I have a Luke doll!
It was gift from Sialark for my birthday, and was custom made by fangirlmama who makes really beautiful dolls on request:
I freaked out when I first got this little guy through the mail because I had no idea about it. He’s a cutest thing ever. He’s got rips in his jeans and shirt, his machete actually comes out and his hair is so soft! She even painted widdle hairs on his arms, blood splatters and he has these wee little boots too!
Best, gift, EVER! Thanks Sialark!
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That's pretty sick! Very accurate looking too. Just make sure not to drop him in water, it'll ruin everything.
Happy birthday dude!
Oh don't you worry. He'll be staying away from even the ice in my drinks :P
What are you going to do with it?
Sell it?
Hang it on your wall?
Thanks...even though, it was like 11 days ago XD
Freeze it, seems appropriate.
Lol waterproof it. Wrap it in bubble wrap so that it stays dry, and it floats too! And everyone knows zombies' one true weakness is bubble wrap.
Nice, and happy birthday. I myself ordered a Clementine hat a couple days ago, can't wait to get that. Just don't cross any lakes with it.
Lilac... I'm sorry to say but, you're insane. The Luke doll has pushed you over the edge. Welcome to insanity, you won't enjoy it here, it's an awful place and there's no waffles or chocolate...
But anyway that's so awesome @sialark you're the nicest person to ever exist. I also like what you were reading... but the Luke doll looks a little shocked, don't you think? Did you drop him in a sink filled with water? ...Are you going to drop him in a sink filled with water? Because if I got a Luke doll that's the first thing I would do, I would fill up my bath, dig out my old toy boat and put him on the top of it, then the boat would sink taking Luke down with it!!! I'm not evil, I promise.
Happy birthday!
That's really cool, it kind of makes me want to get a Kenny or Lee one.
Uh, actually guys I was thinking of keeping him on my shelve below the mirror in my room and just petting his hair occasionally. >.> I'll sit him next to my laptop sometimes too.
Happy belated Birthday! That Luke doll is awesome:)
Congratulations Bonnie. He's finally yours.
The Michonne one she made is really bad ass too! And yet still adorable!
D'aww, thank you. ^.^
O.o lol uh ok. Reliving the Titanic stuff with how Luke's just like artsy Jack, huh? Never let gooooo!
And you call me crazy? Welcome to insanity Kateis
No, I've been here a long time. Even since... well, ever since I made my first tribute video and wrote something about him... I'm way past insanity at this point. You're only just arriving, you've got a long way to go.
I love how she added the 2 zombies with her. I wonder how Season 2 Kenny would work though, with his eye all messed up.
"Oh bless that sweet heart of yours. You just wait until I get him a cool jacket too! Then folks will be talkin' all bout us and that cool jacket...did I mention I like sayin' cool jackets to y'all?"
Sorry I couldn't resist lol.
XD thanks.
She would definitely be able to do those details. If you wanted to, you could ask her to do him with his messed up eye, and have a leedle removable eyepatch, and pretend to clean it with hydrogen peroxide. XD But seriously, she can do those details if you'd like; just send her some pictures and say so!
AWWWWW! Hes so cute! : D Happy birthday lass!
Bonnie's alive??!?!?!
=D I have a Clem hat, that was a gift too! They're really snug to wear and you feel like a badass with it on.
And I won't, who'd do anything as stupid as that? >.>
So you openly admit you're crazy? Good >.>
I'd be worried if I didn't feel like a badass when I wear it.
Yes... The Walking Dead made me this way, I have spent too long denying it. :P (I'm not kidding)
I know, he even has that cute dead caterpillar and chin stubble. I love it XD and thanks.
I already guessed @InfiniteDawn would be all over this like cute on Clementine
Very nice. I am happy for both of you.
Happy Birthday.
Hehehehe this made me giggle like a little girl! XD
Glad to hear!
Woah! awesome
Hey, are you British or Irish by any chance? You kind of look like it in some of those expressions haha ^-^ 
My sister knew a chick who could make figurines like that with clay, they where really cool.
aah fullhouse
< 3 
heyy! Resident Evil, a book?? :O I didn't know that they were also books
YAAAAS! I saw this on tumblr and thought it was incredibly adorable! I need'a get me one of these!