Am I the only one who disliked last nights episode?

I have looked at the reviews and some say it's the best in years. Let me just say, that as a film maker, last nights episode was cringe worthy. My dad and I watched it, and really didn't like it. And I understood the whole artistic angle, it felt out of place. Your telling me that you can't here a walker creep up behind you Ty?? I was almost happy he died so I didn't need to listen to his unreasonable humanity. Why didn't he check the house when he clearly heard walkers. It was horribly directed, horribly shot, and looked like a David Cage game on steroids. And in the words of my film teacher, Filter Abuse!! Why wasn't Maggie a huge part of this episode??!! She just lost her sister. There should have been a moment between her and Carl where she talks about a good time she had with Beth and how Carl needs to keep Judith safe. The characters don't laugh, they don't show emotion, and doing my math homework is more fun. No, I'm not even kidding........ Seriously. Remember in No Going Back where they sat around the campfire and made jokes, talked, and enjoyed life just for a few hours. There hasn't been anything like that in the show. I really miss Darabont. This show is really making me bored, and if Rick had died over Ty last night, I wouldn't have shed a tear.......


  • Eh... it was alright. It was definitely not the best in years.

  • edited February 2015

    I thought it was a great episode, but of course everyone is entitled to their opinions. You can definitely tell Scott Gimple (the writer of the episode and current showrunner) was trying and experimenting in this episode, and I thought it worked. It was slow at times, but I thought the direction and the writing were really great when it came to Tyreese and the hallucinations he was having. Seeing some old characters come back like The Governor, Beth, Bob, Liza, Mika, and Martin were great as well. And it continues to show that things continue to get worse for the group when they are already at their lowest point. The prison was lost, they were almost eaten by cannibals, Beth was shot, and now Tyreese is gone. But now the group, at its lowest point, needs to figure out a way to keep going and persevere, because things are only going to get worse.

    Also, Glenn, lose the bat, I'm seeing a dark future for him if he continues to hold onto it.

  • Overall, Glenn's scenes were interesting and Tyreese' hallucinations of the girls and the governor was good to watch. Other than that I found his death a bit cheap, Noah annoys the hell out of me, and Michonne acting so concerned about the future didn't suit her.

    I found it average.

  • I wouldn't call it the best in years, that's over rated but I liked it, and I loved the Governor hallucination but I'm just surprised that they killed off a character right after Beth.

  • yeah, Michonne's new outlook seems very out of character

    scraplust posted: »

    Overall, Glenn's scenes were interesting and Tyreese' hallucinations of the girls and the governor was good to watch. Other than that I foun

  • I loved this episode. It was very interesting and unpredictable. Plus I loved the hallucinations.

  • edited February 2015

    Your telling me that you can't here a walker creep up behind you Ty??

    Walkers are a bit selective when they want to make noise. Hey, even the game did it a few times. Hell, Lee getting bitten was a textbook example of "walker popping out of nowhere after hiding from view somehow". I have to assume it was a lurker, since otherwise it makes zero sense.

    And that's also how I've often explained these instances. If "lurkers" even exist at all, then who's to say that some walkers can't be fairly sneaky? Much like Lee, how the death was handled was more important than what caused it.

    and looked like a David Cage game on steroids

    Not sure what that means, nor would I really be inclined to think it's a bad thing. See, the thing about David Cage games is they look pretty damn good. It's just that the writing is typically made out of suck, fail, and lose, and for someone who's trying to prove he's a great storyteller, that's the most crucial (and missing, in this case) ingredient.

    Why didn't he check the house when he clearly heard walkers.

    He did check, and he saw the walker behind a door. It's just that it somehow got out. That was the only real weak point of the episode for me. I might be inclined to believe the door wasn't shut all the way, but something tells me when I rewatch it it's going to look pretty damn shut. Much as I like the show, they have a lot of problems with consistency in the direction and visual setups.

    Why wasn't Maggie a huge part of this episode??!! She just lost her sister.

    Because they told this story first to have a depressing and shocking opener for the second half. Cutting to Maggie periodically would have screwed up the flow. She has more of a presence in the next episode.

    The characters don't laugh, they don't show emotion

    Yes, they do. I direct you to the scene in 5x02 where they're having dinner and sharing laughs. But these moments are meant to be few and far between. To expect them to have happy moments at this point in time is a little silly. They've just suffered a loss and have lost their initial plan of chasing a cure. There is no hope or direction for them right now.

  • It was good, but I still really wish Tyresse didnt die :(

  • It was one of my favorite episodes so far.

  • Wasn't a big fan. Drawn out, not all that interesting, and didn't show much other than one guy dying. It was stupid how he got bit, stupid how he didn't even try to cut it off, and the entire hour was just watching him sweat under a table and watching dead people tell him how it is or isn't "better." Not engaging and hardly the best episode in years.

  • I thought it was pretty lame. I liked the first three episodes this season but I am losing interest now.

  • Gotta agree with those reviews. I thought it was beautifully constructed.

  • Was far from a favorite episode, but it was cool seeing the flashback's. I've never read the comic's but I've seen a few images with Glenn and the bat.. I was thinking, "oh shit Glenn don't take the bat", and while if that happen's it's kinda spoiled for me, I hope they do it justice on the show.

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