Favorite episodes of the show?
With the premiere of Season 5B coming up, I figured I asked what your favorite episodes of the show are. You can do your top 10, top 5, list a couple of episodes, or even rank all 59 episodes if you'd like. For me it's:
- No Sanctuary
- The Grove
- A
- Days Gone Bye
- Clear
- Too Far Gone
- 18 Miles Out
- Claimed
- Beside the Dying Fire
- Judge, Jury, Executioner
- Prey
- Killer Within
- What Happened and What's Going On
- Made to Suffer
- Self Help
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I'm watching The Grove right now lol
Top 6
I'm watching The Grove as well, still such a great episode in my opinion.
AMC's Marathon,it's sad Mika died tho
Lizzie just died, so there's that. That girl was a psychopath.
Here are the episodes I liked the most (from the most loved to the least loved)
Judge jury and executioner is one of your top episodes? It remains my most hated episode to date
Anyway a few I liked were
A lot in season 3/4 I cant remember but I only really disliked the middle few in season 2 and the latter ones of season 3
Clear, Internment, The Grove, Days Gone Bye, 18 Miles Out, This Sorrowful Life, Too Far Gone, Beside The Dying Fire, Better Angels, No Sanctuary and Triggerfinger
In no particular order, except the first 4.
Days gone bye.
EDIT: Gonna tack on TS-19. Thought Jenner was a good character, and getting some science behind the za was pretty cool.
Well Dale's one of my favorite characters and what I like about it is the theme of trying to hold onto who we are and not losing ourselves in this world. It goes along with what Dale was telling Shane in Pretty Much Dead Already, that when the world goes to shit, he won't go down with it, and he proved that in this episode. He was the only one to stand up for Randall when everyone else wanted him dead, he proved to be a character who never lost who he was.
I like The Grove and Slabtown
The pilot, Clear, and 18 Miles out are my top 3.
Any of the ones Gimple wrote (The grove especially was fucking awesome) +the pilot and most of the finales minus s3's finale.
Too Far Gone
The Governor though.
Ah, I liked that episode too. David Morrissey was a damn good actor and the Governor was a great villain I still miss his presence on the show. 33: You have ripped open old wounds.
Clear, the pilot, the first episode of this season, the episode with Shane and Otis at the high school, and the two episodes with Rick, Glenn, and Herschel at the bar.
Yeah, anything Gimple has written is pretty awesome, he's the best writer the show has. Speaking of which, I think he wrote the episode that's on tonight. But good to see I wasn't the only one upset with the S3 finale, I felt it was very disappointing.
I remember a lot of people not being too fond of the S3 finale when it first came out...The show usually does pretty well wrapping up their seasons but I remember thinking S3's end was just a mess. The Governor's first assault on the prison was pathetic, (Was it filmed that way because it follows the comics? I don't read them but I remember hearing that there were two prison attacks.) Andrea took way too long to get out of the chair, which made her death feel a bit contrived, and I'm always going to be bitter over Milton dying because he was one of my faves, my precious nerd. .-.
Honorable mentions: Days Gone Bye (still without a doubt the best episode on a technical level, but I'm much more interested in the story later on down the line), Beside The Dying Fire, Wildfire, Vatos, Better Angels.
Three attacks on the prison.
Too Far Gone had the most accurate, with the tank and execution, along with the line 'Kill them all!'
He was in this episode as a hallucination. I was like 'THE GOVERNOR!!!!' when I saw him on-screen.
The Governor was my favorite character in the show, I was really pissed off when he died...
EDIT: Had to add What Happened and What's Going On, put it at 13. (sorry Pretty Much Dead Already, you're out of the Top 15)
It was pretty much of out top 15 anyway.