Quotes from Our Favorite Alcoholic Psychopath

edited January 2015 in The Walking Dead

As the title suggests, this is a thread for quotes specifically from Nate, one of the more antagonistic characters in The Walking Dead: 400 Days. Any quote would be appreciated, whether humorous or dark, or anything in between that. I have begun to roleplay as Nate a lot, and I believe these quotes will assist me in staying in character and further understanding Nate.



  • "Y'know how to pick a lock? I mean, you're...urban..."

  • As much as I love this quote, and I love the character who says it, I asked for, uh, quotes from Nate, if you please.

    Bokor posted: »

    "Y'know how to pick a lock? I mean, you're...urban..."

  • When I think of alcoholic psychopaths I think of our favorite one-eyed wonder.

    Speaking of which:

    Watch it with the racism, this is my boy.

    As much as I love this quote, and I love the character who says it, I asked for, uh, quotes from Nate, if you please.

  • Ah, okay.

    And, oooh, Nate quote. Is it weird that I actually like Nate?


    Bokor posted: »

    When I think of alcoholic psychopaths I think of our favorite one-eyed wonder. Speaking of which: Watch it with the racism, this is my boy.

  • "Because... Because the hunger a man's got for a woman is all we have left now. No jobs, no laws. Ain't nothing that make us men. But they ain't eaten all the women yet."


    There was some real meaning behind that quote, something deeper.

  • "Whaddaya say, Russ? Should we just kill these folks and take all their stuff?" - Nate

  • If you say 5 Im gonna flip !

  • Yeah, that he's a rapist piece of sh*t

    Clemenem posted: »

    "Because... Because the hunger a man's got for a woman is all we have left now. No jobs, no laws. Ain't nothing that make us men. But they ain't eaten all the women yet." -Nate There was some real meaning behind that quote, something deeper.

  • Him saying he has a strong attraction to women doesn't make him a rapist.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    Yeah, that he's a rapist piece of sh*t

  • "Don't be mad." "Fine, be mad just stop being a pussy."

  • "Maybe drop you off and do a double-back."

  • edited February 2015

    This by a nautical mile

    Edit, let me change/upgrade my answer, probably anything he says in a silent Russell playthrough;


    "Look, Russell, I just asked you your name, not who the king of fucking Norway was."

  • "Whatdya say Russ, should we kill these people, and take all their stuff?!"

  • Well the fact that he was making lewd remarks, about an underage girl that was in Russell's previous group, doesn't help his case.
    I know I was thinking: "Man, this guy is sick!"

    Him saying he has a strong attraction to women doesn't make him a rapist.

  • edited February 2015

    "I see you cuddlin' with your girlfriend down there."

  • Lmao, wtf?

    How does him having an attraction to women make him a rapist?

    Aerie88 posted: »

    Yeah, that he's a rapist piece of sh*t

  • "Shit, bro."

    GiantKiller posted: »

    "I see you cuddlin' with your girlfriend down there."

  • What with the whole "lewd remarks about an underage girl" part?

    I don't know how old the girl was mentioned to be, but if she's Russell's age then she's probably 18 at best. Not like that matters when school no longer exists. :P

    Lmao, wtf? How does him having an attraction to women make him a rapist?

  • By the remarks Nate made regarding women, how 'there ain't nothing out there now that makes us men... except for women..' that made me think that Nate probably wouldn't give two sh*ts about consent...women are scarce, so he's gonna take it whenever there's an oppoortunity...yeah, I'm obviously speculating about his nature, but he comes came across to me as that kinda guy

    Lmao, wtf? How does him having an attraction to women make him a rapist?

  • I know Nate's a piece of shit, but I don't think he'd stoop that low to a point of no consent. He'd probably pressure the girl and say dirty things to her, but I'm sure that's about as much as he's going to get unless she gives consent.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    By the remarks Nate made regarding women, how 'there ain't nothing out there now that makes us men... except for women..' that made me think

  • Still doesn't make him a rapist, though. He can be an asshole, but I don't think he's that much of a horrible person.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well the fact that he was making lewd remarks, about an underage girl that was in Russell's previous group, doesn't help his case. I know I was thinking: "Man, this guy is sick!"

  • I absolutely believe Nate would rape any girl he could. Maybe he would ask consent from some, like a strong grown woman who can defend herself.. But anyone small and weak like Clem, if unarmed, and if the opportunity was there, of course he would.

    Nate loves this new world, without law's or consequence. He'll kill and rape on a whim.. I never understood how some people here could try to defend Nate or make appreciation thread's.. I always thought they were just trying to start some sort of debate war. That's my take on Nate..

    I know Nate's a piece of shit, but I don't think he'd stoop that low to a point of no consent. He'd probably pressure the girl and say dirty things to her, but I'm sure that's about as much as he's going to get unless she gives consent.

  • Oh really?
    Depending on the players choice, Nate will murder that elderly couple .
    Even though the husband was shooting at him, he was unarmed and posed no threat at that point.
    So with that in mind, do you still think Nate is not such a bad guy?

    Still doesn't make him a rapist, though. He can be an asshole, but I don't think he's that much of a horrible person.

  • I think he's a bit insane to be honest. Judging by the fact that he kills people just for the sake of killing makes me think that he's less than stable.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Oh really? Depending on the players choice, Nate will murder that elderly couple . Even though the husband was shooting at him, he was unarmed and posed no threat at that point. So with that in mind, do you still think Nate is not such a bad guy?

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfuWXRZe9yA

    LOL for a minute, i thought this thread was a shot at me.

    Nobody loves the bad man /cut.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    By the remarks Nate made regarding women, how 'there ain't nothing out there now that makes us men... except for women..' that made me think

  • He may ask for consent but I think he'd take what he wants regardless. He reminded me of the leader of The Claimers in the show...the way their rules were..they don't have to be friends or act brotherly, but respect one another and follow the rules of not lying or stealing from one another

    I know Nate's a piece of shit, but I don't think he'd stoop that low to a point of no consent. He'd probably pressure the girl and say dirty things to her, but I'm sure that's about as much as he's going to get unless she gives consent.

  • Nate doesn't strike me as a rapist. Nor would I think he'd ever rape a little girl. I'd find him to be awkwardly and unknowledgeable of how to take of a little girl rather than raping them.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I absolutely believe Nate would rape any girl he could. Maybe he would ask consent from some, like a strong grown woman who can defend hers

  • You try not seeing a woman in over 3 months see if you're not talking like that or worse...

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Oh really? Depending on the players choice, Nate will murder that elderly couple . Even though the husband was shooting at him, he was unarmed and posed no threat at that point. So with that in mind, do you still think Nate is not such a bad guy?

  • "Like a nine, right? Maybe you got high standards. If you say five, I'm gonna flip."

  • That has nothing do with anything.
    How long a man goes without seeing a woman does not mean he's gonna start talking like Nate did.
    That comes from what is in a person's heart.

    Clemenem posted: »

    You try not seeing a woman in over 3 months see if you're not talking like that or worse...

  • No shit!

    I think he's a bit insane to be honest. Judging by the fact that he kills people just for the sake of killing makes me think that he's less than stable.

  • do you still think Nate is not such a bad guy?

    About as bad as Kenny, Clementine, or anyone else that have killed/ whatever for reason. Nate not a bad guy. He isn't a good guy either though.

    I think he's a bit insane to be honest. Judging by the fact that he kills people just for the sake of killing makes me think that he's less than stable.

  • Lol NOT hardly. People get lonely and sexually frustrated. Its Called "blue balls". Friends of mine have spoken even more perverted and I know they're just messing

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    That has nothing do with anything. How long a man goes without seeing a woman does not mean he's gonna start talking like Nate did. That comes from what is in a person's heart.

  • edited April 2015

    (Copied from an old post I found)

    Don't know if these are the coolest but mute-Russell run is some comedy gold

    Nate: "I see you hiding down there with your boyfriend."

    Russell: ...

    Nate: "Dude, I can see you breathing... and so can those dead dudes coming out of the woods."
    Russell: jumps up

    Nate: "HAHA, oh shit, man, how the fuck are you alive falling for junk like that? I mean SERIOUSLY, how are you not in some hillbilly's freezer already?"


    Nate: "Look, Russell, I just asked you your name, not who the King of fucking Norway was."


    Russell: ...

    Nate: ...

    Russell: ...

    Nate: "This is pretty fucking uncomfortable now ain't it?"

    Russell: "Yep."


    Nate: "Fine, be mad, just stop being a pussy."

    Russell: ...

    Nate: "... Or keep being a pussy."

    (Also did you know that if you just sit doing nothing when you're supposed to take a glance at the sniper, the following eventually happens?)

    Russell: ...

    Nate: "Russell, you still breathing?"

    Russell: ...

    Nate: "Fuck it, I'll do it myself." actually does it himself

  • Yeah, but given how Nate kills that couple, as well as how he tried to kill Wyatt and Eddie, well that does have to make you wonder.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Lol NOT hardly. People get lonely and sexually frustrated. Its Called "blue balls". Friends of mine have spoken even more perverted and I know they're just messing

  • Anyone else genuinely think this was going to be a thread about Kenny?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    Anyone else genuinely think this was going to be a thread about Kenny?

  • Not really. Eddie and Wyatt killed Nate's friend for no good reason and Eddie's junkie trigger finger. If you go around shooting random people than you probably deserve what you get.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Yeah, but given how Nate kills that couple, as well as how he tried to kill Wyatt and Eddie, well that does have to make you wonder.

  • Kenny is an alcoholic? That's news to me.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Anyone else genuinely think this was going to be a thread about Kenny?

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