The walking dead issue #137: Do you think kirkman's storyline is starting to make a come back?
So Carl finds a new love interest and the plot to over throw Maggie's rule is starting to heat up with the new threat of people disguised as walkers closing in on the camp.
Its been a while since I have been so interested in this comic. I just hope Kirkman doesn't screw this arc up like All out war. This is possibly his best writing since the governor arc.
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That pic doh
My reaction to Carl having sex
......Carl....Carl Grimes.......that was some gangsta ass shit. So he has Lydia, Sophia, and the titty flasher girl back at Alexandria. Hey, play on player.
when you're used to blood and guts one's idea of what's 'kinky' gets kinda warped
I liked this issue but that panel made me say "what the fuck" out loud :P
It will be interesting to see where things will go from here.
Definitely man, I'm really interested in the story right now, every day is a burden. I think the pace is a bit slow, but I think this arc will be awesome.
Why the hell would people disguise themselves as walkers? It makes them targets. I always thought Carl and Sophia were meant for eachother
Yeah, I still can't believe Carl fell to Lydia's honeypot. He and Sophia have been together from the start!
sophia and carl broke up when they were like 8
Thank god Clem doesn't have to go through with this shit lol. shivers
I... I... Wha... I.... WHOAAAAAT?!
Still, they were close.
When I saw that shit I just couldnt take it.
Its so they can disguised themselves among a huge group of them, though its true it makes them targets as well.
Seems like doing more work where they could just smeere the guts on them and its going to suck once they come across the wrong group of survivors. Just goes to show:
TWD Video Game Character are smarter than the Comic Characters
"TWD Video Game Character are smarter than the Comic Characters"
A lot of the video game characters do dumb shit too
No shit but have you seen some of the idiotic shit the comic characters do? Its beyond full retard
Maybe. But you have to admit, the average lifespan of the comic characters is much longer than that of the video game characters. Just saying.
Sadly yes but look at Kenny (determinant) and Clem, they're story started before issue 1 yet they've outlived the Woodbury Army, The majority of the prison, The Hunters, Abraham and Glenn a long with several other major characters in the comics. They've managed to survive up until the end of All Out War Part II and if S3 has a time skip even longer than that.
Yeah, but I wouldn't really say that Kenny is smarter/more capable than any of the comic characters. Rick, Andrea, Michonne, Jesus, EUGENE, Maggie, Negan, hell even Carl have proven themselves to be pretty damn amazing (and still canonically alive). Clementine is really the only game character that can match that league of characters I just listed, and even that's kinda stretching it.
You can say this about any group of survivors in the franchise though
The big fish will rule, until they piss off even bigger fish
What about Lee or Carver? I'm sure they're brighter than just a one eyed little boy, a blonde, Maggie a depressed widow, Michonne the loner and Rick who is even more impulsive than Kenny at times
Lee and Carver are both dead. It's hard to compare them when were talking about people who are alive or (since Kenny was mentioned) determinately alive.
Yeah good issue. Sorta proud of Carl. He is the man. But sorta hoping he and Sophia end up together. I kinda wanna see a cat fight between her and Lydia. Maybe that'll make Carl have to choose between the two. And ooh, if he picks Sophia that'll make Lydia super pissed, and then she'll, I don't know, escape or something. Then maybe try and kill him, and Sophia.
Gregory is dumb, and a dead man. Was lmao when he put the poison in the glass. Like really? That's your master plan? I was sorta expecting him to shoot her, or something. Can't wait for the next issue. Wondering if Jesus is gonna go into a fit of rage, or try and settle it diplomatically. Really hoping for the former.
Not really I mean Lee figured out in 3 months what people in the comic half assed after 4 years
Well Lee for sure. He was way ahead of the curve when it came to walker killing and general problem solving. If Clementine had just stayed her ass in the house (and people talk about Carl.....) he'd still be alive. Carver had the same problem (to a lesser extent) that the Crawford group had. His hardcore survivalist methods pissed off the wrong people and he paid the price. But in spite of their intelligence they're both still dead. Rick and the gang aren't, so who really deserves props here?
And for the record, Michonne figured out the safest and most sanitary method of walker camouflage to date, and it only took her a few weeks.
Wise words.
I like Michonne she's definitely the most attractive of the ladies in the comic but it seems Rick's group barely gets by and they escape death on a fluke. Dexter and Morgan would have killed them all had the walkers not distracted them, The Governor could have killed them all on numerous occasions as well as Negan and the Hunters. They only seem to get by by the stupidity of the people they're against.
They got lucky. Real lucky. Just like Clementine when Luke and Pete just happen to show up while walkers are swarming on her. And than there's the classic Kenny return. And I also have to question why Carver didn't beef up his security after the group stole those radios and Luke infiltrated the warehouse. The even bigger WTF? is why the hell was he keeping them locked up together anyway? Why not keep them separate so they can't plot against him?
And why didn't the Stranger cap Lee the moment he walked through the door? The St. Johns could have killed Lee and the others immediately as well. Instead they stuffed them in a meat locker and decided to wait for God knows what reason. And do I even need to address the collective dumb assery of the Cabin Group? The fuck are guys still doing that close to Carver's camp?
LOL. Needless to say, the game characters have plenty of herp derp moments too. Carley can't work batteries for Christ's sake.
Figured out what? If you mean the trick of covering yourself in walker stench to get through walkers Rick figured that out several days after waking up from his coma
Yeah I agree it has a lot of bull shit moments especially Season 2. However its predictable that the comic characters will always like because... plot armor :P
yeah they still are
Since Rick imposed that whole rule of no killing, I think Jesus is gonna punch Gregory a few times and then toss the moterfucker in some cell.
"A bite like that, it could be anything"- Carlos........
Or a hospital bed.
Are you really trying to turn this in a "video game master race" argument? And the video game characters do a bunch of dumb shit too
Heeeee's baaaack
Thinking about it. If it were real life. She would lick Carl's eye wound and went "I think it's sex...BLEUAHHHH!" presumes to vomit all over Carl's face and then he starts vomiting, just becoming a huge mess and no sexy time.