Fantasy Walking Dead Couple

Fun thread. What two people would you want to be a couple from Telltale's TWD. You can mix and match the characters from S1&2.

I'll start by saying Carly and Luke.



  • Larry and Brenda St. John.

    Luke and Christa.

    Rhys and Sas-o oh wait :P.

  • Kenny and a boat.

  • Kenny and his Mustache :3

  • Kenny S1 and Kenny S2

    Bonnie and Christa

    Clem and Duck

    Lily and Nick

    Molly and Luke

    Saltick and Crowbar

    Arvo and Sarah

  • edited January 2015

    Molly and Luke

    Lee and Carley

  • Saltick and Crowbar

    We kind of have a Love/Hate relationship, One second we're Bros and the next it's the army vs the gang.............

    supersagig posted: »

    Kenny S1 and Kenny S2 Bonnie and Christa Clem and Duck Lily and Nick Molly and Luke Saltick and Crowbar Arvo and Sarah

  • Lee and Bourbon, if he could

  • edited February 2015

    Clementine and Clementine.

    Lee and Carley.

  • edited February 2015

    Mark and that fence.

  • The fence is cheating on Nick with Mark.

    Mark and that fence.

  • edited February 2015

    The fence is a player. Alt textAlt text

    The fence is cheating on Nick with Mark.

  • Sarita and Carlos omg

  • Kenny and Jane.


  • Yes, nothing says, "I love you," more than a knife to the chest.

    bloop posted: »

    Kenny and Jane. TrueLove

  • edited February 2015

    That was a metaphor of their passionate love making.

    "His knife BURLED into my chest, I lost all senses, except....desire."

    Yes, nothing says, "I love you," more than a knife to the chest.

  • edited February 2015



    Kenny & Luke; they argued like a married couple.

  • Lilacsbloom posted: »

    <.< Hehehe... Kenny & Luke; they argued like a married couple.

  • YES! I wanted to link that but I couldn't find it! XD thank you!

    bloop posted: »

  • Doug and Shel

    Carley and Mike

    Molly and Luke

    Eddie and Lilly

    Nick and Bonnie

  • Danny and Danny.

  • Molly and Jane

    Nate and Lily

    Luke and Christa

    Maybelle and Sam

  • That ship has grown on me a lot tbh.

    Purugly posted: »

    Sarita and Carlos omg

  • edited February 2015

    Nate x Troy otp

    just imagine it

  • Sarah and Arvo.

    Christa and Lee.

    Nick and Jane.

  • this.......was SOOOOOOOO funny. I think this would've made the world go crazy if this is what actually happened.

    bloop posted: »

  • Kenny and Jane.

    So angsty.

  • "His knife BURLED into my chest, I lost all senses, except....desire."

    Sniff So beautiful...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Kenny and Jane. So angsty.

  • I can really see Doug and Shell
    Lily would be pissed off at eddie a lot haha

    Doug and Shel Carley and Mike Molly and Luke Eddie and Lilly Nick and Bonnie

  • edited February 2015

    Luke and Jane

    Lee and Carley

    Doug and Lily(holy crap why)

    Larry and St. Brenda

    Kenny and Nick

    Clementine and Her Blue D baseball cap

  • edited February 2015

    Kenny and Christa. Seriously I 100% ship this and hope it happens.

    They both lost their families, were/are depressed so why not open up to a familiar face after all the hard times wouldn't it be nice to see someone who you thought was dead. In Christa's case she is bitter and heartbroken after the death of Omid and Omid Jr. so I can see her opening up to someone like Kenny, a man who lost his wife and daughter too. I know Kenny and Christa weren't the best of friends in Season One but a lot has changed and they are different people. In Kenny's case he may fall further into insanity and needs someone more then Clem and AJ to pull him back.

    I picture a whole family of Kenny and Christa as the parents, AJ as their son and Clem as AJ's big sister.

  • edited February 2015

    cough purple baseball cap.

    Mich19 posted: »

    Luke and Jane Lee and Carley Doug and Lily(holy crap why) Larry and St. Brenda Kenny and Nick Clementine and Her Blue D baseball cap

  • purple baseball bat.


    Alt text

    cough purple baseball cap.

  • Alt text

    bloop posted: »

    That was a metaphor of their passionate love making. "His knife BURLED into my chest, I lost all senses, except....desire."

  • 50 Shades Of Jenny/Kane

  • I'd honestly watch that.

    bloop posted: »

    50 Shades Of Jenny/Kane

  • 5/10 -IGN

    Too much OTP.

    I'd honestly watch that.

  • Maybe she did have a purple baseball bat huh! You got nothing on me. NOTHING!

    bloop posted: »

    purple baseball bat. *cap

  • Alt text

    Maybe she did have a purple baseball bat huh! You got nothing on me. NOTHING!

  • Surprised there haven't been any Cluke mentions yet... guess my faith in humanity can stay restored for a bit longer.

    Anyway, I thought Carley and Luke wouldn't be a bad pairing

  • Kenny breathed hard as he stared at the woman in front of him. He could vaguely hear Clementine´s cries for their fight to stop but it seemed as if he´d lost control over his own body.

    He was an angry man, no doubt about it. But to this point? Why couldn´t he control himself? Had he finally snapped?

    ´No,´ he thought bitterly, ´it´s not that. But I can´t put my finger on it.´

    She had started it, had she not? Had she not been asking for a fight? He firmly believed so; her actions made him want to vomit. But there was something else. Something he couldn´t identify.

    ´Shit...why does she look so... attractive? I should be angry!´

    He distracted himself by swinging another punch at her that had barely any effect. He felt her pin him down and pierce his missing eyeball with her fingers. It was painful...but strangely pleasurable.

    ´What the fuck is wrong with me?!´

    At that same moment, Jane smirked rather confidently, noticing how flustered he was.

    "Seems like my plan did more wonders than I could have imagined..."

    He stopped for a minute. She had planned this?

    "What the fuck are you on about?!"

    "AJ´s fine...but you´re more than fine..."

    He blinked. Fuck. This was hot. What could it hurt to give it a try?

    A terrified Clementine moved away from the scene and picked up AJ while the couple continued fighting. But she had a feeling the fight had turned slightly different at the end. Afterall, since when did people fighting by eating each other´s faces if they weren´t walkers?

    "Adults are gross, AJ."

    Secret ending: Clementine alone.


    I´m sorry.

    bloop posted: »

    50 Shades Of Jenny/Kane

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