Would you be able to survive in the Nights Watch?

MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

How well do you think you could do in the Nights Watch ?
And also what job would you like to have ? A ranger , builder or steward

Well just say Women can join the Nights Watch also.



  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2015

    I'd want to be a steward in the library or management. I'd die in two seconds flat as a ranger. Being a builder doesn't feel like my thing.

  • It will be difficult. I think one of the best way of surviving is to find trustworthy brothers. Makes life in the watch easier. I want to be a builder. Not as dangerous as being ranger and nor as dull as being a steward. I get to spend my time maintaining and chilling at the top of the Wall with a great view. If all goes well (Which rarely does in GoT), I think I will survive for a good amount of time before my end.

  • I would absolutely die. The one thought that is in my mind anytime they are showing anything to do with the Nights Watch is.....wow that would suck.

  • The words of Frostfinger say it pretty well.

    "You train...You fight....You die...."

    So nope, I'm a dead man.

  • I dont think i'd survive in westeroes full stop

  • I HATE being cold. So just that would ruin any chance I had. (Not that I would have any anyway)

  • Flee, get executed. Might as well die quickly knowing how I'll go rather than on the end of some wildling's arrow.

  • edited February 2015

    I don't have a problem with the cold so I would be able to survive as a builder or steward most likely.

  • I'm from the desert, so no. I would freeze to death almost immediately.

  • It's cold where I'm at right now and I can't stand it. I think I would be killed because of my complaining quicker than any frost bite could.

  • Well I'd try to be a ranger, but I've never even held a sword or crossbow before, so I would probably die.

  • Dude! I'd totally rock at being one of those recruiter guys that ride around the Seven Kingdoms. Hell Yeah!

  • Behind the wall sure. Beyond the wall I would be the first to die most likely cannibalized by wildlings

  • I wouldn't even be able to reach Castle Black, I'd most probably die on the way...

  • I'm used to the cold, but I'd make a better steward than ranger.

  • Being from Florida, I would be f***ed. No question. xD

  • I looooooooove the cold. Like, you have no idea. It's the best weather for me.

    I think I'd manage fine in that regard. I don't know about the combat stuff, but hey,they're constantly training , right? I think I'd be able to pick something up.

  • I'm from a Nordic country so I think I could stand the cold weather. I wouldn't like it one bit though but a duty is a duty. And I'd probably be a builder, I have a builder's degree so that would be my advantage there. Steward would easily be my second choice since I doubt I'd ever make it as a ranger.

  • I would like to be a ranger. I would try to train as much as I can in all forms of combat and try not to piss anyone off so they don't have a reason to stab me while I'm sleeping. However, this is GOT, of course someone will hate me and try to stab me while I'm sleeping.

    How long I would survive? Not sure but I will make it count.

  • Well considering how I am I would definitely try to be a ranger, however I'm pretty physically weak and though I know how to use a bow I can't aim worth a damn, I also don't know how to fight with swords I can fight with bats though so it might not all be hopeless but I definitely wouldn't pass the strength test.

    Well besides that I am pretty good at sneaking and fairly good at pickpocketing though I doubt that would be useful, I guess I think I'd make a decent ranger I think I could live long enough to become one, after they train you there and since my main shortcoming is my lack of strength I think I could do it, as for the weather I've lived in both cold and heat, I can take the desert but I hate the desert, I generally prefer the cold but the coldest I've ever been is -18°C so I don't know if I could handle that kind of cold.

  • I would flee straight to Gullstown (Eyrie) as White Harbor is too obvious. I'd then buy passage to somewhere away from the tv spoiler withers tv spoiler end and madness of Westeros.

    Braavos seems cool.

    I think I'd be more use to the Night's Watch in Braavos than dead as a spoiler from TV Wither...

  • Noone survives the Night's Watch. It's inevitabely your death.

  • Out of interest , can I ask how you know you are good at sneaking and pick pocketing ?

    kaleion posted: »

    Well considering how I am I would definitely try to be a ranger, however I'm pretty physically weak and though I know how to use a bow I can

  • Should be pretty obvious how I know that, but if I'm honest I haven't stolen anything other than a couple of sodas in 8 years and that was only because I was really thirsty and it was 50°C outside and I also had no cash at all, I'm probably not as good at pickpocketing anymore considering how long it has been since I've done it but I'm still pretty good at sneaking, I normally sneak into the office just to scare my co-workers, it's fun.

    MadManLee posted: »

    Out of interest , can I ask how you know you are good at sneaking and pick pocketing ?

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    Ah , okay fair enough.

    I only asked because I was interested to hear you go into more detail about sneaking and pick pocketing as you have .I'm 18 and I have never been in a situation where I have needed to be sneaky , so I was interested to hear what you were playing at sneaking about . Also , I completely understand why you had to pickpocket people . There was a old women who used to live by my house who pick pocketed once , though she was a bit weird , she used to sometimes wake up with blood dripping on her head because she had a dead rabbit hanging over her.

    kaleion posted: »

    Should be pretty obvious how I know that, but if I'm honest I haven't stolen anything other than a couple of sodas in 8 years and that was

  • edited February 2015

    Wait what...?

    Alt text

    MadManLee posted: »

    Ah , okay fair enough. I only asked because I was interested to hear you go into more detail about sneaking and pick pocketing as you hav

  • Everyone dies. None can escape it. All you can do is to make the most of it before the end.

    Noone survives the Night's Watch. It's inevitabely your death.

  • edited February 2015

    Frankly, what does "survive" mean? You come to the Night's Watch to do your duty until you die, period. It's just a matter of "when".

    Also, women can't join for pretty much obvious reasons. Didn't you hear about the usual crowd within the Night's Watch? Rapists, murderers, thieves. And those are the best of the bunch.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Book spoilers:

    In A Dance of Dragons, wildling spearwives do sorta join the Night's Watch. They get their own castle at least.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Frankly, what does "survive" mean? You come to the Night's Watch to do your duty until you die, period. It's just a matter of "when". Als

  • Well, they didn't take vows and they are housed there on Stannis' (or was it Jon Snow's, can't remember now) orders. So, I'd say it's 50/50, though we still can't say they are the members of the Night's Watch.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Whatever their official status, they can certainly kick some ass though. :-)

    Lingvort posted: »

    Well, they didn't take vows and they are housed there on Stannis' (or was it Jon Snow's, can't remember now) orders. So, I'd say it's 50/50, though we still can't say they are the members of the Night's Watch.

  • Them Wildling women ain't like Southron women, that's for damn sure. You can threaten a Southron woman with a spear. A wildling woman will drive it through your abdomen and won't even blink.

    And that's pretty badass.

    ArthurV posted: »

    Whatever their official status, they can certainly kick some ass though. :-)

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    "Survive " means continuing to live through hardship .

    So what I was asking people is if they think would be able to continue to live for much longer if they were sent to the Wall, hence why I asked in the description how well people think they would do in the Nights Watch . I imagine life there is pretty tough .

    I have heard what sort of people are at The Wall. And I am aware that Women cannot join them , for obvious reasons , in the books/tv show. I never said they could .

    It was just a fun question I decided to ask people and I was interested to hear people's opinion , male and female . I said in the description , " well just say Women can join the also " . I was making sure everyone felt they can join in the thread regardless of whether or not in the books/tv show they could actually join the Nights Watch .

    Lingvort posted: »

    Frankly, what does "survive" mean? You come to the Night's Watch to do your duty until you die, period. It's just a matter of "when". Als

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    It's true!

    I don't know the details of it but I saw her with blood on herself and she said it was from a dead rabbit she hung over her bed . She couldn't even remember how it got there . She did this a lot.

    Wait what...?

  • I love cold, and in real life I'd want to join the Nights Watch(Possibly change my mind because of all the criminals there.) I'd probably want to be a ranger, but I'd probably die earlier then the usual Night's Watchmen would.

  • "Survive " means continuing to live through hardship .

    My question was a rhetorical one.

    So what I was asking people is if they think would be able to continue to live for much longer if they were in the Nights Watch, hence why I asked in the description how well people think they would do in the Nights Watch. I imagine life in the Nights Watch is pretty tough.

    Yes, I see. I responded the way I did because it doesn't matter for how long one could/would survive on the Wall. Once you're a sworn brother of the Night's Watch, you are gonna die in service to the realm. Valar Morghulis. But, I'm aware this wasn't what you were asking about, so consider this me throwing my 5 cents in.

    I have heard what sort of people are at The Wall. And I am aware that women cannot join them, for obvious reasons, in the books/tv show. I never said they could.

    Well, good, with that out of the way...

    It was just a fun question I decided to ask people and I was interested to hear people's opinion, male and female. I said in the description, "Well just say women can join also ". I was making sure everyone felt they can join in the thread regardless of whether or not in the books/tv show they could actually join the Nights Watch.

    Yeah, I get that. I'm just that kind of a person that likes criticizing stuff. You could call me "a party killer", because I reckon that's the most accurate way to describe my demeanor in such situation.

    MadManLee posted: »

    "Survive " means continuing to live through hardship . So what I was asking people is if they think would be able to continue to live fo

  • edited February 2015

    as a recruiter like Yoren :)

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  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    Ignore this message , I misread .

    Lingvort posted: »

    "Survive " means continuing to live through hardship . My question was a rhetorical one. So what I was asking people is if the

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