Will Clementine really be Season 3's protagonist?
If Telltale made Clem Season 3's protagonist, how would her story continue? It'd be unfair, unrealistic, and repetitive for Clem to keep going through more kinds of themes and scenarios when other characters can. Telltale already explored a lot in Clem's timeline and ended Season 2 with diverse closings that gave no hints or reasons for her story to continue. In Season 1, it was obvious from Lee's last conversation and Clem's final scene in the plains that Clem's story would be next. But now, it looks like a fresh start will come. There's still different characters and scenarios that Telltale hasn't explored. So Clem might have a different role in Season 3.
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I still hope Clementine is S3's protagonist. I'd still play the game even if she isn't in it at all or if she's put back in the role of a deuteragonist, but I would much rather she come back as the PC. I loved playing as her and I feel more attached to her character after playing Season 2. I understand why some people think her story is done, some of the endings (like the Wellington ending) do feel like they kind of wrap up Clementine's story, but I still feel there's a lot more to tell.
I hope not. I didn't like Season 2 and I want to see what Clementine becomes through the eyes of someone else. I still think Telltale can and should continue their story but a new player character would be better.
I really hope not but she probably will be
Yeah. But the only story that can be told is about Clem raising AJ. And that just seems like a predictable story that would have to many forced obstacles in it.
I think she will. I don't want that but I am getting that feeling.
I hope she will be the PC again. There's more potential for her to grow as a young survivor...her age right now and thru the next couple yrs will have a huge affect on who she is as an adult.
I don't want her to be an NPC b/c TT won't play her as I have shaped her personality
It would be nice to have her as PC again, but think about it. It would be kinda' cool if your choices on S2 (some of it maybe) had an impact on Clem's character if she became a side-character/secondary protagonist on the S3 o.o (Such as whether or not letting the family in, in Jane's ending would impact the amount of trust Clem has on strangers and probably you as the new protag and stuff like that). It would be kinda cool and would probably force some people to replay S2 for the sake of Clem's personality and stuff hehe... It interests me how much our choices matter for S3...
I'm not that sure if I really care about playing AS her again but I want her to at least have a major role in it.
I would personally be more interested in a new protagonist/setting just for the sake of something new and exciting. Likely she will the S3 PC though, considering a lot of people won't buy it without her in it.
I doubt that season three will generally be. Sorry. And no, I don't think that we will see Clamentine again - too much different endings.
She had damn well better be in the game, though I prefer she not be the PC.
I hope so, but if TellTale chose not to I would probably still buy it
Nah, there's more routes they can take. They gave many routes to Rick's story, his story could have ended sooner like Governor, Tyreese, etc. But they kept going, just like how they continued Kenny's arc (despite the flaws Season 2 had and his involvement in it) after what seemed like was his end in Season 1. Clem's seems to possibly have ended in some eyes, but I see more routes in her story still. However, ultimately, the number of routes a character's story can take in the end is entirely up to the creator. If you choose the right route, you can add more and more easily, but if you take the wrong route, you get stopped by a wall and gotta find a way around it if you can to keep going. And with the endings we got, I can see these as walls to get around.
I hope not.
I think it is time for a new protagonist.
Imagine Nate as a PC.....That would be perfect
While I like Clem as a character, I think that we have already seen this child protagonist thing. Personally I rather play as an adult character, someone similar to Lee from Season 1 or Rick and Maggie from the comics. However I wouldn't mind having Clem as one of the playable characters if the game has multiple protagonists like 400 Days.
Although one thing I would like to see is a darker protagonist, like the Governor from the comics and from his own book series. It would be interesting to explore how the protagonist becomes twisted like that in the game.
Unfair, unrealistic, and repetitive? It's TWD! A never ending zombie nightmare. Just when you think Rick and his merry lot have been through it all, more shit just keeps happening. The same can be said for Clem's story. And it would feel odd for her to be a side character moving up to protagonist, then back down to side character. Like a demotion or something, it would be a giant middle finger to those who worked on S1 and S2.
Personally I don't see it that way. There are many other game series where former protagonists aren't playable characters in the sequels. We have already seen that in The Walking Dead with Bonnie. Change of protagonist allows exploring the story from different perspective and it doesn't make the earlier game any less significant.
400 days was just a dlc, we all knew the story was going to go back to Clem. It's Clem's story, even in S1 as we taught her to be a capable survivor that all carried over to S2. Changing perspectives in S3 would be such a waste of what we did in S2 and it would feel like what I mentioned in my original post. But I do agree with the last part of your post in general.
Maybe they could show us how she is going to survive with having to take care of AJ because he is the only character that remains alive in all the different endings. Plus there are many new themes they could explore with her, it could be interesting to see how she deals with all that happened in season 2. But I wouldn't mind her being a side character as long as they keep her story interesting.
While we knew that it would be about Clem, we didn't know how exclusively it would be just that. We knew that the game would continue story from where Season 1 ended, but it was advertised that 400 Days characters and choices were supposed to have an impact to Season 2. However Bonnie was only one even slightly relevant (those characters who didn't go with Tavia didn't even make a cameo appearance). Many of us thought that they would have more prominent role.
When Season 1 ended there was post-credit teaser which indicated that Clem would return. This time there was no such thing and we haven't been informed if any of the previous characters will return or if the cast is completely new. If Clem or 400 Days characters make an appearance, they could be in reduced role to give more room for new storylines and characters.
Clementine continue on season 3 beacause we must know what happen to her after season 2 telltale must finish clementine story and then continue with another character
There was no teaser at the end of season 2 because season 3 wasn't even in development yet
Season 3 was announced before Season 2 ended, so it would have been possible to include post-credit teaser. And besides adding such scene doesn't require that the sequel should actually be in development. There are even examples of the cases where companies never made the sequels despite the post-credit scenes. Good example of that is Telltale's Tales of Monkey Island, which has an excellent post-credit cliffhanger teaser. So far there has been no Season 2 and if I understand correctly Telltale doesn't even have rights to make a sequel.
Well if they aren't working on it what's going to be in this teaser trailer? Stuff that's completely unrelated to what Wil happen in season 3?
S3 was announced but they probably weren't working on anything for S3. They had 2 other franchises they were creating
They probably didn't include a teaser b/c the have to work out how they're going to assimilate our endings from S2 into S3
The monkey island trailer was probably added b/c they knew they weren't going to make more, but wanted to leave the option for a sequel open
I agree 100% with you. This was my initial take from the end of Season 2 when they announced that there would be a Season 3. Clementine can return to her role as a moral compass, except there is twist: that morality is calibrated to how you shaped her in Season 2. The multiple endings also allow for you to meet Clem at different times and/or situations. It would be cool to see the forums dive into how and when they met Clementine, for example, during the first episode. Some will say they met her before the title card when their group was heading through the town Others will say they met her part way through either before, during, or after the storm. Some will say they met her at the end of the episode when she and her group saved them from the surprise walker heard in the woods. If they went this route, then TellTale can officially "end" Clem's story arc while they move on with a new one. Either that, or they can start from the beginning again with another group of people in another place. These theories are all assuming TellTale wants to do more than 3 TWD seasons.
TO piggy-back off of what you said Olaus Petrus, TellTale changed Kenny's ending to make it ambiguous in Season 1 for Season 2. Gavin Hammon and (if I'm correct) others at TellTale have confirmed this stating how Gavin had to come back to TellTale to redo the lines for Kenny's final scene. People who dug through the game files in "No Going Back" found files that showed how Jane was originally supposed to over power Kenny and how the family were all just reused models that were just slightly altered (similar to how Mike was replaced in "All That Remains"). TellTale makes all their games "live," so things could have been adjusted for Season 3's sake, whether it be to define things or leave things open ended.
How would you feel if Season 3 picked up the 400 Days group? What if they did it through multiple protagonist like TFTBL and GOT? What if the game start from the exact moment Clem turns on the speaker system at Howe's? The first scene is you playing as one of the members at the place becomes overrun by walkers. Your actions determines who made it to the truck to escape and who died. It then cuts to the title card and the episode plays out. Later on in episode 3, you meet Clem again in one of the 5 different scenarios and her character is determined by how you played in Season 2. Unlike the cabin group, the 400 Days group is very reluctant to take suggestions from an 11/12 year old girl who is also responsible for destroying the safety they had at Howe's. Clem is reluctant to listen to a group of people who worked for a madman and shot at her with high caliber weapons. You then have to learn to forgive each other and work together to survive. Your actions determine the stability of the group. Will the 400 Days group be back to their old selves before they met Carver? Will Clem regain her light of hope? It all depends on you.
I think this would be a great way to do justice for the 400 Days characters, especially after the way the fan-base was treated to them.
I'm just trying to think how this would work storywise. In my game 3 people of the 400 Days group went with Tavia, but then Bonnie went with Clem's group. So there's only two persons at Howe's, while majority of the group is somewhere else. And some players have reported that in their games only Bonnie went with Tavia.
I think that to make it work they would have to explore in detail what happened to people in 400 Days group's camp after Tavia left with Bonnie and co. Biggest challenge to the writers is the fact that there are many possible combinations of who stayed behind and who went to Howe's.
You don't need finished Season 3 script to include post-credit teaser. All you need is a vague general idea to what direction the story might possibly continue.
In any case my point was that while Season 1 ended Lee's story, it's post-credit teaser left the ending very open and ambiguous for Clem. So we knew that her story would continue. However, while it's possible to continue the story from any of the endings of Season 2, they have more feeling of finality in them. Those endings conclude one part of Clem's story.
I hope we will play Clementine again. Some people would say that her story is over but I don't anyone's story is over until they are dead. Since season 2's decisions will probably affect season 3 it wouldn't make sense for season 3 to begin with a new character.