Ah I see it worked! Yeah I decided to have Ella look like Celeste but have the hair from Makoto because why not have awesome deep blue hair! XD Maybe she won't have to go on without Dewitt... I have a few things up my sleeve about this hold on by the time I post this the picture will be up because I am feeling productive today XP I keep messing up and changing the way he looks it is pretty hard thankfully Dragon has helped me out with some tutorials
This may have been short but packs an emotional punch. The birth of Ella and the (in my opinion) joyous news that she has taken after Makoto… more in the hair department, the goodbye to Celeste that might be forever (though we now know it won't be ^_^), and the sad realisation that Mary will have to go on without Dewitt.
And after reading those words and experiencing that emotion I find out that you're too lazy to put up a picture! Dude!
Nahh, it's okay really, you ride that lazy train. XD Looking forward to the picture!
I'm sorry but....that profile picture, dude. xD Is it from that SAME image you showed me earlier?? lol
Like I said to Tetra, I'd never ki… morell off one of the quads. I have plans for all of them in their future. Right now, just a taste of what is to come and leaves you all thinking...:3 And in the next section, I'll explain the ribbon situation. Gren and Emily will not be pleased with Vivian...
The misses felt the same way with Gren's decisions but she agreed.
Gren sat on the floor, Viviana before him. The little girl returned to normal. And Gren found out just how. Each time someone pulled the rib… morebon, it disappeared and either she'd change to her Ceberus creature or her human form. After five minutes, the ribbon returned. Gren pulled it off each time.
Lyla brewed some coffee while Georgie paced in the kitchen. Rubbing his head and trying to understand, Georgie mumbled to himself. Lyla could hear him say 'Vivian' and bitch' in the same sentence every few seconds. Georgie sat on the chair and stared blankly towards the table.
"Sweetie, you want sugar and cream with your coffee?"
Georgie shakes his head. "I can't fookin' believe it...Vivian. Muthafookin' Vivian....is around MY daughter and now cursed MY granddaughter with that bullshit!"
"Stop it!" Lyla slams his cup down, nearly spilling some coffee onto the table. "You NEED to relax and let this go! WE are the grandparents-NOT her mothe… [view original content]
found it interesting; their relationship reminds me of Bigby and North Wind's. How the son refused to be anything like the father but sadly, there is only so much you can ignore as far as genetic makeup. Was interesting to see Death show some form of emotion. And Lyra with the Wolf family, for her own protection, must be a difficult one. Am I to assume Nick and Mary are having some sort of issue? Or, so that's what I picked up...
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
Lyra will have quite nice relationship with the Wolf Family... for the moment at least.
Mary changed her ways and has an easy time keeping herself in check, but Nick finds it harder, so she scolds him etc. whenever he starts to revert back to what he used to be. In a previous chapter (which I believe you did comment on) Mary threatened to kill Georgie/Lyla's baby Katie and Nick screamed at her afterwards...
found it interesting; their relationship reminds me of Bigby and North Wind's. How the son refused to be anything like the father but sadly,… more there is only so much you can ignore as far as genetic makeup. Was interesting to see Death show some form of emotion. And Lyra with the Wolf family, for her own protection, must be a difficult one. Am I to assume Nick and Mary are having some sort of issue? Or, so that's what I picked up...
Well, that last few words does not sound promising. I'm assuming something will go down, considering her makeup but that does not guarantee ANYTHING....
I do recall that but its been so long; I remember Mary was going to murder the baby because Lyla and Georgie were not cooperating but Nick stopped it. I noticed, though, things between them have changed but again, just my intake of the current situation and the way Nick's trying to change and what not.
Lyra will have quite nice relationship with the Wolf Family... for the moment at least.
Mary changed her ways and has an easy time keepin… moreg herself in check, but Nick finds it harder, so she scolds him etc. whenever he starts to revert back to what he used to be. In a previous chapter (which I believe you did comment on) Mary threatened to kill Georgie/Lyla's baby Katie and Nick screamed at her afterwards...
Bigby will discover... what he does next will be revealed.
Things haven't changed Just they had a fight afterwards, but it got resolved. Even though she is the one who keeps him in check, Mary is quite scared of Nick as he can quite easily tear her apart and then some!
Well, that last few words does not sound promising. I'm assuming something will go down, considering her makeup but that does not guarantee … moreANYTHING....
I do recall that but its been so long; I remember Mary was going to murder the baby because Lyla and Georgie were not cooperating but Nick stopped it. I noticed, though, things between them have changed but again, just my intake of the current situation and the way Nick's trying to change and what not.
Day two in London was even better than the first. Harmony ripped Tim out of the comfort of their bed, persuading him with a delicious breakfast at the restaurant around the corner. They dressed, resisted the urge to undress, and exited the hotel, eagerness plastered over their faces. So far it had been a lovely day, with few clouds and the temperature was above freezing. Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
"We can see Westminster Abbey from here!" Tim was excited. Harmony loved the architecture of most of the buildings there, and especially this Church, gazing up incredulously. She clung happily to his arm, slightly supporting him, as they lifted her camera phone together and took a nice selfie, the building rising up behind them nicely.
"Do you think we can go to Buckingham Palace? It's not that far from here." Harmony asked.
"Well, I doubt we'll run into the mundane Queen," Tim said. "If that's what you were hoping."
To avoid embarrassment, Harmony hadn't commented on this. Instead, she changed the subject. "Oh, look! A small park!"
"It's not that small," Tim said. "Want to have a stroll?"
"Isn't that what we've been doing?"
"I guess it is." Tim chuckled. He ran his fingers through his pocket and found the other half of his bagel from the morning. "Wanna feed the ducks?"
"If there are any," She replied. "Lets find a nice bench."
Hyde Park, they found out later, was the name of the park they'd entered. The couple did find a nice spot, overlooking the vast lake before them. People were bundled loosely, as the weather permitted it, and Harmony took joy in listening to the sounds around her.
Both Harmony and her husband had tensed up. Neither of them expected anyone to notice either of them, and the voice was fairly unfamiliar. Harmony turned to face her husband, whose face went pale white all of the sudden.
"It can't be," He whispered sullenly. His eyes darted across the water, in whichever direction the voice could have come from. Harmony was confused, and had no idea who to expect.
The voice belonged to a woman, who had the most incredible likeness of Tim. Her brown hair curled softly in tufts over her shoulders, and she wore and expensive looking jacket over a dark pair of jeans. Her boots were leather, and a ruby necklace on a gold chain peaked out of the opening of her shirt.
"Belinda," Tim's words were like water, running out of his mouth before he could hold his emotions back. He was crying immediately. Harmony could stop him to ask any questions before he was off the bench and almost running with his mad limp, toward the woman. The hug he gave her stirred some jealousy inside of Harmony's stomach, a feeling she'd never experienced before in her life. She joined his side as quickly as she could, though she was reluctant to keep a happy composure.
"Tim," Belinda stammered greatly. Her voice was thick with the local accent, which only served to fuel the tiny flame in Harmony's body. Who was this woman? Why was she so lavishly decorated? And why was Tim so happy to see her? Harmony, after the embrace was broken, grabbed her husband's arm defensively.
"Whoa, honey," Tim said, and Harmony noticed that she practically dragged him off of the other woman. "Slow down. I-I'd like you to meet my sister..." He spoke the words, as if he didn't believe they were coming off of his lips. "My sister...Belinda..."
His sister? The flame had left Harmony as quickly as it came, and she flushed red at ever feeling it in the first place. "Oh," Her voice came out as surprised, because it was. "I didn't think..."
"I'm....as speechless..." Belinda's voice came out cracked, tears running down her cheeks. "Oh god, I didn't think I'd ever..." Her arms, surprisingly, wrapped around both Tim and Harmony, as Harmony had still been attached to his arm. She could smell a flowery perfume on the woman as her arms shook intensely.
Tim let go of his sister after another minute, and the two just couldn't wipe the smiles from their faces. Harmony sensed that some sort of sibling bonding was happening, the kind of wordless talking that most siblings in a single family could understand. Even after so many years, they could speak the unspoken language.
"I should-" Belinda began again," I should bring you to my home. It's a lovely flat, with little balconies- Oh, Timothy! You've grown so much! I can't believe....you're still alive..."
"And I can't believe you are either. Have you-" Tim paused, looking over to the lake. He seemed afraid to mention what he was about to say, and Harmony tightened her fingers around his, for reassurance. "Have you heard from the others? Anyone in particular?"
Belinda's face went grim. She almost didn't open her mouth to speak. "I....thought I was the only one....who, well....made it. Tim-"
"No," He said. "It's okay. Um....yeah, let's go to your house. Er, flat. Whatever that means."
Belinda's face changed back to glorious happiness as she chuckled. "Please, let me show you the way."
It turns out, Belinda's made quite the living here in England. Her flat was on the more luxurious side of the city, probably one of the oldest ones on the block, with the most intricate designs across the top and a neat little stairway to the door. She owned the whole building, and according to her, it was the base for many British Fables to dwell.
"I've been living here since the Adversary had ravaged our lands," She started to explain. Her voice echoed off the high ceilings, dark mahogany beams that put Harmony's home to shame. She listened carefully, as they traveled across the house, to a closed off den room attached to the dining room. Everything about the place was quaint, yet extravagant. Harmony began to wonder where the fortune to pay for it came. "I had heard the Fables of New York and many others from other Fabletowns had helped overthrow him....but I never knew you were apart of it, Timothy."
Tim took a restful seat on one of the overstuffed chairs. Another woman entered the room, with shorter dark brown hair, and an old-fashioned maid's suit. She put down a pot of tea and a tray of little scones and mini sandwiches while Belinda continued.
"I.....when that strange lady contacted me, about you, I almost didn't believe her," She continued. "I was told-"
"Wait," Harmony stopped Belinda mid-sentence. "What....strange lady is this? What's her name?"
"Hmm," Belinda replied. "I can't tell you what her real name probably was. She called herself Bloody Mary. I suppose it was to conceal her identity or something strange."
Tim laughed, a hard stomachy laugh. "Oh no. No way. Bloody Mary? It was Bloody Mary, the girl who made fun of my disabilities for 60 years straight. That Bloody Mary? The one that-" Harmony cut her husband off this time.
"We know her," she told Belinda. "Very well. She organized this trip, actually."
"Yes," Belinda replied. "She contacted me not too long ago, coincidentally, really. She called this Fabletown up, which I run privately, and asked me on if I would hold two New York Fables for a few days. I told her my name and she....Well I suppose her mobile phone fell to the ground, from the crash I heard. She told me she had to talk to me about a few things, and when she told me about you, Tim-" Belinda paused, her emotions resurfacing briefly. "-I was completely and utterly the most happiest person on earth. We arranged for you to arrive at a hotel, and I sent some British pounds to Mary in hopes that you would use it when you got here. I was planning on taking you two to Paris for a few days, as well."
"Wow," Harmony's voice came out as shocked again. "Sounds very....elaborate. But I thought this vacation was supposed to be more romantic for me, and Tim."
"Of course," Belinda winked at Harmony. "You'll have your privacy when you want it. But I want to also get a little time with my brother to show him around and reminisce. You'll love my Paris villa when we head that way on Thursday afternoon."
Harmony smiled, but she couldn't help the plain feeling in her gut that there was something slightly off about Belinda. She had a secret, it was obvious, and Harmony didn't know what to think about it. For now, she would play it cool.
"I have one other thing to tell you, brother," She turned her attention to Tim. "I've had a child."
That must have shocked Tim, to an extent. He probably remembered his sister as a girl, not much older than he was. Luckily, he was seated, or else it looked like he might have fell over.
"His name is Matthew," She continued. "After our brother. Matthew Robert Cratchit."
Tim's lips perked softly. "Absolutely lovely. We have a son named Robert. Named him after Dad, too."
Belinda seemed slightly surprised, maybe at the mention of the two of them having a child as well, and then smiled jovially. "I'll call him in after he's done with his schoolwork. Anything else you would like to talk about?"
"I suppose we should tell you about our other children," Harmony said, smiling. "We've got nine, altogether."
Belinda seemed blown away at that remark. "Bollocks, nine little angels?"
"Well, not all of them are Angels, nor are they very little anymore," Tim told her. "We've also got a granddaughter, just born."
She seemed taken aback. "Well, I'm going to have to meet them soon, aren't I?" She sighed, sitting back in her chair, as if the prospect of meeting Tim and Harmony's children made her weary. "I don't think I'm as brave as you, Harmony," She continued. "I'm content with Matthew."
"How old is he?" Tim asked.
"Six. He's mad cute, thinks he's the man of the house. It's adorable." Just then, the maid appeared to bring the half empty tray away and replace it with fresher desserts. "Oh, darling, please bring me more tea will you? We're nearly out already."
The maid nodded curtly, both at Belinda and then at Tim and Harmony. She quickly left the room. "Oh," Belinda called out, as the maid reached the hall. "And send in my son, to meet his aunt and uncle!"
The rest of the late morning was spent enjoying the company of Belinda, as well as getting to know her and what she's all about. They were given a tour of the main parts of the apartment building, where most tenants gathered for celebrations and mingling. Harmony and Tim were welcome to move their stuff from the hotel to a spare bedroom in Belinda's respective living areas (done with a lazy flick of Harmony's wrist, of course.) and the rest of the day was spent peacefully on the roof top garden, which was currently bare due to the time of year, but still nice to be on.
Charlotte's eyes opened wildly. She thought it was a dream. It was a dream, right? No....no it couldn't have been. She was more confused than she ought to be, as she sat up and rubbed her head softly. The pain was almost completely gone. She felt....renewed. The room was dark, signalling night, but she was far from tired as she pulled her sneakers over her feet. She needed to see something.
It was late October and she wince from the amount of noise her feet made walking through the leaves. She was walking to the only place she could think of; Wolf Manor. It wasn't far away, joined by the same path to her own home, but she had to be sneaky. There were two people who know about her powers. Her best friend Bellatrix, and her great-great Aunt, Rose Red.
Lately, Aunt Rose had been staying at her grandmother Snow's house. She was taking a break from her ruling, the training and all of that. Of course, Charlotte would have to be sneaky, getting in without detection. She forgot to look at the time, so she looked down at her watched, silently thanking the heavens for her slightly enhanced vision in the dark, due to her genetically wolfish family tree. It was 11 PM. She shuffled up to the steps, her hand digging in her messenger bag for a house key. With slight panic, she almost thought she didn't have it, when her thumb brushed it's cool metal and she drew it out as quietly as possible, all other dangly things attached to it making an abundance of irrational noise.
"Come on..." She fumbled at pressing it into the door's lock. The knob began turning from the other side, making Charlotte's heart pound harder than it probably ever had before. She was afraid she'd have a heart attack next, when the light from inside filtered out, and the very person she'd been searching for was at the door.
"Thought I heard something rustling out here," Rose said. "Just a mangy animal."
"Ha-ha," Charlotte said, without much humor in her voice. "I need to talk with you. Privately."
"Nothing's private in this place, honey. We're gonna have to go somewhere special."
"Whatever, Double R."
Rose laughed. "That's what your grandmama calls me. Never heard it from you."
"Well, I know a lot of things I probably shouldn't know, to be honest." A slight shiver went through Charlotte. The image of her Aunt's romantic escapades flashed through her mind. She wished she could turn it off somehow, but things just came to her, out of the blue. She could see everything, whenever her mind wanted her to.
"....There something you want to tell me?"
"Yes. I just...." She sighed, figuring it was futile to drag it out. "Do you know a Belinda Cratchit?"
"Yes? Why?"
"That's exactly what I was looking for." Charlotte announced. "I don't know how I did it, but I think I changed the past. Again."
"You mean you did it before?" Rose looked a little surprised, but it went away quickly. "I mean, I know you got the power to do that shit, which is way over-fucking-powered if you ask me, but..."
"The only other time was with Uncle Isaac. And it wasn't really me doing anything....I just influenced his decisions, and he changed. So, now he's a lot happier. You know?"
"I guess. He wasn't before?"
"Not at all. Anyway....I think I somehow.....told Aunt Mary.....I think I told her in her own dreams to make a trip to England. I didn't do it on purpose....I was dreaming. I mean- Mind-Time-Travelling."
"What. The actual. Fuck." Rose said. "Is there any limit to your power?"
"Physically, yes. Mentally....I have no idea. I really don't. I know a lot of things, but the one thing I can't wrap my mind around is....well, my mind. It's so strange..." And her aches were coming back. "I'm not tired. Are you?"
"No," Rose replied. "Wanna chill for a while? I was just watching some movies on my own, if you wanna join."
"Anything to get my mind off of other things," Charlotte replied. And so she entered the house and plopped on the couch and shared some popcorn while watching old horror films while battling her head for control. What if she was loosing control? What if this was her punishment for getting such an incredible gift? She was suddenly regretting the day she found out of her powers, as she sunk into the old leather of the living room couch and listened to Rose rant and gossip about the people of her Camelot.
This was a long, long chapter. Took a swift and unpredictable twist, compliments of my expansive brain and ability to improvise on a whim Hope you like the turn I made, because so far I like it myself! Really beginning to adore Charlotte as much as I adore Harmony and some of my other OC's. Just a little extra special, compared to the others
Lol, she had an array of favorite music, most of which she just likes by the way it sounds. There may be one or two dubstep songs, but there are plenty of other much better ones on her playlist
Lmao XD Maybe the magic in Harmony is the reason Charlotte has her own powers; It's possible that the power passed down to Scarlett, maybe as a dormant trait of sorts, and when Scarlett had her child, it was not as dormant. I honestly have to think it through still, as even I don't know the extent to which Charlotte's powers range yet.
Harmony listens to dubstep? Whaaaat?
And now knowing that Harmony can actually manipulate time - I bet Charlotte is thinking somewhere (a… moressuming that she can still move and think when time literally stops) "Curse it all! I thought I was the only one with time powers! FUU-"
Anyway, this was absolutely sweet, no doubt about it. I'll be reading your recent chap eventually!
I was trying to go for a sort of humorous situation XD One that eventually lead to a much more romantic one, as Valentine's Day was the day before I posted this. Glad you liked it
Very romantic! Mary is so lovable because of her wise-ass comments and the fact that she cares in her own unique way. XD
The rest of t… morehe ride was short lived, as the apartment building crested over the horizon. Hans parked like a raving maniac on a curb, nearly running over a lady with her dog. Or, maybe that was a man with moobs and long greasy hair. And that might have looked like a rat, now that Ash thought about it.
Kind of an uncomfortable image but it is well written!
And Ash and Franklin! Ahh, wonderful!
Note:I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all of your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie stands by Lyla. "Woot is it, love?"
"Takes those drinks into the dinning area. Make sure there are plenty of napkins and utensils. Oh and the cups...Junior, baby, can you reach those cups for mommy? You have longer legs than me."
"Can do, mummy."
RJ looks over. "What 'bout me, mom?"
Lyla notices the Chicken Wings. "Baby, take those into the Den and when you come back, I need you to check the burgers and hot dogs for me, okay? Takes out all the condiments we'll need, too."
"Yes ma'am."
Soon, the boys are busy preparing for the guests. Georgie returns and adds a few more things to the table. As he passes by Lyla, he rubs her belly.
"Ya' first Superbowl, boys."
"Don't get them too rowdy, Georgie. They finally settled down. Playing kickball with my bladder today..."
DING DONG DING Katie looks around the corner. "MOM! MOM, the door!"
Georgie heads for the front. "Jesus Christ, Katherine. Ya' so loud ta'day, love bug."
"I know." Katie twirls in her dress. "I wasn't sure if you could hear me. The television is SUPER loud!"
First to arrive is Hans and Gina. In Hans' hands, a tray of Sandwiches from Port of Subs. The twins, Hansel Junior and Gabriella, carry another liter of soda.
"Come on in, ya' two." Georgie closes the door. "Ya' know the rules...."
Gina points to the back. "In there?"
Another knock on the door. RJ answers it and greets his uncle Gren, papa and nana; Jersey is not too far behind, followed by Johann with an enormous platter of chesses, meats and olives. Robert is right behind Gren, as the brothers takes off their jackets and head to the Den. Georgie and Robert did not have issues. They had a mutual agreement and Lyla did not want to see Robert alone that day.
"Thanks for the invite, Georgie." Robert hands him a twelve pack of Beer. "Was starting to think I was watching the game alone this year."
"Nah, ya' be welcome anytime, Robert."
Gren scoops Emily in his arms and kisses the little mini Georgie all over her face. She giggles, trying to push his eager lips away. Carla was at home; she refused to go to the party but the kids went. Rosie and the twin boys run inside and join the other kids. Not to mention, they had a huge fight the night before.
Before Georgie closes the door, Tim snatches the handle. "Hey, Georgie. Almost forgot about us."
"How the bloody devil can I forget ya', Tim? Where be the misses at?"
"Over here!" A Snow White look-a-like runs up the walkway in heals, black skirt, purple top and brown coat. She chases down two flying children, giggling and dodging their mother's grasp.
"Noah Charming! you get down here-Scarlett, no! Bad babies!"
Noah chuckles. "We ain't babies, mommy! We're all grown up now!"
"Hmph." Harmony blows a strand of hair away from her face. "You'll always be my babies. Now-get down here and greet Mr. Porgie, please."
Tim laughs. "Mind your mother, you two...."
Scarlett and Noah land in a pile of snow. "Yes daddy." Scarlett grabs Tim's hand. "Hello Mr. Porgie. I like your arms..."
"Thank ya' little lady." Georgie pats her head. "Ya' know, there are other little Wolf puppies in there ya' can play with."
"Do they have dollies, sir?"
"Maybe...I don't know..." Georgie smiles, making Scarlett giggle again.
Scarlett and Noah run inside. Noah looks all over until he finds RJ eating a Turkey sandwich.
"HEY, RJ! Wanna see this cool new game I got on my Nintendo 3Ds!?"
"No way..." RJ looks up. "I have mine, too! Does your connect?"
Noah pulls out a charger. "Does it connect...you wanna battle?"
As the boys settle on the carpet next to the fireplace, Harmony and Tim's other children follow. Robbie, Elora and Ashlyn run inside, joining the other kids. Robbie notices RJ and his brother playing Pokemon on their DS's.
"Hey, RJ! Wanna play next?"
"You know it, man. Come sit with us."
Noah smiles. "The loser has to eat FIVE Jalepeno poppers-"
Robbie waves. "PFFFT. That ain't nothing-"
"-WITHOUT drinking Milk, water OR a soda...."
"Wow...." Both RJ and Robbie speak. "That's harsh...."
"You guys in?"
RJ nods. "Let's do this!"
While the three boys decide who eats the snack from hell, Ashlyn and Elora head over to Katie and Penelope. Both girls have several Barbies, homes, Ponies and accessories out. Elora grabs a brush and sits beside Katie.
"I like her dress." Elora points to a sparkling pink prom dress. "It's really pretty."
"THANKS!" Katie holds her Barbie up. "Mine is going to the mall to buy a new outfit. She's going to the dance tonight and has to look her most fabulous."
"Neat." Ashlyn holds up a car. "Can we play, too?"
"Sure." Penny hands them both a Barbie. "We can be, like, friends and we'll all go to the mall and get new outfits."
"Can my Dog come too?" Ashlyn picks up a Golden Retriever. "He just loves to take walks and smell all the tasty treats. Maybe we can stop and get ice cream, too?"
"Of course! Let's go, girls!"
Scarlett soon joins the four girls. As she takes a seat, she points over to Emily, who is sitting in Gren's lap sharing a Cheesesteak.
"What about your sister? Does she wanna play?"
Katie answers. "Don't worry about her. She does not like to play with Barbies. SHE'D rather watch the smelly game."
"Yeah. I know, right?"
Elora looks back into the Den. "She's with that creepy man..."
"Gren ain't creepy!" Katie shoves her Barbie into the car. "He just smells funny....like, this one time, he came over and he smelled like that ass stuff and-"
"You mean, AXE, Katie?"
"Yeah." Katie continues. "Exactly. Ass...."
Scarlett points. "Who's that?"
"Oh, that's Mr. Robert Grendel. He's RJ's daddy."
"Cool...RJ has TWO daddys?"
Ashlyn smiles. "Your daddy talks funny."
While the children play, Harmony joins the women; Tim finds a seat beside Jersey and Robert and prepare for the game. Harmony bends forward to rub Lyla's belly.
"OH babies! I LOVE babies! Know what they are yet?"
"Twin boys."
Harmony squeals. "OH I can't wait to meet you both! Bet you're little heart breakers in there. Yes you are! Yes you are! Auntie Harmony has the
PERFECT little outfit I found at Babies R Us that you'll love, Lyla!"
"Spoiling them already, huh?"
The women pause to see Robbie, RJ, Noah and Junior enter the kitchen. Junior grabs five Jalepeno Poppers; the other three boys stand back and laugh, as Junior inhales the snacks. His eyes water and cheeks turn red.
"Uh, boys....what are you-"
"He lost the bet, mom!" RJ laughs. "He lost to Pokemon and now he has to eat those hot snacks and NOT get a drink for five minutes!"
The boys run back into the living room. Harmony and Lyla giggle, as they grab their drinks and join the others. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Are you ready for some footbal!? Doing a Super Bowl theme this time, considering we had one not too long ago. I had fun with this and looking forward to more!!!
Ah I see it worked! Yeah I decided to have Ella look like Celeste but have the hair from Makoto because why not have awesome deep blue hair… more! XD Maybe she won't have to go on without Dewitt... I have a few things up my sleeve about this hold on by the time I post this the picture will be up because I am feeling productive today XP I keep messing up and changing the way he looks it is pretty hard thankfully Dragon has helped me out with some tutorials
Day two in London was even better than the first. Harmony ripped Tim out of the comfort of their bed, persuading him with a delicious breakf… moreast at the restaurant around the corner. They dressed, resisted the urge to undress, and exited the hotel, eagerness plastered over their faces. So far it had been a lovely day, with few clouds and the temperature was above freezing. Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
"We can see Westminster Abbey from here!" Tim was excited. Harmony loved the architecture of most of the buildings there, and especially this Church, gazing up incredulously. She clung happily to his arm, slightly supporting him, as they lifted her camera phone together and took a nice selfie, the building rising up behind them nicely.
"Do you think we can go to Buckingham Palace? It's not that far from here." Harmony asked.
"Well, I doubt we'll run into the mundane … [view original content]
Note: I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all … moreof your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie st… [view original content]
Awesome! I'm glad it works out that way. I always worry I'll mess up someone's OC and they'll be like 'NOOO, JJ! THAT'S not what -insert name- does!' And hate me for life. XD I'd love to add T man in here, if you don't mind. Glad you liked it so far.
Awesome! I'm glad it works out that way. I always worry I'll mess up someone's OC and they'll be like 'NOOO, JJ! THAT'S not what -insert nam… moree- does!' And hate me for life. XD I'd love to add T man in here, if you don't mind. Glad you liked it so far.
Oh Robert and Tez never forgot their 1st encounter with one another and it will be comical when they interact once more. XD Appreciate it, man! You're awesome!
Note: I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all … moreof your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie st… [view original content]
Well... I have no idea who most of the OC's are cuz I joined so late, but this chapter was very very sweet!!
As he passes by Lyla, he rubs her belly.
I found that to be really cute
You'll find them out in time. Took me awhile to learn HALF of them! XD That's the fun part!
I thought so, too. HOPEFULLY that's alright with pie. I'm sure either way he'll love it. I mean, a pregnant Lyla! BABIES!!!
Oh Robert and Tez never forgot their 1st encounter with one another and it will be comical when they interact once more. XD Appreciate it, man! You're awesome!
LMAO I got your text saying 'Go see the thread' and all I kept saying was 'I was good...what did I do?' XD I was putting Emily to bed when you called...
Anyways, I can see why. I like the idea of you throwing everyone's OC into one story again. Your last one was hillarious; you do better with comedy and it shows already. Harmony as an adult is pretty neat, considering in my fic, she's not even born yet. XD I often wondered how she and Lyla would get along. Both have such beautiful personalities and it shows in your story. The kids, too; I love how Robbie, RJ, Junior and noah are playing DS and making bets. How precious are they! ;3
The girls and their dolls! AWWWWW!!
Elora looks back into the Den. "She's with that creepy man..."
"Gren ain't creepy!" Katie shoves her Barbie into the car. "He just smells funny....like, this one time, he came over and he smelled like that ass stuff and-"
"You mean, AXE, Katie?"
"Yeah." Katie continues. "Exactly. Ass...."
What I learned from JJ's story:
Elora thinks Gren is creepy
Katie Porgie is a smart ass and I love it
Gren wears Axe
Emily eats Cheesesteaks
These girls together remind me of the movie 'Mean Girls'. XD
Haha Junior lost the bet! XD XD Please, PLEASE tell me Gren get's drunk and dances again! This story gave me drawing ideas; you wrtie and I'll paint the images. I have so many in mind ! I like the idea of a Football game, too.
Looking forward to more, JJ. Glad you are FINALLY coming out of your shell and writing!
Note: I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all … moreof your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie st… [view original content]
I'm eager to see to how it plays out between 'em, especially since he called Tez dragon breath - if I remember correctly. >:(
secretly hopes Tez will get his sweet revenge on Robert if that's the case
EDIT: You're awesome yourself!
They ran for what seemed to be days. Makotos legs wouldn't stop moving he was eager to end this and get back to his family. Dewitt followed but worried for Makoto as he kept pushing himself for days past exhaustion. Dewitt grabbed his shoulder.
"Hey we need to rest. YOU need to rest." Dewitt said
"No we need to keep moving." Makoto replied.
They heard a rustling of bushes beside them.
Makoto peered over summoned a crossbow and aimed at the bushes.
"You can come on out now." Makoto said
"I am sorry, I was calculating how to confront you." Luna said
He lowered the crossbow. "All you had to do was say hi." He said "What are you doing here Luna?" He asked
"I have come to ask you if I can join you to fight Luke." She asked
"Sure I don't see why not."Makoto said "More the merrier."
"Alright but if we're going to rest I want Luna to scout around us so we don't get attacked." Dewitt said.
Luna nodded and made one of her arms a sniper rifle. "Affirmative." And leaped into the trees.
Makoto laughed and yawned "Yeah you should see her when she's not!"
They laughed and rested for the night....
"Makoto wake up!!! One of Dewitts siblings is heading your way!" Luna said lifting Makoto up and moving.
Dewitt heard Luna and started running. "How far out?"
Due to Dewitts luck his brother stood right in front of him. Luna stopped put Makoto down, aimed the rifle at the vampires head and fired. A chunk of the vampires head was gone but he was not dead.
"Man that hurt! How rude to just shoot someone in the back of the head isn't it big bro?" He said
"You always were thick headed weren't you Pharos?" Dewitt laughed
Pharos laughed. "You know there is only Big Sis left. And she remains at the tower. But I don't wish to fight you and I know you three mean to kill. So I thought I would provide you with info and then end my life."
"Why would you do that!?" Dewitt asked
"It's either I kill me or he kills me....I prefer one that doesn't involve years of pain...." Pharos said
"But we're going to get him! This is stupid!" Dewitt said
"I'd love to believe you but I really don't...." He pulled out a gun "You were always the coolest one out of our family Dewitt, be sure to say hi to Sister for me." He said pointing the gun at his heart.
"PHAROS DON-" But it was too late...Pharos fired the gun loaded with a silver bullets. The body had gone to ash and flew away. Dewitt fell to his knees and started to cry. Makoto got up and walked towards him.
"He....he was too little....he was the one with the least courage growing up....and I.....I couldn't do anything...." He started to sob.
Makoto knelt down and placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Dewitt, he's....in a better place....a safe place." Makoto smiled
Dewitt stood up. "I hope so....he deserves it.
"We should move on before we waste anymore time." Luna said
Dewitt chuckled even if Luna was being rude "Always straightforward."
Makoto smiled and they headed for the tower doors with Luna at their side...
That's it any questions or comments let me know! Sorry for another small part, I'm really tired and just got done studying. Please forgive me! XD
Robert better watch what he says from now on, or else Tez won't have a choice but to give into his dragon rage/curse and turn into an almighty dragon of kickass.
I liked the part when you had a few of the North Wind children speak to Lyra, it was really sweet for the most part! Plus, it reminded me a lot of the majority of EMMYPESS's stories on here.
Anyway, interesting take with the father/son relationship between Nick and Death. Funny how Death could show emotion if he really wanted to. And nice job with those 3 guys, Nick. Way to kick ass! XD
I am back!!! After a month or so of no writing at all, I managed to find the inspiration to continue this story, I hope I don't disappoint :… moreP
Devils and Demons Chapter 5 – A Turn For The Worst
Nick was furious before, but now he was ready to create Armageddon all over again like he had with the Mundane world. He had created a permanent eclipse, burned the land and tainted the water with blood and salt. His powers were vast, but Nick was a changed man now...
He continued to stare at Death; he couldn’t believe that he had sent Lyra to the Wolf family for safety. Nick spoke with as much suppression as he could muster for his anger “You idiot. I tried to kill Bigby Wolf, why would you send Lyra to him?”
Death wasn’t fazed “I know you tried to kill him, but that was over a decade ago; old hatreds are buried in time my son-“
Nick shook his head “Don’t call me that, I’m no more of a son to you than Bigby is to his Father”
Death int… [view original content]
I liked the part when you had a few of the North Wind children speak to Lyra, it was really sweet for the most part! Plus, it reminded me a … morelot of the majority of EMMYPESS's stories on here.
Anyway, interesting take with the father/son relationship between Nick and Death. Funny how Death could show emotion if he really wanted to. And nice job with those 3 guys, Nick. Way to kick ass! XD
A wise decision - Celeste has the beauty and Mokoto has the hair! Ahh, you're being intriguing... I look forward to finding out what you have up your sleeve. Yay, that thumbs up makes me happy ^•^ Nice of Dragon to help you out! Given that you're finding it tricky, it'll be a real achievement when you've finished it.
Ah I see it worked! Yeah I decided to have Ella look like Celeste but have the hair from Makoto because why not have awesome deep blue hair… more! XD Maybe she won't have to go on without Dewitt... I have a few things up my sleeve about this hold on by the time I post this the picture will be up because I am feeling productive today XP I keep messing up and changing the way he looks it is pretty hard thankfully Dragon has helped me out with some tutorials
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter and his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is the one to open the door. Both can detect alcohol, as a faint smile grows immediatly on his face. He sways back and forth; upon Gren's head, a cheese hat titled to the side, Green Bay Packers jersey and green mardi gras beads around his neck.
"Hey, its Rosey Posey. And Dragon boy-"
Tez sighs. "Gren, you know my name. We've been friends, for, how long now?"
Gren stops to think and begins to chuckle. He sticks out his hands. "This man, Dragon boy...THIS many, see-one, two...eight-"
Rose pushes Gren to the side, nearly causing him to fall. Still laughing, Gren shuts the door. As Rose and Tez remove their jackets, Lyla bounces into the room and greets them.
"Oh, thank you both for coming. I appreciate it! OH you made Brownies."
Rose hands the tray to Lyla. "Yeah, figured we'd have enough food. What's a party without sweets, huh?" Rose bends down to rub Lyla's belly. "Damn, that is some belly you got there. Porgie gave it to you REAL good."
Tez taps Rose's shoulder. "Uh dear-that's not very appropriate and-"
"WHAT-he did! Look at this! Full of that Porgie goodness and-"
"NO!" Tez runs to the living room. "No, no, no, no-DON'T want to hear about Georgie's penis and-"
Georgie stops in front of the doorway. "Why ya' gotta talk 'bout me penis for, eh Tez?"
"I'm NOT, Georgie! Rose said-"
Robert immediatly sits up. "Heeeeeey, look guys-its the lizard king. Hey Tez my man-"
"Robert." Tez takes a seat next to Jersey. "How are you?"
"Awesome, man. It's great to see you! Who are you rooting for?"
"Dallas and-"
"Dallas?" Jersey looks over. "Nah, man! Ya' gotta go for the cheese heads. Here-this should fit your head and-"
"No, thank you. I'll uh, stick to Dallas and-"
Jersey points to Georgie. "Then go sit with ol pudding and pie over there. THAT'S the Dallas section."
"Really, Jersey?"
Lyla enters the living room. "Jersey, stop being an asshole, please."
"WHAT!? That is the rule-cheese heads here and Cowboys over there! THE end."
Tez stands up. "no, no-its fine, Lyla. I'll move. At least Georgie will accept me into the club."
Georgie pats an empty seat beside him. "Right 'ere, buddy. Sit by ol' Georgie Porgie."
Robert smiles. "No, Georgie That's not creepy at all." Robert tosses Tez a Beer. "So, Tez-how are things in your slice of the neighborhood?"
"Alright, Robert. Same thing: work, work and more work. How are you and RJ?"
"Wonderful, dude. We are cool."
"Weird seeing you here. I mean, not a BAD thing but-"
Robert leans forward. "Why? I'm cool with everyone here."
Gren chuckles. "What Dragon boy means, is, ya' fucked Lyla and her husband is sitting right there." Gren points to Georgie. "You know, the angry Brit with the tattoos and that silly hat...him."
Tez clears his throat. "Yes, Gren. I KNOW who Georgie is. What I'm SAYING is-"
Gren continues. "Robert...and Lyla....boned."
Jersey covers his mouth to his the laughter. "This guy-can we get more Beers to full this fire, huh-"
"They...they got naked and Robert did this-" Gren takes his index finger and pushes it into a hole created on his other hand with his thumb and index finger. "JUST....like....this. He was like 'Ah yeah, Lyla...' and Robert was all uh yeah, Lyla. Do me. I like when you call me big papa.' and then Lyla was all-"
Tez turns bright red. "OKAY, Gren! Thank you-Georgie! Hey, buddy! So, how YOU been and-"
Georgie laughs. "Calm ya'self down, Tez. It's alright...I've been good."
Rose and Harmony crowd around Lyla. "Have names yet?"
"Ethan and Peter."
Harmony claps. "OH! Precious! I love babies!"
Rose laughs. "Calm yourself, Harms."
Before Lyla could answer, RJ runs into the room. "Mom, Junior threw up."
"Excuse me, RJ....what do you-"
"Those Jalapenos....yeah. They made him sick."
Lyla sighs, grabbing the mop. "Georgie..."
"I got it, love...."
Rose and harmony join the men, while Georgie and Lyla tend to their son. Rose cuddles beside Tez; Robert smiles, lifts his beer and continues to watch Tez. Jersey loud as fuck, Gren drunk and before long, group of rowdy kids enters the room. Katie stops to look at Rose.
"I like your hair..."
"Well, thank you. You're so cute! Look JUST like your mommy!"
Katie giggles. "Thank you. Your hair reminds me of a strawberry."
Penny pokes Tez's leg. "Hi. Who are you, mister?"
"Why hello, Penny. You proably don't remember me but...I'm Tez."
"OH yeah-you're the Dragon! I remember. You burnt half of Chuck E' Cheese down on my third birthday."
Rose chuckles. "OH yeah! That's right!"
Robert looks over. "You burned down a kid's entertainment center?"
"It was an accident. I, uh...was spooked."
Georgie and Lyla returns; Georgie carries Junior in his arms, as he places the boy with RJ, Robbie and Noah. They return to their video games, although Junior takes breaks to sleep. Jersey looks at the clock.
"HEY! The game starts in thirty minutes! Finally, man!"
"We're still waitin' on a few more people."
Lyla looks at Georgie. "Who are we missing?"
"Mary, Nick, Draco, Lydia and Percy."
Robert chuckles. "Percy...love it."
Georgie returns to his spot, grabs a Beer and drinks with the others. Before the game begins, Robert heads out for a smoke break; Gren nearly falls to the ground, Jersey is right behind, Georgie follows and with Rose's loving push, Tez joins. All three stand under the tree and smoke; Hans joins, along with John but they stand away from the cloud of smoke and drink their beers.
Glad you like the decision! It's probably the best thumbs up I've ever seen in a manga! (I haven't read many XD) But that's exactly how I feel when I finish a chapter :P Since I have the dorm to myself this weekend I'll probably finish the drawing and read JJ's super bowl story!
A wise decision - Celeste has the beauty and Mokoto has the hair! Ahh, you're being intriguing... I look forward to finding out what you ha… moreve up your sleeve. Yay, that thumbs up makes me happy ^•^ Nice of Dragon to help you out! Given that you're finding it tricky, it'll be a real achievement when you've finished it.
I don't intend on making her evil, but there will definitely be something strange going on with her. Don't worry though, she'll be cool in the long run.
Glad you liked that little easter egg I absolutely adore what your doing, keep it up
She's better than a genie because you're not limited to three wishes, lol XD
Tim's sis, huh? I like her already! Though, I agree with the mystery thing. Hopefully she won't have THAT much of a dark secret to hide.
… moreThanks for secretly adding in the nickname I gave Rose from Harmony in my story. ^^ I hope you liked what you read about your OC in my story so far.
Anyway, back to your story, Harmony seriously could impersonate a genie the way she's able to move stuff without doing any hard labor. XD
Tetra starts clapping Dude round of applause, this is absolutely great! Not a dull moment in these chapters! Can't wait to see everyone else's OC's join the mix as there are some very interesting ones coming in!
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
I know. The reason why I said 'North Wind children' was because they have a little bit of the North Wind gene from Bigby, and therefore, causing them to have the ability to fly. Right?
Lyra is with Bigby/Snow's kids; Blossom and Connor
I have a 'missing scene from Fables' planned at some point. It's Snow grieving after Brandish shatters Bigby...
Yeah, Nick is pretty brutal :P
The moment my OC's walked in, my heart melted Love how everyone's having a blast, Lyla's busy dealing with Georgie and the kids XD The food sounds amazing!
"HEY, RJ! Wanna see this cool new game I got on my Nintendo 3Ds!?"
"No way..." RJ looks up. "I have mine, too! Does your connect?"
Noah pulls out a charger. "Does it connect...you wanna battle?"
Noah and RJ and Robbie are adorable! I can totally imagine them sitting across the carpet with their DS's plugged in playing Pokemon or Mario Cart! Boys will be boys XD
Pie already highlighted the Axe part, which was absolutely hilarious XD The Porgie girls and my girls seem to be having a blast together!
Ashlyn smiles. "Your daddy talks funny."
Definitely something Ash would point out XD She's got no filter, compared to the other children.
Auntie Harmony has the PERFECT little outfit I found at Babies R Us that you'll love, Lyla!
Aww, brought a smile to my face And poor Junior, he was the one that lost, I see XD
That's awesome that you chose the super bowl, I wonder who everyone is cheering for? Amazing chapter, can't wait to read more!
Note: I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all … moreof your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie st… [view original content]
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter … moreand his well know character. Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter. Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is … [view original content]
Ah I see it worked!
Yeah I decided to have Ella look like Celeste but have the hair from Makoto because why not have awesome deep blue hair! XD Maybe she won't have to go on without Dewitt... I have a few things up my sleeve about this
hold on by the time I post this the picture will be up because I am feeling productive today XP I keep messing up and changing the way he looks it is pretty hard thankfully Dragon has helped me out with some tutorials 
Yes. :P I'm sorry but DAMN! I can't show the whole thing, so why not just the face? XD
I look forward to more! This is getting good!! BTW have you read 011 of TWAU yet? I hate the way Gren looks....:(
Oh my God....I...I actually have nothing to say....
I'm speechless; Viviana is being held on earth by the ribbon and Hades...it makes sense. I want to know HOW and WHY now....
WHO promised Vivian? Why latch onto Emily and Gren's daughter? How does this tie into Peter, Ethan and the other kids?
This was brilliant, Pie. More!
found it interesting; their relationship reminds me of Bigby and North Wind's. How the son refused to be anything like the father but sadly, there is only so much you can ignore as far as genetic makeup. Was interesting to see Death show some form of emotion. And Lyra with the Wolf family, for her own protection, must be a difficult one. Am I to assume Nick and Mary are having some sort of issue? Or, so that's what I picked up...
Lyra will have quite nice relationship with the Wolf Family... for the moment at least.
Mary changed her ways and has an easy time keeping herself in check, but Nick finds it harder, so she scolds him etc. whenever he starts to revert back to what he used to be. In a previous chapter (which I believe you did comment on) Mary threatened to kill Georgie/Lyla's baby Katie and Nick screamed at her afterwards...
Well, that last few words does not sound promising. I'm assuming something will go down, considering her makeup but that does not guarantee ANYTHING....
I do recall that but its been so long; I remember Mary was going to murder the baby because Lyla and Georgie were not cooperating but Nick stopped it. I noticed, though, things between them have changed but again, just my intake of the current situation and the way Nick's trying to change and what not.
Bigby will discover... what he does next will be revealed.
Things haven't changed
Just they had a fight afterwards, but it got resolved. Even though she is the one who keeps him in check, Mary is quite scared of Nick as he can quite easily tear her apart and then some!
Day two in London was even better than the first. Harmony ripped Tim out of the comfort of their bed, persuading him with a delicious breakfast at the restaurant around the corner. They dressed, resisted the urge to undress, and exited the hotel, eagerness plastered over their faces. So far it had been a lovely day, with few clouds and the temperature was above freezing. Harmony imagined them coming again in the spring, when it was even warmer and a little less grey out.
"We can see Westminster Abbey from here!" Tim was excited. Harmony loved the architecture of most of the buildings there, and especially this Church, gazing up incredulously. She clung happily to his arm, slightly supporting him, as they lifted her camera phone together and took a nice selfie, the building rising up behind them nicely.
"Do you think we can go to Buckingham Palace? It's not that far from here." Harmony asked.
"Well, I doubt we'll run into the mundane Queen," Tim said. "If that's what you were hoping."
To avoid embarrassment, Harmony hadn't commented on this. Instead, she changed the subject. "Oh, look! A small park!"
"It's not that small," Tim said. "Want to have a stroll?"
"Isn't that what we've been doing?"
"I guess it is." Tim chuckled. He ran his fingers through his pocket and found the other half of his bagel from the morning. "Wanna feed the ducks?"
"If there are any," She replied. "Lets find a nice bench."
Hyde Park, they found out later, was the name of the park they'd entered. The couple did find a nice spot, overlooking the vast lake before them. People were bundled loosely, as the weather permitted it, and Harmony took joy in listening to the sounds around her.
Both Harmony and her husband had tensed up. Neither of them expected anyone to notice either of them, and the voice was fairly unfamiliar. Harmony turned to face her husband, whose face went pale white all of the sudden.
"It can't be," He whispered sullenly. His eyes darted across the water, in whichever direction the voice could have come from. Harmony was confused, and had no idea who to expect.
The voice belonged to a woman, who had the most incredible likeness of Tim. Her brown hair curled softly in tufts over her shoulders, and she wore and expensive looking jacket over a dark pair of jeans. Her boots were leather, and a ruby necklace on a gold chain peaked out of the opening of her shirt.
"Belinda," Tim's words were like water, running out of his mouth before he could hold his emotions back. He was crying immediately. Harmony could stop him to ask any questions before he was off the bench and almost running with his mad limp, toward the woman. The hug he gave her stirred some jealousy inside of Harmony's stomach, a feeling she'd never experienced before in her life. She joined his side as quickly as she could, though she was reluctant to keep a happy composure.
"Tim," Belinda stammered greatly. Her voice was thick with the local accent, which only served to fuel the tiny flame in Harmony's body. Who was this woman? Why was she so lavishly decorated? And why was Tim so happy to see her? Harmony, after the embrace was broken, grabbed her husband's arm defensively.
"Whoa, honey," Tim said, and Harmony noticed that she practically dragged him off of the other woman. "Slow down. I-I'd like you to meet my sister..." He spoke the words, as if he didn't believe they were coming off of his lips. "My sister...Belinda..."
His sister? The flame had left Harmony as quickly as it came, and she flushed red at ever feeling it in the first place. "Oh," Her voice came out as surprised, because it was. "I didn't think..."
"I'm....as speechless..." Belinda's voice came out cracked, tears running down her cheeks. "Oh god, I didn't think I'd ever..." Her arms, surprisingly, wrapped around both Tim and Harmony, as Harmony had still been attached to his arm. She could smell a flowery perfume on the woman as her arms shook intensely.
Tim let go of his sister after another minute, and the two just couldn't wipe the smiles from their faces. Harmony sensed that some sort of sibling bonding was happening, the kind of wordless talking that most siblings in a single family could understand. Even after so many years, they could speak the unspoken language.
"I should-" Belinda began again," I should bring you to my home. It's a lovely flat, with little balconies- Oh, Timothy! You've grown so much! I can't believe....you're still alive..."
"And I can't believe you are either. Have you-" Tim paused, looking over to the lake. He seemed afraid to mention what he was about to say, and Harmony tightened her fingers around his, for reassurance. "Have you heard from the others? Anyone in particular?"
Belinda's face went grim. She almost didn't open her mouth to speak. "I....thought I was the only one....who, well....made it. Tim-"
"No," He said. "It's okay. Um....yeah, let's go to your house. Er, flat. Whatever that means."
Belinda's face changed back to glorious happiness as she chuckled. "Please, let me show you the way."
It turns out, Belinda's made quite the living here in England. Her flat was on the more luxurious side of the city, probably one of the oldest ones on the block, with the most intricate designs across the top and a neat little stairway to the door. She owned the whole building, and according to her, it was the base for many British Fables to dwell.
"I've been living here since the Adversary had ravaged our lands," She started to explain. Her voice echoed off the high ceilings, dark mahogany beams that put Harmony's home to shame. She listened carefully, as they traveled across the house, to a closed off den room attached to the dining room. Everything about the place was quaint, yet extravagant. Harmony began to wonder where the fortune to pay for it came. "I had heard the Fables of New York and many others from other Fabletowns had helped overthrow him....but I never knew you were apart of it, Timothy."
Tim took a restful seat on one of the overstuffed chairs. Another woman entered the room, with shorter dark brown hair, and an old-fashioned maid's suit. She put down a pot of tea and a tray of little scones and mini sandwiches while Belinda continued.
"I.....when that strange lady contacted me, about you, I almost didn't believe her," She continued. "I was told-"
"Wait," Harmony stopped Belinda mid-sentence. "What....strange lady is this? What's her name?"
"Hmm," Belinda replied. "I can't tell you what her real name probably was. She called herself Bloody Mary. I suppose it was to conceal her identity or something strange."
Tim laughed, a hard stomachy laugh. "Oh no. No way. Bloody Mary? It was Bloody Mary, the girl who made fun of my disabilities for 60 years straight. That Bloody Mary? The one that-" Harmony cut her husband off this time.
"We know her," she told Belinda. "Very well. She organized this trip, actually."
"Yes," Belinda replied. "She contacted me not too long ago, coincidentally, really. She called this Fabletown up, which I run privately, and asked me on if I would hold two New York Fables for a few days. I told her my name and she....Well I suppose her mobile phone fell to the ground, from the crash I heard. She told me she had to talk to me about a few things, and when she told me about you, Tim-" Belinda paused, her emotions resurfacing briefly. "-I was completely and utterly the most happiest person on earth. We arranged for you to arrive at a hotel, and I sent some British pounds to Mary in hopes that you would use it when you got here. I was planning on taking you two to Paris for a few days, as well."
"Wow," Harmony's voice came out as shocked again. "Sounds very....elaborate. But I thought this vacation was supposed to be more romantic for me, and Tim."
"Of course," Belinda winked at Harmony. "You'll have your privacy when you want it. But I want to also get a little time with my brother to show him around and reminisce. You'll love my Paris villa when we head that way on Thursday afternoon."
Harmony smiled, but she couldn't help the plain feeling in her gut that there was something slightly off about Belinda. She had a secret, it was obvious, and Harmony didn't know what to think about it. For now, she would play it cool.
"I have one other thing to tell you, brother," She turned her attention to Tim. "I've had a child."
That must have shocked Tim, to an extent. He probably remembered his sister as a girl, not much older than he was. Luckily, he was seated, or else it looked like he might have fell over.
"His name is Matthew," She continued. "After our brother. Matthew Robert Cratchit."
Tim's lips perked softly. "Absolutely lovely. We have a son named Robert. Named him after Dad, too."
Belinda seemed slightly surprised, maybe at the mention of the two of them having a child as well, and then smiled jovially. "I'll call him in after he's done with his schoolwork. Anything else you would like to talk about?"
"I suppose we should tell you about our other children," Harmony said, smiling. "We've got nine, altogether."
Belinda seemed blown away at that remark. "Bollocks, nine little angels?"
"Well, not all of them are Angels, nor are they very little anymore," Tim told her. "We've also got a granddaughter, just born."
She seemed taken aback. "Well, I'm going to have to meet them soon, aren't I?" She sighed, sitting back in her chair, as if the prospect of meeting Tim and Harmony's children made her weary. "I don't think I'm as brave as you, Harmony," She continued. "I'm content with Matthew."
"How old is he?" Tim asked.
"Six. He's mad cute, thinks he's the man of the house. It's adorable." Just then, the maid appeared to bring the half empty tray away and replace it with fresher desserts. "Oh, darling, please bring me more tea will you? We're nearly out already."
The maid nodded curtly, both at Belinda and then at Tim and Harmony. She quickly left the room. "Oh," Belinda called out, as the maid reached the hall. "And send in my son, to meet his aunt and uncle!"
The rest of the late morning was spent enjoying the company of Belinda, as well as getting to know her and what she's all about. They were given a tour of the main parts of the apartment building, where most tenants gathered for celebrations and mingling. Harmony and Tim were welcome to move their stuff from the hotel to a spare bedroom in Belinda's respective living areas (done with a lazy flick of Harmony's wrist, of course.) and the rest of the day was spent peacefully on the roof top garden, which was currently bare due to the time of year, but still nice to be on.
Charlotte's eyes opened wildly. She thought it was a dream. It was a dream, right? No....no it couldn't have been. She was more confused than she ought to be, as she sat up and rubbed her head softly. The pain was almost completely gone. She felt....renewed. The room was dark, signalling night, but she was far from tired as she pulled her sneakers over her feet. She needed to see something.
It was late October and she wince from the amount of noise her feet made walking through the leaves. She was walking to the only place she could think of; Wolf Manor. It wasn't far away, joined by the same path to her own home, but she had to be sneaky. There were two people who know about her powers. Her best friend Bellatrix, and her great-great Aunt, Rose Red.
Lately, Aunt Rose had been staying at her grandmother Snow's house. She was taking a break from her ruling, the training and all of that. Of course, Charlotte would have to be sneaky, getting in without detection. She forgot to look at the time, so she looked down at her watched, silently thanking the heavens for her slightly enhanced vision in the dark, due to her genetically wolfish family tree. It was 11 PM. She shuffled up to the steps, her hand digging in her messenger bag for a house key. With slight panic, she almost thought she didn't have it, when her thumb brushed it's cool metal and she drew it out as quietly as possible, all other dangly things attached to it making an abundance of irrational noise.
"Come on..." She fumbled at pressing it into the door's lock. The knob began turning from the other side, making Charlotte's heart pound harder than it probably ever had before. She was afraid she'd have a heart attack next, when the light from inside filtered out, and the very person she'd been searching for was at the door.
"Thought I heard something rustling out here," Rose said. "Just a mangy animal."
"Ha-ha," Charlotte said, without much humor in her voice. "I need to talk with you. Privately."
"Nothing's private in this place, honey. We're gonna have to go somewhere special."
"Whatever, Double R."
Rose laughed. "That's what your grandmama calls me. Never heard it from you."
"Well, I know a lot of things I probably shouldn't know, to be honest." A slight shiver went through Charlotte. The image of her Aunt's romantic escapades flashed through her mind. She wished she could turn it off somehow, but things just came to her, out of the blue. She could see everything, whenever her mind wanted her to.
"....There something you want to tell me?"
"Yes. I just...." She sighed, figuring it was futile to drag it out. "Do you know a Belinda Cratchit?"
"Yes? Why?"
"That's exactly what I was looking for." Charlotte announced. "I don't know how I did it, but I think I changed the past. Again."
"You mean you did it before?" Rose looked a little surprised, but it went away quickly. "I mean, I know you got the power to do that shit, which is way over-fucking-powered if you ask me, but..."
"The only other time was with Uncle Isaac. And it wasn't really me doing anything....I just influenced his decisions, and he changed. So, now he's a lot happier. You know?"
"I guess. He wasn't before?"
"Not at all. Anyway....I think I somehow.....told Aunt Mary.....I think I told her in her own dreams to make a trip to England. I didn't do it on purpose....I was dreaming. I mean- Mind-Time-Travelling."
"What. The actual. Fuck." Rose said. "Is there any limit to your power?"
"Physically, yes. Mentally....I have no idea. I really don't. I know a lot of things, but the one thing I can't wrap my mind around is....well, my mind. It's so strange..." And her aches were coming back. "I'm not tired. Are you?"
"No," Rose replied. "Wanna chill for a while? I was just watching some movies on my own, if you wanna join."
"Anything to get my mind off of other things," Charlotte replied. And so she entered the house and plopped on the couch and shared some popcorn while watching old horror films while battling her head for control. What if she was loosing control? What if this was her punishment for getting such an incredible gift? She was suddenly regretting the day she found out of her powers, as she sunk into the old leather of the living room couch and listened to Rose rant and gossip about the people of her Camelot.
This was a long, long chapter. Took a swift and unpredictable twist, compliments of my expansive brain and ability to improvise on a whim
Hope you like the turn I made, because so far I like it myself! Really beginning to adore Charlotte as much as I adore Harmony and some of my other OC's. Just a little extra special, compared to the others 
I've got a few things in mind
Just wrote another chapter, that might answer the question a tiny bit 
Lol, she had an array of favorite music, most of which she just likes by the way it sounds. There may be one or two dubstep songs, but there are plenty of other much better ones on her playlist
Lmao XD Maybe the magic in Harmony is the reason Charlotte has her own powers; It's possible that the power passed down to Scarlett, maybe as a dormant trait of sorts, and when Scarlett had her child, it was not as dormant. I honestly have to think it through still, as even I don't know the extent to which Charlotte's powers range yet.
Glad you liked it!
Oh, she's one of my favorites
I was trying to go for a sort of humorous situation XD One that eventually lead to a much more romantic one, as Valentine's Day was the day before I posted this. Glad you liked it
Note: I've been playing around with the idea of adding all our OC's in one story. I really enjoyed the last challenge I did in Jan with all of your wonderful OCs. This chapter will have @pudding_pie and @EMMYPESS oc's. IF you wish to have your own included, please PM which one an a little bio. (powers, magic, change, etc) Alright, here we go!
"Georgie, get in here and help me!"
Lyla, seven months pregnant, adds the chips and dips to the table. Its neatly decorated with Football attire and themed napkins. Party favors line the table and food. Georgie, sitting in the den with Junior and RJ, looks over his chair.
"Ah love...but the bloody game is on-"
"That's PRE-GAME, Georgie. The actual thing will not begin until three."
Georgie huffs, scoots forward and walks to the kitchen. RJ and Junior quickly follow Georgie; both were curious to see if their father was in trouble and would feel the wrath that was Lyla Porgie.
Georgie stands by Lyla. "Woot is it, love?"
"Takes those drinks into the dinning area. Make sure there are plenty of napkins and utensils. Oh and the cups...Junior, baby, can you reach those cups for mommy? You have longer legs than me."
"Can do, mummy."
RJ looks over. "What 'bout me, mom?"
Lyla notices the Chicken Wings. "Baby, take those into the Den and when you come back, I need you to check the burgers and hot dogs for me, okay? Takes out all the condiments we'll need, too."
"Yes ma'am."
Soon, the boys are busy preparing for the guests. Georgie returns and adds a few more things to the table. As he passes by Lyla, he rubs her belly.
"Ya' first Superbowl, boys."
"Don't get them too rowdy, Georgie. They finally settled down. Playing kickball with my bladder today..."
DING DONG DING Katie looks around the corner. "MOM! MOM, the door!"
Georgie heads for the front. "Jesus Christ, Katherine. Ya' so loud ta'day, love bug."
"I know." Katie twirls in her dress. "I wasn't sure if you could hear me. The television is SUPER loud!"
First to arrive is Hans and Gina. In Hans' hands, a tray of Sandwiches from Port of Subs. The twins, Hansel Junior and Gabriella, carry another liter of soda.
"Come on in, ya' two." Georgie closes the door. "Ya' know the rules...."
Gina points to the back. "In there?"
Another knock on the door. RJ answers it and greets his uncle Gren, papa and nana; Jersey is not too far behind, followed by Johann with an enormous platter of chesses, meats and olives. Robert is right behind Gren, as the brothers takes off their jackets and head to the Den. Georgie and Robert did not have issues. They had a mutual agreement and Lyla did not want to see Robert alone that day.
"Thanks for the invite, Georgie." Robert hands him a twelve pack of Beer. "Was starting to think I was watching the game alone this year."
"Nah, ya' be welcome anytime, Robert."
Gren scoops Emily in his arms and kisses the little mini Georgie all over her face. She giggles, trying to push his eager lips away. Carla was at home; she refused to go to the party but the kids went. Rosie and the twin boys run inside and join the other kids. Not to mention, they had a huge fight the night before.
Before Georgie closes the door, Tim snatches the handle. "Hey, Georgie. Almost forgot about us."
"How the bloody devil can I forget ya', Tim? Where be the misses at?"
"Over here!" A Snow White look-a-like runs up the walkway in heals, black skirt, purple top and brown coat. She chases down two flying children, giggling and dodging their mother's grasp.
"Noah Charming! you get down here-Scarlett, no! Bad babies!"
Noah chuckles. "We ain't babies, mommy! We're all grown up now!"
"Hmph." Harmony blows a strand of hair away from her face. "You'll always be my babies. Now-get down here and greet Mr. Porgie, please."
Tim laughs. "Mind your mother, you two...."
Scarlett and Noah land in a pile of snow. "Yes daddy." Scarlett grabs Tim's hand. "Hello Mr. Porgie. I like your arms..."
"Thank ya' little lady." Georgie pats her head. "Ya' know, there are other little Wolf puppies in there ya' can play with."
"Do they have dollies, sir?"
"Maybe...I don't know..." Georgie smiles, making Scarlett giggle again.
Scarlett and Noah run inside. Noah looks all over until he finds RJ eating a Turkey sandwich.
"HEY, RJ! Wanna see this cool new game I got on my Nintendo 3Ds!?"
"No way..." RJ looks up. "I have mine, too! Does your connect?"
Noah pulls out a charger. "Does it connect...you wanna battle?"
As the boys settle on the carpet next to the fireplace, Harmony and Tim's other children follow. Robbie, Elora and Ashlyn run inside, joining the other kids. Robbie notices RJ and his brother playing Pokemon on their DS's.
"Hey, RJ! Wanna play next?"
"You know it, man. Come sit with us."
Noah smiles. "The loser has to eat FIVE Jalepeno poppers-"
Robbie waves. "PFFFT. That ain't nothing-"
"-WITHOUT drinking Milk, water OR a soda...."
"Wow...." Both RJ and Robbie speak. "That's harsh...."
"You guys in?"
RJ nods. "Let's do this!"
While the three boys decide who eats the snack from hell, Ashlyn and Elora head over to Katie and Penelope. Both girls have several Barbies, homes, Ponies and accessories out. Elora grabs a brush and sits beside Katie.
"I like her dress." Elora points to a sparkling pink prom dress. "It's really pretty."
"THANKS!" Katie holds her Barbie up. "Mine is going to the mall to buy a new outfit. She's going to the dance tonight and has to look her most fabulous."
"Neat." Ashlyn holds up a car. "Can we play, too?"
"Sure." Penny hands them both a Barbie. "We can be, like, friends and we'll all go to the mall and get new outfits."
"Can my Dog come too?" Ashlyn picks up a Golden Retriever. "He just loves to take walks and smell all the tasty treats. Maybe we can stop and get ice cream, too?"
"Of course! Let's go, girls!"
Scarlett soon joins the four girls. As she takes a seat, she points over to Emily, who is sitting in Gren's lap sharing a Cheesesteak.
"What about your sister? Does she wanna play?"
Katie answers. "Don't worry about her. She does not like to play with Barbies. SHE'D rather watch the smelly game."
"Yeah. I know, right?"
Elora looks back into the Den. "She's with that creepy man..."
"Gren ain't creepy!" Katie shoves her Barbie into the car. "He just smells funny....like, this one time, he came over and he smelled like that ass stuff and-"
"You mean, AXE, Katie?"
"Yeah." Katie continues. "Exactly. Ass...."
Scarlett points. "Who's that?"
"Oh, that's Mr. Robert Grendel. He's RJ's daddy."
"Cool...RJ has TWO daddys?"
Ashlyn smiles. "Your daddy talks funny."
While the children play, Harmony joins the women; Tim finds a seat beside Jersey and Robert and prepare for the game. Harmony bends forward to rub Lyla's belly.
"OH babies! I LOVE babies! Know what they are yet?"
"Twin boys."
Harmony squeals. "OH I can't wait to meet you both! Bet you're little heart breakers in there. Yes you are! Yes you are! Auntie Harmony has the
PERFECT little outfit I found at Babies R Us that you'll love, Lyla!"
"Spoiling them already, huh?"
The women pause to see Robbie, RJ, Noah and Junior enter the kitchen. Junior grabs five Jalepeno Poppers; the other three boys stand back and laugh, as Junior inhales the snacks. His eyes water and cheeks turn red.
"Uh, boys....what are you-"
"He lost the bet, mom!" RJ laughs. "He lost to Pokemon and now he has to eat those hot snacks and NOT get a drink for five minutes!"
The boys run back into the living room. Harmony and Lyla giggle, as they grab their drinks and join the others.
Are you ready for some footbal!?
Doing a Super Bowl theme this time, considering we had one not too long ago. I had fun with this and looking forward to more!!! 
Glad to hear the tutorials helped you in a way!
They were a huge help! All the things I can change is nice, really it could be finished if I could choose the stance and his horns
Tim's sis, huh? I like her already! Though, I agree with the mystery thing. Hopefully she won't have THAT much of a dark secret to hide.
Thanks for secretly adding in the nickname I gave Rose from Harmony in my story. ^^ I hope you liked what you read about your OC in my story so far.
Anyway, back to your story, Harmony seriously could impersonate a genie the way she's able to move stuff without doing any hard labor. XD
I have no words to describe how amazing this was. XD This was just, simply spot-on! (from what I remember reading from past chapters
Awesome! I'm glad it works out that way. I always worry I'll mess up someone's OC and they'll be like 'NOOO, JJ! THAT'S not what -insert name- does!' And hate me for life. XD I'd love to add T man in here, if you don't mind.
Glad you liked it so far.
I would be honored if you included Tez again! Otherwise, he's going to hunt Robert down and smoke him to a crisp.
Oh Robert and Tez never forgot their 1st encounter with one another and it will be comical when they interact once more. XD Appreciate it, man! You're awesome!
Well... I have no idea who most of the OC's are cuz I joined so late, but this chapter was very very sweet!!
I found that to be really cute
You'll find them out in time. Took me awhile to learn HALF of them! XD That's the fun part!
I thought so, too. HOPEFULLY that's alright with pie. I'm sure either way he'll love it. I mean, a pregnant Lyla! BABIES!!!
Yep, the Porgie girls before their adolescence...
And sweet. sweet Lyla
That's why you have to improvise if you want to do something to your liking! Hopefully you didn't copy everything the guy did in the video. :P
I'm eager to see to how it plays out between 'em, especially since he called Tez dragon breath - if I remember correctly. >:(
secretly hopes Tez will get his sweet revenge on Robert if that's the case
EDIT: You're awesome yourself!
Exactly although most of the times I can improvise but not with this too many ideas I can't choose! And nope I didn't I liked his ideas though!
LMAO I got your text saying 'Go see the thread' and all I kept saying was 'I was good...what did I do?' XD I was putting Emily to bed when you called...
Anyways, I can see why. I like the idea of you throwing everyone's OC into one story again. Your last one was hillarious; you do better with comedy and it shows already. Harmony as an adult is pretty neat, considering in my fic, she's not even born yet. XD I often wondered how she and Lyla would get along. Both have such beautiful personalities and it shows in your story.
The kids, too; I love how Robbie, RJ, Junior and noah are playing DS and making bets. How precious are they! ;3
The girls and their dolls! AWWWWW!!
What I learned from JJ's story:
Haha Junior lost the bet! XD XD Please, PLEASE tell me Gren get's drunk and dances again! This story gave me drawing ideas; you wrtie and I'll paint the images. I have so many in mind !
I like the idea of a Football game, too. 
Looking forward to more, JJ. Glad you are FINALLY coming out of your shell and writing!
THINK he called T man a lizard at one point, too....
Oh, this should be good...>:D
Just Keep Moving....
They ran for what seemed to be days. Makotos legs wouldn't stop moving he was eager to end this and get back to his family. Dewitt followed but worried for Makoto as he kept pushing himself for days past exhaustion. Dewitt grabbed his shoulder.
"Hey we need to rest. YOU need to rest." Dewitt said
"No we need to keep moving." Makoto replied.
They heard a rustling of bushes beside them.
Makoto peered over summoned a crossbow and aimed at the bushes.
"You can come on out now." Makoto said
"I am sorry, I was calculating how to confront you." Luna said
He lowered the crossbow. "All you had to do was say hi." He said "What are you doing here Luna?" He asked
"I have come to ask you if I can join you to fight Luke." She asked
"Sure I don't see why not."Makoto said "More the merrier."
"Alright but if we're going to rest I want Luna to scout around us so we don't get attacked." Dewitt said.
Luna nodded and made one of her arms a sniper rifle. "Affirmative." And leaped into the trees.
"She's....very straightforward isn't she?" Dewitt asked
Makoto laughed and yawned "Yeah you should see her when she's not!"
They laughed and rested for the night....
"Makoto wake up!!! One of Dewitts siblings is heading your way!" Luna said lifting Makoto up and moving.
Dewitt heard Luna and started running. "How far out?"
Due to Dewitts luck his brother stood right in front of him. Luna stopped put Makoto down, aimed the rifle at the vampires head and fired. A chunk of the vampires head was gone but he was not dead.
"Man that hurt! How rude to just shoot someone in the back of the head isn't it big bro?" He said
"You always were thick headed weren't you Pharos?" Dewitt laughed
Pharos laughed. "You know there is only Big Sis left. And she remains at the tower. But I don't wish to fight you and I know you three mean to kill. So I thought I would provide you with info and then end my life."
"Why would you do that!?" Dewitt asked
"It's either I kill me or he kills me....I prefer one that doesn't involve years of pain...." Pharos said
"But we're going to get him! This is stupid!" Dewitt said
"I'd love to believe you but I really don't...." He pulled out a gun "You were always the coolest one out of our family Dewitt, be sure to say hi to Sister for me." He said pointing the gun at his heart.
"PHAROS DON-" But it was too late...Pharos fired the gun loaded with a silver bullets. The body had gone to ash and flew away. Dewitt fell to his knees and started to cry. Makoto got up and walked towards him.
"He....he was too little....he was the one with the least courage growing up....and I.....I couldn't do anything...." He started to sob.
Makoto knelt down and placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Dewitt, he's....in a better place....a safe place." Makoto smiled
Dewitt stood up. "I hope so....he deserves it.
"We should move on before we waste anymore time." Luna said
Dewitt chuckled even if Luna was being rude "Always straightforward."
Makoto smiled and they headed for the tower doors with Luna at their side...
That's it any questions or comments let me know!
Sorry for another small part, I'm really tired and just got done studying. Please forgive me! XD
Robert better watch what he says from now on, or else Tez won't have a choice but to give into his dragon rage/curse and turn into an almighty dragon of kickass.
I liked the part when you had a few of the North Wind children speak to Lyra, it was really sweet for the most part! Plus, it reminded me a lot of the majority of EMMYPESS's stories on here.
Anyway, interesting take with the father/son relationship between Nick and Death. Funny how Death could show emotion if he really wanted to. And nice job with those 3 guys, Nick. Way to kick ass! XD
Lyra is with Bigby/Snow's kids; Blossom and Connor
I have a 'missing scene from Fables' planned at some point. It's Snow grieving after Brandish shatters Bigby...
Yeah, Nick is pretty brutal :P
He didn't actually but now that you mention it.....>:)
Robert and T man are going to have a GREAT time at the party. lol
A wise decision - Celeste has the beauty and Mokoto has the hair!
Ahh, you're being intriguing... I look forward to finding out what you have up your sleeve.
Yay, that thumbs up makes me happy ^•^ Nice of Dragon to help you out! Given that you're finding it tricky, it'll be a real achievement when you've finished it. 
Great! I didn't mess up the last one with the OC's! -wipes forehead- The OC's introduced shall continue; now, I'd like to add @Dragonbutter and his well know character.
Wonder how Robert will feel....I'll add the remainder of the OC's in the next chapter.
Also, HUGE apology to @pudding_pie. Sorry, man....we still cool?
Rose Red was half way up the porch when she turned to see Tez, kicking a garden Gnome and talking to himself. He carried a tray of Brownies and cups.
"Tez sweetie, please...not now."
"Why are we even here, Rose...ROBERT is there-"
Rose rings the doorbell. "Robby is a sweetheart, my coal bucket. He won't mess with you-"
"THAT'S the problem! Last time, we got into a fight. I forgave him. We all got together, like promised and had a good ol' time. But after that, he's been an ass and-"
"Oh hush, Tez. It will be fine. Just eat, drink, scream like lunatics and call it good.."
Stil mumbling to himself, Gren is the one to open the door. Both can detect alcohol, as a faint smile grows immediatly on his face. He sways back and forth; upon Gren's head, a cheese hat titled to the side, Green Bay Packers jersey and green mardi gras beads around his neck.
"Hey, its Rosey Posey. And Dragon boy-"
Tez sighs. "Gren, you know my name. We've been friends, for, how long now?"
Gren stops to think and begins to chuckle. He sticks out his hands. "This man, Dragon boy...THIS many, see-one, two...eight-"
Rose pushes Gren to the side, nearly causing him to fall. Still laughing, Gren shuts the door. As Rose and Tez remove their jackets, Lyla bounces into the room and greets them.
"Oh, thank you both for coming. I appreciate it! OH you made Brownies."
Rose hands the tray to Lyla. "Yeah, figured we'd have enough food. What's a party without sweets, huh?" Rose bends down to rub Lyla's belly. "Damn, that is some belly you got there. Porgie gave it to you REAL good."
Tez taps Rose's shoulder. "Uh dear-that's not very appropriate and-"
"WHAT-he did! Look at this! Full of that Porgie goodness and-"
"NO!" Tez runs to the living room. "No, no, no, no-DON'T want to hear about Georgie's penis and-"
Georgie stops in front of the doorway. "Why ya' gotta talk 'bout me penis for, eh Tez?"
"I'm NOT, Georgie! Rose said-"
Robert immediatly sits up. "Heeeeeey, look guys-its the lizard king. Hey Tez my man-"
"Robert." Tez takes a seat next to Jersey. "How are you?"
"Awesome, man. It's great to see you! Who are you rooting for?"
"Dallas and-"
"Dallas?" Jersey looks over. "Nah, man! Ya' gotta go for the cheese heads. Here-this should fit your head and-"
"No, thank you. I'll uh, stick to Dallas and-"
Jersey points to Georgie. "Then go sit with ol pudding and pie over there. THAT'S the Dallas section."
"Really, Jersey?"
Lyla enters the living room. "Jersey, stop being an asshole, please."
"WHAT!? That is the rule-cheese heads here and Cowboys over there! THE end."
Tez stands up. "no, no-its fine, Lyla. I'll move. At least Georgie will accept me into the club."
Georgie pats an empty seat beside him. "Right 'ere, buddy. Sit by ol' Georgie Porgie."
Robert smiles. "No, Georgie That's not creepy at all." Robert tosses Tez a Beer. "So, Tez-how are things in your slice of the neighborhood?"
"Alright, Robert. Same thing: work, work and more work. How are you and RJ?"
"Wonderful, dude. We are cool."
"Weird seeing you here. I mean, not a BAD thing but-"
Robert leans forward. "Why? I'm cool with everyone here."
Gren chuckles. "What Dragon boy means, is, ya' fucked Lyla and her husband is sitting right there." Gren points to Georgie. "You know, the angry Brit with the tattoos and that silly hat...him."
Tez clears his throat. "Yes, Gren. I KNOW who Georgie is. What I'm SAYING is-"
Gren continues. "Robert...and Lyla....boned."
Jersey covers his mouth to his the laughter. "This guy-can we get more Beers to full this fire, huh-"
"They...they got naked and Robert did this-" Gren takes his index finger and pushes it into a hole created on his other hand with his thumb and index finger. "JUST....like....this. He was like 'Ah yeah, Lyla...' and Robert was all uh yeah, Lyla. Do me. I like when you call me big papa.' and then Lyla was all-"
Tez turns bright red. "OKAY, Gren! Thank you-Georgie! Hey, buddy! So, how YOU been and-"
Georgie laughs. "Calm ya'self down, Tez. It's alright...I've been good."
Rose and Harmony crowd around Lyla. "Have names yet?"
"Ethan and Peter."
Harmony claps. "OH! Precious! I love babies!"
Rose laughs. "Calm yourself, Harms."
Before Lyla could answer, RJ runs into the room. "Mom, Junior threw up."
"Excuse me, RJ....what do you-"
"Those Jalapenos....yeah. They made him sick."
Lyla sighs, grabbing the mop. "Georgie..."
"I got it, love...."
Rose and harmony join the men, while Georgie and Lyla tend to their son. Rose cuddles beside Tez; Robert smiles, lifts his beer and continues to watch Tez. Jersey loud as fuck, Gren drunk and before long, group of rowdy kids enters the room. Katie stops to look at Rose.
"I like your hair..."
"Well, thank you. You're so cute! Look JUST like your mommy!"
Katie giggles. "Thank you. Your hair reminds me of a strawberry."
Penny pokes Tez's leg. "Hi. Who are you, mister?"
"Why hello, Penny. You proably don't remember me but...I'm Tez."
"OH yeah-you're the Dragon! I remember. You burnt half of Chuck E' Cheese down on my third birthday."
Rose chuckles. "OH yeah! That's right!"
Robert looks over. "You burned down a kid's entertainment center?"
"It was an accident. I, uh...was spooked."
Georgie and Lyla returns; Georgie carries Junior in his arms, as he places the boy with RJ, Robbie and Noah. They return to their video games, although Junior takes breaks to sleep. Jersey looks at the clock.
"HEY! The game starts in thirty minutes! Finally, man!"
"We're still waitin' on a few more people."
Lyla looks at Georgie. "Who are we missing?"
"Mary, Nick, Draco, Lydia and Percy."
Robert chuckles. "Percy...love it."
Georgie returns to his spot, grabs a Beer and drinks with the others. Before the game begins, Robert heads out for a smoke break; Gren nearly falls to the ground, Jersey is right behind, Georgie follows and with Rose's loving push, Tez joins. All three stand under the tree and smoke; Hans joins, along with John but they stand away from the cloud of smoke and drink their beers.
Before long, a car pulls up.
,any comments or questions, leave them below. I'll add the other OC's in the next chap.
Glad you like the decision!
It's probably the best thumbs up I've ever seen in a manga! (I haven't read many XD) But that's exactly how I feel when I finish a chapter :P Since I have the dorm to myself this weekend I'll probably finish the drawing and read JJ's super bowl story! 
I don't intend on making her evil, but there will definitely be something strange going on with her. Don't worry though, she'll be cool in the long run.
Glad you liked that little easter egg
I absolutely adore what your doing, keep it up 
She's better than a genie because you're not limited to three wishes, lol XD
Tetra starts clapping Dude round of applause, this is absolutely great! Not a dull moment in these chapters! Can't wait to see everyone else's OC's join the mix as there are some very interesting ones coming in!
I know. The reason why I said 'North Wind children' was because they have a little bit of the North Wind gene from Bigby, and therefore, causing them to have the ability to fly. Right?
The moment my OC's walked in, my heart melted
Love how everyone's having a blast, Lyla's busy dealing with Georgie and the kids XD The food sounds amazing!
Noah and RJ and Robbie are adorable! I can totally imagine them sitting across the carpet with their DS's plugged in playing Pokemon or Mario Cart! Boys will be boys XD
Pie already highlighted the Axe part, which was absolutely hilarious XD The Porgie girls and my girls seem to be having a blast together!
Definitely something Ash would point out XD She's got no filter, compared to the other children.
Aww, brought a smile to my face
And poor Junior, he was the one that lost, I see XD
That's awesome that you chose the super bowl, I wonder who everyone is cheering for? Amazing chapter, can't wait to read more!
Hehe, I bet these were Tezoth's thoughts after what Penny told him about the Chuck 'E Cheese incident:
Totally sounds like my Tez though. He still has a ways to go yet to fully control the dragon curse inside of him. :P
Dat car cliffhanger! Has me wondering who's inside!