Just started replaying Season Two...The opening scene is really bad...
I get what Telltale was trying to do with establishing that there's no hope but this all just screams utter laziness. For one thing, it's really stupid to get rid of two supporting characters that the majority of players care about within the first ten minutes because that leaves us with only one character we know and love (Clem) until the newer characters get developed. That's just plain incompetent. And something to me screams rushed because there's so many other ways this season could have started. There could be a time jump sure but Omid and Christa can be there afterwards. I would've loved to have seen Omid and Christa interact with the Cabin group. Imagine reuniting with Kenny too. The opening bathroom scene just screams contrived to me as well. For one thing, Clem should not be frightened at the door opening and she would have no immediate reason to hide. And second, she could've easily grabbed the gun before Michelle did. And of course I have to ask where the hell Omid's rifle went. Killing off a main character for a shocking opening is just lazy to me. And it ruins any potential for more growth in his character.
Here's another question. Why couldn't Omid be Alvin and Christa be Rebecca? I know Carver wouldn't be after Rebecca then but he could easily be after Carlos or someone else. Just sayin'. Let me know what you think.
So many "what ifs"
I didnt find it bad, but I was very annoyed that they killed Omid
I think because telltale wanted to give you more reasons to choose other selections, not just supporting Omid and Christa, if they were alive.
But, still, it is kinda "lazy" to kill Omid in that way and at that beginning.
While I agree that killing Omid and the way it was done kind of sucked, it served a purpose. It early established the tone that Breckon was going for in Season 2, this is a much darker world where people lose their humanity and have no problem killing people or threatening a small helpless girl to boost their chances of survival. The same goes for Christa, a group of people, desperate for food aand supplies in need of help, attack and threaten someone else to help their own survival. And then one of them attacks a small child and can kill her without hesitation (if you fail certain tasks) really shows just how much people have changed because of this world. Kevin Bruner said in an interview that Clementine is growing up in a world where no one is going to care how old she is, she's put in a situation where others will threaten or kill her if it means that they can live.
I could have forgiven Omid being killed off in the first 10 minutes. I was thinking about what this could mean for the relationship between Christa and Clem, the fate of the baby, Clem's emotional state of mind etc. Until it was all forgotten in a 16 month timeskip and a raid by scavengers leaving Christa's fate unknown. For me, it served no purpose for the story arc. If it did, it would warrant a lot more attention than a few questions here and there about Christa and a memory recall session with Kenny. Agree with the OP on this. LAZY. So many ways the tone of 'survival by any means necessary' could have been established.
If Omid was Alvin, more than 1 tear would be shed at his cabin death and his sacrifice scene in episode 3... so many feels
And for Christa to die from exhaustion after childbirth... that would break me ;(
It really was. Killing off a fan favorite 8 minutes into game play in shoddy fashion is never a good sign
Omid & Christa were parted with for the progression of the story, not sure how that's "lazy". Season 2 is about Clementine, not "Clementine & close friends who survived with her from season 1". People are too fixated with seeing non-essential players survive just because they "know them" even if taking them out means a better story.
You wanna know what I think?
There's a reason Telltale is making this game and not people like you. They do this by "season", the story isn't over.
It kind of felt forced in the beginning. It wasn't until when Winston appeared then shit got real
Killing those characters off the way they did, was lazy I agree. I know it was done to kickstart season two, but it was shoddy.
There were so many other ways of getting the job done, without going down the road that telltale did.
Besides all that though, I don't see any reason why both had to be killed anyway. Certainly not in the first ten minutes. I never liked Christa, but to have her disappear after the bandit incident was stupid.
As I have said before. Season Two had many flaws, and that's just one of them. It is still though far superior to any other game I have seen or played since.
Yup, rhetoric. Incredible.
Ironically, Season 2 ended up being mostly about Kenny.
I have a feeling about Kenny or Jane will end up the same fate as Omid in the very beginning of season 3.
good another one of this
His repeat overuse dialogue file of Jesus are you fucking kidding me was funny in kind of a pathetic way
Well Christa is still not confirmed dead,she might still appear in the future , Omid was killed imo for the sake of Christa's character development.