How do you defeat a being that can consume and use the power of the of others? It'll be an interesting fight!
“I never kicked a gargoy… morele god in the balls before, I wonder what the results would be..” He thought.
Haha, that's a good line. XD I'm guessing the results would be a rather annoyed gargoyle god.
And the idea of a dragon's flames being able to heal another dragon is a very good idea! You've shown just how much Tez loves Rose, and how much Marcelo looks up to his father.
Sunflower, wearing thick brown gloves, picked Seraphina up. The little girl, wearing a pink dress and bare feet, kicks and giggles as Sunflower places her before a Rose bush. It was crippling to Sunflower with the inability to hold the little girl in his arms. Under the burning sun, he wipes away a tear and turns the little girl loose.
First, Seraphina looks around her enviroment; from the distance, Gren and Emily held tightly onto one another. Chloe was beginning to grasp the concept of changing between forms. As a treat for her good behavior, Emily baked cupcakes and gave her a bite ONLY if she obeyed and listened to their heartfelt commands. Liam thought this was play time and refused to turn into a human. Even with Gren desperatly trying to show, it couldn't be done; Gren required a glamour and had no idea what a shape shifter was supposed to do.
Emily had it in her bloodline. She quietly prayed her son inherited this, just like Chloe had. Viviana at the moment was being held down by Ethan. While Peter and Michelle began the preperations should the quads need to stay at the Farm, Ethan did all he could to help his sister. Ethan noticed a glimmer of rejection in his sister's eyes as she spoke to Liam. Viviana was not making the situation any easier. The little girl was eager to join the heavens and float. The ribbon was no longer a priority; although very expensive, Gren and Emily ordered a potion to mask the ribbon's true identity and blend it into the baby's skin. As the magic wore off, the ribbon would reappear.
"STOP moving, Viviana! Please!" Ethan struggled to keep her still. "Uncle Ethan would really like it, if you cooperated with him and TRIED to be on your best behavior! Please! You can't float, baby! You just can't..."
Gren had to turn away for a moment, found a nearby tree and destroyed the right side with his fist. Growling and snarling towards the skies, Gren changed into his true from and slammed his fists into the ground. The Earth shakes for a moment. This caused all four babies to turn and see their father. Liam no longer saw this as a game. Emily rushes to his side, jumps in front and nearly dodges a blow to the skull.
"Emily!" Gren pauses to see his fiancee before him. "Are you insane?! I could have crushed would have been killed!"
"Is this any bloody way ta' be actin' right now, Grendel? Ya' need ta' control ya'self, love."
"I'm so fuckin' frustrated with this entre thing! I want it to go away! I NEED them to learn!"
"Sssshh ssshhh, love." Emily wraps Gren's thick arm as best as she could. "They're learnin' the best they can, love. They are just babies afta' all."
Emily buries her face into Gren's rough skin. The little scales along his arm prick her cheek. His flesh is cool against her warm embrace; the familiar smell of swamp and open fields invade her nose and mind. Emily always found his scent, both in glamour and true form, to be intoxicating and irresistable. Stroking his face with her hand, Emily calms Gren down long enough for the best to sit under the tree and hang his head. Gren gently presses it alongside Emily's back.
"There ya' go, Grendel. Easy does it, love...that's it...."
Ethan, still holding Viviana, follws he path of destroyed grass, shrubs and trees. Sitting under the shade, he finds a rather large chalky beast and a petite Fable woman. Both eyes closed, they remain silent. Ethan sighs, looks over at Sunflower and finds the Fable on the ground, eyes covered and brought to tears. Liam and Chloe continue to chase little bugs crawling on the rocks and blades of grass.
"Sunflower..." Ethan places a hand on his shoulder. "Are okay?"
"They can learn, Ethan. Please." Looking up, the Fable's beady dark eyes are lost in an ocean of tears. "Please. I beg of you. Don't take them away. They can learn. Give us time...the magic, see? It covers the ribbon. Chloe is understanding the ability to change."
"Viviana is STILL floating, Sunflower. We can't have a flying baby in Fabletown around the mundies. Liam refuses to change when asked and Chloe does it only when there is a treat. I'm sorry-"
Sunflower throws himself at Ethan's feet. "Gren won't be able to stay much. It'll break his heart, Ethan. You know that. He can't be away from Emily OR those babies. They need him, too."
"Emily mentioned Vivian. Maybe if SHE goes away-"
"According to Emily, Vivian is forever here unless something happens to either her or Viviana. Because of that ribbon, her attachment to Emily and this whole bullshit with Hades and the other three kids, she NEEDS to stay here."
Sunflower and Ethan look over at Seraphina. All the Rose bushes are dead with the exact blue residue left behind. Rocking back and forth, she continues to chew on her fingers and look at the birds.
"Man. This is going to be harder than I thought..."
Ethan returns that afternoon to the Business Office to report the quad's progress. So far, only Chloe has managed to progress. Viviana refused to stay on the ground, Liam never changed and Seraphina nearly destroyed half of Emily's flowers. With no other options, the parents turn in for the day and like the days prior, would come out and try again.
Sunflower offered to stay but Gren assured they'd be alright. To be honset, he wanted to be alone with the children and Emily. There were still a few things that needed to be addressed. Her job, for one, was still number one on his continuing list of questions. Emily was in the boy's room when Gren locates her. Finishing a lullaby, Emily tucks the boys in for their nap.
Emily sighs. "Ya' want somethin' ta' eat, love?"
"Sure." Gren follows Emily down the stairs. "What did you have in mind?"
"Something quick and simple. I'm not in the mood ta' cook much..."
"You want chinese?" Gren takes out his phone. "You know Mr. Cheng will deliever out here."
Emily smiles and takes a seat. "Ya'. That works, love. The usual...."
Emily rubs her temple while Gren places the order for their lunch. In her mind, Emily felt as if she failed. Nothing she could ever do would change the minds of other Fables when it came to her children. Her long time guardian finally admits her true purpose besides being the voice of reason to Emily. It was a lot to take in; Peter's heels were digging deeper into the sand and refusing to budge. His mind, from what Emily could tell, was made up about the future of her children.
Gren places his phone back into his pocket. Today, he was wearing a simple white tee shirt and jeans; the weather was warming up and a jacket was not needed. Looking over at Emily, he tried to find the right words.
"So, that job of yours. What is it?"
Emily glances up. A vexed look upon her face. "Woot?"
"That job you go to. WHAT is it?"
"Coffee shop, Gren. Ya' know that..."
Gren smirks. "What fuckin' coffee shop has their female employees dress like we went to Gold Digger's strip joint?"
"Yes!" Gren pushes himself up and stands. "I want to know RIGHT now what really goes on there-"
"Ya' got ta' be jokin' me. Its a fookin' COFFEE SHOP, Gren! Nuthin' else!"
Gren stabs the counter over and over with his finger. "YOU were dressed in God knows WHAT that was when you came home that one day. I could see EVERYTHING, Emily! I don't need these fuckin' assholes and perverts staring at your tits and ass! That's MY fuckin job, Emily!"
"YA fookin' job, Grendel!?"
"YES!" Gren's voice roars into the house. "MY job!"
Emily stands up and walks towards the living room. "Unbelievable. Ya' gunna bring this up now."
"Where the fuck are you going?"
"Away from ya', ya' fookin' insane bastard! This is bullocks and I'm not in the mood ta'-"
Gren runs after Emily. Pinning her to the wall, his grip tightens around Emily's arm. "You think this shit is funny, Emily-huh?! I don't like the idea of you showing off yourself to all these fuckin' perverts! What if something happens to you, huh?! What the fuck am I-"
Emily struggles under Gren's grasp. "Ya' betta' let go of me, Grendel! I ain't in the fookin' mood fa' this shit!"
"Then when!" Gren never lets go. "WHEN are you EVER in the mood, Emily? It's NEVER a good time for you, is it?"
"Its all we HAD, Gren!" Emily thrusts against the wall. "We needed the fookin' money! We were behind on water, gas, food-the bloody babies needed diapers, wipes, clothes-we had NUTHIN', Gren! It was alright pay with great fookin' tips!"
"So, you fuckin' thought showing off your tits and ass would do it, huh?"
"I'm NOT showin' 'em off, Gren! It's woot we gotta' do! It's me bloody attire, love!"
Gren slams his hand into the wall, leaving a massive hole. "YOU need to leave that place RIGHT now and-"
"Fook ya'!" Emily never backs down. "I'm not gunna let ya' tell me woot ta' do, Gren! It's my job and we NEED the money-"
"I'M working now, Emily! The pay is good and your brother-"
"And woot if that does not work out, Gren? We'd be back ta' scrappin' by just ta' get food on the fookin' table! I'm not gunna live like that, Gren!"
Gren gawks at Emily. Her eyes had a trace of fright, that sent the beast into a state of mind where he had not been in centuries. Suddenly, the faces of all the warriors, villagers-people in the hall that night-came back like a bad dream. He was standing before a shivering man, as he tore off the arms, legs and heads of his fellow man. The exact look she had brewing in her own. Gren leans forward to kiss Emily but Emily instantly turns her face, whimpers and closes her eyes.
"Emily..." Her reaction was nothing like she'd ever shown. "Emily, look at me."
"Please." Emily begs against the tremble in her voice. "I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, Gren....."
The repulsive taste in the back of his throat suddenly appeared. Gren wanted to vomit. He'd never heard those words spout from Emily's mouth. The mere thought of laying a hand on her...He backed away; before him, head still turned, the shaking body of his fiancee. Gren looked down at his hands. Emily remained still and hushed. No, Gren thought to himself. She would not fear. He was not that creature from the stories. The rumors. Gren was different. Gren carefully grabs Emily's arm.
"I'm not doin' anything woot the club..."
Gren grabs Emily and pulls her close. The stress was beyond words; sleepless nights, worried about the children and were it left them as parents. Gren, unlike Bigby, WAS allowed on the Farm but only for a short time. Afterhours, he had to leave. He couldn't stay with his children. With Emily.
"I know you are not doing that shit, Emily..." Gren kisses her lips. "I know...I'm sorry-"
Emily cups Gren's face. "I've neva' seen ya' like that before, Gren. Ya' scared almost changed...ya' eyes-"
"I'm fine." Gren kisses Emily's entire face. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I almost became....a....a..."
Emily laughs. "Monster?"
Before Gren could answer, there was three knocks at their door. Right on cue, Puddles yipps and runs to the front. Gren and Emily both stand and head for the door; neither were expecting company and with the situation that was taking place, both were aware. Gren clutches the knob and is prepared to defend his family from whatever is behind the doors. Neither were prepared, however, for who it was.
"Dad..." Gren releases his hands on the knob. "What...what-"
"Are you ready, Grendel? We must speak. All of us. It's about the quads. I can help...."
Well you're ahead of me then, man, because I haven't been reading much at all lately T-T MY bad I will soon though, I did read a little bit of your latest posts, and so far, they don't seem too fun for Vivian and her little mini-me.
I've already stated several chapters ago that Scar was pregnant again, and this chapter was just supposed to highlight that a bit. Charlotte in the chapter (I think) before this, or maybe the one before that, woke up in the middle of the night, after what happened with Harmony and Tim on their vacation, and she's convinced that she's changed the past again, but this time she wasn't conscious in doing so. She basically ran off to talk to Rose, who is the other only person who knows about her powers other than Bellatrix. Rose says some snarky remarks and Charlotte isn't very tired so she joins her aunt in a movie marathon to try and get her mind off of things for a while. She didn't know her parents would be checking up on her, lol XP But, there is more to her disappearance than it seems.
I looked up a few English fairy tales, and she was an irish character along with the prince she married, so I figured I'd throw them in for the hell of it. They're very peculiar, and the leader by the was is Tim's sister, Belinda. Everything is very peculiar, and Harmony's trying to get to the bottom of it. She also had a little arguement with Tim which kind of sucked, and that's why she was alone. If you want me to explain a little more, you can message me and I'll talk You could probably tell me a few things that've been going on in your story as well XD
I FINALLY caught up to all the other posts you've made! My bad, Ems! Man! Falling behind. Used to be on it! XD
Anyways, when Scarlett thr… moreew up, my brain immediatly said pregnant. The usual. But, when she went to check up on Charlotte, she was gone; if I remember correctly, cause the last few days I've made no sense, Charlotte received headaches and nose bleeds and is very sick at the moment because of her time traveling. She's also managed to change a few lives, one being her uncle Isaac. Now, with her missing, I'm curious: did she run off or is she changing yet another future....hmmmm...
And when you mentioned Irish accent for Molly, my mind returned to T man's story and Fayde; you've Easter Egged his relationship with Rose and his OC in previous chapters AND the nicknames he gave her. I'm sure its pure coincidence (the Irish as wonderful, I know! XD) so I might be getting ahead of myself. (AGAIN!) lol But I'm wondering about their 'le… [view original content]
I've already stated several chapters ago that Scar was pregnant again
I do recall you mentioning this and charlotte wasn't too thrilled. XD I'm all over the place so if I sound like I'm repeating, pleae-tell me to STFU! XD JK. But now with you describing the current situation, I understand now. I do remember Rose, too; I always assumed other people knew of the powers, too but I was wrong. :P
AH! okay than. I did get ahead of myself again. I do remember their argument and harmony went to the museum alone; knowing that Tim's sister is the leader, my curiosity needle is going nuts over here! XD I need to seriously write things down...make mental notes. lol
Long story short for mine: Peter and Holly's wedding, they are having a girl Lily Faith, a purple ribbon has appeared on Viviana's neck; turns her into a Cerverus like creature when you pull it, Peter has warned Emily to teach the quads how to be 'normal' or else they'll live on the Farm until then, Gren's dad is in town; he's learning about his past while trying to keep his family together and Mary is the annoying yet loving sister-in-law to Emily.
Well you're ahead of me then, man, because I haven't been reading much at all lately T-T MY bad I will soon though, I did read a little bit… more of your latest posts, and so far, they don't seem too fun for Vivian and her little mini-me.
I've already stated several chapters ago that Scar was pregnant again, and this chapter was just supposed to highlight that a bit. Charlotte in the chapter (I think) before this, or maybe the one before that, woke up in the middle of the night, after what happened with Harmony and Tim on their vacation, and she's convinced that she's changed the past again, but this time she wasn't conscious in doing so. She basically ran off to talk to Rose, who is the other only person who knows about her powers other than Bellatrix. Rose says some snarky remarks and Charlotte isn't very tired so she joins her aunt in a movie marathon to try and get her mind off of things for a while. She didn't know her parents would be che… [view original content]
When you made Mik say 'side cat' in his quote, I thought he literally meant a cat sidekick of some sorts. Until I realized you put Cat for Catherine in short. XD
Apart from that, good job on Mik! I think the blue's a nice color for his scales.
Many years later after Mikhail had grown up he and Catherine were in the homelands hunting. Catherine seemed to have gotten herself into qui… morete the fight as there were more than a hundred people circling her.
"Hey dummy now would be the perfect time to get down here!" She thought to him
Mikhail found her location (This would be a good time to start the music if you want to XD) and dive bombed near Catherine. She noticed him and as he fell she jumped off his body and flung herself into the air. Mikhail slammed into the ground sending most flying, he let out a roar and sent flames unto the stragglers burning them to ash. Catherine landed on his back and flew away to find some animals instead of people wanting their heads on pikes.
Like Lupine said, the dragon healing flames were a very nice touch! How coincidental that the flames burned red too, 'cause you know, Rose Red is his main love and stuff. XD
Regardless, I liked the role you've given Tez so far! Though, Tez must have been disappointed that he didn't really kill the Boogeyman at the end.
Chapter 11, The Cavalry Arrives!
“Tell me something Robby, what exactly were you thinking? You thought your, simple, measly will could st… moreand up to my transcendent might. You have wronged yourself, and now you lay there beneath my feet, in your own blood.** You, your Fabled Avengers, Fabletown and anyone of that matter, will die a horrible death. And in all suffice my influence would of cloak this world and no mortal or immortal would challenge me.
I am no longer a Fable, I am divine,now behold. Take final looks Robby at the world, your friends will follow afterwards..”
Gargoth with his monstrous hands around Robby's neck. Instead of attempting to fight back Robby's begins to chuckle then laughs out loud with all the breathe he has left. He just laughs and laughs..
“What is so funny about death, Robby? Even if it is your own.”
“Gargoth, you.. You are so going to get your ass kicked..”
“Explain yourself Robby, what exactly are… [view original content]
When you made Mik say 'side cat' in his quote, I thought he literally meant a cat sidekick of some sorts. Until I realized you put Cat for Catherine in short. XD
Apart from that, good job on Mik! I think the blue's a nice color for his scales.
I agree with Peter and Gren on this, if the Farm is going to be safe for Viviana and the rest of the children - then a temporary stay they shall have!
Really interesting backstory for Viv. It sucks now that all of a sudden, Hades is involved in all of this. Can't really defeat a God unless you maybe had Frau's help on it. Kind of reminds me of the Genie storyline arc in the Fables comics. Anyway, a great read, and, I have a request for you (if you want to hear it) when you're done with this story pertaining to Emily and her children.
Peter and Ethan arrived later that day but it all seemed a blur to Emily. Her children didn't seem to noticed their sister's change, as Pete… morer took a turn pulling the ribbon off to see what Gren was trying to show. The mere sight of his neice's new found 'gift' was startling to both of her uncles; Peter was lost for words and Ethan found the hidden emotion to weep like a child.
Emily managed to hear the words 'Farm' and 'a few months' but that was all. Her mind was suddenly filled with the idea of a Fable such as Hades stalking her child in hopes of claiming her soul to be by his side. Vivian remained near Emily.
"Emily, please."
"Ya' betta' start talkin', Viv. I ain't got time ta' play these games."
"I didn't think it would be like this."
"THAT ribbon, is keeping her here right now? Even as we speak?"
"Yes, Emily,
"Why? How?" Emily tilts forward. "Ya' betta' start NOW, Vivian...or so 'elp me...."
Vivian inhaled and loo… [view original content]
I know he likes kids but Sheila was being annoying. Even the most patience of people would lose it with this girl. I didn't mean to make him an asshole. Not my intention at all. And he's standing because thre is yet to be a chair. Lyla has over a lot of guests, who brought their kids and such. He'll be sitting in the next. I'll make a note. No lass.
NP. Glad it worked out even with all the little flaws. And the Patriots are a team; belong to New England and since EVERYONE and their grandma that I know of roots for them, why not Nick?
HaHA! I liked this chapter!! XD
BUT, I have some pointers about Nick:
* He likes kids
* He isn't a gruff asshole all the time :P
*… more Why was he standing?
* Also, in spite of his accent, he doesn't use terminology like 'lass' he speaks quite normally...
Sorry for the pointers, but I was excited to see what you would do with him and well.. it was like The Terminator had shown up
But I still appreciate the inclusion! Btw, I don't follow American Football, so who are the Patriots??
I know he likes kids but Sheila was being annoying. Even the most patience of people would lose it with this girl. I didn't mean to make hi… morem an asshole. Not my intention at all. And he's standing because thre is yet to be a chair. Lyla has over a lot of guests, who brought their kids and such. He'll be sitting in the next. I'll make a note. No lass.
NP. Glad it worked out even with all the little flaws. And the Patriots are a team; belong to New England and since EVERYONE and their grandma that I know of roots for them, why not Nick?
I feel bad for Sunflower. He really seems close to Seraphina and its breaking his heart no being able to hold her....:'( Viviana struggling, too; poor babies do not understand and although Chloe kind of gets it, its never good enough. At least they have that spell wrapped around the ribbon....
"Sssshh ssshhh, love." Emily wraps Gren's thick arm as best as she could. "They're learnin' the best they can, love. They are just babies afta' all."
Emily buries her face into Gren's rough skin. The little scales along his arm prick her cheek. His flesh is cool against her warm embrace; the familiar smell of swamp and open fields invade her nose and mind. Emily always found his scent, both in glamour and true form, to be intoxicating and irresistable. Stroking his face with her hand, Emily calms Gren down long enough for the best to sit under the tree and hang his head. Gren gently presses it alongside Emily's back.
"There ya' go, Grendel. Easy does it, love...that's it...."
I don't mean to quote such a large section of the first half but as I was reading this, I notice just how close Gren and Emily are and always has been. Seems like the gentle touch of her calms the beast; Emily describing his smell was a neat touch and it brought back all these feelings they've had to ignore all this time. I found this to be really sweet.
Then, things changed; I can see why Gren lost his cool and would demand answers as far as the job. But, I'm glad Emily stod her ground. It is all they had and from what I've read, the $$$$ was good. Him losing his cool like that:
Gren slams his hand into the wall, leaving a massive hole.
Its almost like your trying to remind us of who Gren WAS and is trying to be. He has moments. He slips up....
"Emily..." Her reaction was nothing like she'd ever shown. "Emily, look at me."
The repulsive taste in the back of his throat suddenly appeared. Gren wanted to vomit. He'd never heard those words spout from Emily's mouth. The mere thought of laying a hand on her...He backed away; before him, head still turned, the shaking body of his fiancee
This just goes to show how vulnerable one is. The mentioning of how long can Emily really be strong....
"Are you ready, Grendel? We must speak. All of us. It's about the quads. I can help...."
I hope so, Thomas...I really hope you can. I'm waiting for Hades to appear, though....
The next few days...
Sunflower, wearing thick brown gloves, picked Seraphina up. The little girl, wearing a pink dress and bare feet, kic… moreks and giggles as Sunflower places her before a Rose bush. It was crippling to Sunflower with the inability to hold the little girl in his arms. Under the burning sun, he wipes away a tear and turns the little girl loose.
First, Seraphina looks around her enviroment; from the distance, Gren and Emily held tightly onto one another. Chloe was beginning to grasp the concept of changing between forms. As a treat for her good behavior, Emily baked cupcakes and gave her a bite ONLY if she obeyed and listened to their heartfelt commands. Liam thought this was play time and refused to turn into a human. Even with Gren desperatly trying to show, it couldn't be done; Gren required a glamour and had no idea what a shape shifter was supposed to do.
Emily had it in her bloodline. She quietly prayed her son inher… [view original content]
Gotcha, my good man. I'll make sure to impress you the next go around. AND Sheila belongs to Georgie Junior and Mary....that alone should tell you how annoying she can get. (love her, pie. Just saying....) lol Picked her up like that cause he's annoyed. She didn't seem to mind.
Ok fair enough :P
He has a Scottish accent, but it is just an accent, he speaks like any American would
I haven't experienced Sheila in a story before... so I guess that makes it kinda ok, why pick her up by her shirt though?
Gotcha, my good man. I'll make sure to impress you the next go around. AND Sheila belongs to Georgie Junior and Mary....that alone should te… morell you how annoying she can get. (love her, pie. Just saying....) lol Picked her up like that cause he's annoyed. She didn't seem to mind.
I got Pie to give me a FULL family tree of the Porgie's :P I know she is Mary and Junior's, I just haven't read anything with her in yet...
I await more! XD
Hehe, I think Tez should take advantage of Gren's drunkenness and use it against pesky, pesky Robert. But whatever you choose to do, JJ, and no offense to your OC. XD
At least Tezoth and Georgie seem they are buddy/buddy in this so far!
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
Thanks. I've got a few ideas that I've been dying to put down, seeing as this is the final story to the Porgie Clan. Just had Emily, Peter and Ethan to cover.
I have a request for you (if you want to hear it) when you're done with this story pertaining to Emily and her children.
I agree with Peter and Gren on this, if the Farm is going to be safe for Viviana and the rest of the children - then a temporary stay they s… morehall have!
Really interesting backstory for Viv. It sucks now that all of a sudden, Hades is involved in all of this. Can't really defeat a God unless you maybe had Frau's help on it. Kind of reminds me of the Genie storyline arc in the Fables comics. Anyway, a great read, and, I have a request for you (if you want to hear it) when you're done with this story pertaining to Emily and her children.
I want to know more about Michelle. You've been mentioning her here and there as Peter and Ethan's assistant in the Woodlands, but haven't really delved much into her background and stuff.
So yeah, that's basically all there is to my request.
You know Emily. Stubborn as ever. XD
Thanks. I've got a few ideas that I've been dying to put down, seeing as this is the final story to … morethe Porgie Clan. Just had Emily, Peter and Ethan to cover.
I have a request for you (if you want to hear it) when you're done with this story pertaining to Emily and her children.
Would actually love to hear it, man.
No it wasn't boring, quite interesting actually XD Excuse me for not knowing how NHS works, but hopefully there are other activities for you to earn points on because selling that many candles would surely require some sort of state-wide blackout or an inexplicable increase in romantic dates. XD Either way, you seem very intelligent and a good person, so if you missed out on the NHS because you were shy of selling one hundred's dollars worth of candles then, really, the candles would have to be to blame for simply not being good enough to sell rather than anything on your own part. Good luck with it though!
I think they've had a small disagreement before, but otherwise I've never written a full blown argument between the two. It is a little dish… moreeartening But things will obviously get better in the end.
I'm actually selling Yankee Candles for a fundraiser right now XP It's hard because a lot of them are expensive and I need to sell a hundred dollars at least and every one hundred dollars is one point for my NHS and I need 12 points by the time I graduate to graduate with NHS and the whole thing is super complicated and I should just sell 1200 dollars of candles lol then I'd be set XD But that's probably going to be hard as we only have until March 12th, so yeah. I hope I can sell at least one hundred, if not up to three hundred. Because then I get three points! I've only sold 30 dollars worth so far Now I've been rambling, I hope this wasn't boring XD Glad you like your candles, btw, if I haven't said that before.
They kept running and running for days on end. Through city's and towns the group would run on and fight when they had to. The people here are much like they were in the mundane world. As soon as undead started showing up they lost hope, in fact they started chanting and wishing for death to take them away to was depressing even more that it had spread so far, yet they tried to live with it until the day Makoto had to make his move. At last they made it to the tower.
"That tower is huge." Dewitt said.
"I see there are three people. Your sister, Clara, and Luke." Luna said
"Alright. Shall we get moving? We've already wasted about a month and a half just traveling here." Makoto said
The two of them nodded and opened the door to see a spiral of stairs. They started running up the stairs, on the way up Luna had asked Dewitt for his brothers revolver. She scanned the bullets and made the bullets in her weapons systems coated with silver. They kept climbing and the stairs met a door they opened the door to the first room they saw a woman who's beauty was second to none, she faced them and smiled.
"My what have we here, guests who've taken a wrong turn I assume brother?" She asked
"No quite the opposite actually, we need to climb this tower and kill the man at the top." Dewitt answered
"Ah you see I can't quite allow you to do that, you see he shall bring us salvation! So as you can see I can't let you go on." She smiled
"You're just as bat shit crazy as the rest of them huh? And you used to be the smart one." Dewitt taunted.
"Shut you're mouth! Is that how you talk to your elders boy with the blue hair?" She said
Before he could answer Luna piped in. "You two run ahead! I will fight the vampire while you keep climbing!"
They're both shocked, the vampire laughed and transformed into her true form. "Go on then, I'll finish this one quick, and then I'll come up and finish you off later!"
They weren't complaining, Dewitt and Makoto opened the door and kept climbing. Makoto expressed how he was worried about Luna but Dewitt reassured him that she would be fine and that she could be repaired later on if need be. The stairs seemed to go on and on, and it felt like hours if not a couple days before they met the next door. They opened the door to see Clara in the next room spinning her revolver on her finger and humming a tune. She hasn't noticed them yet so Dewitt told Makoto to get going and climb up the stairs. Makoto nodded and ran through the door and up the stairs. Clara turned around she had an irritated face upon facing Dewitt.
"Now why'd ya have to go and do that and ruin all the fun?" Clara said in an annoyed voice.
"Because he's got other matters to attend to and doesn't need to waste his energy with you when I could just fight you." Dewitt said
"Oh is that so? But I was going to show him a prize he would've won if he could beat me." She said holding up Makotos mother by her hair, she she loaded her revolver cylinder and pointed the gun at her head. "Oh well choices do have impacts." She fired the gun killing Makotos mother. Clara smiled "And this so happens to be one of them." She started laughing.
"You bitch! I'll just kill you for him! Family is important...and family is what he will need." Dewitt said
"Family? Hahaha! Don't make me laugh, you don't need family or friends to do anything." She taunted.
Dewitt transformed into his true form, his body grew wings his eyes crimson red with teeth ready for the taste of blood. "I lost my family and I'd do anything to get them back!" He yelled charging her.
" make me sick with all this family talk." She sidestepped and un-sheathed her sword.
As Makoto climbes the rest of the stairs he had hoped his friends would be alright. The higher he climbed the more tired he started to get, it felt like he's been climbing forever. But sure enough he met the door which led to the roof. He opened the doors to meet a grey sky and a full moon in the sky while rain fell onto him and the roof. He walked forward to see his father alone standing near the edge of the roof.
"It's a beautiful sight isn't it?" Luke said
"No its disgusting actually..." Makoto began to say.
Down on the first floor....
The vampire charged Luna, the vampire had old wings, light blue eyes that resembled blue flames her teeth were sharper with Dewitts but Luna knew in a situation like this they wouldn't be such a big help as everything except her heart and brain were made of metal that Luke built her with. Luna dodged and started firing upon the Vampire but it was too quick. Luna quickly analyzed the room when she heard the vampires voice...
"Why do you betray us Luna? You were once one for the cost." She said
"I realized that we were wrong! Forcing others to die for a cause that is selfish is not good! Some people want to live! To raise their families and enjoy the time they have on this world with each other! I have learned this by spending time with Makoto and everyone else! So I wish to help them bring an end to this plot!" Luna said
"Hmm is that so, we'll in that case I'll make this quick!!!" She roared and flew down from her perch to attack Luna.
Luna grabbed the vampire by the hands and threw her aside, the vampire got up and attacked Luna. The vampire picked Luna up and slammed her into the wall and again into the ground. Lunas systems were hazy but she was still operational. Luna dodged the vampires next attack and ripped off her wings. The vampire screeched in pain, punching Luna across the room. But before she could get up the vampire jumped on top of her and tore off her arms. This dealt no pain to Luna but she was worried of the outcome. She kicked the vampire off of her, she had one weapon system left and that was the ones in her legs, but in order to get that shot to the vampires heart she needed to get her on her knees at proper elevation. She started to calculate the vampires movements and counter when needed. To her surprise she managed to calculate to perfection. She had the vampire on its knees, she took aim and fired her gun at the vampires heart causing the vampire to turn to ash and blow away the wind. After that Luna had fell to the ground. She looked at her chest and realized there was a hole where her heart was. Her systems started failing.
"So this is the end. I am not sad but glad, that I got to learn of how humans live and their will to go on even in the darkest times....thank you.....Makoto....for giving me that chance......" Her eyes went black and her body immobile and silence filled the room.....
That's it! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
@pudding_pie brought this to my attention and its true: my last story had his Porgie kids and a few others older, including my RJ. I'll be c… morehanging the story up a bit; Peter is much OLDER than Harmony and it would make more sense if HER 1st litter interacts with, oh, I don't know...Junior's kids. I'm sorry for the confusion. :P IF I've lost you, please ask away! I'll explain as much as I can. Let's TRY this @HazzatheMan @Tetra @Masterstone @LupineNoir your fables have arrived! Can't wait to REALLY get everyone talking once more! XD
Tezoth caved in and wore the silly hat. Only this time, it was not a Cheese wedge but a styrofoam Cowboy hat. Georgie's usual bowler hat was replaced with one, too; it had the star on the front and 'GO COWBOYS' in bright blue and silver letters. He felt ridiculous but half the drunks and Fables here at the party either had one or the other. Even his beloved Rose wore the dreaded cheese wedge with pr… [view original content]
Oh there are tons of things I can do to earn points. I have to tutor a student (One of the few absolutely required things to do.) for 8 hours (obviously not all at once, lol) and I earn 2 points from that. There are events I can volunteer for, such as helping with keeping score at wrestling matches and stuff, mostly for the school. It's tedious but very good for college and other things. It shouldn't be that hard to sell at least a hundred dollars, there are plenty of people in my church who'll buy some from me, lol XD Thanks!
Good news!
No it wasn't boring, quite interesting actually XD Excuse me for not knowing how NHS works, but hopefully there are other act… moreivities for you to earn points on because selling that many candles would surely require some sort of state-wide blackout or an inexplicable increase in romantic dates. XD Either way, you seem very intelligent and a good person, so if you missed out on the NHS because you were shy of selling one hundred's dollars worth of candles then, really, the candles would have to be to blame for simply not being good enough to sell rather than anything on your own part. Good luck with it though!
Lol, it's okay! If there's anything else that's confusing, just message me! And thanks for summing up what you've gotten done so far! I appreciate it How's baby Emily doing? saw JJ's pic a week ago, she's so cute!
I've already stated several chapters ago that Scar was pregnant again
I do recall you mentioning this and charlotte wasn't too thril… moreled. XD I'm all over the place so if I sound like I'm repeating, pleae-tell me to STFU! XD JK. But now with you describing the current situation, I understand now. I do remember Rose, too; I always assumed other people knew of the powers, too but I was wrong. :P
AH! okay than. I did get ahead of myself again. I do remember their argument and harmony went to the museum alone; knowing that Tim's sister is the leader, my curiosity needle is going nuts over here! XD I need to seriously write things down...make mental notes. lol
Long story short for mine: Peter and Holly's wedding, they are having a girl Lily Faith, a purple ribbon has appeared on Viviana's neck; turns her into a Cerverus like creature when you pull it, Peter has warned Emily to teach the quads how to be 'normal' or else they'll live on … [view original content]
I'd love to dig deeper into Michelle's past; I'll have to add a little section of certain characters that need to have their tale told as well. Thanks for the idea. I'll do it!!
I want to know more about Michelle. You've been mentioning her here and there as Peter and Ethan's assistant in the Woodlands, but haven't really delved much into her background and stuff.
So yeah, that's basically all there is to my request.
I may have to message you later if I do have questions. Thanks agian, Ems. She is doing wonderful. Trying to get her on a set schedule but she makes the rules at the moment. XD Looking more and more like mommy now.
Lol, it's okay! If there's anything else that's confusing, just message me! And thanks for summing up what you've gotten done so far! I appreciate it How's baby Emily doing? saw JJ's pic a week ago, she's so cute!
Lyla takes the bowl and squeaks. "Oh, you two! Don't thank me! Come on in. Please. Make yourself at home."
It's impossible not to lo… moreve Lyla; she's always ray of sunshine. XD
He'd rest in it during the game and participate in the usual chanting, singing and Beer drinking.
That's an adorable image though a drunk young dragon would be disconcerting. :P
Draco, now in glamour, takes out a cigar, bites the end and lights. Heading into the home, a trail of smoke follows behind.
Damn smooth.
Gren chuckles. "Robert! Hey, Robert look...its you pal, the uh, Skunk or whatever this thing is...."
Gren chuckles. "His name is Percy....I'm're Robert...hehe....Percy...."
The whole stuff between Robert, Gren and Weasel is just great and I totally approve. XD
The large man, standing at 6' 3'' glares at the little hands poking and pulling on his outfit. One of Harmony's boys pokes his boot… [view original content]
Hehe, I think Tez should take advantage of Gren's drunkenness and use it against pesky, pesky Robert. But whatever you choose to do, JJ, and no offense to your OC. XD
At least Tezoth and Georgie seem they are buddy/buddy in this so far!
I'd love to dig deeper into Michelle's past; I'll have to add a little section of certain characters that need to have their tale told as well. Thanks for the idea. I'll do it!!
I created the Porgie Clan in Sims! I went completely on a whim, after reading about Emily and Gren and looking at some of the pictures Pie has drawn, and so then I felt inspired to make Emily. But then, I was like "Let's make Junior....And Penny...And Katie and Peter and Ethan and Georgie and Lyla!"
A few of them weren't as good as I wanted to make them, but I still thought they were good enough Emily is probably my favorite that I did, and I really like Ethan and Junior too. I just copied Junior for Georgie, as they basically look the same, lol. The sims 4 genetics system is probably the best thing ever made. To be honest, the only super fun thing I do in that game is make sims, because it's the only super awesome amazing thing that I actually like more than the sims 2 or the sims 3. The rest of the game is still quite glitchy and eh, so hopefully some expansions will make me like it more.
Anywho, I've been talking to much, so onward!
Emily Porgie:
Junior Porgie:
Penelope Porgie:
Katherine Porgie:
Peter Porgie:
Ethan Porgie:
Georgie Porgie:
(lol, he was kind of blinking XD)
And last, but not least, Mrs. Lyla Porgie:
I tried my best, I hope you guys liked it ^-^ Especially Pie, man, I hope you liked it! I'll probably do other people's characters, and my own as well. I don't actually play the sims 4 a lot, but I've been meaning to create my own characters on there eventually
A few of them weren't as good as I wanted to make them
Are you kidding me!? I have no words to....this was...I saved EVERY single one! I hope you don't mind...I'm just, speechless right now! I love them all! Georgie looks terrific and my precious Lyla! Peter looks so handsome, Junior is awesome as always; Katie and Penny have that swag and Emily. My Emily. OH how I'm so happy to have changed your look, baby girl. Ethan is adorable! GAH! That grin! ^.^
I don't play it a whole lot but after seeing this...I wanna go back and play just to make, well, ALL of them! I look forward to your other creations, especially Tim, Harmony and their family! I LOVE this so much!!! Thank you 1000X!!!!
Oh, I'm blushing, stop! I did as best as I could, lmao XD
You can save them all, I don't mind! I just figured, you always bless us with your fabulous drawings, and I've always been good at Sims, and I've found that the Sims 4 is the best for creating them, and so I did it. Lyla was actually one of the ones I couldn't do as perfect as I wanted to, but I'm glad you love her. I DID put a hat like she used to wear on Emily, but I didn't upload that pic. If you want it, I'll send it lol! I posted that pic of Ethan BECAUSE of the grin, lol XD
I can totally upload this family to the gallery, the only custom content is I believe Emily's hair, and maybe a clothing item or something stupid. You can download them from there and have them as your own I'll point you to the right places where to download the content, as I think I remember where I got Emily's hair, and I have to go in and see what else is custom on these sims. Can't wait to make Tim and Harm, and I might make the first litter separate from the second.
A few of them weren't as good as I wanted to make them
Are you kidding me!? I have no words to....this was...I saved EVERY single on… moree! I hope you don't mind...I'm just, speechless right now! I love them all! Georgie looks terrific and my precious Lyla! Peter looks so handsome, Junior is awesome as always; Katie and Penny have that swag and Emily. My Emily. OH how I'm so happy to have changed your look, baby girl. Ethan is adorable! GAH! That grin! ^.^
I don't play it a whole lot but after seeing this...I wanna go back and play just to make, well, ALL of them! I look forward to your other creations, especially Tim, Harmony and their family! I LOVE this so much!!! Thank you 1000X!!!!
The needle on my curious radar is going insane and I would love to see it. ^.^ Remember the old Emily. lol I love the way she looks, so keep on blushing there, Ems because ya' outdidyourself! I would love the site(s) to download this content! I'm all exciting now to see Tim, Harm and the others! Again, thank you one MILLION X's infinity again, Ems! -Squea- love them to bits.
Oh, I'm blushing, stop! I did as best as I could, lmao XD
You can save them all, I don't mind! I just figured, you always bless us with y… moreour fabulous drawings, and I've always been good at Sims, and I've found that the Sims 4 is the best for creating them, and so I did it. Lyla was actually one of the ones I couldn't do as perfect as I wanted to, but I'm glad you love her. I DID put a hat like she used to wear on Emily, but I didn't upload that pic. If you want it, I'll send it lol! I posted that pic of Ethan BECAUSE of the grin, lol XD
I can totally upload this family to the gallery, the only custom content is I believe Emily's hair, and maybe a clothing item or something stupid. You can download them from there and have them as your own I'll point you to the right places where to download the content, as I think I remember where I got Emily's hair, and I have to go in and see what else is custom on these sims. Can't wait to make Tim and Harm, and I might make the first litter separate from the second.
I DID put a hat like she used to wear on Emily
The needle on my curious radar is going insane and I would love to see it. ^.^ Rememb… moreer the old Emily. lol I love the way she looks, so keep on blushing there, Ems because ya' outdidyourself! I would love the site(s) to download this content! I'm all exciting now to see Tim, Harm and the others! Again, thank you one MILLION X's infinity again, Ems! -Squea- love them to bits.
A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, thick glasses and blonde hair pulled back, dodges a yellow Troll, standing near her desk. Penkle looks over, grunts and returns to his eating. The young assistant looks all over the room; the memo said to meet her in the office but the boss was no where to be found. His desk was empty, Mayor Charming was holding a meeting and the Sheriff was heading over to his sister's home to see the progress of the quads.
"Penkle, have you seen Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie? I...I got his memo and he said HERE but WHERE is HERE, I'm not sure. And I don't want to be late and my legs are tired and my feet-oh Penkle-don't get me started on these shoes..."
Penkle rolled his eyes, chomped down on his sandwich and continued to read the New York Times. Nothing interesting in the mundane world. Typical news. Robbery on 34h street, new store coming soon. Housing prices are soaring, there was a parade in town next week. Nothing to be concerned about. Penkle did his best to ignore Michelle, still commenting on her shoes and tired feet. Finally, perceiving she would never end this dreaded, pointless conversation, Penkle turns and points towards the back.
"OH! Thank you, thank you! Oh man, I hope I'm not late!"
Penkle rolls his eyes and watches the young woman pace herself towards the back. Michelle runs through an aisle with rows of books; all from the Homelands and each containing a valuable piece of history and information pertaining to a Fable in the community.
"Ethan, sir...I received your note. I have the documents needed and-"
"Ah, Michelle. Over here."
Michelle looks over. Climbing down from a tall wooden ladder, Ethan leaps down, dusts his hands off and grabs the papers. He finds a nearby table, opens the folder and glances over the neatly typed documents. Michelle, standing back and waiting anxiously for the feedback, is pleased to see her boss grin with delight. Ethan shuts the folders, gathers them under his arms and beams.
"Well done, Michelle. All the information is here, no mistakes, no unusual information that leaves me to believe we may have an issue on hand. Peter will be pleased to hear this. So will Emily and Grendel..."
"WHICH reminds me-" Michelle pulls out three yellow papers. "This is for them, Grendel especially. Its in regards to the quads, IF they do end up needing to go to the Farm. I have confidance, though, they'll be able to learn their shapeshifting abilities in no time."
Ethan begins to walk. "Come, Michelle. Walk with me."
Screeching with elation, Michelle follows Ethan as the pair cross many rows of books and files. Michelle notices a thick, leather book under Ethan's arm. Tilting her head, Michelle tries to makeout what the book's title was; perhaps it was from the Homelands and had key information to Grendels and Wood Elves. Michelle looked for hours on a single book with some sort of needed information in regards to Wood Elves. Nothing. Even Penkle was having a difficult time locating anything.
Her curiosity won the best. Michelle had to know. "What is that book, sir?"
"Which one, Michelle?"
"This one." Michelle taps the cover. "The one under your arm, sir."
"Oh this...just a silly nursery rhyme book containing certain poems, verses, songs-"
"Your father's rhyme in there, sir?"
"Yes." Ethan takes the book and immediatly opens to the page. "Right there. That's my old man. I can't tell you HOW many times I'll sit back here, while Penkle files and cleans the front and just read. Eat my lunch and read."
"Why, sir?" Michelle chuckles. "You know the song by heart. He's your father and-"
"I know...." Ethan closes the book. "I often just wanted to read it and understand. I mean, I get it but will never..."
Michelle blinked as Ethan spoke. He paused, noticing the confusion growing on her face. Giggling and covering her mouth, Michelle tried to not make Ethan blush and become embarrassed. He had a habit of carrying on a conversation and not making any sense at first; he'd ramble on, change the subject and somehow, combine the two stories together. He was doing it now.
"I'm doing it again, aren't I Michelle?"
She pats Ethan on the shoulder. "You're getting better at it boss. Getting better."
The pair exit the jungle of books and head for his desk. Penkle, piles of papers in his hands, begins to sort and seperate. Ethan places his books down, sits in his chair and sighs heavily. Michelle stands beside Ethan, waiting for her next assignment. She couldn't help but watch Ethan; to her, Ethan Porgie was a handsome man with a sculpted body she swears the Gods created themselves. His Sepia hair turned with every move he made. Ethan had similar features to Georgie Porgie, especially the design of his jaw, cheek bones and chin. Michelle bit her bottom lip. As he aged, he began to look just like his grandfather, John Smith.
Michelle sighs, causing Ethan to turn. "Uh, you alright, Michelle?"
Returning to reality, Michelle could feel her cheeks turn red. "Wh...what, sir?"
"Are you alright? You hot or something? Your cheeks are turning-"
"No, no, no!" Michelle chuckles awkwardly. "No, I wasn't LOOKING at you...I mean, psssh! Hello, duh!"
"Uh...." Ethan glances around. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Michelle had to think of something and fast. "Uh...are you hungry, sir? Cause I'm like, REALLY hungry! Wanna grab some food? How about Mexican food...yeah! Yeah, that sounds tasty."
"What about Pet-"
Michelle grabs Ethan's arm. "Oh, Peter Shmeter. He's a big boy. He can fend for himself. C'mon-I know the PERFECT place to grab some Lengua Tacos."
Ethan inclines his eyebrow. "Lengua? Isn't that-"
Before he could finish his question, Michelle yanks Ethan out of the office, towards the elevator and out the door.
Peter holds Liam up. The little boy, sucking on his hand, dimples at his uncle. Returning the favor, Peter chuckles and bounces the boy around for a few seconds. Standing beneath the shade of a large Oak tree, Thomas watches Peter play with the quads. Emily is not too far behind and joins her brother's play. Gren stands beside his father, looking out into the open field.
"You have quite the beautiful family, Grendel." Thomas looks to the side. "I'm impressed you've managed to produce fine offspring."
Gren huffs. "Didn't think I could do it or-"
"After that whole fiasco with Carla, I assumed you shall I put this-too emerged within yourself to see what was really taking place."
"How did you know about that?" Gren folds his arms. "You never fuckin' came by. Never called. I didn't even fuckin' know you were alive until Robert said something."
"I figured Robert would tell you. Reason why I said anything in the first place. He mentioned to me the situation you were dealing with. Perhaps I already knew before you did. I had no interest in getting to know her or the children." Thomas looks out. "It's different now. With the quads. They are indeed your flesh and blood."
"I never doubted Emily's faithfulness in me. I could feel her love, even at a young age. It was there...I just..."
Thomas was interested. "So, you noticed her attachment to you at a young age?"
Gren kicks a nearby rock. "Yeah. We all....we all fuckin' assumed it was just a bond we had. I mean, her sister Katie was close to Hans. Same thing with her brothers Peter and Junior. Close to Carla. Penelope to her aunt Gina. I thought it was the same for Emily and I."
"When did you notice is was NOTHING like their relationships, Grendel?"
Gren hangs his head low enough to glance at the grass below his boots. He'd been asked this countless times before. From Lyla, John, Georgie-even his own brother-was curious as to WHEN the beast noticed his love for Emily. Gren felt like a degenerate as Emily aged; thought he was turning into what the mundies called 'the dirty uncle' and used to avoid Emily when she was near. At first, it worked; the urge to act out on his natural instincts seemed to vanish overnight.
Gren clears his throat. "Ummm, I...she was...fuck."
"Please, Gren. I'd like to know so I can explain it better to-"
"Thirteen." Gren buries his hands in the pockets. "Thirteen. She had just turned...thirteen...when I really noticed Emily...."
Thomas nods his head. "Sounds right."
"What do you mean? Felt like a fucking pervert."
"You're not a pervert, son but it also shows how much you've tried to forget your Grendel ways. Unfortuantly, there is only so much 'masking' and avoiding a person can do, especially if its imprinted into your genetic material. Grendels, especially males, develop young. You know this, your brother knows-RJ went through it, as will little Liam over there."
"Yes...I fuckin' know this..."
Thomas continues. "You were the late bloomer but your mother had a part in that. Mixing my DNA with her own masked your ability to develop in later years. But normally, males get their teeth by one year, they've learned how to fight by four and around their seventh or eighth, their testicles drop and they become aggresive; their soul purpose now is to mate, battle for their rightful place in the clan and protect his family."
"Robert said RJ never became 'aggresive' like we did."
"His mother's Wolf side helped mask it until he was a teenager. There, he went through the stages but it wasn't as potent, should he have been one hundred precent Grendel and living back in the Homelands. With that being said, you went through the same thing. Once that has fully kicked in and you've gone through the puberty stages, your ability to locate and smell out your mate is in full affect. You must have been picking it up when Emily was around. It's not being a pervert, Grendel. You were merely doing what your brain was constructed to do."
Gren sighs. "Fuck. Feel like a HUGE perv now, dad."
"You knew, deep inside of here, that Carla was never meant for you. Sadly, you didn't want to admit it and look foolish. You were hoping things would change. But you and Emily Porgie...well, that was always set in stone for you two. Took you awhile but you found out for yourself."
"Is that how you knew..." Gren stops. "...For mom..."
Thomas nods. "I knew it was wrong, Grendel. Wood Elves and our kind were never meant to be. The hatred we created for centuries was forever holding up a wall. I didn't care. Neither did your mother. I can honsetly say, son, I loved her. I STILL love your mother....I hold her mark proudly, even now. I could never remove this. The memories...everything we created together."
Gren holds out his arm. "I got mine, too. So does Emily. We felt it...the night we...connected."
Thomas pats Gren once more. "You did good, son. You did good." Thomas sighs. "I was wrong...about the Porgie."
"Yeah...." Gren looks out. "Me too. I love her. So fuckin' much."
"I know." Thomas beams. "I can sense it."
"Do you think, they can learn?"
"Why your brother-in-law is here. He and RJ are the ONLY ones who know how to shapeshift. I spoke to Emily's mother and she'd be more than happy to come down and teach the babies, too. We're simply waiting on her now."
Gren and Thomas slowly make their way towards the field; from the distance in a cloud of dirt, a car heads in their direction. There was something still lingering in Gren's mind.
"Dad, how are YOU going to help the quads?"
"It will come eventually, Grendel."
"Are you....are you really dying or-"
Thomas places his arm over Gren's shoulder. "We shall discuss this on another day. Right now, we must teach the children..."
Not another word was said in regards to this. For once, his father was right. Joining Emily, Gren grabs his children and prepares for the teaching. Gren too, was in need of learning, too.
Hey man, nothing but love. Robert can be annoying, yes....Grendel thing. XD I have an idea brewing for what T man (and a few others) will do to Robert during the game. >:D
T man and Georgie are pretty cool with one another.
Hehe, I think Tez should take advantage of Gren's drunkenness and use it against pesky, pesky Robert. But whatever you choose to do, JJ, and no offense to your OC. XD
At least Tezoth and Georgie seem they are buddy/buddy in this so far!
You'll be surprised who delivers the final blow.
The healing fire is just a unique trait I thought of for dragons.
The next few days...
Sunflower, wearing thick brown gloves, picked Seraphina up. The little girl, wearing a pink dress and bare feet, kicks and giggles as Sunflower places her before a Rose bush. It was crippling to Sunflower with the inability to hold the little girl in his arms. Under the burning sun, he wipes away a tear and turns the little girl loose.
First, Seraphina looks around her enviroment; from the distance, Gren and Emily held tightly onto one another. Chloe was beginning to grasp the concept of changing between forms. As a treat for her good behavior, Emily baked cupcakes and gave her a bite ONLY if she obeyed and listened to their heartfelt commands. Liam thought this was play time and refused to turn into a human. Even with Gren desperatly trying to show, it couldn't be done; Gren required a glamour and had no idea what a shape shifter was supposed to do.
Emily had it in her bloodline. She quietly prayed her son inherited this, just like Chloe had. Viviana at the moment was being held down by Ethan. While Peter and Michelle began the preperations should the quads need to stay at the Farm, Ethan did all he could to help his sister. Ethan noticed a glimmer of rejection in his sister's eyes as she spoke to Liam. Viviana was not making the situation any easier. The little girl was eager to join the heavens and float. The ribbon was no longer a priority; although very expensive, Gren and Emily ordered a potion to mask the ribbon's true identity and blend it into the baby's skin. As the magic wore off, the ribbon would reappear.
"STOP moving, Viviana! Please!" Ethan struggled to keep her still. "Uncle Ethan would really like it, if you cooperated with him and TRIED to be on your best behavior! Please! You can't float, baby! You just can't..."
Gren had to turn away for a moment, found a nearby tree and destroyed the right side with his fist. Growling and snarling towards the skies, Gren changed into his true from and slammed his fists into the ground. The Earth shakes for a moment. This caused all four babies to turn and see their father. Liam no longer saw this as a game. Emily rushes to his side, jumps in front and nearly dodges a blow to the skull.
"Emily!" Gren pauses to see his fiancee before him. "Are you insane?! I could have crushed would have been killed!"
"Is this any bloody way ta' be actin' right now, Grendel? Ya' need ta' control ya'self, love."
"I'm so fuckin' frustrated with this entre thing! I want it to go away! I NEED them to learn!"
"Sssshh ssshhh, love." Emily wraps Gren's thick arm as best as she could. "They're learnin' the best they can, love. They are just babies afta' all."
Emily buries her face into Gren's rough skin. The little scales along his arm prick her cheek. His flesh is cool against her warm embrace; the familiar smell of swamp and open fields invade her nose and mind. Emily always found his scent, both in glamour and true form, to be intoxicating and irresistable. Stroking his face with her hand, Emily calms Gren down long enough for the best to sit under the tree and hang his head. Gren gently presses it alongside Emily's back.
"There ya' go, Grendel. Easy does it, love...that's it...."
Ethan, still holding Viviana, follws he path of destroyed grass, shrubs and trees. Sitting under the shade, he finds a rather large chalky beast and a petite Fable woman. Both eyes closed, they remain silent. Ethan sighs, looks over at Sunflower and finds the Fable on the ground, eyes covered and brought to tears. Liam and Chloe continue to chase little bugs crawling on the rocks and blades of grass.
"Sunflower..." Ethan places a hand on his shoulder. "Are okay?"
"They can learn, Ethan. Please." Looking up, the Fable's beady dark eyes are lost in an ocean of tears. "Please. I beg of you. Don't take them away. They can learn. Give us time...the magic, see? It covers the ribbon. Chloe is understanding the ability to change."
"Viviana is STILL floating, Sunflower. We can't have a flying baby in Fabletown around the mundies. Liam refuses to change when asked and Chloe does it only when there is a treat. I'm sorry-"
Sunflower throws himself at Ethan's feet. "Gren won't be able to stay much. It'll break his heart, Ethan. You know that. He can't be away from Emily OR those babies. They need him, too."
"Emily mentioned Vivian. Maybe if SHE goes away-"
"According to Emily, Vivian is forever here unless something happens to either her or Viviana. Because of that ribbon, her attachment to Emily and this whole bullshit with Hades and the other three kids, she NEEDS to stay here."
Sunflower and Ethan look over at Seraphina. All the Rose bushes are dead with the exact blue residue left behind. Rocking back and forth, she continues to chew on her fingers and look at the birds.
"Man. This is going to be harder than I thought..."
Ethan returns that afternoon to the Business Office to report the quad's progress. So far, only Chloe has managed to progress. Viviana refused to stay on the ground, Liam never changed and Seraphina nearly destroyed half of Emily's flowers. With no other options, the parents turn in for the day and like the days prior, would come out and try again.
Sunflower offered to stay but Gren assured they'd be alright. To be honset, he wanted to be alone with the children and Emily. There were still a few things that needed to be addressed. Her job, for one, was still number one on his continuing list of questions. Emily was in the boy's room when Gren locates her. Finishing a lullaby, Emily tucks the boys in for their nap.
Emily sighs. "Ya' want somethin' ta' eat, love?"
"Sure." Gren follows Emily down the stairs. "What did you have in mind?"
"Something quick and simple. I'm not in the mood ta' cook much..."
"You want chinese?" Gren takes out his phone. "You know Mr. Cheng will deliever out here."
Emily smiles and takes a seat. "Ya'. That works, love. The usual...."
Emily rubs her temple while Gren places the order for their lunch. In her mind, Emily felt as if she failed. Nothing she could ever do would change the minds of other Fables when it came to her children. Her long time guardian finally admits her true purpose besides being the voice of reason to Emily. It was a lot to take in; Peter's heels were digging deeper into the sand and refusing to budge. His mind, from what Emily could tell, was made up about the future of her children.
Gren places his phone back into his pocket. Today, he was wearing a simple white tee shirt and jeans; the weather was warming up and a jacket was not needed. Looking over at Emily, he tried to find the right words.
"So, that job of yours. What is it?"
Emily glances up. A vexed look upon her face. "Woot?"
"That job you go to. WHAT is it?"
"Coffee shop, Gren. Ya' know that..."
Gren smirks. "What fuckin' coffee shop has their female employees dress like we went to Gold Digger's strip joint?"
Emily sits upright. "Are ya' fookin' kiddin' me? Right NOW, Gren?!"
"Yes!" Gren pushes himself up and stands. "I want to know RIGHT now what really goes on there-"
"Ya' got ta' be jokin' me. Its a fookin' COFFEE SHOP, Gren! Nuthin' else!"
Gren stabs the counter over and over with his finger. "YOU were dressed in God knows WHAT that was when you came home that one day. I could see EVERYTHING, Emily! I don't need these fuckin' assholes and perverts staring at your tits and ass! That's MY fuckin job, Emily!"
"YA fookin' job, Grendel!?"
"YES!" Gren's voice roars into the house. "MY job!"
Emily stands up and walks towards the living room. "Unbelievable. Ya' gunna bring this up now."
"Where the fuck are you going?"
"Away from ya', ya' fookin' insane bastard! This is bullocks and I'm not in the mood ta'-"
Gren runs after Emily. Pinning her to the wall, his grip tightens around Emily's arm. "You think this shit is funny, Emily-huh?! I don't like the idea of you showing off yourself to all these fuckin' perverts! What if something happens to you, huh?! What the fuck am I-"
Emily struggles under Gren's grasp. "Ya' betta' let go of me, Grendel! I ain't in the fookin' mood fa' this shit!"
"Then when!" Gren never lets go. "WHEN are you EVER in the mood, Emily? It's NEVER a good time for you, is it?"
"Its all we HAD, Gren!" Emily thrusts against the wall. "We needed the fookin' money! We were behind on water, gas, food-the bloody babies needed diapers, wipes, clothes-we had NUTHIN', Gren! It was alright pay with great fookin' tips!"
"So, you fuckin' thought showing off your tits and ass would do it, huh?"
"I'm NOT showin' 'em off, Gren! It's woot we gotta' do! It's me bloody attire, love!"
Gren slams his hand into the wall, leaving a massive hole. "YOU need to leave that place RIGHT now and-"
"Fook ya'!" Emily never backs down. "I'm not gunna let ya' tell me woot ta' do, Gren! It's my job and we NEED the money-"
"I'M working now, Emily! The pay is good and your brother-"
"And woot if that does not work out, Gren? We'd be back ta' scrappin' by just ta' get food on the fookin' table! I'm not gunna live like that, Gren!"
Gren gawks at Emily. Her eyes had a trace of fright, that sent the beast into a state of mind where he had not been in centuries. Suddenly, the faces of all the warriors, villagers-people in the hall that night-came back like a bad dream. He was standing before a shivering man, as he tore off the arms, legs and heads of his fellow man. The exact look she had brewing in her own. Gren leans forward to kiss Emily but Emily instantly turns her face, whimpers and closes her eyes.
"Emily..." Her reaction was nothing like she'd ever shown. "Emily, look at me."
"Please." Emily begs against the tremble in her voice. "I'm sorry. Don't hurt me, Gren....."
The repulsive taste in the back of his throat suddenly appeared. Gren wanted to vomit. He'd never heard those words spout from Emily's mouth. The mere thought of laying a hand on her...He backed away; before him, head still turned, the shaking body of his fiancee. Gren looked down at his hands. Emily remained still and hushed. No, Gren thought to himself. She would not fear. He was not that creature from the stories. The rumors. Gren was different. Gren carefully grabs Emily's arm.
"I'm not doin' anything woot the club..."
Gren grabs Emily and pulls her close. The stress was beyond words; sleepless nights, worried about the children and were it left them as parents. Gren, unlike Bigby, WAS allowed on the Farm but only for a short time. Afterhours, he had to leave. He couldn't stay with his children. With Emily.
"I know you are not doing that shit, Emily..." Gren kisses her lips. "I know...I'm sorry-"
Emily cups Gren's face. "I've neva' seen ya' like that before, Gren. Ya' scared almost changed...ya' eyes-"
"I'm fine." Gren kisses Emily's entire face. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I almost became....a....a..."
Emily laughs. "Monster?"
Before Gren could answer, there was three knocks at their door. Right on cue, Puddles yipps and runs to the front. Gren and Emily both stand and head for the door; neither were expecting company and with the situation that was taking place, both were aware. Gren clutches the knob and is prepared to defend his family from whatever is behind the doors. Neither were prepared, however, for who it was.
"Dad..." Gren releases his hands on the knob. "What...what-"
"Are you ready, Grendel? We must speak. All of us. It's about the quads. I can help...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Well you're ahead of me then, man, because I haven't been reading much at all lately T-T MY bad
I will soon though, I did read a little bit of your latest posts, and so far, they don't seem too fun for Vivian and her little mini-me.
I've already stated several chapters ago that Scar was pregnant again, and this chapter was just supposed to highlight that a bit. Charlotte in the chapter (I think) before this, or maybe the one before that, woke up in the middle of the night, after what happened with Harmony and Tim on their vacation, and she's convinced that she's changed the past again, but this time she wasn't conscious in doing so. She basically ran off to talk to Rose, who is the other only person who knows about her powers other than Bellatrix. Rose says some snarky remarks and Charlotte isn't very tired so she joins her aunt in a movie marathon to try and get her mind off of things for a while. She didn't know her parents would be checking up on her, lol XP But, there is more to her disappearance than it seems.
I looked up a few English fairy tales, and she was an irish character along with the prince she married, so I figured I'd throw them in for the hell of it. They're very peculiar, and the leader by the was is Tim's sister, Belinda. Everything is very peculiar, and Harmony's trying to get to the bottom of it. She also had a little arguement with Tim which kind of sucked, and that's why she was alone. If you want me to explain a little more, you can message me and I'll talk
You could probably tell me a few things that've been going on in your story as well XD
I do recall you mentioning this and charlotte wasn't too thrilled. XD I'm all over the place so if I sound like I'm repeating, pleae-tell me to STFU! XD JK. But now with you describing the current situation, I understand now. I do remember Rose, too; I always assumed other people knew of the powers, too but I was wrong. :P
AH! okay than. I did get ahead of myself again. I do remember their argument and harmony went to the museum alone; knowing that Tim's sister is the leader, my curiosity needle is going nuts over here! XD I need to seriously write things down...make mental notes. lol
Long story short for mine: Peter and Holly's wedding, they are having a girl Lily Faith, a purple ribbon has appeared on Viviana's neck; turns her into a Cerverus like creature when you pull it, Peter has warned Emily to teach the quads how to be 'normal' or else they'll live on the Farm until then, Gren's dad is in town; he's learning about his past while trying to keep his family together and Mary is the annoying yet loving sister-in-law to Emily.
When you made Mik say 'side cat' in his quote, I thought he literally meant a cat sidekick of some sorts. Until I realized you put Cat for Catherine in short. XD
Apart from that, good job on Mik! I think the blue's a nice color for his scales.
Like Lupine said, the dragon healing flames were a very nice touch! How coincidental that the flames burned red too, 'cause you know, Rose Red is his main love and stuff. XD
Regardless, I liked the role you've given Tez so far! Though, Tez must have been disappointed that he didn't really kill the Boogeyman at the end.
Ah whoops XD I'll have to fix try and not do that next time XP
Thanks Dragon for the help!
I agree with Peter and Gren on this, if the Farm is going to be safe for Viviana and the rest of the children - then a temporary stay they shall have!
Really interesting backstory for Viv. It sucks now that all of a sudden, Hades is involved in all of this. Can't really defeat a God unless you maybe had Frau's help on it.
Kind of reminds me of the Genie storyline arc in the Fables comics. Anyway, a great read, and, I have a request for you (if you want to hear it) when you're done with this story pertaining to Emily and her children. 
I know he likes kids but Sheila was being annoying. Even the most patience of people would lose it with this girl.
I didn't mean to make him an asshole. Not my intention at all. And he's standing because thre is yet to be a chair. Lyla has over a lot of guests, who brought their kids and such. He'll be sitting in the next.
I'll make a note. No lass. 
NP. Glad it worked out even with all the little flaws. And the Patriots are a team; belong to New England and since EVERYONE and their grandma that I know of roots for them, why not Nick?
Ok fair enough :P
He has a Scottish accent, but it is just an accent, he speaks like any American would
I haven't experienced Sheila in a story before... so I guess that makes it kinda ok, why pick her up by her shirt though?
I feel bad for Sunflower. He really seems close to Seraphina and its breaking his heart no being able to hold her....:'( Viviana struggling, too; poor babies do not understand and although Chloe kind of gets it, its never good enough. At least they have that spell wrapped around the ribbon....
I don't mean to quote such a large section of the first half but as I was reading this, I notice just how close Gren and Emily are and always has been. Seems like the gentle touch of her calms the beast; Emily describing his smell was a neat touch and it brought back all these feelings they've had to ignore all this time. I found this to be really sweet.
Then, things changed; I can see why Gren lost his cool and would demand answers as far as the job. But, I'm glad Emily stod her ground. It is all they had and from what I've read, the $$$$ was good. Him losing his cool like that:
Its almost like your trying to remind us of who Gren WAS and is trying to be. He has moments. He slips up....
This just goes to show how vulnerable one is. The mentioning of how long can Emily really be strong....
I hope so, Thomas...I really hope you can. I'm waiting for Hades to appear, though....
Gotcha, my good man. I'll make sure to impress you the next go around. AND Sheila belongs to Georgie Junior and Mary....that alone should tell you how annoying she can get. (love her, pie. Just saying....) lol Picked her up like that cause he's annoyed. She didn't seem to mind.
I got Pie to give me a FULL family tree of the Porgie's :P I know she is Mary and Junior's, I just haven't read anything with her in yet...
I await more! XD
Ah I see. Two steps ahead of me already. Bet he had fun with that; Katie and jersey alone have 13 kids. XD
Cool beans, man.
Looking forward.
13 kids... good god almighty :P
Good thing Nick only has the one, and she is a mature one for her age
(Btw, don't include Lyra in any way in this fic)
Hehe, I think Tez should take advantage of Gren's drunkenness and use it against pesky, pesky Robert. But whatever you choose to do, JJ, and no offense to your OC. XD
At least Tezoth and Georgie seem they are buddy/buddy in this so far!
You know Emily. Stubborn as ever. XD
Thanks. I've got a few ideas that I've been dying to put down, seeing as this is the final story to the Porgie Clan. Just had Emily, Peter and Ethan to cover.
Would actually love to hear it, man.
I want to know more about Michelle. You've been mentioning her here and there as Peter and Ethan's assistant in the Woodlands, but haven't really delved much into her background and stuff.
So yeah, that's basically all there is to my request.
Good news!
No it wasn't boring, quite interesting actually XD Excuse me for not knowing how NHS works, but hopefully there are other activities for you to earn points on because selling that many candles would surely require some sort of state-wide blackout or an inexplicable increase in romantic dates. XD Either way, you seem very intelligent and a good person, so if you missed out on the NHS because you were shy of selling one hundred's dollars worth of candles then, really, the candles would have to be to blame for simply not being good enough to sell rather than anything on your own part. Good luck with it though!
It's Time....
They kept running and running for days on end. Through city's and towns the group would run on and fight when they had to. The people here are much like they were in the mundane world. As soon as undead started showing up they lost hope, in fact they started chanting and wishing for death to take them away to was depressing even more that it had spread so far, yet they tried to live with it until the day Makoto had to make his move. At last they made it to the tower.
"That tower is huge." Dewitt said.
"I see there are three people. Your sister, Clara, and Luke." Luna said
"Alright. Shall we get moving? We've already wasted about a month and a half just traveling here." Makoto said
The two of them nodded and opened the door to see a spiral of stairs. They started running up the stairs, on the way up Luna had asked Dewitt for his brothers revolver. She scanned the bullets and made the bullets in her weapons systems coated with silver. They kept climbing and the stairs met a door they opened the door to the first room they saw a woman who's beauty was second to none, she faced them and smiled.
"My what have we here, guests who've taken a wrong turn I assume brother?" She asked
"No quite the opposite actually, we need to climb this tower and kill the man at the top." Dewitt answered
"Ah you see I can't quite allow you to do that, you see he shall bring us salvation! So as you can see I can't let you go on." She smiled
"You're just as bat shit crazy as the rest of them huh? And you used to be the smart one." Dewitt taunted.
"Shut you're mouth! Is that how you talk to your elders boy with the blue hair?" She said
Before he could answer Luna piped in. "You two run ahead! I will fight the vampire while you keep climbing!"
They're both shocked, the vampire laughed and transformed into her true form. "Go on then, I'll finish this one quick, and then I'll come up and finish you off later!"
They weren't complaining, Dewitt and Makoto opened the door and kept climbing. Makoto expressed how he was worried about Luna but Dewitt reassured him that she would be fine and that she could be repaired later on if need be. The stairs seemed to go on and on, and it felt like hours if not a couple days before they met the next door. They opened the door to see Clara in the next room spinning her revolver on her finger and humming a tune. She hasn't noticed them yet so Dewitt told Makoto to get going and climb up the stairs. Makoto nodded and ran through the door and up the stairs. Clara turned around she had an irritated face upon facing Dewitt.
"Now why'd ya have to go and do that and ruin all the fun?" Clara said in an annoyed voice.
"Because he's got other matters to attend to and doesn't need to waste his energy with you when I could just fight you." Dewitt said
"Oh is that so? But I was going to show him a prize he would've won if he could beat me." She said holding up Makotos mother by her hair, she she loaded her revolver cylinder and pointed the gun at her head. "Oh well choices do have impacts." She fired the gun killing Makotos mother. Clara smiled "And this so happens to be one of them." She started laughing.
"You bitch! I'll just kill you for him! Family is important...and family is what he will need." Dewitt said
"Family? Hahaha! Don't make me laugh, you don't need family or friends to do anything." She taunted.
Dewitt transformed into his true form, his body grew wings his eyes crimson red with teeth ready for the taste of blood. "I lost my family and I'd do anything to get them back!" He yelled charging her.
" make me sick with all this family talk." She sidestepped and un-sheathed her sword.
As Makoto climbes the rest of the stairs he had hoped his friends would be alright. The higher he climbed the more tired he started to get, it felt like he's been climbing forever. But sure enough he met the door which led to the roof. He opened the doors to meet a grey sky and a full moon in the sky while rain fell onto him and the roof. He walked forward to see his father alone standing near the edge of the roof.
"It's a beautiful sight isn't it?" Luke said
"No its disgusting actually..." Makoto began to say.
Down on the first floor....
The vampire charged Luna, the vampire had old wings, light blue eyes that resembled blue flames her teeth were sharper with Dewitts but Luna knew in a situation like this they wouldn't be such a big help as everything except her heart and brain were made of metal that Luke built her with. Luna dodged and started firing upon the Vampire but it was too quick. Luna quickly analyzed the room when she heard the vampires voice...
"Why do you betray us Luna? You were once one for the cost." She said
"I realized that we were wrong! Forcing others to die for a cause that is selfish is not good! Some people want to live! To raise their families and enjoy the time they have on this world with each other! I have learned this by spending time with Makoto and everyone else! So I wish to help them bring an end to this plot!" Luna said
"Hmm is that so, we'll in that case I'll make this quick!!!" She roared and flew down from her perch to attack Luna.
Luna grabbed the vampire by the hands and threw her aside, the vampire got up and attacked Luna. The vampire picked Luna up and slammed her into the wall and again into the ground. Lunas systems were hazy but she was still operational. Luna dodged the vampires next attack and ripped off her wings. The vampire screeched in pain, punching Luna across the room. But before she could get up the vampire jumped on top of her and tore off her arms. This dealt no pain to Luna but she was worried of the outcome. She kicked the vampire off of her, she had one weapon system left and that was the ones in her legs, but in order to get that shot to the vampires heart she needed to get her on her knees at proper elevation. She started to calculate the vampires movements and counter when needed. To her surprise she managed to calculate to perfection. She had the vampire on its knees, she took aim and fired her gun at the vampires heart causing the vampire to turn to ash and blow away the wind. After that Luna had fell to the ground. She looked at her chest and realized there was a hole where her heart was. Her systems started failing.
"So this is the end. I am not sad but glad, that I got to learn of how humans live and their will to go on even in the darkest times....thank you.....Makoto....for giving me that chance......" Her eyes went black and her body immobile and silence filled the room.....
That's it! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
It's impossible not to love Lyla; she's always ray of sunshine. XD
That's an adorable image though a drunk young dragon would be disconcerting. :P
Damn smooth.
The whole stuff between Robert, Gren and Weasel is just great and I totally approve. XD
That right there is bravery.
Don't know why it's funny, but it is.
Interesting reactions to the prospect of strippers. :P
Even though certain people have aged and been added, there are some gold moments in these chapters, JJ! Loving it!
Oh there are tons of things I can do to earn points. I have to tutor a student (One of the few absolutely required things to do.) for 8 hours (obviously not all at once, lol) and I earn 2 points from that. There are events I can volunteer for, such as helping with keeping score at wrestling matches and stuff, mostly for the school. It's tedious but very good for college and other things. It shouldn't be that hard to sell at least a hundred dollars, there are plenty of people in my church who'll buy some from me, lol XD Thanks!
Lol, it's okay! If there's anything else that's confusing, just message me! And thanks for summing up what you've gotten done so far! I appreciate it
How's baby Emily doing? saw JJ's pic a week ago, she's so cute!
I'd love to dig deeper into Michelle's past; I'll have to add a little section of certain characters that need to have their tale told as well. Thanks for the idea.
I'll do it!! 
I may have to message you later if I do have questions. Thanks agian, Ems. She is doing wonderful. Trying to get her on a set schedule but she makes the rules at the moment. XD Looking more and more like mommy now.
What can be said? Kids are fearless, even against Nick :P
Like a boss, these two.
Yes, YES! Thank you!
Nice, dude.
So I have a great little surprise for Pie...
I created the Porgie Clan in Sims! I went completely on a whim, after reading about Emily and Gren and looking at some of the pictures Pie has drawn, and so then I felt inspired to make Emily. But then, I was like "Let's make Junior....And Penny...And Katie and Peter and Ethan and Georgie and Lyla!"
A few of them weren't as good as I wanted to make them, but I still thought they were good enough
Emily is probably my favorite that I did, and I really like Ethan and Junior too. I just copied Junior for Georgie, as they basically look the same, lol. The sims 4 genetics system is probably the best thing ever made. To be honest, the only super fun thing I do in that game is make sims, because it's the only super awesome amazing thing that I actually like more than the sims 2 or the sims 3. The rest of the game is still quite glitchy and eh, so hopefully some expansions will make me like it more.
Anywho, I've been talking to much, so onward!
Emily Porgie:
Junior Porgie:
Penelope Porgie:
Katherine Porgie:
Peter Porgie:
Ethan Porgie:
Georgie Porgie:
(lol, he was kind of blinking XD)
And last, but not least, Mrs. Lyla Porgie:
I tried my best, I hope you guys liked it ^-^ Especially Pie, man, I hope you liked it! I'll probably do other people's characters, and my own as well. I don't actually play the sims 4 a lot, but I've been meaning to create my own characters on there eventually
Are you kidding me!? I have no words to....this was...I saved EVERY single one! I hope you don't mind...I'm just, speechless right now! I love them all! Georgie looks terrific and my precious Lyla!
Peter looks so handsome, Junior is awesome as always; Katie and Penny have that swag and Emily. My Emily. OH how I'm so happy to have changed your look, baby girl. Ethan is adorable! GAH! That grin! ^.^
I don't play it a whole lot but after seeing this...I wanna go back and play just to make, well, ALL of them!
I look forward to your other creations, especially Tim, Harmony and their family!
I LOVE this so much!!! Thank you 1000X!!!!
Oh, I'm blushing, stop! I did as best as I could, lmao XD
You can save them all, I don't mind! I just figured, you always bless us with your fabulous drawings, and I've always been good at Sims, and I've found that the Sims 4 is the best for creating them, and so I did it. Lyla was actually one of the ones I couldn't do as perfect as I wanted to, but I'm glad you love her. I DID put a hat like she used to wear on Emily, but I didn't upload that pic. If you want it, I'll send it lol! I posted that pic of Ethan BECAUSE of the grin, lol XD
I can totally upload this family to the gallery, the only custom content is I believe Emily's hair, and maybe a clothing item or something stupid. You can download them from there and have them as your own
I'll point you to the right places where to download the content, as I think I remember where I got Emily's hair, and I have to go in and see what else is custom on these sims. Can't wait to make Tim and Harm, and I might make the first litter separate from the second.
Oh. My God!!
EMMY... those are AMAZING!! WELL DONE!!!
The needle on my curious radar is going insane and I would love to see it. ^.^ Remember the old Emily. lol I love the way she looks, so keep on blushing there, Ems because ya' outdidyourself!
I would love the site(s) to download this content!
I'm all exciting now to see Tim, Harm and the others! Again, thank you one MILLION X's infinity again, Ems! -Squea- love them to bits. 
Thanks man
This is what I do with my life XD
I'll message you later today with with all the stuffs
"Excuse me! Oops! Sorry! Excuse me, sorry-excuse me! Watch out, Penkle!"
A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, thick glasses and blonde hair pulled back, dodges a yellow Troll, standing near her desk. Penkle looks over, grunts and returns to his eating. The young assistant looks all over the room; the memo said to meet her in the office but the boss was no where to be found. His desk was empty, Mayor Charming was holding a meeting and the Sheriff was heading over to his sister's home to see the progress of the quads.
"Penkle, have you seen Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie? I...I got his memo and he said HERE but WHERE is HERE, I'm not sure. And I don't want to be late and my legs are tired and my feet-oh Penkle-don't get me started on these shoes..."
Penkle rolled his eyes, chomped down on his sandwich and continued to read the New York Times. Nothing interesting in the mundane world. Typical news. Robbery on 34h street, new store coming soon. Housing prices are soaring, there was a parade in town next week. Nothing to be concerned about. Penkle did his best to ignore Michelle, still commenting on her shoes and tired feet. Finally, perceiving she would never end this dreaded, pointless conversation, Penkle turns and points towards the back.
"OH! Thank you, thank you! Oh man, I hope I'm not late!"
Penkle rolls his eyes and watches the young woman pace herself towards the back. Michelle runs through an aisle with rows of books; all from the Homelands and each containing a valuable piece of history and information pertaining to a Fable in the community.
"Ethan, sir...I received your note. I have the documents needed and-"
"Ah, Michelle. Over here."
Michelle looks over. Climbing down from a tall wooden ladder, Ethan leaps down, dusts his hands off and grabs the papers. He finds a nearby table, opens the folder and glances over the neatly typed documents. Michelle, standing back and waiting anxiously for the feedback, is pleased to see her boss grin with delight. Ethan shuts the folders, gathers them under his arms and beams.
"Well done, Michelle. All the information is here, no mistakes, no unusual information that leaves me to believe we may have an issue on hand. Peter will be pleased to hear this. So will Emily and Grendel..."
"WHICH reminds me-" Michelle pulls out three yellow papers. "This is for them, Grendel especially. Its in regards to the quads, IF they do end up needing to go to the Farm. I have confidance, though, they'll be able to learn their shapeshifting abilities in no time."
Ethan begins to walk. "Come, Michelle. Walk with me."
Screeching with elation, Michelle follows Ethan as the pair cross many rows of books and files. Michelle notices a thick, leather book under Ethan's arm. Tilting her head, Michelle tries to makeout what the book's title was; perhaps it was from the Homelands and had key information to Grendels and Wood Elves. Michelle looked for hours on a single book with some sort of needed information in regards to Wood Elves. Nothing. Even Penkle was having a difficult time locating anything.
Her curiosity won the best. Michelle had to know. "What is that book, sir?"
"Which one, Michelle?"
"This one." Michelle taps the cover. "The one under your arm, sir."
"Oh this...just a silly nursery rhyme book containing certain poems, verses, songs-"
"Your father's rhyme in there, sir?"
"Yes." Ethan takes the book and immediatly opens to the page. "Right there. That's my old man. I can't tell you HOW many times I'll sit back here, while Penkle files and cleans the front and just read. Eat my lunch and read."
"Why, sir?" Michelle chuckles. "You know the song by heart. He's your father and-"
"I know...." Ethan closes the book. "I often just wanted to read it and understand. I mean, I get it but will never..."
Michelle blinked as Ethan spoke. He paused, noticing the confusion growing on her face. Giggling and covering her mouth, Michelle tried to not make Ethan blush and become embarrassed. He had a habit of carrying on a conversation and not making any sense at first; he'd ramble on, change the subject and somehow, combine the two stories together. He was doing it now.
"I'm doing it again, aren't I Michelle?"
She pats Ethan on the shoulder. "You're getting better at it boss. Getting better."
The pair exit the jungle of books and head for his desk. Penkle, piles of papers in his hands, begins to sort and seperate. Ethan places his books down, sits in his chair and sighs heavily. Michelle stands beside Ethan, waiting for her next assignment. She couldn't help but watch Ethan; to her, Ethan Porgie was a handsome man with a sculpted body she swears the Gods created themselves. His Sepia hair turned with every move he made. Ethan had similar features to Georgie Porgie, especially the design of his jaw, cheek bones and chin. Michelle bit her bottom lip. As he aged, he began to look just like his grandfather, John Smith.
Michelle sighs, causing Ethan to turn. "Uh, you alright, Michelle?"
Returning to reality, Michelle could feel her cheeks turn red. "Wh...what, sir?"
"Are you alright? You hot or something? Your cheeks are turning-"
"No, no, no!" Michelle chuckles awkwardly. "No, I wasn't LOOKING at you...I mean, psssh! Hello, duh!"
"Uh...." Ethan glances around. "What the hell are you talking about?"
Michelle had to think of something and fast. "Uh...are you hungry, sir? Cause I'm like, REALLY hungry! Wanna grab some food? How about Mexican food...yeah! Yeah, that sounds tasty."
"What about Pet-"
Michelle grabs Ethan's arm. "Oh, Peter Shmeter. He's a big boy. He can fend for himself. C'mon-I know the PERFECT place to grab some Lengua Tacos."
Ethan inclines his eyebrow. "Lengua? Isn't that-"
Before he could finish his question, Michelle yanks Ethan out of the office, towards the elevator and out the door.
Peter holds Liam up. The little boy, sucking on his hand, dimples at his uncle. Returning the favor, Peter chuckles and bounces the boy around for a few seconds. Standing beneath the shade of a large Oak tree, Thomas watches Peter play with the quads. Emily is not too far behind and joins her brother's play. Gren stands beside his father, looking out into the open field.
"You have quite the beautiful family, Grendel." Thomas looks to the side. "I'm impressed you've managed to produce fine offspring."
Gren huffs. "Didn't think I could do it or-"
"After that whole fiasco with Carla, I assumed you shall I put this-too emerged within yourself to see what was really taking place."
"How did you know about that?" Gren folds his arms. "You never fuckin' came by. Never called. I didn't even fuckin' know you were alive until Robert said something."
"I figured Robert would tell you. Reason why I said anything in the first place. He mentioned to me the situation you were dealing with. Perhaps I already knew before you did. I had no interest in getting to know her or the children." Thomas looks out. "It's different now. With the quads. They are indeed your flesh and blood."
"I never doubted Emily's faithfulness in me. I could feel her love, even at a young age. It was there...I just..."
Thomas was interested. "So, you noticed her attachment to you at a young age?"
Gren kicks a nearby rock. "Yeah. We all....we all fuckin' assumed it was just a bond we had. I mean, her sister Katie was close to Hans. Same thing with her brothers Peter and Junior. Close to Carla. Penelope to her aunt Gina. I thought it was the same for Emily and I."
"When did you notice is was NOTHING like their relationships, Grendel?"
Gren hangs his head low enough to glance at the grass below his boots. He'd been asked this countless times before. From Lyla, John, Georgie-even his own brother-was curious as to WHEN the beast noticed his love for Emily. Gren felt like a degenerate as Emily aged; thought he was turning into what the mundies called 'the dirty uncle' and used to avoid Emily when she was near. At first, it worked; the urge to act out on his natural instincts seemed to vanish overnight.
Gren clears his throat. "Ummm, I...she was...fuck."
"Please, Gren. I'd like to know so I can explain it better to-"
"Thirteen." Gren buries his hands in the pockets. "Thirteen. She had just turned...thirteen...when I really noticed Emily...."
Thomas nods his head. "Sounds right."
"What do you mean? Felt like a fucking pervert."
"You're not a pervert, son but it also shows how much you've tried to forget your Grendel ways. Unfortuantly, there is only so much 'masking' and avoiding a person can do, especially if its imprinted into your genetic material. Grendels, especially males, develop young. You know this, your brother knows-RJ went through it, as will little Liam over there."
"Yes...I fuckin' know this..."
Thomas continues. "You were the late bloomer but your mother had a part in that. Mixing my DNA with her own masked your ability to develop in later years. But normally, males get their teeth by one year, they've learned how to fight by four and around their seventh or eighth, their testicles drop and they become aggresive; their soul purpose now is to mate, battle for their rightful place in the clan and protect his family."
"Robert said RJ never became 'aggresive' like we did."
"His mother's Wolf side helped mask it until he was a teenager. There, he went through the stages but it wasn't as potent, should he have been one hundred precent Grendel and living back in the Homelands. With that being said, you went through the same thing. Once that has fully kicked in and you've gone through the puberty stages, your ability to locate and smell out your mate is in full affect. You must have been picking it up when Emily was around. It's not being a pervert, Grendel. You were merely doing what your brain was constructed to do."
Gren sighs. "Fuck. Feel like a HUGE perv now, dad."
"You knew, deep inside of here, that Carla was never meant for you. Sadly, you didn't want to admit it and look foolish. You were hoping things would change. But you and Emily Porgie...well, that was always set in stone for you two. Took you awhile but you found out for yourself."
"Is that how you knew..." Gren stops. "...For mom..."
Thomas nods. "I knew it was wrong, Grendel. Wood Elves and our kind were never meant to be. The hatred we created for centuries was forever holding up a wall. I didn't care. Neither did your mother. I can honsetly say, son, I loved her. I STILL love your mother....I hold her mark proudly, even now. I could never remove this. The memories...everything we created together."
Gren holds out his arm. "I got mine, too. So does Emily. We felt it...the night we...connected."
Thomas pats Gren once more. "You did good, son. You did good." Thomas sighs. "I was wrong...about the Porgie."
"Yeah...." Gren looks out. "Me too. I love her. So fuckin' much."
"I know." Thomas beams. "I can sense it."
"Do you think, they can learn?"
"Why your brother-in-law is here. He and RJ are the ONLY ones who know how to shapeshift. I spoke to Emily's mother and she'd be more than happy to come down and teach the babies, too. We're simply waiting on her now."
Gren and Thomas slowly make their way towards the field; from the distance in a cloud of dirt, a car heads in their direction. There was something still lingering in Gren's mind.
"Dad, how are YOU going to help the quads?"
"It will come eventually, Grendel."
"Are you....are you really dying or-"
Thomas places his arm over Gren's shoulder. "We shall discuss this on another day. Right now, we must teach the children..."
Not another word was said in regards to this. For once, his father was right. Joining Emily, Gren grabs his children and prepares for the teaching. Gren too, was in need of learning, too.
But that would come later in time.
Any questions, you know the drill.
I don't play Sims (I feel as though I would lose interest in it before long) but those are excellent renditions, really accurate to the source
I'm still amazed XP
Dude! XD This just made my day.
Hey man, nothing but love.
Robert can be annoying, yes....Grendel thing. XD I have an idea brewing for what T man (and a few others) will do to Robert during the game. >:D
T man and Georgie are pretty cool with one another.