Negan foreshadowing in season 5 episode 9?
Surely glenn being the one to pick up a baseball bat isn't a coincidence there is just no way and considering we are starting to get to the point where they will get to washington or meet aaron on the road it is entirely possible they are starting to tease negan even more
there were a few other things that could be considered foreshadowing but idk
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Yes, my family and I noticed that too. I was like ''omg, so they are going by the comics now. Glenn's going to get spiked bat killed by Negan in season 6. Dang.
Or they could twist a few things around and have Daryl to the be the one who is killed by Negan, not Glenn. Makes Negan more threatening since he'll have killed one of, if not the, most capable survivor in the show.
They are definitely going to have to tone down a few things about the Negan character though. Namely his language and likely the sexual slavery stuff also.
don't speak such blasphemy against Daryl! I don't want to think about losing Daryl...I don't think I could watch the show would be over for me
I didn't originally pick up on that, it was later when someone else said something that I was like, "Oh shit, Glenn lose the bat NOW."
Also, am I the only one that noticed the place was called Shirewilt Estates and not Wiltshire Estates.
I still feel that's exactly what they're going to going to do.
after reading that I think it may be very possible that they're in Savior territory
True. But they won't have any run-ins with the Saviors until at the very earliest next season and many fans think they won't first interact with Negan until season 7. There is still a lot to cover before then. Namely get acquainted with the Alexandria group, meet the Hilltop...etc...etc....
In terms of what happened to the community we saw last night I think they just got over run by zombies. Rick even stated that it was a poor location to hold up in.
The only actor who has any right to play Negan, IMO, is Andrew Bryniarski. (His most popular role was the psychotic Leatherface in the 2003 remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE.)
Just take a look at the smirking mug below and say it doesn't scream "Negan."
I would want a really good actor and not just somebody who played a bad guy in a low budget horror movie. Negan has a whole lot of lines and just wasn't some nameless face going around terrorizing the neighborhood.
Yeah but what about all the dismembered walkers? There was that car full of them, maybe it was the saviours.
whispers ...and hopefully.....
I kind of agree. Daryl's fine and all but nowhere near best character.
You obviously haven't seen the behind-the-scenes stuff of Mr. Bryniarski from TEXAS CHAINSAW, or any of his other performances. Trust me, he has the size, the acting prowess, and the psychotic charm needed to portray Negan.
First Glenn keeps on about to get killed with a bat, now hes using a bat...
I think Glenn might be fucked
but there were so few walkers within the community walls. When I saw the burned homes I immediately thought that some kind of looters came in and decimated the colony
You could say he's the next batman.
The puns are real
Yeah the baseball bat thing, missed me. But as soon as I saw the charred walls, I thought grenades, and grenades made me think of Negan. Holy shit though, those fucking dismembered walkers. That is some scary shit.
Well... Since the show twists around deaths in the comics like Tyreese comic death = Hershel TV death.... Oh no... HIDE DARYL
honestly i think they should stick with negan killing glenn, it was a really big moment for the comics and its something they shouldn't change.
I hope so. Daryl is one of the worst characters IMO
I hope it was just a Red Herring sort thing for comic fans and instead they will kill off Daryl or someone else when Negan is introduced.
I saw the estates thing and I was like OMG>
Ever notice that Glenn has a history of run-ins with baseball bats? Season 1 I think he used one, this season twice, and I think somewhere in season 3 somewhere.
I think Morgan should be worried
I honestly think they'll surprise us and it'll be Maggy that gets killed by Negan or something. They've thrown about two or so hints already on the baseball bat and Glenn, one where he almost gets beaten on the head with one at the start of the season. Just it feels, like they're making the hints too clear, because they know comic readers will freak out. Then again, I could be totally wrong and Glenn is doomed, doooooomed.
It couldn't have been walkers. Glenn, Rick, and Michonne found that small clearing filled with severed limbs, and when they were getting Tyreese out with the car they ran into that other care that was full of limbless torsos. Walkers don't do stuff like that.
Also, there was tire tracks at the wall, implying someone drove into it and knocked it down (another comic reference
Well maybe they plan on changing the Saviors storyline a bit from the comic. They never really dealt with the background of Negan's group up to this point that I know of so maybe they plan on doing that in the show. They are still a hundred miles outside of D.C. though so unless they plan on switching things up a bit it seems unlikely that the Saviors would be going all the way out to Richmond cleaning up the dead and looting the living.
Actually, what I mean't was the people who have driven down community walls were the Saviors in the comics. Maybe the Saviors did that sort of stuff in the earlier days of their existence?
Possibly but again as far as I know the comics don't give much of any backstory as to how the Saviors came to be. Were they in D.C. all along? Moved up there like Rick's group did? The comics don't indicate one way or the other.
They never stopped at Richmond in the comics so yesterdays episode was an entirely original plot point (mainly because neither Beth or Noah are in the comics).
In the show universe will they have the saviors travel to D.C. just like Rick's group did or will Rick's group encounter them earlier in the show then they did in the comics? We will have to wait and see. One thing is for sure though is that I doubt a group stationed in D.C. would be traveling a hundred miles out plundering and clearing up zombies.
My friend showed me some leaked shit online and I'm pretty sure Daryl is going to hang himself and get eaten by a zombie at the same time.
I personally think the only way Daryl is going to be killed off prior to the end of the series is if the actor wants off the show.
Who is the best character?
I was thinking the same thing.
I don't really know that actually. They're all pretty mediocre compared to the game and comic characters. My favorites were Hershel and Bob, but...
Mine are/were Glen, Rick, Dale and The Governor.
That was a fake as hell
ya hes definitely the most over rated character, its dumb that people say they'll stop watching if daryl dies.
Probably heh