Actually, I only made Harmony refer to Rose as 'Aunt Rose' or 'Aunty Rose' so far. Lyla's the one who calls her Rosey Red, while the others just call her by her normal name.
That was Carla who asked the question about Rose and Harmony, not Lyla. But Lyla herself was just as worried.
Oh, you'll see soon enough. I'm planning on trying to make the dinner scene as dramatic as possible!
I didn't mind the quotes. XD I'm happy you and pie are approving of this!
OMG this was well worth the wait. You make all the cute little stories and they are fun to read! I adore the Smith girls to no end. Rose's … moreinteractions are priceless and its neat to know they refer to her as 'aunt' Rose and welcome her with such big, wide open arms. Another play thing to them, I suppose.
Fayde with Carla. How precious. Nice to see Fayde up and walking around, too. I just love how worried litte Lylsa is. 'Is our dad mad at you and Harmony...' That is so her.
I also love how Gina's secret weapon is water guns; the water fight scene was precious and so Rose! Watch out, T man...that water may not mix very well with the fire! :0 I just loved picturing that!
Gina made a disgusted face. "Ew, Tez! Why are you kissing her when she's all wet? Bleh!"
Tez laughed. "Maybe when you find someone to love, Gina, you'll end up doing the same thing. You'll probably understand once you get older."
"I honestly hope … [view original content]
Unfortunately, age does nasty things to certain people. This is one of the reasons why I'm trying to make Carla as cute as possible, (apart from Lyla) despite some of the nasty stuff she did in your stories.
Yep, I'm going to make that Lyla's main nickname for Rose. I've also made Lyla her call her that in the first part, too.
Harmony's not an adult in this one - in fact, she's still pretty young. I apologize if my previous writes weren't clear about that!
She does indeed, but not in the cliché-sense, if you understand where I'm getting at. :P
As I said to JJ, you'll find out soon. I'm planning on making the dinner dramatic.
Carla immediately looked at Rose. "Did I do good, Rose Red?"
Rose patted her head. "You did an awesome job, Carla."
Oh my swe… moreet, sweet Carla...what happened to you? It's times like these I'm sad to know what a real (excuse the language) bitch she's become as an adult.
Fayde looked at Rose, then kneeled to get a closer look at the wolfling before her. "What's your name, little one?"
"My name's Lyla, and I'm a wolf! Rawr!"
That is so my little Lyla. How precious is she in your stories. I appreciate the adorableness you managed to capture of the girls on what information I've given you and from past reads.
Rosey Red. ^.^ That just made my freakin' day, man!
Rose made raspberry sounds to get the water out of her mouth. "Seriously, Harm? Phhfff, you teamed up with Gina to ambush me with toy water guns? Phhfff."
Team Wolf, baby! Love that; I adore how Harm, although an adult woman, can still … [view original content]
Georgie takes a quick shower and returns to the living room with his grandchildren and wife. Lyla takes one of the bags containing the breast milk, adds it to warm water and heats the babies' meal. All four, waiting patiently for their milk, kicks and thrashes in their seat. Lyla notices tiny bumps in Liam's mouth. Taking her index finger, Lyla skims the top and bottom.
"Love, woot are ya' doin'?"
"His teeth are coming in. I wonder if either Gren or Emily know this..."
"He's only a month old." Georgie prys open Liam's mouth. "I mean....oh....why? He's so young?"
Lyla tests the milk. A little longer. "Grendels develop a lot quicker then most Fable babies. RJ did the same thing when he was a baby; Swineheart had to teach me on certain traits they go through. He told me, YEARS ago in the Homelands, the males would develop quicker. It had to do with mating, ranking in the tribe, dominance. The usual behaviors...."
"Normal?" Georgie bounces the boy in his lap. "I'm not sure 'normal' is the right fookin' word 'ere. So, what does that bloody mean fa' Seraphina than? She's a Grendel."
"Females develop slower and when they're ready, it will happen. The usual female issues: breast development, hormones, peri-"
"Stop!" Gerogie holds out his hand. "Oh god....don't let me fookin' relive that again."
Laughing, Lyla rinses out four bottle in warm water. Georgie peers down at the three girls, all reaching for his love and attention. Georgie first picks Seraphina up. The little girl places her chubby checks against his face. They were warm to the touch. She coos and babbles, trying to communicate to her papa. Georgie beams.
"I know, right? Tell me all about it, love."
"Pppfbbbbt gaaaaah pfffbbbbt." Seraphina waves her hand. "Pfffbttt pllsshpt"
"I agree with ya', love. Ya' know, papa used ta' think the same thing, too."
Seraphina giggles, as Georgie picks up little Chloe. In her human form, he gapes at the little girl in the pastal yellow dress. She looked identical to his Emily; same jaw line, facial structure and the 'look' everyone associates the Porgie children with. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown; thick, full eye lashes and a radiant smile. Georgie suddenly went back into time for a brief moment. He was holding his newborn Emily. An identical copy to himself.
Chloe chews on her fist and smiles a toothless grin up at Georgie. "Ya' look so much like ya' mutha, baby."
"Abbaba pffpt agatameme?"
"Yes. Just like mommy...well, ya' got ya' daddy's big ass ears."
"Georgie!" Lyla checks the milk's temperature with her arm. "Don't say that! Gren does not have big ears and neither do the babies."
"But Lyla, he DOES! They are like, THIS and-"
"Well, than YOU have a big ass noggin. I HAD to push that out once. Remember that."
Georgie kisses Chloe on the forehead. "Ya' nana. She has this stories, love....I'm sure you'll know woot I'm talkin' 'bout when ya' be older."
He places Chloe beside her brother and sister, leans forward and snatches up the final baby. His little lemon pie. Her blonde curls bounced as Georgie placed her securely in his arms. Her eyes were a deep, emerald green and had the same pouty look as her mother. Georgie glared deep into the little girl's eyes. She looked so familiar. Like he'd seen her somewhere in a previous time.
Lyla noticed Georgie's silent tone, looked over and watched as he craddled the little blonde girl and played with the other three. She smiles, walks over to the couch and hands each of the babies their bottles. Lyla holds Georgie's hand as their grandchildren eat their meals.
"I may need to mush up some hamburger meat for Liam. If he's getting teeth, milk won't be enough."
"Katherine and Penelope got their teeth around,, eight months?"
"Around there, yes. But they are Wolves, sweetie. Not Grendels."
Georgie examines Liam's quick intake of the milk. Within minutes, it was gone and the boy searched eagerly for more.
"See? He's still hungry. I'll be back. I'll mix it with more milk. THAT should fill him up and-"
Lyla pauses to glance over at Viviana. The little girl, sitting perfectly upright on a pillow, sucked on the nipple and drank her milk. Lyla extends her finger and rubs the right side of her neck. Georgie notices her strange behavior, kneels beside Viviana and looks over at Lyla.
"Woot is it, love?"
"Did you notice this bump right here, Georgie?"
"Woot bump?" Georgie touches the same spot. "Oh fook. I didn't even notice-"
"Did she fall? Get bit by something while outside?"
Georgie shrugs. "I'm not sure, love. It doesn't seem ta' be hurtin' her while you-"
Both concerned for the sudden apperance of the baby's neck, they continue to rub the bump. Lyla pushes gently down. Viviana glares over but nothing. No tears, screams or sense of agony detected from the little girl. Lyla looks closer and notices a faint purple color towards the back.
"What on earth is this...." Lyla leans closer, squints her eyes and stares at the mark. "What is this, sweetie?"
Georgie looks as well. "Woot on earth? She must have fallen when we had our backs turned to fetch Liam. Or, maybe she bumped her little neck into the tree and-"
"No no." Lyla reaches her finger and thumb towards Viviana's neck. "I had her away from trees and fences. She couldn't have...."
Lyla attempts to move the little girl's hair back and search further along her back. Behind her neck, however, the purple color darkens and is more apparent near the bottom of her head. Lyla's fingers flick the area and notice a loose purple thread. Assuming it was part of the dress, Lyla places it between her finger and thumb and pulls. Suddenly, Viviana stops drinking, drops the bottle and her eyes turn a solid milky color.
Georgie sits up immediatly. "Lyla, no! Stop!"
Georgie's words did not make it in time; before long, Lyla pulls the thread and exposes the material beneath her skin. Vivana does not bat an eye lash, nor does she make a noise. Her smile remains on her face, as she reaches for the bottle and continues to drink. Standing beside Georgie, however, both are startled and concerned for the baby.
"Woot the fook is that thing, Lyla?!"
"Its....a ribbon. A purple ribbon...."
Emily and Gren did not care about their jobs or what would happen. All they knew, was their little girl had a purple ribbon around her neck. Gren knew what that meant. So did Emily. She knew the stories; Vivian told her countless times and even the words from the mouths of other Fables. Remove the ribbon and the head comes right off. That's all Emily and Gren could see: one of the other babies, not knowing, grabs and yanks off.
Peter would cover Gren's place; Ethan was still in his office and had no idea of the serious matter that was bestowed upon Gren. Emily was still in her uniform. It didn't matter. Nothing was as significant as reaching to her daughter before it was too late. Wrapping her jacket around her torso, Emily leaps into the truck and heads to her parent's place.
She's the first to arrive. Emily does not bother closing the door; running up the stairs and pounding on the door, Emily trembles in place and begins to pray. Something she had not done in a long time.
"Please, please, please be alright, love...please..."
Lyla is the one to open the door. Emily pushes back, runs to the living room and scoops up her daughter. There, wrapped around her neck, is a purple ribbon. Just like the one Vivian was cursed with all those years ago.
"No..." Emily could feel the tears. "No...HOW!? How the fuck is this possible!? No...." Emily kicks over a lamp. "I'll kill her! I'll fookin' KILL Vivian meself and-"
"Vivian?" Georgie's voice was a mix of surprise and exasperation. "The fook ya' mean, Vivian!? Woot does SHE have ta' do with-"
Emily needed to come clean. "Dad. Vivian has guardian angel now for some time and-"
"Emily, what are you saying?" Lyla grabs her daughter's arms. "That Vivian is responsible for-"
"Because she was assigned ta' look afta' ME, everything that could have gone wrong didn't. She's the reason me and Gren are togetha'. SHE'S the reason why Viviana HAS this apperance. Why, I'm assuming....the ribbon. But....why, Vivian? Why-"
Georgie slams his fist into the wall, causing the other three to cry in fear. "That fookin' bitch!"
"Georgie, enough! Stop-"
"No!" Georgie points at Emily. "Ya' tell that fookin' whore ta' get away from YOU and ta' get away from them! NOW!"
"Dad, stop!" Emily clings to Viviana. "Ya' can't JUST make her go away! She's me guardian! She's with me until the day I die! Like Nick is to you and-"
"Nick neva' cursed me kids with his bullshit! Ya' know woot will happen ta' her if it get's pulled off!?"
Tears stream down Emily's face. "I do...I fookin' KNOW the story, dad!"
"Call Swineheart!" Georgie points to Lyla. "Please! Call him and see woot he can do! Maybe a Witch can-"
Gren runs inside the home and notices his daughter's condition. Running over, he rubs Viviana's head and kisses her cheeks. The little girl chuckles and grabs Gren's face, holding tight. While doing so, Gren also notices the sultry outfit his fiancee is wearing. Although the jacket covers most of the top, the bottom is still revealing. He'd inquire about Emily's 'job' later; right now, his concern was his daughter and what this meant for her in the future.
"You said Vivian was helping!"
"She IS, Gren! She-"
"Does THIS look like she's fuckin' helpin' us, Emily?!"
The babies continue to cry; Gren grabs Chloe, while Georgie holds Seraphina and Lyla takes Liam into her arms.
"She didn't mean ta' do this, Gren! Ya' can't go blamin' her, please!"
"Then who!?" Gren snarls his answer. "You..."
"I didn't fookin' ask fa' this, Gren!" Emily hisses back. "I didn't know she'd do this ta' one of me kids! Ya' can't go blamin' me for woot she did! Vivian was ME guardian, not the girls. WHY its on Viviana-"
Gren holds the baby close to his neck. "Does it...will it...her head-"
"We don't know, Gren." Lyla wipes her eyes. "We...we have not tried and-"
"We need to." Gren pauses to look at his daughter. "We....we need to-"
"NO!" Emily pounds Gren's chest with her fists. "Don't! don't you do that, Gren! Please! Woot if its JUST like Vivian and-"
"Look at me, Emily!" Gren hands Viviana to Lyla. He grabs tightly onto Emily, now drowning in tears. "We NEED to know now. What if we fuckin' wait and she's a toddler...teen. An adult woman...I'd rather lose her now, than years down the road. As sick as this sounds, Emily. Please...WE need to know..."
Emily inhales. She feels weak. Sick to her stomach. Emily's head spins with all the possibilities to pulling off her ribbon. Gren was right; as awful as his suggestion sounds, it had to be done. They needed to know now.
With a heavy heart, Emily agrees. Georgie and Lyla stand back, as Gren, hands shaking uncontrolably, holds out Viviana. The little girl sucks on her thumb, as Emily and Gren each take a side. Gren lowers his head; Emily feels the hot tears fall and land all along her forehead and brow.
"Ready, Emily..."
"No...." Emily tugs at the ribbon. "But we need to know..."
Together, Emily and Gren pull the ribbon and prepare for the worst. Instead, both are shocked by what sits in Gren's arms.
Emily covers her mouth. "Oh my fookin' God..."
Gren is stunned. "What the hell....Viviana...."
Georgie and Lyla, lost for words, could only surround Emily and Gren. In his hand, now chewing on her foot, was Viviana in her true form. A Cerberus like creature.
Pie asked me the same type of question in the past, and the answer is... no.
And since I haven't really gone into detail behind Rose and Tez's 'sex life', I'll do it in this comment.
After they met for the first time and soon started to express their passionate love for each other. Rose made it clear to him she wanted to play it safe, meaning that she doesn't want to have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies whatsoever.
Even though that every once in a while, Tez tries his hardest to persuade Rose that starting a family isn't all bad. However, in my story's timeline, they've been together for about a year - so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
Sorry if I disappointed you and the others about that regard, Stone.
so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
OMG! Babies a maybe down the road and-
-dodges a beer bottle- 'AH shut the fook UP, Pie! Kids take woot life ya' got! Tez, protect ya'self and neva' let a gal like Rose stick her claws inta' ya' and....oh, who the fook am I playin'....I love me babies.' -cries softly-
Pie asked me the same type of question in the past, and the answer is... no.
And since I haven't really gone into detail behind Rose and … moreTez's 'sex life', I'll do it in this comment.
After they met for the first time and soon started to express their passionate love for each other. Rose made it clear to him she wanted to play it safe, meaning that she doesn't want to have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies whatsoever.
Even though that every once in a while, Tez tries his hardest to persuade Rose that starting a family isn't all bad. However, in my story's timeline, they've been together for about a year - so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
Sorry if I disappointed you and the others about that regard, Stone.
Goddamn it Pudding you had me worried man! Gah! Don't you do that to me! It was so sweet in the beginning too and then you had to go and tickle feels! Had me too spooked Of course I'll be waiting for the next part with eagerness as always XD
Georgie takes a quick shower and returns to the living room with his grandchildren and wife. Lyla takes one of the bags containing the breas… moret milk, adds it to warm water and heats the babies' meal. All four, waiting patiently for their milk, kicks and thrashes in their seat. Lyla notices tiny bumps in Liam's mouth. Taking her index finger, Lyla skims the top and bottom.
"Love, woot are ya' doin'?"
"His teeth are coming in. I wonder if either Gren or Emily know this..."
"He's only a month old." Georgie prys open Liam's mouth. "I mean....oh....why? He's so young?"
Lyla tests the milk. A little longer. "Grendels develop a lot quicker then most Fable babies. RJ did the same thing when he was a baby; Swineheart had to teach me on certain traits they go through. He told me, YEARS ago in the Homelands, the males would develop quicker. It had to do with mating, ranking in the tribe, dominance. The usual behaviors...."
"Normal?" Georgie… [view original content]
The comeback story was interesting and seeing Nick inan Armageddon like enviroment was a nice touch. I agree with the others; Death showing some emotion is indeed interesting but I'm never too quick to except this change. I've got my eye on your, death. Perhaps his emotions are from the heart (or, whatever death has...) and he DOES feel for Nick and his loss. Lyra with the Wolf family was his only choice; although, Mary,
I did, however, have a moment where I cheered Nick on; not for returning to his 'monster' ways but seeing how poerful he truly is. and Blossom. I adore her. She's my fav.
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
You don't have to worry about Death... But Nick? Well, you'll have to wait and see
The thrill of granting death and knowing over a 1000 different ways to deliver it, Nick can't just walk away from what he was bred to do. He can hide it and keep it in check as long as he wants, but eventually, it will manifest itself...
The comeback story was interesting and seeing Nick inan Armageddon like enviroment was a nice touch. I agree with the others; Death showing … moresome emotion is indeed interesting but I'm never too quick to except this change. I've got my eye on your, death. Perhaps his emotions are from the heart (or, whatever death has...) and he DOES feel for Nick and his loss. Lyra with the Wolf family was his only choice; although, Mary,
I did, however, have a moment where I cheered Nick on; not for returning to his 'monster' ways but seeing how poerful he truly is. and Blossom. I adore her. She's my fav.
so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
OMG! Babies a maybe down the … moreroad and-
-dodges a beer bottle- 'AH shut the fook UP, Pie! Kids take woot life ya' got! Tez, protect ya'self and neva' let a gal like Rose stick her claws inta' ya' and....oh, who the fook am I playin'....I love me babies.' -cries softly-
Pie asked me the same type of question in the past, and the answer is... no.
And since I haven't really gone into detail behind Rose and … moreTez's 'sex life', I'll do it in this comment.
After they met for the first time and soon started to express their passionate love for each other. Rose made it clear to him she wanted to play it safe, meaning that she doesn't want to have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies whatsoever.
Even though that every once in a while, Tez tries his hardest to persuade Rose that starting a family isn't all bad. However, in my story's timeline, they've been together for about a year - so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
Sorry if I disappointed you and the others about that regard, Stone.
Apparently, that's what I'm good at. I didn't mean to startle you, though; this idea was bouncing around my head now for DAYS and wasn't sure how to incorporate the ribbon....I have my plans for the quads, though. I'd never kill one off like that, though I can see WHY you'd think that...:( Glad you're enjoying.
Goddamn it Pudding you had me worried man! Gah! Don't you do that to me! It was so sweet in the beginning too and then you had to go and tickle feels! Had me too spooked Of course I'll be waiting for the next part with eagerness as always XD
I thought a person of his background can only hide certain things for so long. I wonder how this plays out, considering you mentioned he falls into a depression....
It's Lyra dude, you said Lyla :P
You don't have to worry about Death... But Nick? Well, you'll have to wait and see
The thrill of gra… morenting death and knowing over a 1000 different ways to deliver it, Nick can't just walk away from what he was bred to do. He can hide it and keep it in check as long as he wants, but eventually, it will manifest itself...
Force of habit, I suppose. xD
I thought a person of his background can only hide certain things for so long. I wonder how this plays out, considering you mentioned he falls into a depression....
Too good! As soon as Emily and Gren gripped the ribbon I literally had to stop and think to myself "Oh man, this is like Vivian from the actual game all over again I don't know if I can do this! " XD because I really liked her character and Viviana is already my favorite I got super spooked but it turns out she's a cerberus creature so it's all good
Apparently, that's what I'm good at. I didn't mean to startle you, though; this idea was bouncing around my head now for DAYS and wasn't su… morere how to incorporate the ribbon....I have my plans for the quads, though. I'd never kill one off like that, though I can see WHY you'd think that...:( Glad you're enjoying.
Oh okay; I assumed it meant the whole depression thing would happen in THIS tale but I guess it makes sense, seeing as all this CAN send someone to return to their old ways.
Ahhh you misunderstand my friend!!!
The whole:
* Nick has depression
* Emily and Lyla are close to him
* Gren and Georgie are like… more brothers to him
That is a completely different story which I will start once this one finishes!!
Also the ending to this story.... Be prepared for something less than happy...
Oh okay; I assumed it meant the whole depression thing would happen in THIS tale but I guess it makes sense, seeing as all this CAN send someone to return to their old ways.
I'm prepared. I've BEEN prepared.
And now knowing that Harmony can actually manipulate time - I bet Charlotte is thinking somewhere (assuming that she can still move and think when time literally stops) "Curse it all! I thought I was the only one with time powers! FUU-"
Anyway, this was absolutely sweet, no doubt about it. I'll be reading your recent chap eventually!
Tim and Harmony's vacation: Day One.
It took approximately 8 hours for the plane to arrive in London's airport. Harmony had been meaning … moreto make a visit to the UK, to meet some other British-accented people (There were only a handful between Fabletown and the Farm, and she really did fancy the sound of it.) and to see how things ran differently compared to the United States.
Of course, she'd have to deal with her currently jet-lagged husband. She slept most of the ride peacefully, as Mary had gone so far as to buy them first class tickets. Harmony sincerely had to do something nice in return, like call Mary and ask her to join them through the mirrors or something. For now though, she was content with finding her hotel room and dragging her sleeping husband all over the place.
London was very picturesque, with it's lovely architecture and buzzing city life. Harmony never thought she would ride in a double-decker bus, but today was he… [view original content]
OMG! I adore Georgie and Lyla to no end! They are my favorite couple on this thread! Lyla's kind soul, mixed with Georgie's rough yet beautiful soul. OMG! Him with the babies! It was a shock, to say the least, when I 1st read your story and thought 'no WAY he can be a good father...' But I was wrong! So very wrong! He's so good to his children AND grandchildren!!!
"Its....a ribbon. A purple ribbon...."
Oh what the hell...0.o WTF is going on.....
Gren also notices the sultry outfit his fiancee is wearing.
Now is NOT the time, GREN!!!! >:0 Deal with that later!!!! OH man....but the things he'll say......
"We need to." Gren pauses to look at his daughter. "We....we need to-"
Oh no, Pie...its Vivian all over again!!
"Look at me, Emily!" Gren hands Viviana to Lyla. He grabs tightly onto Emily, now drowning in tears. "We NEED to know now. What if we fuckin' wait and she's a toddler...teen. An adult woman...I'd rather lose her now, than years down the road. As sick as this sounds, Emily. Please...WE need to know..."
This was tough. I had to take a moment and think. At 1st, I was mad; what parent would consider pulling a magical ribbon from their child's neck, if it meant losing their head? But then I thought, he's right; as sick as it sounds, losing her now would be devestating but not like if she was a teen or older. The memories you've created. She's just a month oold here. I know what Gren means....I can't be mad at him....
Together, Emily and Gren pull the ribbon
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.....
Georgie and Lyla, lost for words, could only surround Emily and Gren. In his hand, now chewing on her foot, was Viviana in her true form. A Cerberus like creature.! :0 Oh shit! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH shit, shit, shit, shit!!!! Viviana is a Cerberus creature! A Wolf on steroids! So, when they pull the ribbon she turns into this? So, is she like this forever now or will she turn back? And Vivian....what will she think!?!
This is getting really good, pie! I almost drove to your place, if Viviana was killed off!!! I love her!! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Georgie takes a quick shower and returns to the living room with his grandchildren and wife. Lyla takes one of the bags containing the breas… moret milk, adds it to warm water and heats the babies' meal. All four, waiting patiently for their milk, kicks and thrashes in their seat. Lyla notices tiny bumps in Liam's mouth. Taking her index finger, Lyla skims the top and bottom.
"Love, woot are ya' doin'?"
"His teeth are coming in. I wonder if either Gren or Emily know this..."
"He's only a month old." Georgie prys open Liam's mouth. "I mean....oh....why? He's so young?"
Lyla tests the milk. A little longer. "Grendels develop a lot quicker then most Fable babies. RJ did the same thing when he was a baby; Swineheart had to teach me on certain traits they go through. He told me, YEARS ago in the Homelands, the males would develop quicker. It had to do with mating, ranking in the tribe, dominance. The usual behaviors...."
"Normal?" Georgie… [view original content]
"We'll Celeste it's a beautiful baby girl." Swineheart said handing the baby to Celeste. Makoto stood there and smiled.
"She looks just like you." He smiled
"Yeah but she's got her father's hair color it seems!" She laughed. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked
"If you don't mind darling." He smiled.
Celeste handed him their child, it was at that moment he smiled but felt great sadness that he was leaving the next day to find his father and stop whatever he was doing. He wanted to stay here and help Celeste, he wanted to stay and hold their child longer, he started to tear up.
"I'm sorry little one." He started to cry "Daddys going to be gone for a bit but I'll be back....I promise." He said with tears coming down his eyes. He came to a realization on what to name her. "Ella I promise I'll always protect you and your mother and nothing will stop me....not even death himself."
Celeste didn't know what to say, she was scared that he could never come back to them but he always does. He always lives to his word....
The next day...
While Makoto slept he heard strange voices....
Momento Mori....You are only mortal......the voices rang
He woke up in a cold was the day...
Makoto kissed Celeste and Little Ella before he left to meet Dewitt and Mary by the portal to the homelands. Celeste didn't want him to leave but she knew he had to go. He made sure to promise he'd be back no matter what and she believed him. Before he left to the portal he made sure to buy flowers and chocolates for her, to make sure she knows he cares. He didn't know what to expect from the homelands as he's never been there, but Bigby did tell him stories of when he was younger and how he raised himself. When Makoto got to the portal he saw Dewitt and Mary.
"She's not coming right?" Makoto asked
"No of course not, she just wanted to say bye before you left." He said
Mary hugged him tight. "You two come home safe okay? I'm serious." She actually looked serious for once.
"Of course I promise." Makoto nodded. "You ready?" He asked Dewitt
Dewitt nodded. As they walked in they could hear Mary shouting "I love you guys....." her voice was gone when they went in.
On the other side....
The Homelands didn't look so good....There were fires everywhere villagers running rampant from the undead army Luke had sent out. Makoto gripped his fist and started moving toward the tower with Dewitt alongside him....What they didn't notice was rustling bushes wherever they went...
That's it! Small chapter for today! I would post a picture of the P3 protagonist with his thumb up and say comment and such but I'm feeling really lazy today XD Dragon picture is almost done as well!
A lot of dialogue, enjoy.
Chapter 10, Alliance
It would seem that the Fable and Mundy violence have settled down over the passed few… more hours, but not entirely. The news have broken out across the globe and by now and people all over are already taking action in severally other countries.
Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Fables are seen attacking Mundies in the area. Japan military are no match for them.
Saint. Petersburg, Russia. A Dragon is seen terrorizing the city.
London, England. Hobgoblins ravaging through the streets attacking people.
Toronto, Canada. Wendigo's are going on a killing spree.
And more of this occurring throughout the globe.
What Gargoth have sent into play may not be able to be fixed by members of the Thirteenth Floor or anyone else of that matter. The damage done was cut deep and is possible, unrepeatable. This could be the begin of Armageddon, one might say.
Robby, Meg and Georgie have defeated the … [view original content]
What is it with infinite beings - such as Death, or the North Wind - being so unhelpful with their emotions and motives. If they were just a bit more clear a whole load of bother could probably be saved. No wonder Nick is experiencing a lapse in his self-control with Death sending Lyra off to Bigby and Snow.
The description of Nick killing the cannibals really highlighted the ferocity and almost beastial nature he keeps in check; to say you haven't written for a while, this chapter was very readable!
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
Death is testing Nick to see if he has truly changed, but is also willing to do what he has to to get her back... So basically, Nick has to defeat his siblings for their thievery and get Lyra back whilst not letting the monster out at the same time...
Of course when the monster is let loose, it takes the right things to calm Nick down. So far those things include distressed children, Mary and eventually as Nick discovers, Lyla's protesting
I'm getting started on the next chapter today, I took inspiration for that cannibal death scene from Hellsing Ultimate when Alucard kills Luke Valentine
What is it with infinite beings - such as Death, or the North Wind - being so unhelpful with their emotions and motives. If they were just a… more bit more clear a whole load of bother could probably be saved. No wonder Nick is experiencing a lapse in his self-control with Death sending Lyra off to Bigby and Snow.
The description of Nick killing the cannibals really highlighted the ferocity and almost beastial nature he keeps in check; to say you haven't written for a while, this chapter was very readable!
Heheh this chapter was great. XD JJ and Pie seem to have most of it covered, but I can certainly agree with everyone else and say it was worth the wait. We always need Tezoth and Rose on this thread; and maybe even smaller Tezoths and Roses, should they decide upon that in the future.
It took me a little longer to get through the events in the Smith household as expected. So for those that have been reading, you guys can l… moreook forward to the actual dinner in the next part of chapter 8!
Chapter 8, Part 2: Ambushed
"So, uh, Rose Red? Um, can I ask you a question?"
Rose continues on walking and nods her head. "What's on your mind, Carla?"
"Is our dad mad at you and Harmony? Because, me and Lyla started worrying when she started crying... And it made us cry, that's why we were hiding in the closet. I hope she's feeling alright..."
Rose sighed. "Just try and forget -whatever you heard or saw- ever happened, okay? Everything's fine. It's just been a little rough day for me, is all, and probably your dad too."
"Okay..." Carla said while she looked at Lyla.
Rose quickly changed the subject. "Besides us meeting Dragon Tez soon, do you two want to see a new 'friend' I've made today?"
Lyla's eyes widened. "Oooo… [view original content]
Heheh this chapter was great. XD JJ and Pie seem to have most of it covered, but I can certainly agree with everyone else and say it was wor… moreth the wait. We always need Tezoth and Rose on this thread; and maybe even smaller Tezoths and Roses, should they decide upon that in the future.
I'm sorry but....that profile picture, dude. xD Is it from that SAME image you showed me earlier?? lol
Like I said to Tetra, I'd never kill off one of the quads. I have plans for all of them in their future. Right now, just a taste of what is to come and leaves you all thinking...:3 And in the next section, I'll explain the ribbon situation. Gren and Emily will not be pleased with Vivian...
The misses felt the same way with Gren's decisions but she agreed.
OMG! I adore Georgie and Lyla to no end! They are my favorite couple on this thread! Lyla's kind soul, mixed with Georgie's rough yet beauti… moreful soul. OMG! Him with the babies! It was a shock, to say the least, when I 1st read your story and thought 'no WAY he can be a good father...' But I was wrong! So very wrong! He's so good to his children AND grandchildren!!!
"Its....a ribbon. A purple ribbon...."
Oh what the hell...0.o WTF is going on.....
Gren also notices the sultry outfit his fiancee is wearing.
Now is NOT the time, GREN!!!! >:0 Deal with that later!!!! OH man....but the things he'll say......
"We need to." Gren pauses to look at his daughter. "We....we need to-"
Oh no, Pie...its Vivian all over again!!
"Look at me, Emily!" Gren hands Viviana to Lyla. He grabs tightly onto Emily, now drowning in tears. "We NEED to know now. What if we fuckin' wait and she's a toddler...teen. An ad… [view original content]
A lot of dialogue, enjoy.
Chapter 10, Alliance
It would seem that the Fable and Mundy violence have settled down over the passed few… more hours, but not entirely. The news have broken out across the globe and by now and people all over are already taking action in severally other countries.
Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Fables are seen attacking Mundies in the area. Japan military are no match for them.
Saint. Petersburg, Russia. A Dragon is seen terrorizing the city.
London, England. Hobgoblins ravaging through the streets attacking people.
Toronto, Canada. Wendigo's are going on a killing spree.
And more of this occurring throughout the globe.
What Gargoth have sent into play may not be able to be fixed by members of the Thirteenth Floor or anyone else of that matter. The damage done was cut deep and is possible, unrepeatable. This could be the begin of Armageddon, one might say.
Robby, Meg and Georgie have defeated the … [view original content]
"Did you have lots of adventures before I was born?" Charlotte's head rested in the crook of Harmony's shoulder as they read a bedtime story… more together. The other children were being corralled by Tim in the room next door, but it was nice and quiet in this one, and Charlotte took this time to ask her favorite grandmother some questions that boggled her little mind.
"Oh," Harmony said, in that same, motherly cooing voice. "Of course I've been on lots of adventures."
"What kinds?" The girl's voice chirped, as she pulled her blankie over her feet. It was chilly from the terrible wind storm outside. It only served to make Charlotte curl closer to Harmony's body.
Harmony chuckled softly, the kind of tired chuckle most parents have at the end of the day. She ran her hands over Charlotte's hair and began rattling a few off. "Well, it was an adventure in itself to find Fabletown," She told her granddaughter. "And there was the time me and Aunt… [view original content]
so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
OMG! Babies a maybe down the … moreroad and-
-dodges a beer bottle- 'AH shut the fook UP, Pie! Kids take woot life ya' got! Tez, protect ya'self and neva' let a gal like Rose stick her claws inta' ya' and....oh, who the fook am I playin'....I love me babies.' -cries softly-
This may have been short but packs an emotional punch. The birth of Ella and the (in my opinion) joyous news that she has taken after Makoto in the hair department, the goodbye to Celeste that might be forever (though we now know it won't be ^_^), and the sad realisation that Mary will have to go on without Dewitt.
And after reading those words and experiencing that emotion I find out that you're too lazy to put up a picture! Dude!
Nahh, it's okay really, you ride that lazy train. XD Looking forward to the picture!
Time passes....After Celeste gives birth.
"We'll Celeste it's a beautiful baby girl." Swineheart said handing the baby to Cel… moreeste. Makoto stood there and smiled.
"She looks just like you." He smiled
"Yeah but she's got her father's hair color it seems!" She laughed. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked
"If you don't mind darling." He smiled.
Celeste handed him their child, it was at that moment he smiled but felt great sadness that he was leaving the next day to find his father and stop whatever he was doing. He wanted to stay here and help Celeste, he wanted to stay and hold their child longer, he started to tear up.
"I'm sorry little one." He started to cry "Daddys going to be gone for a bit but I'll be back....I promise." He said with tears coming down his eyes. He came to a realization on what to name her. "Ella I promise I'll always protect you and your mother and nothing will stop me....not even death himse… [view original content]
Gren sat on the floor, Viviana before him. The little girl returned to normal. And Gren found out just how. Each time someone pulled the ribbon, it disappeared and either she'd change to her Ceberus creature or her human form. After five minutes, the ribbon returned. Gren pulled it off each time.
Lyla brewed some coffee while Georgie paced in the kitchen. Rubbing his head and trying to understand, Georgie mumbled to himself. Lyla could hear him say 'Vivian' and bitch' in the same sentence every few seconds. Georgie sat on the chair and stared blankly towards the table.
"Sweetie, you want sugar and cream with your coffee?"
Georgie shakes his head. "I can't fookin' believe it...Vivian. Muthafookin' around MY daughter and now cursed MY granddaughter with that bullshit!"
"Stop it!" Lyla slams his cup down, nearly spilling some coffee onto the table. "You NEED to relax and let this go! WE are the grandparents-NOT her mother and father! Can you imagine what Emily and Gren are feeling right now? You can not blame Vivian, Georgie! Don't blame her-"
"There is a bloody goddamn ribbon around her neck-"
"-WHICH does nothing but change her look, Georgie! Her head is fine; none of the other babies are affected by this or their parents. We are fine! The world didn't end! So she's a three headed dog from hell? Viviana-"
Georgie kicks the chair half way across the kitchen. Lyla, terrified, backs into the wall. "Vivian has no goddamn reason for bein' around my child! Emily does not deserve this! She was fine! She was-"
Lyla was in tears. "Fine?! Emily was FINE, Georgie? We were losing our daughter to drugs! To violence! The Pudding n' Pie took our precious, sweet little girl and turned her into a vicious creature I did not like! She overdosed FOUR times, Georgie! FOUR! We found her, face down in her own vomit, bleeding from both her nose AND ears! She overdosed on cocaine, meth and drank six bottles of STRAIGHT Tequila!"
Georgie grabs his wife's arms. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes too. "Lyla, love-"
Lyla continued. "Emily was knocking on Death's door, Georgie. She became YOU. Became the next Georgie Porgie of this town, like the Witch told us when she was born; we all thought it was the style and the look until she turned all changed, Georgie. We lost our daughter. Emily picked up where you left off all those years ago...."
"Love, I know." Georgie presses his nose to Lyla's forehead. "I fookin' hate myself fa' givin' her my cursed side..."
"It was never your fault, Georgie." Lyla's body heaves, as tears pour from her eyes. "I never blamed you for what she did. Those were her choices...but I will not blame Vivian. She looked after our Emily. She's the reason Emily is alive. Why we have those four little babies in there. Why Gren is not six feet under because we found him hanging in his apartment...because we had to bury...we had to...."
Lyla buries her face into Georgie's chest. They both crumble to the ground; Georgie rocks back and forth, as he holds Lyla close. Suddenly, all the visions of Emily's past came flooding back to Georgie's mind. The first time they rushed Emily to Swineheart over the drugs. Needles found under her bed and bathroom. The time Emily lived under their roof for a couple of months because Lyla would rather her die in bed than on the streets alone. All the things Georgie used to do all those years ago.
"Please Georgie." Lyla's voice shakes. "Don't blame Vivian. She's helped Emily. That ribbon is not hurting her. She's fine..."
Georgie sniffs and tries to chuckle. "Now that's woot I call a Werewolf..."
Lyla returns with a faint smile and giggle. "My father will have fun running in the woods with her now."
Georgie and Lyla remain on the floor. No words were exchanged about Viviana, Vivian or anything from the past. Keeping quiet, Georgie returns to rocking his wife, as Lyla latches on tightly with a loving embrace. Their world sowly returning to normal.
But for how long?
Gren and Emily returned to their home with the quads. Emily thanked her parents; Swineheart was called immediatly and was heading to the Grendel's home. Although nothing critical to her health or the others, Emily and Gren were still concerned. Arriving to their home, Emily immediatly exits the truck and enters the home. Vivian, like always, is sitting on the couch.
"Emily." The blonde haired woman notices the indignant look. "What is the matter?"
"You!" Emily points, causing Vivian to sink deeper into the sofa. "Ya' cursed me daughter with that fookin' purple ribbon!"
"What!?" Vivian's eyes dart back and forth. "No! That cant be-they promised me-"
"The fook?" Emily is still. "What do ya' mean-WHO promised ya', Vivian?"
Vivian is drawn to tears, falling to the floor and weeps heavily. She shields her face from the world; Gren enters the home, carrying the three and allowing Viviana to float beside him. Gren notices Emily standing in front of the couch.
"Is she there?"
"Well, what the fuck is her excuse now, huh? An accident?"
Emily glares back. "I'm TRYIN' ta figure that out, love!"
Gren places Liam, Seraphina and Chloe on the floor. Viviana floats to the carpet, lands beside her siblings and begins to play. The ribbon was visible now and permanently attatched to her neck. Vivian looks over.
"She's fine!" Vivian stands up and is joyous. "Oh my God-Emily, I thought when you said that-"
"Ya' best start talkin', ya' fookin' invisible bitch or so help me-I'll send ya' arse back ta' the bloody heavens fa' woot ya' did ta' me daughter..."
"Emily just....wait. Please-"
Gren stands beside Emily. His face appeared vexed and mournful at the same time. "Well, the fuck did she say?"
"Gren, I swear ta' God-ask me one more time-"
"I ain't got time for this fuckin' shit, Emily! Your 'guardian' has left a fuckin' ribbon on her goddamn neck! And now, when we fuckin' pull it, she turns into a Cerberus creature and-"
Vivian's eyes are wide. "No...he didin't..."
"WHO didn't, Vivian!?" Emily pulls back the strands of loose hair dangling in her face. "STOP beatin' 'round the fookin' bush, woman and tell me woot the fook is-"
Emily is interjected by Swineheart. "Hello Emily. Grendel. I hope I'm not intruding on a dire conversation but I hear miss Viviana needed to see me immediatly."
Emily walks away from Vivian. She'd be dealt with later. Holding up her daughter, Emily shows Swineheart the ribbon. Tugging on the ends, Swineheart pulls the material off the baby's neck and with a flash of bright, white light to follow, looks down and finds the Cerberus creature. All three heads have their tongues out, panting and yipping for the doctor's attention. He smiles.
"Well, now. What have we here..."
"Is it bad, doctor? I mean, nothin' else happens ta' her OR the others."
"She's fine Emily. Grendel. Your daughter was blessed with this wonderful little gift and-"
"Blessed?" Gren steps in. "THIS is not a fuckin' blessing, doc. My daughter-"
"-Is in one piece, Grendel. Her head did not fall to the ground and neither of the others seem to notice their sister's condition. You two are still standing, no one has died because of this...I can honestly say she's fine and there is no need to worry about little Viviana. Count yourselves lucky it wasn't the EXACT curse Vivian had years ago. What a tragic thing."
"So, for the rest of her life-"
Swineheart picks up his bag. "She'll be fine. Teach her and the others NOT to pull the ribbon in public. Her gift is special and should remain as such. It sppears that after some time, she returns to normal and another ribbon replaces the last. Just like Seraphina with her ability to kill plants, Chloe's transformation into a Wolf and Liam with his usual male Gerndel abilities. Each special in their own way. You both ARE Fables, afterall, with a dash of mundy and Folker in there, too...Remember that."
Gren was still convinced it was a curse. "But Vivian-"
"I'm sure can explain." Swineheart looks around. "Rumor has it the young woman lurks in your home. A 'friend' to you, Emily. I'd ask her about the ribbon and why. From what I've seen, Vivian has taken a liking to her copy. Perhaps there is a reason. Have you two seen a Witch about-"
"No." Gren steps towards Swineheart. "I'm not fuckin' believing a damn thing they tell me. MY kids are fine and no dead bitch or Porgie bullshit will tell me otherwise."
Swineheart simply smiles. "Well, it's your call, Grendel. I'll see you both in a month, if nothing else comes up."
"Thank you, doctor." Emily follows behind to shut the door. "I appreciate the help..."
Closing the door, Emily turns to face Gren. His back is turned, right arm pressed against the wall and feet sprawled to the side. Emily heads for her fiancee, now mumbling to himself.
"Gren..." Emily reaches out a hand. "Sweetie, look at me-"
"Why the fuck do you do that?"
Emily was confused. "Do woot, love?"
"THAT. Every fucking TIME I make a suggestion, about ANYTHING, you fuckin' shoot me from the sky. I have EVERY right to think this fuckin' bullshit is a curse and-"
"But its NOT a curse, Gren! Are the others cursed, too?"
"No." Gren walks away and looks around the living room. "Where are you, Vivian!? Huh? Come on out of here, you fuckin' bitch! COME OUT HERE and explain to us WHY she's got that fuckin ribbon around her neck!"
Vivian peeks around the corner. She could not hide. There was no point. Even in death, she remained silent and afraid. No more. Stepping forward, Vivian stands before Gren. A blast of cool air to his face indicated she was there.
"Talk." Gren leans forward. "Tell us WHY, Vivian. If you want to fuckin' help us, now is your chance..."
Vivian inhales deeply before she speaks. "Hades..."
Emily is stunned. "Woot? Hades..."
Gren looks behind him and at Emily. "Hades? That guy in hell or whatever it is now? What the fuck does he-"
Vivian continues. "Hades. And the more you pull off that ribbon, the more it calls him from the depths of the Underwolrd and into our own world."
"Ya' mean, Hades-"
Vivian nods. "Like your father to your mother, Gren to you and the others...their fates are set in stone. Hades has CLAIMED Vivian for his own. And my ribbon...." Vivian pauses to cry. ".....Is the only thing keeping her soul with you both right now..."
Any questions, you know the drill. I'm loving what I have planned for the quads. Being as Emily, Peter and Ethan are the final Porgie kids to cover, I want to go out with a BANG. Peter and Ethan are involved in their own way; I'll cover more as the chapters go on. The quads' fates are all meshed together. Same with the apperance of Thomas. How? Well, that's for me to know and you all to find out.
Please let the answer be yes XD
How so?
The fact that Death itself can feel love for a creation it would happily call it's son?
I guess so :P
It's on page 128 if you haven't read it already.
Yeah, I was expecting something else. Lol
I like giving depth to characters that you think you know
Actually, I only made Harmony refer to Rose as 'Aunt Rose' or 'Aunty Rose' so far. Lyla's the one who calls her Rosey Red, while the others just call her by her normal name.
That was Carla who asked the question about Rose and Harmony, not Lyla. But Lyla herself was just as worried.
Oh, you'll see soon enough. I'm planning on trying to make the dinner scene as dramatic as possible!
I didn't mind the quotes. XD I'm happy you and pie are approving of this!
Unfortunately, age does nasty things to certain people.
This is one of the reasons why I'm trying to make Carla as cute as possible, (apart from Lyla) despite some of the nasty stuff she did in your stories.
Yep, I'm going to make that Lyla's main nickname for Rose. I've also made Lyla her call her that in the first part, too.
Harmony's not an adult in this one - in fact, she's still pretty young. I apologize if my previous writes weren't clear about that!
She does indeed, but not in the cliché-sense, if you understand where I'm getting at. :P
As I said to JJ, you'll find out soon. I'm planning on making the dinner dramatic.
Georgie takes a quick shower and returns to the living room with his grandchildren and wife. Lyla takes one of the bags containing the breast milk, adds it to warm water and heats the babies' meal. All four, waiting patiently for their milk, kicks and thrashes in their seat. Lyla notices tiny bumps in Liam's mouth. Taking her index finger, Lyla skims the top and bottom.
"Love, woot are ya' doin'?"
"His teeth are coming in. I wonder if either Gren or Emily know this..."
"He's only a month old." Georgie prys open Liam's mouth. "I mean....oh....why? He's so young?"
Lyla tests the milk. A little longer. "Grendels develop a lot quicker then most Fable babies. RJ did the same thing when he was a baby; Swineheart had to teach me on certain traits they go through. He told me, YEARS ago in the Homelands, the males would develop quicker. It had to do with mating, ranking in the tribe, dominance. The usual behaviors...."
"Normal?" Georgie bounces the boy in his lap. "I'm not sure 'normal' is the right fookin' word 'ere. So, what does that bloody mean fa' Seraphina than? She's a Grendel."
"Females develop slower and when they're ready, it will happen. The usual female issues: breast development, hormones, peri-"
"Stop!" Gerogie holds out his hand. "Oh god....don't let me fookin' relive that again."
Laughing, Lyla rinses out four bottle in warm water. Georgie peers down at the three girls, all reaching for his love and attention. Georgie first picks Seraphina up. The little girl places her chubby checks against his face. They were warm to the touch. She coos and babbles, trying to communicate to her papa. Georgie beams.
"I know, right? Tell me all about it, love."
"Pppfbbbbt gaaaaah pfffbbbbt." Seraphina waves her hand. "Pfffbttt pllsshpt"
"I agree with ya', love. Ya' know, papa used ta' think the same thing, too."
Seraphina giggles, as Georgie picks up little Chloe. In her human form, he gapes at the little girl in the pastal yellow dress. She looked identical to his Emily; same jaw line, facial structure and the 'look' everyone associates the Porgie children with. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown; thick, full eye lashes and a radiant smile. Georgie suddenly went back into time for a brief moment. He was holding his newborn Emily. An identical copy to himself.
Chloe chews on her fist and smiles a toothless grin up at Georgie. "Ya' look so much like ya' mutha, baby."
"Abbaba pffpt agatameme?"
"Yes. Just like mommy...well, ya' got ya' daddy's big ass ears."
"Georgie!" Lyla checks the milk's temperature with her arm. "Don't say that! Gren does not have big ears and neither do the babies."
"But Lyla, he DOES! They are like, THIS and-"
"Well, than YOU have a big ass noggin. I HAD to push that out once. Remember that."
Georgie kisses Chloe on the forehead. "Ya' nana. She has this stories, love....I'm sure you'll know woot I'm talkin' 'bout when ya' be older."
He places Chloe beside her brother and sister, leans forward and snatches up the final baby. His little lemon pie. Her blonde curls bounced as Georgie placed her securely in his arms. Her eyes were a deep, emerald green and had the same pouty look as her mother. Georgie glared deep into the little girl's eyes. She looked so familiar. Like he'd seen her somewhere in a previous time.
Lyla noticed Georgie's silent tone, looked over and watched as he craddled the little blonde girl and played with the other three. She smiles, walks over to the couch and hands each of the babies their bottles. Lyla holds Georgie's hand as their grandchildren eat their meals.
"I may need to mush up some hamburger meat for Liam. If he's getting teeth, milk won't be enough."
"Katherine and Penelope got their teeth around,, eight months?"
"Around there, yes. But they are Wolves, sweetie. Not Grendels."
Georgie examines Liam's quick intake of the milk. Within minutes, it was gone and the boy searched eagerly for more.
"See? He's still hungry. I'll be back. I'll mix it with more milk. THAT should fill him up and-"
Lyla pauses to glance over at Viviana. The little girl, sitting perfectly upright on a pillow, sucked on the nipple and drank her milk. Lyla extends her finger and rubs the right side of her neck. Georgie notices her strange behavior, kneels beside Viviana and looks over at Lyla.
"Woot is it, love?"
"Did you notice this bump right here, Georgie?"
"Woot bump?" Georgie touches the same spot. "Oh fook. I didn't even notice-"
"Did she fall? Get bit by something while outside?"
Georgie shrugs. "I'm not sure, love. It doesn't seem ta' be hurtin' her while you-"
Both concerned for the sudden apperance of the baby's neck, they continue to rub the bump. Lyla pushes gently down. Viviana glares over but nothing. No tears, screams or sense of agony detected from the little girl. Lyla looks closer and notices a faint purple color towards the back.
"What on earth is this...." Lyla leans closer, squints her eyes and stares at the mark. "What is this, sweetie?"
Georgie looks as well. "Woot on earth? She must have fallen when we had our backs turned to fetch Liam. Or, maybe she bumped her little neck into the tree and-"
"No no." Lyla reaches her finger and thumb towards Viviana's neck. "I had her away from trees and fences. She couldn't have...."
Lyla attempts to move the little girl's hair back and search further along her back. Behind her neck, however, the purple color darkens and is more apparent near the bottom of her head. Lyla's fingers flick the area and notice a loose purple thread. Assuming it was part of the dress, Lyla places it between her finger and thumb and pulls. Suddenly, Viviana stops drinking, drops the bottle and her eyes turn a solid milky color.
Georgie sits up immediatly. "Lyla, no! Stop!"
Georgie's words did not make it in time; before long, Lyla pulls the thread and exposes the material beneath her skin. Vivana does not bat an eye lash, nor does she make a noise. Her smile remains on her face, as she reaches for the bottle and continues to drink. Standing beside Georgie, however, both are startled and concerned for the baby.
"Woot the fook is that thing, Lyla?!"
"Its....a ribbon. A purple ribbon...."
Emily and Gren did not care about their jobs or what would happen. All they knew, was their little girl had a purple ribbon around her neck. Gren knew what that meant. So did Emily. She knew the stories; Vivian told her countless times and even the words from the mouths of other Fables. Remove the ribbon and the head comes right off. That's all Emily and Gren could see: one of the other babies, not knowing, grabs and yanks off.
Peter would cover Gren's place; Ethan was still in his office and had no idea of the serious matter that was bestowed upon Gren. Emily was still in her uniform. It didn't matter. Nothing was as significant as reaching to her daughter before it was too late. Wrapping her jacket around her torso, Emily leaps into the truck and heads to her parent's place.
She's the first to arrive. Emily does not bother closing the door; running up the stairs and pounding on the door, Emily trembles in place and begins to pray. Something she had not done in a long time.
"Please, please, please be alright, love...please..."
Lyla is the one to open the door. Emily pushes back, runs to the living room and scoops up her daughter. There, wrapped around her neck, is a purple ribbon. Just like the one Vivian was cursed with all those years ago.
"No..." Emily could feel the tears. "No...HOW!? How the fuck is this possible!? No...." Emily kicks over a lamp. "I'll kill her! I'll fookin' KILL Vivian meself and-"
"Vivian?" Georgie's voice was a mix of surprise and exasperation. "The fook ya' mean, Vivian!? Woot does SHE have ta' do with-"
Emily needed to come clean. "Dad. Vivian has guardian angel now for some time and-"
"Emily, what are you saying?" Lyla grabs her daughter's arms. "That Vivian is responsible for-"
"Because she was assigned ta' look afta' ME, everything that could have gone wrong didn't. She's the reason me and Gren are togetha'. SHE'S the reason why Viviana HAS this apperance. Why, I'm assuming....the ribbon. But....why, Vivian? Why-"
Georgie slams his fist into the wall, causing the other three to cry in fear. "That fookin' bitch!"
"Georgie, enough! Stop-"
"No!" Georgie points at Emily. "Ya' tell that fookin' whore ta' get away from YOU and ta' get away from them! NOW!"
"Dad, stop!" Emily clings to Viviana. "Ya' can't JUST make her go away! She's me guardian! She's with me until the day I die! Like Nick is to you and-"
"Nick neva' cursed me kids with his bullshit! Ya' know woot will happen ta' her if it get's pulled off!?"
Tears stream down Emily's face. "I do...I fookin' KNOW the story, dad!"
"Call Swineheart!" Georgie points to Lyla. "Please! Call him and see woot he can do! Maybe a Witch can-"
Gren runs inside the home and notices his daughter's condition. Running over, he rubs Viviana's head and kisses her cheeks. The little girl chuckles and grabs Gren's face, holding tight. While doing so, Gren also notices the sultry outfit his fiancee is wearing. Although the jacket covers most of the top, the bottom is still revealing. He'd inquire about Emily's 'job' later; right now, his concern was his daughter and what this meant for her in the future.
"You said Vivian was helping!"
"She IS, Gren! She-"
"Does THIS look like she's fuckin' helpin' us, Emily?!"
The babies continue to cry; Gren grabs Chloe, while Georgie holds Seraphina and Lyla takes Liam into her arms.
"She didn't mean ta' do this, Gren! Ya' can't go blamin' her, please!"
"Then who!?" Gren snarls his answer. "You..."
"I didn't fookin' ask fa' this, Gren!" Emily hisses back. "I didn't know she'd do this ta' one of me kids! Ya' can't go blamin' me for woot she did! Vivian was ME guardian, not the girls. WHY its on Viviana-"
Gren holds the baby close to his neck. "Does it...will it...her head-"
"We don't know, Gren." Lyla wipes her eyes. "We...we have not tried and-"
"We need to." Gren pauses to look at his daughter. "We....we need to-"
"NO!" Emily pounds Gren's chest with her fists. "Don't! don't you do that, Gren! Please! Woot if its JUST like Vivian and-"
"Look at me, Emily!" Gren hands Viviana to Lyla. He grabs tightly onto Emily, now drowning in tears. "We NEED to know now. What if we fuckin' wait and she's a toddler...teen. An adult woman...I'd rather lose her now, than years down the road. As sick as this sounds, Emily. Please...WE need to know..."
Emily inhales. She feels weak. Sick to her stomach. Emily's head spins with all the possibilities to pulling off her ribbon. Gren was right; as awful as his suggestion sounds, it had to be done. They needed to know now.
With a heavy heart, Emily agrees. Georgie and Lyla stand back, as Gren, hands shaking uncontrolably, holds out Viviana. The little girl sucks on her thumb, as Emily and Gren each take a side. Gren lowers his head; Emily feels the hot tears fall and land all along her forehead and brow.
"Ready, Emily..."
"No...." Emily tugs at the ribbon. "But we need to know..."
Together, Emily and Gren pull the ribbon and prepare for the worst. Instead, both are shocked by what sits in Gren's arms.
Emily covers her mouth. "Oh my fookin' God..."
Gren is stunned. "What the hell....Viviana...."
Georgie and Lyla, lost for words, could only surround Emily and Gren. In his hand, now chewing on her foot, was Viviana in her true form. A Cerberus like creature.
"Son of a bitch...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
OMG I'll literally scream like a girl if you tell me yes!!
Pie asked me the same type of question in the past, and the answer is... no.
And since I haven't really gone into detail behind Rose and Tez's 'sex life', I'll do it in this comment.
After they met for the first time and soon started to express their passionate love for each other. Rose made it clear to him she wanted to play it safe, meaning that she doesn't want to have to deal with any unwanted pregnancies whatsoever.
Even though that every once in a while, Tez tries his hardest to persuade Rose that starting a family isn't all bad. However, in my story's timeline, they've been together for about a year - so you guys may see something about Rose actually getting persuaded to have unprotected sex and stuff.
Sorry if I disappointed you and the others about that regard, Stone.
Appreciate it.
OMG! Babies a maybe down the road and-
-dodges a beer bottle- 'AH shut the fook UP, Pie! Kids take woot life ya' got! Tez, protect ya'self and neva' let a gal like Rose stick her claws inta' ya' and....oh, who the fook am I playin'....I love me babies.' -cries softly-
Goddamn it Pudding you had me worried man! Gah! Don't you do that to me! It was so sweet in the beginning too and then you had to go and tickle feels! Had me too spooked
Of course I'll be waiting for the next part with eagerness as always XD
The comeback story was interesting and seeing Nick inan Armageddon like enviroment was a nice touch. I agree with the others; Death showing some emotion is indeed interesting but I'm never too quick to except this change. I've got my eye on your, death. Perhaps his emotions are from the heart (or, whatever death has...) and he DOES feel for Nick and his loss. Lyra with the Wolf family was his only choice; although, Mary,
I did, however, have a moment where I cheered Nick on; not for returning to his 'monster' ways but seeing how poerful he truly is. and Blossom. I adore her. She's my fav.
It's Lyra dude, you said Lyla :P
You don't have to worry about Death... But Nick? Well, you'll have to wait and see
The thrill of granting death and knowing over a 1000 different ways to deliver it, Nick can't just walk away from what he was bred to do. He can hide it and keep it in check as long as he wants, but eventually, it will manifest itself...
No problem Dragon
And, for Tez's sake, hope to have a family.
I understand lol. Initially I was going to make Draco and Viera have 6 kids at first, but instead settled for one. For now..
Apparently, that's what I'm good at.
I didn't mean to startle you, though; this idea was bouncing around my head now for DAYS and wasn't sure how to incorporate the ribbon....I have my plans for the quads, though. I'd never kill one off like that, though I can see WHY you'd think that...:( Glad you're enjoying. 
Force of habit, I suppose. xD
I thought a person of his background can only hide certain things for so long. I wonder how this plays out, considering you mentioned he falls into a depression....
Ahhh you misunderstand my friend!!!
The whole:
That is a completely different story which I will start once this one finishes!!
Also the ending to this story.... Be prepared for something less than happy...
Too good! As soon as Emily and Gren gripped the ribbon I literally had to stop and think to myself "Oh man, this is like Vivian from the actual game all over again I don't know if I can do this! " XD because I really liked her character and Viviana is already my favorite I got super spooked but it turns out she's a cerberus creature so it's all good
Oh okay; I assumed it meant the whole depression thing would happen in THIS tale but I guess it makes sense, seeing as all this CAN send someone to return to their old ways.
I'm prepared. I've BEEN prepared.
Oh ho ho... you will not be prepared for the finale of this story...
Although I think I will continue it tomorrow as I really want to get started on the Nick and Lyla partnership I have planned :P
To those of you reading this, Nick and Lyla do not become a thing! It's all to do with a parallel universe
Harmony listens to dubstep? Whaaaat?
And now knowing that Harmony can actually manipulate time - I bet Charlotte is thinking somewhere (assuming that she can still move and think when time literally stops) "Curse it all! I thought I was the only one with time powers! FUU-"
Anyway, this was absolutely sweet, no doubt about it. I'll be reading your recent chap eventually!
OMG! I adore Georgie and Lyla to no end! They are my favorite couple on this thread! Lyla's kind soul, mixed with Georgie's rough yet beautiful soul.
OMG! Him with the babies! It was a shock, to say the least, when I 1st read your story and thought 'no WAY he can be a good father...' But I was wrong! So very wrong! He's so good to his children AND grandchildren!!! 
Oh what the hell...0.o WTF is going on.....
Now is NOT the time, GREN!!!! >:0 Deal with that later!!!! OH man....but the things he'll say......
Oh no, Pie...its Vivian all over again!!
This was tough. I had to take a moment and think. At 1st, I was mad; what parent would consider pulling a magical ribbon from their child's neck, if it meant losing their head? But then I thought, he's right; as sick as it sounds, losing her now would be devestating but not like if she was a teen or older. The memories you've created. She's just a month oold here. I know what Gren means....I can't be mad at him....
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.....! :0 Oh shit! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH shit, shit, shit, shit!!!! Viviana is a Cerberus creature! A Wolf on steroids! So, when they pull the ribbon she turns into this? So, is she like this forever now or will she turn back? And Vivian....what will she think!?!
This is getting really good, pie! I almost drove to your place, if Viviana was killed off!!! I love her!! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thanks! I started writing the first part of her Fabletown story today.
Time passes....After Celeste gives birth.
"We'll Celeste it's a beautiful baby girl." Swineheart said handing the baby to Celeste. Makoto stood there and smiled.
"She looks just like you." He smiled
"Yeah but she's got her father's hair color it seems!" She laughed. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked
"If you don't mind darling." He smiled.
Celeste handed him their child, it was at that moment he smiled but felt great sadness that he was leaving the next day to find his father and stop whatever he was doing. He wanted to stay here and help Celeste, he wanted to stay and hold their child longer, he started to tear up.
"I'm sorry little one." He started to cry "Daddys going to be gone for a bit but I'll be back....I promise." He said with tears coming down his eyes. He came to a realization on what to name her. "Ella I promise I'll always protect you and your mother and nothing will stop me....not even death himself."
Celeste didn't know what to say, she was scared that he could never come back to them but he always does. He always lives to his word....
The next day...
While Makoto slept he heard strange voices....
Momento Mori....You are only mortal......the voices rang
He woke up in a cold was the day...
Makoto kissed Celeste and Little Ella before he left to meet Dewitt and Mary by the portal to the homelands. Celeste didn't want him to leave but she knew he had to go. He made sure to promise he'd be back no matter what and she believed him. Before he left to the portal he made sure to buy flowers and chocolates for her, to make sure she knows he cares. He didn't know what to expect from the homelands as he's never been there, but Bigby did tell him stories of when he was younger and how he raised himself. When Makoto got to the portal he saw Dewitt and Mary.
"She's not coming right?" Makoto asked
"No of course not, she just wanted to say bye before you left." He said
Mary hugged him tight. "You two come home safe okay? I'm serious." She actually looked serious for once.
"Of course I promise." Makoto nodded. "You ready?" He asked Dewitt
Dewitt nodded. As they walked in they could hear Mary shouting "I love you guys....." her voice was gone when they went in.
On the other side....
The Homelands didn't look so good....There were fires everywhere villagers running rampant from the undead army Luke had sent out. Makoto gripped his fist and started moving toward the tower with Dewitt alongside him....What they didn't notice was rustling bushes wherever they went...
That's it! Small chapter for today! I would post a picture of the P3 protagonist with his thumb up and say comment and such but I'm feeling really lazy today XD Dragon picture is almost done as well!
Don't worry Lupine I got you covered! XD
Damn hobgoblins! The scale of Gargoth's upheaval is impressive, and it's exciting to think of which other Fables might have joined the frey.
Tough times indeed! And the twist of Omniaax momentarily joining forces to take down Gargoth was unexpected!
What is it with infinite beings - such as Death, or the North Wind - being so unhelpful with their emotions and motives. If they were just a bit more clear a whole load of bother could probably be saved. No wonder Nick is experiencing a lapse in his self-control with Death sending Lyra off to Bigby and Snow.
The description of Nick killing the cannibals really highlighted the ferocity and almost beastial nature he keeps in check; to say you haven't written for a while, this chapter was very readable!
Death is testing Nick to see if he has truly changed, but is also willing to do what he has to to get her back... So basically, Nick has to defeat his siblings for their thievery and get Lyra back whilst not letting the monster out at the same time...
Of course when the monster is let loose, it takes the right things to calm Nick down. So far those things include distressed children, Mary and eventually as Nick discovers, Lyla's protesting
I'm getting started on the next chapter today, I took inspiration for that cannibal death scene from Hellsing Ultimate when Alucard kills Luke Valentine
Heheh this chapter was great. XD JJ and Pie seem to have most of it covered, but I can certainly agree with everyone else and say it was worth the wait.
We always need Tezoth and Rose on this thread; and maybe even smaller Tezoths and Roses, should they decide upon that in the future. 
It's mostly Rose's decision thus far, I'll most likely go into that after the dinner chapter I'm brainstorming.
I'm sorry but....that profile picture, dude. xD Is it from that SAME image you showed me earlier?? lol
Like I said to Tetra, I'd never kill off one of the quads. I have plans for all of them in their future. Right now, just a taste of what is to come and leaves you all thinking...:3 And in the next section, I'll explain the ribbon situation. Gren and Emily will not be pleased with Vivian...
The misses felt the same way with Gren's decisions but she agreed.
Oh yeah, isn't Argula Lydia's sister as well? Surprised this is only halfway done too, damn!
Damn, Char! Hope ya feel better, girl!
Maybe more of past memories with Harm or any other good company will help relax her?
She is her half sister.
Holy crap, this made my day XD
This may have been short but packs an emotional punch. The birth of Ella and the (in my opinion) joyous news that she has taken after Makoto in the hair department, the goodbye to Celeste that might be forever (though we now know it won't be ^_^), and the sad realisation that Mary will have to go on without Dewitt.
And after reading those words and experiencing that emotion I find out that you're too lazy to put up a picture! Dude!
Nahh, it's okay really, you ride that lazy train. XD Looking forward to the picture!
Gren sat on the floor, Viviana before him. The little girl returned to normal. And Gren found out just how. Each time someone pulled the ribbon, it disappeared and either she'd change to her Ceberus creature or her human form. After five minutes, the ribbon returned. Gren pulled it off each time.
Lyla brewed some coffee while Georgie paced in the kitchen. Rubbing his head and trying to understand, Georgie mumbled to himself. Lyla could hear him say 'Vivian' and bitch' in the same sentence every few seconds. Georgie sat on the chair and stared blankly towards the table.
"Sweetie, you want sugar and cream with your coffee?"
Georgie shakes his head. "I can't fookin' believe it...Vivian. Muthafookin' around MY daughter and now cursed MY granddaughter with that bullshit!"
"Stop it!" Lyla slams his cup down, nearly spilling some coffee onto the table. "You NEED to relax and let this go! WE are the grandparents-NOT her mother and father! Can you imagine what Emily and Gren are feeling right now? You can not blame Vivian, Georgie! Don't blame her-"
"There is a bloody goddamn ribbon around her neck-"
"-WHICH does nothing but change her look, Georgie! Her head is fine; none of the other babies are affected by this or their parents. We are fine! The world didn't end! So she's a three headed dog from hell? Viviana-"
Georgie kicks the chair half way across the kitchen. Lyla, terrified, backs into the wall. "Vivian has no goddamn reason for bein' around my child! Emily does not deserve this! She was fine! She was-"
Lyla was in tears. "Fine?! Emily was FINE, Georgie? We were losing our daughter to drugs! To violence! The Pudding n' Pie took our precious, sweet little girl and turned her into a vicious creature I did not like! She overdosed FOUR times, Georgie! FOUR! We found her, face down in her own vomit, bleeding from both her nose AND ears! She overdosed on cocaine, meth and drank six bottles of STRAIGHT Tequila!"
Georgie grabs his wife's arms. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes too. "Lyla, love-"
Lyla continued. "Emily was knocking on Death's door, Georgie. She became YOU. Became the next Georgie Porgie of this town, like the Witch told us when she was born; we all thought it was the style and the look until she turned all changed, Georgie. We lost our daughter. Emily picked up where you left off all those years ago...."
"Love, I know." Georgie presses his nose to Lyla's forehead. "I fookin' hate myself fa' givin' her my cursed side..."
"It was never your fault, Georgie." Lyla's body heaves, as tears pour from her eyes. "I never blamed you for what she did. Those were her choices...but I will not blame Vivian. She looked after our Emily. She's the reason Emily is alive. Why we have those four little babies in there. Why Gren is not six feet under because we found him hanging in his apartment...because we had to bury...we had to...."
Lyla buries her face into Georgie's chest. They both crumble to the ground; Georgie rocks back and forth, as he holds Lyla close. Suddenly, all the visions of Emily's past came flooding back to Georgie's mind. The first time they rushed Emily to Swineheart over the drugs. Needles found under her bed and bathroom. The time Emily lived under their roof for a couple of months because Lyla would rather her die in bed than on the streets alone. All the things Georgie used to do all those years ago.
"Please Georgie." Lyla's voice shakes. "Don't blame Vivian. She's helped Emily. That ribbon is not hurting her. She's fine..."
Georgie sniffs and tries to chuckle. "Now that's woot I call a Werewolf..."
Lyla returns with a faint smile and giggle. "My father will have fun running in the woods with her now."
Georgie and Lyla remain on the floor. No words were exchanged about Viviana, Vivian or anything from the past. Keeping quiet, Georgie returns to rocking his wife, as Lyla latches on tightly with a loving embrace. Their world sowly returning to normal.
But for how long?
Gren and Emily returned to their home with the quads. Emily thanked her parents; Swineheart was called immediatly and was heading to the Grendel's home. Although nothing critical to her health or the others, Emily and Gren were still concerned. Arriving to their home, Emily immediatly exits the truck and enters the home. Vivian, like always, is sitting on the couch.
"Emily." The blonde haired woman notices the indignant look. "What is the matter?"
"You!" Emily points, causing Vivian to sink deeper into the sofa. "Ya' cursed me daughter with that fookin' purple ribbon!"
"What!?" Vivian's eyes dart back and forth. "No! That cant be-they promised me-"
"The fook?" Emily is still. "What do ya' mean-WHO promised ya', Vivian?"
Vivian is drawn to tears, falling to the floor and weeps heavily. She shields her face from the world; Gren enters the home, carrying the three and allowing Viviana to float beside him. Gren notices Emily standing in front of the couch.
"Is she there?"
"Well, what the fuck is her excuse now, huh? An accident?"
Emily glares back. "I'm TRYIN' ta figure that out, love!"
Gren places Liam, Seraphina and Chloe on the floor. Viviana floats to the carpet, lands beside her siblings and begins to play. The ribbon was visible now and permanently attatched to her neck. Vivian looks over.
"She's fine!" Vivian stands up and is joyous. "Oh my God-Emily, I thought when you said that-"
"Ya' best start talkin', ya' fookin' invisible bitch or so help me-I'll send ya' arse back ta' the bloody heavens fa' woot ya' did ta' me daughter..."
"Emily just....wait. Please-"
Gren stands beside Emily. His face appeared vexed and mournful at the same time. "Well, the fuck did she say?"
"Gren, I swear ta' God-ask me one more time-"
"I ain't got time for this fuckin' shit, Emily! Your 'guardian' has left a fuckin' ribbon on her goddamn neck! And now, when we fuckin' pull it, she turns into a Cerberus creature and-"
Vivian's eyes are wide. "No...he didin't..."
"WHO didn't, Vivian!?" Emily pulls back the strands of loose hair dangling in her face. "STOP beatin' 'round the fookin' bush, woman and tell me woot the fook is-"
Emily is interjected by Swineheart. "Hello Emily. Grendel. I hope I'm not intruding on a dire conversation but I hear miss Viviana needed to see me immediatly."
Emily walks away from Vivian. She'd be dealt with later. Holding up her daughter, Emily shows Swineheart the ribbon. Tugging on the ends, Swineheart pulls the material off the baby's neck and with a flash of bright, white light to follow, looks down and finds the Cerberus creature. All three heads have their tongues out, panting and yipping for the doctor's attention. He smiles.
"Well, now. What have we here..."
"Is it bad, doctor? I mean, nothin' else happens ta' her OR the others."
"She's fine Emily. Grendel. Your daughter was blessed with this wonderful little gift and-"
"Blessed?" Gren steps in. "THIS is not a fuckin' blessing, doc. My daughter-"
"-Is in one piece, Grendel. Her head did not fall to the ground and neither of the others seem to notice their sister's condition. You two are still standing, no one has died because of this...I can honestly say she's fine and there is no need to worry about little Viviana. Count yourselves lucky it wasn't the EXACT curse Vivian had years ago. What a tragic thing."
"So, for the rest of her life-"
Swineheart picks up his bag. "She'll be fine. Teach her and the others NOT to pull the ribbon in public. Her gift is special and should remain as such. It sppears that after some time, she returns to normal and another ribbon replaces the last. Just like Seraphina with her ability to kill plants, Chloe's transformation into a Wolf and Liam with his usual male Gerndel abilities. Each special in their own way. You both ARE Fables, afterall, with a dash of mundy and Folker in there, too...Remember that."
Gren was still convinced it was a curse. "But Vivian-"
"I'm sure can explain." Swineheart looks around. "Rumor has it the young woman lurks in your home. A 'friend' to you, Emily. I'd ask her about the ribbon and why. From what I've seen, Vivian has taken a liking to her copy. Perhaps there is a reason. Have you two seen a Witch about-"
"No." Gren steps towards Swineheart. "I'm not fuckin' believing a damn thing they tell me. MY kids are fine and no dead bitch or Porgie bullshit will tell me otherwise."
Swineheart simply smiles. "Well, it's your call, Grendel. I'll see you both in a month, if nothing else comes up."
"Thank you, doctor." Emily follows behind to shut the door. "I appreciate the help..."
Closing the door, Emily turns to face Gren. His back is turned, right arm pressed against the wall and feet sprawled to the side. Emily heads for her fiancee, now mumbling to himself.
"Gren..." Emily reaches out a hand. "Sweetie, look at me-"
"Why the fuck do you do that?"
Emily was confused. "Do woot, love?"
"THAT. Every fucking TIME I make a suggestion, about ANYTHING, you fuckin' shoot me from the sky. I have EVERY right to think this fuckin' bullshit is a curse and-"
"But its NOT a curse, Gren! Are the others cursed, too?"
"No." Gren walks away and looks around the living room. "Where are you, Vivian!? Huh? Come on out of here, you fuckin' bitch! COME OUT HERE and explain to us WHY she's got that fuckin ribbon around her neck!"
Vivian peeks around the corner. She could not hide. There was no point. Even in death, she remained silent and afraid. No more. Stepping forward, Vivian stands before Gren. A blast of cool air to his face indicated she was there.
"Talk." Gren leans forward. "Tell us WHY, Vivian. If you want to fuckin' help us, now is your chance..."
Vivian inhales deeply before she speaks. "Hades..."
Emily is stunned. "Woot? Hades..."
Gren looks behind him and at Emily. "Hades? That guy in hell or whatever it is now? What the fuck does he-"
Vivian continues. "Hades. And the more you pull off that ribbon, the more it calls him from the depths of the Underwolrd and into our own world."
"Ya' mean, Hades-"
Vivian nods. "Like your father to your mother, Gren to you and the others...their fates are set in stone. Hades has CLAIMED Vivian for his own. And my ribbon...." Vivian pauses to cry. ".....Is the only thing keeping her soul with you both right now..."
Any questions, you know the drill.
I'm loving what I have planned for the quads. Being as Emily, Peter and Ethan are the final Porgie kids to cover, I want to go out with a BANG. Peter and Ethan are involved in their own way; I'll cover more as the chapters go on. The quads' fates are all meshed together. Same with the apperance of Thomas. How? Well, that's for me to know and you all to find out.