If there was 1 thing you can change....

What would you change? Remember, only 1 thing.


  • Doug/Carley getting killed.

  • Not following Arvo, that was honestly really stupid

  • Nick's death is the only thing I can complain about.

    Though I would have liked to have learned more about Arvo and his reasons for showing up if you didn't steal from him. I mean, he's pretty much a mystery.

  • Carley's Death- Season 1

    Luke's Death- Season 2

  • The train sequence in Episode 3. I get that it was a puzzle, but I'm not a huge fan of the puzzles to be honest, I know some are, but with how long it took and it's placement, it completely stopped the episode, which was moving along very nicely up to that point. All the momentum, just stops dead once we get there.

  • edited February 2015

    .........Lee dying. I know his death was legendary and made Season 1 a masterpiece, but shit.... I miss that guy. And I probably could've taken the continuation of the series more seriously if he was still the protagonist, because Clem just isn't doing it for me.

  • Uh... No Bonnie/Mike/Arvo betrayal. That was about the time I lost my shit, because it seemed kinda out of character...

  • Have Nick matter more, make his deaths not shit.

  • Jane not returning in EP5.

  • Being Kenny back. He coming back took away from learning more about the cabin group, which for me, took away from properly assessing my like/dislike of them.

  • Luke dying, which results in an ending with him.


  • Stuck between keeping Jane returning and Nate not

  • Nick taking Mike's place in episodes 3-5 if you didn't kill him, and keeping Mike around if you did kill him. Nick's betrayal would have made more sense and been even more impactful. Also, I'd change it and not have the 16 month time skip and swap out Rebecca and Alvin with Christa and Omid. Because let's be honest, their characters are pretty darn similar.

  • YES. SWAPPING AL AND BECK WITH OMID AND CHRISTA . All that needed to be changed was episode 1 and the Carver saga

    Nick taking Mike's place in episodes 3-5 if you didn't kill him, and keeping Mike around if you did kill him. Nick's betrayal would have mad

  • edited February 2015

    true bro, couldn't agree more :'(

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    .........Lee dying. I know his death was legendary and made Season 1 a masterpiece, but shit.... I miss that guy. And I probably could've ta

  • And to be honest the Carver saga didn't need to be changed all that much. I didn't really find the whole Carver-Rebecca story all that interesting. And I don't mean offense to Alvin and Rebecca. I really love their characters but they could have easily been Omid and Christa. Alvin's first death would make sense, and with his second death, Omid could have proved dangerous to Carver at the beginning of the arc and that was why he beat him up.

    Clemenem posted: »

    YES. SWAPPING AL AND BECK WITH OMID AND CHRISTA . All that needed to be changed was episode 1 and the Carver saga

  • But think if how much of an effect it would have if he killed Omid instead of Alvin and how much it would build Carver up

    And to be honest the Carver saga didn't need to be changed all that much. I didn't really find the whole Carver-Rebecca story all that inter

  • Exactly haha

    Clemenem posted: »

    But think if how much of an effect it would have if he killed Omid instead of Alvin and how much it would build Carver up

  • If I were to think about it... It'd probably be letting clem leave her gun at the sink.

  • Not getting the boat stolen. Would've been interesting to know what happened if they had the boat and it was working.

  • Leaving the gun on the counter.

  • Killing Lee off and Subbing in Clem as S2 Protag.

    Worst Mistake Ever.

  • Everyone knows my answer by now.

  • Leave Luke to die?

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone knows my answer by now.

  • Spoiler

    Shooting Walter's friend on the bridge. It lead to a chain of events that could've been prevented like Nick's death (even though that didn't have to happen).

  • For TellTale to have stuck with the original storyline for Season 2. It seemed a lot more intriguing.

  • Luke vs Kenny instead of Kenny vs Jane.

  • edited February 2015

    I would have Clementine abandon Kennie earlier in the season if possible, I would have her abandon this 2nd season group earlier too... Kennie was always fighting/hurting everyone when things were not to his liking... actually... the others in the group were like that too, who in the hell is ok leaving a kid in a shed with her arm shredded open and says "Oh, if she was not bitten by a zombie she will be fine in the morning"

    I feel bad for Clem, she is the scape goat, punching bag of everyone in the game... the only exceptions so far were Lee and Jane.... It was like going through a roller-coaster "Good girl Clem, you helped/saved/stole right on time, BFFs forever , you are just a child I feel bad for you and I want to be your friend/protector" in one time to the next "you are a bad girl, coward, useless, I see what you did....yada yada yada...being a child is no excuse"...

    Every single one of them... good riddance.... Jane in this matter really has the right idea, it is better to go on alone...people are just too schizophrenic to be around each other and the few that are more or less still "normal" suffer the backslash

  • I can't agree more! Why would you believe someone who has just led their group to kill you! What happened to going to the town they saw in episode 4? I honestly felt keeping Arvo around was a bad idea as well.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Not following Arvo, that was honestly really stupid

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