We all love Luke



  • Is that why there isn't a video review for S2 Episode 5 by IGN? o.O I mean they always seemed dedicated in those things, but there isn't one except a written review; that always got me. Why not do a video?

    I know somebody who's read Game of Thrones book and watched the TV series and even to her, some of the deaths in Season 2 bugged her. From what I remember, she said that at least in Game of Thrones some of the deaths happen for a reason, or that at least people mourn the dead characters. Think about characters like Nick, if you got him killed in episode 2, nobody will talk about him at all until Luke vaguely brings him up in the finale. Remember Season 1 when they dragged that stuff on with Duck or how Kenny was a mess for the rest of the Season afterwards and even into Season 2? Where was that development for everybody else? And even more of a gut punch, Clementine mentions Lee more than her own parents or Christa that looked out for the longest between Lee and the new group.

    But yeah that's why I view A.J as a doomed plot baby, because of how they discussed about killing him off. Combined that with the fact they can only go so far into the TWD timeline, there's not much time for that kid to grow and mature. If they considered writing him off, then it's safe to say that baby is as good as dead, and why i hated the endings even more. And after the finale, I just don't want to get so emotionally invested for the same reasons too. I mean already with this season we accept determinant characters are doomed and we don't view them the same anymore. Unless they stop killing everybody off at the end, people are just going stop caring and the unpredictable becomes predictable.

    Ugh, honestly if they brought that guy back I would break into tears; that's not even an exaggeration. I would cry that's how happy I'd be. Or a DLC on the cabin group, that'd be cool.

    Simply posted: »

    Yeah, I was never really mad with Telltale for the Sarah thing. If you think about it, IGN are probably their partners so it's not like they

  • I would have liked a few of the cabin group to survive, Luke for sure, maybe 1 or 2 out of Nick, Alvin, Rebecca, Carlos and Pete.

    Simply posted: »

    Yeah, I was never really mad with Telltale for the Sarah thing. If you think about it, IGN are probably their partners so it's not like they

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, I thought Luke would survive since they were building his character up but obviously not! Hmmm out of the cabin I would say the most interesting person to keep alive (along with Luke) would be Sarah because we could train her to be like season 2 Clementine but I realllyyy wanted Pete to live :(

    Rousey4000 posted: »

    I would have liked a few of the cabin group to survive, Luke for sure, maybe 1 or 2 out of Nick, Alvin, Rebecca, Carlos and Pete.

  • Sarah struck me as a character with potential not just as Clementine's friend, but as someone who should have been taught how to survive. I hoped she would survive, but the determinant rule is unbreakable.

    Simply posted: »

    Yeah, I thought Luke would survive since they were building his character up but obviously not! Hmmm out of the cabin I would say the most i

  • She would have intrigued me more as a character if she had lived and been a character that we look after!

    Rousey4000 posted: »

    Sarah struck me as a character with potential not just as Clementine's friend, but as someone who should have been taught how to survive. I hoped she would survive, but the determinant rule is unbreakable.

  • Can I ask all ya'll Luke lovers a question?

    As an observer and a Kenny fan, I was wondering what your favourite scene with Luke was.

  • Alt text

    This is the place I fell in love with Luke and has to be my favourite scene just because of the actions he does.

    Can I ask all ya'll Luke lovers a question? As an observer and a Kenny fan, I was wondering what your favourite scene with Luke was.

  • Not what I was expecting-since it's a simple scene in itself-but cool :)

    Kateis posted: »

    This is the place I fell in love with Luke and has to be my favourite scene just because of the actions he does.

  • My favourite was probably the bridge scene, that pat on the back, Clementine's glare, Luke's 'oh shit' face and then the 'just kidding' smiles, it made me think of him as a big brother for Clem and fall in love with their friendship! I also liked the hug scene for... obvious reasons;)

    What was your favourite scene with Kenny?

    Can I ask all ya'll Luke lovers a question? As an observer and a Kenny fan, I was wondering what your favourite scene with Luke was.

  • edited February 2015

    My favourite Kenny scene? No one's ever really asked me that before. So hard to choose one. Can I do one from season 1 and 2?

    Season 1: When he determinately comes with you to look for Clementine. I got him to come with me without any one else and the whole time he was like 'pal' and 'friend' and he treated me so nice and it made me feel really happy that he appreciated all I had done for him. He thanked me on the roof of the hospital for what I had done for Duck. That just whole segement filled me with joy since I had my best friend by my side. I think I'm tearing up a little just now thinking about it

    Season 2: The Wellington ending. When Kenny was willing to let me go so I could live I better life, I just knew I couldn't leave him. The fact that he was willing to live a life alone so that I (and AJ) could have a better chance just made me love him even more. I could never leave Kenny. My Lee never gave up on him, neither will my Clem. I like to think he needed me as much as I needed him.

    Sorry you never got a happy ending with Luke :/

    Simply posted: »

    My favourite was probably the bridge scene, that pat on the back, Clementine's glare, Luke's 'oh shit' face and then the 'just kidding' smil

  • edited February 2015

    Awww yeah gotta say I teared up when I was at Wellington with Kenny in episode 5, especially when he said 'you'll meet people that don't have to look at you and be ashamed at what they've put you through' :( I have 2 save files, one where I'm in Wellington and one where I went with Kenny just because I wanted to stay in Wellington for all the people that have died to get them there but then again I felt so bad for Kenny so I decided to go with him in my next one:P

    Yeah, I wish we had an ending for Luke. Why didn't Jane die on the ice rather than Luke?! Although, I don't know if I see Luke doing what Jane did with the baby or actually physically fighting with Kenny so if anything I would see Luke, Kenny and Jane alive with Clem, Luke goes missing and Jane pulls the stunt with AJ then you have the Kenny vs Jane choice and afterwards Luke comes back and he's either; mad that Kenny killed Jane and heartbroken so you have to choose between Kenny or Luke or mad that Jane did what she did with AJ so you have to choose between Jane or Luke. In the ending where you kill Jane and Kenny, Luke could come along and see what has happened and be quite mad and ask what has happened, you can either walk away from him or tell him what happened and go with him. What do you think? Did you like Luke or were you happy he died?

    My favourite Kenny scene? No one's ever really asked me that before. So hard to choose one. Can I do one from season 1 and 2? Season 1: W

  • I love that scene in the cabin at the table in Episode 1, but...

    Alt text

    Probably one of my favorite Luke moments is taking out the walkers before the bridge, with the different alternative dialogue, along with the high five to the 'nearly knock you over' pat on the back. It's sad of me, but first time you get to be alone with Luke in that episode with that shot after him and Clem walked off from the group, I squealed XD it was a real "Yes! I'm alone with my favorite dude on a kicking walker butt mission!" Nick being my second favorite guy up to that point.


    Can I ask all ya'll Luke lovers a question? As an observer and a Kenny fan, I was wondering what your favourite scene with Luke was.

  • I love Luke so muuuchh :33 His death hit me pretty hard, but I think that they're gonna bring him back, I mean..c'mon..It's luke

  • I hope so! I don't see how they can but I wouldn't complain if they did!:)

    badasskenny posted: »

    I love Luke so muuuchh :33 His death hit me pretty hard, but I think that they're gonna bring him back, I mean..c'mon..It's luke

  • Me and Luke? Ehhhhhhhh....

    We didn't have a very good history... ESPECIALLY WHEN HE FUCKED JANE AHHHHHHHI GOT SO MAD AT HIM! - I mean, dude's gotta get laid every once and a while, amiright?

    in all seriousness, before then, I didn't care about him. Afterwards, I got pissed because HE WAS TOO BUSY FUCKING HER AND NOT DOING HIS GODDAMN JOB- //breathes heavily// //calms down// then my hate mallowed out a bit then I went back to not caring.

    Was I happy that Luke died? No. Was I sad? Not really.

    Poor Luke-so hyped up-only to be brushed aside and drowned in a lake. Such a waste of potienal.

    Simply posted: »

    Awww yeah gotta say I teared up when I was at Wellington with Kenny in episode 5, especially when he said 'you'll meet people that don't hav

  • That scene seems to be a reoccuring thing amongst (three) people.

    I must admit.. It was kinda fun :) I took out the big walker and he got a bit mad at me. But then we high-fived, so it was cool between us I guess?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I love that scene in the cabin at the table in Episode 1, but... Probably one of my favorite Luke moments is taking out the walkers b

  • edited February 2015

    I was mad at him at first for having sex with Jane and I know it was a bad thing to do BUT I understand why he did it. In episode 4 (before that point) Luke has lost; Nick, Sarah (determinant), Carlos, Alvin and Pete, the only member that is still alive is Rebecca so it must make him feel like a huge failure, if only 1 out of the 6 (not including him) is still around. Also, in episode 3 he got beat up by Carver, so much so he broke his ribs - to be honest I see him and Kenny as alike in episode 4. Both of them have lost so many people, they both have been hurt physically and they both made a mistake in episode 4. Kenny made the mistake of blaming Clementine for Sarita's death and yelling at her, Luke made the mistake of having sex with Jane. Both made mistakes because they were broken, they both dealt with that feeling in different ways; Kenny let out his anger on Clementine and tried to alienate himself from the others whereas Luke tried to find comfort with Jane. In the scene where Luke and Kenny are arguing Luke says 'Jane, she made an offer and, Jesus Christ, I needed it.' I don't think it was in his intentions to have sex with Jane when he first went up there, I don't think he went 'hey let's have sex while I'm supposed to be on watch lol.' No, I think he went up there to talk to her and, since we left her in an emotional state, she made the offer and he accepted since they both needed the comfort. Was it a bad way to go about things? Absolutely. But I was never mad at him for it, 'look around you, okay everything is shit. So forgive me for wanting to enjoy one moment of something else!' When he said this it made me think of him in a different way and not as a bad guy but as a man who tries so desperately to be a hero, he goes after the group in episode 3 with no food or sleep and he runs after Sarah through a crowd of walkers, he wants to be the hero, he wants to be a good leader but even hero's fall down sometimes. When he went after them in episode 3 he ended up starving and tired so he couldn't function as well, in episode 4 with Sarah he can't get her out of there no matter how much he tries. He want's to be the hero so he tries the best he can but ends up failing in the end, he tries to be a good leader by alienating his feelings and pushing them aside (Nick says that Luke can move on easily but we see in episode 5 he is just bottling his emotions up) but by doing that he just ends up pushing himself into recklessness. When I thought about it, Luke (at least to me) has only made that one selfish mistake, sure he has made mistakes but that was the first time he made a selfish mistake, I excused it because I know he has tried his best for the group and he even apologised for making the mistake so, what more could he do? Everyone makes mistakes, everyone can be selfish at times, if anything it just made me see Luke as more realistic and human.

    I was hoping that when he saves Clementine's life in the water (if you help Luke) people would cut him some slack I mean, it may not have been his intention to die for her but who ever intends to die? Also, he could have gone up for air and saved himself but he saved her, that's another reason why I like Luke so much, because I know he cared about Clementine. Sure, maybe not as much as Kenny did but they have known each other for longer, I wanted Luke to have an ending so he could be that brother figure to Clementine and look out for her because, in episode 5 everyone from the group was gone and all Luke had was Clementine (he may have had Bonnie, Jane and Mike but they weren't with the cabin group, Clementine was, and Luke considered her a member of the group). I wanted Telltale to show more of that relationship since, now all Luke had was Clementine, he could focus more on her and their relationship can grow but then Telltale killed him and crushed my dream!

    I know a lot of people don't like Luke and I'm ok with that, not everyone will like everyone and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My opinion on Luke is that he was a nice guy who deserved better, I mean, after Pete died (out of the cabin group) he was one of the only people in the group who really tried with Clementine and wanted her to be a part of the group, he even sat down with her and listened to her story, none of the others cared enough to ask about what happened, only Luke did.

    Sorry for the long post, just wanted to let you know why I like Luke!

    Me and Luke? Ehhhhhhhh.... We didn't have a very good history... ESPECIALLY WHEN HE FUCKED JANE AHHHHHHHI GOT SO MAD AT HIM! - I mean, du

  • Damn.

    Bless this post and it's dedication to Luke. Reminds me of myself and Kenny.

    Wish I could write about how much I like Kenny like that, but I can hardly ever go about it. Probably cuz I'm lazy, but I have done post like that a few times. Welp, you clearly like the guy. I could never really understand what was so great about him. Now I think I understand a little - I don't know.

    Man. You Luke fans are cool. Probably one of my favourite fandoms that I'm not actually part of.

    Simply posted: »

    I was mad at him at first for having sex with Jane and I know it was a bad thing to do BUT I understand why he did it. In episode 4 (before

  • Wow... that is a long post.

    it just made me see Luke as more realistic and human.

    But he's only humannnnn!!! And he bleeds when he falls down. He's only human! And he crashes and he breaks down. Your words in his head, knifes in his heart! I'm just gonna stop there. :P

    maybe not as much as Kenny did

    I'm actually not so sure on this because Luke had no reason to trust, listen to or care about Clementine. But he did and he cared a lot when he barely knew her and I think he came back for Clem in episode 3 instead of the rest of the group, I know it sounds weird but his line,

    We just... we just need a plan... y'know, a way to get you and... and everyone...

    He takes a long pause after the "you and" which makes me think that he came back for Clementine and realised he had to get everyone else out as well. But I don't know, it's just what I interpret. He cared a lot about Clem in episode 4 as well, it's not always the lines, it's the facial expressions and you can tell he cares a lot, I think he cared about Clementine just as much as Kenny did.

    I wanted Luke to have an ending so he could be that brother figure

    Jane should never have been a part of the equation. From episode 2 it was a question of loyalty. Then it turned into loyalty or humanity. The main question that arose was do you stay loyal to the person you knew back at the start or do you turn to the one who has humanity left while your loyal option no longer has such a thing? That's why we should have had that ending because Clementine could have her brother figure and have someone with humanity. Instead we get to choose between someone who is broken and lost his humanity or someone who has went insane and has also lost humanity. Ugh, I want a Luke ending! It could have been so good!

    Simply posted: »

    I was mad at him at first for having sex with Jane and I know it was a bad thing to do BUT I understand why he did it. In episode 4 (before

  • Aw thank you! You are a very cool Kenny fan:) I've seen a few Kenny fans that say 'I hate Luke and if you like him then your wrong' well, maybe not exactly that but similar to that! But it's nice to have some fans that can understand if other people have different views!:)

    Damn. Bless this post and it's dedication to Luke. Reminds me of myself and Kenny. Wish I could write about how much I like Kenny like

  • edited February 2015

    But he's only humannnnn!!! And he bleeds when he falls down. He's only human! And he crashes and he breaks down. Your words in his head, knifes in his heart!

    Why'd you think I made that video ey;) pretty much all of my Luke tributes are about him being flawed but regretting it:P I should make a happier one really!

    We just... we just need a plan... y'know, a way to get you and... and everyone...

    At first I thought that he meant Clementine then remembered the others too! But then I just thought it was my fangirl alter-ego that was trying to make out that Luke cared more for us than he did the others buttttt I'm not sure! Maybe he meant that who knows:P

    I think he cared about Clementine just as much as Kenny did.

    Well, I guess... I don't know. Kenny cares about Clementine, maybe it's because she reminds him of Duck or she's the closest thing she has to remembering the old group but we have seen he would die for her so he definitely cares. Then again we've seen Luke would die for her too so it could be equal, I just thought since her and Kenny knew each other for longer they both may care about each other more but I guess how long you have known someone doesn't really matter as much when it comes to caring about them more than someone else?

    Ugh, I want a Luke ending! It could have been so good!

    You and me both sister, you and me both. I'm glad they didn't make Luke do something out of character like hiding the baby and starting a physical fight with him but I wanted him to be alive! Stupid plot:(

    photo LUKESAD_zpsq7l7zk0o.gif

    Kateis posted: »

    Wow... that is a long post. it just made me see Luke as more realistic and human. But he's only humannnnn!!! And he bleeds whe

  • I should make a happier one really!

    Yep you should but that's a hard think to do. I had to remake Without Limits 6 times. I'm not even kidding. Do you remember when you said you would make a happier one and then you made a really depressing one? I remember that...

    my fangirl alter-ego that was trying to make out that Luke cared more for us than he did the others

    fangirl alter-ego? XD Anyway, I know what you mean. I'm always like "No, he has to be talking about everyone" but I conclude that it has to be him forgetting about all of his friends. (also when episode 3 came out, I didn't even know I was a fan of Luke so it couldn't be a 'fangirl alter-ego')

    I guess how long you have known someone doesn't really matter as much when it comes to caring about them

    I don't think that kind of thing matters in an apocalypse. You have to trust people but care comes with trust so I think Luke just trusted Clementine so much he ended up caring for her more than his best friend? :P

    I'm glad they didn't make Luke do something out of character like hiding the baby and starting a physical fight with him

    Who says there needed to be a fight? It could have been an argument over where to go. Or maybe Luke suggests that they should leave Kenny because he is past broken and is insane? But at the time I thought it could have been choosing who to save. There always my favourite choices because it's the closest thing you would have to real life.

    Simply posted: »

    But he's only humannnnn!!! And he bleeds when he falls down. He's only human! And he crashes and he breaks down. Your words in his head, kni

  • Thanks. I try to understand people's opinions. I've got fired up in the past, which I'm not proud of, but I've even managed to accept Lilly. I don't actually hate her. Never actually did hate her in the first place but I felt like I needed to to be accepted into the Kenny fandom, which sounds stupid now, but that's what I thought back then... 2 years ago I think.

    I came into this thread wanting to ask why Luke was so special to y'all but I didn't want to come off as rude, so I simply asked the other question that you see before you instead. It still gave me some insight, anyway.

    Simply posted: »

    Aw thank you! You are a very cool Kenny fan:) I've seen a few Kenny fans that say 'I hate Luke and if you like him then your wrong' well, m

  • Do you remember when you said you would make a happier one and then you made a really depressing one? I remember that...

    I think so! Not sure which one it was but I know I have made quite a few tributes where I thought 'I'll make this a happy one!' Then you comment and say 'I tried not to cry...' :P

    I'm always like "No, he has to be talking about everyone" but I conclude that it has to be him forgetting about all of his friends.

    Yeah, I forgot though, in episode 5 at the very beginning he is the only person to call out to Clementine and tell her to get behind cover and if you say 'I'm sorry, I should have went!' after he goes after AJ he says 'what? No... no it's too dangerous!' So that's another reason why I think Luke cared, otherwise he would have just thought 'ah screw it, never liked her anyway!'

    Who says there needed to be a fight?

    I was just thinking if Telltale wanted to make them both determinant and make a really hard choice since, a choice between life or death is usually a lot harder than a choice of who you want to go with since you never really want anyone to die but if the other person was kept alive then it would be better, I also don't know what they would argue about to make them want to go completely different places. I remember seeing someone write something about 'what if you see Kenny pull out a gun ready to shoot Luke and Luke has his back to him so he doesn't know and you have the option to kill Kenny or let him kill Luke' but I don't know why Kenny would want to shoot him? Although that would be a good idea since it involves life or death and it doesn't make Luke out of character! Although it sort of makes Kenny out of character...

    Kateis posted: »

    I should make a happier one really! Yep you should but that's a hard think to do. I had to remake Without Limits 6 times. I'm not ev

  • I've got fired up in the past, which I'm not proud of

    That's alright we all have! I sometimes do when someone is being too harsh on Luke but I try not to be too hard on them, most of the time I defend him in my head to make myself feel better, haha it's very therapeutic!

    I felt like I needed to to be accepted into the Kenny fandom, which sounds stupid now, but that's what I thought back then... 2 years ago I think.

    I understand, I didn't join the forum until after episode 4, I always read what people wrote but I never joined because I hated arguing with people and I still do! When everyone seemed to hate Luke after episode 4 I joined to try and back him up since it felt like some of the Luke fans had turned against him as well, I really wanted to change people's beliefs and have the remaining Luke fans accept me but then I realised it wasn't worth it since there was only a small majority of us! Whenever I see someone say something against Luke I try to keep my anger to myself now since I know I can't change their minds although, a lot of the Kenny fans after episode 3 scared me because they were really mad at Luke! Haha:P

    I came into this thread wanting to ask why Luke was so special to y'all but I didn't want to come off as rude

    No you didn't come off as rude, that's why I answered you in a civil way! If you had said 'I don't understand why you Luke fans worship him so much, I hate him and I was happy he died!' Then I probably would have replied with a rant:P

    It still gave me some insight, anyway.

    Do you kind of get it now or do you want me to say some more good things about Luke, I'm sure I can think of some more:P

    Thanks. I try to understand people's opinions. I've got fired up in the past, which I'm not proud of, but I've even managed to accept Lilly.

  • [Gives lecture on The Diving Reflex and cold water drowning survivors for the umpteenth time.]

    badasskenny posted: »

    I love Luke so muuuchh :33 His death hit me pretty hard, but I think that they're gonna bring him back, I mean..c'mon..It's luke

  • Then you comment and say 'I tried not to cry...'

    I always say that because I end up covering my mouth with my eyes tearing up, making something happy that is only sad is impossible. Even their happy moments make me want to cry. The hugging scene especially because the hug was just so depressing because Clementine didn't know if he would come back.

    in episode 5 at the very beginning he is the only person to call out to Clementine and tell her to get behind cover

    I forgot all about that! Luke is da best! Argh, makes me annoyed though, he should be alive. No, that's the wrong thoughs. Luke's alive, he's fine and well. Crap, my eyes. cries into desk

    a choice between life or death

    It should have been two walkers (argh I kept typing lurkers XD) The walkers corner Luke and Kenny. Both of them are out of ammo and Luke dropped his machete. Kenny is wrestling with them while Luke is still backing up into a corner. At this point you have a 'Save Kenny' and 'Save Luke' option. If you save Kenny he will thank you and then you watch as Luke gets ripped apart, you run away and then you get '9 days later' and then the same scenes will happen. If you save Luke, Kenny will be brought to his knees, he will shout for you to run. Luke and Clementine run away and Luke picks up his machete as they run. In the distance you can here Kenny's screams and then you get '9 days later' and they will be walking down a road, it will go to a shot of them looking awkward as they look at a sign but we don't see what it says. Of course if you let the timer run out they both die and Clementine ends up alone and she walks in that field still.

    Simply posted: »

    Do you remember when you said you would make a happier one and then you made a really depressing one? I remember that... I think so!

  • Well I would've said that scene at the cabin table, but that was more Clem's scene. Still I really love it; it's cute. Oh oh oh, and must not forget the ladder! XD some reaaally dialogue options there.

    That scene seems to be a reoccuring thing amongst (three) people. I must admit.. It was kinda fun I took out the big walker and he got a bit mad at me. But then we high-fived, so it was cool between us I guess?

  • The hugging scene especially because the hug was just so depressing because Clementine didn't know if he would come back.

    Me and her both! Did you know it was Luke when you were struggling or did you only realise it was him when he said 'hey it's me!'? I knew it was when I saw the orange jumper :P

    Luke is da best! Argh, makes me annoyed though, he should be alive. No, that's the wrong thoughs. Luke's alive, he's fine and well. Crap, my eyes. cries into desk

    Yeah, he's still alive! He's a merman in the ocean! He will be fine...

    It should have been two walkers (argh I kept typing lurkers XD) The walkers corner Luke and Kenny. Both of them are out of ammo and Luke dropped his machete.

    Yeah, that's a good idea! I kind of thought that maybe in the opening scene the Russians will have Luke and Kenny at gun point and you would have to choose then but I think it would work best at the end:)

    Kateis posted: »

    Then you comment and say 'I tried not to cry...' I always say that because I end up covering my mouth with my eyes tearing up, makin

  • Well, I still don't quite get it. Like a good man (Lee) once said, Luke was always 'just some guy'. To me, anyway.

    What about you and Kenny? Do you need me to go into detail too? :P

    Simply posted: »

    I've got fired up in the past, which I'm not proud of That's alright we all have! I sometimes do when someone is being too harsh on

  • Did you know it was Luke when you were struggling

    I knew as soon as I saw his arm but I kept pressing 'Q' regardless. :P

    Yeah, he's still alive! He's a merman in the ocean!

    No I mean he's really alive! Someone was stalking the group and rescued Luke. They then tie him up and torture him to give them information. They then leave him with a scar running down from his forehead to his chin and leave him there. But don't worry they left him with his machete. I don't know why. :P

    Russians will have Luke and Kenny at gun point and you would have to choose then

    That would have been hard because I was shaking so much at the start I would have had a heart attack and died mid recording. :P

    Simply posted: »

    The hugging scene especially because the hug was just so depressing because Clementine didn't know if he would come back. Me and her

  • I only just looked at that Luke gif now for some reason... Dat smile dou....Tellate actually pulled off a good smile.

    That reminds me of when Clem and Kenny smiled about Carver being dead. That was... a surprising thing to smile at. Whatever floats there boat, I guess.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well I would've said that scene at the cabin table, but that was more Clem's scene. Still I really love it; it's cute. Oh oh oh, and must not forget the ladder! XD some reaaally dialogue options there.

  • edited February 2015

    Even though I thought what Luke and Jane did was fucking stupid, I kinda forgive em. My reasoning is: I'm beginning to read the comics now and the characters are always banging and it usually leads to more problems, but a romantic relationship as well kinda what Luke and Jane seemed to be going for. So if anything Telltale is just following the formula that Kirkman started.

  • Well that is your opinion, nothing I can do to change that! I liked Luke because he was one of the only members of the cabin group that actually took the time out to listen to Clementine and try to make her feel part of the group. He was funny, like the whole 'I'm not an asshole' 'you callin' me an asshole?' little exchange between the two. I like that he was loyal, in that he could have just ran away from the group and survived out there on his own after episode 2 but he didn't, he came back for the group which I admire. He always tried, even if he didn't succeed he always tried to do the right thing like; saving Sarah or helping the others escape. He has kept his humanity which I like since I don't want my Clementine to become some cold blooded killer, he was a good role model which is another reason why I wanted him to look out for Clementine in the end. I liked that he was a nice guy, I bet you've heard that so many times before but he was a nice guy, especially when he welcomed Clementine into the group saying she's welcome to stay there and the others will have to deal with it. I like that he was caring, he tried to comfort Rebecca, Nick and Clementine when they were sad, he even asks Clementine if she's okay in episode 4 which, not many people seem to ask. Finally, I like that he was a good leader, even though he didn't feel like he was, the group fell apart in episode 5 after his death since he was the glue that kept them all together, at least to me he was:)

    Nah, I already like Kenny just not as much as Luke:P He cares about Clementine, a lot more than Jane does since I've seen some of Clementine's death's in episode 4 when she is around and she just runs away, that's why I chose Kenny over Jane:)

    Although the only reason I don't like him more than I like Luke is because I disagree with some of the things he did like beating Carvers face in with a crowbar, but that's only because I like the nice 'innocent' type guys:P

    Well, I still don't quite get it. Like a good man (Lee) once said, Luke was always 'just some guy'. To me, anyway. What about you and Kenny? Do you need me to go into detail too? :P

  • I knew as soon as I saw his arm but I kept pressing 'Q' regardless. :P

    ;o meanie! Hehe, I stopped pressing 'Q', didn't want to hurt my precious baby;) Haha, if you don't press 'Q' Clementine shouts out 'Stop!' and he says 'hey! It's me Luke, okay just calm down!' - But you probably already knew that:P

    Someone was stalking the group and rescued Luke. They then tie him up and torture him to give them information. They then leave him with a scar running down from his forehead to his chin and leave him there. But don't worry they left him with his machete. I don't know why. :P

    That scar just reminds me of Harry Potter even though his isn't that big!:P He's a wizard ;o he summoned his wizard friends to rescue him;o

    That would have been hard because I was shaking so much at the start I would have had a heart attack and died mid recording. :P

    Awww haha, where you nervous about Luke? I kind of got spoiled because episode 5 released on the day I was working so I wasn't able to watch it when I came back, I remember when I woke up I thought, I'll just watch a little of the live stream, just to see who survived! Then when I clicked on it I saw Luke and Clem talking and there was snow surrounding them and I squealed with excitement because I knew Luke survived! Then I was quite mad I spoiled it! I remember spending the rest of the day at work thinking up what happened, I remember thinking 'OMG WHAT IF IT WAS ONLY LUKE AND CLEM THAT SURVIVED AND NOW THEY WILL HAVE SOME BROTHER/SISTERLY BONDING TIME OMG!' That's why I was soooo disappointed when they killed Luke off:(

    Kateis posted: »

    Did you know it was Luke when you were struggling I knew as soon as I saw his arm but I kept pressing 'Q' regardless. :P Yeah,

  • But you probably already knew that:P

    Yep I know, did you ever doubt me?

    That scar just reminds me of Harry Potter

    I'm not going to even ask how that scar reminds you of Harry potter.

    where you nervous about Luke?

    Yes because my friend teased everyday, saying he would get shot. He even said it before we started playing. So I went into it shaking and I was really worried about Luke and then he survived just to die... :(

    Then I was quite mad I spoiled it!

    Well at least you didn't see his death :P

    Simply posted: »

    I knew as soon as I saw his arm but I kept pressing 'Q' regardless. :P ;o meanie! Hehe, I stopped pressing 'Q', didn't want to hurt

  • I think he was surprised she was smiling after downing a walker, all like 'look what I did, aren't I awesome?' especially with hanging around Carlos who protects his daughter overboard and won't let her do anything. So a kid that is capable of kicking walker butt and not crying about it would be a shocker. Probably because Clem is happy, that's why Luke smiled back in a 'yup, the kid's name is Awesome' way ^^.

    I only just looked at that Luke gif now for some reason... Dat smile dou....Tellate actually pulled off a good smile. That reminds me of

  • Is it bad that I laughed really hard when Kenny beat Carver's face in? I think I went a tad insane.

    Simply posted: »

    Well that is your opinion, nothing I can do to change that! I liked Luke because he was one of the only members of the cabin group that actu

  • did you ever doubt me?

    Course not, just checking!

    I'm not going to even ask how that scar reminds you of Harry potter.

    Well then I'm not going to tell you:P

    Yes because my friend teased everyday, saying he would get shot.

    What a jerk;o

    So I went into it shaking and I was really worried about Luke and then he survived just to die... :(

    Well, at least we got a few more cute friendship moments between Clem and Luke before he... passed:(

    Well at least you didn't see his death :P

    Oh gosh! If I did see his death I'd probably be too upset to go to work! Or I'd be in a really shitty mood and if I saw anything related to water or the sea etc... I'd burst out crying:P Did you cry when Luke died? I've probably asked you this before haven't I?

    Kateis posted: »

    But you probably already knew that:P Yep I know, did you ever doubt me? That scar just reminds me of Harry Potter I'm

  • Haha, to each their own I guess! I didn't let Clem see it but I watched someone else do the other option and I squirmed a little, then I remembered it's just a video game so it's not real:P

    Is it bad that I laughed really hard when Kenny beat Carver's face in? I think I went a tad insane.

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