Name a time that made you jump? (spoilers)
TWD games have some moments where they catch you off guard and might scare you for a second. Name a time where you were most caught off guard and it made you a little scared. Well maybe not scared per say but just alarmed.
One of the most for me was when Lee and Kenny are in the barn and you crack the door the second time and Danny St. John has the rifle in your face.
Honorable mention: the time when you first go into that little shed when you have to find the doctor in crawford and that walker grabs you out of no where and the monitor falls on its head.
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The time-skip in S2 episode 1 lol.
If I recall correctly their was one moment (ep. 4 S1) when a zombie just teleports inside a small shack that Lee uses to get into a lot in front of a mechanics shop. He appears out of nowhere and does a bit of a scream, that got me off guard.
That stupid ass zombie in the car next to the train in Long Road Ahead. Sometimes I replay that section over and over just to repeat slamming the car door on his rude ass jumpy ass face.
To be honest the graphics aren't quite good enough to make me jump. I love the story in these games and the way the characters interact with one another but for a horror story to make me jump it needs to be a little more realistic looking than graphics where you can still see the pencil drawings on the characters
Yep, I remember that. Damn thing gave me a heart attack over how loud the jump scare, and I don't usually get startled by loud noises.
Clem getting shot, to be honest, I was so distracted by Bonnie and Mike's betrayal that I completely forgot about the Russian pointing a gun at me.
Need a gif of that zombie getting his head smashed now.
I honestly don't even understand the point of having that zombie there, it was completely pointless and didn't even scare me. And where the fuck did that T.V. or whatever it was that fell on his head come from?
It was a very odd moment, can't even tell how it got in there logically since the pathways seemed blocked and why did it go there in the first place is beyond me.
Oberson's orders to put the one useless t.v. in a small shack for zombie defenses.
That moment with Danny St. John made me jump pretty bad.
Lee getting bit, if you went for the walkie. Made me jump so hard I started laughing. That laughter didn't last too long though.
When Larry became a salthead
The moment when Lee was searching around the train and there was a walker in a car.
Walker David grabbing Katjaa's face
Am I the only one who turns down the volume when I get near the car?
When everyone in my group survived the shootout in episode 5. I jumped out of my chair straight into my bed to sleep off the bullshit.
I'm a little bitch when it comes to jumpscares, so that one got me bad. Youtube traumatized me with all of those fake "How to get Recon Armor for Halo 3" videos. ;_;
You and me both bro
I've also been super cautious on youtube since "Ghost Car" save yourself the trouble and don't look it up if you haven't seen it.
Arvo shooting Clementine
Yeah, I don't remember much from S1, but I do recall this catching me off guard too.
Also when I cut off Saritas arm, I thought Kenny was going to kick Clementines ass.
Oh man! The Danny St. John bit caught me off guard. How had I forgot about that?
That moment you mentioned in the barn in S1 E2, when you peek out of the door for the third or so time and Danny St. John has a rifle pointed straight at your face. Three years on, and I still get chills whenever I hear someone say "see where he is now!".