Yep that's exactly it. We cracked their code again. We need to stop cracking all of their codes because they'll find out :P. They shock us by giving us more shocks that we don't see it coming and for once we're actually shocked. Right?
Because... plot! Telltale wanted to shock us so much with his death that they didn't really think about the realism of the scene! This is why many of us Luke fans are angry:(
Because... plot! Telltale wanted to shock us so much with his death that they didn't really think about the realism of the scene! This is why many of us Luke fans are angry:(
Ditto, I could say a lot about that too...I have XD ours feeling are mutual. And thank you about the fic comment, I've been revising the first one, just on the last chapter now, currently reintroducing a scrapped scene I had with ice. I didn't go ahead with it after seeing the trophies before the finale, but after all this time I just thought 'screw it, I'm doing it.'
But back on track, I don't hate Jane, used to be 50/50 on her for a bit, but I've come to like her character. I just didn't agree with her enough to side her or Kenny who were mostly about survival of any means, and they were too alike in that sense. Plus, the banter between Clem and Luke was just better than with Jane that's my bone to pick with it. She just wasn't a good replacement, and Luke's death was please ;_;
Thank you!:) I really like your fanfic 'Growing Pains' and the sequel 'Skin Deep'! Hope you don't think it's weird I know that you write the… morem, but your fanfic name is the same as it is on here :P
I completely agree, I hate that Telltale killed him and replaced him with Jane... I have so much to say about this topic but I wont bore you with my rant about how unrealistic and horrible his death was, you already know all that anyway:P
You have just killed my soul. Why did you say that... you and I both know Luke's alive! Even @Simply knows it, Luke will get out. I'm telling you! Even if we never see him again, he's alive and well. Enjoying time with a new group that saved him from the possible icy grave!
He'd have to get fished out pretty quick, the cold water would buy him a little time, but CPR and some snuggily warm fire and some blankets would be a life saver
We need an Over The Garden Wall moment, somebody get a fishing net.
You have just killed my soul. Why did you say that... you and I both know Luke's alive! Even @Simply knows it, Luke will get out. I'm tellin… moreg you! Even if we never see him again, he's alive and well. Enjoying time with a new group that saved him from the possible icy grave!
Yeah I think they are! Ooh that's cool, I can't wait to read what happens next! (Although, no hurry!)
I don't hate Jane but I don't like her either after the stint she pulled with Aj, I also don't like the thought that she was replacing Luke I mean, Luke and Jane wore the same colour clothes, Jane tried to create a sister bond with Clem, Luke created a brother sister bond with Clem it's just so... urg! (I have no other way of describing it:P) Heh, I'll drink to that, pass me some vodka please!
Ditto, I could say a lot about that too...I have XD ours feeling are mutual. And thank you about the fic comment, I've been revising the fir… morest one, just on the last chapter now, currently reintroducing a scrapped scene I had with ice. I didn't go ahead with it after seeing the trophies before the finale, but after all this time I just thought 'screw it, I'm doing it.'
But back on track, I don't hate Jane, used to be 50/50 on her for a bit, but I've come to like her character. I just didn't agree with her enough to side her or Kenny who were mostly about survival of any means, and they were too alike in that sense. Plus, the banter between Clem and Luke was just better than with Jane that's my bone to pick with it. She just wasn't a good replacement, and Luke's death was please ;_;
You have just killed my soul. Why did you say that... you and I both know Luke's alive! Even @Simply knows it, Luke will get out. I'm tellin… moreg you! Even if we never see him again, he's alive and well. Enjoying time with a new group that saved him from the possible icy grave!
He'd have to get fished out pretty quick, the cold water would buy him a little time, but CPR and some snuggily warm fire and some blankets would be a life saver
We need an Over The Garden Wall moment, somebody get a fishing net.
Oh. Didn't you know? That lake is the number one spot for ice fishing, as soon as the group left a load of fishermen came along. They found Luke's body and gave him CPR, saving his life. During those 9 days, Luke is trained to be a fisherman and is totally fine.
On a more serious note of how he could survive, his body floats/he swims to the river bank, some people see something resembling a body when they go to the lake for water. They pull out this body and as they search it one of them notices it's got a weak pulse (idk how just roll with it) and they build a campfire. And there we go, Luke's alive. Just believe in it.
You have just killed my soul. Why did you say that... you and I both know Luke's alive! Even @Simply knows it, Luke will get out. I'm tellin… moreg you! Even if we never see him again, he's alive and well. Enjoying time with a new group that saved him from the possible icy grave!
He'd have to get fished out pretty quick, the cold water would buy him a little time, but CPR and some snuggily warm fire and some blankets would be a life saver
We need an Over The Garden Wall moment, somebody get a fishing net.
I was hoping he would be the deuteragonist in season 3, I was also hoping he would be Clementine's 'guardian', not like Lee but more like a brother, someone who looks out for you and you look out for too but also offering sly jokes here and there! Telltale could have done so much with that brother/sister relationship since it's quite original, you usually see a father and son/daughter relationship in games or movies so it can get boring sometimes, a brother sister relationship between Luke and Clementine would be like a breath of fresh air!
But... they decided to waste that by killing him for shock value which makes me bitter:(
Yeah I think they are! Ooh that's cool, I can't wait to read what happens next! (Although, no hurry!)
I don't hate Jane but I don't like … moreher either after the stint she pulled with Aj, I also don't like the thought that she was replacing Luke I mean, Luke and Jane wore the same colour clothes, Jane tried to create a sister bond with Clem, Luke created a brother sister bond with Clem it's just so... urg! (I have no other way of describing it:P) Heh, I'll drink to that, pass me some vodka please!
Actually they don't wear the same color clothes, Jane's jacket is puke colored XD Luke's shirt is more mango burnt my ass in the sun color, like Christa's jacket.
On a more serious note of how he could survive, his body floats/he swims to the river bank, some people see something resembling a body when they go to the lake for water. They pull out this body and as they search it one of them notices it's got a weak pulse (idk how just roll with it) and they build a campfire. And there we go, Luke's alive. Just believe in it.
Hm too much of a stretch. I mean it's true the cold water slows your pulse down, but I don't think he'd still have a pulse by then. If you turn into a walker from dying, then it must be from the brain itself shutting down and dying after your heart stops. The cold would stall that for a while, it's why your chances are increased of surviving cold water drownings longer than other types. The most plausible way would be from that, although it still depends on somebody fishing Luke out [with intend to perhaps steal those lovely weapons he has strapped to him] and then being compassionate enough to attempt CPR, and then to nurse him back to health. But with all the shooting, and the smoke coming from the house after the fire being started, that might've attracted somebody, or just the water source of a lake...although i really wouldn't drink from that water with all the walkers, and snow if melted is still a good subtitute. But fishing, people need to eat.
Sadly, the cold would end up killing the cells in the end, so it's effects wouldn't last for long. But you want a plausible outcome, then there it is.
Oh. Didn't you know? That lake is the number one spot for ice fishing, as soon as the group left a load of fishermen came along. They found … moreLuke's body and gave him CPR, saving his life. During those 9 days, Luke is trained to be a fisherman and is totally fine.
On a more serious note of how he could survive, his body floats/he swims to the river bank, some people see something resembling a body when they go to the lake for water. They pull out this body and as they search it one of them notices it's got a weak pulse (idk how just roll with it) and they build a campfire. And there we go, Luke's alive. Just believe in it.
Um, now I think we need a fish in a rowing boat with a talking bluebird? I definitely am remembering this right, aren't I? I mean this is Over The Garden Wall we're talking about here. Ah just go with it.
Yeah I think they are! Ooh that's cool, I can't wait to read what happens next! (Although, no hurry!)
I don't hate Jane but I don't like her either after the stint she pulled with Aj, I also don't like the thought that she was replacing Luke I mean, Luke and Jane wore the same colour clothes, Jane tried to create a sister bond with Clem, Luke created a brother sister bond with Clem it's just so... urg! (I have no other way of describing it:P) Heh, I'll drink to that, pass me some vodka please!
I'm trying not to, I can't really, kinda busy with other stuff. Crazy though XD I'm even doing a little trailer for it, although I won't post that until revision's complete. But I swear adding all the new scenes to what's already there, it's gone up by about 20,000 extra words. Sialark's been helping me out with my grammar too, she checks the chapters after I'm done and teaches me new stuff like an awesome english teacher ;_; she's really nice.
Nah their colors aren't the same, Jane is more yellow while Luke is orange like Christa's clothes. It's amazing though, all that backstory Jane spills on Jaime and I feel more of a platonic connection between Clem and the guy who shared less of his past and didn't have a sibling. Just goes to show, a whole lot of exposition doesn't always amount to much. I've said it before but I really think if Jane had been with the cabin group from the very first episode, it would've made all the difference...doesn't make up for the stupid lake plot T_T screw it, i need something stronger like whiskey. You've got some moonshine?
So a question, do you write? I'm not great with names, so if you told me already I'm sorry T.T
Yeah I think they are! Ooh that's cool, I can't wait to read what happens next! (Although, no hurry!)
I don't hate Jane but I don't like … moreher either after the stint she pulled with Aj, I also don't like the thought that she was replacing Luke I mean, Luke and Jane wore the same colour clothes, Jane tried to create a sister bond with Clem, Luke created a brother sister bond with Clem it's just so... urg! (I have no other way of describing it:P) Heh, I'll drink to that, pass me some vodka please!
Oh, it's okay Well, youuurs! I'd love to see what you got.
Looks like I missed a lot since I was away from here skims above replies Ooooh a Luke fanfic!!
Oh, it's okay Well, youuurs! I'd love to see what you got.
Looks like I missed a lot since I was away from here skims above replies Ooooh a Luke fanfic!!
Guys I can't even listen to Remember Me from the credits without wanting to cry ;__;
"So remember me,
write my name on the stone,
Don't let me hold,
you back from it all"
And, hey I play Sims4 too haha
Me too:( I actually made a tribute with that song! haha, reminds me of Luke but so does 'In The Water' and 'Take us back' when it says - 'the strength of water can sink a man'
Guys I can't even listen to Remember Me from the credits without wanting to cry ;__;
"So remember me,
write my name on the stone,
Don't let me hold,
you back from it all"
And, hey I play Sims4 too haha
Me too:( I actually made a tribute with that song! haha, reminds me of Luke but so does 'In The Water' and 'Take us back' when it says - 'the strength of water can sink a man'
Probably! They were foreshadowing even before they brought Luke into the story! Do you think they planned to kill Luke in episode 5 or do you think it was a late decision they made whilst they were making episode 5?
I really don't know anymore. I hope it was a late decision but it's more likely that they planned it because they had already realised by then how everyone was predicting a Luke vs Kenny so they were like "Nope! We've gotta kill off Luke so we can be unpredictable!!!" So yeah, I don't know XD
Probably! They were foreshadowing even before they brought Luke into the story! Do you think they planned to kill Luke in episode 5 or do you think it was a late decision they made whilst they were making episode 5?
That wasn't fair:( Even if it was predictable, they still shouldn't have done it, it would have made for a more realistic and effective ending. Predictable or not!:(
I really don't know anymore. I hope it was a late decision but it's more likely that they planned it because they had already realised by th… moreen how everyone was predicting a Luke vs Kenny so they were like "Nope! We've gotta kill off Luke so we can be unpredictable!!!" So yeah, I don't know XD
I was hoping he would be the deuteragonist in season 3, I was also hoping he would be Clementine's 'guardian', not like Lee but more like a … morebrother, someone who looks out for you and you look out for too but also offering sly jokes here and there! Telltale could have done so much with that brother/sister relationship since it's quite original, you usually see a father and son/daughter relationship in games or movies so it can get boring sometimes, a brother sister relationship between Luke and Clementine would be like a breath of fresh air!
But... they decided to waste that by killing him for shock value which makes me bitter:(
I thought you were actually banned then! That picture is true, after Luke's death and after hearing Telltale talk about it on the Spoilercast I felt like this:
But... they decided to waste that by killing him for shock value which makes me bitter:(
Dear Telltale:
A food for thought-
[Lilacsbloom is banned]
....dang it T_T
Nu, I'm not...but, they probably have a train assassin's hunting me down as we speak ;.; my time is limited with you.
I remember I defended them about the Sarah thing, one of the reasons being I thought with how Greg was putting it, they were just getting carried away and going along with what he was saying because he was laughing and stuff. But when they did it again with Luke, it was a case of "wow, did you not learn anything after the poopy storm people threw at you with Sarah?" I've only seen that playing dead episode once and I couldn't watch it again after that. It just made me mad because I still legitimately think they hecked up and it's just painful to watch, and this isn't my inner Luke fan speaking here. At least Mary in The Wolf Among Us was a good twist in whatever rewrites that underwent. Season 2 didn't need any changes, and if it honest to god was that original intent for Jane to be that twist [which I highly doubt] then they should've rewrote and stuck with a Kenny/Luke choice because that could've been a reaaally good plot to develop there, and not make the early episodes [that I adore] with the cabin group a complete waste of time because now Clem's stuck with a plot baby that will die just to break her heart some more, because realism right?
I thought you were actually banned then! That picture is true, after Luke's death and after hearing Telltale talk about it on the Spoilercast I felt like this:
Gosh, I bet Telltale love us Luke fans ey?;P
Yeah, I was never really mad with Telltale for the Sarah thing. If you think about it, IGN are probably their partners so it's not like they can say 'Greg shut up you're wrong' because that would just make IGN look bad and cause bad blood between the two companies.
Yeah they should have kept the idea of Kenny vs Luke, I can't believe all of the cabin group are gone! It just makes me think well, what was the point in bringing them in in the first place?
I remember they said that they were thinking of giving us the choice of 'save AJ' 'leave AJ' so it seems quite likely he will die which sucks because that means Clementine will be left on her own again. They should have at least had a character (ehm...Luke...ehm) who was alive with Clementine otherwise it will feel just like Game of Thrones for me where I don't want to get emotionally invested in any characters because they will most likely die in a brutal way!
Yeah they do think we're crazy, but let them. Our craziness will bring Luke back, I mean Telltale will one day have enough of our complaining and bring him back to stop us... right?
Nu, I'm not...but, they probably have a train assassin's hunting me down as we speak ;.; my time is limited with you.
I remember I defend… moreed them about the Sarah thing, one of the reasons being I thought with how Greg was putting it, they were just getting carried away and going along with what he was saying because he was laughing and stuff. But when they did it again with Luke, it was a case of "wow, did you not learn anything after the poopy storm people threw at you with Sarah?" I've only seen that playing dead episode once and I couldn't watch it again after that. It just made me mad because I still legitimately think they hecked up and it's just painful to watch, and this isn't my inner Luke fan speaking here. At least Mary in The Wolf Among Us was a good twist in whatever rewrites that underwent. Season 2 didn't need any changes, and if it honest to god was that original intent for Jane to be that twist [which I highly doubt] then th… [view original content]
Of course! It's shock-ception!
Why did Bonnie fuck our plan up! If she did cover Luke with me, Luke could've get out by himself.
Because... plot! Telltale wanted to shock us so much with his death that they didn't really think about the realism of the scene! This is why many of us Luke fans are angry:(
Who's video do you want to see? Sorry, couldn't tell so I wanted to clarify:)
I was really thinking that Luke would be the playable character in season 3, but he died and all my expectation are ruined.
Only the fishes can love Luke now... Only the fishes...
Ditto, I could say a lot about that too...I have XD ours feeling are mutual. And thank you about the fic comment, I've been revising the first one, just on the last chapter now, currently reintroducing a scrapped scene I had with ice. I didn't go ahead with it after seeing the trophies before the finale, but after all this time I just thought 'screw it, I'm doing it.'
But back on track, I don't hate Jane, used to be 50/50 on her for a bit, but I've come to like her character. I just didn't agree with her enough to side her or Kenny who were mostly about survival of any means, and they were too alike in that sense. Plus, the banter between Clem and Luke was just better than with Jane
that's my bone to pick with it. She just wasn't a good replacement, and Luke's death was please ;_;
He'd have to get fished out pretty quick, the cold water would buy him a little time, but CPR and some snuggily warm fire and some blankets would be a life saver
We need an Over The Garden Wall moment, somebody get a fishing net.
Yeah I think they are! Ooh that's cool, I can't wait to read what happens next! (Although, no hurry!)
I don't hate Jane but I don't like her either after the stint she pulled with Aj, I also don't like the thought that she was replacing Luke I mean, Luke and Jane wore the same colour clothes, Jane tried to create a sister bond with Clem, Luke created a brother sister bond with Clem it's just so... urg! (I have no other way of describing it:P) Heh, I'll drink to that, pass me some vodka please!
Got one pulls out human-sized fishing net, what next?
Oh. Didn't you know? That lake is the number one spot for ice fishing, as soon as the group left a load of fishermen came along. They found Luke's body and gave him CPR, saving his life. During those 9 days, Luke is trained to be a fisherman and is totally fine.
On a more serious note of how he could survive, his body floats/he swims to the river bank, some people see something resembling a body when they go to the lake for water. They pull out this body and as they search it one of them notices it's got a weak pulse (idk how just roll with it) and they build a campfire. And there we go, Luke's alive. Just believe in it.
I was hoping he would be the deuteragonist in season 3, I was also hoping he would be Clementine's 'guardian', not like Lee but more like a brother, someone who looks out for you and you look out for too but also offering sly jokes here and there! Telltale could have done so much with that brother/sister relationship since it's quite original, you usually see a father and son/daughter relationship in games or movies so it can get boring sometimes, a brother sister relationship between Luke and Clementine would be like a breath of fresh air!
But... they decided to waste that by killing him for shock value which makes me bitter:(
I have never thought about that before... My mind has been blown, that's a good way to end a day. :P
I always think about that, if you want to replace someone with someone then at least try to be discreet about it!
Actually they don't wear the same color clothes, Jane's jacket is puke colored XD Luke's shirt is more mango burnt my ass in the sun color, like Christa's jacket.
Hm too much of a stretch. I mean it's true the cold water slows your pulse down, but I don't think he'd still have a pulse by then. If you turn into a walker from dying, then it must be from the brain itself shutting down and dying after your heart stops. The cold would stall that for a while, it's why your chances are increased of surviving cold water drownings longer than other types. The most plausible way would be from that, although it still depends on somebody fishing Luke out [with intend to perhaps steal those lovely weapons he has strapped to him] and then being compassionate enough to attempt CPR, and then to nurse him back to health. But with all the shooting, and the smoke coming from the house after the fire being started, that might've attracted somebody, or just the water source of a lake...although i really wouldn't drink from that water with all the walkers, and snow if melted is still a good subtitute. But fishing, people need to eat.
Sadly, the cold would end up killing the cells in the end, so it's effects wouldn't last for long. But you want a plausible outcome, then there it is.
Thank you
it's good.
Um, now I think we need a fish in a rowing boat with a talking bluebird? I definitely am remembering this right, aren't I? I mean this is Over The Garden Wall we're talking about here. Ah just go with it.
I'm trying not to, I can't really, kinda busy with other stuff. Crazy though XD I'm even doing a little trailer for it, although I won't post that until revision's complete. But I swear adding all the new scenes to what's already there, it's gone up by about 20,000 extra words. Sialark's been helping me out with my grammar too, she checks the chapters after I'm done and teaches me new stuff like an awesome english teacher ;_; she's really nice.
Nah their colors aren't the same, Jane is more yellow while Luke is orange like Christa's clothes. It's amazing though, all that backstory Jane spills on Jaime and I feel more of a platonic connection between Clem and the guy who shared less of his past and didn't have a sibling. Just goes to show, a whole lot of exposition doesn't always amount to much. I've said it before but I really think if Jane had been with the cabin group from the very first episode, it would've made all the difference...doesn't make up for the stupid lake plot T_T screw it, i need something stronger like whiskey. You've got some moonshine?
So a question, do you write? I'm not great with names, so if you told me already I'm sorry T.T
Oh, it's okay
Well, youuurs!
I'd love to see what you got.

Looks like I missed a lot since I was away from here skims above replies Ooooh a Luke fanfic!!
Ah okay! I posted a video just above here in the comments but if you need me to repost it then let me know:3
Damn I sooo miss Luke! My favorate character in s2., I'll never forget you. =(
nah i got it
here it is ^ Aw man that was awesome
@Kateis could I see your Luke tribute?
Guys I can't even listen to Remember Me from the credits without wanting to cry ;__;
"So remember me,
write my name on the stone,
Don't let me hold,
you back from it all"
And, hey I play Sims4 too haha
I loved Luke in star wars episode VI the most
Yep, here you go!
oh mah god yay! so gonna watch it
Me too:( I actually made a tribute with that song! haha, reminds me of Luke but so does 'In The Water' and 'Take us back' when it says - 'the strength of water can sink a man'
hands down, up, and sideways, yours was my absolute favorite, and now I want to cry ;__; the feeeeels.
I'm telling you someone at Telltale listened to all the credits music and was like, "I have the perfect way to kill Luke."
Probably! They were foreshadowing even before they brought Luke into the story! Do you think they planned to kill Luke in episode 5 or do you think it was a late decision they made whilst they were making episode 5?
I really don't know anymore. I hope it was a late decision but it's more likely that they planned it because they had already realised by then how everyone was predicting a Luke vs Kenny so they were like "Nope! We've gotta kill off Luke so we can be unpredictable!!!" So yeah, I don't know XD
That wasn't fair:( Even if it was predictable, they still shouldn't have done it, it would have made for a more realistic and effective ending. Predictable or not!:(
This video is cute T.T
Dear Telltale:
A food for thought-
[Lilacsbloom is banned]
....dang it T_T
I thought you were actually banned then! That picture is true, after Luke's death and after hearing Telltale talk about it on the Spoilercast I felt like this:
Gosh, I bet Telltale love us Luke fans ey?;P
Nu, I'm not...but, they probably have a train assassin's hunting me down as we speak ;.; my time is limited with you.
I remember I defended them about the Sarah thing, one of the reasons being I thought with how Greg was putting it, they were just getting carried away and going along with what he was saying because he was laughing and stuff. But when they did it again with Luke, it was a case of "wow, did you not learn anything after the poopy storm people threw at you with Sarah?" I've only seen that playing dead episode once and I couldn't watch it again after that. It just made me mad because I still legitimately think they hecked up and it's just painful to watch, and this isn't my inner Luke fan speaking here. At least Mary in The Wolf Among Us was a good twist in whatever rewrites that underwent. Season 2 didn't need any changes, and if it honest to god was that original intent for Jane to be that twist [which I highly doubt] then they should've rewrote and stuck with a Kenny/Luke choice because that could've been a reaaally good plot to develop there, and not make the early episodes [that I adore] with the cabin group a complete waste of time because now Clem's stuck with a plot baby that will die just to break her heart some more, because realism right?
Wait a minute, Mary, Jane....Mary Jane o_o whoa.
And yeah, they probably think we're crazy.
Yeah, I was never really mad with Telltale for the Sarah thing. If you think about it, IGN are probably their partners so it's not like they can say 'Greg shut up you're wrong' because that would just make IGN look bad and cause bad blood between the two companies.
Yeah they should have kept the idea of Kenny vs Luke, I can't believe all of the cabin group are gone! It just makes me think well, what was the point in bringing them in in the first place?
I remember they said that they were thinking of giving us the choice of 'save AJ' 'leave AJ' so it seems quite likely he will die which sucks because that means Clementine will be left on her own again. They should have at least had a character (ehm...Luke...ehm) who was alive with Clementine otherwise it will feel just like Game of Thrones for me where I don't want to get emotionally invested in any characters because they will most likely die in a brutal way!
Yeah they do think we're crazy, but let them. Our craziness will bring Luke back, I mean Telltale will one day have enough of our complaining and bring him back to stop us... right?