Alright, wiseass, I was going to help you anyway. XD
It's simple, really. All you need to do is:
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EDIT: I mostly use Google images and a few gif websites to find my gifs, like giphy for example.
FYI: Another tip, if the gif image link doesn't work for some reason. Right click on the picture and then click on properties to find a working image address that way.
You're welcome!
FYI: Another tip, if the gif image link doesn't work for some reason. Right click on the picture and then click on properties to find a working image address that way.
This song was the song of my people when I was younger! I have that whole soundtrack in my drawer at home and when I saw someone did an English version (Although not strictly translated) I had to use it! Dewitt sacrifice will be sad, but he did what he had to do so he could feel like he had done something right. Thanks Lupine! She will be his Guardian Angel while he sleeps.
Gahh, I love these two. The song fits very well - good choice! Can kind of guess what Dewitt's sacrifice probably was; Makoto, Celeste and … moreElla (charming name) can be together because of it, though. And your drawing is lovely - it's nice to see Makoto safely asleep with Celeste watching over him.
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
NAME: Violla Liddell
APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Bright brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and deep down, feeling that they only loved her because they felt obligated to. Violla felt it was her own fault that Alice felt the way she did and tried to comfort her, but Alice lashed out at her when she did. Violla ran away in the middle of a terrible storm to escape the party. She raced into the woods, rain falling into her eyes as she ran. Violla could hear Alice yelling after her, trying to apologize for what she had done. Violla tripped and fell down a rather large rabbit hole. She awoke to an entirely different world...
The Land of Wonders is divided by season. In the center, the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter battle for power constantly. Viola fell into a chamber of doors (one of four) in the heart of the Winterlands, the only isolated land of them all. Violla found a single key in her hand. She looked around the chamber, full of doors all shapes and sizes. Violla was drawn to a green door with purple and pink flowers sketched onto the surface. The light went out in the chamber as Violla used the key. There was clearly no way of turning back now.
Violla had opened the door to a pathway into the Springlands. Ahead of her was a large table with various arrangements of teacups. Little did she know that she had just walked into the helping hands of the Mad Hatter himself. Hatter was at the end of this brightly-colored table, scattered with teacups and all sorts of small animals. He was warm and welcoming, but made Violla feel slightly uncomfortable. No one had ever paid so much attention to Violla upon just meeting her. He offered her a place to stay for the night and asked if she would join him for dinner. Not wanting to seem rude, Violla agreed. She and the Hatter discussed her journey so far and immediately became the best of friends.
Time between The Land of Wonders and our world is different. For starters, The Land of Wonders years are shorter than ours. Only weeks later did Alice fall into the same rabbit hole that Violla did, but by then years had passed in The Land of Wonders. Hatter explained that those who did not stay long were often returned to the time in which they left, but if the visitor stayed for an excessive amount of time, they were considered an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders and therefore went by their time. Violla, up until her eighteenth year (precisely 32 weeks in our time), was Hatter's accomplice in political deals. Hatter ultimately stayed in control of Wonderland while Violla helped him in her ventures, and all the while Hatter helplessly fell in love with her (unbeknownst to Violla). The Queen of Hearts, seeing that Violla was a threat to her power, sent her most loyal knight to get rid of her.
The Knight, Sir Theo of the Summerlands, was the son of the vindictive Queen of Hearts. He was her dearest child and she always put all of her faith in little Theo. Theo blindly had unwavering faith in his mothers intentions, believing that her actions were those out of defense and not for her hunger of power. He willingly traveled into the Springlands to do as his mother had asked. He arrived at the Mad Hatter's castle and pleaded the Hatter for a hearing. The Hatter, with his good heart, decided to hear out the young man. Theo walked into the Hatter's court, ready to spot out Violla and follow her out after he told them all his story. He was bewitched by the many wonders of the castle- the colors, ribbons, teacups, lights, and animals... Violla sat beside Hatter's throne (made of colored ribbons and teapots) in a vibrant green dress the Hatter had made her only a few days before. Theo's eyes fell on her and his heart immediately belonged to her. Theo deeply hoped that she was not the woman he had travelled there for. He could hardly look away from her while speaking to the court of his terrifying days under his mother's thumb, how he wished to escape as he finally had. Hatter could see the way he looked at Violla and did not believe his story. Violla could only see the truth in Theo's eyes and told the Hatter that he must give the man a chance. The Hatter, not wanting to against Violla's wishes, did so.
Theo waited until later that night to approach Violla. She had no reason to trust him, but with the look in his eyes, she couldn't help but believe that his intentions were anything but true. He stole her away to the Summerlands, where they spent a night talking and getting to know each other. Theo snuck the sleeping water of a Willowbye flower into her drink. When Violla fell into a deep sleep, Theo took her back to his mother's palace, believing that bringing her home would be enough for the Queen. If he explained how he had fallen in love with her, she would surely excuse his lack of action.
The Queen however, did not understand. When Theo returned home, the Queen took one look at the woman soundly asleep in his arms and assumed that she was dead. Theo attempted to tell her how he felt, but the Queen refused to hear any of it. She imprisoned her son beside Violla, planning on executing the two along with the Hatter for turning her son into someone she no longer knew.
The Hatter soon realized the disappearance, as well as that of Theo. He felt betrayed and sobbed into his hands as he sat on his throne. It all felt meaningless without Violla by his side. He ordered the company of the March Hare (lead general) as well as the Dormouse (head of the nobles), for an emergency meeting. They sat at the table, prepared to discuss the matter at hand, when a guard came running to the Hatter's chair. There was a young girl at the gates of the castle who looked quite confused.
The Hatter, believing it to be Violla, ran to the gates to greet his dearest companion. However, the girl in front of him was not Violla. Her blonde hair and green eyes told him so. She explained that her name was Alice and she was very curious as to where she was. She told him of her previous endeavors and the Hatter, not knowing that this was Violla's sister, took the young girl into his castle. He began to wonder why these strange girls kept showing up for his own help, but he wouldn't question it. He felt that a war was quickly on it's way and that the Queen of Hearts was surely behind all of this. Until he could prove it, he vowed to keep little Alice safe and distract himself with a tea party.
Violla woke up to find Theo sleeping on the floor of a prison cell. She shook him awake and asked him where they were, what had happened. Theo told Violla of his treachery and admitted his love for her, not expecting her to feel the same towards him. Violla felt a tug in her chest as she looked into the eyes of the Knight, but could not forgive him for taking her from Hatter. The Queen of Hearts, overhearing their discussion with interest while learning of the Hatter's devotion to Violla, removed her son from the cell and left Violla there to suffer until further notice. She came up with a plan to give the girl a love potion that would undoubtably make Violla love her son for the rest of her days. The Queen however, would never allow Theo to be with her, only to look at her from afar as punishment for his betrayal. The days passed and Violla could no longer fight the sleep that pursued her eyes. As she dreamed of home, the Queen herself let the last drop of her love potion fall onto Violla's lips.
Alice continued to ask the Hatter questions about why she was there and soon became frustrated, for the Hatter was afraid to tell the small girl of what was really happening in Wonderland. Alice soon left the Hatter with the help of the Cheshire Cat, who had never chosen a side in the many wars, to ask the Queen of Hearts her questions. The Hatter was devastated by Alice stupidly leaving him without knowing the consequences, as well as Violla's, and angrily followed her to the palace to win the war once and for all.
Violla woke up the next morning and all her thoughts of Theo consumed her. What once was simple feeling in her heart became a rush of emotions throughout her being. The Queen looked into Violla's eyes, now dazed with nothing but love, and gave her a choice. She told Violla that she had a change of heart and wanted to do anything she could to make Theo happy. She said she had sent Theo to another world and she would let Violla join him, but only if she convinced the Hatter to give all power to the Queen.
Violla agreed to the terms and left the castle, searching for her precious Hatter. Hatter, looking for Alice and devastated with his results, stopped to ask for advice from the Caterpillar. The wise old creature told the Hatter to find Violla and do what he is compelled to do once he did. The Hatter, confused by this advice, started to make his way back home. When he returned to the gate, he found the dark-haired woman standing grimly in the shadows. When her eyes focused on him, she ran to him and took him by the shoulders, yelling at him desperately. He could barely make out what she was saying, but quickly discovered that she wanted him to surrender to the Queen of Hearts. Knowing that something wasn't right, he searched her eyes. Something clearly wasn't right. Suddenly, the answer to it all seemed so simple to him, but he couldn't tell if it would ever be the right thing to do. Violla's words were begging him to leave right away and give everything up so that she could be with Theo. He could see a trace of purple on her lips and knew that this was not what she would say if the Queen did not trick her into it. The caterpiller's words rang through his ears and the Hatter gently kissed Violla.
Violla's wild and cloudy eyes soon became clear. The love she felt for Theo changed into her own real love for the man in front of her. Violla kissed the Hatter back and the two vowed to return to the Queen's castle to defeat her once and for all.
Alice arrived at the Queen of Heart's castle, naively ready to ask her questions. Theo found the young girl at the castle doors and lead her to the gardens, where his mother was playing croquet. The queen, drunk with her success in the game and victory against the Hatter, told her son to let the young girl paint her flowers red. The girl did as she asked, waiting for an opportunity to talk to her.
The Hatter and Violla approached the castle hand in hand with an army of all the living creatures of the Springlands and Summerlands behind them. They charged into the palace and interrupted the Queen's game, who was completely unprepared for battle. She screamed for her guards to defend her, and the fight began.
Alice, still painting the Queen's roses red, wandered into the palace before the fight began. She found a room of mirrors with different images spread across them all. They were precisely like the doors Violla had found, but this time you could see where you were going. Alice, curiouser and curiouser by the second, approached one that was hardly recognizable at all. There were streets, bridges, moving machines, and strange lights floating in the sky.
Violla and Hatter cornered the Queen into her palace and chased her through the halls. The guards and those of the Spring and Summer lands were stuck battling just outside the walls. They burst through the doors of the last room, surrounded by mirrors. Alice, frightened by the sudden noise, began to fall backwards. Violla, recognizing her younger sister as if she weren't a day older, yelled after her sister and tried to save her from falling again. Her hand clasped onto nothing but air as Alice collapsed into the mirror.
The Hatter and the Queen watched as Violla weeped over the loss of her sister once more. The Hatter took the Queen by the arms and Violla demanded to know where Alice had gone. The Queen simply told her that the girl was lost and would never remember who she was, even if she could find a way back to the Land of Wonders. The March Hare marched into the room and Hatter told the Hare to take the Queen away, as she no longer held any power. The March Hare did as he asked and left the room.
Hatter comforted Violla and asked why Alice had meant so much to her. Violla remembered that she had never given Hatter the name of her sister and told him the truth. The Hatter felt foolish and fell to his knees, wanting to do everything in his power to bring Alice back for Violla. He explained that these mirrors sent people to other places in the Land of Wonders, but the one in front of them took people to a different world. He said it was a safe world, but going there had it's consequences. Saying it's name was strictly forbidden in the Land of Wonders because not everyone could have the luxury of leaving their home. Hatter told Violla that he loved her enough to let her go if it's what would make her happy. Violla looked up to answer through her tears, but stopped as she noticed a figure approaching in the shadows. She quickly grabbed the Hatter as she realized who it was and Theo swung his sword towards the two. Hatter wrapped his arms around Violla and the two fell into the image of Fabletown, leaving the Land of Wonders behind.
As a consequence of being an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders and leaving through the mirror, Violla can no longer remember the time she spent while there or any time before coming to Fabletown. Her eyes open and she's standing in the middle of the street as it snows. There is a single light above her, the only streetlight that is working on the dark road. The buildings stand tall above her and she is completely alone. Hatter is nowhere to be seen, but her thoughts do not recall there ever being one. Her lips buzz from the cold and from the feeling a distant kiss, but she cannot focus on it as she walks into the unknown.
Later on in her story, Violla becomes an accomplice of Snow's. You learn that Violla has been surviving as a bookstore owner in Fabletown, that she only sells mundane books (no fairytales allowed), and that she wants help finding a man who has been showing up in her dreams. Alice walks into the bookstore a couple of days later and talks to Violla, trying to convince her that she is her sister. Because Alice was not an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders no longer than a couple of days, she is cursed with remembering everything that happens. Violla has not changed appearance-wise since the day she left, but Alice is sixteen before finding Violla working in the store. Violla doesn't believe her until Alice mentions a young man who Violla was in love with before falling into a magical mirror. Only then does Violla believe Alice. She then decides, with the help of Alice, to find Hatter- no matter the cost...
Here's what the characters look like (if they were to be cast):
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
The expressions are getting better! Everything starts out basic, but by at least drawing different things (or expressions) - regardless of how they turn out - it's a step closer to drawing exactly how you wish to.
Gren looked like the Marshmellow guy from the movie Ghostbusters and Emily a cross between Katy Perry and a Moose.
Somewhere in the wonderful world of Fables the Marshmellow guy and a Katy Perry Moose will be having an awkward moment. XD
Mary wraps one hand around Gren and the other around Emily. "I just love these early morning breakfast talks with you people. NEVER a dull freakin' moment when there is a Porgie in the room."
It is very entertaining to imagine these conversations taking place; good writing!
Hearing that about the movie doesn't seem too surprising - at least you could both agree on how much you didn't like it. :P
"Catch the ball, Billy!"
"I got it dad!"
A father and son played catch in Central park. The world returned to its normal pace after th… moree twenty-four hour period of dinners, romance and sexual encounters. Birds chirpped, the traffic continued to backup in the streets and groups of mundies traveled together to reach their next destination.
The young boy did not catch the Football; it slipped from his grasp, bounced three times and landed behind a thick mass of bushes and trees.
"I'll get it!" He shrieked to his father. "I saw it go over here."
The boy ran through the thick leaves and nearly stumbled over petruding roots and fallen branches. As he walked closer, he heard music. Curious, as all children are, heads towards the unfamiliar sounds. Peeking around the corner, the boy notices a tent like structure with scattered sun dried Rose petals, a bucket of melted ice and an empty bottle of Champagne. Stepping closer, the boy's ears… [view original content]
A little something from me during my "downtime" and I'll add more when I have some time (which is why I decided not to post it on fanfiction… yet):
Chapter 5
“Much to my dismay, I am unable
To see the whereabouts of this Fable.”
Bigby glared at the Mirror, while Snow stared glumly ahead. Maran was silent as she put out her Huff’n Puff in the plastic cup she was holding.
“So…if I understood correctly, this Crooked Man, who is now a crow, is on the loose?”
Bigby kept staring at the Mirror, trying to hold his rage in check. He fished out another Huff’n Puff- he needed to refill his stock-and tried to concentrate on the smell of burning tobacco to calm down. “We should have thrown him down the Witching Well. This is what happens when you don’t listen to your instinct and do shit just to appease the crowd.”
“Well Bigby, it was the only decision that kept Fabletown together, in case you forgot.” Snow finished her cup of water… [view original content]
Definitely. There's something natural about them being together; Fables would be good without them being a couple, but it wouldn't be quite as good, in my humble opinion. There just so compelling to read about!
Having someone new in Elora's life might help her find who she wants to be, so to speak, seeing as most people she knows remember how she was before the accident.
You see it too? They're literally my favorite couple in Fables because they're just so perfect together. Seeing Snow with any other man woul… mored just seem unnatural, and same thing with Bigby and other women. Guess that's why I never supported Faith/Bigby or Nerissa/Bigby ships, lol!
Oh, you KNOW it! There will, of course, be plenty of her in coming chapters XD Elora and Anubis are so adorable So glad I came up with the idea of them. I just felt like Elora was so lonely, she needed someone to make her happy.
Right? Maybe I should do something about that XD
Firstly, welcome! It's always nice to see another face (so to speak).
Secondly, what a very good tale! You've written it excellently and tied in the main points of 'Alice In Wonderland' to make it a believable alternative. Violla's story was entertaining to read, and I think what you've done with the characters is well thought out.
Also, you included one of my favourite quotes of all time, which is a plus. XD
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
"Oh no, honey," Mary said, reaching out to touch the baby in her arm. She smiled. "No, you'd be surprised how UN-horny I am when I'm pregnant."
Anyhoo, Tim and Harmony together again for a vacation? I LOVE IT! And Franklin and Ash too, so adorable! I also see that Ash has a little bit of that flirtatious Bloody Mary charm from her aunt as well.
Harmony handed out cookies to her favorite nieces. She watched as they raced back to the living room, Rachel's pigtails bobbing while Eleano… morer's loose curls flew past her face. They plopped on the rug, near the four baby-bouncers set up for her newborns. The babies were getting so big already, and Harmony was already beginning to miss how little they were at first.
"Oh, can you get the door?" Tim asked as he sat on the floor with the children, juggling between changing a diaper and entertaining the girls while Sesame Street played on the television. Harmony hadn't even realized the bell rang. She dodged a flying red ball and picked up a crying infant as she reached the other side of the room, careful not to step on any legos or markers on the way. She twisted the door handle and was actually surprised to see who it was.
"Mary," Her voice came out as quizzical. "I thought we were keeping the girls overnight?"
"Oh no, honey," Mary said,… [view original content]
Yes, another new storyteller! Welcome to the thread! This has all been very interesting so far and I look forward to the next installment of Violla's adventure. (if you are planning to do any more, that is)
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
A new face! And I think Lupine covered all of the necessary points so I'll just say awesome story as I always love Alice in Wonderland stories! My favorite being American McGees Alice Madness Returns
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
Lol, I thought that would get a laugh out of someone XD
I CANNOT wait to write about their vacation! It's going to be so romantic and funny and adorable Ash is very much like Bloody Mary in the sense that she doesn't care WHAT comes out of her mouth. One of my favorites, if I do say so myself
"Oh no, honey," Mary said, reaching out to touch the baby in her arm. She smiled. "No, you'd be surprised how UN-horny I am when I'm pregnan… moret."
Anyhoo, Tim and Harmony together again for a vacation? I LOVE IT! And Franklin and Ash too, so adorable! I also see that Ash has a little bit of that flirtatious Bloody Mary charm from her aunt as well.
This was so good! I LOVE your cast choices for the characters, and the way things are written were absolutely flawless! I can tell you that Violla is becoming a favorite of mine, and the fact that Hatter is in love with her makes my heart melt I love it! I also love how the time changes, and so Alice will still be a young girl while her older sister is basically an adult. AND THEN THEO! You're killing me He seems like an awesome dude too and I just don't know :O
She imprisoned her son beside Violla, planning on executing the two along with the Hatter for turning her son into someone she no longer knew.
Right in the feels!
And then the love potion! I already hate the Queen >:(
Violla kissed the Hatter back
That's right! I agree with LupineNoir, that curioser and curioser part was definitely awesome!
This story was absolutely phenomenal. I'm so glad to see a new writer on here ^-^ Can't wait for more, if you have any. Have you read any of the issues of the comics? I would love to have another person to talk to about them!
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
Lol, I thought that would get a laugh out of someone XD
I CANNOT wait to write about their vacation! It's going to be so romantic and fun… moreny and adorable Ash is very much like Bloody Mary in the sense that she doesn't care WHAT comes out of her mouth. One of my favorites, if I do say so myself
After seeing TWAU Gren and seeing the comic version of Gren, it does not seem fitting, I agree. I know JJ was upset to the point where it nearly brought him to tears. I'm hoping the next issue they'll tweek it around and fix him a bit. Even his glamoured version, although that's not too bad. But he did look like something from the Arkham games....
Hey a new face with wonderful characters! Welcome to the board! Everyone beat me to what they liked about it, so to avoid repeating, Violla has a wonderful personality and with the Alice in Wonderland characters behind her, this will be full of non-stop, kick ass detail and adventures!
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
* NAME: Violla Liddell
* APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Br… moreight brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
* RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
* HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
* STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and dee… [view original content]
Why wasn't THIS the version I saw on Saturday!? I'd enjoy this than the crap we saw! lol Thanks, Noir. I needed this!
You know how those mundy kids can be. Always getting into things they shouldn;t1 now look what come across a marshmellow man and a Katy Perry Moose. XD
Gren looked like the Marshmellow guy from the movie Ghostbusters and Emily a cross between Katy Perry and a Moose.
Somewhere in the … morewonderful world of Fables the Marshmellow guy and a Katy Perry Moose will be having an awkward moment. XD
Mary wraps one hand around Gren and the other around Emily. "I just love these early morning breakfast talks with you people. NEVER a dull freakin' moment when there is a Porgie in the room."
It is very entertaining to imagine these conversations taking place; good writing!
Hearing that about the movie doesn't seem too surprising - at least you could both agree on how much you didn't like it. :P
50 Shades of Buscemi
Perhaps this would have been a better watch. I'd probably pay to see it! XD
After seeing TWAU Gren and seeing the comic version of Gren, it does not seem fitting, I agree. I know JJ was upset to the point where it ne… morearly brought him to tears. I'm hoping the next issue they'll tweek it around and fix him a bit. Even his glamoured version, although that's not too bad. But he did look like something from the Arkham games....
Nah JJ wil probably still hate it and cry. He'll hate ME for saying that but dude, it's almost cried! XD I don't personally HATE it myself; its like going from hot to cold. It takes time for you to get used to it. Give me the next issue and I'll have my answer.
Uh I remember that. I know I almost cried. Not a huge fan of Blue but just the idea....JJ cried. :P
(JJ will hate me for this) I actually like his appearance in the comics...
He looks a lot more scary and definitely more like something t… morehat would've terrified the Saxons and given Beowulf a run for his money :P
But I'm more used to seeing his original appearance in the game; so I can only take his comic appearance in bursts basically
So JJ cried... I would say something about that, but Swineheart telling the others that Boy Blue passed away DID make me shed some tears
Emily should have been ready. This day would eventually come. Emily stood before her mother, struggling to remove the diaper bag, now tightly being held in Emily's grasp. Georgie held onto the three, while Viviana floated playfully beside his head. She was more occupied with her papa's Bowler hat, than her mother nearly being drawn to tears.
Even Gren had a difficult tome leaving that morning. He wanted to be with Emily and the quads. Desperatly spend more time before heading to work. Emily had to literally push him out the door before he was late. Peter would give Gren a free pass but Ethan would have made things worse, had Gren showed up late.
"Emily, honey...mommy needs the bag, baby."
"Are ya' SURE they'll be alright?"
Lyla chuckles. "Well, you kids are alive. I must know a thing or two about babies."
Emily fought back, pulling on the straps. "Woot if they get sick or worse, mum!?"
Lyla looks back. Georgie has all four on the ground, following him. "They seem healthy to me, Emily."
"Am I a bad mum for leaving them? I mean, Penelope gets to stay home with them. You stayed home with us..."
"Baby, its what needs to be done. Your sister got lucky. I did it because, well....I'm not sure...loved being at home and raising babies I suppose."
Emily stares at her children. "Gren and I are fookin' beatin' ourselves up right now..."
"Stop." Lyla finally takes the bag out of Emily's arms. "You need to stop beating yourselves down! It's what needs to be done! Now, you can call them on your break, okay? I'll have my phone with me."
Emily heads back at her mother.. "well, 'ere...let me show ya' where all their stuff is and-"
"I got this, baby. I'm sure you didn't forget a thing. AND, if you did, your father will go to the store. RIGHT, Georgie?"
Georgie holds a thumbs up. "We got this, love. go ta' work and stop ya' damn worryn' so much."
Lyla places the strap over her shoulder and smiles. "You heard the man."
Emily cups her hands together and rubs. It would only be for five hours; thankfully, her boss was putting her on part time until the babies were older and did not need her so much. Since she was breast feeding, Emily had to pump several bags of milk for the babies. She refused to switch on them, especially little Liam. His belly was sensitive and any form of sudden change either sent him into shock or worse. Chloe simply refused to touch the stuff. The other two girls could care less but Emily preffered to keep them on the breast milk.
"Well, make sure ta' put the milk in the fridge. Don't put it in the microwave, mum. Place the bag in water and boil-"
"Emily. I breast fed you kids. I know, baby. I got this."
Emily continues. "Wipes in there, crackers ova' there. Diapers in this pocket. Change of clothes..."
Lyla gave up and allowed Emily to go over the bag for the tenth time that morning. Lyla could not blame her daughter. She felt the same way when the quads were babies and needed to be left with either her sisters or parents. She often wondered if she had been THIS bad.
Emily paused when everything was said and done. "Finished, baby?"
"Yes mum..."
"Baby, we got this. Go. Shoo. Call me when you can, alright? They'll be fine."
Emily gives her mother an embrace before finding her four and giving them hugs and kisses. Placing them back in Georgie's arms, she heads back to the truck and waves one last time.
"They'll be fine, sweetie." Lyla waves. "You know they'll be fine."
Smiling, Emily steps into the truck, starts the engine and heads to the road. She honks one last time and disappears into the city. Lyla grabs Liam and Viviana, although she was not making it easy.
"Ready for this, Georgie?"
Georgie was busy trying to remove his hat out of Chloe's mouth. "Ready as I'll 'eva be, love."
Lyla, while Liam and Chloe following her, heads out to the garden. Georgie is soon to follow, Seraphina in his arms while Viviana casually floats beside her papa's head.
"Ya' neva' come down from the air, do ya' love?"
"Georgie, no!" Lyla grabs Viviana. "I swear, don't let her get into that habit of floating like this! She needs to learn this is NOT okay and should be done all the time. What if Gren saw this? He'd never let us watch them again."
Georgie smiles. "Ah, Gren needs ta' fookin' calm his ass down. They just be babies..."
Lyla folds her arms. "Oh. Calm down, eh? You did the SAME thing when my parents watched our own set of quads. Remember? ALWAYS made sure Penelope OR Katherine never changed. worried they'd get hurt..."
Georgie ignores Lyla, heads to the shed and takes out a shovel. "Ah, that was nothin', love! Let the little girl fly around. See? Not like she floatin' inta' the bloody heavens or nothin'."
"Alright." Lyla gets on her knees and begins to pull out weeds. "YOU deal with Grendel. Not me."
Mumbling to himself, Georgie heads to an opening and begins to shovel out dirt. While he was occupied with that task, Lyla had all four babies on the ground. Enormous sun hats were placed upon their heads to avoid the burning of the sun above.
"See, this isn't so bad. Your mommy was worried for nothing. Here-let's help nana pull out these icky weeds."
"I talked to ours all the time. Its good for them. Isn't it? Yes it is!"
Lyla taps Liam's nose, sending the boy into a laughing fit. He was always smiling and laughing. He was the happy baby of the bunch and almost everything caused him to chuckle. Lyla recalls her Junior being that way as a baby. Always smiling. Always laughing. Chloe was too busy chasing after a Cat that was perched on the fence. It groomed its paw, knowing it was being watched. Now in her Wolf form, the little girl clawed at the dirt and pawed to grab the creature's attention.
Georgie notices. "Ah love, that's not a bloody toy fa' ya'. Here-come ta' papa fa' a minute."
Georgie snatches the little girl, who growls and attempts to lung out of Georgie's arms. He holds her tightly and places Chloe beside him.
" in the bloody dirt. I know how much ya' Wolves LOVE ta' get ya' little paws dirty."
Lyla rolls her eyes and continues to pull out weeds. Seraphina stares directly at the plants and never bats and eye. She was determined to reach her hand across and grab a nearby weed, still stuck in the ground. It danced gently against the wind and seemed to call the curious little girl. Lyla beamed and allowed her to crawl towards the plant. No harm done, she thought. This is what babies did and Emily needed to relax.
Viviana could care less about the yard work. She was happy floating near her nana's head and watching the birds fly over. Several tweeted when they noticed the little blonde haired baby wave her chubby arms at them and babble. Lyla, however, tied a rope around her ankle just incase Viviana decided to take off.
Emily, however, forgot to mention to either Lyla or Georgie about the little inccident that week in regards to plants. Lyla turned her back for a couple of seconds to look for the rake. When she returned, Lyla was surprised to see half the weeds destroyed and covered in the same blue dust that emily's rose bushes had. Lyla looked around. Kneeling down, she held one of the dead weeds in her hands. It crumbled immediatly against her glove, leaving a pile of blue, shimmering bits.
"Uh, Georgie...." Lyla looks over. "Did, uh...did you do this?"
Georgie pauses and wipes his forehead. "Do woot, love?"
"Put these chemicals right here next to the babies?"
"The fook?" Georgie places the shovel against the fence and grabs Chloe. "Woot chemicals?"
Lyla points. "HERE! Right here! Next to Seraphina and Viviana. Did you do this?"
Georgie walks over and stands beside the area with weeds. They had the apperance of being burned but was left with the remainds of the chemical attached to their leaves. Georgie tries to grab a leaf but was immediatly pulled back by Lyla.
"Don't! I'm assuming by the way your acting, you didn't do this! Grab the other babies and get them away from-"
"Hold on, love." Georgie continues to touch the leaves. "It ain't doin' nuthin' ta' me. Look...."
Georgie grabs the leaf and places it between his index finger and thumb. "See? Nuthin'."
Seraphina claps her hands and smiles. Lyla looks over and notices the same blue mysterious material on her little fingers.
"Sweetie, did you do this to Nana's weeds?"
Seraphina answers by sucking on her thumb and beaming. Georgie, unsure of how to react, looks around.
"The bloody baby did this?"
Lyla nods. "I....I think so."
"Does Emily or Gren know about-"
"I, uh...don't know but just in case-" Lyla grabs Seraphina. "Here. Let nana hold you and-"
Seraphina begins to thrash and kick in Lyla's arms. Worried for the safety of the baby, she places Seraphina down and watches her continue to remove the weeds before her. A glowing, shimmering stream of blue escape her fingers, grasp the leaves and choke them to death. All that is left, is a pile of blue glitter.
"Huh." Georgie looks pver. "That's not a bad thing, love. Got rid of the bloody weeds."
"Yeah." Lyla rubs her forehead. "All this...magic...I'm just-"
Georgie chuckles. "Ya' got with a Fable, love and our daughter hooks up with another Fable-Grendel at that-and made these little buggas. Sorry. Nothing normal 'bout that, love."
"Well, it doesn't SEEM to be bothering her or the others...."
"They'll be fine, love. When Emily calls, we'll let her know 'bout it."
Lyla allows Seraphina to continue killing the weeds. It was easier than pulling them from the ground. Georgie returns to his digging, wiping his brow every so often to remove the sweat. While they were preoccupied with the garden, Liam crawls near the shed and eyes a butterfly. The boy, now in Grendel form, licks his lips and is determined to catch his snack.
Leaping forward, Liam grasps the edges and begins to climb, the butterfly unaware of his demise. The little boy gurgles and babbles, hoping to catch his meal before it flies away. Georgie happens to look over and notices his grandson climbing the shed.
"Ah fa' fook's sake!" Georgie drops the shovel and leaps over the fence. "LIAM! No, Liam!"
Lyla cups her mouth. "Oh my god! Georgie-"
"I go him!" Georgie begins to climb. "I bloody got him...."
Liam turns to face Georgie, now several inches behind him. "Liam, love....come ta' papa...."
Liam waves his hand and rocks back and forth. "Okay, time is ova'. Come ta'-"
Liam slides down, leaving a trail of clear, slimy goop behind. Georgie holds out his arm, grabs the boy and pulls him close to his chest. Liam latches his one arm on Georgie and holds tight.
"The fook?" Georgie could feel the goop turning into a sort of glue and clinging to the hair on his arms. "Woot is this shit?"
Jumping dow, Georgie pulls Liam off. He manages to yank of several strands of hair, causing the boy to laugh.
"How did he-"
Georgie holds up his hand. "There was this goop that came outta' his hand. See? Helped him climb and-"
Lyla grabs the babies and pulls Viviana down from floating. "We, uh....let's go inside for right now, babies huh?"
"I'll finish up here...."
"Good. Good. Nana may just need a glass of wine...."
Heading to the house, all four babies giggle and kick in Lyla's arms, as they head for the house. Georgie stops to watch and smiles.
"Fa fook's sake..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Off today, so me and my two beautiful ladies are heading to the park. Lovely day here in Cali. And look at what my sister made for Emily. A little Grendel doll!! GAH! So precious! she'll love it!
I I was mad....I didn't like it. Why the hell did he have to look like THAT, of all things? I got used to TWAU game version. Give me time. I'll get over myself. Maybe in the light he's not TOO bad....
Emily should have been ready. This day would eventually come. Emily stood before her mother, struggling to remove the diaper bag, now tightl… morey being held in Emily's grasp. Georgie held onto the three, while Viviana floated playfully beside his head. She was more occupied with her papa's Bowler hat, than her mother nearly being drawn to tears.
Even Gren had a difficult tome leaving that morning. He wanted to be with Emily and the quads. Desperatly spend more time before heading to work. Emily had to literally push him out the door before he was late. Peter would give Gren a free pass but Ethan would have made things worse, had Gren showed up late.
"Emily, honey...mommy needs the bag, baby."
"Are ya' SURE they'll be alright?"
Lyla chuckles. "Well, you kids are alive. I must know a thing or two about babies."
Emily fought back, pulling on the straps. "Woot if they get sick or worse, mum!?"
Lyla looks back. Georgie has all four o… [view original content]
I love the top picture. I ship them! I love Gremily!!!
Lyla and Georgie have no idea what they got themselves into. THEIR quads are nothing like their quads. XD I think its too precious seeing Lyla and Georgie with their grandbabies! And in the garden!? How cute!
Emily is being the typical 'new' mom; no one can do it like mommy can, not even grandma and grandpa! I adore little Viviana! That reminds me of how Snow had to keep her babies close; she didn't tie a rope around their ankle but I love it! Just picturing this cute little blonde! so, she floats all the time, even though Viv isn't there or IS Vivian there and we don't see her?
LOL Seraphina and her killer plants! XD I pictured Lyla and Georgie like 'DAFUQ' is I'd be like Lyla; sure, its killing the weeds but my granddaughter JUST had blue shit come out of her fingers! 0.o'
Liam!! So, when he climbs, sticky things come out of his hands when he's in Grendel form? That is so neat! I'm curious now about that....
"Good. Good. Nana may just need a glass of wine...."
Is that picture of us, man? That is so neat! Little Emily! The I thinking of Gren and John?? That's SOO me! AWWWWW! I want one!!!! She'll love it; she needs to make a Georgie now!
EDIT: I just saw the image over at your DA and man....Gren, you lucky SOB. XD
Emily should have been ready. This day would eventually come. Emily stood before her mother, struggling to remove the diaper bag, now tightl… morey being held in Emily's grasp. Georgie held onto the three, while Viviana floated playfully beside his head. She was more occupied with her papa's Bowler hat, than her mother nearly being drawn to tears.
Even Gren had a difficult tome leaving that morning. He wanted to be with Emily and the quads. Desperatly spend more time before heading to work. Emily had to literally push him out the door before he was late. Peter would give Gren a free pass but Ethan would have made things worse, had Gren showed up late.
"Emily, honey...mommy needs the bag, baby."
"Are ya' SURE they'll be alright?"
Lyla chuckles. "Well, you kids are alive. I must know a thing or two about babies."
Emily fought back, pulling on the straps. "Woot if they get sick or worse, mum!?"
Lyla looks back. Georgie has all four o… [view original content]
Robert did not hear the alarm go off. He'd spent all night at work. It was easy; being a mailroom clerk was nothing and the pay was pretty decent but the nights were long and by the end of his shift, robert was exhausted. He stopped at a diner, took home some food and ate while watching some shitty mundy television program. He bought an Omlete and toast for RJ when he woke up.
Robert turned to face the window. The curtains were pulled in, making his bedroom quiet and eerie. He could heard the residents below him and the radio being played upstairs in the other apartment. Looking over, he noticed the time. Nine thirty. RJ must have been up already but the apartment was still and noiseless.
"RJ?" Robert stood up and stretched his back. He was in true form. "RJ, up?"
Rober preferred to be in true form out of mundy eyes. It was expensive but well worth it. For the time he had to himself, Robert often stayed in Grendel form. He could remember one time soaking in the tub in his form. It was a tight fit but well worth it. It made him feel as if he was back home, soaking in the cool rivers with the sun hanging above.
"Dad?" The sound of feet running down the hall. "Did you call me?"
RJ stood under the doorway. He looked just like robert; tall, scrawny and jet black hair. He did, however, inherit his mother's beautiful Amber eyes. This often drove Robert to madness when he was alone at night. Even his personality resembled Lyla. Kind, thoughtful and outgoing. He wore a simple white tee shirt and kaki shorts.
"How long have you been up, kiddo?"
"Ummm, like, two hours now."
"I saw the food you brought home." RJ points towards the kitchen. "Got your note. It was good."
"Sorry if you wanted something else-"
"I like Omletes." RJ appears to dance in place. "They are good."
Robert sits up and alarms RJ with his towering stature. "What is it, son?"
"You're huge." RJ walks forward and pokes Robert's arm. "There are soooo many veins. How come you're in form, dad?"
"I like to be when I'm alone." Robert pats RJ's head. "You can be in true form ONLY in the apartment, though."
"I know." RJ smiles. "When papa and I go running, he lets me change. He's a huge Wolf, dad! Did you know that?"
"I did." Robert scratches under his arm. "Your papa John is a very big and powerful Wolf. A lot of the other Wolves avoid papa because of it."
"Malcom too." RJ tries to show Robert with his hands. "He's like, this big and Malcom is like this. A LITTLE smaller but not by much. Sometimes, mom goes running and daddy Georgie goes with us but he can't change. He holds onto mom's fur when she runs. Same with Junior and emily. Penelope and Katie can change, too."
Robert stands before the mirror. He'd allow RJ to speak about the other family; the boy had every right to do so. He did, however, have half sisters and brother. Georgie loved the boy and did not treat him any other way. He witnessed it himself. Robert used to worry for the longest time about this. Would Georgie love only his biological children more and ignore RJ and leave him to the side? But Robert often caught himself wishing Lyla WAS his and the quads came from HIM and not Georgie. Those were less frequent but appeared every so often.
"So, you and the others go running a lot, huh?"
"Yup. It's cool because me, Penny and Katie will have races and-"
"You stay close to the house, right?"
Robert turns to face his son. "I mean it, RJ! You stay where either your mom or papa can see you-"
"They do." RJ whispers his answer in fear. "I promise.."
Robert sighs, rubs his eyes and sits on the edge of the bed. He points to the desk near the window.
"Can you get daddy the little blue bottle please?"
RJ does as he's told, reaches for the bottle and hands it ro Robert. He pops the top, drinks the liquid and within seconds, returns to his glamoured self. Robert shakes his head twice, sits up and tosses the bottle into the trash.
"How do I look?"
Robert flashes a faint smile, grabs his clothes and dresses. RJ sits quietly on the bed, observing his father.
"I wanna be big like you, dad, when I get older."
"You probably will." Robert adds his cologne. "Every male in my family was huge. Well...except for your uncle Gren know."
RJ chuckles. "Uncle Gren is pretty strong."
"Alright, in his GRENDEL form, sure."
RJ kicks the blanket and he speaks. "He came by yesterday."
Robert seemed surprised. "Oh? Why? Mom need something fixed."
"No, it was for Emily."
"Emily? Your sister Emily?"
"DAD! What other Emily is there?" He giggles. "Came by with something for her."
"What was it...did you see?"
"Nuh uh." RJ shakes his head. "But whatever it was, daddy Georgie was NOT too happy about it...."
"Huh." Looks like Gren was due for a call. "I wonder...."
RJ shrugs. "Mom had to calm him down and uncle Gren left. Have not seen him back since."
"Did Emily show you or-"
"Nope. Has it hidden. Only mom knows. And daddy Georgie."
Robert stands back up. "Well, no matter. I'll ask later. Wanna go play catch?"
"Do I!?"
Grabbing his shoes, RJ races to the living room, ties them up and jumps at the front door. After everything was complete, the two head out for Central Park.
I was a beautiful Sunday morning. The park was full of mundies and their families and from Robert could see, a few fables. A young woman with long, red hair and a simple blue shirt and white blouse, notices Robert and RJ. The young woman runs over, her hair bouncing with each step she takes. RJ immediatly turns a bright red.
"Robert! Hey! Nice to see you both!"
"Thumbelina. Nice glamour."
"You like it?" She twirls for a second. "Cost an arm and leg BUT its nice to leave the Farm for a bit."
"Hello." RJ finds it difficult to speak. "How are you, Thumbelina?"
"My my, RJ." Thumbelina kneels before the young boy. "Look at you! So handsome and getting so big! Look just like your daddy."
"Thank you...." RJ covers his face.
"So, what are you two doing out here this nice day?"
"Catch." Robert tosses a Football in the air. "Me and the mini-me here are going to get an hour or so of practice. Then, lunch and we'll see where the rest of the day leads us to."
"Sounds like a blast." Thumbelina taps RJ's nose. "Well, I better be heading out. I have so much site seeing to see before this glamour wears off. Hope to see you both soon."
"We can visit you." RJ waves. "I can go to the Farm and see you soon...."
Thumbelina smiles. "It's a deal, little man. See you both around."
Waving a cab down, Thumbelina heads inside and is gone. Robert notices his son's stare, though and smiles. His little man had a little crush but he wouldn't say anything until RJ came to him about it. For now, it was Football time.
"Ready son?"
"Uh huh." RJ continues to look down the road. "I really like her, dad. She's nice to me..."
"Oh." Robert grabs RJ's shoulder. "Tell me all about it while we play some ball."
Still red as a Beet, RJ agrees. "Okay, dad. Deal."
At the beginning of the chapter, I was just like Lyla thinking that Emily was worrying and fussing too much, but by the end?
"Good. Good. Nana may just need a glass of wine...."
Totally with Lyla on that one. XD They're bundles of joy, but very active bundles of joy!
Viviana floating
Can't blame Viviana for that; if I could float, I'd do it all the time. ^_^
That Grendel doll is a lovely present - and well knitted, too!
Happy Monday to you all!!
Happy Monday to you too, Pie! It seems Emily has brought about a change in your estimation of the day! Have a good time at the park; looks like you and JJ had a crazy good time at some point, going by that picture. XD
Emily should have been ready. This day would eventually come. Emily stood before her mother, struggling to remove the diaper bag, now tightl… morey being held in Emily's grasp. Georgie held onto the three, while Viviana floated playfully beside his head. She was more occupied with her papa's Bowler hat, than her mother nearly being drawn to tears.
Even Gren had a difficult tome leaving that morning. He wanted to be with Emily and the quads. Desperatly spend more time before heading to work. Emily had to literally push him out the door before he was late. Peter would give Gren a free pass but Ethan would have made things worse, had Gren showed up late.
"Emily, honey...mommy needs the bag, baby."
"Are ya' SURE they'll be alright?"
Lyla chuckles. "Well, you kids are alive. I must know a thing or two about babies."
Emily fought back, pulling on the straps. "Woot if they get sick or worse, mum!?"
Lyla looks back. Georgie has all four o… [view original content]
Why wasn't THIS the version I saw on Saturday!? I'd enjoy this than the crap we saw! lol Thanks, Noir. I needed this!
You know how those… more mundy kids can be. Always getting into things they shouldn;t1 now look what come across a marshmellow man and a Katy Perry Moose. XD
Wow, what's happened to the truck?! Something big, by the sounds of it.
Invasion of the Body Snatcher
And if you're going to g… moreive a film as a rhyme, at least Snow picked a good one. XD
Anyway, nice to see yourself and Maran back - she's fun to read about.
Well they say that about Keith Richards... He's worse :O
I have to admit that he looks more like something that actually caused terror and destruction, but the game version is the original, so I have to stand by it
I I was mad....I didn't like it. Why the hell did he have to look like THAT, of all things? I got used to TWAU game version. Give me time. I'll get over myself. Maybe in the light he's not TOO bad....
Three Months before Makoto and Dewitt left to fight Luke....
"Dewitt C'mon wake up you lazy bum!" Mary said "You promised we'd hang out today!" She said
"Okay okay!" He laughed "Wanna call up Makoto and Celeste?" He asked
"Yeah sure!" Mary said with excitement.
Dewitt called Makoto and Celeste over to walk around with them... when Makoto and Celeste showed up Celeste showed signs of pregnancy. Mary was curious as she's never seen Celeste like this before.
"Hey Celeste what happened to your stomach! Did you eat before you got here?" Mary sounded dissapointed.
"No no no Mary, I'm having a child!" Celeste said
While Celeste explained things to Mary, Dewitt talked with Makoto.
"How did that happen Makoto?" Dewitt asked
"We'll we went out drinking one night and now I'm due for a little girl soon. Sadly I'll have to go to the homelands soon after." Makoto said
"Do you regret it? Wish you planned it out?" Dewitt asked
"Well of course I wish I could have planned it or something, so no I don't regret it. I've always wanted to be a father." Makoto smiled towards Celeste
Dewitt nodded "Shall we head out then?"
They nodded and head to the park that was near Fabletown...while on their way they bumped into Clara who was spinning her revolver she kept from when she fought in the wars as a glamoured man.
"Where are you guys off to?" Clara smiled
"We're headed to the park and to get some ice cream!" Mary said with a smile
"Hmm sounds fun kid, speaking of kids when is yours due Makoto?" Clara asked
"About a week before I leave to the homelands. Which is sooner than expected" He answered
"C'mon Clara come with us!" Mary suggested
Clara looked shocked "Uh.....sure kid I'll tag along, I was bored anyways." She said
They arrived at the park. It's almost December, Snow was falling and everyone had their winter clothing on. The playground was covered in snow although not completely. Dewitt and Makoto helped Mary play around on the playground while Celeste and Mary sat on a bench together as Clara was unsure about Makoto becoming a father. So she decided to do some research just in case Celeste was cheating on him. Celeste would look over and see Makoto carrying Mary around and having fun on the playground made her smile and glad that he was going to be a father. Even Dewitt was smiling and laughing along with them instead of standing around. But when she looked around she saw Luna walking with a man and a little girl who wasn't properly dressed for winter. Instead of confronting them she just watched them go by.
"Nah nah nah boo boo you can't catch me!" Mary yelled with laughter as Dewitt chased her around.
"Oh yeah! Well guess what?" He asked
"What?" Mary stopped
"I GOT YOU!!!" He roared as he lifted her up laughing.
Makoto helped Celeste up and Clara joined in on the conversation as they all talked for a few hours while they headed back home.
"Hey Makoto can we still hangout when Celeste has the child?" Mary asked
He laughed "Is that even a question! Of course we will! This time we'll just have another person with us!" He smiled towards Celeste.
Makoto knelt down and whispered to Mary. "Also would you like to be the flower girl at our wedding when I get back from the homelands after I propose to her?" He asked
Mary got all excited and blurted out "YES!!!"
Makoto laughed "Shh shh before you blow the surprise!"
"What surprise" Celeste asked
The two pretended to act like they didn't know what she was talking about. "Uh nothing we were making plans for when I get back!" Makoto said
Celeste smiled and shook her head.
They walked home and Clara left to the woodlands while Makoto, Celeste, Mary, and Dewitt headed back to Dewitts place. Celeste went in and tucked Mary into bed while Makoto and Dewitt talked in the room.
"I want to go with you to the homelands." Dewitt said
"Are you sure? It's going to be pretty dangerous." He said
"You've helped me and Mary so much let me return the favor." Dewitt asked
"Alright." Makoto said "Hey would you like to be my best man?" He asked
"Wah uh sure I'd be honored, when's the wedding?" Dewitt asked
Makoto shrugged his shoulders "Eh how am I supposed to know."
"Nice" Dewitt said
They both laughed, Celeste hushed them and they said their goodbyes and thanks to Dewitt and left.
That's it! I'm altering the story a bit so I can make everything actually fit and work correctly :P On to the three months to Luke's castle!!! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! The Mikhail will be coming soon, I've literally been wicked tired and finding myself sleelping earlier too. Although I'm too stubborn to get sleeping pills for it XD
Indeed Lyla is too much like her mother; although she never gets DRUNK, the wine does help. XD AND if I had the ability to float, I'd be doing the same thing, too. Little Emily is chewing it more than anything but I think she liked it.
And I know! I didn't flip my finger off this time to Monday! Perhaps its because I had today off and was having a nice day with two of the most beautiful women in the world. OR, it may have to do with little Emily. Either way, I'll take it! JJ and I are the dynamic duo that never seem to stop or get bored with life. He's always getting into something these days. XD Nothing like THIS but its come close.
At the beginning of the chapter, I was just like Lyla thinking that Emily was worrying and fussing too much, but by the end?
"Good. Go… moreod. Nana may just need a glass of wine...."
Totally with Lyla on that one. XD They're bundles of joy, but very active bundles of joy!
Viviana floating
Can't blame Viviana for that; if I could float, I'd do it all the time. ^_^
That Grendel doll is a lovely present - and well knitted, too!
Happy Monday to you all!!
Happy Monday to you too, Pie! It seems Emily has brought about a change in your estimation of the day! Have a good time at the park; looks like you and JJ had a crazy good time at some point, going by that picture. XD
It took approximately 8 hours for the plane to arrive in London's airport. Harmony had been meaning to make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
Of course, she'd have to deal with her currently jet-lagged husband. She slept most of the ride peacefully, as Mary had gone so far as to buy them first class tickets. Harmony sincerely had to do something nice in return, like call Mary and ask her to join them through the mirrors or something. For now though, she was content with finding her hotel room and dragging her sleeping husband all over the place.
London was very picturesque, with it's lovely architecture and buzzing city life. Harmony never thought she would ride in a double-decker bus, but today was her lucky day. Tim, of course, thought less of it.
"I'll sit on the lower cabin, if you don't mind," He said nervously.
"Are you afraid of falling off?" She'd asked him, teasingly.
"Well quite frankly, yes." Tim replied. Harmony rolled her eyes, but let him be by himself down below. Her camera on her phone was flawless, as she'd gotten a new one recently (for reasons that don't necessarily have to be brought up.) And, her old Hello Kitty case would not fit it, so she got a new, much flashier one, with gems glued onto it and everything. She couldn't help but laugh when she made her husband carry it and take pictures of her as she stood in the sight of Big Ben and other monuments in the grand city.
Learning to drive on the opposite side of the car was tricky at first; Tim was a little better at it, so he took the wheel most of the trip. They drove over London's Tower Bridge, just for the hell of it, and then drove back over, to take a trip to the London Eye. Tim wasn't too keen on going on, but he sucked up his fears and shakily held Harmony's hand as the ride ascended over the city. Of course, she made him take more photos with her phone then.
The sky was a blueish twilight as night slowly set in, and they reached the top of the ride. Harmony settled down, staring out the windows thoughtfully. The view was breathtaking, and she felt the hand of her husband rub her back gently, as he came to a rest next to her.
"I wish we could stay up here forever," He said. "You know, being this high up isn't always bad."
Harmony laughed softly. "Yeah, it is quite nice......Maybe I could make this moment last a little longer..."
Tim's eyebrow raised, but before he could ask any questions, Harmony literally paused time. He didn't even know she could do that. They were unfrozen, but the rest of the world- it was as if they were walking through a movie, and the movie had been paused so that people could get up and get more snacks. He stared out the windows with fascination.
Harmony tapped her phone open, and searched through her music. She found their song, the song they always danced to, and pressed the play button. Leaving it down on the seat. She stood, and beckoned her husband, and they danced, beneath the twilight sky, the shimmering, frozen stars, the sun that only gently peaked over the horizon. Her heart leaped as he dipped her, getting better and better since the first time they'd danced so long ago.
"You got any more tricks up your sleeve?" He chuckled.
His lips kissed her neck and her cheek as she replied, "I'm saving the rest for later."
He arched his brow again, but still didn't question it, as their lips met eachother at the crest of the song, and everything felt just right in the world. Tim tripped over his clumsy feet and the two landed on the floor in a heaping mess, laughing as the song ended and changed to a less traditional one, that sounded like some sort of dubstep remix of a nursery rhyme.
"We'd better turn time back on," Tim said, in between laughs. "Before we break something."
With a flick of her wrist, they heard the metal of the Ferris Wheel groan, and movement resumed all over. Harmony snatched her phone back, kissing her husband one more time. After this, they were going to go to the hotel and get changed, because Mary really did book a reservation at 8 PM for a romantic dinner at one of the finest restaurants in this part of England.
That's all for now ^-^ Probably not having school tomorrow, as there will be an enormous amount of snow piling onto NJ in the next few hours, until 12 PM tomorrow. Yup. We already had snow Saturday night and the roads were so bad that church was canceled. Yeah. Now we're getting more, which I can only imagine will make the roads a thousand times worse. I ain't complaining, though, because....NO SCHOOL! Probably.
I adore RJ to no end. And looks like someone has a crush on Thumbelina. I love that story, too. I always feel so bad for Robert when he talks about Lyla. He loves her so much, EVEN still, to this day.
And WHAT did Gren give to Emily that sent Georgie in a fit of rage.....:0 Keep up the good work, man. Loved it.
Robert did not hear the alarm go off. He'd spent all night at work. It was easy; being a mailroom clerk was nothing and the pay was pretty d… moreecent but the nights were long and by the end of his shift, robert was exhausted. He stopped at a diner, took home some food and ate while watching some shitty mundy television program. He bought an Omlete and toast for RJ when he woke up.
Robert turned to face the window. The curtains were pulled in, making his bedroom quiet and eerie. He could heard the residents below him and the radio being played upstairs in the other apartment. Looking over, he noticed the time. Nine thirty. RJ must have been up already but the apartment was still and noiseless.
"RJ?" Robert stood up and stretched his back. He was in true form. "RJ, up?"
Rober preferred to be in true form out of mundy eyes. It was expensive but well worth it. For the time he had to himself, Robert often stayed in Grendel form. … [view original content]
Thank you.
I apologise for my comment, it didn't evoke the response I expected it to...
Nonetheless, thank you again!
It's so true XD
You're welcome!
FYI: Another tip, if the gif image link doesn't work for some reason. Right click on the picture and then click on properties to find a working image address that way.
Thnx, I'll keep that in mind
This song was the song of my people when I was younger! I have that whole soundtrack in my drawer at home and when I saw someone did an English version (Although not strictly translated) I had to use it! Dewitt sacrifice will be sad, but he did what he had to do so he could feel like he had done something right. Thanks Lupine!
She will be his Guardian Angel while he sleeps.
I'm very proud of this one, actually. Hope you like the story!
NAME: Violla Liddell
APPEARANCE: Dark red hair. 5'0 in height. Bright brown eyes, round face. Curvy in stature and strong.
RELATION TO FAIRYTALE/FABLE: Alice's older sister.
HOME: The Land of Wonders (Wonderland)
STORY: Violla was born two years before famous Alice was. She was quite the reader back then- quiet and observant. She often enjoyed sitting in the flower fields and taking walks in the woods. Her sister was the opposite; loud and expressive, Violla did not have much in common with her. They were the best of friends, however, up until Violla's disappearance.
Alice and Violla got in a fight one fateful night. It was the day of Violla's twelfth birthday and Alice felt that no one paid attention to her the way they did her older sister. She demanded her own birthday party, hurt because she knew that her parents would never agree to it and deep down, feeling that they only loved her because they felt obligated to. Violla felt it was her own fault that Alice felt the way she did and tried to comfort her, but Alice lashed out at her when she did. Violla ran away in the middle of a terrible storm to escape the party. She raced into the woods, rain falling into her eyes as she ran. Violla could hear Alice yelling after her, trying to apologize for what she had done. Violla tripped and fell down a rather large rabbit hole. She awoke to an entirely different world...
The Land of Wonders is divided by season. In the center, the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter battle for power constantly. Viola fell into a chamber of doors (one of four) in the heart of the Winterlands, the only isolated land of them all. Violla found a single key in her hand. She looked around the chamber, full of doors all shapes and sizes. Violla was drawn to a green door with purple and pink flowers sketched onto the surface. The light went out in the chamber as Violla used the key. There was clearly no way of turning back now.
Violla had opened the door to a pathway into the Springlands. Ahead of her was a large table with various arrangements of teacups. Little did she know that she had just walked into the helping hands of the Mad Hatter himself. Hatter was at the end of this brightly-colored table, scattered with teacups and all sorts of small animals. He was warm and welcoming, but made Violla feel slightly uncomfortable. No one had ever paid so much attention to Violla upon just meeting her. He offered her a place to stay for the night and asked if she would join him for dinner. Not wanting to seem rude, Violla agreed. She and the Hatter discussed her journey so far and immediately became the best of friends.
Time between The Land of Wonders and our world is different. For starters, The Land of Wonders years are shorter than ours. Only weeks later did Alice fall into the same rabbit hole that Violla did, but by then years had passed in The Land of Wonders. Hatter explained that those who did not stay long were often returned to the time in which they left, but if the visitor stayed for an excessive amount of time, they were considered an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders and therefore went by their time. Violla, up until her eighteenth year (precisely 32 weeks in our time), was Hatter's accomplice in political deals. Hatter ultimately stayed in control of Wonderland while Violla helped him in her ventures, and all the while Hatter helplessly fell in love with her (unbeknownst to Violla). The Queen of Hearts, seeing that Violla was a threat to her power, sent her most loyal knight to get rid of her.
The Knight, Sir Theo of the Summerlands, was the son of the vindictive Queen of Hearts. He was her dearest child and she always put all of her faith in little Theo. Theo blindly had unwavering faith in his mothers intentions, believing that her actions were those out of defense and not for her hunger of power. He willingly traveled into the Springlands to do as his mother had asked. He arrived at the Mad Hatter's castle and pleaded the Hatter for a hearing. The Hatter, with his good heart, decided to hear out the young man. Theo walked into the Hatter's court, ready to spot out Violla and follow her out after he told them all his story. He was bewitched by the many wonders of the castle- the colors, ribbons, teacups, lights, and animals... Violla sat beside Hatter's throne (made of colored ribbons and teapots) in a vibrant green dress the Hatter had made her only a few days before. Theo's eyes fell on her and his heart immediately belonged to her. Theo deeply hoped that she was not the woman he had travelled there for. He could hardly look away from her while speaking to the court of his terrifying days under his mother's thumb, how he wished to escape as he finally had. Hatter could see the way he looked at Violla and did not believe his story. Violla could only see the truth in Theo's eyes and told the Hatter that he must give the man a chance. The Hatter, not wanting to against Violla's wishes, did so.
Theo waited until later that night to approach Violla. She had no reason to trust him, but with the look in his eyes, she couldn't help but believe that his intentions were anything but true. He stole her away to the Summerlands, where they spent a night talking and getting to know each other. Theo snuck the sleeping water of a Willowbye flower into her drink. When Violla fell into a deep sleep, Theo took her back to his mother's palace, believing that bringing her home would be enough for the Queen. If he explained how he had fallen in love with her, she would surely excuse his lack of action.
The Queen however, did not understand. When Theo returned home, the Queen took one look at the woman soundly asleep in his arms and assumed that she was dead. Theo attempted to tell her how he felt, but the Queen refused to hear any of it. She imprisoned her son beside Violla, planning on executing the two along with the Hatter for turning her son into someone she no longer knew.
The Hatter soon realized the disappearance, as well as that of Theo. He felt betrayed and sobbed into his hands as he sat on his throne. It all felt meaningless without Violla by his side. He ordered the company of the March Hare (lead general) as well as the Dormouse (head of the nobles), for an emergency meeting. They sat at the table, prepared to discuss the matter at hand, when a guard came running to the Hatter's chair. There was a young girl at the gates of the castle who looked quite confused.
The Hatter, believing it to be Violla, ran to the gates to greet his dearest companion. However, the girl in front of him was not Violla. Her blonde hair and green eyes told him so. She explained that her name was Alice and she was very curious as to where she was. She told him of her previous endeavors and the Hatter, not knowing that this was Violla's sister, took the young girl into his castle. He began to wonder why these strange girls kept showing up for his own help, but he wouldn't question it. He felt that a war was quickly on it's way and that the Queen of Hearts was surely behind all of this. Until he could prove it, he vowed to keep little Alice safe and distract himself with a tea party.
Violla woke up to find Theo sleeping on the floor of a prison cell. She shook him awake and asked him where they were, what had happened. Theo told Violla of his treachery and admitted his love for her, not expecting her to feel the same towards him. Violla felt a tug in her chest as she looked into the eyes of the Knight, but could not forgive him for taking her from Hatter. The Queen of Hearts, overhearing their discussion with interest while learning of the Hatter's devotion to Violla, removed her son from the cell and left Violla there to suffer until further notice. She came up with a plan to give the girl a love potion that would undoubtably make Violla love her son for the rest of her days. The Queen however, would never allow Theo to be with her, only to look at her from afar as punishment for his betrayal. The days passed and Violla could no longer fight the sleep that pursued her eyes. As she dreamed of home, the Queen herself let the last drop of her love potion fall onto Violla's lips.
Alice continued to ask the Hatter questions about why she was there and soon became frustrated, for the Hatter was afraid to tell the small girl of what was really happening in Wonderland. Alice soon left the Hatter with the help of the Cheshire Cat, who had never chosen a side in the many wars, to ask the Queen of Hearts her questions. The Hatter was devastated by Alice stupidly leaving him without knowing the consequences, as well as Violla's, and angrily followed her to the palace to win the war once and for all.
Violla woke up the next morning and all her thoughts of Theo consumed her. What once was simple feeling in her heart became a rush of emotions throughout her being. The Queen looked into Violla's eyes, now dazed with nothing but love, and gave her a choice. She told Violla that she had a change of heart and wanted to do anything she could to make Theo happy. She said she had sent Theo to another world and she would let Violla join him, but only if she convinced the Hatter to give all power to the Queen.
Violla agreed to the terms and left the castle, searching for her precious Hatter. Hatter, looking for Alice and devastated with his results, stopped to ask for advice from the Caterpillar. The wise old creature told the Hatter to find Violla and do what he is compelled to do once he did. The Hatter, confused by this advice, started to make his way back home. When he returned to the gate, he found the dark-haired woman standing grimly in the shadows. When her eyes focused on him, she ran to him and took him by the shoulders, yelling at him desperately. He could barely make out what she was saying, but quickly discovered that she wanted him to surrender to the Queen of Hearts. Knowing that something wasn't right, he searched her eyes. Something clearly wasn't right. Suddenly, the answer to it all seemed so simple to him, but he couldn't tell if it would ever be the right thing to do. Violla's words were begging him to leave right away and give everything up so that she could be with Theo. He could see a trace of purple on her lips and knew that this was not what she would say if the Queen did not trick her into it. The caterpiller's words rang through his ears and the Hatter gently kissed Violla.
Violla's wild and cloudy eyes soon became clear. The love she felt for Theo changed into her own real love for the man in front of her. Violla kissed the Hatter back and the two vowed to return to the Queen's castle to defeat her once and for all.
Alice arrived at the Queen of Heart's castle, naively ready to ask her questions. Theo found the young girl at the castle doors and lead her to the gardens, where his mother was playing croquet. The queen, drunk with her success in the game and victory against the Hatter, told her son to let the young girl paint her flowers red. The girl did as she asked, waiting for an opportunity to talk to her.
The Hatter and Violla approached the castle hand in hand with an army of all the living creatures of the Springlands and Summerlands behind them. They charged into the palace and interrupted the Queen's game, who was completely unprepared for battle. She screamed for her guards to defend her, and the fight began.
Alice, still painting the Queen's roses red, wandered into the palace before the fight began. She found a room of mirrors with different images spread across them all. They were precisely like the doors Violla had found, but this time you could see where you were going. Alice, curiouser and curiouser by the second, approached one that was hardly recognizable at all. There were streets, bridges, moving machines, and strange lights floating in the sky.
Violla and Hatter cornered the Queen into her palace and chased her through the halls. The guards and those of the Spring and Summer lands were stuck battling just outside the walls. They burst through the doors of the last room, surrounded by mirrors. Alice, frightened by the sudden noise, began to fall backwards. Violla, recognizing her younger sister as if she weren't a day older, yelled after her sister and tried to save her from falling again. Her hand clasped onto nothing but air as Alice collapsed into the mirror.
The Hatter and the Queen watched as Violla weeped over the loss of her sister once more. The Hatter took the Queen by the arms and Violla demanded to know where Alice had gone. The Queen simply told her that the girl was lost and would never remember who she was, even if she could find a way back to the Land of Wonders. The March Hare marched into the room and Hatter told the Hare to take the Queen away, as she no longer held any power. The March Hare did as he asked and left the room.
Hatter comforted Violla and asked why Alice had meant so much to her. Violla remembered that she had never given Hatter the name of her sister and told him the truth. The Hatter felt foolish and fell to his knees, wanting to do everything in his power to bring Alice back for Violla. He explained that these mirrors sent people to other places in the Land of Wonders, but the one in front of them took people to a different world. He said it was a safe world, but going there had it's consequences. Saying it's name was strictly forbidden in the Land of Wonders because not everyone could have the luxury of leaving their home. Hatter told Violla that he loved her enough to let her go if it's what would make her happy. Violla looked up to answer through her tears, but stopped as she noticed a figure approaching in the shadows. She quickly grabbed the Hatter as she realized who it was and Theo swung his sword towards the two. Hatter wrapped his arms around Violla and the two fell into the image of Fabletown, leaving the Land of Wonders behind.
As a consequence of being an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders and leaving through the mirror, Violla can no longer remember the time she spent while there or any time before coming to Fabletown. Her eyes open and she's standing in the middle of the street as it snows. There is a single light above her, the only streetlight that is working on the dark road. The buildings stand tall above her and she is completely alone. Hatter is nowhere to be seen, but her thoughts do not recall there ever being one. Her lips buzz from the cold and from the feeling a distant kiss, but she cannot focus on it as she walks into the unknown.
Later on in her story, Violla becomes an accomplice of Snow's. You learn that Violla has been surviving as a bookstore owner in Fabletown, that she only sells mundane books (no fairytales allowed), and that she wants help finding a man who has been showing up in her dreams. Alice walks into the bookstore a couple of days later and talks to Violla, trying to convince her that she is her sister. Because Alice was not an inhabitant of the Land of Wonders no longer than a couple of days, she is cursed with remembering everything that happens. Violla has not changed appearance-wise since the day she left, but Alice is sixteen before finding Violla working in the store. Violla doesn't believe her until Alice mentions a young man who Violla was in love with before falling into a magical mirror. Only then does Violla believe Alice. She then decides, with the help of Alice, to find Hatter- no matter the cost...
Here's what the characters look like (if they were to be cast):
Oooooo, Alice in Wonderland! And Welcome.
Thanks! Glad to be here.
This is a quick one to @JJwolf and @pudding_pie
I just saw what Grendel looks like in TWAU comic....
Why the hell does he look like a pale-skinned version Bane from the Arkham games?!
Actually he looks more like Rick from Splatterhouse 2010...
He looks a lot scarier and tougher for sure, but it doesn't seem 'right' for Gren to look like that after seeing his appearance in TWAU game
The expressions are getting better! Everything starts out basic, but by at least drawing different things (or expressions) - regardless of how they turn out - it's a step closer to drawing exactly how you wish to.
Haha XD
Somewhere in the wonderful world of Fables the Marshmellow guy and a Katy Perry Moose will be having an awkward moment. XD
It is very entertaining to imagine these conversations taking place; good writing!
Hearing that about the movie doesn't seem too surprising - at least you could both agree on how much you didn't like it. :P
50 Shades of Buscemi
Perhaps this would have been a better watch. I'd probably pay to see it! XD
Wow, what's happened to the truck?! Something big, by the sounds of it.
And if you're going to give a film as a rhyme, at least Snow picked a good one. XD
Anyway, nice to see yourself and Maran back - she's fun to read about.
Definitely. There's something natural about them being together; Fables would be good without them being a couple, but it wouldn't be quite as good, in my humble opinion. There just so compelling to read about!
Having someone new in Elora's life might help her find who she wants to be, so to speak, seeing as most people she knows remember how she was before the accident.
If anyone can, it's you. XD
Firstly, welcome! It's always nice to see another face (so to speak).
Secondly, what a very good tale! You've written it excellently and tied in the main points of 'Alice In Wonderland' to make it a believable alternative. Violla's story was entertaining to read, and I think what you've done with the characters is well thought out.
Also, you included one of my favourite quotes of all time, which is a plus. XD
And good pick with the cast!
Anyhoo, Tim and Harmony together again for a vacation? I LOVE IT! And Franklin and Ash too, so adorable! I also see that Ash has a little bit of that flirtatious Bloody Mary charm from her aunt as well.
Yes, another new storyteller! Welcome to the thread! This has all been very interesting so far and I look forward to the next installment of Violla's adventure. (if you are planning to do any more, that is)
Nice gif choices too!
A new face!
And I think Lupine covered all of the necessary points so I'll just say awesome story as I always love Alice in Wonderland stories! My favorite being American McGees Alice Madness Returns 
Lol, I thought that would get a laugh out of someone XD
I CANNOT wait to write about their vacation! It's going to be so romantic and funny and adorable
Ash is very much like Bloody Mary in the sense that she doesn't care WHAT comes out of her mouth. One of my favorites, if I do say so myself 
This was so good! I LOVE your cast choices for the characters, and the way things are written were absolutely flawless! I can tell you that Violla is becoming a favorite of mine, and the fact that Hatter is in love with her makes my heart melt
I love it! I also love how the time changes, and so Alice will still be a young girl while her older sister is basically an adult. AND THEN THEO! You're killing me
He seems like an awesome dude too and I just don't know :O
Right in the feels!
And then the love potion! I already hate the Queen >:(
This story was absolutely phenomenal. I'm so glad to see a new writer on here ^-^ Can't wait for more, if you have any. Have you read any of the issues of the comics? I would love to have another person to talk to about them!
Since Harmony's a powerful witch and all, you gotta make her conjure up some spells that'll 'influence' their time together.
Your choice, though. :P
After seeing TWAU Gren and seeing the comic version of Gren, it does not seem fitting, I agree. I know JJ was upset to the point where it nearly brought him to tears. I'm hoping the next issue they'll tweek it around and fix him a bit. Even his glamoured version, although that's not too bad. But he did look like something from the Arkham games....
Hey a new face with wonderful characters! Welcome to the board! Everyone beat me to what they liked about it, so to avoid repeating, Violla has a wonderful personality and with the Alice in Wonderland characters behind her, this will be full of non-stop, kick ass detail and adventures!
Why wasn't THIS the version I saw on Saturday!? I'd enjoy this than the crap we saw! lol Thanks, Noir. I needed this!
You know how those mundy kids can be. Always getting into things they shouldn;t1 now look what come across a marshmellow man and a Katy Perry Moose. XD
(JJ will hate me for this) I actually like his appearance in the comics...
He looks a lot more scary and definitely more like something that would've terrified the Saxons and given Beowulf a run for his money :P
But I'm more used to seeing his original appearance in the game; so I can only take his comic appearance in bursts basically
So JJ cried... I would say something about that, but Swineheart telling the others that Boy Blue passed away DID make me shed some tears
Nah JJ wil probably still hate it and cry. He'll hate ME for saying that but dude, it's almost cried! XD I don't personally HATE it myself; its like going from hot to cold. It takes time for you to get used to it. Give me the next issue and I'll have my answer.
Uh I remember that. I know I almost cried. Not a huge fan of Blue but just the idea....JJ cried. :P
Emily should have been ready. This day would eventually come. Emily stood before her mother, struggling to remove the diaper bag, now tightly being held in Emily's grasp. Georgie held onto the three, while Viviana floated playfully beside his head. She was more occupied with her papa's Bowler hat, than her mother nearly being drawn to tears.
Even Gren had a difficult tome leaving that morning. He wanted to be with Emily and the quads. Desperatly spend more time before heading to work. Emily had to literally push him out the door before he was late. Peter would give Gren a free pass but Ethan would have made things worse, had Gren showed up late.
"Emily, honey...mommy needs the bag, baby."
"Are ya' SURE they'll be alright?"
Lyla chuckles. "Well, you kids are alive. I must know a thing or two about babies."
Emily fought back, pulling on the straps. "Woot if they get sick or worse, mum!?"
Lyla looks back. Georgie has all four on the ground, following him. "They seem healthy to me, Emily."
"Am I a bad mum for leaving them? I mean, Penelope gets to stay home with them. You stayed home with us..."
"Baby, its what needs to be done. Your sister got lucky. I did it because, well....I'm not sure...loved being at home and raising babies I suppose."
Emily stares at her children. "Gren and I are fookin' beatin' ourselves up right now..."
"Stop." Lyla finally takes the bag out of Emily's arms. "You need to stop beating yourselves down! It's what needs to be done! Now, you can call them on your break, okay? I'll have my phone with me."
Emily heads back at her mother.. "well, 'ere...let me show ya' where all their stuff is and-"
"I got this, baby. I'm sure you didn't forget a thing. AND, if you did, your father will go to the store. RIGHT, Georgie?"
Georgie holds a thumbs up. "We got this, love. go ta' work and stop ya' damn worryn' so much."
Lyla places the strap over her shoulder and smiles. "You heard the man."
Emily cups her hands together and rubs. It would only be for five hours; thankfully, her boss was putting her on part time until the babies were older and did not need her so much. Since she was breast feeding, Emily had to pump several bags of milk for the babies. She refused to switch on them, especially little Liam. His belly was sensitive and any form of sudden change either sent him into shock or worse. Chloe simply refused to touch the stuff. The other two girls could care less but Emily preffered to keep them on the breast milk.
"Well, make sure ta' put the milk in the fridge. Don't put it in the microwave, mum. Place the bag in water and boil-"
"Emily. I breast fed you kids. I know, baby. I got this."
Emily continues. "Wipes in there, crackers ova' there. Diapers in this pocket. Change of clothes..."
Lyla gave up and allowed Emily to go over the bag for the tenth time that morning. Lyla could not blame her daughter. She felt the same way when the quads were babies and needed to be left with either her sisters or parents. She often wondered if she had been THIS bad.
Emily paused when everything was said and done. "Finished, baby?"
"Yes mum..."
"Baby, we got this. Go. Shoo. Call me when you can, alright? They'll be fine."
Emily gives her mother an embrace before finding her four and giving them hugs and kisses. Placing them back in Georgie's arms, she heads back to the truck and waves one last time.
"They'll be fine, sweetie." Lyla waves. "You know they'll be fine."
Georgie lifts Seraphina's hand. "Say bye bye mommy. Say bye bye."
Smiling, Emily steps into the truck, starts the engine and heads to the road. She honks one last time and disappears into the city. Lyla grabs Liam and Viviana, although she was not making it easy.
"Ready for this, Georgie?"
Georgie was busy trying to remove his hat out of Chloe's mouth. "Ready as I'll 'eva be, love."
Lyla, while Liam and Chloe following her, heads out to the garden. Georgie is soon to follow, Seraphina in his arms while Viviana casually floats beside her papa's head.
"Ya' neva' come down from the air, do ya' love?"
"Georgie, no!" Lyla grabs Viviana. "I swear, don't let her get into that habit of floating like this! She needs to learn this is NOT okay and should be done all the time. What if Gren saw this? He'd never let us watch them again."
Georgie smiles. "Ah, Gren needs ta' fookin' calm his ass down. They just be babies..."
Lyla folds her arms. "Oh. Calm down, eh? You did the SAME thing when my parents watched our own set of quads. Remember? ALWAYS made sure Penelope OR Katherine never changed. worried they'd get hurt..."
Georgie ignores Lyla, heads to the shed and takes out a shovel. "Ah, that was nothin', love! Let the little girl fly around. See? Not like she floatin' inta' the bloody heavens or nothin'."
"Alright." Lyla gets on her knees and begins to pull out weeds. "YOU deal with Grendel. Not me."
Mumbling to himself, Georgie heads to an opening and begins to shovel out dirt. While he was occupied with that task, Lyla had all four babies on the ground. Enormous sun hats were placed upon their heads to avoid the burning of the sun above.
"See, this isn't so bad. Your mommy was worried for nothing. Here-let's help nana pull out these icky weeds."
Georgie chuckles. "They can't bloody unda'stand ya', love."
"I talked to ours all the time. Its good for them. Isn't it? Yes it is!"
Lyla taps Liam's nose, sending the boy into a laughing fit. He was always smiling and laughing. He was the happy baby of the bunch and almost everything caused him to chuckle. Lyla recalls her Junior being that way as a baby. Always smiling. Always laughing. Chloe was too busy chasing after a Cat that was perched on the fence. It groomed its paw, knowing it was being watched. Now in her Wolf form, the little girl clawed at the dirt and pawed to grab the creature's attention.
Georgie notices. "Ah love, that's not a bloody toy fa' ya'. Here-come ta' papa fa' a minute."
Georgie snatches the little girl, who growls and attempts to lung out of Georgie's arms. He holds her tightly and places Chloe beside him.
" in the bloody dirt. I know how much ya' Wolves LOVE ta' get ya' little paws dirty."
Lyla rolls her eyes and continues to pull out weeds. Seraphina stares directly at the plants and never bats and eye. She was determined to reach her hand across and grab a nearby weed, still stuck in the ground. It danced gently against the wind and seemed to call the curious little girl. Lyla beamed and allowed her to crawl towards the plant. No harm done, she thought. This is what babies did and Emily needed to relax.
Viviana could care less about the yard work. She was happy floating near her nana's head and watching the birds fly over. Several tweeted when they noticed the little blonde haired baby wave her chubby arms at them and babble. Lyla, however, tied a rope around her ankle just incase Viviana decided to take off.
Emily, however, forgot to mention to either Lyla or Georgie about the little inccident that week in regards to plants. Lyla turned her back for a couple of seconds to look for the rake. When she returned, Lyla was surprised to see half the weeds destroyed and covered in the same blue dust that emily's rose bushes had. Lyla looked around. Kneeling down, she held one of the dead weeds in her hands. It crumbled immediatly against her glove, leaving a pile of blue, shimmering bits.
"Uh, Georgie...." Lyla looks over. "Did, uh...did you do this?"
Georgie pauses and wipes his forehead. "Do woot, love?"
"Put these chemicals right here next to the babies?"
"The fook?" Georgie places the shovel against the fence and grabs Chloe. "Woot chemicals?"
Lyla points. "HERE! Right here! Next to Seraphina and Viviana. Did you do this?"
Georgie walks over and stands beside the area with weeds. They had the apperance of being burned but was left with the remainds of the chemical attached to their leaves. Georgie tries to grab a leaf but was immediatly pulled back by Lyla.
"Don't! I'm assuming by the way your acting, you didn't do this! Grab the other babies and get them away from-"
"Hold on, love." Georgie continues to touch the leaves. "It ain't doin' nuthin' ta' me. Look...."
Georgie grabs the leaf and places it between his index finger and thumb. "See? Nuthin'."
Seraphina claps her hands and smiles. Lyla looks over and notices the same blue mysterious material on her little fingers.
"Sweetie, did you do this to Nana's weeds?"
Seraphina answers by sucking on her thumb and beaming. Georgie, unsure of how to react, looks around.
"The bloody baby did this?"
Lyla nods. "I....I think so."
"Does Emily or Gren know about-"
"I, uh...don't know but just in case-" Lyla grabs Seraphina. "Here. Let nana hold you and-"
Seraphina begins to thrash and kick in Lyla's arms. Worried for the safety of the baby, she places Seraphina down and watches her continue to remove the weeds before her. A glowing, shimmering stream of blue escape her fingers, grasp the leaves and choke them to death. All that is left, is a pile of blue glitter.
"Huh." Georgie looks pver. "That's not a bad thing, love. Got rid of the bloody weeds."
"Yeah." Lyla rubs her forehead. "All this...magic...I'm just-"
Georgie chuckles. "Ya' got with a Fable, love and our daughter hooks up with another Fable-Grendel at that-and made these little buggas. Sorry. Nothing normal 'bout that, love."
"Well, it doesn't SEEM to be bothering her or the others...."
"They'll be fine, love. When Emily calls, we'll let her know 'bout it."
Lyla allows Seraphina to continue killing the weeds. It was easier than pulling them from the ground. Georgie returns to his digging, wiping his brow every so often to remove the sweat. While they were preoccupied with the garden, Liam crawls near the shed and eyes a butterfly. The boy, now in Grendel form, licks his lips and is determined to catch his snack.
Leaping forward, Liam grasps the edges and begins to climb, the butterfly unaware of his demise. The little boy gurgles and babbles, hoping to catch his meal before it flies away. Georgie happens to look over and notices his grandson climbing the shed.
"Ah fa' fook's sake!" Georgie drops the shovel and leaps over the fence. "LIAM! No, Liam!"
Lyla cups her mouth. "Oh my god! Georgie-"
"I go him!" Georgie begins to climb. "I bloody got him...."
Liam turns to face Georgie, now several inches behind him. "Liam, love....come ta' papa...."
Liam waves his hand and rocks back and forth. "Okay, time is ova'. Come ta'-"
Liam slides down, leaving a trail of clear, slimy goop behind. Georgie holds out his arm, grabs the boy and pulls him close to his chest. Liam latches his one arm on Georgie and holds tight.
"The fook?" Georgie could feel the goop turning into a sort of glue and clinging to the hair on his arms. "Woot is this shit?"
Jumping dow, Georgie pulls Liam off. He manages to yank of several strands of hair, causing the boy to laugh.
"How did he-"
Georgie holds up his hand. "There was this goop that came outta' his hand. See? Helped him climb and-"
Lyla grabs the babies and pulls Viviana down from floating. "We, uh....let's go inside for right now, babies huh?"
"I'll finish up here...."
"Good. Good. Nana may just need a glass of wine...."
Heading to the house, all four babies giggle and kick in Lyla's arms, as they head for the house. Georgie stops to watch and smiles.
"Fa fook's sake..."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Off today, so me and my two beautiful ladies are heading to the park. Lovely day here in Cali.
And look at what my sister made for Emily. A little Grendel doll!! GAH! So precious! she'll love it!
Happy Monday to you all!!
I I was mad....I didn't like it.
Why the hell did he have to look like THAT, of all things? I got used to TWAU game version. Give me time. I'll get over myself. Maybe in the light he's not TOO bad....
I love the top picture. I ship them! I love Gremily!!!
Lyla and Georgie have no idea what they got themselves into. THEIR quads are nothing like their quads. XD I think its too precious seeing Lyla and Georgie with their grandbabies!
And in the garden!? How cute!
Emily is being the typical 'new' mom; no one can do it like mommy can, not even grandma and grandpa! I adore little Viviana! That reminds me of how Snow had to keep her babies close; she didn't tie a rope around their ankle but I love it! Just picturing this cute little blonde! so, she floats all the time, even though Viv isn't there or IS Vivian there and we don't see her?

LOL Seraphina and her killer plants! XD I pictured Lyla and Georgie like 'DAFUQ' is I'd be like Lyla; sure, its killing the weeds but my granddaughter JUST had blue shit come out of her fingers! 0.o'
So, when he climbs, sticky things come out of his hands when he's in Grendel form? That is so neat! I'm curious now about that....
Is that picture of us, man? That is so neat! Little Emily!
The I thinking of Gren and John?? That's SOO me!
AWWWWW! I want one!!!! She'll love it; she needs to make a Georgie now!
EDIT: I just saw the image over at your DA and man....Gren, you lucky SOB. XD
Robert did not hear the alarm go off. He'd spent all night at work. It was easy; being a mailroom clerk was nothing and the pay was pretty decent but the nights were long and by the end of his shift, robert was exhausted. He stopped at a diner, took home some food and ate while watching some shitty mundy television program. He bought an Omlete and toast for RJ when he woke up.
Robert turned to face the window. The curtains were pulled in, making his bedroom quiet and eerie. He could heard the residents below him and the radio being played upstairs in the other apartment. Looking over, he noticed the time. Nine thirty. RJ must have been up already but the apartment was still and noiseless.
"RJ?" Robert stood up and stretched his back. He was in true form. "RJ, up?"
Rober preferred to be in true form out of mundy eyes. It was expensive but well worth it. For the time he had to himself, Robert often stayed in Grendel form. He could remember one time soaking in the tub in his form. It was a tight fit but well worth it. It made him feel as if he was back home, soaking in the cool rivers with the sun hanging above.
"Dad?" The sound of feet running down the hall. "Did you call me?"
RJ stood under the doorway. He looked just like robert; tall, scrawny and jet black hair. He did, however, inherit his mother's beautiful Amber eyes. This often drove Robert to madness when he was alone at night. Even his personality resembled Lyla. Kind, thoughtful and outgoing. He wore a simple white tee shirt and kaki shorts.
"How long have you been up, kiddo?"
"Ummm, like, two hours now."
"I saw the food you brought home." RJ points towards the kitchen. "Got your note. It was good."
"Sorry if you wanted something else-"
"I like Omletes." RJ appears to dance in place. "They are good."
Robert sits up and alarms RJ with his towering stature. "What is it, son?"
"You're huge." RJ walks forward and pokes Robert's arm. "There are soooo many veins. How come you're in form, dad?"
"I like to be when I'm alone." Robert pats RJ's head. "You can be in true form ONLY in the apartment, though."
"I know." RJ smiles. "When papa and I go running, he lets me change. He's a huge Wolf, dad! Did you know that?"
"I did." Robert scratches under his arm. "Your papa John is a very big and powerful Wolf. A lot of the other Wolves avoid papa because of it."
"Malcom too." RJ tries to show Robert with his hands. "He's like, this big and Malcom is like this. A LITTLE smaller but not by much. Sometimes, mom goes running and daddy Georgie goes with us but he can't change. He holds onto mom's fur when she runs. Same with Junior and emily. Penelope and Katie can change, too."
Robert stands before the mirror. He'd allow RJ to speak about the other family; the boy had every right to do so. He did, however, have half sisters and brother. Georgie loved the boy and did not treat him any other way. He witnessed it himself. Robert used to worry for the longest time about this. Would Georgie love only his biological children more and ignore RJ and leave him to the side? But Robert often caught himself wishing Lyla WAS his and the quads came from HIM and not Georgie. Those were less frequent but appeared every so often.
"So, you and the others go running a lot, huh?"
"Yup. It's cool because me, Penny and Katie will have races and-"
"You stay close to the house, right?"
Robert turns to face his son. "I mean it, RJ! You stay where either your mom or papa can see you-"
"They do." RJ whispers his answer in fear. "I promise.."
Robert sighs, rubs his eyes and sits on the edge of the bed. He points to the desk near the window.
"Can you get daddy the little blue bottle please?"
RJ does as he's told, reaches for the bottle and hands it ro Robert. He pops the top, drinks the liquid and within seconds, returns to his glamoured self. Robert shakes his head twice, sits up and tosses the bottle into the trash.
"How do I look?"
Robert flashes a faint smile, grabs his clothes and dresses. RJ sits quietly on the bed, observing his father.
"I wanna be big like you, dad, when I get older."
"You probably will." Robert adds his cologne. "Every male in my family was huge. Well...except for your uncle Gren know."
RJ chuckles. "Uncle Gren is pretty strong."
"Alright, in his GRENDEL form, sure."
RJ kicks the blanket and he speaks. "He came by yesterday."
Robert seemed surprised. "Oh? Why? Mom need something fixed."
"No, it was for Emily."
"Emily? Your sister Emily?"
"DAD! What other Emily is there?" He giggles. "Came by with something for her."
"What was it...did you see?"
"Nuh uh." RJ shakes his head. "But whatever it was, daddy Georgie was NOT too happy about it...."
"Huh." Looks like Gren was due for a call. "I wonder...."
RJ shrugs. "Mom had to calm him down and uncle Gren left. Have not seen him back since."
"Did Emily show you or-"
"Nope. Has it hidden. Only mom knows. And daddy Georgie."
Robert stands back up. "Well, no matter. I'll ask later. Wanna go play catch?"
"Do I!?"
Grabbing his shoes, RJ races to the living room, ties them up and jumps at the front door. After everything was complete, the two head out for Central Park.
I was a beautiful Sunday morning. The park was full of mundies and their families and from Robert could see, a few fables. A young woman with long, red hair and a simple blue shirt and white blouse, notices Robert and RJ. The young woman runs over, her hair bouncing with each step she takes. RJ immediatly turns a bright red.
"Robert! Hey! Nice to see you both!"
"Thumbelina. Nice glamour."
"You like it?" She twirls for a second. "Cost an arm and leg BUT its nice to leave the Farm for a bit."
"Hello." RJ finds it difficult to speak. "How are you, Thumbelina?"
"My my, RJ." Thumbelina kneels before the young boy. "Look at you! So handsome and getting so big! Look just like your daddy."
"Thank you...." RJ covers his face.
"So, what are you two doing out here this nice day?"
"Catch." Robert tosses a Football in the air. "Me and the mini-me here are going to get an hour or so of practice. Then, lunch and we'll see where the rest of the day leads us to."
"Sounds like a blast." Thumbelina taps RJ's nose. "Well, I better be heading out. I have so much site seeing to see before this glamour wears off. Hope to see you both soon."
"We can visit you." RJ waves. "I can go to the Farm and see you soon...."
Thumbelina smiles. "It's a deal, little man. See you both around."
Waving a cab down, Thumbelina heads inside and is gone. Robert notices his son's stare, though and smiles. His little man had a little crush but he wouldn't say anything until RJ came to him about it. For now, it was Football time.
"Ready son?"
"Uh huh." RJ continues to look down the road. "I really like her, dad. She's nice to me..."
"Oh." Robert grabs RJ's shoulder. "Tell me all about it while we play some ball."
Still red as a Beet, RJ agrees. "Okay, dad. Deal."
,Any questions or comments, send them below!
I need to focus more on RJ and Robert's relationship, too. 
At the beginning of the chapter, I was just like Lyla thinking that Emily was worrying and fussing too much, but by the end?
Totally with Lyla on that one. XD They're bundles of joy, but very active bundles of joy!
Can't blame Viviana for that; if I could float, I'd do it all the time. ^_^
That Grendel doll is a lovely present - and well knitted, too!
Happy Monday to you too, Pie!
It seems Emily has brought about a change in your estimation of the day! Have a good time at the park; looks like you and JJ had a crazy good time at some point, going by that picture. XD
Happy to help.
Yep, that'll teach little mundy junior a lesson. XD
Goldilocks had something to do with it, that much I can tell you.
Never did like her! :P
Well they say that about Keith Richards... He's worse :O
I have to admit that he looks more like something that actually caused terror and destruction, but the game version is the original, so I have to stand by it
An Eternity...
Three Months before Makoto and Dewitt left to fight Luke....
"Dewitt C'mon wake up you lazy bum!" Mary said "You promised we'd hang out today!" She said
"Okay okay!" He laughed "Wanna call up Makoto and Celeste?" He asked
"Yeah sure!" Mary said with excitement.
Dewitt called Makoto and Celeste over to walk around with them... when Makoto and Celeste showed up Celeste showed signs of pregnancy. Mary was curious as she's never seen Celeste like this before.
"Hey Celeste what happened to your stomach! Did you eat before you got here?" Mary sounded dissapointed.
"No no no Mary, I'm having a child!" Celeste said
While Celeste explained things to Mary, Dewitt talked with Makoto.
"How did that happen Makoto?" Dewitt asked
"We'll we went out drinking one night and now I'm due for a little girl soon. Sadly I'll have to go to the homelands soon after." Makoto said
"Do you regret it? Wish you planned it out?" Dewitt asked
"Well of course I wish I could have planned it or something, so no I don't regret it. I've always wanted to be a father." Makoto smiled towards Celeste
Dewitt nodded "Shall we head out then?"
They nodded and head to the park that was near Fabletown...while on their way they bumped into Clara who was spinning her revolver she kept from when she fought in the wars as a glamoured man.
"Where are you guys off to?" Clara smiled
"We're headed to the park and to get some ice cream!" Mary said with a smile
"Hmm sounds fun kid, speaking of kids when is yours due Makoto?" Clara asked
"About a week before I leave to the homelands. Which is sooner than expected" He answered
"C'mon Clara come with us!" Mary suggested
Clara looked shocked "Uh.....sure kid I'll tag along, I was bored anyways." She said
They arrived at the park. It's almost December, Snow was falling and everyone had their winter clothing on. The playground was covered in snow although not completely. Dewitt and Makoto helped Mary play around on the playground while Celeste and Mary sat on a bench together as Clara was unsure about Makoto becoming a father. So she decided to do some research just in case Celeste was cheating on him. Celeste would look over and see Makoto carrying Mary around and having fun on the playground made her smile and glad that he was going to be a father. Even Dewitt was smiling and laughing along with them instead of standing around. But when she looked around she saw Luna walking with a man and a little girl who wasn't properly dressed for winter. Instead of confronting them she just watched them go by.
"Nah nah nah boo boo you can't catch me!" Mary yelled with laughter as Dewitt chased her around.
"Oh yeah! Well guess what?" He asked
"What?" Mary stopped
"I GOT YOU!!!" He roared as he lifted her up laughing.
Makoto helped Celeste up and Clara joined in on the conversation as they all talked for a few hours while they headed back home.
"Hey Makoto can we still hangout when Celeste has the child?" Mary asked
He laughed "Is that even a question! Of course we will! This time we'll just have another person with us!" He smiled towards Celeste.
Makoto knelt down and whispered to Mary. "Also would you like to be the flower girl at our wedding when I get back from the homelands after I propose to her?" He asked
Mary got all excited and blurted out "YES!!!"
Makoto laughed "Shh shh before you blow the surprise!"
"What surprise" Celeste asked
The two pretended to act like they didn't know what she was talking about. "Uh nothing we were making plans for when I get back!" Makoto said
Celeste smiled and shook her head.
They walked home and Clara left to the woodlands while Makoto, Celeste, Mary, and Dewitt headed back to Dewitts place. Celeste went in and tucked Mary into bed while Makoto and Dewitt talked in the room.
"I want to go with you to the homelands." Dewitt said
"Are you sure? It's going to be pretty dangerous." He said
"You've helped me and Mary so much let me return the favor." Dewitt asked
"Alright." Makoto said "Hey would you like to be my best man?" He asked
"Wah uh sure I'd be honored, when's the wedding?" Dewitt asked
Makoto shrugged his shoulders "Eh how am I supposed to know."
"Nice" Dewitt said
They both laughed, Celeste hushed them and they said their goodbyes and thanks to Dewitt and left.
That's it! I'm altering the story a bit so I can make everything actually fit and work correctly :P On to the three months to Luke's castle!!! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
The Mikhail will be coming soon, I've literally been wicked tired and finding myself sleelping earlier too. Although I'm too stubborn to get sleeping pills for it XD
Indeed Lyla is too much like her mother; although she never gets DRUNK, the wine does help. XD AND if I had the ability to float, I'd be doing the same thing, too.
Little Emily is chewing it more than anything but I think she liked it. 
And I know! I didn't flip my finger off this time to Monday! Perhaps its because I had today off and was having a nice day with two of the most beautiful women in the world.
OR, it may have to do with little Emily.
Either way, I'll take it! JJ and I are the dynamic duo that never seem to stop or get bored with life.
He's always getting into something these days. XD Nothing like THIS but its come close.
Tim and Harmony's vacation: Day One.
It took approximately 8 hours for the plane to arrive in London's airport. Harmony had been meaning to make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
Of course, she'd have to deal with her currently jet-lagged husband. She slept most of the ride peacefully, as Mary had gone so far as to buy them first class tickets. Harmony sincerely had to do something nice in return, like call Mary and ask her to join them through the mirrors or something. For now though, she was content with finding her hotel room and dragging her sleeping husband all over the place.
London was very picturesque, with it's lovely architecture and buzzing city life. Harmony never thought she would ride in a double-decker bus, but today was her lucky day. Tim, of course, thought less of it.
"I'll sit on the lower cabin, if you don't mind," He said nervously.
"Are you afraid of falling off?" She'd asked him, teasingly.
"Well quite frankly, yes." Tim replied. Harmony rolled her eyes, but let him be by himself down below. Her camera on her phone was flawless, as she'd gotten a new one recently (for reasons that don't necessarily have to be brought up.) And, her old Hello Kitty case would not fit it, so she got a new, much flashier one, with gems glued onto it and everything. She couldn't help but laugh when she made her husband carry it and take pictures of her as she stood in the sight of Big Ben and other monuments in the grand city.
Learning to drive on the opposite side of the car was tricky at first; Tim was a little better at it, so he took the wheel most of the trip. They drove over London's Tower Bridge, just for the hell of it, and then drove back over, to take a trip to the London Eye. Tim wasn't too keen on going on, but he sucked up his fears and shakily held Harmony's hand as the ride ascended over the city. Of course, she made him take more photos with her phone then.
The sky was a blueish twilight as night slowly set in, and they reached the top of the ride. Harmony settled down, staring out the windows thoughtfully. The view was breathtaking, and she felt the hand of her husband rub her back gently, as he came to a rest next to her.
"I wish we could stay up here forever," He said. "You know, being this high up isn't always bad."
Harmony laughed softly. "Yeah, it is quite nice......Maybe I could make this moment last a little longer..."
Tim's eyebrow raised, but before he could ask any questions, Harmony literally paused time. He didn't even know she could do that. They were unfrozen, but the rest of the world- it was as if they were walking through a movie, and the movie had been paused so that people could get up and get more snacks. He stared out the windows with fascination.
Harmony tapped her phone open, and searched through her music. She found their song, the song they always danced to, and pressed the play button. Leaving it down on the seat. She stood, and beckoned her husband, and they danced, beneath the twilight sky, the shimmering, frozen stars, the sun that only gently peaked over the horizon. Her heart leaped as he dipped her, getting better and better since the first time they'd danced so long ago.
"You got any more tricks up your sleeve?" He chuckled.
His lips kissed her neck and her cheek as she replied, "I'm saving the rest for later."
He arched his brow again, but still didn't question it, as their lips met eachother at the crest of the song, and everything felt just right in the world. Tim tripped over his clumsy feet and the two landed on the floor in a heaping mess, laughing as the song ended and changed to a less traditional one, that sounded like some sort of dubstep remix of a nursery rhyme.
"We'd better turn time back on," Tim said, in between laughs. "Before we break something."
With a flick of her wrist, they heard the metal of the Ferris Wheel groan, and movement resumed all over. Harmony snatched her phone back, kissing her husband one more time. After this, they were going to go to the hotel and get changed, because Mary really did book a reservation at 8 PM for a romantic dinner at one of the finest restaurants in this part of England.
That's all for now ^-^ Probably not having school tomorrow, as there will be an enormous amount of snow piling onto NJ in the next few hours, until 12 PM tomorrow. Yup. We already had snow Saturday night and the roads were so bad that church was canceled. Yeah. Now we're getting more, which I can only imagine will make the roads a thousand times worse. I ain't complaining, though, because....NO SCHOOL! Probably.
I adore RJ to no end.
And looks like someone has a crush on Thumbelina.
I love that story, too. I always feel so bad for Robert when he talks about Lyla. He loves her so much, EVEN still, to this day. 
And WHAT did Gren give to Emily that sent Georgie in a fit of rage.....:0 Keep up the good work, man. Loved it.