Nah. Telltale Games has too much money as it is. If they receive another boatload of money, their bank might explode.
That's hilarious and HECK FREAKIN YEAH THERE SHOULD BE A SEASON 2!!!!!!! But quite a wait I mean they're starting up S&M Season 3 and W&G Season 1, I suspect late 2009 or early 2010
That's hilarious and HECK FREAKIN YEAH THERE SHOULD BE A SEASON 2!!!!!!! But quite a wait I mean they're starting up S&M Season 3 and W&G Season 1, I suspect late 2009 or early 2010
hey calm the caps and size. unless its an annoucement for something awesome
like puppies in jet turbines the game. dont think too much about this example, i dident either.
hey calm the caps and size. unless its an annoucement for something awesome
like puppies in jet turbines the game. dont think too much about this example, i dident either.
Sorry I was being overdramatic about the Caps, I just love the game, and Seriously, If (I hope that changes to a when) they do it, it's either 4Q 2009 or Q1, Q2, or possibly Q3 2010
One question though, what happened to SBCG1AP, SBCG2AP and SBCG3AP?
In case you haven't heard the news, yes, this was a joketh.
Someone i know asked me what L1D L2D and L3D were likes. Your post reminded me that. And, scaringly enough, someone, somewhere, thinks that Sbcg4ap is the fourth game in the series:(
For whatever reason, I think there will be. If it does happen, it probably won't happen until at least next year, due to W&G and S&M S3.
The only idea I see preventing a season 2 would be matching the sheer awesomeness of the first season. I thought, and thought, and thought, and couldn't think of a single good idea for a plot for this game. This may just be because I lack the attention span to think clearly (ooh, Cheez-Its!), but I'm sure that TTG would have a hard time matching the quality ideas that they had first season as well. Regardless, I'm waiting and hoping for news of a season two coming to WiiWare near me. Or, a Wii near me.... Or maybe just, you know, my Wii.
I don't know. SBCG4AP wasn't as criticly acclaimed as S&M. IGN called Homestar Ruiner the worst Telltale game ever. However, the first Bone game, the 3 first S&M games, and the first CSI game wern't to good either. It's probably just because they are working with new things in Strong Bad, so if there is a second season it must be equal to, or greater than, the awesomness of S&M2, which isn't likely.
I think what they meant was that it's the worst game that you've made, But that doesn't make it bad. It means the worst game you've made is pretty good. If you get what I mean.
Yeah TBH I liked SBCG4AP, but I'd be keener to see more Sam & Max, and maybe Wallace and Gromit (depending on how this series goes, I'm sure it'll be great).
I think what they meant was that it's the worst game that you've made, But that doesn't make it bad. It means the worst game you've made is pretty good. If you get what I mean.
I'll think I'll give that some extra clarification by saying he's saying that telltale's standards are so high that their worst game ever is great.
I very much hope that they do come out with a season two. There's lots more to explore.
How about an episode in which, after Strong Bad has self-destructed the lappy and upgraded to the compe, ghostly versions of the three previous computers return to haunt Strong Bad, and as it turns out, it's really the Corpy that is behind it all and wants to end Strong Bad's e-mails for good.
I'd also like to see an episode that includes a few of the side-line bits as plot elements, such as the Snapshak and the Teen Girl Squad. Supposing Trogdorcon comes to town. Strong Bad needs to go, get his booth together, and sell Teen Girl Squad issues so that he can get enough money for something, or perhaps must enter an "art" contest and ends up doing a photo journal in the Snapshak as his contribution.
But the episode I'd really like to see would touch on the professional wrestling angle that keeps popping up here and there among the Strong Bad e-mails. Say Strong Bad wants something that happens to be the second prize in a tag-team wrestling contest. He must first get everything he needs for his gimmick, shoot a promo, convince Strong Mad to join as his tag team partner, and then fight his way through all the other tag teams. There could be "Garden Boy" Strong Sad and "Le Non-Sequetor" Homsar, "Jack 'Em Up Kid" Homestar and "Magnificent" Marzipan, Coach Z and Bubs, and who's got the tag-team title belts? None other than the King of Town and the Poopsmith with Pom Pom as their manager. Strong Bad must sabotage everybody else, but he actually wants the second prize, not the titles and Strong Mad wants the titles, so SB must find a way to sabotage him and Strong Mad without alerting his biggest bro to the fact. It would be lots of fun.
I very much hope that they do come out with a season two. There's lots more to explore.
How about an episode in which, after Strong Bad has self-destructed the lappy and upgraded to the compe, ghostly versions of the three previous computers return to haunt Strong Bad
The idea has already been done to death in the SBE-mails.
Saying that an idea has been done to death is hardly mean... it is observant
Yes, but it is not the WORDS, as such, but the WAY the words are expressed and the CONTEXT. Anyway, I agree with bigdondoo, shall we just agree to disagree?
And, yes, I did take that from the Siege of Spinner Cay.
I hope there is a season 2 of SBCG4AP. My expectations for the next seasons are:
1. Game engine fine-tuned in general (bugs worked out, etc.)
2. More content in every episode
3. The same great humor from the site and season 1!
I don't know. SBCG4AP wasn't as criticly acclaimed as S&M. IGN called Homestar Ruiner the worst Telltale game ever. However, the first Bone game, the 3 first S&M games, and the first CSI game wern't to good either. It's probably just because they are working with new things in Strong Bad, so if there is a second season it must be equal to, or greater than, the awesomness of S&M2, which isn't likely.
IGN is being dumb then. StrongBad has been HANDS DOWN the best series they have done. The humor and fun is just spot-on. I found S&M to be mostly just good enough to scratch my point-and-click itch. Though admittedly I haven't gotten into S&M2 yet. But it was easily better than S&M1, a little bit better than W&G and MI so far.
I would rather they cut ANYTHING other than Strong Bad.
I think, given the awesomeness of season 1, Telltale would be fools and/or Strong Sads not to want to make a season two. I also think that Telltale might have other projects they've already posponed too long *cough* S&M3 *cough* , as well as their current projects (MI, W&G DVD, CSI), and anyways, if Matt Chapman has to voice another whole season, then the toons on the site will be posponed, and the true powers of the Compé will continue to be a mystery, so I say wait till mid-2010 to do it.
There is definatley gonna be another Season 2 definatley and I'm definte bou't dis! It's been over a year since SBCG4AP's release. The latest of any release date for a season 2 would come in 1st qaruter 2010, if anything. I'm currently working on a SBCG4AP Season 2 Idea thread with my ideas for season two. (AND ITS TAKING A LONG TIME SO DON"T CRITISES IT WHEN YOU SEE IT!) so my answer is: YES!!! :D:D
I'd like another Strong Bad season. But I suppose you'd have to watch the Brothers Chaps to get any clues. Fans of the Homestar Runner site seemed to be worried about how often there would be new toons and sbemails while the game development would be taking up time.
And also it must be a lot of dialogue to Matt Chapman to voice. It might have been my imagination but the toons and sbemails after SBCG4AP seem to have a slightly different in tone Strong Bad voice (you know how there's more of an accent in the early sbemails and now there isn't...) and a more raspy Homestar (or maybe that was just my imagination, but that Quote of the Week where Homestar does the Inspector Gadget theme song is really deep...)
That's hilarious and HECK FREAKIN YEAH THERE SHOULD BE A SEASON 2!!!!!!! But quite a wait I mean they're starting up S&M Season 3 and W&G Season 1, I suspect late 2009 or early 2010
hey calm the caps and size. unless its an annoucement for something awesome
like puppies in jet turbines the game. dont think too much about this example, i dident either.
Sorry I was being overdramatic about the Caps, I just love the game, and Seriously, If (I hope that changes to a when) they do it, it's either 4Q 2009 or Q1, Q2, or possibly Q3 2010
2) W&G GA
C) S&M2 Wii
4) S&M3
This might not be completely accurate, but it's pretty close.
Wow, this makes me think of the joke threads during the summer of '08 that were asking if SBCG4AP season sixty-something will be made.
Someone i know asked me what L1D L2D and L3D were likes. Your post reminded me that. And, scaringly enough, someone, somewhere, thinks that Sbcg4ap is the fourth game in the series:(
The only idea I see preventing a season 2 would be matching the sheer awesomeness of the first season. I thought, and thought, and thought, and couldn't think of a single good idea for a plot for this game. This may just be because I lack the attention span to think clearly (ooh, Cheez-Its!), but I'm sure that TTG would have a hard time matching the quality ideas that they had first season as well. Regardless, I'm waiting and hoping for news of a season two coming to WiiWare near me. Or, a Wii near me.... Or maybe just, you know, my Wii.
They did?
I don't remember that, and can't find a statement like that anywhere in their review, which has an "Impressive" score of 8.1/10.
I'll think I'll give that some extra clarification by saying he's saying that telltale's standards are so high that their worst game ever is great.
How about an episode in which, after Strong Bad has self-destructed the lappy and upgraded to the compe, ghostly versions of the three previous computers return to haunt Strong Bad, and as it turns out, it's really the Corpy that is behind it all and wants to end Strong Bad's e-mails for good.
I'd also like to see an episode that includes a few of the side-line bits as plot elements, such as the Snapshak and the Teen Girl Squad. Supposing Trogdorcon comes to town. Strong Bad needs to go, get his booth together, and sell Teen Girl Squad issues so that he can get enough money for something, or perhaps must enter an "art" contest and ends up doing a photo journal in the Snapshak as his contribution.
But the episode I'd really like to see would touch on the professional wrestling angle that keeps popping up here and there among the Strong Bad e-mails. Say Strong Bad wants something that happens to be the second prize in a tag-team wrestling contest. He must first get everything he needs for his gimmick, shoot a promo, convince Strong Mad to join as his tag team partner, and then fight his way through all the other tag teams. There could be "Garden Boy" Strong Sad and "Le Non-Sequetor" Homsar, "Jack 'Em Up Kid" Homestar and "Magnificent" Marzipan, Coach Z and Bubs, and who's got the tag-team title belts? None other than the King of Town and the Poopsmith with Pom Pom as their manager. Strong Bad must sabotage everybody else, but he actually wants the second prize, not the titles and Strong Mad wants the titles, so SB must find a way to sabotage him and Strong Mad without alerting his biggest bro to the fact. It would be lots of fun.
The idea has already been done to death in the SBE-mails.
So what? Telltale would find a way to make an original idea out of it! Why do you have to be so negative?
Because it's been done to death...
Oh, I'm sure they could. And it'd make a great episode.
You beat me to it
Hey! Robert Titus;
Just thought I'd let you know.
Seriously though, I think it'd be best for everyone to just move on.
I still don't get what the dude is complaining about, but whatever.
I'm just saying that some of your posts come off meanly. Maybe you could try being a little nicer?
Saying that an idea has been done to death is hardly mean... it is observant
Yes, but it is not the WORDS, as such, but the WAY the words are expressed and the CONTEXT. Anyway, I agree with bigdondoo, shall we just agree to disagree?
And, yes, I did take that from the Siege of Spinner Cay.
1. Game engine fine-tuned in general (bugs worked out, etc.)
2. More content in every episode
3. The same great humor from the site and season 1!
IGN is being dumb then. StrongBad has been HANDS DOWN the best series they have done. The humor and fun is just spot-on. I found S&M to be mostly just good enough to scratch my point-and-click itch. Though admittedly I haven't gotten into S&M2 yet. But it was easily better than S&M1, a little bit better than W&G and MI so far.
I would rather they cut ANYTHING other than Strong Bad.
And also it must be a lot of dialogue to Matt Chapman to voice. It might have been my imagination but the toons and sbemails after SBCG4AP seem to have a slightly different in tone Strong Bad voice (you know how there's more of an accent in the early sbemails and now there isn't...) and a more raspy Homestar (or maybe that was just my imagination, but that Quote of the Week where Homestar does the Inspector Gadget theme song is really deep...)