Since you mentioned where they live, I don't think I've ever said where I live at all. XD I should consider doing so in the future.
I guess not, but you and I know how people are usually busy in life and don't have time to normally do these things. Especially if it's inconvenient for them or something.
It's a bad thing cuz everything gets released a day later in England than in America :P
Well I know Pie and JJ are in California, Tetra is in North Carolina, EMMY is in New Jersey and me/Lupine both live in England...
Is there really a medium?
10:30 PM; downtown Fabletown. Remembrance Day celebration
Gren could not recall the last time he danced in anything formal. He was pleasently surprised to see Emily take the lead, guide him to the rectangle shapped dance floor and begin to Ballroom Dance. The band played a gentle, soothing tune; Violins, Pianos and Harps played softly against the tapping and clicking of shoes. Gren and Emily danced counter clock-wise in a line with the other couples.
Emily's dress spun around her hips, as the couple attempted the Fox Trot and various other methods of Ballroom dancing. Gren's right hand firmly pressed along Emily's narrow waist. His left clutched her hand tightly, held high and resistant. Emily's sable hair rotated with every turn and move she took. Gren's eyes were locked on the gorgeous woman before him; with each step and movement the couple took, Gren followed Emily's every step until the music came to an end and the room was filled with clapping.
Behind the pair, Gren noticed Georgie and Lyla; the two were known strictly for their ability to perform the Tango like no other Fable couple could ever do. Although not much for dancing, Gren also noticed Bigby and Snow in the middle; Katie and Jersey were not too far, even Mayor Charming, a stricking blonde woman in his arms, took up the challenge of formal dancing.
After the session of congragulations and cheering were complete, Emily and Gren returned to their tables. She withdrew her purse from beneath the table, applied a touch of powder to her nose and closed the compartment. Gren took this opportunity to replenish his sudden parched throat. Reaching across the table, he grabs a cool glass of water, briskly chugs the water and sighs.
"Tired, love?" Emily beams. "Neva' danced like that before?"
Gren continues to pant. "Its been....been awhile since I've moved like that at least."
"Ya' did good. Not bad fa' a Swamp creature incapable of doin' the simplest of tasks."
Gren rolled his eyes. Emily playfully kissed his cheek, grabs her plate and stands up. Gren could not help but study Emily's body. The light blue dress was fitting to her body. Emily's breasts peeked just enough over the top portion of her dress. The fabric hugged her curves perfectly, the long legs she inherited from her father's side showing just enough skin. Gren had never felt more attracted to Emily then the last year he'd been with her. From the moment they passionatly connected in his apartment, the instant he found out her pregnancy, to the time the two shared a brief period of dancing.
"Woot love?" Gren looked up to find a grinning Emily. "Woot are ya' lookin' at?"
"You." His answer caused Emily to blush. "Fuck, you look wonderful..."
"Oh stop, Gren." Emily touches her face. "Look at me. Feel like a bloody fool. Ya' want anything from the buffet table?"
Gren ponders before answering. "Yeah. See if they have anymore of those soft shelled Crabs."
Planting a kiss on Gren's forehead, Emily takes her plate and carefully walks over to the table. Katie takes notice of her sister and follows; Mary observes the two ladies walking towards the food and procceds to follow. Jersey and Junior take a moment to collect their plates and join Gren. Even Georgie, now juggling multiple plates full of food, combine with the three men enjoying a drink from their Champagne glasses.
"Some party, eh fellas?" Jersey holds his glass up. "I'm so fuckin' getting that slice of the kingdom."
Georgie cuts into his Pork loin. "How much did me Katherine ask fa' THIS year?"
"We bought about twenty tickets."
"Shit, Jersey." Junior bites into a piece of Broccoli. "That's over one hundred dollars...."
"So?" Jersey cocks an eyebrow. "What my Katie wants, Katie gets. And besides. I saw YOU over there, mister big spender."
"Please." Junior wipes his mouth. "Mary and I, believe it or not, were donating simply for charity. Mayor Charming uses that money and gives back to the community. She's hoping this year it could go for some better education. George is going to second grade this year."
Gren agrees. "The programs they have are not TOO bad."
"She refuses to enroll him with mundies. I don't blame her. Since his birthday two months ago, George has developed some of her powers. He freaks the fuck out and loses all sense to control it."
Georgie appears concerned, now facing his son. "The fook ya' mean powers? Like, jumpin' through the mirrors or-"
"No." Junior leans in, as to avoid prying ears. "Like the twin girls have the ability to use fire? When ever George gets EALLY mad, he turns into, well, what Mary used to. Glass sticking out, blood dripping from both eyes and nose. His eyes turn a soild black and when he extends his fingers, can throw little shards of glass. Sharpest little motherfuckers I've ever felt."
Gren adjusts in his seat, to get a better hearing. "When did you figure this out?"
"How else-his sister." Junior chuckles. "Sheila is ALWAYS testing her limits with George. Guess it took her by surprise when he did it. I hear her scream and next thing I know, she's in the corner, head covered and her brother towering over. All she did was call him a wimp...George just had enough, I suppose."
Jersey huffs. "Ah, relax there, Porgie. So what? Kid loses his fuckin' temper and goes after anyone. Just like his mother did before ya' took her powers. It's his way of fucking protecting himself and making a statement."
Junior scowls at Jersey. "So, if one of your girls did something dangerous like that-"
Jersey nearly spits up his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me?! The girls are ALWAYS fighting with one another! For fucks sake, they have both mine AND Katie's temper. Yes, she's a delicate Rose but she's got some sharp ass thorns on there!"
"Oh Junior, stop. Ya' kids used ta' fight all the fookin' time-especially YOU and Katie. She used ta' bug the bloody shit outta ya'! I used ta' stop it every chance I got but I quickly learned you kids needed ta' learn how ta' deal with ya' own god damn issues. I'd only stop it, if YOU called Mary or Katie called Jersey."
"Damn." Gren scratches his chin. "That's some hardcore shit, Junior. No wonder your kids are doing it."
"Hey, hey, hey-HEY!" Junior points in Gren's direction. "DON'T even! YOU used to help Emily with her battles, too."
Gren could remember a time when Emily would call him up, tears in her eyes and a distraught tone in her voice, to come over and 'kick her brother or sister's arse.' Gren used to find this humorous until he arrived and found Emily nearly tearing into her sister. Junior learned fairly quickly not to mess with Emily.
"I did..."
"See?" Jersey extends his hand out. "See, Junior? Just have a talk with the kid. TRUST me-ya' have to let them learn on their own. I agree with Georgie over there. You and Katie MAY have called us or summoned...whatever YOU two call it...but we eventually allowed you guys to fight it out. Now, when blood or broken bones were involved....well...."
"Fa' fook's sake, Jersey. Make it sound like it was a fookin' Roman Gladiator scene in me damn living room."
Gren laughs. "It will be when mine are old enough, especially Seraphina and Liam. Grendels tend to be a bit more aggressive."
"Say, how are those little munchines doing, Grendel?" Jersey pats Gren's shoulder. "Hear they are growing like fucking weeds."
"Oh yeah. Thankfully we have that big home now. More room."
"Congrats on the job, too. Hear your will be working beside Peter and Ethan."
"Oh yeah." Georgie wipes his mouth. "I heard 'bout that. Emily was toolkin' 'bout it with her mum the other night."
"Thanks you guys. I was a bit worried there about the employment. I mean, I was getting some from my unemployment but that was drying out and fast. This way, the bills are taken care of and Emily does not have to work as much now..."
Junior snorts. "You're not going to get MY sister to play Betty Crocker. It just won't happen."
"No..." Gren played with his napkin. "But she does not have to work all those hours now. More time with the babies."
"SPEAKING of babies-" Jersey elbows Gren's arm. "-Anymore from you two?"
Gren had not thought about the idea of producing more children. He never expected the four he had waiting for him. After the birth of the quads, Gren's desires to create more with Emily grew with each passing day. It was natural instincts, yes but the concept of producing another life with Emily; the woman he desired, loved and worshipped becoming a mother again with another baby. To watch them all grow and become wonderful additions to Fabletown. It crossed his mind almost every day. But Gren knew nothing of Emily's thoughts in regards to more children.
"Eh, maybe..." Gren digs the front of the fork into his Steak. "I mean, you never know. Maybe when the quads are older."
Jersey chuckles. "Yeah, that's what me and Katie said, too. Not even four months later-BAM!-pregnant with the second litter. Those girls were born and it repeats again. THIS time, five months later."
"Yeah..." Georgie drinks from his glass. "Ya' two don't know the meaning of WAITING."
"Not my fault." Jersey laughs. "And besides, YOU didn't wait."
"The fook ya' talkin' 'bout? We waited awhile before havin' the twin boys. The quads were, woot, four...almost five when Peter and Ethan were born."
"True." Junior points his fork at Jersey. "Me and Mary waited two years before having Sheila."
Gren nods. "Two years sounds good."
Jersey sighs. "I'm saying in, umm.....six months, Emily will be knocked up with that powerful Grendel baby gravy."
"That's me fookin' daughter ya' talkin' bout, Jersey."
Katie, Emily, Lyla and Mary return to a table of rowdy men. Gren laughs hysterically, while Junior and Georgie have the apperance of sudden sickness. Jersey notices the group of gawking women. He nudges the men around the table.
"What is so funny, boys?" Lyla places a plate of food before Georgie. "Did we miss the joke?"
"Uhh, yeah. You ladies missed the punch line."
"What was it?" Mary hands Junior his plate. "Can we hear the joke or-"
Gren answers for Jersey. "It was about Penis, butter and a drumline. You ladies wouldn't want to-"
"Oh God, love!" Emily covers her mouth. "Ya' boys are sick when ya' get together."
"And you're surprised?" Katie sits beside Jersey. "Bunch of children when you all get together."
Gren stares at his watch; he wanted to ask before the night ended. Gren sits up and takes Emily's hand.
"Come with me."
"Gren, where are we-"
"Hurry. I have a surprise for you." As the couple walks away, Gren looks back. "We'll be back-just, give us a minute."
As they leave the building, Jersey laughs. "She's going to get pregnant right now. Watch."
Kicking Jersey under the table, Katie begins to eat her Roasted Duck. "Oops. Shoe slipped."
Gren and Emily pause beneath the glowing moonlight. The noise of the city could be heard all around. It incased the couple; the flickering lights appeared like Christmas lights in a heavy fog on a Winter's night. Gren counted to ten; the nerves began to show, as his hands trembled and sweat formed along his brow and creases in his face.
Emily rubs her hands. "So, woot did ya' want ta' show me?"
Now was the time. Gren exhaled, dug into his pocket and held the little velvet box. He took Emily's right hand and held it tight.
"I love you, Emily Caitlynn Porgie."
"I love you, Grendel....ya' know that."
"I do." Gren pauses to collect his thoughts. "You have been a huge, important piece in my life. Not just on a sexual connection-but as a friend and a person that never judged me. Never took my kindness for granted. Was always there when I came over to fix a leaky sink or clogged bathtub or broken toilet. A smile. Every fucking time I showed up-even on your bad days-you had a radiant smile."
Emily again begins to blush. "Gren..."
Gren falls on one knee. Gasping, Emily is lost for words.
"I have died inside of my soul, for centuries, since the day I arrived to this fucking shit town from the Homelands. I've been lied to, cheated, abused and tossed around like a wet sack of garbage. My hearts been crushed, my spirit spat on and my world turned around. But I waited, Emily...waited for the day when my soul would find that one other adrift person that would take my hand, guide me into the light and swear it would all be okay."
"Grendel..." Emily gasps, as Gren digs into his pocket. "Gren..."
Gren pulls out the box, opens and shows Emily the ring inside.
"It's not much. But it is enough to show this world just how much you mean to me. Emily, you were always that adrift soul that would take my hand. You did. I see now the true beauty that this fucking world has to offer. You've loved me, even on my darkest days. My ugliest. You've given me four, beautiful babies. You, Emily...Emily Porgie..."
Emily, now in tears, falls to the ground before Gren. "Yes...."
"Will you continue to take my hand, as not only the mother of my children but as my wife?"
"Yes..." Emily holds out her hand. "Yes, Gren....Yes...."
Slipping the ring onto her finger, Emily and Gren embrace one another. The stars as their witness, the heavens as their final stamp on their love. Emily kissed Gren passionatly, her fingers entwined and locked against his hair.
"I love you, Gren."
"I love you more, Emily. Thank you."
"For woot, love?" Emily wipes away a tear.
"For saving me....."
As the clock struck midnight, Emily and Gren made it official. They were now engaged to be one.
Always and forever.
Any questions, you know the drill. Looks like Holly and Peter are not the only two prepared to be married.
I'll probably do that; I noticed they replay the seasons AND the last episode. I'm going to need to and fast; from what everyone is telling me, it was extreme and very sad.
Don't kill him just yet, pie. We may need him for further ideas in the future. XP
Alright...I'll let JJ live....for now.... >:D -plays CSI opening song-
Don't kill him just yet, pie. We may need him for further ideas in the future. XP
If I'm correct, AMC should play the old TWD episode bef… moreore the new episode airs every Sunday evening. So if you're not busy during that particular time, you should be able to watch it.
Since you mentioned where they live, I don't think I've ever said where I live at all. XD I should consider doing so in the future.
I gue… moress not, but you and I know how people are usually busy in life and don't have time to normally do these things. Especially if it's inconvenient for them or something.
Actually, forums for their old games ARE still available to look at on the site. It's just those forums are not on the front community page anymore for everyone to click on.
You know I just thought of something:
TellTale don't have specific forums for their old games like Back to The Future, Sam & Max etc.… more because they aren't making those games anymore.
But if TWAU doesn't get renewed for another Season or a DLC and TellTale abandons it, does that mean that this forum will be closed?
All the stories, all the conversations.... What do you think? :O
Actually, forums for their old games ARE still available to look at on the site. It's just those forums are not on the front community page anymore for everyone to click on.
Well since everyone is posting selfies I thought why not !
*Also was thinking of doing some twau costplay someday could u tell me which one would suit me best . I was thinking Nerissa, but not sure though
Well since everyone is posting selfies I thought why not !
*Also was thinking of doing some twau costplay someday could u tell me which one would suit me best . I was thinking Nerissa, but not sure though
Arrow and Flash are definitely worth watch if you enjoy supero heroes.
The first season was off with a good start, introducing some of DC comic characters(some were Batman villians) and eventually working it way to a killer season finale. Then season two opens introducing Deathstroke, The Canary, Red Arrow, Suicide Squad and MORE. And on its third season, Ra's Al Ghul steps out of the shadows with the league of assassinassassinates.
The Flash, is straight out of a comic. I almost consider it even better than Arrow, but I can't because I like both equally. I enjoyed The Flash and Arrow team up they did. Show is full of action and superpowers.
I'm doing the same thing like you, but with Gotham instead. I've only seen one episode of it randomly on tv and that's pretty much it. I sho… moreuld consider watching The Flash and Arrow series too, although, there are too many shows to try and watch these days (especially on Netflix), it's insane!
I'm about to go quote happy on your butt, Pie! I loved this chapter and you'll see why! Brace yourself....
He was pleasently surprised to see Emily take the lead, guide him to the rectangle shapped dance floor and begin to Ballroom Dance.
I have enjoyed seeing Emily Porgie change and blossom into the young woman we read and see in your stories. I can still remember (like most of us who have read your story) when Emily was the owner of the Pudding n' Pie; screaming at dancers, getting into fights, rude as hell, drunk all the time and doing drugs in the bathroom. Felicia was never any help. Reading thatcsection alone makes my heart soar high. Because of her change, Emily has become one of my favorite Porgies. I love seeing this side of her.
Gren noticed Georgie and Lyla; the two were known strictly for their ability to perform the Tango like no other Fable couple
Georgie and Lyla, despite their issues in the past, have become a very strong couple, as far as bonding and connection goes. I can see Georgie and his wife doing the Tango and being a wonderful sight to see.
The next section I enjoyed is too long to quote. Gren studying Emily and describing her beauty was wonderful to read. You can truly read and see how much he loves this woman.
Even Georgie, now juggling multiple plates full of food
This made me laugh so hard; I THINK the picture I got is what did it. Seeing him struggle to take ALL that food to the table. Not to mention Junior, Jersey Georgie AND Gren at one table. Can we say T-R-O-U-B-L-E? XD
"So?" Jersey cocks an eyebrow. "What my Katie wants, Katie gets
Makes whip cracking noise Damn, Katie. I bow to you for keeping the Jersey Devil on a leash for this long. You go, girl! I loved how he makes it seem like twenty tickets AND over one hundred dollars spent is nothing. XD
Its neat to hear about Junior and Mary's family too. They have six, right? Correct me. I'm PRETTY sure its six children they have....So, George has the same powers Junior has and mary once possesed? That is pretty neat. Except for the part where Sheila felt the need to egg him on, so to speak. She'll learn. Just like the others said....she'll learn.
"SPEAKING of babies-" Jersey elbows Gren's arm. "-Anymore from you two?"
Yeah, that's what me and Katie said, too. Not even four months later-BAM!-pregnant with the second litter. Those girls were born and it repeats again. THIS time, five months later."
XD XD I always forget they never seperated the times she and Jersey, ahem....conceived their daughters. XD I'm finding this to be very humerous. Not the idea of Katie having all the babies but that Katie HAD babies with Jersey. The idea of those two going at it.....0.o' LOL
Jersey sighs. "I'm saying in, umm.....six months, Emily will be knocked up with that powerful Grendel baby gravy."
Oh what the...EWWW, Jersey! XD XD
Can we hear the joke or-"
Gren answers for Jersey. "It was about Penis, butter and a drumline.
-Claps- Oh man. If I EVER heard someone say this to me. XD Only Gren, though. Got to give his props for avoiding the question.
As they leave the building, Jersey laughs. "She's going to get pregnant right now. Watch."
This so seems like a Jersey thing he'd say; I heard his voice, too, as I read that line. I just love how you've given them such personalitites!!!!
Gren falls on one knee. Gasping, Emily is lost for words.
And so did JJWolf....:D
Gren pulls out the box, opens and shows Emily the ring inside.
OMG....say yes! Say YES!!! <------What I said while reading this!
"Will you continue to take my hand, as not only the mother of my children but as my wife?"
AWWWW Gren! You big lug, you!!! He's so flippin' ADORABLE with Emily!!!
"I love you more, Emily. Thank you."
"For woot, love?" Emily wipes away a tear.
"For saving me....."
I just got diabetes from this. Fuck, man. Excuse my language bu OMG, Pie! The feels!!!
PLEASE!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE draw something with their wedding. DON'T rush. I KNOW you are busy! But I can't even....I LOVED this so much, Pie! I can't wait for more!!!
Sorry again for all the quotes but I couldn't help it!!!!!!
10:30 PM; downtown Fabletown. Remembrance Day celebration
Gren could not recall the last time he danced in anything formal. He was please… morently surprised to see Emily take the lead, guide him to the rectangle shapped dance floor and begin to Ballroom Dance. The band played a gentle, soothing tune; Violins, Pianos and Harps played softly against the tapping and clicking of shoes. Gren and Emily danced counter clock-wise in a line with the other couples.
Emily's dress spun around her hips, as the couple attempted the Fox Trot and various other methods of Ballroom dancing. Gren's right hand firmly pressed along Emily's narrow waist. His left clutched her hand tightly, held high and resistant. Emily's sable hair rotated with every turn and move she took. Gren's eyes were locked on the gorgeous woman before him; with each step and movement the couple took, Gren followed Emily's every step until the music came to an end and the room was filled … [view original content]
Hello guys, well, I guess most of you know me already. I've been avoiding this thread for a long time, coming here only to read some stories… more in my free time Well, I've decided to give it a try and wrote a first chapter of my fiction Criticise it as much as you want.
Also, English isn't my first language, so sorry in advance for any mistakes I'll make
Deep in his own thoughts, sheriff Bigby Wolf was in his apartment. He stood near the window, looking down to the street, seeing nothing. A cheap cigarette was burning in his hand, and from time to time Bigby inhaled the smoke to calm his nerves. The dark was setting in New York, but Bigby couldn’t sleep. He heard a party going on in the main hall of Woodlands, but he didn’t join them, even though he was the hero of Fabletown this evening. He ended Crooked Man’s reign, he stopped the corruption and terror, the king is down, now all he needs to do is finish all the pawns and tie… [view original content]
I have to agree with what Pie and Noir said. You have indeed taken John and Nancy and made their characters quite clear in your stories. I know in his stories, Rose never met the Smiths. In mine, yes, so you were right in that department. I was going to ask about Fayde, seeing as she is a ghost and injured in the back seat. Was wondering HOW that happens but you clarrified with Noir. much trouble in the back seat of the car.
John losing it with Harmony was fun to see, simply because he's normally calm in Pie's stories. And Nancy pretty much rolling a newspaper up and swatting him on the head. (As one would do to a dog that disobeyed.) XD Plus, how she's making this HUGE ass (pardon the language) dinner for the guests. So Nancy Smith.
Rose and the girls! DAWWWW! Diabetes right there! I love seeing that side to Rose. T man is a lucky Dragon to have such a kind spirit. Now, he just needs to worry about the one in the car, waiting on Swineheart.
I'm looking forward to more. Sorry took so long to catch up. All these selfies and what not. XD
Chapter 8, Part 1: Sudden Blame
"Get away from me!"
Fayde had her arms tightly wrapped around the girl, to prevent her from doing any … morekicking, punching, or escaping. "Just tell me where I am!" Harmony still attempted to wiggle out of her grasp. "It's all simple, really!"
"Please," Fayde tried to reason more. "I don't wish to hurt you, I-"
BOOM! A gunshot rang from outside the vehicle.
"Get the hell away from my niece, NOW!" Rose opened the car door, having her pistol aimed at Fayde's head the entire way. Fayde let go of the scared girl, for she had no choice in the matter.
Harmony scooted out of the car and practically ran towards Rose's safety, while tears started to form in her eyes.
Rose pulled her close to hug her tight. "Are you okay, Harmony? Did she hurt you in any way?"
"Her face," Harmony began to sob. "Her face was, was, was-"
Rose holstered her gun, and let Harm bury her face into her shoulder to cry. "It… [view original content]
I know what this story is...and I'm looking forward. Please, don't worry about me; that is the point of fan fic. If no one will accept, read… more without judging or take it seriously, than its not for them. This is YOUR story, not mine.
Glad to see you'll be posting it.
"Sir what are we doing out of the tower?" Luna asked
"I'm getting a feeling that Bigby is here. I'd like to meet him" Luke said with a grin.
They entered a forest in front of them where they were greeted with the sun getting blocked by the trees. Luke could barely see, Luna had to be his eyes because the only thing he could sense was Bigbys scent.
"Keep a look out for The Adversaries men and anything else who might harm us." Luke said
"Understood." Luna said
They walked through the forest, Luna and Luke were talking about whether they should engage the adversary before Makoto came but ended up deciding against it. The more they walked deeper into the forest it got harder for Luke to see but they were getting close to Bigbys scent. About thirty minutes later Luke started to hear a growl a little further.
"Bigbyyyy Whistles come on boy." He said
But Bigby didn't jump out, whatever it was bit his arm he rose in defense.
"Sir it seems you have a pup biting your arm, open fire?" Luna said preparing her guns.
"No its alright Luna" He said grabbing the pup by the back of the neck "C'mon you."
They walked out of the Forest together, Luke could finally see what the pup looked like, it seemed to be female no more than a child.
"Can you speak?" Luke asked
"Fuck you." She said
"Hmm interesting vocabulary for your age. How old are you?" He asked
"Wouldn't you like to know!" She growled
"So why do you have Bigbys scent?" Luke asked
"Bigby? Oh you mean the sheriff! He's my cousin." She said
"Well I can't exactly kill you now can I? How would you like to be trained to hunt properly instead of just running into a fight like an idiot?"
The pup thought it over, she barely knows this guy and he's offering her training? She didn't have any reason to say no. She has no idea what happened to her parents and she was an only child. "Sure why not." She said
Luke smirked and snapped his finger, and the pup began to turn human which was very painful for the pup as she began to cry.
"Ow, what was that for!?" She sniffed tears rolling down her eyes.
"Better to get this process over while you're young." He said "Now turn back."
It didn't take her long but she began to turn back into a pup. "Excellent now let's get you home." Luke said
A year and a half later
"C'mon Catherine you're going to have to be quicker than that in your human form now!" Luke said
It took her a while but she learned to walk and use her human body.
"Ugh you're such a pain!!! I just started learning to run!" Catherine yelled trying to pick up the pace.
"Alright, alright that's enough for now." Luke laughed "Do you know what today is?"
"No what?" She asked
"It's your birthday and I've got a present for you." He said holding out a gift. "But to get it you can't change to a wolf." He said
"You're a goddamn asshole you know that?" Catherine said trying to open the gift. When she got it open she held a harp in her hands. "A harp? What the hell am I going to do with this?" She looked puzzled
"It's not just a harp Catherine, it's also a weapon." He said
As she held the harp it began to shape shift, the began to come apart. The strings wrapped around her arm, the wood began to transform into a silver sword with a hilt with the strings attached to the bottom of the hilt.
"No way....this is awesome!" She said
"Today is also the day you move out. Remember when I told you about the day I'd need you to run?" Luke said
"What!? I do remember but why now?" Catherine asked
"Things are about to get hectic and I'd rather you not get involved you deserve to have a life of your own. One day I'll come find you, and we'll celebrate again alright?" Luke said
"This is stupid, why can't I stay and fight?" She began to tear up
"Because my son will more than likely stop at nothing to see me dead." He said
They argued for a while. For some reason Catherine brought out a bit of humanity in Luke.
"Look you can leave now or I'll have Luna throw you out!" Luke raised his voice which he doesn't do normally.
She didn't have much she had the armor and casual clothes she used when she was in her human form and the harp, she put her casual clothes in a bag Luke got her and left without saying a word. When she left Luke began to cry, he had gotten attached to a child that wasn't even his, was it because he didn't raise his own son? He didn't know....
fourteen years later...
Catherine was running through the homelands. After that year the homelands got brighter and more happy even with the adversary there, but that didn't mean there wasn't darkness crawling around corners. Catherine became a mercenary when she wanted to but mostly liked to live in the woods of the homelands. She could transform into a wolf when she needed to while preserving her armor that she made from animals and put steel where she needed to be protected the most, otherwise she would be weighed down by it and she hated moving slow it was too tedious and it annoyed her. She learned to not only play the harp but she could use the weapon side of the harp quite well...
One day she sat in a tree playing her harp, it was where she first met Luke and Luna, who she hasn't seen in who knows how long. She started to get hungry so she decided to go out for food. She traveled for about an hour and climbed up a waterfall to find a dragon and it's eggs. She pondered how she'd get away with all the eggs. She came up with the decision that she would stay human and charge the dragon eggs. She ran at a full sprint scooping up most of the eggs in her bag and ran. The dragon woke up in a fury and chased after Catherine. She pulled out her harp and made it transform, when it was fully transformed she threw the blade to a nearby tree and pulled herself towards the tree. She ran into the deep forest losing the dragon. Time passed and she started to cook the two out of the three dragon eggs. While she ate the dragon eggs she heard a cracking sound, she looked over to see that one of the eggs had hatched. She looked at it and wondered if she should kill it. But decided against the matter and decided to raise the dragon, it could make a powerful ally when she needed it....
Six years later...
Catherine was doing maintenance on her armor while she heard Mikhail outside laughing. She walked outside to see him playing in the mud, she shook her head and smiled, he was an idiot but she loved him. She returned back into her cabin she built the year Mikhail was born. They had lived in seclusion for the past six years, villagers didn't take kindly to a woman with a baby dragon on her shoulder. The villagers would try and kill Mikhail if she ever stepped into a village with him.
"Catherine C'mon out and play too!" Mikhail laughed
"I'm not rolling around in some goddamn mud Mikhail but I'll play hide and go seek with you later!" Catherine yelled out to him
"No way! Awesome!" He said
She wondered when he would become a full fledged dragon. Maybe she was rushing him growing up, she should enjoy this. Time began to pass and Mikhail had began to get ready for bed.
"Hey Catherine? What happened to my family?" Mikhail asked
She hated this question, it ate at her like death was slowly peek around her shoulder and whisper "Answer wrong and I'll take you home to hell."
"I told you I'll tell you when you're a lot older." She said
"Okay...that's alright though Catherine you're the best mother anyways, I love you." Mikhail said yawning and putting his head down and closing his eyes.
When he said those words she ran inside instantly she felt great happiness but she was also sad because she had taken away his family. She cried into her pillow till she fell asleep. She woke up to Mikhail in pain and a bunch of noises in her yard. She ran outside to find that a mob of villagers had attacked Mikhail while he slept. She transformed into a wolf and went outside, she was about two feet shorter than Bigby but was more agile because of it. She let out a howl louder than thunder, scaring off the villagers. She ran over to Mikhail who looked to be mortally wounded.
"Oh no...please hey Mikhail you're going to be okay alright? Hey look at me you goddamn idiot, don't you even think about dying please I'll do and give anything to keep you alive just please stay with me!!!" She sobbed
Mikhails eyes began to wonder. "I'm sorry Catherine I...."
The homelands had magic strewn around it and seemed to have heard Catherine's call. A light circle went around them, Catherine sensed a great pain in her throat and her chest. When the light vanished Mikhails wounds were healed. He stood up.
"Catherine!" He ran giving her a hug. He was a little taller than her in her wolf form.
Catherine tried to speak but couldn't. No matter what she would try and say nothing would come out. What the hell? She thought
"Woah Catherine are you inside my head?" Mikhail asked
No dumb ass I'm right here. She thought to what she would think to be herself.
"We'll nice to know you're okay Catherine!" Mikhail said with excitement.
Looks like we'll need to move to Fabletown after all... Catherine thought.
"Yeah are they nice there?" Mikhail asked
We'll have to see I've only been there when I was younger.... She thought packing up her valuables in her home, and lit the house on fire when she left.
That's it! This was supposed to be really short as I'm wicked tired and am in a lot of pain but the more I wrote the more I was really enjoying writing the new OC and her development. Of course I'll delve into extreme details of the between years later on when I actually get to this actual part. Also dragon if this is too long I can cut some of it out and fix it accordingly into two parts! And if anyone has comments or questions let me know!
Fayde is actually inside the house now, after Rose, Harmony, and Nancy agreed to bring her in. Plus, Fayde's injuries were minor compared to Tez's, so Rose didn't bother getting Swineheart at the time for her. Sorry if it didn't seem clear in my writing when you read it.
Swineheart is long gone too, I know I didn't go into detail about his departure last chapter but he left after he examined the dragon. :P More will be explained in next chapter, especially at the dinner table.
Not a problem. Totally understandable, glad you read it either way. XP
I have to agree with what Pie and Noir said. You have indeed taken John and Nancy and made their characters quite clear in your stories. I … moreknow in his stories, Rose never met the Smiths. In mine, yes, so you were right in that department. I was going to ask about Fayde, seeing as she is a ghost and injured in the back seat. Was wondering HOW that happens but you clarrified with Noir. much trouble in the back seat of the car.
John losing it with Harmony was fun to see, simply because he's normally calm in Pie's stories. And Nancy pretty much rolling a newspaper up and swatting him on the head. (As one would do to a dog that disobeyed.) XD Plus, how she's making this HUGE ass (pardon the language) dinner for the guests. So Nancy Smith.
Rose and the girls! DAWWWW! Diabetes right there! I love seeing that side to Rose. T man is a lucky Dragon to have such a kind spirit. Now, he just needs to worry about the one in the car, wait… [view original content]
I've seen the pictures already, but damn, that pic of Emily and Gren - cuteness to the extreme! And even if you started drawing the rest of your Fables like that, I wouldn't mind. XD
Been catching up on your recent chaps, by the way!
Nick did his best to elude a dancing Peter in his black boxers, doing his best 'raise the roof' impressions while buttoning up his shirt. In… more the other room, Ethan was completing the finishing touches to his suit. He modeled a typical black suit only this time, the color was a very light pink, shoes were black and hair neatly combed back; he held it in place, thanks to the many years of observing Gren ritually do this every morning.
Peter jumped over his bed, snatched up his pants and continued to dance. Nearly being struck by his massive hand, Nick dodges the near fatal blow (or, a painful one at that) glides near the window and sits against the edge. Peter buttons up his pants and begins the daunting task of picking a tie.
"Just PICK one that matches." Nick sighs. "It's not THAT hard, Peter...."
"Hush." Peter dances in place. "I need one that screams 'I'm the Sheriff and damn I look good.' How 'bout this one?"
Peter holds up a da… [view original content]
@pudding_pie I still adore Gremily and support them till the bitter end. But now, its time for my tale to take a twist. Why? Because I'mJJwo… morelf. And its what I do best.
I hope you all enjoy the road Robert will be taking. But its not just him....Gren is coming along, with a very unexpected individual Robert is not too keen on....
~Chapter one~
One month after the Crooked Man inccident
The town remained in a bussle for days after the trial. Word spread like wild fire and soon, everyone was catching wind. Funerals were held; the dead laid to rest, the community took time to mourn and as sick as it sounds, life moved on. Robert was not around for the trials. He was not much for the law and to be honest, Bigby Wolf, too.
He and the man had various ways of handling this town. It took a loan shark, his goons, a disclosed underground blackmarket scam spewing illegal glamours like they were out of style and dead hookers before the offi… [view original content]
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of intro… moreducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
Thank you! She is a very elegant person so I thought that pose went well with her! I wish I could draw her dragon on her shoulder but that's a drawing experience for down the line XD
Thank you! She is a very elegant person so I thought that pose went well with her! I wish I could draw her dragon on her shoulder but that's a drawing experience for down the line XD
F you, thesis essay. I need a break. :P
It was one in the morning when Georgie awoke in a sweat stricken panic. He clawed at … morethe sheets, grasping them in between his fingers and clutching the material against his palms. The scar located above his belly button was broiling to the touch. It felt as if someone poured grease onto his skin. Georgie pants, falls to the side and tumbles off the bed. In agony, Georgie crawls towards the door.
He had that same dream again. The one that had haunted his very thoughts since returning to Fabletown. The first time it occured, Georgie swore it was all the nightmare; the Crooked Man, the imprisonment of the girls. The horrible deaths and the time he spent on the Farm. His eyes fluttered open and he was back in the club; music played in the back, flashing lights above the stage and various clients entertained by a topless dancer on stage.
He was back. Nothing terrible happened. But with e… [view original content]
His nightmares are like this until he and Lyla become one. THAT would drive me to insanity.....
AND your recent chap did give me the idea to finally have John lose his cool with Georgie; the idea of a male wolf losing his self control because his little girl is in pain and HE can't stop it. It's so John. He's been mad BEFORE but not like you portrayed him...and I LOVED it! >:D
Wow, that's quite a nightmare Georgie had to go through. Imagine it were actually a real thing, whew, bone-chilling stuff.
Did my previous chapter inspire you to write John into losing his cool with Georgie this time around? I'm wondering now. :P
Dexter is a great series
Fortitude has the main detective from The Killing (the actress at least) as the Governor.of the 700-strong community :P
There is a mix of nationalities this time around...
OOOH okay! I get it now! :P I tend to not quite understand what goes on; I try to go back and re-read it if I have the time but even then, I never get the message. XD Silly me....
Like the others have said, I look forward to more.
Fayde is actually inside the house now, after Rose, Harmony, and Nancy agreed to bring her in. Plus, Fayde's injuries were minor compared to… more Tez's, so Rose didn't bother getting Swineheart at the time for her. Sorry if it didn't seem clear in my writing when you read it.
Swineheart is long gone too, I know I didn't go into detail about his departure last chapter but he left after he examined the dragon. :P More will be explained in next chapter, especially at the dinner table.
Not a problem. Totally understandable, glad you read it either way. XP
Her outfit is quite unique, and her purple hair very striking! The bio you typed in reply to Hazza makes her a very strong character it many way! Catherine is a good name, whether or not you decide to go for it. Good job again, Tetra! And to your roommate, too. ;D
Since I'm literally bored out of my mind and have read all the stories posted so far I decided to draw the fable I've been thinking of intro… moreducing. Sorry if all the colors look mismatched and all I had a bunch of colors and I wanted to use them XD. Catherine has a question mark beside her name because for now it's a placeholder name I do like the name though. Also my roommate drew the green "scarf" XD
Hello! I have to agree with the others and say that you have a very nice smile. As for cosplay, you could certainly do Snow or Nerissa; in fact, if you felt like it, I think you would make a fine Blood Mary - in human form, of course!
Well since everyone is posting selfies I thought why not !
*Also was thinking of doing some twau costplay someday could u tell me which one would suit me best . I was thinking Nerissa, but not sure though
It's mostly leather with bits of silver armor where she needs protection the most Purple is my favorite color so I figured eh why not I believe I changed her a little bit with the chapter I wrote but more or less the same as in the bio I have decided to stick with Catherine (I really like the name for some reason) Thanks Lupine from the both of us XD
Her outfit is quite unique, and her purple hair very striking! The bio you typed in reply to Hazza makes her a very strong character it many… more way! Catherine is a good name, whether or not you decide to go for it. Good job again, Tetra! And to your roommate, too. ;D
Charlotte was sitting lazily on her dining room chair, pushing her peas across the plate. She was seven years old, and being the only child tended to mean that the only sort of conversation that went around the table was between her mother and her father. They normally talked about money and other stupid things, so she rarely had much to do during dinnertime.
Luckily, Scarlett would notice it. "Are you all finished?"
"Yes, mommy," Charlotte said. "Can I go over Gramma's house?"
"Eat one more scoop of peas, and then yes, you can go. Be careful though, if the portal is acting funny come get me and Daddy, okay?"
"Okay!" And Charlotte ran off, to her bedroom first, to retrieve her coloring book and some crayons, and her messenger bag filled with stuff she always carried with her. She darted down the hall from there, to the spare bedroom, where the enchanted portal stone was set up. It was something that was always there, something that was used very often for travel. It had a few main destinations programmed by her grandmother in it, all that lead to places in Fabletown, the Farm, or even Haven.
Charlotte grabbed hold of the rock, and closed her eyes. She opened them again to find herself in her grandparents' kitchen. It smelled like cookies, which was a good sign, because she was still starving even after dinner.
"Charlotte?" A voice called from in the living room. "Is that you?"
Is was her Aunt Jessa. Charlotte darted from the kitchen, a huge smile across her face. Jessamine was on the floor, wearing her favorite play-dress and leggings, and was pretending to feed her baby doll plastic baby food.
"I brought coloring books and crayons," Charlotte said, plopping on the floor. "Where is Adeline?"
"She's sick," Jessa said, with out much pity. "So my mom and dad are paying ALL of their attention to her. I don't even think they saw the picture I drew when I showed them."
"Oh," Charlotte said. "I'm sorry. Well, we can draw more pictures, if you want. And I'll look at them instead. Hey, we can have a contest!"
"Did I hear a contest?" Jason popped out from behind the couch, and climbed over, rolling across the pillows and falling on the floor. His messy dark hair hung in the way of his eyes, and he quickly sat up to push his bangs out of the way.
"We're having a drawing contest," Jessamine said. "How about boys versus girls!"
"No fair," Jason said. "Gabe sucks at drawing. Plus he's not even downstairs."
"I'll help you, buddy," Uncle Noah said, walking into the room. Charlotte was especially excited to see one of her older uncles, since they were way super cool and much nicer to her than Jason tended to be.
"Now THAT'S not fair!" Jessa pouted. "Noah knows how to draw WAY better than ALL of us!"
Noah chuckles. "It's alright, come on now."
Jessamine pouted, crossing her arms, her blond curls bobbing in the process. Charlotte ignored her, opening her crayon box and spilling the contents onto the carpet. She ripped a few blank pages out of the coloring book, and handed them out to everyone. Jessamine reluctantly took it, placing the paper on the coffee table and sitting up on her knees to draw comfortable. She made sure to take the pink crayon, her favorite color.
"Oh wait," Charlotte said. "We need someone to be a judge. And someone to pick what we have to draw."
"I will," A voice from the hall said. Charlotte turned her head to see her grandmother standing there, an empty food tray in her hands. "Just let me put this away and get the cookies out."
Charlotte smiled. Harmony came back into the room, sitting on the arm chair across the room. "Alright. I want you guys to draw.... A puppy."
Everyone raced to draw the best puppy. Jessamine's was cute, Jason's looked vicious, and Noah's look incredibly dull. So much for being dubbed the best of them all. Charlotte though, she had her blue crayon in hand very carefully. She imagined her own dog at home, Spot, with his white and black fur, and his scruffy face. He was a dalmatian. She scrawled it out on the paper, and it looked like a page out of a Disney story book.
"Oh, what!" Jason said, looking over. "Noah, you were supposed to be the best!"
Noah was laughing, his paper falling to the floor. "Just because I'm a grown-up doesn't mean I'm any better than you or Jessie, Jase."
Jessamine was ecstatic. "WE won! WE WON!" She shouted.
Harmony sighed. "Are you sure you need me as a judge?"
"Yes, Mommy," Jessamine said, matter-of-factly.
"Fine," Harmony said. "Girl, one. Boys, zero. Draw a tree."
Jessamine stuck her tongue out at Jason, who was fuming. Charlotte didn't much care for their sibling rivalry, as her hand gracefully swept over the page. She produced a fairly decent tree, but this time, she wasn't putting her normal amount of effort in it. She kind of wanted the boys to win, to satisfy both sides. She could have done better, but she was perfectly content with what she had.
"We win THIS time," Jason said ruefully. "My tree is better than both of yours. Also, Noah, I fire you."
"What?" Noah protested, half-smiling with his mouth agape. "But I tried my best!"
"And look how far it got us," Jason said, narrowing his eyes at his older brother. Charlotte giggled, as Noah pretended to be offended.
"Well, if THAT's how you feel," Noah said,"I guess I can just help myself to YOUR cookie."
"Oooooooh," Jessamine said.
Harmony stood, just as Jason was about to attack his brother. She held the boy back, saying, "Now now, children. Nobody is eating anybody else's cookie, okay? One per child. And you, Noah, are included."
Noah just smiled, pushing his way into the kitchen. Jessamine and Jason followed tautly behind, but Charlotte lingered, near Harmony.
Harmony patted Charlotte's head. Her black hair was the same shade as Charlotte's, but also had streaks of blue throughout it. Charlotte took hold of Harmony's hand as they slowly made their way across the livingroom.
"How was your day today?" Her grandmother asked, as she picked some of the toys off the ground.
"It was okay," Charlotte said. "My house is boring. Gramma Snow was sick like Adeline, so I had no school."
"Oh, what a shame," Harmony said. She bent down, looking at the pictures that Jessa and Jason made, and smiled. "So what did you do, then?"
Charlotte shrugged. "I don't know. I wish I had a sister and a brother at home."
Harmony crouched to her granddaughter's level. "I know, sweetie. And one day, you will. Your Mommy is my daughter, and if I know anything about her, it's that she adores you."
Charlotte hugged her grandma, and then hurried off to the kitchen, to grab a cookie.
Charlotte's eyes opened widely. She was lying across the wood floor.
"Ugh," She groaned. "I hate the travel back. Always takes a bite out of me." She sat up, rubbing her head. She opened her eyes, and was alarmed to feel something wet dripping out of her nose. She brought her fingers up to wipe it away....
Blood. That can't be good. I never happened before. She stood up, but was instantly dizzy, and had to steady herself on her desk. She looked in the mirror, and saw that it was trickling over her lips to her chin.
"Shit..." She whispered. She grabbed a tissue from the desk, stuffing them up her nose, as she headed for the dining room.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Her mother said, as soon as Charlotte sat at the table.
"Nose bleed, obviously," She said flatly. "What's for dinner?"
"Peas," Dad said, smiling smugly.
"I hate peas," Charlotte grumbled.
"Hey," Her mother said. "I asked you what happened?"
Charlotte rolled her eyes. "I tripped and hit my face on my desk. Didn't even realize my nose was bleeding until I looked in the mirror..."
"Oh," Scarlett said, plainly not entirely believing the story. "Well, I'm glad you made it to dinner on time tonight, because we have some exciting news."
Exciting news? The only things Charlotte's mother found exciting were new recipes and knitting circles. Or, at least, that's what Charlotte imagined her mother being in to. She picked her fork up, pushing her peas as far away from the rest of her food as humanly possible, and looked at both of her parents.
"We're pregnant!" Her Dad said.
"Well, I certainly hope you aren't," Charlotte said, in her father's direction. "But, um....congrats?"
Her mother's face went from happiness to slight disappointment. "Eh, that's it?"
Charlotte shrugged, stuffing mashed potatoes in her mouth. "What?"
"Well it's just-" Her mother started, but her father interjected.
"-You've always wanted a little brother or sister, right?"
"Right..." Charlotte said.
"Well, now you will!" He said.
"Dad," Charlotte sighed. "It's good and dandy, really. I'm happy for you guys. But I'm sixteen. I wanted a sister and brother my whole life, but at this point, what am I going to do? Play dolls or with cars all day with them? I would have, had you made this decision about 9 years ago."
Well, that certainly ruined the mood. Scarlett looked somewhat hurt by Charlotte's words, but refused to show it, for the most part. "Very well, then. Jackson, say grace for us?"
And they began to say their before-dinner prayers. Charlotte couldn't help but feel bad for her mom, in a way, because Scarlett was definitely expecting more out of her daughter. Charlotte was happy to know there will be another one, other than her, but she kind of wished that she was closer in age to that younger sibling.
At that moment, Charlotte's eyes seemed to have rolled into the back of her head. She began shaking uncontrollably, falling to the wooden floor before passing out completely. That last thing she heard was her mother's voice cry out at the sight.
Dun dun dun! Oh no, what's happening? You'll find out soon enough. I like going back and forth, from the past to the present It's kind of fun actually, and there's a lot I can do in regards to Charlotte's abilities. More soon ^-^
No work OR school today. Our town is having their yearly Farm show and pretty much the entire town is taking this time off. Been there a few times; not really a whole lot to see but the misses enjoys the exhibits and food, so I may take her and little Emily here in a bit. With that being said, I'll take this time to begin a new Fable tale. One that covers John and how he and Nancy became one. If it's well liked, I'll continue it. Been meaning to write a tad about their past, to get a better understanding to Lyla's folks. Also, an excuse to take a break from homework before my brain explodes into tiny chunks. XD
There was not much to see in Greenville. The small town with a population under thirty thousand was just like any small community here in the United States. They had their usual stores for picking up groceries, post office, annual functions; the school yard was directly down the road and everything was convenient. Every year the town got together for an enormous barbecue. The local Ranchers would round up three of their plumpest pigs, cook all day and night and serve the results the next day. People from all over the town and even outside the city limits, gathered around to eat vast flavors and styles of the pork. There was Apple picking, dancing in the Barn on old man Johnson's farm and a car show just for the enthusiast car owners to show off their new edition to the family.
Every Sunday, the bells from the local church rang into the heavens and announced their tunes of glory and salvation. Sunday dinners would take place; the women cooked, children played in the backyard and the men either watched the game or drank several Beers, telling tales of time's past. Like a song stuck on repeat, it would all play again come Monday morning. You would work the nine to five, make the money and return to a clean home, dinner cooked and children well behaved. Repeat, Repeat. Repeat.
Not everyone, however, in the town of Greenville remaind on 'repeat' and every so often, when no one was looking, play a different tune. One that was roaring, made a statement and caused the majority of heads to turn and stare.
Nancy Dupris, daughter of a Chemistry teacher and Beauty Pagent winner, was the young woman that played those loud tunes. Nancy was different. The town knew this and her parents were willing to allow their daughter 'time' to explore these desires but would eventually return to the wholesome life awaiting the young belle.
Her seventeenth birthday was in three days and she deperatly wished to see the city of New York. Avoiding the conversation, both her parents would ignore her request and plan THEIR surprise for their daughter. Even her older siblings felt her wish was preposterous and insufferable. Her older brother, Mike, declined to hear another word about the city; it was vile, disgusting and no place for a young woman of Nancy's class. Nancy's sister, who was the oldest of the three, was in college near South Carolina. Stacy refused to hear ANYTHING Nancy had to say, if it did not include the 'normal' topics for a conversation.
Nancy was a stunning young woman. At five feet, three inches tall, her features were very uncommon to the family tree, which made her more radiant than ever. Nancy's entire family had dark features; brown or black hair, green or brown eyes and their skin a slight toast color. Nancy, however, was born with a very light red hair, fair skin and blue eyes. Her grandmother on her father's side swore she was kissed by angels and granted the beauty unlike anything this world has seen. Nancy thought this to be silly and blamed genetics. Her father was Irish and mother was Dutch, Portuguese German. She blamed the Irish.
Either way, her mother did her best to place young Nancy in pagents. It was the thing to do, you see, in the town of Greenville. Around six, Nancy began to despise it all. Her dream summer days away from school demanded mud play, water balloon fights and fishing at the local creek.
"Why on earth, would you want to do THAT, Nancy darling?" Cheryl, Nancy's mother, made this a yearly routine, too. "Little ladies do NOT play in the mud like common Farm animals. You will sit here and watch mommy. One day, you'll use this when you are a mommy and taking care of your babies."
That was all Nancy was capable of, according to her ten times winning Beauty Pagent mother: staying home, baking pies, frying chicken, hosting parties and popping out babies. Nothing more. Oh-and looking your best ALL the time. That meant working out, avoiding anything high in fats, sugars or flour and ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear the finest clothes money could buy.
So, like a 'good' little girl should, Nancy would sit bake and watch her 'lessons' in life. One pound of Apples, mix with sugar, one egg and for that touch of spice, Nutmeg. Bake for one hour and ta-da. You had a delicious Pie for after dinner. Dinner lessons would soon follow. On repeat. Like the day before.
Not today, however. Nancy was determined to break those habits; they were not going to 'prepare' her for life after highschool. She'd take her life beyond the kitchen and creating babies for her husband. Nancy craved life outside her familiar Colonial style home she'd grown up in. Beyond the city limits of Greenville.
Nancy inhaled and embraced for the usual answers, too. Nancy grabs her book bag and heads down the stairs. She immediatly smells eggs frying, bacon crisping and hashbrowns nearing their completion. Her father's booming voice as he read the paper and her mother's morning humming. Nancy rolled her eyes. How boring.
"Morning, princess." Peering over his paper, Daniel waves at his daughter. "Guess who's having a birthday soon?"
"I guess that would be me." Nancy tries to smile. "Well, I'll be going now, so-"
"Well, wait, wait, wait!" Cheryl, wearing her pink heels, runs after Nancy. "Don't you wish to eat just a little bit? Mommy made you her special treat-"
Nancy already knew before her mother reaches for the plate. Fruit parfait for her and the greasy, heart clogging meal for the boys. How fair, Nancy thought, as her mother held the mushed up fruit.
"Here you go, baby. Mommy made this JUST for you."
"No thanks, mom. Tracy and I are getting something at school and-"
Cheryl gasps. "I HOPE you are not eating those fatty foods, Nancy! You know how mommy gets when-"
"Cheryl dear, that's enough." Daniel bites into his toast. "You promised you'd lay off about that..."
"I'm just making sure, dear. We don't want our beautiful baby turning into a little piggly wiggly, now do we?"
Nancy avoids her mother's hand slowly reaching to grab her cheek and pinch.
"Well, I'm late.....soooo, I have to go."
Daniel waves. "Have a good day at school, princess."
Honk honk! "Well, Tracy is here, so bye mom and-"
Cheryl kisses Nancy's cheek. "Oh my baby girl! You come home right away after school. I want to show you this-"
"I have....Volleyball practice. Remember mom?"
Cheryl huffs. "I don't know WHY you insisted of trying out for that messy sport. Why not Cheerleading or the knitting club? Home Economics was booked this year?"
'Jesus Christ,' thought Nancy, as she heads for the door. 'Not EVERY girl dreams of slaving over a hot stove and tending to her husband's EVERY command, mother...'
"BYE mom! Bye dad."
Nancy snatches her bag and runs towards her friend's parked Jeep. Nancy tosses her book bag over to the side, leaps inside the passenger seat and glares at Tracy. The woman, dressed in a teen girl's typical 80's attire, chews loudly on her gum like a cow in the field.
"GO GO!" Nancy points to the road. "HURRY!"
Tracy salutes. "Ya' got it, pal."
The wheels turn and burn some rubber as Tracy slams her foot on the gas and peels away from the driveway. When the home is out of sight, Nancy opens her book bag and fishes out her clothes for the day. Nancy removes her shirt and skirt; Tracy avoids the busy spots of the town, just so her friend's now bare legs are exposed.
"Shit, girl. Hurry up." Tracy smiles. "You're going to show the entire campus those gorgeous legs of your's."
"Just drive, Tracy." Nancy applies blue eyeshadow and eyeliner to her eyes. "I got time."
"Man, if I was into chicks, I'd so date you. Such a badass and I LOVE it! RAWR!"
Nancy punches Tracy in the arm. "Shut up and just keep your eyes on the road."
"SOOOOOOOOO-" Tracy continues to chew her gum. "Did ya' ask your parents about the BIG trip to the city or-"
"No." Nancy pushes a headban onto her head. "You know what they'll say."
"But, we bought the tickets and-"
"As far as THEY are concerned, WE are going to the Hamptons with your folks."
Tracy turns into the school parking lot. Some students are seen leaning against their cars, listening to either their boomboxes or casset tapes playing in their cars. Nancy hears various tunes; Michael Jackson, Men at Work, Blondie and Dead or Alive. Nancy jumps from the Jeep, adjusts her shorts and walks beside Tracy. Arm in arm, the girls walk towards the school.
"OH you ARE a bad bitch, Nancy! I love it!"
Nancy pauses, however and looks towards the road. Parked in his usual spot, is the familair red truck. Standing beside the driver's door, is a large built man with brown hair, dark jeans and black shirt. His traveling buddy, a man built the same stature but with facial hair, smokes a cigarette by the passenger seat. For a month now, the two strange men are parked at the EXACT spot and sit. At first, Nancy assumed it was someone's father. But she never saw a teen with them, nor did they ever pick anyone up.
The driver always watched Nancy, however and beamed when he saw her either hitch a ride with Tracy or walk to school.
Tracy notices Nancy's attention and flicks her friend's neck.
"Hey, your stalker is back."
"Shut up, Tracy! He's not my stalker...."
"He's ALWAYS there and ONLY looks at you, girl! He wants you...." Tracy begins to make kissing sounds. "He wants this young, hot body....."
Nancy pushes Tracy, as they enter the double doors. "You're stupid. Get inside..."
But as Tracy enters the school, Nancy turns back once more to peer at the man, now leaning forward on the front of his trusk. His buddy sits in the passenger seat, looking down at the ground. The man with the chestnut hair, however, refuses to leave.
Blushing, Nancy enters the school. She secretly wanted him to look at her.
She also secretly wanted the tall, dark and mysterious man.
Any questions, you know the drill.
An excuse to draw eighties style, too! YAY! Aqua net and mismatched clothes!!!
Already Catherine is an excellent addition to your characters! I really like her.
"Sir it seems you have a pup biting your arm, open fire?" Luna said preparing her guns.
Loving Luna's formality in the heat of the moment there. xD
When she left Luke began to cry
It's interesting that Death still has access to such emotions; so far, Luke returned hasn't seemed like the sort of person you could connect with - in fairness, he is Death incarnate - but seeing this side of him adds more to his character.
"Hey Catherine? What happened to my family?" Mikhail asked
This will probably not be an enjoyable conversation in the future, but it's something he'll surely find out somehow or other. And that ending - has Catherine lost her voice and can only communicate via her mind, or is Mikhail reading her thoughts?
Luke walked around the homelands with Luna.
"Sir what are we doing out of the tower?" Luna asked
"I'm getting a feeling … morethat Bigby is here. I'd like to meet him" Luke said with a grin.
They entered a forest in front of them where they were greeted with the sun getting blocked by the trees. Luke could barely see, Luna had to be his eyes because the only thing he could sense was Bigbys scent.
"Keep a look out for The Adversaries men and anything else who might harm us." Luke said
"Understood." Luna said
They walked through the forest, Luna and Luke were talking about whether they should engage the adversary before Makoto came but ended up deciding against it. The more they walked deeper into the forest it got harder for Luke to see but they were getting close to Bigbys scent. About thirty minutes later Luke started to hear a growl a little further.
"Bigbyyyy Whistles come on boy." He said
But Bigby didn't j… [view original content]
Since you mentioned where they live, I don't think I've ever said where I live at all. XD I should consider doing so in the future.
I guess not, but you and I know how people are usually busy in life and don't have time to normally do these things. Especially if it's inconvenient for them or something.
10:30 PM; downtown Fabletown. Remembrance Day celebration
Gren could not recall the last time he danced in anything formal. He was pleasently surprised to see Emily take the lead, guide him to the rectangle shapped dance floor and begin to Ballroom Dance. The band played a gentle, soothing tune; Violins, Pianos and Harps played softly against the tapping and clicking of shoes. Gren and Emily danced counter clock-wise in a line with the other couples.
Emily's dress spun around her hips, as the couple attempted the Fox Trot and various other methods of Ballroom dancing. Gren's right hand firmly pressed along Emily's narrow waist. His left clutched her hand tightly, held high and resistant. Emily's sable hair rotated with every turn and move she took. Gren's eyes were locked on the gorgeous woman before him; with each step and movement the couple took, Gren followed Emily's every step until the music came to an end and the room was filled with clapping.
Behind the pair, Gren noticed Georgie and Lyla; the two were known strictly for their ability to perform the Tango like no other Fable couple could ever do. Although not much for dancing, Gren also noticed Bigby and Snow in the middle; Katie and Jersey were not too far, even Mayor Charming, a stricking blonde woman in his arms, took up the challenge of formal dancing.
After the session of congragulations and cheering were complete, Emily and Gren returned to their tables. She withdrew her purse from beneath the table, applied a touch of powder to her nose and closed the compartment. Gren took this opportunity to replenish his sudden parched throat. Reaching across the table, he grabs a cool glass of water, briskly chugs the water and sighs.
"Tired, love?" Emily beams. "Neva' danced like that before?"
Gren continues to pant. "Its been....been awhile since I've moved like that at least."
"Ya' did good. Not bad fa' a Swamp creature incapable of doin' the simplest of tasks."
Gren rolled his eyes. Emily playfully kissed his cheek, grabs her plate and stands up. Gren could not help but study Emily's body. The light blue dress was fitting to her body. Emily's breasts peeked just enough over the top portion of her dress. The fabric hugged her curves perfectly, the long legs she inherited from her father's side showing just enough skin. Gren had never felt more attracted to Emily then the last year he'd been with her. From the moment they passionatly connected in his apartment, the instant he found out her pregnancy, to the time the two shared a brief period of dancing.
"Woot love?" Gren looked up to find a grinning Emily. "Woot are ya' lookin' at?"
"You." His answer caused Emily to blush. "Fuck, you look wonderful..."
"Oh stop, Gren." Emily touches her face. "Look at me. Feel like a bloody fool. Ya' want anything from the buffet table?"
Gren ponders before answering. "Yeah. See if they have anymore of those soft shelled Crabs."
Planting a kiss on Gren's forehead, Emily takes her plate and carefully walks over to the table. Katie takes notice of her sister and follows; Mary observes the two ladies walking towards the food and procceds to follow. Jersey and Junior take a moment to collect their plates and join Gren. Even Georgie, now juggling multiple plates full of food, combine with the three men enjoying a drink from their Champagne glasses.
"Some party, eh fellas?" Jersey holds his glass up. "I'm so fuckin' getting that slice of the kingdom."
Georgie cuts into his Pork loin. "How much did me Katherine ask fa' THIS year?"
"We bought about twenty tickets."
"Shit, Jersey." Junior bites into a piece of Broccoli. "That's over one hundred dollars...."
"So?" Jersey cocks an eyebrow. "What my Katie wants, Katie gets. And besides. I saw YOU over there, mister big spender."
"Please." Junior wipes his mouth. "Mary and I, believe it or not, were donating simply for charity. Mayor Charming uses that money and gives back to the community. She's hoping this year it could go for some better education. George is going to second grade this year."
Gren agrees. "The programs they have are not TOO bad."
"She refuses to enroll him with mundies. I don't blame her. Since his birthday two months ago, George has developed some of her powers. He freaks the fuck out and loses all sense to control it."
Georgie appears concerned, now facing his son. "The fook ya' mean powers? Like, jumpin' through the mirrors or-"
"No." Junior leans in, as to avoid prying ears. "Like the twin girls have the ability to use fire? When ever George gets EALLY mad, he turns into, well, what Mary used to. Glass sticking out, blood dripping from both eyes and nose. His eyes turn a soild black and when he extends his fingers, can throw little shards of glass. Sharpest little motherfuckers I've ever felt."
Gren adjusts in his seat, to get a better hearing. "When did you figure this out?"
"How else-his sister." Junior chuckles. "Sheila is ALWAYS testing her limits with George. Guess it took her by surprise when he did it. I hear her scream and next thing I know, she's in the corner, head covered and her brother towering over. All she did was call him a wimp...George just had enough, I suppose."
Jersey huffs. "Ah, relax there, Porgie. So what? Kid loses his fuckin' temper and goes after anyone. Just like his mother did before ya' took her powers. It's his way of fucking protecting himself and making a statement."
Junior scowls at Jersey. "So, if one of your girls did something dangerous like that-"
Jersey nearly spits up his drink. "Are you fucking kidding me?! The girls are ALWAYS fighting with one another! For fucks sake, they have both mine AND Katie's temper. Yes, she's a delicate Rose but she's got some sharp ass thorns on there!"
Georgie nods. "Yup. Just like her mum..."
"Dad!" Junior strikes Georgie's arm. "Don't encourage that!"
"Oh Junior, stop. Ya' kids used ta' fight all the fookin' time-especially YOU and Katie. She used ta' bug the bloody shit outta ya'! I used ta' stop it every chance I got but I quickly learned you kids needed ta' learn how ta' deal with ya' own god damn issues. I'd only stop it, if YOU called Mary or Katie called Jersey."
"Damn." Gren scratches his chin. "That's some hardcore shit, Junior. No wonder your kids are doing it."
"Hey, hey, hey-HEY!" Junior points in Gren's direction. "DON'T even! YOU used to help Emily with her battles, too."
Gren could remember a time when Emily would call him up, tears in her eyes and a distraught tone in her voice, to come over and 'kick her brother or sister's arse.' Gren used to find this humorous until he arrived and found Emily nearly tearing into her sister. Junior learned fairly quickly not to mess with Emily.
"I did..."
"See?" Jersey extends his hand out. "See, Junior? Just have a talk with the kid. TRUST me-ya' have to let them learn on their own. I agree with Georgie over there. You and Katie MAY have called us or summoned...whatever YOU two call it...but we eventually allowed you guys to fight it out. Now, when blood or broken bones were involved....well...."
"Fa' fook's sake, Jersey. Make it sound like it was a fookin' Roman Gladiator scene in me damn living room."
Gren laughs. "It will be when mine are old enough, especially Seraphina and Liam. Grendels tend to be a bit more aggressive."
"Say, how are those little munchines doing, Grendel?" Jersey pats Gren's shoulder. "Hear they are growing like fucking weeds."
"Oh yeah. Thankfully we have that big home now. More room."
"Congrats on the job, too. Hear your will be working beside Peter and Ethan."
"Oh yeah." Georgie wipes his mouth. "I heard 'bout that. Emily was toolkin' 'bout it with her mum the other night."
"Thanks you guys. I was a bit worried there about the employment. I mean, I was getting some from my unemployment but that was drying out and fast. This way, the bills are taken care of and Emily does not have to work as much now..."
Junior snorts. "You're not going to get MY sister to play Betty Crocker. It just won't happen."
"No..." Gren played with his napkin. "But she does not have to work all those hours now. More time with the babies."
"SPEAKING of babies-" Jersey elbows Gren's arm. "-Anymore from you two?"
Gren had not thought about the idea of producing more children. He never expected the four he had waiting for him. After the birth of the quads, Gren's desires to create more with Emily grew with each passing day. It was natural instincts, yes but the concept of producing another life with Emily; the woman he desired, loved and worshipped becoming a mother again with another baby. To watch them all grow and become wonderful additions to Fabletown. It crossed his mind almost every day. But Gren knew nothing of Emily's thoughts in regards to more children.
"Eh, maybe..." Gren digs the front of the fork into his Steak. "I mean, you never know. Maybe when the quads are older."
Jersey chuckles. "Yeah, that's what me and Katie said, too. Not even four months later-BAM!-pregnant with the second litter. Those girls were born and it repeats again. THIS time, five months later."
"Yeah..." Georgie drinks from his glass. "Ya' two don't know the meaning of WAITING."
"Not my fault." Jersey laughs. "And besides, YOU didn't wait."
"The fook ya' talkin' 'bout? We waited awhile before havin' the twin boys. The quads were, woot, four...almost five when Peter and Ethan were born."
"True." Junior points his fork at Jersey. "Me and Mary waited two years before having Sheila."
Gren nods. "Two years sounds good."
Jersey sighs. "I'm saying in, umm.....six months, Emily will be knocked up with that powerful Grendel baby gravy."
Junior covers his mouth. Georgie immediatly follows. "Oh God, Jersey! We're eating!"
"That's me fookin' daughter ya' talkin' bout, Jersey."
Katie, Emily, Lyla and Mary return to a table of rowdy men. Gren laughs hysterically, while Junior and Georgie have the apperance of sudden sickness. Jersey notices the group of gawking women. He nudges the men around the table.
"What is so funny, boys?" Lyla places a plate of food before Georgie. "Did we miss the joke?"
"Uhh, yeah. You ladies missed the punch line."
"What was it?" Mary hands Junior his plate. "Can we hear the joke or-"
Gren answers for Jersey. "It was about Penis, butter and a drumline. You ladies wouldn't want to-"
"Oh God, love!" Emily covers her mouth. "Ya' boys are sick when ya' get together."
"And you're surprised?" Katie sits beside Jersey. "Bunch of children when you all get together."
Gren stares at his watch; he wanted to ask before the night ended. Gren sits up and takes Emily's hand.
"Come with me."
"Gren, where are we-"
"Hurry. I have a surprise for you." As the couple walks away, Gren looks back. "We'll be back-just, give us a minute."
As they leave the building, Jersey laughs. "She's going to get pregnant right now. Watch."
Kicking Jersey under the table, Katie begins to eat her Roasted Duck. "Oops. Shoe slipped."
Gren and Emily pause beneath the glowing moonlight. The noise of the city could be heard all around. It incased the couple; the flickering lights appeared like Christmas lights in a heavy fog on a Winter's night. Gren counted to ten; the nerves began to show, as his hands trembled and sweat formed along his brow and creases in his face.
Emily rubs her hands. "So, woot did ya' want ta' show me?"
Now was the time. Gren exhaled, dug into his pocket and held the little velvet box. He took Emily's right hand and held it tight.
"I love you, Emily Caitlynn Porgie."
"I love you, Grendel....ya' know that."
"I do." Gren pauses to collect his thoughts. "You have been a huge, important piece in my life. Not just on a sexual connection-but as a friend and a person that never judged me. Never took my kindness for granted. Was always there when I came over to fix a leaky sink or clogged bathtub or broken toilet. A smile. Every fucking time I showed up-even on your bad days-you had a radiant smile."
Emily again begins to blush. "Gren..."
Gren falls on one knee. Gasping, Emily is lost for words.
"I have died inside of my soul, for centuries, since the day I arrived to this fucking shit town from the Homelands. I've been lied to, cheated, abused and tossed around like a wet sack of garbage. My hearts been crushed, my spirit spat on and my world turned around. But I waited, Emily...waited for the day when my soul would find that one other adrift person that would take my hand, guide me into the light and swear it would all be okay."
"Grendel..." Emily gasps, as Gren digs into his pocket. "Gren..."
Gren pulls out the box, opens and shows Emily the ring inside.
"It's not much. But it is enough to show this world just how much you mean to me. Emily, you were always that adrift soul that would take my hand. You did. I see now the true beauty that this fucking world has to offer. You've loved me, even on my darkest days. My ugliest. You've given me four, beautiful babies. You, Emily...Emily Porgie..."
Emily, now in tears, falls to the ground before Gren. "Yes...."
"Will you continue to take my hand, as not only the mother of my children but as my wife?"
"Yes..." Emily holds out her hand. "Yes, Gren....Yes...."
Slipping the ring onto her finger, Emily and Gren embrace one another. The stars as their witness, the heavens as their final stamp on their love. Emily kissed Gren passionatly, her fingers entwined and locked against his hair.
"I love you, Gren."
"I love you more, Emily. Thank you."
"For woot, love?" Emily wipes away a tear.
"For saving me....."
As the clock struck midnight, Emily and Gren made it official. They were now engaged to be one.
Always and forever.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Looks like Holly and Peter are not the only two prepared to be married. 
I'll probably do that; I noticed they replay the seasons AND the last episode. I'm going to need to and fast; from what everyone is telling me, it was extreme and very sad.
Alright...I'll let JJ live....for now.... >:D -plays CSI opening song-
So where do you live?
Well the future is unknown so maybe the chance will come for us all to meet face to face in person, you never know
Actually, forums for their old games ARE still available to look at on the site. It's just those forums are not on the front community page anymore for everyone to click on.
I live in the state of Illinois, in the USA of course. :P
True that, the future always has its surprises!
Oh I didn't know that :P
Well my comment is invalid. Carry on everyone!!! XD
Yeah, just click on the 'Show All Games' button at the bottom of the Community page if you're curious.
I do plan on visiting all 50 States before I bite the dust
New Jersey, Virginia, Washington D.C and New York down. 46 more to go!
Maybe one day an opportunity will arise (like one of us wins a shit-load of money and buys plane tickets :P)
Hello there!
I think you could easily pull off Nerissa XD
Arrow and Flash are definitely worth watch if you enjoy supero heroes.
The first season was off with a good start, introducing some of DC comic characters(some were Batman villians) and eventually working it way to a killer season finale. Then season two opens introducing Deathstroke, The Canary, Red Arrow, Suicide Squad and MORE. And on its third season, Ra's Al Ghul steps out of the shadows with the league of assassinassassinates.
The Flash, is straight out of a comic. I almost consider it even better than Arrow, but I can't because I like both equally. I enjoyed The Flash and Arrow team up they did. Show is full of action and superpowers.
I'm about to go quote happy on your butt, Pie! I loved this chapter and you'll see why! Brace yourself....
I have enjoyed seeing Emily Porgie change and blossom into the young woman we read and see in your stories. I can still remember (like most of us who have read your story) when Emily was the owner of the Pudding n' Pie; screaming at dancers, getting into fights, rude as hell, drunk all the time and doing drugs in the bathroom. Felicia was never any help. Reading thatcsection alone makes my heart soar high.
Because of her change, Emily has become one of my favorite Porgies.
I love seeing this side of her.
Georgie and Lyla, despite their issues in the past, have become a very strong couple, as far as bonding and connection goes. I can see Georgie and his wife doing the Tango and being a wonderful sight to see.
The next section I enjoyed is too long to quote. Gren studying Emily and describing her beauty was wonderful to read. You can truly read and see how much he loves this woman.
This made me laugh so hard; I THINK the picture I got is what did it. Seeing him struggle to take ALL that food to the table. Not to mention Junior, Jersey Georgie AND Gren at one table. Can we say T-R-O-U-B-L-E? XD
Makes whip cracking noise Damn, Katie. I bow to you for keeping the Jersey Devil on a leash for this long.
You go, girl! I loved how he makes it seem like twenty tickets AND over one hundred dollars spent is nothing. XD
Its neat to hear about Junior and Mary's family too. They have six, right? Correct me. I'm PRETTY sure its six children they have....So, George has the same powers Junior has and mary once possesed? That is pretty neat. Except for the part where Sheila felt the need to egg him on, so to speak.
She'll learn. Just like the others said....she'll learn. 
XD XD I always forget they never seperated the times she and Jersey, ahem....conceived their daughters. XD I'm finding this to be very humerous. Not the idea of Katie having all the babies but that Katie HAD babies with Jersey. The idea of those two going at it.....0.o' LOL
Oh what the...EWWW, Jersey! XD XD
-Claps- Oh man. If I EVER heard someone say this to me. XD Only Gren, though. Got to give his props for avoiding the question.
This so seems like a Jersey thing he'd say; I heard his voice, too, as I read that line. I just love how you've given them such personalitites!!!!
And so did JJWolf....:D
You big lug, you!!! He's so flippin' ADORABLE with Emily!!!
I just got diabetes from this.
Fuck, man. Excuse my language bu OMG, Pie! The feels!!!
PLEASE!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE draw something with their wedding. DON'T rush. I KNOW you are busy! But I can't even....I LOVED this so much, Pie! I can't wait for more!!!
Sorry again for all the quotes but I couldn't help it!!!!!!
Well I already reviewed this on so all I'll say is I look forward to more
I have to agree with what Pie and Noir said. You have indeed taken John and Nancy and made their characters quite clear in your stories.
I know in his stories, Rose never met the Smiths. In mine, yes, so you were right in that department. I was going to ask about Fayde, seeing as she is a ghost and injured in the back seat. Was wondering HOW that happens but you clarrified with Noir. much trouble in the back seat of the car.
John losing it with Harmony was fun to see, simply because he's normally calm in Pie's stories. And Nancy pretty much rolling a newspaper up and swatting him on the head. (As one would do to a dog that disobeyed.) XD Plus, how she's making this HUGE ass (pardon the language) dinner for the guests. So Nancy Smith.
Rose and the girls!
DAWWWW! Diabetes right there!
I love seeing that side to Rose. T man is a lucky Dragon to have such a kind spirit. Now, he just needs to worry about the one in the car, waiting on Swineheart.
I'm looking forward to more. Sorry took so long to catch up.
All these selfies and what not. XD
Debating if I'll post more due to SO much needing to be changed towards the middle....
Luke walked around the homelands with Luna.
"Sir what are we doing out of the tower?" Luna asked
"I'm getting a feeling that Bigby is here. I'd like to meet him" Luke said with a grin.
They entered a forest in front of them where they were greeted with the sun getting blocked by the trees. Luke could barely see, Luna had to be his eyes because the only thing he could sense was Bigbys scent.
"Keep a look out for The Adversaries men and anything else who might harm us." Luke said
"Understood." Luna said
They walked through the forest, Luna and Luke were talking about whether they should engage the adversary before Makoto came but ended up deciding against it. The more they walked deeper into the forest it got harder for Luke to see but they were getting close to Bigbys scent. About thirty minutes later Luke started to hear a growl a little further.
"Bigbyyyy Whistles come on boy." He said
But Bigby didn't jump out, whatever it was bit his arm he rose in defense.
"Sir it seems you have a pup biting your arm, open fire?" Luna said preparing her guns.
"No its alright Luna" He said grabbing the pup by the back of the neck "C'mon you."
They walked out of the Forest together, Luke could finally see what the pup looked like, it seemed to be female no more than a child.
"Can you speak?" Luke asked
"Fuck you." She said
"Hmm interesting vocabulary for your age. How old are you?" He asked
"Wouldn't you like to know!" She growled
"So why do you have Bigbys scent?" Luke asked
"Bigby? Oh you mean the sheriff! He's my cousin." She said
"Well I can't exactly kill you now can I? How would you like to be trained to hunt properly instead of just running into a fight like an idiot?"
The pup thought it over, she barely knows this guy and he's offering her training? She didn't have any reason to say no. She has no idea what happened to her parents and she was an only child. "Sure why not." She said
Luke smirked and snapped his finger, and the pup began to turn human which was very painful for the pup as she began to cry.
"Ow, what was that for!?" She sniffed tears rolling down her eyes.
"Better to get this process over while you're young." He said "Now turn back."
It didn't take her long but she began to turn back into a pup. "Excellent now let's get you home." Luke said
A year and a half later
"C'mon Catherine you're going to have to be quicker than that in your human form now!" Luke said
It took her a while but she learned to walk and use her human body.
"Ugh you're such a pain!!! I just started learning to run!" Catherine yelled trying to pick up the pace.
"Alright, alright that's enough for now." Luke laughed "Do you know what today is?"
"No what?" She asked
"It's your birthday and I've got a present for you." He said holding out a gift. "But to get it you can't change to a wolf." He said
"You're a goddamn asshole you know that?" Catherine said trying to open the gift. When she got it open she held a harp in her hands. "A harp? What the hell am I going to do with this?" She looked puzzled
"It's not just a harp Catherine, it's also a weapon." He said
As she held the harp it began to shape shift, the began to come apart. The strings wrapped around her arm, the wood began to transform into a silver sword with a hilt with the strings attached to the bottom of the hilt.
"No way....this is awesome!" She said
"Today is also the day you move out. Remember when I told you about the day I'd need you to run?" Luke said
"What!? I do remember but why now?" Catherine asked
"Things are about to get hectic and I'd rather you not get involved you deserve to have a life of your own. One day I'll come find you, and we'll celebrate again alright?" Luke said
"This is stupid, why can't I stay and fight?" She began to tear up
"Because my son will more than likely stop at nothing to see me dead." He said
They argued for a while. For some reason Catherine brought out a bit of humanity in Luke.
"Look you can leave now or I'll have Luna throw you out!" Luke raised his voice which he doesn't do normally.
She didn't have much she had the armor and casual clothes she used when she was in her human form and the harp, she put her casual clothes in a bag Luke got her and left without saying a word. When she left Luke began to cry, he had gotten attached to a child that wasn't even his, was it because he didn't raise his own son? He didn't know....
fourteen years later...
Catherine was running through the homelands. After that year the homelands got brighter and more happy even with the adversary there, but that didn't mean there wasn't darkness crawling around corners. Catherine became a mercenary when she wanted to but mostly liked to live in the woods of the homelands. She could transform into a wolf when she needed to while preserving her armor that she made from animals and put steel where she needed to be protected the most, otherwise she would be weighed down by it and she hated moving slow it was too tedious and it annoyed her. She learned to not only play the harp but she could use the weapon side of the harp quite well...
One day she sat in a tree playing her harp, it was where she first met Luke and Luna, who she hasn't seen in who knows how long. She started to get hungry so she decided to go out for food. She traveled for about an hour and climbed up a waterfall to find a dragon and it's eggs. She pondered how she'd get away with all the eggs. She came up with the decision that she would stay human and charge the dragon eggs. She ran at a full sprint scooping up most of the eggs in her bag and ran. The dragon woke up in a fury and chased after Catherine. She pulled out her harp and made it transform, when it was fully transformed she threw the blade to a nearby tree and pulled herself towards the tree. She ran into the deep forest losing the dragon. Time passed and she started to cook the two out of the three dragon eggs. While she ate the dragon eggs she heard a cracking sound, she looked over to see that one of the eggs had hatched. She looked at it and wondered if she should kill it. But decided against the matter and decided to raise the dragon, it could make a powerful ally when she needed it....
Six years later...
Catherine was doing maintenance on her armor while she heard Mikhail outside laughing. She walked outside to see him playing in the mud, she shook her head and smiled, he was an idiot but she loved him. She returned back into her cabin she built the year Mikhail was born. They had lived in seclusion for the past six years, villagers didn't take kindly to a woman with a baby dragon on her shoulder. The villagers would try and kill Mikhail if she ever stepped into a village with him.
"Catherine C'mon out and play too!" Mikhail laughed
"I'm not rolling around in some goddamn mud Mikhail but I'll play hide and go seek with you later!" Catherine yelled out to him
"No way! Awesome!" He said
She wondered when he would become a full fledged dragon. Maybe she was rushing him growing up, she should enjoy this. Time began to pass and Mikhail had began to get ready for bed.
"Hey Catherine? What happened to my family?" Mikhail asked
She hated this question, it ate at her like death was slowly peek around her shoulder and whisper "Answer wrong and I'll take you home to hell."
"I told you I'll tell you when you're a lot older." She said
"Okay...that's alright though Catherine you're the best mother anyways, I love you." Mikhail said yawning and putting his head down and closing his eyes.
When he said those words she ran inside instantly she felt great happiness but she was also sad because she had taken away his family. She cried into her pillow till she fell asleep. She woke up to Mikhail in pain and a bunch of noises in her yard. She ran outside to find that a mob of villagers had attacked Mikhail while he slept. She transformed into a wolf and went outside, she was about two feet shorter than Bigby but was more agile because of it. She let out a howl louder than thunder, scaring off the villagers. She ran over to Mikhail who looked to be mortally wounded.
"Oh no...please hey Mikhail you're going to be okay alright? Hey look at me you goddamn idiot, don't you even think about dying please I'll do and give anything to keep you alive just please stay with me!!!" She sobbed
Mikhails eyes began to wonder. "I'm sorry Catherine I...."
The homelands had magic strewn around it and seemed to have heard Catherine's call. A light circle went around them, Catherine sensed a great pain in her throat and her chest. When the light vanished Mikhails wounds were healed. He stood up.
"Catherine!" He ran giving her a hug. He was a little taller than her in her wolf form.
Catherine tried to speak but couldn't. No matter what she would try and say nothing would come out. What the hell? She thought
"Woah Catherine are you inside my head?" Mikhail asked
No dumb ass I'm right here. She thought to what she would think to be herself.
"We'll nice to know you're okay Catherine!" Mikhail said with excitement.
Looks like we'll need to move to Fabletown after all... Catherine thought.
"Yeah are they nice there?" Mikhail asked
We'll have to see I've only been there when I was younger.... She thought packing up her valuables in her home, and lit the house on fire when she left.
That's it! This was supposed to be really short as I'm wicked tired and am in a lot of pain but the more I wrote the more I was really enjoying writing the new OC and her development. Of course I'll delve into extreme details of the between years later on when I actually get to this actual part. Also dragon if this is too long I can cut some of it out and fix it accordingly into two parts! And if anyone has comments or questions let me know!
And thanks for all the tips about formatting xD
Yeah please do the formatting cuz it was hard to read with the lack of paragraphs :P
Fayde is actually inside the house now, after Rose, Harmony, and Nancy agreed to bring her in. Plus, Fayde's injuries were minor compared to Tez's, so Rose didn't bother getting Swineheart at the time for her. Sorry if it didn't seem clear in my writing when you read it.
Swineheart is long gone too, I know I didn't go into detail about his departure last chapter but he left after he examined the dragon. :P More will be explained in next chapter, especially at the dinner table.
Not a problem. Totally understandable, glad you read it either way. XP
I've seen the pictures already, but damn, that pic of Emily and Gren - cuteness to the extreme! And even if you started drawing the rest of your Fables like that, I wouldn't mind. XD
Been catching up on your recent chaps, by the way!
Ooo, another prologue-like story, I like!
But shit, Gren though, was it because of Lily he slit his wrists? Or the shit Holly has been through?
Very nice, I like the pose and hairstyle!
Thank you! She is a very elegant person so I thought that pose went well with her! I wish I could draw her dragon on her shoulder but that's a drawing experience for down the line XD
She has a dragon?
Mother of god...
Yup! His name is Mikhail
but he's still very young.
Wow, that's quite a nightmare Georgie had to go through. Imagine it were actually a real thing, whew, bone-chilling stuff.
Did my previous chapter inspire you to write John into losing his cool with Georgie this time around? I'm wondering now. :P
Color me interested! Also, I'm going to read your recent chapter today, so expect a comment on that later.
Gotcha! I hope that chapter isn't too long so let me know if I need to chop it in half and repost that half
His nightmares are like this until he and Lyla become one. THAT would drive me to insanity.....
AND your recent chap did give me the idea to finally have John lose his cool with Georgie; the idea of a male wolf losing his self control because his little girl is in pain and HE can't stop it.
It's so John. He's been mad BEFORE but not like you portrayed him...and I LOVED it! >:D
Sounds good - if I get a chance I'll give it a watch!
OOOH okay! I get it now! :P I tend to not quite understand what goes on; I try to go back and re-read it if I have the time but even then, I never get the message. XD Silly me....
Like the others have said, I look forward to more.
This one is a tad different; I was debating on posting this. You'll all see why down the road...
Gren sliced his wrist not for either Lily OR Holly. Another thing I'll cover down the road, too. I'll say this: has to do with Bigby Wolf.
Her outfit is quite unique, and her purple hair very striking! The bio you typed in reply to Hazza makes her a very strong character it many way! Catherine is a good name, whether or not you decide to go for it.
Good job again, Tetra!
And to your roommate, too. ;D
Hello! I have to agree with the others and say that you have a very nice smile.
As for cosplay, you could certainly do Snow or Nerissa; in fact, if you felt like it, I think you would make a fine Blood Mary - in human form, of course!
It's mostly leather with bits of silver armor where she needs protection the most
Purple is my favorite color so I figured eh why not
I believe I changed her a little bit with the chapter I wrote but more or less the same as in the bio
I have decided to stick with Catherine (I really like the name for some reason) Thanks Lupine
from the both of us XD
Charlotte was sitting lazily on her dining room chair, pushing her peas across the plate. She was seven years old, and being the only child tended to mean that the only sort of conversation that went around the table was between her mother and her father. They normally talked about money and other stupid things, so she rarely had much to do during dinnertime.
Luckily, Scarlett would notice it. "Are you all finished?"
"Yes, mommy," Charlotte said. "Can I go over Gramma's house?"
"Eat one more scoop of peas, and then yes, you can go. Be careful though, if the portal is acting funny come get me and Daddy, okay?"
"Okay!" And Charlotte ran off, to her bedroom first, to retrieve her coloring book and some crayons, and her messenger bag filled with stuff she always carried with her. She darted down the hall from there, to the spare bedroom, where the enchanted portal stone was set up. It was something that was always there, something that was used very often for travel. It had a few main destinations programmed by her grandmother in it, all that lead to places in Fabletown, the Farm, or even Haven.
Charlotte grabbed hold of the rock, and closed her eyes. She opened them again to find herself in her grandparents' kitchen. It smelled like cookies, which was a good sign, because she was still starving even after dinner.
"Charlotte?" A voice called from in the living room. "Is that you?"
Is was her Aunt Jessa. Charlotte darted from the kitchen, a huge smile across her face. Jessamine was on the floor, wearing her favorite play-dress and leggings, and was pretending to feed her baby doll plastic baby food.
"I brought coloring books and crayons," Charlotte said, plopping on the floor. "Where is Adeline?"
"She's sick," Jessa said, with out much pity. "So my mom and dad are paying ALL of their attention to her. I don't even think they saw the picture I drew when I showed them."
"Oh," Charlotte said. "I'm sorry. Well, we can draw more pictures, if you want. And I'll look at them instead. Hey, we can have a contest!"
"Did I hear a contest?" Jason popped out from behind the couch, and climbed over, rolling across the pillows and falling on the floor. His messy dark hair hung in the way of his eyes, and he quickly sat up to push his bangs out of the way.
"We're having a drawing contest," Jessamine said. "How about boys versus girls!"
"No fair," Jason said. "Gabe sucks at drawing. Plus he's not even downstairs."
"I'll help you, buddy," Uncle Noah said, walking into the room. Charlotte was especially excited to see one of her older uncles, since they were way super cool and much nicer to her than Jason tended to be.
"Now THAT'S not fair!" Jessa pouted. "Noah knows how to draw WAY better than ALL of us!"
Noah chuckles. "It's alright, come on now."
Jessamine pouted, crossing her arms, her blond curls bobbing in the process. Charlotte ignored her, opening her crayon box and spilling the contents onto the carpet. She ripped a few blank pages out of the coloring book, and handed them out to everyone. Jessamine reluctantly took it, placing the paper on the coffee table and sitting up on her knees to draw comfortable. She made sure to take the pink crayon, her favorite color.
"Oh wait," Charlotte said. "We need someone to be a judge. And someone to pick what we have to draw."
"I will," A voice from the hall said. Charlotte turned her head to see her grandmother standing there, an empty food tray in her hands. "Just let me put this away and get the cookies out."
Charlotte smiled. Harmony came back into the room, sitting on the arm chair across the room. "Alright. I want you guys to draw.... A puppy."
Everyone raced to draw the best puppy. Jessamine's was cute, Jason's looked vicious, and Noah's look incredibly dull. So much for being dubbed the best of them all. Charlotte though, she had her blue crayon in hand very carefully. She imagined her own dog at home, Spot, with his white and black fur, and his scruffy face. He was a dalmatian. She scrawled it out on the paper, and it looked like a page out of a Disney story book.
"Oh, what!" Jason said, looking over. "Noah, you were supposed to be the best!"
Noah was laughing, his paper falling to the floor. "Just because I'm a grown-up doesn't mean I'm any better than you or Jessie, Jase."
Jessamine was ecstatic. "WE won! WE WON!" She shouted.
Harmony sighed. "Are you sure you need me as a judge?"
"Yes, Mommy," Jessamine said, matter-of-factly.
"Fine," Harmony said. "Girl, one. Boys, zero. Draw a tree."
Jessamine stuck her tongue out at Jason, who was fuming. Charlotte didn't much care for their sibling rivalry, as her hand gracefully swept over the page. She produced a fairly decent tree, but this time, she wasn't putting her normal amount of effort in it. She kind of wanted the boys to win, to satisfy both sides. She could have done better, but she was perfectly content with what she had.
"We win THIS time," Jason said ruefully. "My tree is better than both of yours. Also, Noah, I fire you."
"What?" Noah protested, half-smiling with his mouth agape. "But I tried my best!"
"And look how far it got us," Jason said, narrowing his eyes at his older brother. Charlotte giggled, as Noah pretended to be offended.
"Well, if THAT's how you feel," Noah said,"I guess I can just help myself to YOUR cookie."
"Oooooooh," Jessamine said.
Harmony stood, just as Jason was about to attack his brother. She held the boy back, saying, "Now now, children. Nobody is eating anybody else's cookie, okay? One per child. And you, Noah, are included."
Noah just smiled, pushing his way into the kitchen. Jessamine and Jason followed tautly behind, but Charlotte lingered, near Harmony.
Harmony patted Charlotte's head. Her black hair was the same shade as Charlotte's, but also had streaks of blue throughout it. Charlotte took hold of Harmony's hand as they slowly made their way across the livingroom.
"How was your day today?" Her grandmother asked, as she picked some of the toys off the ground.
"It was okay," Charlotte said. "My house is boring. Gramma Snow was sick like Adeline, so I had no school."
"Oh, what a shame," Harmony said. She bent down, looking at the pictures that Jessa and Jason made, and smiled. "So what did you do, then?"
Charlotte shrugged. "I don't know. I wish I had a sister and a brother at home."
Harmony crouched to her granddaughter's level. "I know, sweetie. And one day, you will. Your Mommy is my daughter, and if I know anything about her, it's that she adores you."
Charlotte hugged her grandma, and then hurried off to the kitchen, to grab a cookie.
Charlotte's eyes opened widely. She was lying across the wood floor.
"Ugh," She groaned. "I hate the travel back. Always takes a bite out of me." She sat up, rubbing her head. She opened her eyes, and was alarmed to feel something wet dripping out of her nose. She brought her fingers up to wipe it away....
Blood. That can't be good. I never happened before. She stood up, but was instantly dizzy, and had to steady herself on her desk. She looked in the mirror, and saw that it was trickling over her lips to her chin.
"Shit..." She whispered. She grabbed a tissue from the desk, stuffing them up her nose, as she headed for the dining room.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Her mother said, as soon as Charlotte sat at the table.
"Nose bleed, obviously," She said flatly. "What's for dinner?"
"Peas," Dad said, smiling smugly.
"I hate peas," Charlotte grumbled.
"Hey," Her mother said. "I asked you what happened?"
Charlotte rolled her eyes. "I tripped and hit my face on my desk. Didn't even realize my nose was bleeding until I looked in the mirror..."
"Oh," Scarlett said, plainly not entirely believing the story. "Well, I'm glad you made it to dinner on time tonight, because we have some exciting news."
Exciting news? The only things Charlotte's mother found exciting were new recipes and knitting circles. Or, at least, that's what Charlotte imagined her mother being in to. She picked her fork up, pushing her peas as far away from the rest of her food as humanly possible, and looked at both of her parents.
"We're pregnant!" Her Dad said.
"Well, I certainly hope you aren't," Charlotte said, in her father's direction. "But, um....congrats?"
Her mother's face went from happiness to slight disappointment. "Eh, that's it?"
Charlotte shrugged, stuffing mashed potatoes in her mouth. "What?"
"Well it's just-" Her mother started, but her father interjected.
"-You've always wanted a little brother or sister, right?"
"Right..." Charlotte said.
"Well, now you will!" He said.
"Dad," Charlotte sighed. "It's good and dandy, really. I'm happy for you guys. But I'm sixteen. I wanted a sister and brother my whole life, but at this point, what am I going to do? Play dolls or with cars all day with them? I would have, had you made this decision about 9 years ago."
Well, that certainly ruined the mood. Scarlett looked somewhat hurt by Charlotte's words, but refused to show it, for the most part. "Very well, then. Jackson, say grace for us?"
And they began to say their before-dinner prayers. Charlotte couldn't help but feel bad for her mom, in a way, because Scarlett was definitely expecting more out of her daughter. Charlotte was happy to know there will be another one, other than her, but she kind of wished that she was closer in age to that younger sibling.
At that moment, Charlotte's eyes seemed to have rolled into the back of her head. She began shaking uncontrollably, falling to the wooden floor before passing out completely. That last thing she heard was her mother's voice cry out at the sight.
Dun dun dun! Oh no, what's happening? You'll find out soon enough. I like going back and forth, from the past to the present
It's kind of fun actually, and there's a lot I can do in regards to Charlotte's abilities. More soon ^-^
No work OR school today. Our town is having their yearly Farm show and pretty much the entire town is taking this time off. Been there a few times; not really a whole lot to see but the misses enjoys the exhibits and food, so I may take her and little Emily here in a bit. With that being said, I'll take this time to begin a new Fable tale. One that covers John and how he and Nancy became one. If it's well liked, I'll continue it. Been meaning to write a tad about their past, to get a better understanding to Lyla's folks.
Also, an excuse to take a break from homework before my brain explodes into tiny chunks. XD
There was not much to see in Greenville. The small town with a population under thirty thousand was just like any small community here in the United States. They had their usual stores for picking up groceries, post office, annual functions; the school yard was directly down the road and everything was convenient. Every year the town got together for an enormous barbecue. The local Ranchers would round up three of their plumpest pigs, cook all day and night and serve the results the next day. People from all over the town and even outside the city limits, gathered around to eat vast flavors and styles of the pork. There was Apple picking, dancing in the Barn on old man Johnson's farm and a car show just for the enthusiast car owners to show off their new edition to the family.
Every Sunday, the bells from the local church rang into the heavens and announced their tunes of glory and salvation. Sunday dinners would take place; the women cooked, children played in the backyard and the men either watched the game or drank several Beers, telling tales of time's past. Like a song stuck on repeat, it would all play again come Monday morning. You would work the nine to five, make the money and return to a clean home, dinner cooked and children well behaved. Repeat, Repeat. Repeat.
Not everyone, however, in the town of Greenville remaind on 'repeat' and every so often, when no one was looking, play a different tune. One that was roaring, made a statement and caused the majority of heads to turn and stare.
Nancy Dupris, daughter of a Chemistry teacher and Beauty Pagent winner, was the young woman that played those loud tunes. Nancy was different. The town knew this and her parents were willing to allow their daughter 'time' to explore these desires but would eventually return to the wholesome life awaiting the young belle.
Her seventeenth birthday was in three days and she deperatly wished to see the city of New York. Avoiding the conversation, both her parents would ignore her request and plan THEIR surprise for their daughter. Even her older siblings felt her wish was preposterous and insufferable. Her older brother, Mike, declined to hear another word about the city; it was vile, disgusting and no place for a young woman of Nancy's class. Nancy's sister, who was the oldest of the three, was in college near South Carolina. Stacy refused to hear ANYTHING Nancy had to say, if it did not include the 'normal' topics for a conversation.
Nancy was a stunning young woman. At five feet, three inches tall, her features were very uncommon to the family tree, which made her more radiant than ever. Nancy's entire family had dark features; brown or black hair, green or brown eyes and their skin a slight toast color. Nancy, however, was born with a very light red hair, fair skin and blue eyes. Her grandmother on her father's side swore she was kissed by angels and granted the beauty unlike anything this world has seen. Nancy thought this to be silly and blamed genetics. Her father was Irish and mother was Dutch, Portuguese German. She blamed the Irish.
Either way, her mother did her best to place young Nancy in pagents. It was the thing to do, you see, in the town of Greenville. Around six, Nancy began to despise it all. Her dream summer days away from school demanded mud play, water balloon fights and fishing at the local creek.
"Why on earth, would you want to do THAT, Nancy darling?" Cheryl, Nancy's mother, made this a yearly routine, too. "Little ladies do NOT play in the mud like common Farm animals. You will sit here and watch mommy. One day, you'll use this when you are a mommy and taking care of your babies."
That was all Nancy was capable of, according to her ten times winning Beauty Pagent mother: staying home, baking pies, frying chicken, hosting parties and popping out babies. Nothing more. Oh-and looking your best ALL the time. That meant working out, avoiding anything high in fats, sugars or flour and ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear the finest clothes money could buy.
So, like a 'good' little girl should, Nancy would sit bake and watch her 'lessons' in life. One pound of Apples, mix with sugar, one egg and for that touch of spice, Nutmeg. Bake for one hour and ta-da. You had a delicious Pie for after dinner. Dinner lessons would soon follow. On repeat. Like the day before.
Not today, however. Nancy was determined to break those habits; they were not going to 'prepare' her for life after highschool. She'd take her life beyond the kitchen and creating babies for her husband. Nancy craved life outside her familiar Colonial style home she'd grown up in. Beyond the city limits of Greenville.
Nancy inhaled and embraced for the usual answers, too. Nancy grabs her book bag and heads down the stairs. She immediatly smells eggs frying, bacon crisping and hashbrowns nearing their completion. Her father's booming voice as he read the paper and her mother's morning humming. Nancy rolled her eyes. How boring.
"Morning, princess." Peering over his paper, Daniel waves at his daughter. "Guess who's having a birthday soon?"
"I guess that would be me." Nancy tries to smile. "Well, I'll be going now, so-"
"Well, wait, wait, wait!" Cheryl, wearing her pink heels, runs after Nancy. "Don't you wish to eat just a little bit? Mommy made you her special treat-"
Nancy already knew before her mother reaches for the plate. Fruit parfait for her and the greasy, heart clogging meal for the boys. How fair, Nancy thought, as her mother held the mushed up fruit.
"Here you go, baby. Mommy made this JUST for you."
"No thanks, mom. Tracy and I are getting something at school and-"
Cheryl gasps. "I HOPE you are not eating those fatty foods, Nancy! You know how mommy gets when-"
"Cheryl dear, that's enough." Daniel bites into his toast. "You promised you'd lay off about that..."
"I'm just making sure, dear. We don't want our beautiful baby turning into a little piggly wiggly, now do we?"
Nancy avoids her mother's hand slowly reaching to grab her cheek and pinch.
"Well, I'm late.....soooo, I have to go."
Daniel waves. "Have a good day at school, princess."
Honk honk! "Well, Tracy is here, so bye mom and-"
Cheryl kisses Nancy's cheek. "Oh my baby girl! You come home right away after school. I want to show you this-"
"I have....Volleyball practice. Remember mom?"
Cheryl huffs. "I don't know WHY you insisted of trying out for that messy sport. Why not Cheerleading or the knitting club? Home Economics was booked this year?"
'Jesus Christ,' thought Nancy, as she heads for the door. 'Not EVERY girl dreams of slaving over a hot stove and tending to her husband's EVERY command, mother...'
"BYE mom! Bye dad."
Nancy snatches her bag and runs towards her friend's parked Jeep. Nancy tosses her book bag over to the side, leaps inside the passenger seat and glares at Tracy. The woman, dressed in a teen girl's typical 80's attire, chews loudly on her gum like a cow in the field.
"GO GO!" Nancy points to the road. "HURRY!"
Tracy salutes. "Ya' got it, pal."
The wheels turn and burn some rubber as Tracy slams her foot on the gas and peels away from the driveway. When the home is out of sight, Nancy opens her book bag and fishes out her clothes for the day. Nancy removes her shirt and skirt; Tracy avoids the busy spots of the town, just so her friend's now bare legs are exposed.
"Shit, girl. Hurry up." Tracy smiles. "You're going to show the entire campus those gorgeous legs of your's."
"Just drive, Tracy." Nancy applies blue eyeshadow and eyeliner to her eyes. "I got time."
"Man, if I was into chicks, I'd so date you. Such a badass and I LOVE it! RAWR!"
Nancy punches Tracy in the arm. "Shut up and just keep your eyes on the road."
"SOOOOOOOOO-" Tracy continues to chew her gum. "Did ya' ask your parents about the BIG trip to the city or-"
"No." Nancy pushes a headban onto her head. "You know what they'll say."
"But, we bought the tickets and-"
"As far as THEY are concerned, WE are going to the Hamptons with your folks."
Tracy turns into the school parking lot. Some students are seen leaning against their cars, listening to either their boomboxes or casset tapes playing in their cars. Nancy hears various tunes; Michael Jackson, Men at Work, Blondie and Dead or Alive. Nancy jumps from the Jeep, adjusts her shorts and walks beside Tracy. Arm in arm, the girls walk towards the school.
"OH you ARE a bad bitch, Nancy! I love it!"
Nancy pauses, however and looks towards the road. Parked in his usual spot, is the familair red truck. Standing beside the driver's door, is a large built man with brown hair, dark jeans and black shirt. His traveling buddy, a man built the same stature but with facial hair, smokes a cigarette by the passenger seat. For a month now, the two strange men are parked at the EXACT spot and sit. At first, Nancy assumed it was someone's father. But she never saw a teen with them, nor did they ever pick anyone up.
The driver always watched Nancy, however and beamed when he saw her either hitch a ride with Tracy or walk to school.
Tracy notices Nancy's attention and flicks her friend's neck.
"Hey, your stalker is back."
"Shut up, Tracy! He's not my stalker...."
"He's ALWAYS there and ONLY looks at you, girl! He wants you...." Tracy begins to make kissing sounds. "He wants this young, hot body....."
Nancy pushes Tracy, as they enter the double doors. "You're stupid. Get inside..."
But as Tracy enters the school, Nancy turns back once more to peer at the man, now leaning forward on the front of his trusk. His buddy sits in the passenger seat, looking down at the ground. The man with the chestnut hair, however, refuses to leave.
Blushing, Nancy enters the school. She secretly wanted him to look at her.
She also secretly wanted the tall, dark and mysterious man.
Any questions, you know the drill.
An excuse to draw eighties style, too!
YAY! Aqua net and mismatched clothes!!! 
Already Catherine is an excellent addition to your characters! I really like her.
Loving Luna's formality in the heat of the moment there. xD
It's interesting that Death still has access to such emotions; so far, Luke returned hasn't seemed like the sort of person you could connect with - in fairness, he is Death incarnate - but seeing this side of him adds more to his character.
This will probably not be an enjoyable conversation in the future, but it's something he'll surely find out somehow or other. And that ending - has Catherine lost her voice and can only communicate via her mind, or is Mikhail reading her thoughts?
All in all, enjoyable!