top 10 list of what every TWDG fan complains about
10: Carley's death
9: 400 days characters barley mattering
8: Luke's Death
7: Nick's Death
6: Choosing between Kenny or Jane
5: Carver being a wasted character
4: Omid's death
3: Lily not being is season 2
2: Molly not being in season 2
1: Lee's death
By the way I am joking :P I am not trying to be mean
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This list is not in order:
Choices not making a difference in season 2.
Nicks death
Sarahs death
How Clem can practically do everything, even though she's a child
Luke getting down with Jane
And some other stuff that I can't be bothered to type
wot......people complained? people were sad but i don't remember anyone throwing a tantrum over it
Man,haven’t you read all those "Lee is coming back for s3 BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH" threads?
that isn't complaining that is just people being stupid
Well,kind of...
I was disappointed in the mostly lackluster season 2.
Luke's death nuff said
The foreshadowing in episode 2.
winner winner
chicken dinner
The fighting gave on the forums gave me PTSD like Sarah.
I should make my own list of things I complain about far too much.
10.) Nick's anticlimatic second death.
9.) Kenny returning.
8.) Sarita being a plot device for Kenny's manpain.
7.) Troy being a generic bully.
6.) Carver lasting only three episodes and the sympathetic side he supposedly had was never shown.
5.) Bonnie and Mike were just there to do whatever the plot needed them to do.
4.) Clementine never gets to open up about what happened with Christa or any of her past unless it was pertaining to Lee for like, what? Some cheap s1 feels?
3.) Luke's death at the lake was ridiculous.
2.) People giving up on Sarah too quickly and saying things about her that aren't even true. (That she never wanted to learn to be more independent being the biggest example.)
1.) Arvo was a plot device and that irritated me so much that I'll never fucking shut up about it. Never. 30 years from now, mark my words, I'll still be pissed.
Or just sum it up with this post;
I don't think those were in order, with the exception of the Arvo thing, that deserves the #1 spot.
Hmmm, I think you forgot Season 2.
When people stick a G on the end of TWD
Molly not coming back? LOL! Of course she did! She cut her hair shorter and started calling herself Jane. Weren't you paying attention?
Luke's death at the river was ridiculous.
Here's my top ten disappointments: (Which are in no sarcastic and aren't meant to be viewed as satire)
Wait, it's a river now?
It's always been a river. They just made it curve into a corner so it looks like a lake. It's more of a design error than a plothole.
The wait between episodes?
why does that bother you? I like TWD game more than TWD show/comic but TWDG stands for The Walking Dead GAME so people don't get confused
She was a pretty legit character, but I don't know if a reappearance would make the best season 3.
Carley's death (that no matter how much you side with Lilly there's no way to stop her from killing Carley/Doug)
Molly leaving the group so soon
Christa and Omid being thrown away so easily and quickly forgotten (when they took care of Clementine the longest)
Carver and 400 Days Characters not living up to their hype (wasted potential)
Lack of character development, especially with Sarah (she was useless, I guess she was supposed to test the player's you save sarah b/c she's nice or let her die b/c she's a burden? But all of the cabin group was's like cooking a culinary masterpiece and using inedible garnishes)
The dying man not telling us about Christa, even if you give him water...just to rub salt into the remind us that we're not going to find out what happened to her
The group, aside from (my) Clem and and Kenny, so willingly agreeing to believe Arvo about his 'house and supplies'...when there was a plan to go to a town already nearby...lets trust the guy who just ambushed us and travel to a place that's probably twice as far
That Mike was supposed to be one of the bandits that attacked Clem and Christa in All the Remains...I'm guessing they changed it so that they didn't have to bring up Christa again, but it would've added to Mike's character and his theft wouldn't have seemed so out of character.
No particular order:
Carley's death
Lilly vs Kenny
Kenny vs Luke
Kenny vs Jane
"I got lucky, real lucky"
Season 2 Clementine
Luke's death
Sarah's death
Nick's death
Season 2
Anyone mentioned the waiting time yet?
Season 2 plot holes= 9001
I did.
It's a given.