back up when Gryff told me to stay down until he stormed out like a girl, and there was no way in hell I was kissing Ludd's ring. Can't show weakness.
I generally play how I would react to situations.
Except with Mira, her scenes always make me really nervous and cautious so I'm super careful.
Gared: Very honest, maybe even a little naive, he always tells the truth and never lies (tho he doesn't tell about the North Grove ofc). He is nice, protects other people and tries to stay calm, but when provoked he will fight back and won't take shit from anybody.
Mira: Selfless, always cares more about other people than herself. Probably a little bit to trusting, she trusts Tom 100% and also Sera. Loyal to Margaery (at least she was, but I guess that changed through episode 3
) and wasn't afraid to defy Cersei.
Asher: A badass who acts all tough but has actually a soft heart and really loves his family and would do everything for them.
Rodrik: Very cunning and diplomatic. He doesn't start any shit and submits if he has to, but he still loses his temper sometimes and gets aggressive. (Oh man, looks like everyone of you plays Rodrik as a badass and I always submit as him, kiss the ring and stuff like that, because I don't want to cause anymore trouble and act like a pussy
I still get really mad sometimes like when the guards were making fun of Ethan but meh, idk, my Rodrik feels like a loser now lol)