My Alternate Pizza or Ice Cream Choice: Luke or Nick



  • Gimmie, become a writer!!! Lilac, is it you that has an obsession for chocolate? Or is that just an on-going reference? :P

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Nick: Hey Clem, you're gonna pick me right? Remember the moonshine? That stuff was great weren't it? Like, like how we really bonded and sh

  • bad Tobi! :<
    Funny, but wrong lol ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tobi is not a good boy at all. < Not fair. ;_;

  • Headcanon from a fic. I have a habit of sticking to them >.>

    Kateis posted: »

    Gimmie, become a writer!!! Lilac, is it you that has an obsession for chocolate? Or is that just an on-going reference? :P

  • hahaha ongoing reference it is then :)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Headcanon from a fic. I have a habit of sticking to them >.>

  • I'd go with Luke.

  • Nick. Yeah Luke was more level headed, but he never actually got anything done when you think about it.

  • edited February 2015

    this might be just me but I had honestly no care for Nick. No offence to Nick fans I just dont get why you liked him so much tbh.


    Replayed S2 and saved nick over Pete. Still didnt think the world of him. And told Walter hes like everyone else...


  • Neither, I'd shoot them both.

  • The name of this thread sounds stupid

  • Nick any day. He was the better shot and wasnt as clumsy as Luke.

  • Got nothing better to say, huh?

    Clemenem posted: »

    The name of this thread sounds stupid

  • Nick.

    Because it's Nick.

    He has a bit of Kenny in him. I like it.

  • I just don't get he point of the whole long thread title it could have easily been titled Luke or Nick but whatever. I choose Luke. Despite Nick having a better back story and harsher time in the ZA I liked Luke's chemistry with Clementine in earlier episodes and thought his character was sadly ruined after episode 3

    Got nothing better to say, huh?

  • edited February 2015

    Well the whole "Pizza or Ice Cream" thing started around the time Season 2 was still being made, and that trend started by a Telltale staff. People back then referred to the Kenny/Jane choice as "Pizza or Ice Cream" after Episode 5, so I made my title an eye catcher to get people away from the Kenny and Jane War bullshit. This thread is pretty old anyway.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I just don't get he point of the whole long thread title it could have easily been titled Luke or Nick but whatever. I choose Luke. Despite

  • Definitely Nick.

  • what? Nick is the clumsiest character TWD has seen!

    Nick any day. He was the better shot and wasnt as clumsy as Luke.

  • edited February 2015

    To me Luke had lack of development over the whole season. Nick was probably the most developed character and that was just from the first two episodes.
    That was Season 2's issue. No characters developed at all, which means my care towards these characters had no develop at all.


    But I would have chose Nick.

    Luke. I would have picked Nick if Telltale gave him more development on EP.3 and EP.4

  • Nick performed hand to hand combat with walkers whilst intoxicated...
    That's a pretty neat skill right there.

    what? Nick is the clumsiest character TWD has seen!

  • edited February 2015

    tbh would have been better than what we got, on my first playthrough it felt like I (clem) was basically trying to keep the peace between everyone, and frankly that made it repetitive, and arguing for arguing sake does not make for good character development. However, making an emotional choice is much better, than a heat of the moment decision, which is ultimately what arguments that get out of hand boil down to.

    Which ever way it was set up, it would have been better to take this route than the kenny vs jane route. That being said, I did hear in an interview somewhere that TTG wanted to remind us that Clementine is still a child and cannot control the adults around us, and that she could only intervene the only way she knew how i.e. shooting them. This decision is what screwed the ending for season 2 imo.

    I don't see how a Nick v. Luck decision would be set up though... if it was in the same way as Kenny v. Jane choice had been, I would've gone with Luke. Not because I dislike Nick, but because... c'mon... it's Luke we're talking about hur!

  • More like Trevor and Michael's reaction to each others spoiler cough in GTA5.

    In this case, I think Nick would be pissed you saved him, and then Luke would tell you its okay and just be sad Nick didn't make it. It's kinda like with how the Pete v. Nick choice was, they were both like, "Why'd you choose me!?"

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