Is this real?


Hey everybody i just got on youtube and i found something really interresting. It was a discussion in the comment section of a video about the ending of season 2. Some people were replying to each other and 1 of them said that she played the season 3 demo. At first sight i wouldnt believe that but when she started commenting more i believed her more and more. Im still so confused if this is real or not because it looks so realistic.
this is the discussion im not putting any names in it.

her: i played the season 3 demo clementine is who we play and she is 15 now :D
random guy: no it cant be , there is not even a trailer about this season
her:I played it because my friend from school's dad is friends with someone who works with telltale and sent him a demo you can see if you can find it but even if ya don't I played the first episode whether you believe me or not :)
random guy: bllshit!
her: Nope the truth. :) ya will see when season 3 comes out
random guy:Can u at least tell us where is the demo or when does it come out on youtube
another random guy: nope he cant because hes a liar
her:First of all,I'm a girl. o_e. And I can't show you the demo cuz my friend is the one that has it and I'll have to ask him if its on a website or not.
another random guy:Guys why does no one think of this you are probably gonna play as christa from when you got separated from Clem to see her side of the story
another random guy:Maybe because christa is presumed dead?
her:Because Christa got shot from the scavengers from season 2!
me: you made me think so much O.o. Your probably lying but your second reply just sounded so realistic! like you werent lying. Im confused :( 
her: I promise i did it.
random guy:Is just a attention h
re just ignore her
her: if I'm an attention wh**e you are a plain f*******
her: Oh and BTW learn to spell
random guy:Maybe we will play as kenny, christa or clementine if u made the alone ending. I mean What's the point of playing as clementine when You're in Wellington. It will be boring because there will be no walkers
her: if you went to Wellington the zombies invade.
random guy: you don't even need a brain to know that how else are they gonna make it fun?
her: You really want me to spoil it?
random guy: Yes
her: Mmk Kenny dies on the first episode cause Bonnie gets a new crew and this guy named Brian shoots him threw the head. What else you wanna know?
random guy: Everything-

her:I'm not gonna tell you everything dude I'm not trying to get a fine. You can wait. And why is it such a big deal if I have played it or not gosh I just stated that I played it which I did then I get a bunch of hate comments for it? 

Im not surprised if she was just messing with people but this just sounds so realistic to me.
Discussion started :D


  • srry thats its a little hard to read the discussion from those people on youtube. This is my first thread.

  • edited February 2015

    There has been No News on Season 3 and I doubt they've even started making it yet, That person could have a Theory about Season 3 but there's no way they could have played a "Demo".

  • Lol, no. Telltale probably just started the game development. Or maybe they don't even know what season 3 is going to be about.

  • edited February 2015

    her: i played the season 3 demo


  • ok well i kinda hope it isnt true what she is saying because i dont want to skip skip 4 years. I would like to see a 13 years old clementine.

  • my friend from school's dad is friends with someone who works with telltale

    This is the giveaway line that disproves it.

  • edited February 2015

    Clem can´t even be 15. That goes beyond the comic timeline.

    ok well i kinda hope it isnt true what she is saying because i dont want to skip skip 4 years. I would like to see a 13 years old clementine.

  • No, it's impossible because they are still on the early stages of development. Most likely, people who claim otherwise are just seeking attention or trying to make some kind of joke. I personally believe that we'll have more news on season 3 this summer maybe towards end of august or september. If they already had a demo prepared so early, I'd be seriously questioning their commitment to the game and worried about its quality!

  • ...

    Realistic, you say?

  • her:I played it because my friend from school's dad is friends with someone who works with telltale and sent him a demo

    Lol if I had a dollar for every time someone says something like this, I would be in a mansion right now.

  • How Bonnie can have got a new crew? she is determinant

  • edited February 2015

    clementine is who we play and she is 15 now

    that right there is the indicator that it is fake the oldest she can be is 13 cause of the comics plus there is no news on season 3 so yet full of shit

  • Why is this even being discussed. It is complete and utter bullshit. Telltale are far too busy with their other games right now. Some people just try to get attention in such annoying ways

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