What's the thing that if Telltale does you'll stop playing...

Well I see lots of people "threatening" telltale to not do this or that or else they will quit playing, so what is the things that if telltale does will make you quit playing?



  • If they kill Clem, or not make her the protagonist, i'm done.

  • Well if the story becomes uninteresting for a while. Let's say if I don't like 3 or 4 episodes in a row. Though even then I'm still not sure if I'd stop playing.

  • I think the single thing that would make me stop playing is if Kenny came back from the dead.

    Obviously that won't happen, but that's about the only thing that'll make me stop playing.

    Oh, and if they make Clem have a rape storyline. Just no.

  • In relation to the Walking Dead? Not really sure, I figure if the writing just seems like complete BS to me at least.

    In relation to all of Telltale Games? When they stop making games that pique my interest I figure.

  • That's a little dramatic. I wouldn't ever want to see her die either but the Clem as PC thing is kinda yeah

    GiantKiller posted: »

    If they kill Clem, or not make her the protagonist, i'm done.

  • Oh, and if they make Clem have a rape storyline. Just no.

    Honestly, I could imagine them doing that.....I hope they don't go down that road.......

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think the single thing that would make me stop playing is if Kenny came back from the dead. Obviously that won't happen, but that's about the only thing that'll make me stop playing. Oh, and if they make Clem have a rape storyline. Just no.

  • if they have Tommy Wiseau voice acting........

  • There's no way. They would get wayyyyy to much shit for that.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Oh, and if they make Clem have a rape storyline. Just no. Honestly, I could imagine them doing that.....I hope they don't go down that road.......

  • edited February 2015

    Lee coming back, that would be utter bullshit and would ruin the perfect ending to S1. Oh, and Clementine being raped or tortured, dear God that would ruin the entire game for me.

    1. If they do anything horrible to Clem worse than death

    2. If they actually kill her.

    3. If they kill anybody stupidly, like on a fence, or on a deck, or in a lake...oh wait =_=

  • They still haven't done one and two at least, and I pray they don't do number one especially. I could handle Clem dying (I would be an emotional wreck for the next few weeks, but if they were to make another TWD game, I'd play it) but if they were to do something like torture or rape, I'm done.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    * If they do anything horrible to Clem worse than death * If they actually kill her. * If they kill anybody stupidly, like on a fence, or on a deck, or in a lake...oh wait =_=

  • Yeah well, that's how I feel. I don't want to start over with someone new, nor would I be interested in playing as someone who's been in the game already. I started playing this game because of her, and wouldn't be interested in anyone else's story.

    Clemenem posted: »

    That's a little dramatic. I wouldn't ever want to see her die either but the Clem as PC thing is kinda yeah

  • Get characters from the TV show. That would suck

  • You do realize her story can still be told through the eyes of someone else with her as the main focus

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Yeah well, that's how I feel. I don't want to start over with someone new, nor would I be interested in playing as someone who's been in the game already. I started playing this game because of her, and wouldn't be interested in anyone else's story.

  • edited February 2015
    • If they make a character rape Clem, I'm done

    • If they kill AJ by getting eaten alive or what Martin was about to do to Judith

    • If someone else pulled a Kenny

  • both games being a certain characters dream.
    ( I hated Clems dream sequence fake out) in S2 but I can forgive it) But if I see Lee,Clem, or Kenny wake up im putting the controller down!

  • Pulled a Kenny? That could mean many things

    * If they make a character rape Clem, I'm done * If they kill AJ by getting eaten alive or what Martin was about to do to Judith * If someone else pulled a Kenny

  • Spoiler

    When he survived that herd

    Clemenem posted: »

    Pulled a Kenny? That could mean many things

  • Not interested.

    Clemenem posted: »

    You do realize her story can still be told through the eyes of someone else with her as the main focus

  • Make a Minecraft ga--


  • How was that a fake-out? I never understood how people thought that meant Season Two was just a dream. You were Lee in the first season for one, not Clem. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Telltale's intent into making people think it was actually reality for a second but I knew from the get-go that was a dream.

    Heck that was actually my favourite scene of the entire season. It calmed me down and made me think before I decided not to shoot Kenny. If it wasn't for that Lee dream sequence I would've likely shot him. He made me remember that people you care about do stupid things, but shouldn't be brutally punished for doing the right thing. Heck Lee himself is a prime example of that.

    both games being a certain characters dream. ( I hated Clems dream sequence fake out) in S2 but I can forgive it) But if I see Lee,Clem, or Kenny wake up im putting the controller down!

  • You mean when he pulled a Tyreese

  • Our endings not mattering

  • If the same stupid bullshit happens like in S2 I'm done. Oh and if Clem is not the playable character then I'm never playing it.

  • I could at least imagine them having someone attempting to rape Clem but gets cut off.... Please, Don't Telltale

    There's no way. They would get wayyyyy to much shit for that.

  • edited February 2015

    Im honestly considering not playing season 3.

    Had a lot of problems with season 2, its actually the thing that has made me lose faith in this series:
    (First 2 episodes of season 2 were amazing. After that the plot hit the gutter.)

    -Carver appeared to be more complex than the governor or Negan in the first two episodes but turned out to be more flat than both of them combined. Episode 3 carver has absolutely no character creativity put into him. Caver becomes just your generic villain. This turned my stomach by how much TTG soured his potential.

    -The set up of the prison cell in episode 3 of S2 should of been scraped and remade. The rope leading out of the cell was an obvious escape flaw that the antagonist would of picked up on. The writer/desiger pretty much made every antagonist at Carver's camp dumb.

    All around characters seemed really dim this season. After the wind turbine incident in episode 2 S2.

    -Episode 4's S2 ending. the Russian's were way to close in shooting range to miss every shot and not even kill or score a direct hit on a single person in the group.

    -The choice of picking between Jane or Sarah in ep4 S2 not even mattering at all. Sure it was to cater to the ending of the season but still it compromised the game showing that your choices really don't matter making everything on rails for the sake of story.

    -Nick pretty much becoming a shell not saying a word even after you save him. I know determinate characters are bound to die but at least give us a dialogue reward full of feels for saving them.

    -I did like the multiple endings to season 2 but I really don't see how TTG will pick up Clem's story in the next season without the use of the "magical coincidence fairy" so that all the endings pick up on the same plot. If TTG can open up next season without to much of a coincidence tying all the endings together in a creative way I may play the next season.

  • If they jump the shark, skin the shark, cook the shark, and eat the shark for dinner.

  • basically this:
    Jane lasts longer than kenny in S3

    DONE, id be sick of telltale games right then and there

  • "the cabin group"

    you mean Luke?

    Lee4ever posted: »

    Im honestly considering not playing season 3. Had a lot of problems with season 2, its actually the thing that has made me lose faith in

  • I'm not gonna lie i have always threatened that if they did kill Clementine I would stop playing in general, but that's not the case at all.

    If they made a completely new character but Clem was still in the game but she died, and they made her death so sad and depressing but memorable. I would continue playing because of that, because they made the death amazing, that is the only time I wouldn continue to play TWD without Clementine.

    I would stop playing completely if they discard Clem in season 3 and don't mention her in anything, that would piss me off a lot and I would probably stop playing TWD in general, maybe play season 1 and 2 again sometimes but I wouldn't play without Clem without knowing what had happened to her.

  • Plot Twist: Clementine turns into the villain and you get to kill her.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Not interested.

  • What if Clementine died in the last episode just like that scientist guy from World War Z? Now that was a dumb death

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    * If they do anything horrible to Clem worse than death * If they actually kill her. * If they kill anybody stupidly, like on a fence, or on a deck, or in a lake...oh wait =_=

  • I hate these endings where everything was just a dream, or someone was actually in a coma, or everyone is in hell or something like that.

    Too bad these kinds of things usually happen in the very last episode of a series, so you can't even stop watching

    both games being a certain characters dream. ( I hated Clems dream sequence fake out) in S2 but I can forgive it) But if I see Lee,Clem, or Kenny wake up im putting the controller down!

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text

    SanQae posted: »

    Plot Twist: Clementine turns into the villain and you get to kill her.

  • I think it would provide a new darkness to the TWD if Clem's life came that close to danger. Its what happens in a world like that. I wouldn't want to see her ever be on mortal danger but at the same time would love a brutal, gritty side to TWD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I could at least imagine them having someone attempting to rape Clem but gets cut off.... Please, Don't Telltale

  • It would be somewhat heartbreaking for me also, but Clem started as an unknown person who didn't mean anything to anybody too, and we grew to love her, maybe you'll like the new PC if you give it a shot ?

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Yeah well, that's how I feel. I don't want to start over with someone new, nor would I be interested in playing as someone who's been in the game already. I started playing this game because of her, and wouldn't be interested in anyone else's story.

  • Doubt it. Clem's story is everything to me in this game. I really want to see what kind of adult we can mold her into. I want to see who her new post-apocalyptic family will be. I want to see how she's gonna deal, in this world that only gets worse as time passes. I want to know her regrets, her dreams, her compassion, her tenacity, her "versatility". Like i've said before, Clem is a really good character, and her canon has intensified, with her relatively being responsible for AJ. (I say relatively because of the different views many players have regarding AJ. Also, if you're with Kenny, I'd guess that he'd be doing most of the heavy lifting. But for me, I'm with Jane, who is weird about babies, which is understandable. So it's up to MyClem, an 11 year old girl, to look after this walker dinner bell. Which I, and seemingly MyClementine, take seriously.) Having either Kenny, or Jane, or Christa, or whoever become pc would only delay her story. And having someone completely new would make no sense, imo. I mean where does it end. Every 2 seasons we get a clean slate? Boo!

    naik posted: »

    It would be somewhat heartbreaking for me also, but Clem started as an unknown person who didn't mean anything to anybody too, and we grew to love her, maybe you'll like the new PC if you give it a shot ?

  • I would immediately stop playing if Clem just bled out fell on the ground and died. Or her having a meaningless death that had no point and was for nothing more than a tear jerker. Plz, Telltale don't do dis to meh.

  • What's the thing that if Telltale does you'll stop playing...

    If they stop making TWD games. it's really all I play of thiers.

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