Ramsay Snow Defense Thread
Yup another one. I made a joke about he would turn out to be the hero of Game of Thrones in another thread but this thread is a more in depth serious post. I don't think Ramsay is a bad man just a sick one. Look at it this way every crime he committed was either for his father or taking his anger out for not receiving his love. Ramsay is just a boy who unlike Joffrey grew up a life not wanted and not cared for he was weighed into the ground and lived a poor, miserable childhood how tough do you think that is? All he wanted was his father's acceptance and the Bolton name. He does care about and trust Theon he rewards him and trusts him with the job of getting an army to surrender. So in his mind when he saw a friend of his father's be disrespected by a snotty brat (Ethan) he let loose and instilled fear in them and plus I'm sure he had his orders. He's in a lot of pain and just wants to get it out
All hail Ramsay. All hail Ramsay.
I seriously fail to understand how anyone can be a devil's advocate for Ramsay.
He's still a crazy psychopath who likes to brutally murder innocent men, women, and children.
And he obviously isn't doing it because of his tough childhood or lack of his father's attention.
He's crazy because of his father. He loves his dad
He's crazy because mental illnesses can manifest randomly.
That doesn't change anything.
Do you forgive Hitler because he had a bad life?
Ramsay didn't cause mass genocide and any action he did was mainly for his father
Yes because hunting women with dogs honors his father so much and hell I wouldn't put genocide behind Ramsay. However I don't think you understand my point, his actions aren't excusable because his life sucks.
So he flayed the guy on the Kingsroad because he was sad...? Or brutally tortures people just for the hell of it? Or cuts a guy's dick off?
Yeah, I don't think so.
Ramsay is just batshit insane, he always has been insane and will always be. He deserves no mercy.
His father plays a role in it, but rather a minor one. Ramsay just likes it. There was literally no reason why he would kill Ethan, other than that he enjoys to see people suffer.
Is a sick person evil? Can we really call someone mentally insane the core of evil because they're so conflicted by a love for another that they want to make them happy. I expect hate for this but there are far worse than Ramsay
First Joffrey, now Ramsay. You can blame how a person turns out because of their parents/childhood, but only to an extent. He is a sociopath and cold-blooded murderer by nature and doesn't deserve any consolation IMO.
Are...Are you serious?
Ramsay is a sick, evil, twisted man.
You don't see me kidnapping women and hunting them, you don't see me flaying people alive, you don't see me stabbing young kids.
People use the term sociopath so frequently they forget it's true meaning. A sociopath is someone who doesn't give a single fuck about anyone or anything. Ramsay loved his father and the motive for his actions is his father
just because you dont get respect...doesnt mean you go cutting off people's
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"Love" might be too much, IMO, he just wants his approval and respect.
I figure you might not give a single fuck about anything if you have little girls butchered by dogs and cut off a man's dick who doesn't deserve that.
@Clemenem im sorry but youre defending the wrong guy...he's nothing but a serial killer.
He wanted part of the Bolton family and how he said he wouldn't disappoint him and be worthy of. I think he loved him to at least some extent
Ethan was lord of the house which made him old enough to handle the power. If Joffrey can be trialed as an adult why can't Ethan
Well because there wasn't a trial...Ethan defended his sister and Ramsay stabbed him because he didn't like him. Ramsay murdered a child.
In Joff's case there wasn't much of a trial. And its not justified but he probably had orders and acted on his father's behalf. Roose's obsession with power and no care or morals, take what you want life was a negative influence on Ramsay
We're not talking about Joffery. Ramsay murdered a child, he did it for fun. So what if it was a negative influence, it doesn't excuse Ramsay for anything.
I respect your opinion but I was prepared to get hate for this but I'll stick with my beliefs no matter what
i understand it's war and people will die, i also understand Ramsay wanting his father's love/respect...but we are talking about torturing another human being...that is not acceptable in any way or form.
btw it's not an opinion it's a fact.
Opinions aren't factual
Nope. I don't have sympathy for Ramsay. There's no excuse for what he's done. He's so evil and crazy it makes me shiver.
Did you not see the part where he flayed a dude alive just for shits and giggles.
We don't know the whole
We saw all we needed to. Ramsey was smiling and chuckling as he skinned a dude alive while he was begging for mercy. He's straight up evil even on his best days.
@Clemenem if this doesnt convince you nothing will.
Ramsay is a sadist; he is cruel, savage and wild, taking delight in torturing others. He is quite fond of the old Bolton custom of flaying their enemies alive.
Ramsay is a capable manipulator and possesses a low cold cunning. He is particularly good at thinking on his feet, though less savvy when it comes to long-term consequences and intricate politics. He openly enjoys abusive practices such as having young women stripped naked and released into the Bolton forests, before hunting them with a pack of feral dogs. He gives a quick death to women who give him good sport (after raping them first), then flays their corpses. He likes to name his dogs after the women he enjoys most to "honor" them. The women who do not give him good sport are raped and then flayed alive. The skins of his kills are brought back with him to the Dreadfort as gruesome trophies. The bodies of the woman are fed to his dogs.
Roose and Ramsey are the perfect examples of a sociopath and a psychopath and the differences between.
Roose is cold blooded and doesnt care really about anything, if people get hurt he doesnt really care as long as the job is done. he has logic to what he does and there is some care about it, he doesnt get any rise out of violence he just doesnt see why you wouldnt as its the easiest way.
An example from the books is when he talks to theon about how he conceived ramsey in the first place, just completely matter of fact about it.
Ramsey is psychotic and actually takes pleasure from hurting people to the point it almost defies logic
Nobody on earth is a pure psychopath but ramsey has every trait possible.
Here is the difference. Roose is emotionless and only cares about himself and him in charge of The North. Ramsay is a psycho who loves him and longs for his acceptance and love
I agree up to the lack of reason for killing Ethan. Ethan made it clear he would not stand for Ramsays tomfoolery, and he was, at the time, the last Forrester who could lead them (Asher exiled, Rodrik dead, Ryon with Whitehill)
Ramsey is self indulgent but he doesnt like his father whatsoever, Psychopaths and sociopaths are both about themselves.
Ramsay said to Ethan that he doesn't care about what his father wants
I could be overlooking things, but how exactly did Ramsay have such a terrible childhood? He grew up with his mother (a miller's widow) and didn't even know who his father was for the first twelve years of his life. And if he wasn't so wild and unruly already in his childhood, his mother would have raised him all alone. As for not receiving his father's love: well, boo hoo. It's not like Roose abused him or anything - he just didn't care (as he doesn't really care about anyone).
Let's compare that to another poor boy who grew up with a stepmother who hated him: Jon Snow. As Catelyn told Talisa in the show: she could hardly stand being in the same room with Jon, because he was a constant reminder that Ned had betrayed her trust at one point. How sad is that? But instead of moping about it, Jon knew his place and went on to claim his honor as a man of the Night's Watch.
Ramsay is a born psychopath. It's not like he would have turned out better if he would have gotten more hugs as a child. He's always been a sadist and a selfish, egotistical bastard. The part in his brain that regulates his empathy and compassion just isn't developed at all. In his own words: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
Frey and Roose are both war lords with 0 human traits they're far worse than Ramsay or Joffrey but they get a free pass and live happily ever after