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  • I'm down for the cause! Where do I sign up?

  • Except I think Disney's in charge of it now...? :/

  • Hey, Doublefine got Grim Fandango's rights. There's always hope.

    And lots of posts about wanting a sequel.

    Artisa posted: »

    Except I think Disney's in charge of it now...?

  • Brings back memories of the times when there was so much speculation about the possibility of a Monkey Island 5, and petition signing, and April Fools jokes etc etc etc haha.

    Hey, Doublefine got Grim Fandango's rights. There's always hope. And lots of posts about wanting a sequel.

  • Yeah I am down for this!

  • Yes more MI must be done bad telltale for putting walking dead first!

  • This is a no brainer or maybe it is?! I know TTG is on a modern fanbase kick of games (TWD, WAU, Game of Thrones, Borderlands) but lets not let down your original adventure game base followers. LucasArts (Lucasfilms) and Sierra opened that Pandora's Box of fun for savvy graphic point & click/parser adventurers, at least for me this was true. We helped fuel the adventure game industry by buying pretty much each and every installment produced and soaked up the genius that was Adventure gaming back in the 90's. Heck, if it wasn't for our original interests for TOMI and Sam & Max, would you have the funds to obtain these other licenses?

    To me personally, Monkey Island is your style of gaming no matter how fancy you dress it up with decision based selections (not to diminish Maniac Mansion/Zak McKraken). Even in those heart wrenching moments of TWD, you have a hint of that same humor. Keep producing these games everyone wants, not just the games everyone wants now. And keep in mind, nothing lasts forever...We were with you when TOMI was launched to make your mark and will stand with you if the franchise takes a dive, but only if you listen to us.

    Enough said...where do I sign?

  • I always and still do wish that they would add another seaon of monkey island.

  • They should hire somehow Ron Gilbert and make Monkey Island 3a or 'Monkey Island: The Secret Revealed Or Your Money Back'. That's the only way to keep this saga alive. Otherwise, it's dead since CMI.

  • I loved every last bit of ToMI because the idea of it being a spin-off separated from the narrative of the first 4 games really gave room for the new and interesting things Telltale explored. Here's the thing though: with Dave Grossman and Mike Stemmle leaving the company I don't really see a new season happening.

    I'm sure however that getting the license is not the issue, especially now that Double Fine is getting Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentalce re-released. Ever since the Walking Dead Telltale only made games that were critically well received and financially successful so handing over the MI license to them should be a no brainer for Disney. I think the lack of a Season 2 actually has something to do with Telltale simply not wanting to make another game that has elements from the classic adventure game mechanics. I don't know what happened but after Sam & Max Season 3 and Back to the Future it looks like they totally quit the job of "keeping the classic Lucasarts alive", one of the cornerstones of their initial business mindset.

    Maybe their last adventure titles did not sell that well? Maybe they don't want to "derail" MI further by shaping it their way out of respect for Ron Gilbert? Maybe with Dave Grossman's and Mike Stemmle's departure there is simply no one left at Telltale who is interested in MI? I don't know the answers but when I think about the important factors I don't see a bright future ahead of Monkey Island:

    • Disney could of course do a new game but they don't have the staff that could pull it off and also they have the quite similar Pirates of the Caribbean franchise so they will never do it.
    • Double Fine has its hands full with Grim Fandango, DoTT and maybe Full Throttle in the near future. If the re-releases will be successful they may want to make a sequel to one of those games instead of doing anything with MI, also I think Tim Schafer doesn't wanto revisit MI, he's gone past it and I'm sure he thinks of it as the brainchild of Ron Gilbert.
    • Dave Grossman seems to be out of traditional gaming media for good, he's at Reactive Studios now working on voice controlled games.
    • Ron Gilbert would of course love to make a new MI but he wants to do it his way: he wishes to create a new direct sequel to MI2 and he wants to own the IP - that last bit will never happen.

    So at this point I think that ToMI was the last time we'd seen Guybrush back in action and the tale of Monkey Island seems to be simply over. Sad thing indeed.

  • Just wanted to add another "yes please" to this thread.

    I've not purchased a new Telltale game since Jurassic Park was so disappointing. Unfortunately games like Walking Dead are going to make them more money so it may be unlikely to go back to this series as much as I would love it.

  • One of the best point and click series of all time.

  • God I miss this game...

  • I think at this stage, despite how much I enjoyed TOMI, if there was to be a sequel it shouldn't be a TellTale game.
    It's pretty clear that they have moved on from point & click, and I don't really want QTEs in my Monkey Island, thanks. Monkey Kombat II, anyone?
    So for me, it's a "no" to a TTG sequel at this time.

    I'm sure the guys at Double Fine would collaborate with Ron Gilbert again (and maybe even Dave Grossman?) and deliver another worthy addition to the canon.

  • This is what ron gilbert has to say. I realy enjoy his writing style. Click here

  • Waiting......just like I did last time :(

  • WE must get another monkey island! It's been far too long we have to do something!

  • Shame this was almost 2 years ago and it's the most recent thing we've heard in regards to a new monkey island. The real thing holding us back here is the rights

    This is what ron gilbert has to say. I realy enjoy his writing style. Click here

  • As much as I adore MI, part of me kinda hopes they don't do another. I couldn't bear to see my all time favourite game series be completely ruined by a dragged out story. Tales of.. was ok, but not anywhere near as good as the oldies. If it was to go back to the old days in style of MI 1 and 2 and Ron Gilbert was on board then I might feel a bit more inclined to say an almighty hell yeah to it.

  • He is working on a "new classic", as he calls it, called timblewood(or thimblewoood) it looks good! old skool graphics and fully manual scripted it promises to be a good old fashioned point and click.

    Shame this was almost 2 years ago and it's the most recent thing we've heard in regards to a new monkey island. The real thing holding us back here is the rights

  • TOMI was not canon read what gilbert has to say

    I think at this stage, despite how much I enjoyed TOMI, if there was to be a sequel it shouldn't be a TellTale game. It's pretty clear that

  • And to that I say that there is a very real possibility that Ron Gilbert might just create another MI true to the originals as stated in his blog. To be honest, even if Telltale took to it and created another MI I would bet it would stay true to the essence of MI and would be a still captivating story.

    Yes Tales may have had some faults, but it was unique none the less. Nostalgia will always favor the classics.

    And as far as dragging out the story, I'd say MI doesn't necessarily have to be a long story of this one guy ect ect. Rather, MI is a collection of adventures.

    Althought I'm with you in that I hope they don't soil the franchise by creating a sub-par MI due to drawn out or redundant scenarios, the potential has always been there from the very first sequal. And yet at the same time the potential to make a brilliant MI that tops them all is still relevant only if they decide to make another.

    As much as I adore MI, part of me kinda hopes they don't do another. I couldn't bear to see my all time favourite game series be completely

  • Oh yeah i did see that. Looks a bit raw but might turn out to be impressive. I'm not much for that old school look (reminds me of a flash game) but I bet it should deliver.

    He is working on a "new classic", as he calls it, called timblewood(or thimblewoood) it looks good! old skool graphics and fully manual scripted it promises to be a good old fashioned point and click.

  • Spoiler

    I didn't even know Grossman left Telltale- I've bought their more recent games on Steam (Wolf Among Us and WD S2). Haven't checked out GoT or Borderlands yet. But this is the first time I've lurked on the forms since ToMI. It's kinda sad that ToMI is the last entry, because in some ways it was even more disappointing than MI4 (nothing will ever top the frustrations of Monkey Combat, though. God, what were they thinking...). I dunno. I just didn't like the small locales and the reused character models. Rise of the Pirate God was probably the best episode overall, and also the most epic LeChuck show down yet.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I finished the game yesterday and i thought it was a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind seeing another game.

  • 5 years since I last logged in. Thought about MI and thought I'd share my sadness :(

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Dang, sorry to hear.

    5 years since I last logged in. Thought about MI and thought I'd share my sadness

  • pleeeease make another

  • TOMI is part of the official Monkey Island canon and Ron Gilbert actually participated to it's creation. Ron has only stated that Curse, Escape and Tales don't exist in his personal Monkey Island universe and he would like to make an alternative version called Monkey Island 3a.

    TOMI was not canon read what gilbert has to say

  • edited April 2015

    Like people already mentioned, TTG doesn't have rights to make a sequel to Tales of Monkey Island. And even if they had I don't know if it would be in their priority right now. They have moved from traditional adventure games to games which are more like interactive movies. Besides I don't know if Monkey Island would work in Telltale's new format.

    There's always the possibility that someone else could make the sequel, but I'm wondering who owns the rights for the new characters like Morgan and Winslow. If Telltale has rights to these characters then other companies probably can't use them.

    In any case I'll hope that we will see a new Monkey Island game(s) and I would be fine with any of these alternatives: Tales 2, new Monkey Island game which isn't a direct sequel to Tales, or Monkey Island 3a.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Judging from Van Winslow's appearance in the Poker Night series, it would seem that Telltale owns the rights to at least that character. I'm not sure if the same holds true for Morgan LeFlay, as she has never appeared outside of the Tales of Monkey Island games (her model appeared in Make a Scene with Telltale at PAX 2010, so it's possible Telltale owns the rights to her as well, although this was at a time when Telltale probably still had the rights to make Monkey Island games, since it was only a year after Tales of Monkey Island came out).

    Like people already mentioned, TTG doesn't have rights to make a sequel to Tales of Monkey Island. And even if they had I don't know if it w

  • Hell yeah dojo! I wouldn't mind seeing a few more current members back here.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I finished the game yesterday and i thought it was a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind seeing another game.

  • I'm up for it. I want to know where this new plot twist takes us.

  • Please god no. I want Monkey Island 6 as bad as anyone else, but please don't let Telltale touch it again. They'll butcher it with a bunch of awful QTEs, "choices" and braindead gameplay.

  • If they would make Monkey Island -game, they wouldn't make it The Walking Dead clone. But they won't do it, for the same reasons why they abandoned King's Quest.

    Please god no. I want Monkey Island 6 as bad as anyone else, but please don't let Telltale touch it again. They'll butcher it with a bunch of awful QTEs, "choices" and braindead gameplay.

  • They really just need to get to it already.

    I prefer the classic, 2D art style, but you know telltale...


  • Just to add my voice to the echo chamber. Long time since I logged in here, but listening to some Michael Land today prompted me to pop in and extend greetings to my fellow expectant three-headed monkey lovers.

    Monkey Island fans are nothing if not patient, and revivalism and nostalgia are currently the mots du jour in entertainment. Don't dwell on it, but don't lose hope, either, as someone is bound to pick this up for another romp "somewhere in the Caribbean" somewhere along the line.

    That said, I wouldn't mind if Telltale were the ones to do it. I really enjoyed their bold approach and the deeper narrative of TOMI.

    They really just need to get to it already. I prefer the classic, 2D art style, but you know telltale... MORE MONKEY ISLAND PLEASE!

  • edited July 2015

    Well here's my 2 cents,
    I'd love for another Monkey Island just as much as the next guy.
    But please get Ron, Tim, Dave or whoever just not Telltale (or Daedalic).

    Also ya know, Disney is letting Double Fine make Day of the Tentacle Remastered, so maybe there is hope of another Monkey Island.

  • Alt text

    We are developing a like MonkeyIsland game:

    Gayway is now live on Kickstarter!
    ..its destiny now is in the hands of gamers!

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