Would you be able to survive in the Nights Watch?



  • To be fair, I think everyone understood what I was asking except for you.

    Sorry, pal, but I did understand. That's the way I decided to respond.

    You're saying it was because I caught you out.

    Nope, I'm fairly certain I knew the definition of "survive" on my own.

    MadManLee posted: »

    Ignore this message , I misread .

  • Apologies for that , I misread what you wrote . I tried to change what I wrote but it was too late.

    I felt by survive , you thought I meant , staying alive and leaving the wall legally after a certain amount of time . As you bought the fact you have to stay at the wall until you die.

    Not trying to argue with anyone here .

    Lingvort posted: »

    To be fair, I think everyone understood what I was asking except for you. Sorry, pal, but I did understand. That's the way I decided

  • No need, I'm sure you didn't mean anything by that.

    I'm not trying to argue, either, but it just happens sometimes.

    MadManLee posted: »

    Apologies for that , I misread what you wrote . I tried to change what I wrote but it was too late. I felt by survive , you thought I mea

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    Okay , fair enough .

    Again , I just misread what you wrote and then got frustrated with you , wrote something then realised my mistake . That's it.

    I think it's best we just leave it here , Peace .

    Lingvort posted: »

    No need, I'm sure you didn't mean anything by that. I'm not trying to argue, either, but it just happens sometimes.

  • I'd make a great spirit since I'd be dead within the week of arrival.

  • Well I didn't have to steal, it's just that I thought it was fun and had little to no moral values or understanding of something like empathy back then and since everyone treated me like shit I had no problem with hurting people and most definitely not with something like stealing, besides we didn't have much money so how do you think I got into a hobby as expensive as gaming?

    MadManLee posted: »

    Ah , okay fair enough. I only asked because I was interested to hear you go into more detail about sneaking and pick pocketing as you hav

  • edited February 2015

    "did this alot"? - You mean kill innocent wabbits/put them above her bed dripping in blood or do you mean being a psychopath?

    MadManLee posted: »

    It's true! I don't know the details of it but I saw her with blood on herself and she said it was from a dead rabbit she hung over her bed . She couldn't even remember how it got there . She did this a lot.

  • I'd be Lord Commander!

  • Nice. I've always wanted to use both of them.

  • I'd die quite soon being a ranger. I'm weak and scrawny as fuck. But if I managed to gain strength and get bigger, being a ranger would be pretty fun. But seeing as glasses aren't a thing in GOT, I wouldn't be able to see shit and would get sneak attacked or summat.

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    Ah , I see .

    I am sorry people treated you like shit.

    I am not good at understanding rhetorical questions , I know what they mean but I can't tell whether the question you asked was one or not .

    Do you mean , by stealing things , you were able to fund a expensive hobby like gaming. You said earlier you only stole a couple of sodas when pick pocketing . How would that help you pay for video game and stuff. And who walks around with cans of sodas in their pockets . I'm confused.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well I didn't have to steal, it's just that I thought it was fun and had little to no moral values or understanding of something like empath

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    She killed rabbits a lot . She just didn't like them for some reason . I don't think she was a psychopath .She was just a bit weird.

    "did this alot"? - You mean kill innocent wabbits/put them above her bed dripping in blood or do you mean being a psychopath?

  • [removed]

    Being from Florida, I would be f***ed. No question. xD

  • No, the sodas are what I've stolen since I stopped stealing, back when I was a kid I didn't care I'd steal pretty much anything I could including several games and a lot of money, I often stole stuff I didn't want or care about and just threw it away afterwards because my main motivation was that I simply thought it was fun, like I said I had pretty loose moral standards and since I was pretty small and even when I was 17 I still looked around 10-11 (1.36m tall) it was pretty easy for me to break into places since I was also pretty thin and could usually fit in the spaces between fences but I was also pretty good at climbing and jumping fences.

    Also the sodas I just stole them by walking into stores grabbing them and walking out without paying, because well when I'm angry, tired and broke I just don't give any fucks I guess, I mean that wasn't exactly right but whatever what's done is done.

    MadManLee posted: »

    Ah , I see . I am sorry people treated you like shit. I am not good at understanding rhetorical questions , I know what they mean but

  • Ah , okay . That makes a lot more sense now.

    kaleion posted: »

    No, the sodas are what I've stolen since I stopped stealing, back when I was a kid I didn't care I'd steal pretty much anything I could incl

  • That's what I'm saying... I would stand no chance against the cold.

  • I loved Yoren xD

    as a recruiter like Yoren

  • yes me too! i love all the characters :)

    I loved Yoren xD

  • I would have thrown myself off the wall as soon as i could just to spare myself from the cold

  • I'm from California, I consider 70 degrees cold... so yeah I would possibly die from whinnying or frostbite.

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