Who sent the killer?



  • If he's working for Varys, then it would be more surprising if he doesn't know how to read. Varys makes sure the kids who work for him know how to read precisely because spies who can read are a great deal more effective.

    steenug posted: »

    I think it's great that people are willing to give Coal Boy a chance, in terms of his ability to read/write. That's great. Positive thinking

  • The Bastard Boy King

  • IF this was a story from the books I'd be sure it was NOT Cersei who sent the assessin. That guy was a Lannister soldier and they are NOT commanded by Cersai, but by her father Tywin who was in town by that time. If Cersai would need to hire a killer she would choose from the gold cloaks (aka city watch), maybe the kingsguard or other royal troops but not from the bannermen of her father whom she rarely would even know since she left casterly rock quite a while ago.

    But it's telltale universe and they have huge logic gaps in their story all the time. So meh. Maybe even it's cersai

  • Ah, you're right. I forgot about that. Well then, it's probably just the merchants then. The fact that Damien was present at the meeting makes them the most likely suspects, indeed.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    Gryff Whitehill is en route from Harrenhal; Lord Whitehill said so, and there's no reason not to believe it - he would want a Whitehill in I

  • i think image means a lot to Margery which could stop her from doing anything to bold, but i don't think she would ever say or hire anyone out right more like imply her life would be easier. i can see her that kind of effect since shes not the type to get her hands dirty.

    as for sera men do allot of stupid things for women i wouldn't be surprised.

    but these are just alternate theories to the obvious

    maimed_dan posted: »

    Ambitious as Sera is, she does not have the influence or money required to get a high-ranking guardsman to assassinate a noblewoman. No way.

  • the one who wrote the note, and the one trashed the room don't necessarily have to be the same

    Rynna posted: »

    I don't fully trust the Coal Boy either but I don't think I buy the "he and his boss hired the guard to try to kill Mira so Coal Boy could s

  • Sera seems unlikely shes to lowly to orchestrate that

    Sejborg posted: »

    It could be Sera.

  • edited February 2015

    Those situations are wildly different from the Lannisters exercising tyranny for their own gain. The Reyne's brought about their own demise by choosing defiance. They rebelled against the Lannisters and lost. It's not like the Lannisters killed them, kicked their dog, and seized their very profitable lands without justification.

    The North was already weakened after the red wedding. If Ramsay Bolton were to do that when the North wasn't so weak, that very well could have sparked a rebellion. Plus, the lesson in this situation is that you should choose to be loyal to the Bolton's else your house gets crippled. Lesser houses would more likely be loyal than defiant unless they felt they had no choice.

    Goodwill is lost when you exercise tyranny. Once you lose too much goodwill, or goodwill specific to a powerful house, you are facing a rebellion. You are likely more right in this situation though. Not a whole lot of goodwill would be lost.

    Rogarth posted: »

    You may be right. But on the other hand... what kind of uprising did occur after Ramsey Bolton (acting Warden of the North and liege lord to

  • Yeah. I just realised this.

    Theory: What if coal boy got into Mira's room and wrote the note, and only THEN the guard (Damian, I think) got into her room, ready to kill her there, but, finding no one, trashed the room looking for something (I don't know what, exactly, but it seems like he wanted something she might have said to her family. Proof of forgery, details about the ironwood deal? Possibly), but, seeing the note coal boy had left there earlier for Mira, went to the place where coal boy was going to meet her.

    Then Mira gets into the room and we know what follows.

    beeasy posted: »

    the one who wrote the note, and the one trashed the room don't necessarily have to be the same

  • Has Varys been featured in the series, and I just missed it?

    It'd be odd to find that, while missing from the first 2, he shows up in the 3rd (4th...5th...) like, "Surprise! No development or involvement of my character prior, but I turned out to be the sheep in wolf's clothing, even though I was never shown to be a sheep in the first place."

    If he's working for Varys, then it would be more surprising if he doesn't know how to read. Varys makes sure the kids who work for him know how to read precisely because spies who can read are a great deal more effective.

  • I don't see Cerse simply executing a handmaiden/Lady (who really, as far as we've seen, has little influence beyond asking favors, with varying degrees of failure) when, instead, she can use her as a ploy to execute other plans and make her goals more effective/plausible.

    A dead person is a dead, a simple warning, once, with their head on a spike. An alive person, living in fear and being manipulated/threatened, is far more useful...at least for as long as she could manage ahem Sersa.

  • edited February 2015

    It looks like Dany is set to make an appearance, so they don't have any problems with late introductions apparently. Varys hasn't yet, but coalboy has 'Varys' written all over him.

    Which may be the point, of course, if the writers are trying to throw people off who he truly works for. I guess we'll find out.

    steenug posted: »

    Has Varys been featured in the series, and I just missed it? It'd be odd to find that, while missing from the first 2, he shows up in the

  • The coal boy may have written the letter & left it in Mira's room, then her room was searched by the either the assassin or someone working for their employer, who read the letter, & planned to meet her there as well.... that would explain why the coal boy was in the garden.... or he could just stalking Mira around all the time?

    As it's one of the Lannisters guards & killing Mira would hurt Margery & Tyrion... it wouldn't surprise me if it was Cersei who sent the assassin... She has reason to dislike both of them..and seems to think Mira is a traitor...

    Sera is power hungry, nosy & untrustworthy... she's likely working for someone.. probably Cersei

    Coal boy is probably working for Varys, (which would make him literate & capable of writing the letter)
    but neither Varys or coal boy has any motive to kill Mira & are probably helping now to get a favor later

    And wtf were those scuff marks from... any ideas?

  • Mira is not a threat to the crown. Though the side affect of getting Tyrion on your side maybe having the Boltons/Whitehill gain cersi favor.

    As far as Tyrion wanting sometging later knowing him it's probably sexual in nature. He's a deviant little dwarf.

    Sairoh posted: »

    I think it's a little all the above. Cersi isn't above coordinating a assassination attempt and probably worked with the Whitehills to ge

  • Might even be an as-of-yet unknown character. Hard to speculate (but we'll do it anyway, won't we?)

  • My first thought were the two Whitehill guys who showed up in this episode. It could have been Cersei, but I actually doubt it because she seems to be too busy caught up in her own affairs than to cause a big bruhaha over a handmaiden. She did the once, but if you pleased her than there's no clear motivation for her to send the guard to kill Mira. Cersei's got bigger fish to fry and the Whitehills seem more upset than anyone.

  • Could be Tywin.

  • Sera sent Damien after Mira in order to search her room, but not to kill her. Damien wanted to kill Mira himself. Mira had important letters and when sera wrote the letter, she was afraid she'd get caught and accidentally broke the vase.

    So yea, Sera wrote the letter and sent Damien to distract Mira, so that she could search her room for the letter's. Damien got to stuck in his desires causing him to try and kill Mira.

  • I actually think it was the calmer Whitehill merchant, not the fat one.

  • I don't know it seems too obvious... this is Game Of Thrones we are talking about here! Lol XD

    It was Lord Andros 100%.

  • edited February 2015

    Cersei maybe?

    Sera is probably a spy for Cersei and Cersei perhaps feels Mira's influence and loyalty to Margaery must end...?

    The guy was a Lannister guard and Cersei's never really been the subtle type.

  • edited February 2015

    Maybe coal boy did not send the letter but someone else did who Damien found whilst trying to assassinate Mira in her room/or whilst he was in search of anything that could be used against Mira (to give to Sera as evidence that she has been disloyal to Margaery, Cersei etc.), that would explain why the vase fell over (he knocked them over with the vase on the head) and why Mira's letters were all over the place perhaps?

    I mean, why would he put Mira on edge by ramsacking her room and not cleaning it up - if he really intended to search her room and kill her why not wait for her in her room whilst she was off-guard? Wouldn't it have been easier to just leave it the way it was with the letter?
    'The imp' is the kind of language that Cersei would use when describing her brother though...?

    SwizzleAsh posted: »

    The coal boy may have written the letter & left it in Mira's room, then her room was searched by the either the assassin or someone work

  • If you choose not to kill Damien and run for your life, while you're running, the other guard approaches calling out for Damien. I believe it's possible that Damien heard it and let the boy go to avoid the guard questioning his possibly not so Lannister motives. If Damien is indeed Varys' or Littlefinger's man (Whitehill merchants would've been too obvious), he'd prefer keeping a low profile. It explains how the boy survives I suppose.

    alliebee posted: »

    I a Whitehill is probably the best suspect, but I also have this theory that it has something to do with the coal boy. What was he doing in

  • Probably the ambassadors. What I don't get is why Mira even went to meet the person. Her room was ransacked and she gets an anonymous note and she doesn't tell anyone about it. Stupid. If this was the actual show, I'd find it hard to believe that anyone would actually do this.

  • I thought I was the only one who doesn't fully trust this Coal Boy..
    I dont't mean he sent the attacker, but I don't know. Although, Sera hasn't totally gained my trust. So far, I think Whitehill somehow has to be the one behind the attacker

    alliebee posted: »

    I a Whitehill is probably the best suspect, but I also have this theory that it has something to do with the coal boy. What was he doing in

  • Fucking Whitehill!

    Alt text

  • edited February 2015

    I'm sure it wasn't Cersei, she has no reason to want to eliminate Mira yet. Besides, she's not really subtle when it comes to dealing with traitors.

    Damien was acting way too secretively, keeping his intention hidden from his own men. If Cersei wanted someone dead it'd be widely known among her guard.

    I think Damien was approached privately by one of the Whitehill people. Or perhaps he was the one who approached them, looking for some extra dough. He did overhear everything.

  • Cersei might not make good decisions all the time, but I still have a hard time beleiving she'd kill Mira. For one, I still believe most (with the exception of Tyrion) don't view the Forrester's as an incredible threat. They're a dying house that, currently, is very clearly being squashed like a bug by other houses.

    Even if she happens to think Mira could play a bigger part in things, it would seem out-of-character for Cersei to simply want her dead. You're dead? You're dead. Only useful for a one time message sent to people. But if you're alive, then...well, you can be a puppet, a pawn, something at least tangibly useful to Cersei.

    Cersei maybe? Sera is probably a spy for Cersei and Cersei perhaps feels Mira's influence and loyalty to Margaery must end...? The guy was a Lannister guard and Cersei's never really been the subtle type.

  • Whether or not it will happen, I think it's very well thought out, and a completely reasonable scenario. You deserve a cookie.

    Davissons posted: »

    I'm going to go ultra tin foil hat here and say Tyrion. Why? He didn't have a reason. In fact, he didn't want Mira killed at all. I belie

  • I think Cersei did. Discovered her favourite wine is missing and blamed Mira.

  • I want to say the merchant lords but that seems to obvious. Sera maybe I don't trust her and she is looking to move up. If Mira is out of the way then she will be Margery's new confidant. Maybe she is good at acting and has been playing us.

  • HAHAH, I hope not, the world has enough to contend with, with just one!

    Rogarth posted: »

    Littlefinger Jr.?

  • Yes I agree, however at this point in the story Qyburn hasn't arrived at Kings Landing, he arrives with Jamie Lannister after Joffrey's wedding.

    If Cersai would have Mira killed she wouldn't sent a killer at midnight with all the preparation and the chances that Mira doesn't appear. She would have had her arrested on some forged charges and have her handed over to Quyburn.

  • He's not Kingsguard. Kingsguard wear White/Gold armour. City Watch are called "Goldcloaks" because they wear Gold, and Lannister Guards wear Red and Black.

    WardenKing posted: »

    If you are refering to the guard in the hall in episode one, I think, if I remember correctly, that is one of the King`s guard, possibly Mer

  • edited February 2015


    That's rather interesting. I recall in the show Jamie saying to Tyrion "You have more friends than you thought" in reference to Varys who helped him escape in season 4. Meaning that Tyrion was unaware of Varys' support. I think this makes Varys/Tyrion alliance prior to that escape seem less likely. Varys' involvement in this therefore seems unlikely.

    Davissons posted: »

    I'm going to go ultra tin foil hat here and say Tyrion. Why? He didn't have a reason. In fact, he didn't want Mira killed at all. I belie

  • The guard claimed to have left the note.

    It seems to me that Coal boy left the note. The guard must have later gone into the room, read the note, and used the time and setting to kill Mira. Whether coal boy was involved in this is unclear, but him leaving the note would explain why he was there to save Mira.

    imlarroca posted: »

    I'm thinking it might be Tyrion as well...on another topic, Coal Boy is still really suspicious to me. The game made a big deal of you being

  • Coal boy certainly seems like one of Varys' birds, but what Varys would want with Mira is unclear to me.

    Team_Purple posted: »

    Most likely Varys, who is pretty much neutral when it comes between the battles/conflicts of the houses, and I don't think would do that. Al

  • Why? He'd have no reason to.

    Herodriver posted: »

    Could be Tywin.

  • My main suspect is Andros, the Whitehill merchant. After I told him to tell whoever he wants to and it's not my concern, the last thing he said to me was "We'll see about that.", and just storms out of the room with a P.O.'d attitude.Then when Damien said I made enemies with the wrong people, he was the first guy that came to mind about who my enemies could be, especially since he's working with the Whitehills. I may not like Cersei, and I know she doesn't like me for choosing Margaery, but I doubt that her biggest concern at the moment is dealing with one handmaiden.

  • You fuck Whitehill?

    JMOREL posted: »

    Fucking Whitehill!

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