Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when he's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd shower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was having the 'baby-blues' and this would give the parents plenty of time to themselves.
Katie and Jersey flat out requested an overnight from the Smiths; she and Jersey were heading to the Pine Barrens and were planning on staying until the sun rose over the ocean and mountains. Penelope and Johann had the usual set up for their evening. Romantic movie, dinner, walk through the park and a sensual evening between the two. This includes massages, chocolates, music and a lot of sex. Junior, however, was dreading just a small part of his plans. Mary, believe it or not, was determined to see the mundy movie '50 Shades of Gray'. Junior made the comment of it being nonsense but Mary's foot was already down and digging into the dirt. She WAS going.
The last Gren heard, Lyla and Georgie were keeping it local this year and having a quiet evening at home. Georgie told Gren he had a dinner planned out for the two, watch horrible, sappy love movies, eat junk and just be together. According to Georgie, that's all he wanted. He knew Holly and Peter were doing the same thing this year too. The baby was making it difficult to leave the home for a long period of time. Ethan was alone this year and probably would hang out at his grandparent's place. Ever since the breakup with Henry, Ethan was not particularly in the best of moods to speak about the inccident.
But Gren had his own plans. It was not much but he was commited to this idea and would lay it out until complete. He managed to get Emily out of the house. She and Katie were heading to the Spa for a seaweed facial and manicure. Perfect, thought Gren, as he scurried along the house, making a list of the neccesery items for tonight. Vivian watched carefully at the Fable scribbling down on a notepad. She wanted to applaude Gren for his attempts and plans he had for Emily.
She deserved it. Vivian, on the other hand, could care less about the things associated with this day. She didn't need a day to tell her loved one to buy her gifts and shower her in rose petals and oil based massages. Vivian cringed at the mere thought of all that money and time being wasted. But some Fables did partake in today and her Emily was one of them. There was a time, however, when Emily once belonged to the 'Fuck you Valentine's Day' club. Vivian knew Emily secretly wanted all of this.
Gren opens the fridge and scans the contants of the machine. "Shit. I thought we had stuff for that...."
Vivian attempts to make contact. Least she could do was TRY and help. With a sudden heave and a mighty puch, Vivian sends a cold blast of air into Gren's face. He pauses to look around the room. Nothing. Closing the door, Gren carefully walks around the kitchen.
"Ya' fuckin' here, Vivian?" Gren's voice trembles as he speaks. "If you are...I could use some help. Not very fuckin' good with this romantic shit. I mean, I AM but...you know....a bit fuckin' rusty."
Vivian ponders and finally finds the solution. With another mighty push, she plants a thick layer of mist onto a mirror located just down the hall. Gren peeks around the corner and follows the trail of ice and cold. He touches the mirror and skims a finger along the mist, leaving a trail wiped clean and clear.
"You want me to ask the fuckin' mirror?" Gren looks around. "I don't get...I'm not sure HOW this will help. This thing don't fuckin' speak, Viv."
Vivian rolls her eyes. Men were creatures of habit and never saw the big picture. Vivian attempts one last time to show Gren her idea. She writes Junior's name in the section Gren's finger did not clear away. He was beyond words when his brother-in-law's name appeared in the glass. Freaky, thought Gren.
"Uh, thanks Viv." Gren places the notepad on a table. "You are, um, a big help to me."
Vivian folds her hands and smiles. Gren taps on the mirror, says 'BloodyPorgie' five times and watches as a half dressed Junior peeks in through the glass. A spinning vortex of reds and blacks lies beyond his entrance.
"Hey Gren." Junior leans against the edge. "What is up?"
Gren lifts the notepad up. "I need your honest opinion. Is this a good idea for tonight or-"
Junior chuckles. "Gren, dude-relax, man. Valentine's day is not all about the gifts. It's about spending time with the one you love and reminding them why you love them so."
"So, this all is okay or-"
"She'll love ALL of that, Gren, especially since its coming from YOU, man."
Gren beams. "Thank you, Junior. I, uh....needed to hear that."
Junior salutes Gren, as he disappears into the glass. "Any time, pal. Have fun tonight."
And within seconds, Junior is gone and the mirror returns to normal. Gren quickly thanks Vivian and heads up the stairs. As he undresses, the quads babble and play in their pen. Chloe chews on a rubber bone, Liam and Viviana play in the corner while Seraphina tries to stick a stuffed animal's leg into her mouth. Naked, Gren runs to the dresser and looks for a pair of clean clothes.
"Daddy needs to look good tonight." Gren holds up three different ties. "Which one, kids-this one, this or this one?"
The babies simply stare at their panting father or continue to play. Gren picks a simple black one and searches for a clean, pressed white shirt. Running in circles, Gren slides into the bathroom and turns the water on. Gren again looks around the room.
"Vivian, I'm heading to the shower. Can you watch the quads and-"
He quickly got an answer when Viviana, waving her arms about, began to float towards the ceiling. Gren heads into the shower, spends five minutes rinsing and lathering with soap and begins his daily rituals and perfecting the right hair. He'd had this style for years now but both Emily and himslf loved it. Unscrewing the top of the gel, Gren adds just enough into his palm, adds it to the top and mashes it into his hair. Running his fingers through and finally a comb, Gren creates the perfect slicked back hair style.
"Perfect. Now I just need to get ready..."
Gren slips into a white shirt, black tie, dark pants and dress shoes. Appyling deoderant and cologne, Gren takes one last look in the mirror. He adjuts the tie and fixes the patch of hair under his lip. He was ready. Vivian sends a thick cloud of mist in Gren's direction. He looks around, hoping to see her.
"Thanks, Vivian. Well, I'm taking the quads over to Nancy and John's place. See you later."
Vivian waves at the qauds; Viviana floats into Gren's arms as he picks up the other three. Since they were out in the middle of nowhere, away from the prying eyes of mundies, Gren would allow Viviana to fly into the car. Normally he'd deny her this privilege but today was special and Gren was in a wonderful mood. Buckling all four children up, Gren takes his seat, starts the truck and heads to Smith Settlement.
Gren stayed just long enough to bid his babies goodbye. He thanked John and Nancy and headed back into Fabletown. The streets were filled with cars; the honking and loud groups of people still made Gren's head spin. He didn't like the noise. Always hated deafening noises but that didn't matter today. He pulls up to a tiny Flower shop and purchases eighteen long stemmed red Roses in a red vase and a white bow tied to the front. Paying for the flowers, Gren hops into the truck and heads to Johann's Butcher shop. Luckily he had the connections; one of the many perks to having a Butcher as your brother-in-law. Johann always had what Gren needed.
After paying for the cuts of meat, driving until he came to Central Park, Gren exits his vehicle and heads to a wooden gazebo. Lights are strung all along the edges. Flowers are carefully placed and decorated along the structure. A table with two chairs and a single candle sit in the middle. Gren checks the time; Emily would be home soon and she'd see the note. Quickly, Gren picks up his phone and dials one last number before everything was set in place.
"Why won't ya' tell me, Viv?" Emily applies a thin layer of lipstick. "I know YA' know woot he's got planned."
"I honestly don't, sweetie." Vivian holds Emily's dress. "He didn't state. I'm assuming its something special. Man was running all over the damn place like a chicken with its head cut off."
Emily stands up. Vivian hands her the dress. Slipping into a sexy black coctail dress and black heels, Emily makes one last adjustment on her outsit, adds hairspray to the top of her head and mascara. Standing back, she examines the woman in the mirror.
"Looking good, Ems." Vivian plants a kiss on her cheek. "You look stunning..."
Emily picks up the note. "Says ta' meet him at seven. Woot time is it?"
"Time for YOU to get a move on, Ems."
Emily grabs a small jacket, thanks Vivian and hails down a cab. Heading to Central Park, Emily's heart races and her stomach begins to tumble. Even when Felicia was alive, the two never did anything 'romantic' during Valentine's. Unless you count getting high in the kitchen or starting a screaming match every hour or so romantic. Emily tries to shake the images away; tonight it was about her and Gren, not the past. Paying for the ride, Emily exits the cab and heads into the park. Not too far along the trail, she notice rose petals scattered in the dirt.
'Follow the trail.' Is all the note stated. Emily did so. The night air was upon her; she could hear bats chirping and the glow of Fireflies appearing. From the distance, she could hear music, smell a delicious meal and see lights. Emily finally made it to her destination; Gren, standing before her, took Emily by the hand and led her to the beautifully decorated gazebo. He pulls out her chair and as Gren takes his seat, an unknown man brings the couple their meals.
"Gren..." Emily is beyond words. "Woot....woot is all this...I-"
"I wanted to do something special for you, Emily. I know its not much but-"
"No, no. I love it. YOU did all this?"
Gren smiles, as he lays his napkin onto his lap. "I may be a Grendel but that does not I can't be romantic."
The couple feast of grilled Steak, sauteed Shrimp in lemon and garlic, a fresh salad and vegetables. As they dine, music continues to play. There was one track Gren had planned for their dance. As Emily cuts into her Steak, Gren lifts a box out from under the table. It was wrapped in a thick sheet of blue paper.
"Here you go, Emily."
"Woot, no, Gren. I don't need-"
"Just open it."
Emily tears into the paper, lifts the top and notices a rather large book inside. On the top, her name. Emily takes the book out and scans the cover. A picture of her and Gren-then and now. Emily turns the pages and soon, her eyes are filled with tears. All the year she'd spent with Gren, were right here in this book. From the moment they fell in love, to the many summer nights spent watching Disney films, eating Taco Bell and staying up late. The ticket he kept from her first school play. The card she made him when Gren was in the hospital. Everything.
Emily looks up. "Gren-"
"Turn to the back." Gren waves his index finger. "I want you to see that...."
Emily flips to the back. Her eyes immediatly fill with tears. A picture of her parents; beneath it, Gren's handwriting. 'All because two people fell in love. I hope to one day have this...' Beneath that, an image of her, Gren and the quads. Under that, another saying. 'I loved her, not for the way she danced with angels...but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.'
"Gren..." Emily closes the book and wipes away her tears. "Gren, I-"
Suddenly, the final song plays. Emily knew this tune; it was always meant for her and Gren and before she could say another word, Gren stands up, takes her by the hand and leads Emily to the floor. The moon above is their only source of light. Emily notices another area closed off; candles flicker, music plays and vast styles of pillows and blankets sheet the floor.
"Woot is that ova' there, love?"
"Us, Emily. Tonight, its all for us. Nothing else in this world matters to me."
'I knew I loved you' by Savage Garden plays into the night. It was true; Emily never questioned Gren's love and knew it was there. Always there. Gren held Emily close. He could feel her heart beating, the gentle caressing of her delicate fingers. Emily leans into Gren's ear.
"Change fa' me, love. I want ta' see you tonight..."
Gren stands back and after a few seconds of blinding green light, Emily is in the presence of a towering beast. Gren leans forward and rubs his might face along Emily's neck. emily does not say one word, as the couple enter the section with the music, candles and sheets. Laying on the floor, Emily straddles Gren's lap and begins to remove her clothes.
Naked, Gren leans forward, wraps a mighty hand around Emily's waist and the two are locked in a tender embrace. The candle lights dance along the walls and their bare bodies. Different slow jams play on into the night, as the couple become lost in eachother and their moment of passion.
"I love ya', Gren."
"I love you more, Emily. Now and always."
Continuing their night of passion, Emily and Gren speak no more until the morning light. For now, it was just them; the world did not exist the remainder of the night. Now and always.
'I knew I loved you before I met you. I think I dreamed you into life. I knew I loved you, before I met you. I have been waiting all my life.'
any questions, you know the drill. Seeing as its Valentine's day, I had to do a little something with Gren & Emily. Me and the misses have HUGE plans for tonight as well; she wants to see that fifty shades of gray herself. If it makes her happy....XD got all kinds of things planned. A three day weekend for me as well! YAY! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!
Happy Valentine's from Pie, the misses, Emily and the Porgie Clan.
Freakin love Genesis and could picture these two jamming it up on a Valentine's night. The picture made me laugh and think 'Yup. So Rose Red.' The whole bid with the pie throwing and what not. So, pretty much Tez 'borrowed' the gifts for Rose? XD I loved it!
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red… more's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezot… [view original content]
Hey man, no prob. Ya' have to take care of what comes 1st. ope you are feeling better, too. Can't wait to see the drawings you have planned! Also, a happy Valentine's day to you to, man.
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when … morehe's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
Oh man, I know XD This is basically me and my sisters and my friends XD I've been thinking of featuring everyone at some point in the future, where they stand, if they have any children of their own, if they're married, and such. Soon enough ^-^
Well, as I noted a while back, and I'm not sure if you've read that particular chapter, but Franklin is growing up faster than normal. He's supposed to be about 8 or 9, but he currently looks 12 and not everyone has caught on just yet. It's both an issue and a blessing, in some ways, because it means that Ash will be able to be with him soon enough, but at the same time he's basically being stripped of his childhood, which he has expressed how much he dislikes that fact. I will certainly write more about it very soon (Today, even.) and hopefully you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this chapter ^-^
Good ol' sister chats. XD Reading about Ash and Elora again makes me hope we get to see them in Charlotte's future; for various reasons they… more're excellent characters.
"Not yet. But it will be, soon enough." Little did Elora know, the true meaning by Ashlyn's statement.
Intriguing! Reckon I know about as much as Elora, though. XD
Sweet XD Great pic, man! I love how Rose is just like "Oh, you wanna know what this pie is for?" And then Tez gets it XD LOVE the song choices, btw, SUPER awesome songs!
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red… more's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezot… [view original content]
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when … morehe's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
'Like a Virgin' played on a nearby boombox while the girls practiced. Tracy continued to chew her gun like a cow does to its cud. Several times the gym teacher asked kindly for her sparky friend to spit out the gum. She did but minutes later, Tracy was smacking on yet another wad. Several boys stayed after class to watch the girls in practice in their infamous shorts.
Nancy, however, was not concerned about the gawking boys or the shril voice of her coach. Nancy was preoccupied with the stange man, now sitting in the parking lot, watching through the chain linked fence. His buddy was asleep in the passenger seat but the tall, dark and handsome stanger leaned forward once more. Nancy noticed the striking smile across his face, strands of hair flying along his perfect jaw line. Nancy did not notice the oncoming ball and was struck in the head.
Giggles and taunts filled the air. She could hear the whistle blow and stomping of her teammate's concerned feet. Tracy wrapped her arms under Nancy's head and craddled her like a mother does to an infant.
"Oh man, Nancy! I'm so sorry! I thought you totally saw that!"
Nancy looks up, the sun nearly blinding her. "It's alright, Natalie. I was...busy..."
Tracy assists Nancy up. Not before making kissing sounds and wrapping her arms around her own waist.
"YOU were too busy looking at that hunk over there!"
The coach manages to grab Nancy's attention. After a further inspection of the wound, Nancy returns to the court and continues her practice. The man, however, is gone; his truck, buddy and himself seemed to have vanished into thin air. Disappointed, Nancy punts the ball and begins her daily routine of dreaming about the mysterious man.
"You going to Tony's killer party tonight?" Tracy picks up her gym bag and sits beside Nancy. "It's going to be rad and-"
Nancy slams her locker door closed. "You KNOW I can't go, Tracy. Why do you even ask me these things?"
"Say you'll be spending the night at my place, Nanc. They won't know...."
"I can't." Nancy slips her shoes on. "My mom is giving my another baking lesson tomorrorw, followed by piano, proper grammer and cooking."
"Bummer, Nancy." The two girls walk out of the locker room. "I mean, why is she so bent on you being what she used to be?"
Nancy often asked herself that, too. She had an older sister; Stacy was more than capable of taking the crown and becoming the next beauty pagent winner of Greenville. Her ovaries were in place. Make her pop out babies, slave over a hot stove and iron shirts all day. No one bats an eye when Stacy got a full ride to a university and made the concious decision to have a career. A life. No one. Yet, here was Nancy...being forced into it all.
Nancy sighs. "I don't have an answer for you, Tracy."
"Man. Well, my offer is still open. Call me later. You sure you'll be alright going home alone?"
Nancy nods. "Yeah. I'll be fine. I need some air."
"See ya', Nanc."
Waving, Nancy watches her friend jump into her jeep, turn the volume way up and peel out of the parking lot. She nearly collides with a teacher's vehicle. Shaking her head, Nancy begins her walk down the sidewalk and back to her home. No, prison was more like it. Nancy was eager to leave this town and make something. Venture out. See a show. Try exotic foods and not be tied down to one person. She was still a young woman in America was plenty of opportunities heading her way. But all Nancy could see were two toddlers, another on the way and fried chicken before her. The constant reminder of her mother to look 'good' and always smile. Smile, smile, smile.
Nancy kicks a nearby wall, sits down and cries. She didn't want either of those things but what choice did she have? Nancy could never break her mother's heart or become a disappointment to the family. Taking a moment to relax, Nancy did not notice the familiar red truck parked near a tree. The mysterious man in blue jeans jumps out from his vehicle and heads towards Nancy.
"You're going to get into so much trouble, John." Malcom leans forwards. "You sure about all this?"
John waves back. "I got this, Malcom. Trust me..."
Malcom shrugs his shoulder, places his headphones back on and continues to listen to White Snake. John carefully approaches the young woman; he could sense her tears and fragile emotions the further he came closer. The intoxicating smell of ripe Bananas filled his nose once more. He wanted to lunge forward, grasp her body and run off into a secluded area. No. That would make the situation only worse and John knew better than that.
"Uh, excuse me-"
John's sudden voice startled Nancy and caused her to tumble off the edge. Her books went flying as papers were scattered all along the sidewalk. Quckly, John grabs every sheet and collects her books. Helping Nancy to her feet, the woman dusts herself off and appears angry. Until she notices WHO it was.
"I'm so sorry about that." John tries to fix her books. "I thought you heard me and....shit. I hope nothing got ruined."
Nancy was struck suddenly with the inability to speak. He was beautiful upclose. His shoulders were broad, sparkling eyes, lushes lips and pefect posture. Instantly, Nancy began to melt like butter left out in the hot sun. Who was this mysterious man?
Finally, Nancy spoke. "Uuhhhh...." Good going, she thought.
"Look, I saw you sitting over here and wanted to make sure you're alright. You look like you've been crying."
"What...." Nancy looks up and into the man's eyes. "I'm, umm....alright. Just....long day. Are you-do you have a, umm, kid that goes to that school or-"
"No." John fiddles with his truck keys. "Why do you ask?"
"I've seen you there, in the SAME spot, for nearly a month now. Are you waiting for someone?"
"Not...exactly." Get it together, he thought to himself. Relax, man. Just take it easy.
"Oh." Nancy kicks a pebble across the sidewalk. "So what are you doing there?"
John was lost in her intense beauty. Her long, red hair dancing in the wind. Her gorgeous green eyes. That body. John wanted to grab Nancy in his arms and hold her against his chest, plant a kiss and make it official. But she was mundane. Mundanes take their time....
"Well, I was...um...are you, um....shit-"
For such an enormous man, John was terrified and unable to make the simplest of sentences. He found it difficult to speak to Nancy. Even though she could have easily ran off and never looked back.
"Do you want to ask me something?"
John manages to find the words. "Name. Um.....your name..."
"Nancy." She beams, clutching her books closer. "My name is Nancy."
"John." Suddenly, he was not afraid to speak. "I, uh, love your outfit."
Nancy looks down. Shit, she thought. Almost forgot to return to her 'good girl' apperance. The makeup would need to go. Her outfit. The shoes.
"Oh man, John. Thanks for reminding me. Not supposed to wear this or-"
"Why?" John was a tad confused. "I saw all the girls wearing this."
"Yeah well...not ALL the girls are allowed to freely express themselves. Not if you have parents like mine...."
"Bummer." John scratches his neck. "So, what-you need to change or-"
"Don't worry about me. I got this..."
John looks back; Malcom, now watching the to interact, makes a hand gesture of a telephone. Shit, thought John. That's right.
"Hey, um, Nancy. Are you busy tomorrow night?"
"I can't...." Nancy turns to walks away. "I'm sorry."
"Okay, how about Saturday night?"
"No? But why-"
"I just CAN'T, John. My parents...they are REALLY uptight and strict. They'll never let me leave the house with you or anyone for that matter. It's like pulling teeth just to leave with my friend Tracy."
John ponders for a moment. "Well, how about you meet me later tomorrow. Tell your parents it has to do with school work. Or your friend."
Nancy watches a Monarch butterfly land on a flower. "John, I don't know-"
"IF you don't like me, I'll stop. You can leave and you'll never see me again. Deal?"
So determined. And she loved it. Shaking John's hand, Nancy smiles. "Well, John. SINCE we are sking questions-how old ARE you actually?"
John chuckles. "You need a ride?"
Must be alot older than she thought but it didn't matter. Nancy agrees and soon, she sits in the passenger seat were Malcom was. He's forced into the back; the entire ride, mumbling to himself and listening to his cassete player. Nancy points to a clearing.
"Park here. I'd hate for them to see you..."
Malcom whistles. "Damn. That's a huge house there, Nancy."
Nancy closes the door. "Yeah. My family has...money."
"I can see that."
John leans against the open window. "So, I'll see you tomorrow than?"
Nancy smiles. "Yes. I'll meet you by the fountain."
Nancy turns to head home. Opening the giant brass gates, she blows John a kiss and nearly runs to the front door. Pulling out, John and Malcom head back to their little section of the world. Nancy closes the door, cheers and heads to her room. Thankfully, no one was home yet. Closing her bedroom door, Nancy strips out of her clothes, hides them and takes a baby wipe to her face. A smile larger than the moon on her face.
She had a date. With the mysterious man named John. Life was suddenly looking up.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for one more. Plus, an excuse to post an 80's style Nancy.
Freakin love Genesis and could picture these two jamming it up on a Valentine's night. The picture made me laugh and think 'Yup. So Rose Red… more.' The whole bid with the pie throwing and what not. So, pretty much Tez 'borrowed' the gifts for Rose? XD I loved it!
Sweet XD Great pic, man! I love how Rose is just like "Oh, you wanna know what this pie is for?" And then Tez gets it XD LOVE the song choices, btw, SUPER awesome songs!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when … morehe's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
There is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for me to quote so I'll just make a list like you do sometimes.
Gren is too freaking cute. I know he can be an ass but you've shown the world his good, kind side and I love it. He's so good to Emily; the idea of being connected to a person you had no idea would exist must be hard.
Vivian. I just love the idea of her lurking around, being the guardian to Emily. And the way she can message things to Gren. How cool! (no pun intended XD)
Mary's wish to see fifty shades of gray. Enough said! XD
John and Nancy.
The book Gren gave Emily. Everything he kept that had to do with Emily. The photos. Those sayings, especially the one Gren wrote under the pic of him, Ems and the quads.
That song. :')
The dinner scene. Dancing. The little section Gren made for the two to be intimate. UGH! The feels!!!
Gren changing into his true form for Emily.
I loved this, man! Good luck with that movie! XD Have a great time tonight!! Baby Ems and I will watch sappy love movies ourselves. She's my little date. Happy V-day to you and everyone else, too.
Valentine's Day; Fabletown
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd … moreshower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was ha… [view original content]
There is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for me to quote so I'll just make a list like you do sometimes.
* Gren is too freaking cute. I know he… more can be an ass but you've shown the world his good, kind side and I love it. He's so good to Emily; the idea of being connected to a person you had no idea would exist must be hard.
* Vivian. I just love the idea of her lurking around, being the guardian to Emily. And the way she can message things to Gren. How cool! (no pun intended XD)
* Mary's wish to see fifty shades of gray. Enough said! XD
* John and Nancy.
* The book Gren gave Emily. Everything he kept that had to do with Emily. The photos. Those sayings, especially the one Gren wrote under the pic of him, Ems and the quads.
* That song. :')
* The dinner scene. Dancing. The little section Gren made for the two to be intimate. UGH! The feels!!!
* Gren changing into his true form for Emily.
I loved this, man! Good l… [view original content]
Love this picture! Nancy is gorgeous! I adore her and John to no end!!!!
Freaking Tracy and that gum chewing! XD It's interesting to see just how shy one person can be. I never pictured John to be so intimidated by a mundane but guess that's how he used to be. I'm curious.....does Nancy know about Wolves and vampires or is this a secret to her? I'm assuming she does not know...just curious. Its so sad how her parents treat Nancy. WHY is that with families-some kids get treated differently than others?
Nancy and John
'Like a Virgin' played on a nearby boombox while the girls practiced. Tracy continued to chew her gun like a cow does … moreto its cud. Several times the gym teacher asked kindly for her sparky friend to spit out the gum. She did but minutes later, Tracy was smacking on yet another wad. Several boys stayed after class to watch the girls in practice in their infamous shorts.
Nancy, however, was not concerned about the gawking boys or the shril voice of her coach. Nancy was preoccupied with the stange man, now sitting in the parking lot, watching through the chain linked fence. His buddy was asleep in the passenger seat but the tall, dark and handsome stanger leaned forward once more. Nancy noticed the striking smile across his face, strands of hair flying along his perfect jaw line. Nancy did not notice the oncoming ball and was struck in the head.
Giggles and taunts filled the air. She could hear the whistle blow and sto… [view original content]
Well it's Valentine's Day!
I'd like to wish all of you a nice day today, for what it's worth
@pudding_pie I hope you survive the film… more, man :P
@Tetra Good luck with them drawings, I'm sure they'll be great!
Me? I've been at work ALL DAY :P No love for this aspiring Marine just yet...
So... yeah that's it I guess.
Yep, finished my College education so now I have all the educational requirements to join the Royal Marines Commando's as an Officer. Just gotta get my fitness up :P
The intention is to join after I turn 21 next year... I'll stay as faithful to this community as possible in my spare time of course!
My dual citizenship also means that I can transfer completely to the USMC and move to America if I wanted to
An aspiring Marine? How neat. My uncle was a Marine right after high school. Good luck with that.
Also, a happy V-day to you as well. I'm already spoken for and have the night filled tonight with a pretty little thing. XD
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when … morehe's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Now THIS is how you spend Valentine's day! Forget dinners, candles, romance-throwing pies in the face! Now THAT screams love! XD I loved the image, the songs are wonderful and it was neat listening to them. Happy V-day to you, too, T man.
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red… more's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezot… [view original content]
Next part of Cat and Mouse, enjoy.
Chapter Three
The hunt
"Shit!" Lyall swore, quickly crawling through the air vents, the occasion… moreal silver bullet nearly striking him as Scarlett fired bullet after bullet. Where the hell does one get so many silver bullets? Do they sell them for a dollar dozen at the market?!
"Come out and face me Wolf!" Scarlett screamed. "There's no escape!"
As quick as he could Lyall crawled through the vent, barely ahead of the gunshots trailing behind him. His heart raced, palms grew sweaty, his hands shook. Fuck... as if Scarlett wasn't enough throw a building full of succubus and incubuses, charming, beautiful, smart and could allure anyone and certainly knows what it takes it get into your pants. Flora scents of roses and violets filled his nose, he clenched his jaw and continued to quickly crawl through the vents. Why must scent be an easy way to tempt him? He blamed it on his father's side, wolves or… [view original content]
Right and I am fully healed now! I actually went running this morning to build my lungs so this doesn't happen! I just finished one but drawing dragons is so hard! Thanks Pudding
Hey man, no prob. Ya' have to take care of what comes 1st. ope you are feeling better, too. Can't wait to see the drawings you have planned! Also, a happy Valentine's day to you to, man.
Everyone had their take on the stories attatched to each Fable. The mundies had their version, the Fables had their own perspective and then… more there were those that actually went through it themselves. Those, however, were never taken into consideration. People heard what they wanted to hear; they took bits of the tale, ran with it and along the way, added a dash of lies and a teaspoon of uncertainty to the mix.
Emily knew the truth about her father's tale. For example, the mundies saw his silly little song as a way to keep young boys and girls seperated at a young age, so to avoid any issues down the road. The Fables, especially after the inccident YEARS ago, liked to remind Georgie of how 'vile' and 'disgusting' he truly was.
'He's a creep.' Emily heard this a lot growing up. 'What a fucking pervert! I bet he LOVES to rape women and little girls....keep him away!'
That was far from the truth but who would believe Emily, the daughter … [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I've made this picture just in time for the special occasion today. Again, enjoy the picture!
Rose Red… more's V-Day 'gift' to Tezoth.
"Haha, I still can't believe you actually got served by my cream pie! I thought you thieves were supposed to have quick reflexes?"
"Ah, you just simply... caught me off-guard, is all."
"Sure, Tezzy, sure. Well, here's to our first Valentine's Day together! Did you get me anything?"
"Of course I have, I wouldn't have come empty-handed. A nice big stuffed dragon on the couch and some roses in that jar over there."
"Oh, Tez, admit it. Did you steal these for me?"
"Yes, yes I have. Purchasing gifts with mere Mundy money is too boring for me."
"Ah, I agree. Regardless, I appreciate your amazing gifts to me. They're better than anything Jack has ever gotten me in the previous years. Now, get your dragon butt over here and cuddle with me."
"Yes ma'am." Tezot… [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Valentine's Day; Fabletown
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd … moreshower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was ha… [view original content]
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
The song goes with this small bit and has meaning so if you want to play it you can if not you won't miss out on too much
Celeste went to the roof of the woodlands and sat on a bench with her little girl Ella in her arms. It had been four months since Makoto left to confront Luke with Dewitt. She wondered if he would come back alive... She started to cry...
"Don't worry Ella...Daddy will be back...don't listen to your mother....he always comes back" She smiles
"You're.....right about that....." A voice rang.
Celeste turned around, Makoto stood there he was a bit taller and his hair grew out....he also looked to be extremely tired and a little bit sick...he made his way over to Celeste and layed on her leg.
"I'm....really sorry I took so long.....almost didn't make it back if it weren't for.....Dewitts sacrifice..." Makoto said
"Oh my gosh Makoto I'm so sorry." She said
"He wanted me to live.....to be a father and protect the town.....Celeste....I love you and our child.....You're my reason to keep fighting everyday.....so....." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?..... So we can officially be a family?...... I don't just want to be a father I want to be a husband too." He asked
"Yes! Yes of course!" She smiled and said with excitement.
"Excellent....hey can I take a nap.....I'm....extremely tired....." He asked
"Of course, you rest you have no need to worry. I'll protect us." She said with a stream of tears going down her face.
Makoto smiled he closed his eyes. "I love you guys......"
Well it's Valentine's Day!
I'd like to wish all of you a nice day today, for what it's worth
@pudding_pie I hope you survive the film… more, man :P
@Tetra Good luck with them drawings, I'm sure they'll be great!
Me? I've been at work ALL DAY :P No love for this aspiring Marine just yet...
So... yeah that's it I guess.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight. Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl! Love this little puddingpie!
Celeste and Makoto are too cute! Love the drawing. Very intimate, these two are. And the song is badass, too! Reminds me of my summer days spent playing DDR. XD
Valentines Day
The song goes with this small bit and has meaning so if you want to play it you can if not you won't miss out on too much … more
Celeste went to the roof of the woodlands and sat on a bench with her little girl Ella in her arms. It had been four months since Makoto left to confront Luke with Dewitt. She wondered if he would come back alive... She started to cry...
"Don't worry Ella...Daddy will be back...don't listen to your mother....he always comes back" She smiles
"You're.....right about that....." A voice rang.
Celeste turned around, Makoto stood there he was a bit taller and his hair grew out....he also looked to be extremely tired and a little bit sick...he made his way over to Celeste and layed on her leg.
"I'm....really sorry I took so long.....almost didn't make it back if it weren't for.....Dewitts sacrifice..." Makoto said
"Oh my gosh Makoto I'm so sorry." She said
"He wanted me to live.....to be a … [view original content]
Celeste and Makoto are too cute! Love the drawing. Very intimate, these two are. And the song is badass, too! Reminds me of my summer days spent playing DDR. XD
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a bit, been fairly busy studying and such. I am working on a couple drawings, one of Mikhail when he's fully grown, and one with Makoto, Celeste and their child. They should be ready by tonight! Also have a happy valentine's!
Valentine's Day; Fabletown
Every couple known to Fabletown was preparing for the mundies' annual attempt of showing their 'love'; they'd shower their significant other with lavish gifts that included diamond something, flowers, candies, stuffed animals and a sexy dance. Gren used to find this 'celebration' obnoxious and overrated. Even when he was still with Carla, the two never engaged in Valentine's. Gren was beginning to suspect there was a sick reality as to WHY Carla never made a big deal towards Gren. She was getting it from someone else.
This year, however, was different. Gren was determined to give Emily a romantic evening. The children were already claimed by John and Nancy to watch all four, plus Katie's thirteen, Josiah and even Mary and Junior's six spawns from the depths of hell. Gren chuckled; Nancy was nearly running her own private daycare with all those children but she and John insisted. According to John, Nancy was having the 'baby-blues' and this would give the parents plenty of time to themselves.
Katie and Jersey flat out requested an overnight from the Smiths; she and Jersey were heading to the Pine Barrens and were planning on staying until the sun rose over the ocean and mountains. Penelope and Johann had the usual set up for their evening. Romantic movie, dinner, walk through the park and a sensual evening between the two. This includes massages, chocolates, music and a lot of sex. Junior, however, was dreading just a small part of his plans. Mary, believe it or not, was determined to see the mundy movie '50 Shades of Gray'. Junior made the comment of it being nonsense but Mary's foot was already down and digging into the dirt. She WAS going.
The last Gren heard, Lyla and Georgie were keeping it local this year and having a quiet evening at home. Georgie told Gren he had a dinner planned out for the two, watch horrible, sappy love movies, eat junk and just be together. According to Georgie, that's all he wanted. He knew Holly and Peter were doing the same thing this year too. The baby was making it difficult to leave the home for a long period of time. Ethan was alone this year and probably would hang out at his grandparent's place. Ever since the breakup with Henry, Ethan was not particularly in the best of moods to speak about the inccident.
But Gren had his own plans. It was not much but he was commited to this idea and would lay it out until complete. He managed to get Emily out of the house. She and Katie were heading to the Spa for a seaweed facial and manicure. Perfect, thought Gren, as he scurried along the house, making a list of the neccesery items for tonight. Vivian watched carefully at the Fable scribbling down on a notepad. She wanted to applaude Gren for his attempts and plans he had for Emily.
She deserved it. Vivian, on the other hand, could care less about the things associated with this day. She didn't need a day to tell her loved one to buy her gifts and shower her in rose petals and oil based massages. Vivian cringed at the mere thought of all that money and time being wasted. But some Fables did partake in today and her Emily was one of them. There was a time, however, when Emily once belonged to the 'Fuck you Valentine's Day' club. Vivian knew Emily secretly wanted all of this.
Gren opens the fridge and scans the contants of the machine. "Shit. I thought we had stuff for that...."
Vivian attempts to make contact. Least she could do was TRY and help. With a sudden heave and a mighty puch, Vivian sends a cold blast of air into Gren's face. He pauses to look around the room. Nothing. Closing the door, Gren carefully walks around the kitchen.
"Ya' fuckin' here, Vivian?" Gren's voice trembles as he speaks. "If you are...I could use some help. Not very fuckin' good with this romantic shit. I mean, I AM but...you know....a bit fuckin' rusty."
Vivian ponders and finally finds the solution. With another mighty push, she plants a thick layer of mist onto a mirror located just down the hall. Gren peeks around the corner and follows the trail of ice and cold. He touches the mirror and skims a finger along the mist, leaving a trail wiped clean and clear.
"You want me to ask the fuckin' mirror?" Gren looks around. "I don't get...I'm not sure HOW this will help. This thing don't fuckin' speak, Viv."
Vivian rolls her eyes. Men were creatures of habit and never saw the big picture. Vivian attempts one last time to show Gren her idea. She writes Junior's name in the section Gren's finger did not clear away. He was beyond words when his brother-in-law's name appeared in the glass. Freaky, thought Gren.
"Uh, thanks Viv." Gren places the notepad on a table. "You are, um, a big help to me."
Vivian folds her hands and smiles. Gren taps on the mirror, says 'BloodyPorgie' five times and watches as a half dressed Junior peeks in through the glass. A spinning vortex of reds and blacks lies beyond his entrance.
"Hey Gren." Junior leans against the edge. "What is up?"
Gren lifts the notepad up. "I need your honest opinion. Is this a good idea for tonight or-"
Junior chuckles. "Gren, dude-relax, man. Valentine's day is not all about the gifts. It's about spending time with the one you love and reminding them why you love them so."
"So, this all is okay or-"
"She'll love ALL of that, Gren, especially since its coming from YOU, man."
Gren beams. "Thank you, Junior. I, uh....needed to hear that."
Junior salutes Gren, as he disappears into the glass. "Any time, pal. Have fun tonight."
And within seconds, Junior is gone and the mirror returns to normal. Gren quickly thanks Vivian and heads up the stairs. As he undresses, the quads babble and play in their pen. Chloe chews on a rubber bone, Liam and Viviana play in the corner while Seraphina tries to stick a stuffed animal's leg into her mouth. Naked, Gren runs to the dresser and looks for a pair of clean clothes.
"Daddy needs to look good tonight." Gren holds up three different ties. "Which one, kids-this one, this or this one?"
The babies simply stare at their panting father or continue to play. Gren picks a simple black one and searches for a clean, pressed white shirt. Running in circles, Gren slides into the bathroom and turns the water on. Gren again looks around the room.
"Vivian, I'm heading to the shower. Can you watch the quads and-"
He quickly got an answer when Viviana, waving her arms about, began to float towards the ceiling. Gren heads into the shower, spends five minutes rinsing and lathering with soap and begins his daily rituals and perfecting the right hair. He'd had this style for years now but both Emily and himslf loved it. Unscrewing the top of the gel, Gren adds just enough into his palm, adds it to the top and mashes it into his hair. Running his fingers through and finally a comb, Gren creates the perfect slicked back hair style.
"Perfect. Now I just need to get ready..."
Gren slips into a white shirt, black tie, dark pants and dress shoes. Appyling deoderant and cologne, Gren takes one last look in the mirror. He adjuts the tie and fixes the patch of hair under his lip. He was ready. Vivian sends a thick cloud of mist in Gren's direction. He looks around, hoping to see her.
"Thanks, Vivian. Well, I'm taking the quads over to Nancy and John's place. See you later."
Vivian waves at the qauds; Viviana floats into Gren's arms as he picks up the other three. Since they were out in the middle of nowhere, away from the prying eyes of mundies, Gren would allow Viviana to fly into the car. Normally he'd deny her this privilege but today was special and Gren was in a wonderful mood. Buckling all four children up, Gren takes his seat, starts the truck and heads to Smith Settlement.
Gren stayed just long enough to bid his babies goodbye. He thanked John and Nancy and headed back into Fabletown. The streets were filled with cars; the honking and loud groups of people still made Gren's head spin. He didn't like the noise. Always hated deafening noises but that didn't matter today. He pulls up to a tiny Flower shop and purchases eighteen long stemmed red Roses in a red vase and a white bow tied to the front. Paying for the flowers, Gren hops into the truck and heads to Johann's Butcher shop. Luckily he had the connections; one of the many perks to having a Butcher as your brother-in-law. Johann always had what Gren needed.
After paying for the cuts of meat, driving until he came to Central Park, Gren exits his vehicle and heads to a wooden gazebo. Lights are strung all along the edges. Flowers are carefully placed and decorated along the structure. A table with two chairs and a single candle sit in the middle. Gren checks the time; Emily would be home soon and she'd see the note. Quickly, Gren picks up his phone and dials one last number before everything was set in place.
"Why won't ya' tell me, Viv?" Emily applies a thin layer of lipstick. "I know YA' know woot he's got planned."
"I honestly don't, sweetie." Vivian holds Emily's dress. "He didn't state. I'm assuming its something special. Man was running all over the damn place like a chicken with its head cut off."
Emily stands up. Vivian hands her the dress. Slipping into a sexy black coctail dress and black heels, Emily makes one last adjustment on her outsit, adds hairspray to the top of her head and mascara. Standing back, she examines the woman in the mirror.
"Looking good, Ems." Vivian plants a kiss on her cheek. "You look stunning..."
Emily picks up the note. "Says ta' meet him at seven. Woot time is it?"
"Time for YOU to get a move on, Ems."
Emily grabs a small jacket, thanks Vivian and hails down a cab. Heading to Central Park, Emily's heart races and her stomach begins to tumble. Even when Felicia was alive, the two never did anything 'romantic' during Valentine's. Unless you count getting high in the kitchen or starting a screaming match every hour or so romantic. Emily tries to shake the images away; tonight it was about her and Gren, not the past. Paying for the ride, Emily exits the cab and heads into the park. Not too far along the trail, she notice rose petals scattered in the dirt.
'Follow the trail.' Is all the note stated. Emily did so. The night air was upon her; she could hear bats chirping and the glow of Fireflies appearing. From the distance, she could hear music, smell a delicious meal and see lights. Emily finally made it to her destination; Gren, standing before her, took Emily by the hand and led her to the beautifully decorated gazebo. He pulls out her chair and as Gren takes his seat, an unknown man brings the couple their meals.
"Gren..." Emily is beyond words. "Woot....woot is all this...I-"
"I wanted to do something special for you, Emily. I know its not much but-"
"No, no. I love it. YOU did all this?"
Gren smiles, as he lays his napkin onto his lap. "I may be a Grendel but that does not I can't be romantic."
The couple feast of grilled Steak, sauteed Shrimp in lemon and garlic, a fresh salad and vegetables. As they dine, music continues to play. There was one track Gren had planned for their dance. As Emily cuts into her Steak, Gren lifts a box out from under the table. It was wrapped in a thick sheet of blue paper.
"Here you go, Emily."
"Woot, no, Gren. I don't need-"
"Just open it."
Emily tears into the paper, lifts the top and notices a rather large book inside. On the top, her name. Emily takes the book out and scans the cover. A picture of her and Gren-then and now. Emily turns the pages and soon, her eyes are filled with tears. All the year she'd spent with Gren, were right here in this book. From the moment they fell in love, to the many summer nights spent watching Disney films, eating Taco Bell and staying up late. The ticket he kept from her first school play. The card she made him when Gren was in the hospital. Everything.
Emily looks up. "Gren-"
"Turn to the back." Gren waves his index finger. "I want you to see that...."
Emily flips to the back. Her eyes immediatly fill with tears. A picture of her parents; beneath it, Gren's handwriting. 'All because two people fell in love. I hope to one day have this...' Beneath that, an image of her, Gren and the quads. Under that, another saying. 'I loved her, not for the way she danced with angels...but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.'
"Gren..." Emily closes the book and wipes away her tears. "Gren, I-"
Suddenly, the final song plays. Emily knew this tune; it was always meant for her and Gren and before she could say another word, Gren stands up, takes her by the hand and leads Emily to the floor. The moon above is their only source of light. Emily notices another area closed off; candles flicker, music plays and vast styles of pillows and blankets sheet the floor.
"Woot is that ova' there, love?"
"Us, Emily. Tonight, its all for us. Nothing else in this world matters to me."
'I knew I loved you' by Savage Garden plays into the night. It was true; Emily never questioned Gren's love and knew it was there. Always there. Gren held Emily close. He could feel her heart beating, the gentle caressing of her delicate fingers. Emily leans into Gren's ear.
"Change fa' me, love. I want ta' see you tonight..."
Gren stands back and after a few seconds of blinding green light, Emily is in the presence of a towering beast. Gren leans forward and rubs his might face along Emily's neck. emily does not say one word, as the couple enter the section with the music, candles and sheets. Laying on the floor, Emily straddles Gren's lap and begins to remove her clothes.
Naked, Gren leans forward, wraps a mighty hand around Emily's waist and the two are locked in a tender embrace. The candle lights dance along the walls and their bare bodies. Different slow jams play on into the night, as the couple become lost in eachother and their moment of passion.
"I love ya', Gren."
"I love you more, Emily. Now and always."
Continuing their night of passion, Emily and Gren speak no more until the morning light. For now, it was just them; the world did not exist the remainder of the night. Now and always.
'I knew I loved you before I met you. I think I dreamed you into life. I knew I loved you, before I met you. I have been waiting all my life.'
any questions, you know the drill.
Seeing as its Valentine's day, I had to do a little something with Gren & Emily.
Me and the misses have HUGE plans for tonight as well; she wants to see that fifty shades of gray herself. If it makes her happy....XD got all kinds of things planned. A three day weekend for me as well! YAY! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day! 
Happy Valentine's from Pie, the misses, Emily and the Porgie Clan.
Freakin love Genesis and could picture these two jamming it up on a Valentine's night. The picture made me laugh and think 'Yup. So Rose Red.'
The whole bid with the pie throwing and what not. So, pretty much Tez 'borrowed' the gifts for Rose? XD I loved it!
Hey man, no prob. Ya' have to take care of what comes 1st.
ope you are feeling better, too. Can't wait to see the drawings you have planned! Also, a happy Valentine's day to you to, man. 
Oh man, I know XD This is basically me and my sisters and my friends XD I've been thinking of featuring everyone at some point in the future, where they stand, if they have any children of their own, if they're married, and such. Soon enough ^-^
Well, as I noted a while back, and I'm not sure if you've read that particular chapter, but Franklin is growing up faster than normal. He's supposed to be about 8 or 9, but he currently looks 12 and not everyone has caught on just yet. It's both an issue and a blessing, in some ways, because it means that Ash will be able to be with him soon enough, but at the same time he's basically being stripped of his childhood, which he has expressed how much he dislikes that fact. I will certainly write more about it very soon (Today, even.) and hopefully you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this chapter ^-^
Sweet XD Great pic, man! I love how Rose is just like "Oh, you wanna know what this pie is for?" And then Tez gets it XD LOVE the song choices, btw, SUPER awesome songs!
It's alright! Can't wait to see Makoto and Celeste and their little child
Sounds awesome!
Nancy and John
'Like a Virgin' played on a nearby boombox while the girls practiced. Tracy continued to chew her gun like a cow does to its cud. Several times the gym teacher asked kindly for her sparky friend to spit out the gum. She did but minutes later, Tracy was smacking on yet another wad. Several boys stayed after class to watch the girls in practice in their infamous shorts.
Nancy, however, was not concerned about the gawking boys or the shril voice of her coach. Nancy was preoccupied with the stange man, now sitting in the parking lot, watching through the chain linked fence. His buddy was asleep in the passenger seat but the tall, dark and handsome stanger leaned forward once more. Nancy noticed the striking smile across his face, strands of hair flying along his perfect jaw line. Nancy did not notice the oncoming ball and was struck in the head.
Giggles and taunts filled the air. She could hear the whistle blow and stomping of her teammate's concerned feet. Tracy wrapped her arms under Nancy's head and craddled her like a mother does to an infant.
"Oh man, Nancy! I'm so sorry! I thought you totally saw that!"
Nancy looks up, the sun nearly blinding her. "It's alright, Natalie. I was...busy..."
Tracy assists Nancy up. Not before making kissing sounds and wrapping her arms around her own waist.
"YOU were too busy looking at that hunk over there!"
The coach manages to grab Nancy's attention. After a further inspection of the wound, Nancy returns to the court and continues her practice. The man, however, is gone; his truck, buddy and himself seemed to have vanished into thin air. Disappointed, Nancy punts the ball and begins her daily routine of dreaming about the mysterious man.
"You going to Tony's killer party tonight?" Tracy picks up her gym bag and sits beside Nancy. "It's going to be rad and-"
Nancy slams her locker door closed. "You KNOW I can't go, Tracy. Why do you even ask me these things?"
"Say you'll be spending the night at my place, Nanc. They won't know...."
"I can't." Nancy slips her shoes on. "My mom is giving my another baking lesson tomorrorw, followed by piano, proper grammer and cooking."
"Bummer, Nancy." The two girls walk out of the locker room. "I mean, why is she so bent on you being what she used to be?"
Nancy often asked herself that, too. She had an older sister; Stacy was more than capable of taking the crown and becoming the next beauty pagent winner of Greenville. Her ovaries were in place. Make her pop out babies, slave over a hot stove and iron shirts all day. No one bats an eye when Stacy got a full ride to a university and made the concious decision to have a career. A life. No one. Yet, here was Nancy...being forced into it all.
Nancy sighs. "I don't have an answer for you, Tracy."
"Man. Well, my offer is still open. Call me later. You sure you'll be alright going home alone?"
Nancy nods. "Yeah. I'll be fine. I need some air."
"See ya', Nanc."
Waving, Nancy watches her friend jump into her jeep, turn the volume way up and peel out of the parking lot. She nearly collides with a teacher's vehicle. Shaking her head, Nancy begins her walk down the sidewalk and back to her home. No, prison was more like it. Nancy was eager to leave this town and make something. Venture out. See a show. Try exotic foods and not be tied down to one person. She was still a young woman in America was plenty of opportunities heading her way. But all Nancy could see were two toddlers, another on the way and fried chicken before her. The constant reminder of her mother to look 'good' and always smile. Smile, smile, smile.
Nancy kicks a nearby wall, sits down and cries. She didn't want either of those things but what choice did she have? Nancy could never break her mother's heart or become a disappointment to the family. Taking a moment to relax, Nancy did not notice the familiar red truck parked near a tree. The mysterious man in blue jeans jumps out from his vehicle and heads towards Nancy.
"You're going to get into so much trouble, John." Malcom leans forwards. "You sure about all this?"
John waves back. "I got this, Malcom. Trust me..."
Malcom shrugs his shoulder, places his headphones back on and continues to listen to White Snake. John carefully approaches the young woman; he could sense her tears and fragile emotions the further he came closer. The intoxicating smell of ripe Bananas filled his nose once more. He wanted to lunge forward, grasp her body and run off into a secluded area. No. That would make the situation only worse and John knew better than that.
"Uh, excuse me-"
John's sudden voice startled Nancy and caused her to tumble off the edge. Her books went flying as papers were scattered all along the sidewalk. Quckly, John grabs every sheet and collects her books. Helping Nancy to her feet, the woman dusts herself off and appears angry. Until she notices WHO it was.
"I'm so sorry about that." John tries to fix her books. "I thought you heard me and....shit. I hope nothing got ruined."
Nancy was struck suddenly with the inability to speak. He was beautiful upclose. His shoulders were broad, sparkling eyes, lushes lips and pefect posture. Instantly, Nancy began to melt like butter left out in the hot sun. Who was this mysterious man?
Finally, Nancy spoke. "Uuhhhh...." Good going, she thought.
"Look, I saw you sitting over here and wanted to make sure you're alright. You look like you've been crying."
"What...." Nancy looks up and into the man's eyes. "I'm, umm....alright. Just....long day. Are you-do you have a, umm, kid that goes to that school or-"
"No." John fiddles with his truck keys. "Why do you ask?"
"I've seen you there, in the SAME spot, for nearly a month now. Are you waiting for someone?"
"Not...exactly." Get it together, he thought to himself. Relax, man. Just take it easy.
"Oh." Nancy kicks a pebble across the sidewalk. "So what are you doing there?"
John was lost in her intense beauty. Her long, red hair dancing in the wind. Her gorgeous green eyes. That body. John wanted to grab Nancy in his arms and hold her against his chest, plant a kiss and make it official. But she was mundane. Mundanes take their time....
"Well, I was...um...are you, um....shit-"
For such an enormous man, John was terrified and unable to make the simplest of sentences. He found it difficult to speak to Nancy. Even though she could have easily ran off and never looked back.
"Do you want to ask me something?"
John manages to find the words. "Name. Um.....your name..."
"Nancy." She beams, clutching her books closer. "My name is Nancy."
"John." Suddenly, he was not afraid to speak. "I, uh, love your outfit."
Nancy looks down. Shit, she thought. Almost forgot to return to her 'good girl' apperance. The makeup would need to go. Her outfit. The shoes.
"Oh man, John. Thanks for reminding me. Not supposed to wear this or-"
"Why?" John was a tad confused. "I saw all the girls wearing this."
"Yeah well...not ALL the girls are allowed to freely express themselves. Not if you have parents like mine...."
"Bummer." John scratches his neck. "So, what-you need to change or-"
"Don't worry about me. I got this..."
John looks back; Malcom, now watching the to interact, makes a hand gesture of a telephone. Shit, thought John. That's right.
"Hey, um, Nancy. Are you busy tomorrow night?"
"I can't...." Nancy turns to walks away. "I'm sorry."
"Okay, how about Saturday night?"
"No? But why-"
"I just CAN'T, John. My parents...they are REALLY uptight and strict. They'll never let me leave the house with you or anyone for that matter. It's like pulling teeth just to leave with my friend Tracy."
John ponders for a moment. "Well, how about you meet me later tomorrow. Tell your parents it has to do with school work. Or your friend."
Nancy watches a Monarch butterfly land on a flower. "John, I don't know-"
"IF you don't like me, I'll stop. You can leave and you'll never see me again. Deal?"
So determined. And she loved it. Shaking John's hand, Nancy smiles. "Well, John. SINCE we are sking questions-how old ARE you actually?"
John chuckles. "You need a ride?"
Must be alot older than she thought but it didn't matter. Nancy agrees and soon, she sits in the passenger seat were Malcom was. He's forced into the back; the entire ride, mumbling to himself and listening to his cassete player. Nancy points to a clearing.
"Park here. I'd hate for them to see you..."
Malcom whistles. "Damn. That's a huge house there, Nancy."
Nancy closes the door. "Yeah. My family has...money."
"I can see that."
John leans against the open window. "So, I'll see you tomorrow than?"
Nancy smiles. "Yes. I'll meet you by the fountain."
Nancy turns to head home. Opening the giant brass gates, she blows John a kiss and nearly runs to the front door. Pulling out, John and Malcom head back to their little section of the world. Nancy closes the door, cheers and heads to her room. Thankfully, no one was home yet. Closing her bedroom door, Nancy strips out of her clothes, hides them and takes a baby wipe to her face. A smile larger than the moon on her face.
She had a date. With the mysterious man named John. Life was suddenly looking up.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Had time for one more. Plus, an excuse to post an 80's style Nancy. 
Very much so, it's in his nature to steal.
I knew the face pie would get a couple of laughs out of you guys. XD
Agreed! As pie said above, you can just picture them dancing to the songs in the evening. :P
Happy V-Day, dude! Eager to see the drawings!
Shadow of the Colossus....
That game is so amazing given how simple it is
There is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for me to quote so I'll just make a list like you do sometimes.
Gren is too freaking cute. I know he can be an ass but you've shown the world his good, kind side and I love it. He's so good to Emily; the idea of being connected to a person you had no idea would exist must be hard.
Vivian. I just love the idea of her lurking around, being the guardian to Emily.
And the way she can message things to Gren. How cool! (no pun intended XD)
Mary's wish to see fifty shades of gray. Enough said! XD
John and Nancy.

The book Gren gave Emily. Everything he kept that had to do with Emily. The photos. Those sayings, especially the one Gren wrote under the pic of him, Ems and the quads.
That song. :')
The dinner scene. Dancing. The little section Gren made for the two to be intimate.
UGH! The feels!!!
Gren changing into his true form for Emily.
I loved this, man! Good luck with that movie! XD Have a great time tonight!! Baby Ems and I will watch sappy love movies ourselves. She's my little date.
Happy V-day to you and everyone else, too. 
You the designated babysitter JJ? XP
Love this picture! Nancy is gorgeous! I adore her and John to no end!!!!
Freaking Tracy and that gum chewing! XD It's interesting to see just how shy one person can be. I never pictured John to be so intimidated by a mundane but guess that's how he used to be.
I'm curious.....does Nancy know about Wolves and vampires or is this a secret to her? I'm assuming she does not know...just curious.
Its so sad how her parents treat Nancy. WHY is that with families-some kids get treated differently than others?
I loved this! Can't wait for more!!!!
Uncle JJ to the rescue while Pie gets forced into watching that train wreck of a movie. XD
Well it's Valentine's Day!
I'd like to wish all of you a nice day today, for what it's worth
@pudding_pie I hope you survive the film, man :P
@Tetra Good luck with them drawings, I'm sure they'll be great!
Me? I've been at work ALL DAY :P No love for this aspiring Marine just yet...
So... yeah that's it I guess.
I'm sure someone will convince me to watch it someday...
Have fun either way, dude
I'm sure Baby Emily will give you enough entertainment!!
An aspiring Marine? How neat. My uncle was a Marine right after high school.
Good luck with that.
Also, a happy V-day to you as well.
I'm already spoken for and have the night filled tonight with a pretty little thing. XD
Yep, finished my College education so now I have all the educational requirements to join the Royal Marines Commando's as an Officer. Just gotta get my fitness up :P
The intention is to join after I turn 21 next year... I'll stay as faithful to this community as possible in my spare time of course!
My dual citizenship also means that I can transfer completely to the USMC and move to America if I wanted to
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Got a hot date with this little beauty while mommy and daddy go out tonight.
Uncle JJ is ready, baby girl!
Love this little puddingpie!
Get better soon, man. And take care of those studies! Can't wait for the drawings, too.
She is so damn cute it's unreal!!! :'D
Now THIS is how you spend Valentine's day! Forget dinners, candles, romance-throwing pies in the face! Now THAT screams love! XD I loved the image, the songs are wonderful and it was neat listening to them.
Happy V-day to you, too, T man. 
Just got caught up with it-looking forward to see how things go.
and I am fully healed now! I actually went running this morning to build my lungs so this doesn't happen! I just finished one but drawing dragons is so hard! Thanks Pudding 
I think this one came out really well going to upload it now!
Thanks! One is going up now but Mikhail might have to wait, drawing dragons is rough!
Will do JJ
one is going up now but Mikhail will take a bit more work though 
Oooh, pretty...
I still love Genesis...
feels old heh
The cuteness level is seriously over 9000
Happy Saturday to you guys...
Aaaah, adorable!
Valentines Day
The song goes with this small bit and has meaning so if you want to play it you can if not you won't miss out on too much
Celeste went to the roof of the woodlands and sat on a bench with her little girl Ella in her arms. It had been four months since Makoto left to confront Luke with Dewitt. She wondered if he would come back alive... She started to cry...
"Don't worry Ella...Daddy will be back...don't listen to your mother....he always comes back" She smiles
"You're.....right about that....." A voice rang.
Celeste turned around, Makoto stood there he was a bit taller and his hair grew out....he also looked to be extremely tired and a little bit sick...he made his way over to Celeste and layed on her leg.
"I'm....really sorry I took so long.....almost didn't make it back if it weren't for.....Dewitts sacrifice..." Makoto said
"Oh my gosh Makoto I'm so sorry." She said
"He wanted me to live.....to be a father and protect the town.....Celeste....I love you and our child.....You're my reason to keep fighting everyday.....so....." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?..... So we can officially be a family?...... I don't just want to be a father I want to be a husband too." He asked
"Yes! Yes of course!" She smiled and said with excitement.
"Excellent....hey can I take a nap.....I'm....extremely tired....." He asked
"Of course, you rest you have no need to worry. I'll protect us." She said with a stream of tears going down her face.
Makoto smiled he closed his eyes. "I love you guys......"
It's the final coutdown until 5 o' clock.....brace yourselves....lol
Love my little Emily.
Uncle JJ can't wait!
See ya' around 4ish, man. 
Celeste and Makoto are too cute!
Love the drawing. Very intimate, these two are.
And the song is badass, too! Reminds me of my summer days spent playing DDR. XD
It's funny-whenever someone says "DDR", I keep thinking East Germany's Communist name rather than Dance Dance Revolution.
The clock strikes 5; Tammy says calmly to Chad: "Mr Gray will see us now..." XP