The ideal Walking Dead episode!

Post your opinion of an ideal Walking Dead episode, include episode time and other things.


  • an episode where determinate characters do shit

  • edited February 2015

    Where a bunch of adults don't lose their braincells and decide to walk across a frozen lake in a ZA for fun =_= and nobody dies stupid for it.

  • 24 hours long.

    Celebrity Voice Acting. Kevin Spacey please.

    No one dies.




    Save-Lots Bandits.





    Rock music.

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    24 hours long. Celebrity Voice Acting. Kevin Spacey please. No one dies. Kenny. Larry. Omid. Save-Lots Bandits. Nate. Lee. Eddie. Carver. Rock music.

  • 3-4 hour episodes, they're way too short. We have to wait 2 months (Sometimes more) Just to play a 1-2 hour episode.

  • edited February 2015

    2 hour long episode, drama, happy and funny times,hubs,tragedy,difficult choices, simple puzzles, scary scenes, and a intense cliffhanger.

  • edited February 2015

    10 minutes long, Clementine gains the ability to breathe fire. She destroys all the walkers and eats pizza with Pete (of course she finds a cure and revives him) then Clem and Pete set out on a journey to rebuild civilization. Pete lives eternally of course and and gives Clem that ability as well, so they live forever and ever. Also they create a law that pepperoni is the only pizza topping to ever exist.

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    Green613 posted: »

    10 minutes long, Clementine gains the ability to breathe fire. She destroys all the walkers and eats pizza with Pete (of course she finds a

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