Constant game crashes at save points and scene changes-Mac

As many others have voiced, I am experiencing very frequent crashes at each save point and scene change. Normally it completely aborts the game with an error message. Occasionally, normally on scene changes and not save points, the screen will freeze on a black screen, green screen, or black screen with some detail from the game. The audio will continue to place during the frozen screen and dialog options appear, but the video never recovers.
After the forced abort or manual restart the game is able to play through the same point without issues but will glitch at the next save point. If it aborts at a save point, when I restart it is usually at the next scene, meaning it saved but glitched upon loading the next scene. If the glitch occurs at a scene change it aborts without saving forcing me to play the scene again after restart, no issues the 2nd time.
I am running Yosemite.
I have tried the suggested work around, it did not affect performance.
Hopefully this information helps discover the issue and leads to a patch. Great game, but terrible compatibility with Mac.
Good luck.


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