short trailer enjoy =3


Videos I have made to date, comments are welcome.

Lee and Clementine tribute II (season 1 spoilers)
Kenny and Clementine tribute (season 2 spoilers)
What's your story? short trailer (season 2 spoilers)
Clementine's fight for survival. (season 1 and 2 spoilers)
The Walking Dead the game : All our regrets (season 1 and 2 spoilers)
The Walking Dead game Season 2 - More alike than you think. (season 2 spoilers)
- The Walking Dead the game - Sarah Tribute, Lost but not forgotten (season 2 spoilers)
- Lee's Legacy (A Lee and Clementine tribute)

next video in production - 3 video series in production (not trailers)



  • Another vid up, this time Clementine and Kenny's journey in season 2.

  • Once again, cool vids you got there man, but your Clem and Kenny vid; the music was not too fitting. But hey, you just earned my subs. Cheers mate! Looking forward to your new vid. Check my Road to Season 3 vid in the meantime!


  • edited February 2015

    I was gonna use boulevard of broken dreams originally but the song is a bit lengthy I think.

    I chose Good Riddance as its a song about breaking up and moving on, which if you watch the ending is what happens to Kenny and Clementine at the end. Yes I do realise its meant to be a love song about breaking up, and this context is different, but is about breaking up a relationship, which is what effectively has happened there.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Once again, cool vids you got there man, but your Clem and Kenny vid; the music was not too fitting. But hey, you just earned my subs. Cheers mate! Looking forward to your new vid. Check my Road to Season 3 vid in the meantime! SPOILER ALERT

  • I see, that's a good choice if I must say, but still for me, the music was too... happy... you know what I mean? lol. Still, good editing.

    I was gonna use boulevard of broken dreams originally but the song is a bit lengthy I think. I chose Good Riddance as its a song about br

  • edited February 2015

    Well... your trailer doesn't look exactly like typical trailer but I guess everyone has to start with something, yes? Kepp doing what you doing and perhaps some day it'll be better looking trailer. At least in my opinion. :D Honest one, of course.

    Btw. you want to check one of my trailer? For example, one of The Walking Dead?

  • Just share it man. We're all interested in fan-made videos. =D

    Tewudin posted: »

    Well... your trailer doesn't look exactly like typical trailer but I guess everyone has to start with something, yes? Kepp doing what you do

  • Alright, alright. :D Here you go and enjoy.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Just share it man. We're all interested in fan-made videos. =D

  • Holy shit, that gave me goosebumps. Great video man! subs.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Alright, alright. Here you go and enjoy.

  • Check out my other videos if you want. Everything is on my channel. :)

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Holy shit, that gave me goosebumps. Great video man! subs.

  • You have such great editing man. I wish I have such skills like you. Still, I'm trying hard to improve it.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Check out my other videos if you want. Everything is on my channel.

  • Good for you. Like I said everyone has to start with something. Keep doing what you doing and you'll be better at this.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    You have such great editing man. I wish I have such skills like you. Still, I'm trying hard to improve it.

  • yeah it is a bit upbeat for the walking dead, but I feel sat nicely with how I tried to portray kenny and clementine's happy moments in season 2 rather than the dark ones we all come to know in the walking dead.

    Fear not, I do plan on doing a dark video, and will look more like a trailer than my first attempt.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I see, that's a good choice if I must say, but still for me, the music was too... happy... you know what I mean? lol. Still, good editing.

  • I find the hardest thing for making these videos is finding some music which is fitting to what you are trying to make and portray. For my darker video I have finally found a bit of music which is really good, and sits well with all the dark moments that the walking dead has thrown at us so far. Now I can start putting it together finally now that I have a timeline to work with.

  • For me it's different. I don't have any idea about my next video until I will find some good music. When I find something really good then I'm thinking to what game it fits perfectly (for example The Walking Dead, GTA, Battlefield, H1Z1 etc.). Maybe because of that some people say that my trailer play exactly how music goes, I don't know.

    I find the hardest thing for making these videos is finding some music which is fitting to what you are trying to make and portray. For my d

  • dont suppose you know where i can find the ingame speech audio without the music to the walking dead playing in the background do you? I have a real good idea how this trailer is going to play out, but its completely ruined by some of the music over the top of the audio I want.

    Tewudin posted: »

    For me it's different. I don't have any idea about my next video until I will find some good music. When I find something really good then I

  • I know it's possible to find, though I don't know how. What I do is that I turn off music in game and just record scenes that I want with all the voices.

    dont suppose you know where i can find the ingame speech audio without the music to the walking dead playing in the background do you? I hav

  • edited February 2015

    Just use Telltale Speech Extractor. Extract all the speech audio and BAM! You're in a gold baby! That's how I did, and the total files I manage to extract for both seasons are approximitely 1Gb.

    dont suppose you know where i can find the ingame speech audio without the music to the walking dead playing in the background do you? I hav

  • Thanks guys, guess im gonna have to buy season 1 and 2 for the pc (I play it on ps4 atm) so I can get the sound files =D. Good job I was already planning on doing that, so I can broadcast my playthroughs when season 3 comes out.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Just use Telltale Speech Extractor. Extract all the speech audio and BAM! You're in a gold baby! That's how I did, and the total files I manage to extract for both seasons are approximitely 1Gb.

  • Btw. are you enjoying fan made trailers for the TV series? :)

  • haven't really looked at them bud, mainly because I am not caught up to the recent episodes. I am currently about halfway through season 3, where Daryl and Merle have to fight each other to the death at woodbury.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Btw. are you enjoying fan made trailers for the TV series?

  • Oh, I see. Then I won't spoil anything for you by showing my latest trailer for TV Show.

    haven't really looked at them bud, mainly because I am not caught up to the recent episodes. I am currently about halfway through season 3, where Daryl and Merle have to fight each other to the death at woodbury.

  • Have you guys seen any of my stuff? I link a few of my walking dead videos for ya :)
    Lilly 1-
    Lilly 2-

  • Just so you all know I am in the final stages of the next video. Just trying to get a couple of seconds of audio, then i can start producing it and upload it.

  • May I ask how did you manage to get the speech audio in the meantime? I mean, you said that you played on ps4, the only way is to separate the audio from the cutscene and filter it to get clear voice.

    Just so you all know I am in the final stages of the next video. Just trying to get a couple of seconds of audio, then i can start producing it and upload it.

  • bought season 1 and 2 for the pc and am using telltale speech extractor. However, it isn't working for season 2 no matter what I try right now, and the audio I need to complete my video is in season 2 =(.

    I'll get around this issue somehow hehe.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    May I ask how did you manage to get the speech audio in the meantime? I mean, you said that you played on ps4, the only way is to separate the audio from the cutscene and filter it to get clear voice.

  • Actually, you can, the problem is the speech extractor. All you need to do is take the audio file (.ttarch2) and put it into separate folder.

    For example, you want speech file of Episode 1 from Season 2, copy WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead202_voice.ttarch2, then paste it into newly created folder.

    Then open speech extractor, find the .ttarch2 file, and BOOM!, you can see the archive is loaded and you can export it.

    This is a bug in the speech extractor itself;

    Until very recently each episode of a game stored its resources in separate folders. However some newer games store the resources for all episodes in the same folder. So far The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead Season 2 do this. If you manually choose the game folder by clicking 'open folder' then only the first available episode in that folder will be opened. Eg it will usually just open the first episode's speech. To fix - either choose the specific episode from the menu or move the music file into its own folder and choose that folder when you do 'open folder'.

    bought season 1 and 2 for the pc and am using telltale speech extractor. However, it isn't working for season 2 no matter what I try right now, and the audio I need to complete my video is in season 2 =(. I'll get around this issue somehow hehe.

  • problem is, despite having all 5 episodes installed I can only see the first episodes .ttarch2 file for some reason and no more.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Actually, you can, the problem is the speech extractor. All you need to do is take the audio file (.ttarch2) and put it into separate folder

  • In you game folder, the "Pack" file, you didn't have all this?

    Alt text

    Notice the voice file.

    problem is, despite having all 5 episodes installed I can only see the first episodes .ttarch2 file for some reason and no more.

  • no it just has 201 file. I have no idea what's going on with that considering I am halfway through episode 5 right now. Weird indeedy.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    In you game folder, the "Pack" file, you didn't have all this? Notice the voice file.

  • So, you want the files? I'll be gladly upload it if you want.

    no it just has 201 file. I have no idea what's going on with that considering I am halfway through episode 5 right now. Weird indeedy.

  • if you wouldn't mind that would be a great help :D

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    So, you want the files? I'll be gladly upload it if you want.

  • Okay video is now Live! In the end didn't add the audio I needed, I will redo the video with the correct audio when I get the audio files properly.

    Enjoy peeps, hope it gives you goosebumps like it did me :)

  • edited February 2015

    DId you get the link I send you? Cool video again bro! Just need to polish a little bit more and you got yourself a "remastered" Trailer haha.

    Okay video is now Live! In the end didn't add the audio I needed, I will redo the video with the correct audio when I get the audio files properly. Enjoy peeps, hope it gives you goosebumps like it did me

  • edited February 2015

    umm no :S

    Like I say I will redo it when the I get the audio so will re upload again soon. On with the next vid for now, this one is gonna be simpler but take way longer to do as there will be a ton of editing to be done.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    DId you get the link I send you? Cool video again bro! Just need to polish a little bit more and you got yourself a "remastered" Trailer haha.

  • umm no :S Like I say I will redo it when the I get the audio so will re upload again soon. On with the next vid for now, this one is gonna be simpler but take way longer to do as there will be a ton of editing to be done.

  • Thanks so much bro. Leave a comment if you like, I know what I need to do to make it better with the audio =)

    Mat_Den96 posted: »


  • edited February 2015

    Excuse me. Did you download The Walking Dead title in the end of the video from one of my trailers? No offence but this is the exact same title which I edited a bit. :) Scene afterwards too.

    Okay video is now Live! In the end didn't add the audio I needed, I will redo the video with the correct audio when I get the audio files properly. Enjoy peeps, hope it gives you goosebumps like it did me

  • edited February 2015

    no from official walking dead trailer, and accolades trailer. Not to worry I am adding credits to you guys for your help, it is much appreciated.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Excuse me. Did you download The Walking Dead title in the end of the video from one of my trailers? No offence but this is the exact same title which I edited a bit. Scene afterwards too.

  • edited February 2015

    No offence but I don't believe you. I checked it just to be sure. Title from official trailer has a brighter background and in my trailer it's darker background because I edited contrast, colors etc. :P Plus this scene afterward with "Download" word. Not nice, bro. Trailer is good but damn, it wasn't nice. :)

    no from official walking dead trailer, and accolades trailer. Not to worry I am adding credits to you guys for your help, it is much appreciated.

  • I see, the accolades trailer from this post I thought it was official one sorry bro. Anyways, credits added and sorry for any misunderstanding and what not, but yes did take the end bit from the accolade trailer I do believe.

    Tewudin posted: »

    No offence but I don't believe you. I checked it just to be sure. Title from official trailer has a brighter background and in my trailer it

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