My favourite Kenny scene? No one's ever really asked me that before. So hard to choose one. Can I do one from season 1 and 2?
Season 1: W… morehen he determinately comes with you to look for Clementine. I got him to come with me without any one else and the whole time he was like 'pal' and 'friend' and he treated me so nice and it made me feel really happy that he appreciated all I had done for him. He thanked me on the roof of the hospital for what I had done for Duck. That just whole segement filled me with joy since I had my best friend by my side. I think I'm tearing up a little just now thinking about it
Season 2: The Wellington ending. When Kenny was willing to let me go so I could live I better life, I just knew I couldn't leave him. The fact that he was willing to live a life alone so that I (and AJ) could have a better chance just made me love him even more. I could never leave Kenny. My Lee never gave up on him, neither will my Clem… [view original content]
I don't think he was trying to, I think he just made this thread for the Luke fans so he titled it 'we all love Luke' as in the people who were commenting all love Luke.
I want to keep this thread alive so I'm just going comment how I'm feeling right now. Recently, I've seen a lot of Luke hate (not that it isn't normal) but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the hate has grown which is quite annoying since Luke was a genuinely nice guy, he doesn't deserve all this hate. I know some people are mad he had sex with Jane in episode 4 but Luke is human, he makes mistakes, if you are mad at him for being flawed and making a mistake then why don't you take a look at yourself, I bet you have made mistakes too yet no one is mad at you for them since you are human. Everyone and I mean everyone makes mistakes, you need to make mistakes so you can learn from them. Luke even apologises for making his mistake, what more can he do? Seriously. I know some people don't find him interesting which is completely fine, although I don't know how you can hate someone for being boring? If anything it should mean you just don't really care much about their character because they didn't intrigue you. Then there's the people who think he treated Nick bad. First of all, I know some people didn't like that Luke said 'keep an eye on him for me would you?' to Clementine because they think he's telling Clementine he doesn't want to look after him any more but that isn't the truth, Luke said 'keep an eye on him' - he didn't say 'look out for him because I don't want to any more' he said 'keep an eye' which pretty much means look out for him but Luke wasn't giving Clementine full responsibility for Nick since he is also looking out for him, he even says 'look, you can tell me. I'm just looking out for him' when he asks Clementine what happened in the cellar with Nick. Other people thought he was being quite patronising to Nick in the scene in episode 3 where he says 'If Clem can handle it you can!' which is Luke's way of saying 'get a hold of yourself, you can do it. If a little girl can do it then you can as well!' which is true. Also, he doesn't have the time to have some 'heart to heart' with Nick like; 'it's okay my baby, you will be fine' - there are walkers close by and they might attack unless they hurry, I'm sure it's not the perfect time for Luke to give Nick a 'pep talk' hey? Finally, some fans are angry with Luke since they think he 'didn't have a good enough reaction to Nick's death', sure he didn't break down crying but what do you expect from a guy that can, in Nicks words, 'keep moving all the time'? He had a reaction, he looked saddened but do you really think that was the right time or place for Luke to break down crying? Sarah was in the room next door and walkers where closing in, Luke didn't have the luxury of having a reaction. And when people say things like; 'Luke had more of a reaction to Jane's departure than Nick's death' it sort of winds me up, because from what we were shown, yes Luke reacted to Jane leaving much more than Nick's death but does that mean he cared more about getting laid rather than his best friend of 20 years? No, when Jane left Luke had the luxury of reacting since there was no threat of walkers attacking and he wasn't putting their lives in danger by being emotional about it unlike when Nick died, Luke found out where he was in a situation of 'life or death' so he couldn't react. Also, in my opinion, I think Luke was reacting to Nick's death in that scene since Luke might have seen Jane as a source of comfort. The sex made him forget about his worries and made him feel human and forget everything bad that has happened but when Jane leaves that source of comfort is gone, on top of the fact that his best friend had just died along with a girl he tried to save - it wouldn't make you feel very good, would it?
I'm in no way saying Luke is perfect or that he has no flaws, I recognise those flaws but I just think people should give him a break, there are much worse characters out there. The problem with Luke is that he really tried which is more than I can say for some characters, he wanted to be the hero and maybe the problem was that people had high expectations for him because of this but in the end he is only a man. I think a good song for him would be 'Five for fighting - Superman' since it shows a more emotional side to a character who is made out to be some 'hero' yet keeps on failing or feels pressure from it all. (I might have to make a tribute for Luke with this song haha!) But yeah, rant over, just needed to let that one out :P
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the hate has grown
I know what you mean, I feel like we lose a Luke fan everyday but it's ok because you and I are still fans and @Lilacsbloom@ABigBadWolf and @InfiniteDawn
Together we will never let the haters take over for we are all hardcore Luke fans! Guys! Whose with me?!
I want to keep this thread alive so I'm just going comment how I'm feeling right now. Recently, I've seen a lot of Luke hate (not that it is… moren't normal) but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the hate has grown which is quite annoying since Luke was a genuinely nice guy, he doesn't deserve all this hate. I know some people are mad he had sex with Jane in episode 4 but Luke is human, he makes mistakes, if you are mad at him for being flawed and making a mistake then why don't you take a look at yourself, I bet you have made mistakes too yet no one is mad at you for them since you are human. Everyone and I mean everyone makes mistakes, you need to make mistakes so you can learn from them. Luke even apologises for making his mistake, what more can he do? Seriously. I know some people don't find him interesting which is completely fine, although I don't know how you can hate someone for being boring? If anything it should mean you just don't r… [view original content]
I think the haters have already taken over tbh, I've seen a lot of Luke hate in that 'unpopular opinions' thread but it doesn't feel like an unpopular opinion if that many people think it
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
… more
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the… [view original content]
Yeah I noticed that. I was just like 'Stop hating Luke ;.;' I was starting to think that a lot more people hate Luke than I once thought. I looked back at this thread and the last few pages have really been dominated by you, Lilac and me, so it made me think people say Luke has a lot of fans but they're wrong, he doesn't.
But they still haven't taken over, if this thread keeps coming back, then we will win! Just remember the 7 members in our steam group, they will get us through the hate because our 'riot' will prevail!
Yeah, I agree with you too:P
I think the haters have already taken over tbh, I've seen a lot of Luke hate in that 'unpopular opinions' thread but it doesn't feel like an unpopular opinion if that many people think it
Yeah I noticed that. I was just like 'Stop hating Luke ;.;' I was starting to think that a lot more people hate Luke than I once thought. I … morelooked back at this thread and the last few pages have really been dominated by you, Lilac and me, so it made me think people say Luke has a lot of fans but they're wrong, he doesn't.
But they still haven't taken over, if this thread keeps coming back, then we will win! Just remember the 7 members in our steam group, they will get us through the hate because our 'riot' will prevail!
Aw, you're welcome. I'm happy to help if you're ever feeling down
you know you are a good motivator
Now if I could only listen to my own words XD but thank you. :P
Thank you! Haha, you should just think 'what would I tell Jessica if she was thinking this' and then you can bring yourself out of that anger/upset!
Or you could talk to me and tell me what you feel angry about then I can just be like;
'what would I tell Jessica if she was thinking this'
I've tried that kind of thing before but telling myself what I would tell someo… morene doesn't help so I just end up playing a violent game :P
you could talk to me and tell me what you feel angry about
Well I would... but I'd probably only really talk to you on Steam hint, hint (go on steam more often )
Just made it 1001! Haha, I always look at peoples comment to like ratio, I think it's interesting :P You have good points so I'm not surprised :P
Playing a violent game ey?
Left 4 Dead. It has guns and zombies what else do I need to vent? ...Probably a human to talk to, but who cares about socialisation when you have zombies!
I should go on more often but I don't really use it that much
Yeah, you should go on more often... and talk to me. It probably sounds weird at this point but I like talking to you. XD
Playing a violent game ey?;)
Haha, I should go on more often but I don't really use it that much:s
OMG I have 1,000 likes;o random I know but I saw it now and thought wow, when I joined I didn't think I'd get very much support or anything:P
Probably a human to talk to, but who cares about socialisation when you have zombies!
It probably sounds weird at this point but I like talking to you. XD
Aw, no it's not weird I like talking to you too! I can go online now but I'm thinking about making a Clem and Luke tribute, eh girls can multi-task can't they:P
Just made it 1001! Haha, I always look at peoples comment to like ratio, I think it's interesting :P You have good points so I'm not surpris… moreed :P
Playing a violent game ey?
Left 4 Dead. It has guns and zombies what else do I need to vent? ...Probably a human to talk to, but who cares about socialisation when you have zombies!
I should go on more often but I don't really use it that much
Yeah, you should go on more often... and talk to me. It probably sounds weird at this point but I like talking to you. XD
You have good points so I'm not surprised :P
Thanks so do you!
Probably a human to talk to, but who cares about socialisation … morewhen you have zombies!
It probably sounds weird at this point but I like talking to you. XD
Aw, no it's not weird I like talking to you too! I can go online now but I'm thinking about making a Clem and Luke tribute, eh girls can multi-task can't they:P
Well you see, I can't have both because Left 4 Dead is really loud even when I turn it down XD
girls can multi-task can't they
… more Yes. pulls out knife and smiles horrifically Can you come online now? :P I've been making another Irony at the same time as talking to you.
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
… more
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the… [view original content]
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
… more
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the… [view original content]
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
… more
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the… [view original content]
And I've been thinking. 'Bout Lukey boy. I think I was too harsh on him in-game. He was trying to be all buddy-buddy with me and I just kept pushing him away, even before Kenny showed up on the scene. Oh, and when episode 4 happened and I lost my shit... I got a lot-harsher that episode.
I feel sorry for the guy. He was trying real hard with my Clem but she never accepted him because of me. Instead we both just ended up sucking up to the one and only Kenny. But in the end, when he was on that frozen lake, I finally pulled my head out of my ass and listened to him. And I covered him, because going over to him was fucking stupid. He knew that, I knew that. Bonnie, you're fucking retarded. But that's okay, Telltale made you do something insanely stupid so that Luke would die.
Anyway, in the end, I couldn't save Luke, but at least I listened to him for once. That's always good. I even tried to break the ice with my gun to save him.
Sure, I didn't care at all when he died, but at least I tried. I could've just been stubborn and refused to break the ice just because I didn't care much for him. But I didn't do that. Just because you are indifferent towards a character doesn't mean you should refuse to help
Unless of course you're Jane. Fuck Jane, IMO. Or someone else I despise, but I don't think there are many characters I despise. I don't really despise Jane, I just wish she'd stayed gone. Because she fucked everything up. Too bad she ended up dead because Kenny was my friend/family. I wasn't going to kill him.
Oh shit, I started rambling. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Luke. Sorry, Luke, for pushing you away so much. I should've been nicer.
Aw that's okay, I'm sure many people felt that way! I just felt quite bad for Luke (even though he isn't real) because he is a nice guy but not that many people like him and they say he is boring ect which sucks because it shows that nice guys don't always win. But oh wells!
Hey-ho Luke lovers. I'm back.
And I've been thinking. 'Bout Lukey boy. I think I was too harsh on him in-game. He was trying to be all bu… moreddy-buddy with me and I just kept pushing him away, even before Kenny showed up on the scene. Oh, and when episode 4 happened and I lost my shit... I got a lot-harsher that episode.
I feel sorry for the guy. He was trying real hard with my Clem but she never accepted him because of me. Instead we both just ended up sucking up to the one and only Kenny. But in the end, when he was on that frozen lake, I finally pulled my head out of my ass and listened to him. And I covered him, because going over to him was fucking stupid. He knew that, I knew that. Bonnie, you're fucking retarded. But that's okay, Telltale made you do something insanely stupid so that Luke would die.
Anyway, in the end, I couldn't save Luke, but at least I listened to him for once. That's always good. I even tried to break the ice … [view original content]
They probably did what the people from the show Lost did: Decide the first episode, andthe last episode. Then put monkeys in a room and let them write the middle. Otherwise known as the Useless Chaos Plan. -__-
I really don't know anymore. I hope it was a late decision but it's more likely that they planned it because they had already realised by th… moreen how everyone was predicting a Luke vs Kenny so they were like "Nope! We've gotta kill off Luke so we can be unpredictable!!!" So yeah, I don't know XD
Also at that point I was mad that Kenny yelled at Clementine (after the episode I calmed down and realised he was just upset) and I knew he was broken from Sarita, there's no denying that. So yeah what Luke said was correct because he is broken but I can understand why, he's lost a lot!
I agreed because I thought he was broken but also because Kenny wasn't present I didn't care about his feelings, I was free to say what I wanted without anyone getting hurt. Any other time I never took a side.
I told him he was wrong and that Kenny was trying to protect us. I wasn't mad at Kenny for yelling at me. I fucked up when it came down to Sarita and I can't blame him. He's a victim of circumstance, no matter what happens he ends up losing his family. Personally, whatever Luke said, I don't remember the whole conversation since I blocked him out as soon as he mentioned that Kenny was broken and was gonna end up being reckless, I was getting sick of. Everyone was all pulling the same bullshit and saying that Kenny's slowly descending into insanity
Jane: Hey, Clem, look at how much of a burden Kenny is now he's a psycho
Mike: Hey, Clem, Kenny totally flipped his shit with me too
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, Kenny's losing it
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, have you noticed how crazy Kenny's gotten since I last asked you?
Clem: You asked me five seconds ago
Jesus fucking Christ. I don't think I could count how many times a character went "herp derp Kenny's so crazy herp derp". I'd go crazy too if I had to live with a bunch of fucking morons. Hey, Bonnie and Mike, you're both crazy for going with Arvo and leaving AJ, Clem, Kenny and Jane to starve! Kenny's probably the only one who had a level head and made sense during episode 5. If I were him, I would've taken Clem and AJ and left everyone else at that shit pile of a house.
Looking back, all I can do is laugh and then quietly go back to watching this video Kenny was never a psycho, IMO.
Sorry, I slowly descended into a rant. I should totally make a thread out of this, though.
I agreed, because I sided with Luke all the way;)
Also at that point I was mad that Kenny yelled at Clementine (after the episode I calme… mored down and realised he was just upset) and I knew he was broken from Sarita, there's no denying that. So yeah what Luke said was correct because he is broken but I can understand why, he's lost a lot!
Well I don't think Kenny was level-headed, he was pretty rash and did things without thinking buttt that's my opinion, I know yours is different.
Yeah maybe you should but I would beware, there's quite a lot of Kenny haters on here and a lot of people don't appreciate those threads because they have been done thousands of times before! (Trust me, I've thought about doing one for Luke but then I remember how much I dislike seeing threads that just ramble on saying 'you can't hate this character...) :P
I was the exact opposite.
I told him he was wrong and that Kenny was trying to protect us. I wasn't mad at Kenny for yelling at me. I fuc… moreked up when it came down to Sarita and I can't blame him. He's a victim of circumstance, no matter what happens he ends up losing his family. Personally, whatever Luke said, I don't remember the whole conversation since I blocked him out as soon as he mentioned that Kenny was broken and was gonna end up being reckless, I was getting sick of. Everyone was all pulling the same bullshit and saying that Kenny's slowly descending into insanity
Jane: Hey, Clem, look at how much of a burden Kenny is now he's a psycho
Mike: Hey, Clem, Kenny totally flipped his shit with me too
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, Kenny's losing it
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, have you noticed how crazy Kenny's gotten since I last asked you?
Clem: You asked me five seconds ago
Jesus fucking Christ. I don't think I could count how many times… [view original content]
Sorry to turn this Luke thread into a brief 'discuss why Kenny wasn't a psychopath' thread, but I geniuenely believe he wasn't. Sure, the writers wanted him to be, but they failed to do so. Just made him come off as a tad aggressive and reckless, but when you stopped to think about it, some of the things he does make sense.
I'm not saying this because I'm a Kenny fan, hell, Kenny ain't a saint, he's an foul-mouth aggressive asshole, but I love him. As a character.
Anyway... (Awkward transition) he was never portrayed as being a psychopath, IMO. But all the characters seemed to point out what I just wasn't seeing in him. Even Luke.
Well I don't think Kenny was level-headed, he was pretty rash and did things without thinking buttt that's my opinion, I know yours is diffe… morerent.
Yeah maybe you should but I would beware, there's quite a lot of Kenny haters on here and a lot of people don't appreciate those threads because they have been done thousands of times before! (Trust me, I've thought about doing one for Luke but then I remember how much I dislike seeing threads that just ramble on saying 'you can't hate this character...) :P
Hey, I brought Luke back alive in my audio episodes on Tumblr.
I may not be as big of a fan as Kateis, buttttt... I'm still crazy.
Well welcome to the party!;) - Luke quote:)
Hey, some people write fanfics, others create episodes using audio files.
Either way, it's fun and shows that we're totally sane people.
Of course! It's a nice coping mechanism! I've watched your audio episodes on tumblr and I've got to say I've been enjoying them:)
I like to keep the cabin group alive in them.
And they're useful! 
For sure m8.
I agree the Wellington ending was the best, in my opinion Kenny pulled himself back from the brink. Kenny will always be close to my heart.
That's exactly what I was going for, there are Luke fans and there are Luke haters. This is for all Luke fans.
This sentence pretty much sums up how I feel so....
Take my like
I want to keep this thread alive so I'm just going comment how I'm feeling right now. Recently, I've seen a lot of Luke hate (not that it isn't normal) but it seems like his fans have shrunk and the hate has grown which is quite annoying since Luke was a genuinely nice guy, he doesn't deserve all this hate. I know some people are mad he had sex with Jane in episode 4 but Luke is human, he makes mistakes, if you are mad at him for being flawed and making a mistake then why don't you take a look at yourself, I bet you have made mistakes too yet no one is mad at you for them since you are human. Everyone and I mean everyone makes mistakes, you need to make mistakes so you can learn from them. Luke even apologises for making his mistake, what more can he do? Seriously. I know some people don't find him interesting which is completely fine, although I don't know how you can hate someone for being boring? If anything it should mean you just don't really care much about their character because they didn't intrigue you. Then there's the people who think he treated Nick bad. First of all, I know some people didn't like that Luke said 'keep an eye on him for me would you?' to Clementine because they think he's telling Clementine he doesn't want to look after him any more but that isn't the truth, Luke said 'keep an eye on him' - he didn't say 'look out for him because I don't want to any more' he said 'keep an eye' which pretty much means look out for him but Luke wasn't giving Clementine full responsibility for Nick since he is also looking out for him, he even says 'look, you can tell me. I'm just looking out for him' when he asks Clementine what happened in the cellar with Nick. Other people thought he was being quite patronising to Nick in the scene in episode 3 where he says 'If Clem can handle it you can!' which is Luke's way of saying 'get a hold of yourself, you can do it. If a little girl can do it then you can as well!' which is true. Also, he doesn't have the time to have some 'heart to heart' with Nick like; 'it's okay my baby, you will be fine' - there are walkers close by and they might attack unless they hurry, I'm sure it's not the perfect time for Luke to give Nick a 'pep talk' hey? Finally, some fans are angry with Luke since they think he 'didn't have a good enough reaction to Nick's death', sure he didn't break down crying but what do you expect from a guy that can, in Nicks words, 'keep moving all the time'? He had a reaction, he looked saddened but do you really think that was the right time or place for Luke to break down crying? Sarah was in the room next door and walkers where closing in, Luke didn't have the luxury of having a reaction. And when people say things like; 'Luke had more of a reaction to Jane's departure than Nick's death' it sort of winds me up, because from what we were shown, yes Luke reacted to Jane leaving much more than Nick's death but does that mean he cared more about getting laid rather than his best friend of 20 years? No, when Jane left Luke had the luxury of reacting since there was no threat of walkers attacking and he wasn't putting their lives in danger by being emotional about it unlike when Nick died, Luke found out where he was in a situation of 'life or death' so he couldn't react. Also, in my opinion, I think Luke was reacting to Nick's death in that scene since Luke might have seen Jane as a source of comfort. The sex made him forget about his worries and made him feel human and forget everything bad that has happened but when Jane leaves that source of comfort is gone, on top of the fact that his best friend had just died along with a girl he tried to save - it wouldn't make you feel very good, would it?
I'm in no way saying Luke is perfect or that he has no flaws, I recognise those flaws but I just think people should give him a break, there are much worse characters out there. The problem with Luke is that he really tried which is more than I can say for some characters, he wanted to be the hero and maybe the problem was that people had high expectations for him because of this but in the end he is only a man. I think a good song for him would be 'Five for fighting - Superman' since it shows a more emotional side to a character who is made out to be some 'hero' yet keeps on failing or feels pressure from it all. (I might have to make a tribute for Luke with this song haha!) But yeah, rant over, just needed to let that one out :P
Sad Luke to match the tone of my little rant:P
Holy crap that's one long post! I read it all! While listening to In The Water... Oh and this thread will never die, we will keep it alive!
But I agree with your little, I mean large rant. I'm really not going to pick it apart and reply to each part so I'm just going to say this:
I think Luke reacted more to Jane leaving because he had sex with her and then she takes off without even saying a word to him, which would make anyone annoyed (I guess Luke doesn't know how one night stands work, I thought he went to college). I think the way he reacted to Nick is normal, that's the way I react when a family member dies (although without the swearing) I then grieve in my own time, which is probably what Luke did because he doesn't want to show he's weak.
Also, I do remember after Luke had sex I did hate him slightly because I find sex disgusting, so I understand where the hate comes from.
I know what you mean, I feel like we lose a Luke fan everyday but it's ok because you and I are still fans and @Lilacsbloom @ABigBadWolf and @InfiniteDawn
Together we will never let the haters take over for we are all hardcore Luke fans! Guys! Whose with me?!
Yeah, I agree with you too:P
I think the haters have already taken over tbh, I've seen a lot of Luke hate in that 'unpopular opinions' thread but it doesn't feel like an unpopular opinion if that many people think it
Yeah I noticed that. I was just like 'Stop hating Luke ;.;' I was starting to think that a lot more people hate Luke than I once thought. I looked back at this thread and the last few pages have really been dominated by you, Lilac and me, so it made me think people say Luke has a lot of fans but they're wrong, he doesn't.
But they still haven't taken over, if this thread keeps coming back, then we will win! Just remember the 7 members in our steam group, they will get us through the hate because our 'riot' will prevail!
Yeah, you know you are a good motivator!
I was in a rubbish mood before but you have made me feel a bit better so thanks:)
Aw, you're welcome. I'm happy to help if you're ever feeling down
Now if I could only listen to my own words XD but thank you. :P
Thank you! Haha, you should just think 'what would I tell Jessica if she was thinking this' and then you can bring yourself out of that anger/upset!
Or you could talk to me and tell me what you feel angry about then I can just be like;
I've tried that kind of thing before but telling myself what I would tell someone doesn't help so I just end up playing a violent game :P
Well I would... but I'd probably only really talk to you on Steam hint, hint (go on steam more often
Playing a violent game ey?;)
Haha, I should go on more often but I don't really use it that much:s
OMG I have 1,000 likes;o random I know but I saw it now and thought wow, when I joined I didn't think I'd get very much support or anything:P
Just made it 1001! Haha, I always look at peoples comment to like ratio, I think it's interesting :P You have good points so I'm not surprised :P
Left 4 Dead. It has guns and zombies what else do I need to vent? ...Probably a human to talk to, but who cares about socialisation when you have zombies!
Yeah, you should go on more often... and talk to me.
It probably sounds weird at this point but I like talking to you. XD
Thanks so do you!
Aw, no it's not weird I like talking to you too! I can go online now but I'm thinking about making a Clem and Luke tribute, eh girls can multi-task can't they:P
Well you see, I can't have both because Left 4 Dead is really loud even when I turn it down XD
Yes. pulls out knife and smiles horrifically Can you come online now? :P I've been making another Irony at the same time as talking to you.
Sure! Haha, I was just looking at the Game of Thrones tag on tumblr (and by that I mean the Jon Snow tag:P) but will come online now!
Luke is love. Luke is life.
Sadly it's all ogre now b/c he's dead
We are the diehard Luke fans and nothing will change that.
Exactly, we'll get through this! All we need is dozens not thousands! XD
We´re worth a billion if we want to.
Luke fans unite!
Hey-ho Luke lovers. I'm back.
And I've been thinking. 'Bout Lukey boy. I think I was too harsh on him in-game. He was trying to be all buddy-buddy with me and I just kept pushing him away, even before Kenny showed up on the scene. Oh, and when episode 4 happened and I lost my shit... I got a lot-harsher that episode.
I feel sorry for the guy. He was trying real hard with my Clem but she never accepted him because of me. Instead we both just ended up sucking up to the one and only Kenny. But in the end, when he was on that frozen lake, I finally pulled my head out of my ass and listened to him. And I covered him, because going over to him was fucking stupid. He knew that, I knew that. Bonnie, you're fucking retarded. But that's okay, Telltale made you do something insanely stupid so that Luke would die.
Anyway, in the end, I couldn't save Luke, but at least I listened to him for once. That's always good. I even tried to break the ice with my gun to save him.
Sure, I didn't care at all when he died, but at least I tried. I could've just been stubborn and refused to break the ice just because I didn't care much for him. But I didn't do that. Just because you are indifferent towards a character doesn't mean you should refuse to help
Unless of course you're Jane. Fuck Jane, IMO. Or someone else I despise, but I don't think there are many characters I despise. I don't really despise Jane, I just wish she'd stayed gone. Because she fucked everything up. Too bad she ended up dead because Kenny was my friend/family. I wasn't going to kill him.
Oh shit, I started rambling. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Luke. Sorry, Luke, for pushing you away so much. I should've been nicer.
Aw that's okay, I'm sure many people felt that way! I just felt quite bad for Luke (even though he isn't real) because he is a nice guy but not that many people like him and they say he is boring ect which sucks because it shows that nice guys don't always win. But oh wells!
They probably did what the people from the show Lost did: Decide the first episode, andthe last episode. Then put monkeys in a room and let them write the middle. Otherwise known as the Useless Chaos Plan. -__-
Just keeping this thread alive for... reasons?
I like reasons.
Reasons are good.
Yes. Yes they are.
Question time, again:
In episode 4, when Luke was talking about Kenny being broken and reckless. How did you respond?
I agreed, because I sided with Luke all the way;)
Also at that point I was mad that Kenny yelled at Clementine (after the episode I calmed down and realised he was just upset) and I knew he was broken from Sarita, there's no denying that. So yeah what Luke said was correct because he is broken but I can understand why, he's lost a lot!
I agreed because I thought he was broken but also because Kenny wasn't present I didn't care about his feelings, I was free to say what I wanted without anyone getting hurt. Any other time I never took a side.
I was the exact opposite.
I told him he was wrong and that Kenny was trying to protect us. I wasn't mad at Kenny for yelling at me. I fucked up when it came down to Sarita and I can't blame him. He's a victim of circumstance, no matter what happens he ends up losing his family. Personally, whatever Luke said, I don't remember the whole conversation since I blocked him out as soon as he mentioned that Kenny was broken and was gonna end up being reckless, I was getting sick of. Everyone was all pulling the same bullshit and saying that Kenny's slowly descending into insanity
Jane: Hey, Clem, look at how much of a burden Kenny is now he's a psycho
Mike: Hey, Clem, Kenny totally flipped his shit with me too
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, Kenny's losing it
Bonnie: Hey, Clem, have you noticed how crazy Kenny's gotten since I last asked you?
Clem: You asked me five seconds ago
Jesus fucking Christ. I don't think I could count how many times a character went "herp derp Kenny's so crazy herp derp". I'd go crazy too if I had to live with a bunch of fucking morons. Hey, Bonnie and Mike, you're both crazy for going with Arvo and leaving AJ, Clem, Kenny and Jane to starve! Kenny's probably the only one who had a level head and made sense during episode 5. If I were him, I would've taken Clem and AJ and left everyone else at that shit pile of a house.
Looking back, all I can do is laugh and then quietly go back to watching this video
Kenny was never a psycho, IMO.
Sorry, I slowly descended into a rant. I should totally make a thread out of this, though.
Well I don't think Kenny was level-headed, he was pretty rash and did things without thinking buttt that's my opinion, I know yours is different.
Yeah maybe you should but I would beware, there's quite a lot of Kenny haters on here and a lot of people don't appreciate those threads because they have been done thousands of times before! (Trust me, I've thought about doing one for Luke but then I remember how much I dislike seeing threads that just ramble on saying 'you can't hate this character...) :P
Eh, screw making a thread. Can't force myself.
Sorry to turn this Luke thread into a brief 'discuss why Kenny wasn't a psychopath' thread, but I geniuenely believe he wasn't. Sure, the writers wanted him to be, but they failed to do so. Just made him come off as a tad aggressive and reckless, but when you stopped to think about it, some of the things he does make sense.
I'm not saying this because I'm a Kenny fan, hell, Kenny ain't a saint, he's an foul-mouth aggressive asshole, but I love him. As a character.
Anyway... (Awkward transition) he was never portrayed as being a psychopath, IMO. But all the characters seemed to point out what I just wasn't seeing in him. Even Luke.