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  • edited February 2015

    "She's coming along slowly," Tim tells Mary, as they sit on the park bench. His wife is pushing the stroller aimlessly around the giant fountain on this side of the park. It was a considerably warm day for February. Following behind Harmony was two little blond girls, their loud voices heard all the way from where Tim and Mary sat.

    "At least she hasn't been shutting herself from the world," Mary says. She has her hands in her jacket's pockets and her gaze is steadily watching as the stroller is pushed along the path.

    "She's been trying, but I force her out of bed each day." Tim replies. He has a hot cup of coffee in one hand and the diaper bag rests underneath his arm, on the bench beside him. They always bring two when they go out, and Harmony had the other one.

    "Keep doing that," Mary says. "Don't let her slip away."

    "I try," Tim says coldly. "We've been having massive amounts of fights, lately."

    "That sucks." Mary takes her fingers from her pockets, and starts rubbing her belly softly. "Hans and I had a fight recently, too. He was mad about the new baby."

    Tim arched his eyebrow. "Why is he mad? He's never mad. He's like....the nicest person I've ever met. Still can't believe he owns the Puddin' and Pie..."

    "He was mad," Mary said mid-sigh. "Because I rigged it to happen. Poke a hole in the protection."

    "One: Ew. And two: Not cool." Tim told her.

    "What, you're against me too?" Mary spat. She glared at him, but Tim just chuckled.

    "Well, I mean, what you wasn't cool. Too sneaky. Should have compromised with the man, instead of doing what you wanted. But it's done and over with, and your pregnant, so you should just get over the whole fiasco."

    "Oh, there was no compromising," Mary said bitterly. "He was royally done with making babies. I just wanted one more, Tim."

    "I know what that feels like," Tim said softly. His eyes were still trained on the stroller, and he watched as Harmony slowly made her way back around to them. She'd be there in another few minutes. "She didn't want anymore for the longest time. I tried a long time, Mary."

    "So how did they happen?" She asked, in reference to the newest editions of Tim's family.

    "She- Erm..." He was getting sort of red in the face. "We... were drunk. We don't get drunk often- I swear- erm... She told me that it didn't matter, that whatever happens happens, and bam. Babies. More of them. The way she found out though..."

    "Being held captive." Mary said curtly. "Yeah, I know."

    "Things should be better now," He said. "But they aren't."

    "Tim," Mary said. "It will be a long time before things get better. She's mourning. It's only been a few weeks. Do what you can to support her, and eventually she'll warm up to you again. And take care of all your damn kids. They need the support too."

    "It's so much, Mary.." Tim says. "I'm not a miracle worker."

    "Not to yourself, you aren't. But in they eyes of your children, you are their world. You and Harmony. Do what you can to be strong in front of them. It's a parent's duty."

    Tim only nodded. The stroller approached swiftly, and Harmony was unstrapping whichever baby was crying softly in one of the seats. She picked Gabriel up in her hands, rocking him in her arms as his whines diminished. She still had that same look in her eyes when she was looking at their children, as if that single baby was a beacon of hope on the horizon. The baby sucked on Harmony's knuckle softly, as she swayed back and forth. All of the children were bundled up for the day, and Tim could hear one snoring, even.

    "Ready to hit the Diner?" Mary asked, standing up.

    "Yes yes yes!" Eleanor and Rachel squealed. They crowded their mother, grabbing her hands and pulling her forward.

    "Calm it, you little brats," Mary muttered. "Mommy still has aches and pains and pulling on her arms doesn't help..."

    Tim wraps one of his arms around Harmony's shoulder, resting his chin on her other shoulder. Gabriel is calmed and falling asleep now, in her arms, his little hat far too big for his head. Harmony pulls it softly over his eyes, to block the sunlight from it, as she lowers him back into his seat and straps him in. When she rises, her eyes meet Tim's, and all of the wonderment slowly dissipates. Tim's heart wrenches, seeing her like this. While Mary has already started traveling out of the park, Tim wraps his arms in a tight hug around Harmony, and she buries her face in his shoulder, beginning to weep softly.

    Things will go back to normal soon. Eventually. There are a few issues between family members now, but it will all be resolved in due time :)

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    JJwolf posted: »

    I love this song! YOU shut the front door! Ah ha! Used your own pic against ya! Georgie seems like he'd like this song....XD

  • Alcohol: making babies since the dawn of time. :P I hear ya', Harms, Tim...Mary. xD -clears throat-

    ANYWAYS, pie! xD I'm not surprised Hans is acting the way he is; seems like no one is prepared for something like that but he'll eventually come around. Mary needs to be careful with the ONE more thing; she'll end up with twins again if she keeps that thinking up! Tim and Harm are so adorable! And all their babies, even the older ones! :3

    Tiffs now but it will all work out in the end.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "She's coming along slowly," Tim tells Mary, as they sit on the park bench. His wife is pushing the stroller aimlessly around the giant foun

  • edited February 2015

    Hey guys! My roommate is here to help me post one of my favorite songs so here it is! Apologies if this comes out weird just let me know how to fix it and I will do so accordingly!

    Drakengard 3

  • A good thing surely that smoking didn't do anything for you; martial arts, however, is a good skill to have! :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nick is kinda like my dark side: He smokes, he's violent, but he loves his music as well I have tried smoking but it never did anything for me. I used to do martial arts, but I slowly stopped going... really need to get back into it :P

  • I did kickboxing for 2 years, but the tutor stopped coming altogether so I quit :/

    Did Karate for almost 2 years and gradually stopped going, I'll see about restarting it...

    LupineNoir posted: »

    A good thing surely that smoking didn't do anything for you; martial arts, however, is a good skill to have! :P

  • Andrew W.K Part Hard is my favourite song by him!!!

    You're a 'mean' looking guy Pie... I'm frightened :(

    Nah you look pretty chill for someone who gets very little sleep :P

    pudding_pie posted: » Because its 4am where I'm at and since baby Emily refuses to let me sleep, time to party hard! xD I always listen to this song. Doing it right now! AND since we are posting selfies, @JJWolf.....BAM! xD

  • If only my hair was cut, I would of taken a selfie of me in my dragon pajamas...

    pudding_pie posted: » Because its 4am where I'm at and since baby Emily refuses to let me sleep, time to party hard! xD I always listen to this song. Doing it right now! AND since we are posting selfies, @JJWolf.....BAM! xD

  • If only I wasn't 16 stone, I would've taken my first selfie already :P

    MasterStone posted: »

    If only my hair was cut, I would of taken a selfie of me in my dragon pajamas...

  • What the actualy hell? Witchcraft?! >:0 Oh, its on NOW, Pie! We had a Gren meme its a Georgie meme war! >:D His face! XD

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  • You're a 'mean' looking guy Pie... I'm frightened :(

    He's a total sweetheart, though. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Andrew W.K Part Hard is my favourite song by him!!! You're a 'mean' looking guy Pie... I'm frightened Nah you look pretty chill for someone who gets very little sleep :P

  • I know :)

    But that's the thing with these pics, before I saw them I could imagine how you all looked judging from the way you spoke on the threads.

    I kinda knew what Pie looked like from his New Year's pic, but seeing this one was a bit of a shock to me...

    If and when I upload my selfie (I'm debating it cuz I've never considered myself as 'good material' for photos), I bet some of you will be a bit surprised :/

    JJwolf posted: »

    You're a 'mean' looking guy Pie... I'm frightened He's a total sweetheart, though.

  • I recently bought that! I've only played about an hour because I get distracted by the photo-mode, but it's already looking a good game. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    My all time favourite game is The Last Of Us. PERFECT in every way that game XD

  • Its always fun seeing a face behind the profile. :) He ALWAYS dresses like this. He's letting the hair kinda grow back. Hasn't had much time anyways, since little Emily. xD

    IF and WHEN you do, that would awesome! and I'm sure you look just fine.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I know But that's the thing with these pics, before I saw them I could imagine how you all looked judging from the way you spoke on the

  • Well, it is kind of hard to learn if you haven't got a tutor. :/ It might help with being in the Royal Marines? They'll probably provide training above and beyond anyway.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I did kickboxing for 2 years, but the tutor stopped coming altogether so I quit Did Karate for almost 2 years and gradually stopped going, I'll see about restarting it...

  • Thanks for listening!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Okay, this is the third or fourth song shared, I think I will take the time later today and post my own favorite song XD You guys might be d

  • I love that period too, and have likewise got the soundtrack! Are there any other video game soundtracks you like?

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah nice one! I always loved LA Noire, as I loved the times back then and the music was great as I own it's soundtrack I have it in one of my drawers at home!

  • I played it soo much when I got it I was late for work!

    I have played through that game almost 20 times now (that doesn't sound like much but it is a LONG game) I have finished it on all difficulties as well.

    Pointers for Hard, Survivor and Grounded Mode: Use stealth as often as possible and use melee whenever you can cuz ammo is scarce and you will need it for scripted segments XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I recently bought that! I've only played about an hour because I get distracted by the photo-mode, but it's already looking a good game.

  • 224 pounds, unshaven, round face...

    Yeah I'll be fine!! XP

    JJwolf posted: »

    Its always fun seeing a face behind the profile. He ALWAYS dresses like this. He's letting the hair kinda grow back. Hasn't had much time anyways, since little Emily. xD IF and WHEN you do, that would awesome! and I'm sure you look just fine.

  • Yeah I look it but I'm not. :D Must be the clothes....XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Andrew W.K Part Hard is my favourite song by him!!! You're a 'mean' looking guy Pie... I'm frightened Nah you look pretty chill for someone who gets very little sleep :P

  • edited February 2015

    Those sort of games where you think "I'll just see what's behind that corner/hill" or "Well, I might as well play to the next cutscene now" over and over are usually some of the best, and that's how it sounds. XD

    20 times is impressive! Do you replay many games like that?

    Thanks for the heads up! 'HazzatheMan's Guide to the Apocalypse' has a ring to it. ;D Generally stealth is how I default play, but sounds like even more caution than normal is needed for those difficulties!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I played it soo much when I got it I was late for work! I have played through that game almost 20 times now (that doesn't sound like much

  • I have witnessed 3 Air Shows of the Royal Marines (basically they have 4 men show off only a small portion of their hand to hand and weapons training) They are brutal fighters!

    They are taught a style called CQC and receive 16 sessions of it throughout their 32 weeks of training. It's based on MMA, but altered with Wrestling techniques and Krav Maga strikes...

    There is an advanced course for CQC training that you can do when you have passed out of training. All I know is that the Marine trains with the USMC for 6 months... So once again America has a one-up over England!! XD

    I'll post one of the Air Show videos later on :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Well, it is kind of hard to learn if you haven't got a tutor. It might help with being in the Royal Marines? They'll probably provide training above and beyond anyway.

  • All of the resident evils up to 4 (which was mostly just save room themes) Drakengard 1-3, NieR, Ys series, Elder Scrolls up to Oblivion, All of the Final Fantasies, Both Banjo Kazooies XD, Legend of Mana, The Binding of Isaac, Demon Souls to Dark Souls 2, All of the Persona Soundtracks are one of its selling points for me, Hyrule Warriors, Lord of the Rings Return of the King, Child of Light, Kingdom Hearts, Parasite Eve had an okay one, That's all the ones I could think of off the top of my head XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I love that period too, and have likewise got the soundtrack! Are there any other video game soundtracks you like?

  • Awesome song! Sounds really freakin' epic! Glad to see you posting, I know you're still recovering and what not. Hopefully that's going along alright?

    Tetra posted: »

    Hey guys! My roommate is here to help me post one of my favorite songs so here it is! Apologies if this comes out weird just let me know how to fix it and I will do so accordingly! Drakengard 3

  • Nah it's your hard as nails face mate!!!

    lol no... For some reason I imagined you with very short hair, you were tall but slim, and you had a ridiculously sweet smile that could melt hearts :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Yeah I look it but I'm not. Must be the clothes....XD

  • Thanks! If you like that song you'd love the rest of the Drakengard OST because they're technically the same epic boss fight songs! It's going good I can manage to sit up without felling excruciating pain and nausea at the same time.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Awesome song! Sounds really freakin' epic! Glad to see you posting, I know you're still recovering and what not. Hopefully that's going along alright?

  • On Grounded Mode a human killed me with 3 punches... That's how tough it is!! Also there is no HUD :/

    I replay a lot of my old games due to a lovely sensation called nostalgia :P

    I'm currently replaying AC2 on PS3...

    If you want more tips I'll gladly give them :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Those sort of games where you think "I'll just see what's behind that corner/hill" or "Well, I might as well play to the next cutscene now"

  • Sometimes that's how it works out ;)

    Hans will get over it swiftly, as he's a gigantic teddy bear in all aspects of his life XD STILL thinking about what I'll be doing, what gender the baby will be, and such. My favorite part of the process is picking a name ^-^ Glad to hear you love all Tim and Harm's babies, even the older troublesome ones XD I figure I'll turn my focus back to them soon enough; I want to write about Robbie and maybe Elora. I tend to focus on those two the least. Also, Noah. Should probably deal with him some, too. I literally love both Ash and Scar, they're my favorites XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Alcohol: making babies since the dawn of time. :P I hear ya', Harms, Tim...Mary. xD -clears throat- ANYWAYS, pie! xD I'm not surprised Ha

  • Keane! Too long since I heard 'Somewhere Only We Know' - it used to be played quite frequently on TV and I really love the tune. :)

    When she has the knife in 'Disconnected' it seemes very reminiscent of 'The Shining'; I enjoyed the song and the video!

    Great choices, Emmy! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Hey guys! I figure I'll share two of my favorite songs that I like to listen to (In addition to hundreds of other songs, mind you.) Both are

  • Sometimes it's weird how much video games teach you about the military - I know exactly what you're talking about thanks to them. XD Very intensive but it's exactly what you need if you're going into combat; that you've some knowledge of hand-to-hand with kickboxing and karate seems like a good start. Is England better at anything? :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have witnessed 3 Air Shows of the Royal Marines (basically they have 4 men show off only a small portion of their hand to hand and weapons

  • Alright, alright! >:D This isn't Georgie, BUT....

    Alt text

    JJwolf posted: »

    What the actualy hell? Witchcraft?! >:0 Oh, its on NOW, Pie! We had a Gren meme its a Georgie meme war! >:D His face! XD

  • Damn knew I was forgetting something!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I would recommend the Heavy Rain soundtrack, the songs are either intense or emotional...

  • I would recommend the Heavy Rain soundtrack, the songs are either intense or emotional...

    Tetra posted: »

    All of the resident evils up to 4 (which was mostly just save room themes) Drakengard 1-3, NieR, Ys series, Elder Scrolls up to Oblivion, Al

  • We have a Monarchy and Boris Johnson :/

    My Parent's have this annoying habit of calling me downstairs to identify a firearm in some film or TV show they're watching, 9 times out of 10 I'll recognize it, but I'm not that good :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Sometimes it's weird how much video games teach you about the military - I know exactly what you're talking about thanks to them. XD Very in

  • Yeeash, they must have hit some weak points to floor him in only 3 punches! I'm torn about not having a HUD in games. On the one hand, it's much more immersive and makes you think more about certain gameplay elements, and on the other hand, it's not very realistic, because there'd be certain things you're in-game character should know but you lose that with no HUD, such as remaining ammo.

    Ah, good ol' nostalgia. XD

    AC 2 is surely a classic, as well as Brotherhood.

    Thanks! I've not even met Ellie yet, but I'll get back to you if things get tricky. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    On Grounded Mode a human killed me with 3 punches... That's how tough it is!! Also there is no HUD I replay a lot of my old games due to

  • I've watched it but haven't played it. It was very good although being depressing as all hell! I hope to see them do something with that ending though!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That was my favourite game before The Last Of Us came out Have you played it's successor Beyond: Two Souls?? It was a weird game with quite the cast (Ellen Page, Willem Dafoe) but I enjoyed the 'interactive movie experience' XD

  • Amen to that! :D

    Oh I'm sure he'll be just fine with it, once he sees that little jelly bean. :) AND either gender will do fine. :) Picking the names are always fun because for some odd, yet satisfying feeling, they work out! :D AND I'm liking all the different journeys you've been taking on the wonderous characters you've created. :3 Either or, I look forward to them all.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Sometimes that's how it works out Hans will get over it swiftly, as he's a gigantic teddy bear in all aspects of his life XD STILL think

  • That was my favourite game before The Last Of Us came out :)

    Have you played it's successor Beyond: Two Souls??

    It was a weird game with quite the cast (Ellen Page, Willem Dafoe) but I enjoyed the 'interactive movie experience' XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Damn knew I was forgetting something!

  • Great collection! Many I haven't heard, but the Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, and Child of Light I particularly like! You have good taste. :D

    Tetra posted: »

    All of the resident evils up to 4 (which was mostly just save room themes) Drakengard 1-3, NieR, Ys series, Elder Scrolls up to Oblivion, Al

  • I have more at home so I may need to update the list when I go home next weekend :p Persona 4 and it seems to be that the 5th one will be sounding a lot like LA Noire but more fast paced! Don't know why that's important but yeah! XD You do too Lupine :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Great collection! Many I haven't heard, but the Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, and Child of Light I particularly like! You have good taste.

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