I admit, my eyes got a little wet at the end of Ep 2.



  • Every one try to save the house...............

  • edited February 2015

    Dunno if a link for a DL has been put up yet, but here it is if you want it for your phone or iPod or whatever. http://www.mediafire.com/download/4huoao9dyd58dlu/The+Ballad+of+the+Forresters.rar

  • Pfft, yes you do. :P

    Crips posted: »

    Yeah, Telltale usually managed to pull off very emotional scenes around the end of the seasons, yet now they did this in Episode 2. I sincerely don't want to know what happens in Episode 6...

  • Was the full version of that played in the beginning of Episode 1? I remember the lyrics and the catchy tune, but I don't remember that entire song being in there.

    ArthurV posted: »

    The Trout in the Towers *Music: Jared Emerson Johnson Lyrics: Arthur von Nagel* The trout, the trout, the trout in the towers, T

  • Well, George RR Martin said Westeros is based off of a realistic world, where happy endings don't always come true. And the sad thing is that he hit it spot on imo.

    It really makes me sad how the world of GoT is. Pretty much everything sucks. lol

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    We recorded the whole thing but I don't think the second half is audible in-game. That scene wasn't really about the song. More for ambiance. :-)

    Was the full version of that played in the beginning of Episode 1? I remember the lyrics and the catchy tune, but I don't remember that entire song being in there.

  • I started to fully cry, when Lady Forrester cried

  • she was really sexy, Im glad that i made the marriage happen

    Bullio posted: »

    Not to mention Elaena was hawwwt

  • Finished it today...Still crying...

  • edited February 2015

    That is the saddest ending i have heard of yet :'(

    My eyes got a little wet at the beginning of the episode when I realized I couldn't play it

  • I like to make funny comments to myself when playing these games and think out-loud on how things are going, but when that funeral scene began I shut the fuck up. Good stuff Telltale good stuff.

  • Wow, that's amazing.

    ArthurV posted: »

    This is an interesting point. When I was working on the lyrics, I considered having more Gregor in there but decided Talia's connection with

  • I got all weepy too. I had to lay back and just listen to keep myself from blubbering all over everything.

  • That was a pretty good song by the end I felt like Roddy looked. Whitehills are dead.

    Alt text

  • i havent played this game at all but how long was the 1st ep and this one now??

  • Oh, I hope so. I can't stand that Lord Whitehill. I promised I was going to kill that guy even before they had Roderick say it.

    That was a pretty good song by the end I felt like Roddy looked. Whitehills are dead.

  • edited February 2015

    Both are roughly 2 hours. I also recommend this game, its very good so far.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    i havent played this game at all but how long was the 1st ep and this one now??

  • I just can't get that facial expression off my mind. It is just so determined and badass.

    That was a pretty good song by the end I felt like Roddy looked. Whitehills are dead.

  • I didn't really think much to the funeral scene. The speeches were good and the song was fitting, but the broken animation kinda killed it for me.

  • Also all the characters stand in ragdoll pose at one point when Rodrik is burning their remains xD.

    Revec posted: »

    I didn't really think much to the funeral scene. The speeches were good and the song was fitting, but the broken animation kinda killed it for me.

  • The end of chapter 1 got me heartbreaken, but the funeral and Talias'song... damm, got something in the eyes...

    Our only hope is Rodrick's stare, someone is going to pay! I know Ramsay Boolton destiny will be in the books, but the Whitehills... oh, I can see Rodrick and Asher like the Punisher in a mafia's dinner.

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, the way they all just start bowing their heads was pretty poorly done too. It looked like the same jerky animation cycle for every character :)

    Jayroen posted: »

    Also all the characters stand in ragdoll pose at one point when Rodrik is burning their remains xD.

  • I think part of the reason they managed to make it so emotional is because most of us already saw the show or read the book and are already very emotional about what happened in Westeros.

    I agree, that scene was surprisingly poignant for it only having been the second episode. Usually, the more emotional moments in a Telltale

  • It just felt pedantic and silly to me. Then again, I've never been one for emotional stuff. I only like it if I care about the character, and we haven't had much time to truly care about the Forrester's yet. Emotional stuff can be done well, like Jesse at the end of Breaking Bad. But that was because the audience had seen how much he's gone through.

    I'm hoping by the end of the season, there will be at least one character that we truly feel sad for. The ending of ep2 just felt contrived for me. Not to blame telltale, they haven't had enough time to make us care about the characters yet.

  • That's just opinion, really. Only two episodes in and I care about the Forresters deeply and I thought Telltale did a wonderful job of expressing the situation of the House with this scene which only made me care about them more.

    Mariana238 posted: »

    It just felt pedantic and silly to me. Then again, I've never been one for emotional stuff. I only like it if I care about the character, an

  • edited February 2015

    I honestly dont see any of the Forrester's as particularly likeable. They're not bad or evil per say, just bland.

    What is it that makes you care about them? Honestly wondering, no offence

    That's just opinion, really. Only two episodes in and I care about the Forresters deeply and I thought Telltale did a wonderful job of expressing the situation of the House with this scene which only made me care about them more.

  • I feel bad for their dilemma and hate the situation they were put in, and it also helps I overall just like their characteristics and personalities in general.

    Mariana238 posted: »

    I honestly dont see any of the Forrester's as particularly likeable. They're not bad or evil per say, just bland. What is it that makes you care about them? Honestly wondering, no offence

  • nice. TT you set the bar. now we wait for borderlands

    Both are roughly 2 hours. I also recommend this game, its very good so far.

  • Deadlines to make and that sort of thing, they are getting sloppy. Didn't really bother me though the episode was good.

    Revec posted: »

    Yeah, the way they all just start bowing their heads was pretty poorly done too. It looked like the same jerky animation cycle for every character

  • I personally find them very relateable. They are not a major player in the game. They are a lesser house. Their actions affects no one but themselves. They are just a family who is trying to survive their current troubles.

    Mariana238 posted: »

    I honestly dont see any of the Forrester's as particularly likeable. They're not bad or evil per say, just bland. What is it that makes you care about them? Honestly wondering, no offence

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