Stannis vs Daenerys

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

We all have opinions, I see throughout YouTube that Stannis destroys other kings in support, many wish that he sits on the Iron Throne including me. But others think Daenerys should rule, at least the people who like her, so this is a debate thread if you wish to call it that.

I will start, Stannis is a great commander, he is a great leader, he also can rally soldiers to his side.
Trust me when I say this, I like Daenerys almost as much as Stannis, she beautiful, wise, and has support of slaves which can make a good army if trained and she has dragons but Stannis could destroy Daenerys. Daenerys isn't as strong a stannis and I don't mean physically, I mean mentally. she has a good heart but a good heart can't appease a city as which we have seen after her liberations. She cant control her dragons and that will be a massive factor against her, even though she locked up two of her dragons they will most likely grow to big to keep locked up, if the dragons escape or are freed it could result in many deaths and much destruction resulting a massive lose of support which will most likely kill her claim for the throne in the long run, not to mention she is at a higher risk of death by assassination.
In all honesty I have to go with Stannis


  • Bend the Knee or be destroyed

    Shit does that mean Mance is gonna die?

    RIP ;___;

  • Rip in peace.

    Green613 posted: »

    Bend the Knee or be destroyed Shit does that mean Mance is gonna die? RIP ;___;

  • This is really tough. I will support Stannis as far as him defeating the Boltons, but I honestly think he would be an awful King because of his opression of R'Hllor. Same with Dany, I like her as a character and think she is a good person, but she's an awful leader who makes poor decisions 80% of the time.

    In the end though, I would pick Dany. She just needs to listen to her advisers more and she could be a great Queen

  • edited February 2015

    I don't know. Stannis is an intelligent, strong leader and commander. Dany shows a serious lack of experience in her decision making. She seems very naive as well, and I can understand those who find her to just be an irritating generic hero-type character, though I don't necessarily agree.

    But Stannis just seems cold. Dany does show a moral purpose and a good side, even if it's a little narrow minded. I'm not sure what good that kind of thing will do you in a universe as brutal as Game of Thrones, but it does make her more likable to some viewers/readers I guess, so there you are.

    I don't know, I like both characters.

  • Hard to say ruling a kingdom and leading an army are two different things. Stanis is intelligent so he would probably have my support

  • edited February 2015

    Stannis. All day, every day.

    Stannis saving the guddamn realm and taking the throne, and then knocking that batshit crazy airhead Daenerys the feck out as soon as she finally decides to show up is the best possible outcome for this story, tbh.

    W/ Ser Davos as the Hand of the King of course. Best Hand one could ask for.

  • Why does such a comparison arise so often? Neither of the two is fit to the Iron Throne, nor is likely to ever be.

    I just don't understand how people can even consider Stannis for the Iron Throne. The man is entirely devoid of honor, a complete self-serving hypocrite.

    Daenerys is far better a candidate, but that is faint praise indeed. She means well enough, but she lacks a clue of what she is doing and what the consequences are likely to be. Come to think of it, she has almost the exact opposite flaws when compared to Stannis the dishonorable.

    I hope and expect Stannis to die, horribily and in Winds if at all possible. Daenerys I do not expect to ever leave Essos. She has a lot to learn about how to be a functional person and she deserves that chance.

    My favorite candidate for the Iron Throne is Randyll Tarly, but almost any random noble would do better than either of those two.

  • Stannis, of those two.

    But I doubt either of them are making it. I bet on R+L=J being true and Jon 'Targaryen' ending up on the throne honestly.

  • Very likely but it isn't confirmed. Original george rr martins idea was to reveal his true heritage in third book. And have arya and jon fall in love

    thatguy787 posted: »

    Stannis, of those two. But I doubt either of them are making it. I bet on R+L=J being true and Jon 'Targaryen' ending up on the throne honestly.

  • Ill go with Daenerys..forgive me Stannis! :)

  • I hate them both, but I'll go with Stannis since he actually gets shit done.

  • Im agreeing with you 100%

    Stannis. All day, every day. Stannis saving the guddamn realm and taking the throne, and then knocking that batshit crazy airhead Daenery

  • The original ideas were so weird to hear. Like he was planning on having Robb maim Joffrey, Jaime kill Robb, Tyrion burn Winterfell and develop feelings for Arya. Weird ass stuff

    Very likely but it isn't confirmed. Original george rr martins idea was to reveal his true heritage in third book. And have arya and jon fall in love

  • edited February 2015

    None of them..Young Griff is the one true king of Westeros even if he's a blackfyre he still got the best claim

  • About the R'Hllor part...I think Stannis is not a true believer. He just doesn't strike me as the guy who would abandon his beliefs.

    However, he sees that Melisandre is a powerful ally, that can help him win the throne, so he keeps her happy by apparently praying to R'Hllor and changing his banner and all that.

    As soon as he's on the throne, he'll have her executed.

    This is really tough. I will support Stannis as far as him defeating the Boltons, but I honestly think he would be an awful King because of

  • I've been a Daenerys supporter since the beginning so I'll go with Daenerys. I also love the fact that Varys and Tyrion will be supporting her claim to the throne in Season 5. With good advisors, I think Daenerys could be one of the best Westeros rulers.

    In addition, I hate Stannis, not just as a person, but also I don't think he would be a good ruler, as he would inforce his religion in everyone and kill those who wouldn't join it, and people would hate him for it. But even ifhe wasn't a true R'Hllor believer as some people claim, he would still kill anyone who didn't want him on the throne or criticise his actions as king, and people would hate him for it.

  • Stannis any day. Only reason I have any sympathies for team Meereen is Barristan the Brave. And ofc dragons are pretty cool.

  • I do not think either of them should rule. I would prefer if Maergary and Tommen ruled the seven kingdoms to be honest. He might be a product of incest but he is a much more likeable character than for instance Joffrey. I think he is the one most similar to Jaime. Daenarys or Stannis are not really nice though, remember how Daenarys nailed thousands of innocent people on crosses? Stannis is too harsh and ruthless. From my point of view Tommen is more likeable than either of them.

  • Honestly, that doesn't make me feel any better about the type of King he would be. He turns away hundred of allies to their death, burns another couple 100 of them, and in the end executes what gets him on the throne on the first place?

    About the R'Hllor part...I think Stannis is not a true believer. He just doesn't strike me as the guy who would abandon his beliefs. Howe

  • Stannis would be the best current ruler, though Daenerys has a lot of potential. Of course, both'll probably die by the end of the series with Stannis as a Definite and Daenerys as a maybe.

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