No words can describe how awesome the Porgie Clan looks all Simified. That's not even language but who cares, right!? I mean, the detail in this! I can see he loves it! I do, too! You've done them justice just by what you've read and seen him draw. Lyla is stunning (that dress, girl, looks wonderful BTW) Katie is adorable. Our little mini-Lyla. Georgie looks spot on (bottom he looks drunk XD HATE when they blink so much...) Junior looks awesome, too! Penelope is gorgeous. Loving the curls! Peter and Ethan...-fangirls- GAH! shmexy, these two! Emily is beautiful; she's my favorite, too and you did her perfectly! GAH!!!! I love them all!!!
Listen to me...on and on and on but I love these so much!!! I can't wait to see your OC's as well. All their babies and what you'll do next! I need to play the Sims 4 now JUST because of this. They look WONDERFUL! Great work, Emmy!
OH! Do I detect some flirting going on, Michelle? I have a question to ask you. If you do not want to answer, that is cool. SOOOOO, is Ethan gay, bi or not sure? You mentioned a relatioship with Henry but also he's dated women in the past, too. I'm assuming he's bi; there are people who CAN have healthy relationships with both. I'm just curious....:P
Penkle, huh? Is he like Hobbs or a Bufkin to Ethan and Peter? His reaction to Michelle is priceless. XD
Also, the conversation Gren has with Thomas. I'm curious to know more about his estranged relationship with Gren and even Robert; I know you mentioned their other brother Isaiah but he seems to keep his distance. I was pleased to hear a bit more backstory on Grendels and their natural instincts. I swear, its as if YOU created the Grendels. There is so much information you have on them. So, pretty much, as soon as their 'balls' drop, they can sense their true mate and seek them out? How interesting....the markings, too?
Also, knowing Gren did sense his love for Emily is rather exciting to know about, too. I know it may come off as the 'dirty uncle' but he's only doing what is imbedded into his brain. At least he didn't ACT out on it, you know? Think he was hoping it was nothing and TRIED to ignore it by having a family and being with Carla. Makes sense why he thought Lyla was 'the one', too....Its all coming together.
Also interested to see how they'll teach the quads the ability to shapeshift; PEter, RJ and Lyla will be there, so this should be interesting. Thomas' reasons, too. He mentioned replacing him when he dies...fights between Liam and RJ....
"Excuse me! Oops! Sorry! Excuse me, sorry-excuse me! Watch out, Penkle!"
A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, thick glass… morees and blonde hair pulled back, dodges a yellow Troll, standing near her desk. Penkle looks over, grunts and returns to his eating. The young assistant looks all over the room; the memo said to meet her in the office but the boss was no where to be found. His desk was empty, Mayor Charming was holding a meeting and the Sheriff was heading over to his sister's home to see the progress of the quads.
"Penkle, have you seen Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie? I...I got his memo and he said HERE but WHERE is HERE, I'm not sure. And I don't want to be late and my legs are tired and my feet-oh Penkle-don't get me started on these shoes..."
Penkle rolled his eyes, chomped down on his sandwich and continued to read the New York Times. Nothing interesting in the mundane world. Typical news. Robbery on 34h street, new … [view original content]
Tee-hee. Oh Michelle, you're so cute when you're awkward! Man, Michelle certainly seems like she needs someone to warm up to after a hard day's work at the office.
Still looking forward to that story about her, whenever it happens!
Also good for ya, Gren. Did Emily and him have their marriage yet?
"Excuse me! Oops! Sorry! Excuse me, sorry-excuse me! Watch out, Penkle!"
A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, thick glass… morees and blonde hair pulled back, dodges a yellow Troll, standing near her desk. Penkle looks over, grunts and returns to his eating. The young assistant looks all over the room; the memo said to meet her in the office but the boss was no where to be found. His desk was empty, Mayor Charming was holding a meeting and the Sheriff was heading over to his sister's home to see the progress of the quads.
"Penkle, have you seen Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie? I...I got his memo and he said HERE but WHERE is HERE, I'm not sure. And I don't want to be late and my legs are tired and my feet-oh Penkle-don't get me started on these shoes..."
Penkle rolled his eyes, chomped down on his sandwich and continued to read the New York Times. Nothing interesting in the mundane world. Typical news. Robbery on 34h street, new … [view original content]
she is indeed the typical awkaward, yet loving young woman. I have plans for, did you want her story seperate from this one or does it matter? Just so I know; I've began writing down some information about her.
No, Gren and emily have not wed yet. I'll be doing that later in the chapters. I was going to do Holly and Peter's 1st, than cover his and Emily.
Tee-hee. Oh Michelle, you're so cute when you're awkward! Man, Michelle certainly seems like she needs someone to warm up to after a hard da… morey's work at the office.
Still looking forward to that story about her, whenever it happens!
Also good for ya, Gren. Did Emily and him have their marriage yet?
They must see that beneath all that gruffness Nick does have a caring side. Either that or they've not seen him cleave a man's head in two; who's to say? :P
The large man, standing at 6' 3'' glares at the little hands poking and pulling on his outfit. One of Harmony's boys pokes his boot with a stick.
That right there is bravery.
What can be said? Kids are fearless, even against Nick :P
Wow, these are amazing! You've designed them superbly - they look just like Pie's descriptions and characters but the clothes and hairstyles fit exactly too! Fantastic!! XD
They must see that beneath all that gruffness Nick does have a caring side. Either that or they've not seen him cleave a man's head in two; who's to say? :P
she is indeed the typical awkaward, yet loving young woman. I have plans for, did you want her story seperate from this one or doe… mores it matter? Just so I know; I've began writing down some information about her.
No, Gren and emily have not wed yet. I'll be doing that later in the chapters. I was going to do Holly and Peter's 1st, than cover his and Emily.
He did far worse than that in TDAU!
* He nearly killed Cinderella then keelhauled her
* He ripped Bigby's soul out of his body (but di… moredn't technically kill him)
* He fought off Grendel, Grimble and Woody as a human and almost killed all 3 of them
* He fought Charming and Bluebeard simultaneously with swords and floored both of them
Yet in spite of all this, he loves those he can call friends or family. He has a very strict code about kids: no violence... ever!
The sickness in the middle of the night must be a burden for both Scarlet and Carter; what is Carter's job? I fear I may have forgotten.
But the whole pregnancy thing - what with everything that's going on with Charlotte, makes me wonder if something might happen there, perhaps accidentally. Perhaps not, but it's hard to know what's what at the moment. (That's good though XD)
"It's brass monkeys out here,"
This phrase made me laugh, though I'm not sure why. XD England's Fabletown - did it even exist before Charlotte possibly, somehow, brought Belinda back? Ahh, so many questions - feel free not to answer them because you'll no doubt do so in the course of the tale.
Scarlett woke up in the middle of the night with the furious urge to vomit. She hadn't felt this sick since her pregnancy with her daughter … moreCharlotte. She nearly tripped getting out from under the covers as she ran to the bathroom and bent over the toilet.
"Babe," Jackson's voice was groggy and tired. She must have woke him up in the process. "Are you alright?"
She puked some more, before answering. "I-I'm fine....Ugh..."
She heard him get up, which she wished he wouldn't, because she knew he had work early in the morning. His warm hands rubbed against her back, over her loose nightshirt. He bent down on one knee, pushing her hair out of the way.
"It's okay," He told her softly. "Is it all out?"
"I think so," Scarlett let her head rest on the edge of the toilet bowl. She felt exhausted all over again, her cheek against the cool porcelain, watching the nasty contents of her stomach swirl down the drain as Jackson flushed it.
… [view original content]
It's cuz of a power he inherited from Death (although it's a more crude version of it) If Nick kills someone who is in fear of him then he claims their soul. That includes both memories and experiences...
I might have to explore the memories side of that power, give a sense of 'pity' to Nick for possessing countless thoughts of people who are not him
Nick is pretty OP though (I sorta regret it now, originally Nick was never supposed to be in any story outside of TDAU) because of this I decided to give him much more character than just 'unstoppable death-bringer' :P
The only way to kill Nick's body is by damaging his heart, but even then his spirit can only be killed by Death...
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick, Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyone else?"
Harmony fishes inside her purse. "Well, why the heck not! I mean, make this a bit more interesting. How about it, Lyla?"
"WHAT do we do if we lose, Robert. Ya' never specified the rules."
"Of course. Winner or winners will get the money, split it evenly and call it good. Loser, has to dance in their underwear, out in the snow-WITH Gren, I may add-and it has to be to the song requested the most by the people sitting at this table."
Lyla leans back. "ANY song?"
"Alright." Lyla takes out some cash. "Fifteen for me."
"Percy, your next."
Mr. Weasel pulls out a money clip and takes out a ten. "I say 'ol boy, this shall be slendid. I've never partook in the pleasures of bidding one's hard earned money to a fantastic game of tossing around a pigskin full of hot air."
Robert collects the money. "WELL, Percy my good man-er, um, Weasel-you're in for a treat.
Weasel claps his hands. "Oh slendid, Robert. I look forward to the one that must endure the humiliation in dancing with only their undergarments." Weasel coughs. "Robert." Coughs again. "Oh my...I seem to have caught a bit of a cold, I did."
While Robert flips Weasel off, Draco throws down a one hundred dollar bill. "Good lord, Draco. Confident, are we?"
Another cloud of smoke circles the Fable's head. "I'm KNOW my team will win and I'm not much of a dancer, to be honest. I'll enjoy seeing whoever loses anyway. Need something as a dessert after I watch this bountiful play we are about to receive."
Robert takes the money and adds it to the pile. "I'm not sure about that golbadee goop you just said but, alright! Nick, Catherine....what's it going to be?"
Catherine looks at Mikhail, who carefully listens to the young woman. Everyone waits in silence; the anouncer can be heard in the back, indicating a commercial before the game begins. Mikhail smiles and takes a twenty.
"Put us down, Robert. Catherine would be pleased to take place in your bet."
"Excellent choice, my dear lady."
Both bowing to one another, Nick is the last to add to the ever growing pile of money. Like Draco, he pulls out a one hundred dollar bill and some gold coins. Clink Clink! Everyone at the table watches the enormous man add the final coin. Smiling, Nick leans back into his chair.
"I'd love to, Robert. May I add something, just to make this more entertaining?"
"How about the loser or losers, sing a Lady Gaga song while out their dancing."
Gren hears the conversation; he had to get in on Robert's little game, takes out forty bucks and throws it down.
"OR Justin Beiber...."
"Ewww." Harmony's face immediatly turns sour. "Justin Beiber."
"Justin Beiber." Gren smiles. "AND, you have to smile while doing it...."
Everyone agrees. "Great. This should be interesting. Alright, who's ready for some Football?" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`
"AHHH FOOK, no!!!" Georgie sits up, knocking his Beer over. "GOOOOOO! GO! Woot the bloody actual fook, man!? Romo, ya' dumb mutha'fookin' idiot! THE ball is THERE! THERE! GO!!!"
Robert and Draco cover their mouths and try not to laugh at Georgie's misery. Mary had to 'excuse' herself from the room; Lyla could hear her laughing the kitchen while getting more chips and dip. Harmony and Tim, cuddling on the couch, were content sharing a sandwich and chips. Noah and Elora run into the living room, jumping up and down.
"Mom, mom, mom, mom. Dad, dad, dad, dad!"
Harmony looks down. "What, what, what?"
"Can we go outside and play?"
"Who's out there?"
Noah holds out his fingers. "Sheila, George, the twins Aubrey and Sophia. Ash, Robbie, Scar, Bella, Alice, Hope, Georgia, Laura-"
Harmony giggles. "Alright, baby. Alright. Go ahead. STAY out of the mud!"
"Okay mom!"
The kids high five, run out and nearly bump into Mary as she circles in place to avoid the eager children.
"Sorry Mrs. Porgie! Bye Mrs. Porgie!"
"Watch out, you little shits!" Mary chuckles. "Kids man...."
Junior follows right behind with a plate of potato salad and chicken. "Where do you want to sit, dear?"
"Hmmm..." Mary spots Nick. "Over there. I need to make my rounds and be cheery and social."
Junior chuckles. "Babe, be nice-"
"I will." Mary plops beside Nick, nearly causing Percy to go flying off the couch. "NICK! How ya' doing? Been awhile since I've seen you around Fabletown....still killing all those people and collecting souls?"
Junior nearly shokes on his chicken. Nick scoots away just in case. "Uh, hello Mary. Actually, no. I see you've never changed."
"Me? Nah. Only thing different is this bald guy that put a ring on it and six babies."
"Six huh? Take it Sheila is one of them?"
Mary playfully punches Nick. "THERE you go! You go it!"
Nick tries to catch his plate but it drops; Cindy manages to snatch it in time. Weasel notices the green olives rolling along the plate. For the trouble, he picks one up and immediatly eats.
"Mmm, I do say Cindy dear. Those are delicious."
"Would you like some, Percy?"
"Oh yes please, love. Thank you."
Mikhail waves Cindy down. "Oh um, Cindy. Could you grab us both another Dr. Pepper, please?"
"Sure thing you two. Anyone else?"
Rose nearly knocks Tezoth in the head as she flaps her arms around. "OH, oh, oh-another Coors Light, please. Thanks Cindy-lu-who."
Cindy rolls her eyes and enters the kitchen. Draco finishes his cigar, digs into his pocket and pulls out another. Robert beams.
"Got another one of those, Draco?"
Draco glares at Robert's direction. "Maybe..."
"Can I have one...."
Draco opens his mouth; a large flames exits his throat and lights the Cigar. Placing it in his mouth, Draco pulls another out and hands it to Robert.
"Thanks man."
Draco nods. "Don't mention it."
Gren leans over and holds his hand out. "HEY, got anothe rone for me, Draco?"
"No." No hesitation. "Last one."
Green Bay makes a touchdown; Georgie nearly pushes Tezoth off the couch as he screams and tosses his Cowboy hat down.
"FOOK! Romo, c'mon ya' bloody prick rat arsed bastard! This is bullocks! Bullocks, love! Ya' hear that!?"
Lyla points to the floor. "Pick that up, apologies to Tezoth for almost knocking him down-SIT down, calm your British ass up-and watch the game."
" didn't-"
Lyla snaps her fingers and points again. "DO it, Georgie. OR I swear to KNOW what I'll deny you tonight...."
Nick makes a whip cracking noise. "Better do what the lady said, Porgie. I hear pissin' a she-wolf off ain't too good for the groin area."
Tim chuckles, as Harmony flicks his ear. "That funny, Timothy?"
"Oh , ummmm...." Tim tries to find a way out. "I was...Georgie, he uh-it was funny what...Nick...said....I love you."
Harmony chuckles. "Uh huh. Love you too, butterscotch."
Cathrine giggles. "She thinks Georgie needs anther Beer." Mikhail tosses Georgie a cold one. "Here you go, man. Sorry about the touchdown...."
Georgie catches the Beer and sits. "Oh, don't ya' worry! We are only in the first quarter. Let's go Cowboys! WHOO HOOO!"
Weseal claps his little paws together. "Oh this is a rather dashing game of Football. So many things are occuring. Georgie, ya' should be the half time show, woot with all the bloody antics ya' be throwin' at us."
"Don't." Lyla points at Weasel. "Don't give him that option cause he will do it."
robert laughs. "Hey, if YOU don't want to dance, Lyla-should you lose-make Porgie do it."
"Do woot, love?"
"Nothing dear. I love you. Looky baby...Beer commercials."
Georgie turns to face the television. Tossing a pillow at Robert, he ducks and it lands on Weasel. The creature falls to the ground with a loud THUD. Cindy quickly picks him up.
"OHHHH PERCY! I'm soooo sorry! Are you hurt?"
Weasel holds a thumbs up. Gren claps, holding out his Beer. "SEE?! The little Rat looking thing is....did you see that? He can fly...."
Emily grabs the Beer. "I think that's enough Beer fa' ya', love."
"NO!" Gren sways in is seat. "I'm gunna get rklvoeobosk....did the Packers score or-"
"SSShhh, love." Emily pats his back. "Wootch the game, love."
Tezoth stands up. "I'm heading to the kitchen. Anyone want-"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH NO! NO, NO, NO!" Georgie stomps the ground with his feet. "WOOt the fook!? Why do ya' bloody suck ta'day, Romo?! Get ya' bloody finga' out ya' bumhole and pass the fookin' ball! NO! NO! UGH fooooooook...."
Rose laughs. "You better move fast, Tezzy baby. Porgie may toss a shoe or something-"
Running to the kitchen, a shoe comes flying past, nearly hitting Tezoth in the back.
"HA! Told you!"
Robert laughs. This was going to be good. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,
Nick makes a whip cracking noise. "Better do what the lady said, Porgie. I hear pissin' a she-wolf off ain't too good for the groin area."
That is something Nick would do! Although he'd probably say "ain't too good for your balls" :P
As for Nick, he's getting back on track... I'm waiting for Nick to pull out his own cigar, light it with his thumb and then give more cigars to anyone who asks him for one... unlike Draco :P
Also amazed that Mary managed to move him with that playful punch... still, he dropped his food! XP
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick,… more Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyon… [view original content]
I'll have to get around at doing Robert and RJ eventually Glad you loved them, as Pie and everyone else seems to have. My two favorites are Emily and Ethan, I think
You should get the demo, it's free on origin, if you don't want to buy the whole game. You can even mod it, and put in custom hair styles and cloths and what not, which is a plus. Honestly, the thing I enjoy most about the sims 4 is how detailed you can get with your sims. It's probably the best Create a Sim out of the entire franchise.
Dear God... :0
No words can describe how awesome the Porgie Clan looks all Simified. That's not even language but who cares, right!? I me… morean, the detail in this! I can see he loves it! I do, too! You've done them justice just by what you've read and seen him draw. Lyla is stunning (that dress, girl, looks wonderful BTW) Katie is adorable. Our little mini-Lyla. Georgie looks spot on (bottom he looks drunk XD HATE when they blink so much...) Junior looks awesome, too! Penelope is gorgeous. Loving the curls! Peter and Ethan...-fangirls- GAH! shmexy, these two! Emily is beautiful; she's my favorite, too and you did her perfectly! GAH!!!! I love them all!!!
Listen to me...on and on and on but I love these so much!!! I can't wait to see your OC's as well. All their babies and what you'll do next! I need to play the Sims 4 now JUST because of this. They look WONDERFUL! Great work, Emmy!
Wow, these are amazing! You've designed them superbly - they look just like Pie's descriptions and characters but the clothes and hairstyles fit exactly too! Fantastic!! XD
As soon as undead started showing up they lost hope
That's very bleak! Under the circumstances you can see why the people might give up hope.
She fired the gun killing Makotos mother.
I hope Dewitt really teaches her a lesson after this!
He opened the doors to meet a grey sky and a full moon in the sky while rain fell onto him and the roof.
Very atmospheric!
Tense fight between Luna and the Vampire! It's very sad that she's died or gone immobile; she might be fixable? A new heart? Dewitt did say she could be repaired, but then maybe only Luke would know how to do that.
It's Time....
They kept running and running for days on end. Through city's and towns the group would run on and fight when they had to. … moreThe people here are much like they were in the mundane world. As soon as undead started showing up they lost hope, in fact they started chanting and wishing for death to take them away to was depressing even more that it had spread so far, yet they tried to live with it until the day Makoto had to make his move. At last they made it to the tower.
"That tower is huge." Dewitt said.
"I see there are three people. Your sister, Clara, and Luke." Luna said
"Alright. Shall we get moving? We've already wasted about a month and a half just traveling here." Makoto said
The two of them nodded and opened the door to see a spiral of stairs. They started running up the stairs, on the way up Luna had asked Dewitt for his brothers revolver. She scanned the bullets and made the bullets in her we… [view original content]
You mean Jackson? Lol, it's okay XD I actually haven't described what his job would be, maybe I'll make him a carpenter or something. He seems like a manual labor kind of guy.
I've got a few ideas, but otherwise, it's up in the air. I might sort of link the siblings together in a respective manner, which will be fun to write about.
UMMM that's a good question! Seriously! Maybe without Belinda, it wouldn't have existed!? Time to write down some notes!
The sickness in the middle of the night must be a burden for both Scarlet and Carter; what is Carter's job? I fear I may have forgotten.
… moreBut the whole pregnancy thing - what with everything that's going on with Charlotte, makes me wonder if something might happen there, perhaps accidentally. Perhaps not, but it's hard to know what's what at the moment. (That's good though XD)
"It's brass monkeys out here,"
This phrase made me laugh, though I'm not sure why. XD England's Fabletown - did it even exist before Charlotte possibly, somehow, brought Belinda back? Ahh, so many questions - feel free not to answer them because you'll no doubt do so in the course of the tale.
He did say she could be fixed, but yes she would need a new heart for that! I am contemplating on how I want to go about this but for the time being she is in fact immobile. Well not entirely I'm sure Swineheart could do something if they found a heart!
As soon as undead started showing up they lost hope
That's very bleak! Under the circumstances you can see why the people might give… more up hope.
She fired the gun killing Makotos mother.
I hope Dewitt really teaches her a lesson after this!
He opened the doors to meet a grey sky and a full moon in the sky while rain fell onto him and the roof.
Very atmospheric!
Tense fight between Luna and the Vampire! It's very sad that she's died or gone immobile; she might be fixable? A new heart? Dewitt did say she could be repaired, but then maybe only Luke would know how to do that.
Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
Yup. Sounds right. XD
Loser, has to dance in their underwear, out in the snow-WITH Gren
Oh the images I've produced in my brain....NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! XD XD
"AHHH FOOK, no!!!" Georgie sits up, knocking his Beer over. "GOOOOOO! GO! Woot the bloody actual fook, man!? Romo, ya' dumb mutha'fookin' idiot! THE ball is THERE! THERE! GO!!!"
Draco and robert are dicks to Gren and its funny as shit! How adorable are the kids....wait, the kids are alone. Outside? MARY and JUNIOR'S kids...are alone....outside...with others....NO....XD
Poor Weasel, I swear. He's too funny because he's like 'eh, whatever. I'm having a blast no matter what!' LOL
Georgie, ya' should be the half time show, woot with all the bloody antics ya' be throwin' at us."
"Don't." Lyla points at Weasel. "Don't give him that option cause he will do it."
True. VERY
Lyla points to the floor. "Pick that up, apologies to Tezoth for almost knocking him down-SIT down, calm your British ass up-and watch the game."
" didn't-"
Lyla snaps her fingers and points again. "DO it, Georgie. OR I swear to KNOW what I'll deny you tonight...."
ROFL! XD XD OH JJ! This was priceless and so them! Deny Georgie sex and you'll have him clean the entire home. No questons asked! And then Tim with Harmony....XD Watch yourself, Tim!!! lol
This was too funny! I look forward to more, man!!!
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick,… more Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyon… [view original content]
You mean Jackson? Lol, it's okay XD I actually haven't described what his job would be, maybe I'll make him a carpenter or something. He see… morems like a manual labor kind of guy.
I've got a few ideas, but otherwise, it's up in the air. I might sort of link the siblings together in a respective manner, which will be fun to write about.
UMMM that's a good question! Seriously! Maybe without Belinda, it wouldn't have existed!? Time to write down some notes!
These are way too funny! Which isn't a bad thing of course. I think Pudding highlighted all of the really funny parts though so keep up the awesome humor JJ!
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick,… more Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyon… [view original content]
Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys… more lost the coin toss.
Yup. Sounds right. XD
Loser, has to dance in their underwear, out in the snow-WITH Gren
Oh the images I've produced in my brain....NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! XD XD
"AHHH FOOK, no!!!" Georgie sits up, knocking his Beer over. "GOOOOOO! GO! Woot the bloody actual fook, man!? Romo, ya' dumb mutha'fookin' idiot! THE ball is THERE! THERE! GO!!!"
Draco and robert are dicks to Gren and its funny as shit! How adorable are the kids....wait, the kids are alone. Outside? MARY and JUNIOR'S kids...are alone....outside...with others....NO....XD
Poor Weasel, I swear. He's too funny because he's like 'eh, whatever. I'm having a blast no matter what!' LOL
Georgie, ya' should be the half time show, woot with all the bloody antics ya' be throwin' at us."
… [view original content]
Paris was warmer. That was the first thing Harmony noticed after stepping off the train, lugging her suitcase in her hand. She followed behind Tim, who was following behind Belinda and her son, as they rushed past people of all nationalities. Harmony heard a little bit of Arabic, a lot of French, and plenty of English speakers as well.
"Eurostar is one of the most used transportation methods between the two countries," Belinda explained. "Some people even commute back and forth."
"Interesting," Harmony said. She held onto Tim's sleeve, afraid of loosing him in the craze of people. They exited the train station, and the beauty of France captivated Harmony especially. She loved how old yet vibrant things felt, from the years of millions treading back and forth. Her quarrel from Tim was resolved, at least partially, before they'd gotten on the train, both of them apologizing on how they acted. Harmony herself felt a burden lift when they exited the Fabletown there; Everything about that place felt off, despite it's adorably doilies and tasty tea. They were able to walk normally when they were away from the crowd, travelling to where they were bunking for the next few days.
"I've got a townhouse here," Belinda told them. "It's more private than London's Fabletown, so don't worry. You won't be seeing any bre'er mice scurrying down the halls."
Belinda's peculiarly silent boy actually spoke up for once. "This is where daddey lives." He had a tiny child's voice, and his English accent was very thick. Harmony noticed that Belinda's grip tightened on her son's shoulder, enough to cause him pain, though the boy did not cry out. She said nothing, but suddenly had a nervousness in her eyes that spelled something was wrong.
They walked for several blocks, mostly along the river, which Belinda pointed out, was called La Seine. There were many things they passed in which Harmony wanted to visit, but Tim's sister seemed adamant on getting home first. Harmony felt a cold feeling in her gut, like something was definitely going to go wrong.
"Home, sweet home," Her voice breathed out, as if she were relieved to see it were there. She pulled keys out, leading Tim and Harm up some brick steps. The home wasn't much different from the one in London, though considerably smaller. Little balconies faced the front of the building, and it was three stories high, not including the possible attic space. They entered through the front door, which was a bright red to contrast the neutral colors of the building. The inside was very traditional, with older looking furniture. It was much simpler looking, Harmony noted. They flicked the light switches on, and Belinda took them on a very brief tour of the place.
"There's a kitchen facing the backyard, a small den, a study, and a living room, all on the ground floor. The upstairs has several bedrooms and another common area, and there are four bathrooms through out. Pick whichever room you prefer; Mine, however, is the last door on the second floor, and little Matthew sleeps in the room next door."
"Alright," Tim smiled. He followed Harmony, who was already halfway up the steps, to the room they would eventually pick to be theirs. It was the closest one to the stairs, and the room was very spacious. There were three windows, however the one in the middle was wall length, and opened up to a mini balcony overlooking the river, which ran behind the house. Harmony loved it. She opened the windows, and a breeze blew through, crisp and a little cold, and the thin silky curtains sways softly. She noticed the flower planters along all of the windows, the aged green shutters out there, and the direct view of the Eiffel Tower from where she stood.
"It's gorgeous, Tim," She breathed softly, almost a whisper. "Absolutely amazing."
His arms wrapped around her waist softly. She felt his breath on her neck, and it reminded her of home, and home reminded her of her family, and then she was suddenly homesick. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing; they were the type you had to let go.
"Shh," He whispered. "It's okay. What's the matter?"
"I miss them," She sniffled into his shirt sleeve. She was now facing him, her face buried into his shoulder. "The children. Our children."
"I know," He told her. "A couple more days, and we'll be home. Isn't Paris lovely?"
She nodded. "Of course it is. It's perfect."
He lifted her chin up, to make her face him. His thumb wiped away the tears shakily, he seemed to be holding his own emotions back. "I love you, Harmony. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings the other day. Sincerely sorry."
"I know you are," She replied, placing her hand on his cheek. "I love you too. Tim, I-" She paused, almost afraid to say what she was going to say. But it was too late to decide to say it, because a shrill scream pierced the air, blood curdling and loud.
Matthew was a boy. That much was obvious, on the outside. Inside, you could say he was part human, part monster. Demon, really. He was part demon. When he heard his mother scream, he didn't react like most people would. Daddy was home, after all.
He did react, when he heard his Aunt and Uncle clamor down the stairs. His ears perked, his vision turned from the television to the doorway. They peaked their head in the living room hastily.
"Where's your mother?" Tim gasped the words out.
"The kitchen," Matthew said casually. "With Daddey."
They ran past him together, a swift breeze coming with it. Matthew decided he wanted to see what would happen. To see if something bad was going to happen or not.
He had to push past his relatives, who were adamant at holding him back. "No," His Aunt Harmony said, tears flowing in a rush. "You can't, Matthew, you don't want to see it."
Uncle Tim was saying things, things that Matthew didn't care to hear. Until his uncle started hurtling the words 'Monster' and 'Killing Her' at his father. That was when Matthew got angry.
"Daddey's not a monster!" He screamed. He pulled from Harmony's gripped, and started punching Tim's legs. "Go away go away go away let me through!"
Slightly shocked, Tim didn't stop the boy when he did get through. Matthew then saw the scene. Blood, his nearly lifeless mother, his father, a black shadow of death and murder.
"Daddey," The boy said quizzically. "You hurt Mummy."
The creature, Matthew's father, grinned, if you could call it a grin. His sharp incisors cut through his lips, his completely black eyes cold and blinking. "Stay away, son. It has to be done. Get rid of the others."
Matthew had to obey. He turned to his aunt and uncle, both unable to move, out of fright he presumed. He morphed, changed, stripping the glamour away, growing in size. "Stay away from Daddey..."
Tim gulped, visibly. "Matthew, that thing is not your father. He's evil!"
Another cry filled the void. His mother, who must have been unconscious for a moment, woke up again, and started thrashing. Matthew turned to see his father, who'd bitten down on her through, cutting into it viciously. He faced his aunt and uncle again. Actually, Harmony had disappeared. It was just Tim standing there. Matthew launched himself onto his uncle.
Harmony had ran for cover as soon as Matthew changed. She had to think of something; anything. She was limited, as her energy levels weren't as high as they should have been. There must have been wards on the house; Preventative techniques to diminish the power of magical beings. She made a round-a-bout, finding her way to the other door that lead to the kitchen. She needed to surprise attack...whatever that creature was, and somehow restore her nephew to normal. She had no idea how she would do it. Right now, she was peeking between the clapboard door, the slits only partially hiding her body. She was lucky none of them saw her, except Belinda, whose slack composure meant that she very well might not be seeing Harmony, but might just be dead, or close to it.
And then, she watched in horror as Matthew launched onto Tim. She needed to do something-
Harmony screamed.
"Shh!" The girl, it was a girl, said. She had black hair and was a little shorter than Harmony, and her eyes seemed to glimmer in the darkness of the hallway. Harmony's head whipped back to the fight, but she was shocked when she saw how everything was completely frozen.
"I- What are- Who...?" Harmony stammered, sliding down the wall to the floor. She was physically shaking, fear blaring across her blue eyes.
"I'm Charlotte, you're granddaughter," She replied. She crossed her arms, walking slowly to greet Harmony. She held a hand out, and Harmony took it, shock filling her body.
"Why-... How are you here?"
"I have many talents," Charlotte tried to keep an aura of mystery. "Think of me as a sort of guardian. Um...." She turned her head, to look out the slits of the door. She saw the attack, the blood, the frozen battle between family. "You gonna do something about that?"
"I...." Harmony gulped. "You....Yes. I was..."
"So, breath, a second. Think about your capabilities. What are you able to do?"
"I...." She looked at her hands, and they were emanating the color green and blue, building up her power as she thought. "I can....disable the...demon on Belinda..."
"Okay," Charlotte said. She was awfully calm. "Then what?"
"I can...throw energy pulse toward Matthew. It won't hurt him, but he'll go unconscious."
"Good....And what about Belinda? She needs help from...not dying."
"Right..." Harmony opened the door, and stared at the scene. It was like being in a paused movie. She cringed when she looked at Tim, who'd already gotten a few good hits from their nephew, in the face and the gut. He was in the process of falling over.
"So do you know what you're going to do?"
"I think so..."
"I'm going to unpause reality. Don't screw it up, or I'm going to have to redo this, and that's not very fun on my part."
Harmony was still vastly confused, but she couldn't dwell on it very long, as reality did unpause, and now she was in the middle of the chaos. Quickly she threw a punch at the monster on Belinda's body. The strength in her fist was widely the power in her surging. A blast of blue energy went into the creature, incapacitating it as it slid down the wall lamely.
"Valemore!" She yelled, and the spell it stood for held the demon strictly in one spot, on the marble floor. She turned to Tim, who was on the floor, with scratches all over his exposed skin, down his arms and his face.
"Trinatad!" She yelled, her voice as strong as she could make it. The boy attacking her husband ceased to move and fell limp on the floor, sliding partway as he hit it. The blood made it massively slippery. Tim slowly rose from the ground, groaning loudly.
"Belinda," His voice went slack, as he hurried to his sister's side. Harmony just watched as he cradled her body against him softly, and began to weep.
"Tim," Harmony stammered. "Stay out of the way, or you'll get hit too. I'm going to heal her."
He hadn't said a word as he moved, laying Belinda's head carefully on the ground. He was now covered in her blood as he scooted on his butt against the kitchen island, eager eyes trained on his wife's hands.
She didn't have to say any words to activate a healing spell. She flicked her fingers, all ten of them, in Belinda's direction. From there, her body could do all the work. But much of her energy was draining, and this was the only chance they had at saving Tim's sister. She concentrated hard, using her mind to mold the wounds, to heal them.
She fell to the ground, her energy gone, her vision fading to blackness. She saw Charlotte's face again, as if it were burned against the insides of her eyelids. Her face pressed into the pool of blood that surrounded Tim's sister before she finally went unconscious.
Charlotte screamed. She jolted up in bed, still dressed in the cloths she wore to Wolf Manor.
"But I didn't even come home.." She whispered to herself. "What's going on? Why is this happening?" Questions whirled her head, and it began to pound hard, and she stood, and the room spun for a moment before settling down. She yelled at God, or whoever it was responsible for giving her these powers.
"I just want this to stop!" She screamed, at no one in particular. "Stop, stop, stop! I didn't mean to do those things, I didn't mean to bring those people back! Why am I being punished?"
"You're not being punished, Charlotte," The voice was warm and soft, like an angel's touch. Charlotte writhed on the floor, lifted her head up to see where the light was coming from. It was a woman, who was shining with the glory of God, dressing in silk white, spreading gold light across the room. "You're just transitioning. Making room, per say."
"Room for what? What is happening? And who the hell are you?"
The woman lifted her brow quizzically. "I am Hope."
"Hope? You mean...." Her brain turned on, the way it always did, and it was like a processor. Visions of her aunt Rose with Hope, visions of her grandmother Snow and Hope. Of Aunt Mary and Hope.
So many people have met her.
"You're Hope.....are you here to fix me?"
"Fix you? I am only a guide, as are you. You could say that you're replacing one who was once in your position."
"What does that mean? What are you talking about?"
"The balance of nature has been shifted, as it always does on it's own from time to time. You are the catalyst. A baby is to be born, one who will also need your guidance and love as much as you will need it's guidance and love. It's like a scale."
"You're making no sense..."
"That's what they all say in the beginning." Hope's voice purred softly, like a butterfly's beating wings. She was sitting gracefully in Charlotte's desk chair. Her feet lifted out from under her, and she took a stride to the window, her long flawless legs brushing against one another. Charlotte looked up at her from the floor, overcome with glory and slight terror over the greatness of the person in front of her. If she even classified as a person. She might as well have been God's top angel, the keeper of the very essence of hope and the future.
"What's going to happen to me."
"You ask many questions, but do you truly want to know the answer? You will be fine, Charlotte Montclair. You have favor in the Lord's heart."
"But so many things happening?"
"Your own heart is humble, Charlotte. You do what you think is the right thing to do, which, many who would have been placed in your position, would have not done. You don't go into the past for selfish reasons; You look to help those you love. You know the consequences, you know what you're responsible for. And better yet, you do not look for glory in it. You just want to help. You will be recognized in Heaven for such deeds."
"So I'm not going to Hell when I die. Whoopie. What about now, Hope? How come I'm not in control as much as I was in the beginning?"
"You're horizons are expanding. The power is doubling. It will distribute at the birth of your counter-part."
"Is it my sister or brother? The one my mom is having currently? Is that my counter part?"
"Hardly," Hope said. "But she is in the equation as well."
"It's a girl? I'm going to have a sister?"
"And a brother," Hope said. "I shant forget to mention him."
"I...." Charlotte was overcome with her emotions, still sitting across her bedroom floor. "So who is it then?"
"None that you're related to," She said. "The child will be born, and he will be an orphan. You will find him, you will take him in as your own."
"It's a boy? I'll.....But I'm only 16! I'm almost 17!"
"You're mother was your age when she had you."
"But it's not the same! It's not my son! It's a boy, right?"
"I....Whose baby is it?"
"Another Fable. That's all you'll know."
"But..." I know so much, she wanted to say. And she did. How could she not look into the eyes of the baby, and see his mother and father? It was something that just happened.
"He's connected to you, already," Hope said. "And you will find him, whether you're trying to or not. It's in the balance of nature. When he is born, he will cry out for you, and you will find him."
"And then what? What do I do with a baby?"
"You guide him, and he will guide you. I must leave, your mother is coming."
"Wait!" Charlotte said. "I'm still so confused!"
"Goodbye, Charlotte. I will visit again, in the future." Hope winked, and disappeared in a flash. The bedroom door opened immediately.
"Oh my god, Charlotte!" Scar cried out, putting her arms around her daughter who sat on the ground. "We had no idea where you went! Never do this to us again!"
"Mom," Charlotte murmured. "I was just over Grandma Snow's house."
"I know," She said. "We phoned, but Rose told us you left again. What on earth were you doing there?"
"Couldn't sleep anymore, Mom. I was bored and I wanted to see if Aunt Rose was awake. And she was. We watched some movies..."
"Just...don't do it again. Tell us before going. Oh, god..." Scarlett's arms were wrapped tightly around Charlotte. Charlotte felt the burden of Hope's words weigh her down, causing her to not want to stand, for the fear of falling through the ground, as if it were possible. She let her mother hug her and kiss her as her mind raced for answers that might never come to her.
That's enough for now, my hands hurt XD Too much typing. I made Harmony and Tim and the first litter on Sims, but I might wait until tomorrow to post it. You guy's will love it if you loved the other sims I made
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"Thanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the farm and left the house. When she left the house she put on her headphones and unbuttoned her jacket and left for the farm.
That's it! Other things about Ella is she's actually really kind, sweet, and polite, despite her not listening to her mother XD When someone asks her to complete a task she normally does it without asking many questions. Also the in the picture she's supposed to look young sorry if she looks older or otherwise XD Any other questions or comments I can answer
Growing Up
Ten years later...
"Hey mom where's my headphones?" Ella asked
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"… moreThanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the fa… [view original content]
Chapter 12, All Out War, Gargoth Vs The Fabled Avengers.
The battle with Gargoth began, and blood was already spilled before this all took. Etan quickly changed into his wolf form and lead everyone. Bigby struck first grabbing Gargoth wings with his powerful jaws, but was pushed back by him from his overwhelming magic. He managed to leave a small dent on Gargoth, the first of many.
“Wolves and their biting. Is that all your kind can do?”
“Some of us are skilled in the magical arts too, Gargoth!”
Etan as he appears behind him delivers a strong blow to Gargoth's lower back. His body slightly cracks then heals. He also smacks Etan away like he did Bigby earlier.
“Etan... this isn't working. What the hell do we do now...?”
“Calm down Bigby, you are the last one I expect to be this nervous. You're reminding me of Daren.”
“I'm getting too old for this shit.”
“As well as I Bigby. We need to by some time. I have a plan to kill Gargoth, so we just need to get beat up for a little while longer- AHHHHH”
Etan is blasted away by magic from Gargoth. He think looks at Bigby and lets him know that he next. Then Tez comes flying in firing fireballs directly at Gargoths'. He shields himself from Tez's blast using his wings.
“Gah, more repulsive dragons!”
Then Nisa joins in with her sister Viera and the two try to double team him both striking him with their flaming swords.
“I see Aizaax trained you both well in the arts of swordsmanship. As powerful as you both are, YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME!”
Gargoth picks them both up by their necks with his giant powerful hands. He then decides whether to kill them both at once or save them for later.
Draco enters from the hole in the roof, and see's Gargoth with his hands around his wife. “Bad Idea” he thought and flies in guns blazing with fires that were as powerful as hell itself. He fires them directly at Gargoth's face hoping to melt it clean off. It was a good thing that Viera and Nisa we're both phoenix or they wouldn't survive Draco's fires.
Gargoth retreats to the center of the room and heals his minor injuries.
“Viera, Nisa are you alright?”
“We're fine Draco. I never seen you so angry like that... since.”
“Don't worry babe, I'm good. Now I assume that we have a plan to deal with this?”
“We're working on it, right now we need to buy some time.. And Draco, I don't know if this is a good time to say this but, I'm preg-”
“LOOK OUT” Tez as he incinerates the falling debris that would of fallen on Draco.
“Saved me again Tez, now I owe you two beers.”
“Let's hope we live through this first, Lord Jackass is heading this way..”
Gargoth seems to loses his patience. He then raises his right hand in the air the forms a dark ball of energy that is closely related something out of Dragon Ball Z. It gets bigger, bigger and bigger.... colossal.
“Shit, everyone, TAKE COVER NOW!” Etan as he shouted trying to create a protective barrier. Then Nisa, created a barrier big enough to protective Draco, Viera, Tez, and herself.
“No magical barrier can protect can protect you from my superior might. I have enough power in my hand to WIPE this city clean of the map. This we're you die Fabled Avengers. It is now time for bed, NOW SLEEP FOREVER!!!”
Everyone closes their eyes and braces themselves for the inevitability. This could be the very end for all of them.... but it's not.
As the room lights up brightly. Delphantez appears in his true dragon form. A large vast white dragon surging with infinite and unknown power. He neutralize the dark energy attack before it could harm anyone.
“I was wondering when you decide to step in, old friend.”
“We are not friends, Gargoth. We are sworn enemies, and I cannot sit back and let people fight my battle for me. This is my fault, releasing you into the world with my own foolishness.”
“If I recall, Delphantez, YOU we're told to dispose of my statue, yet you chose to obey your father and allowed me to released. Everything happening now is your own fault, but I won't blame you. I thank you for allowing me to achieve perfection.”
“You're right, Gargoth. It was my fault. Now I will atone my sins, for the sake of my son, and grandson, I will destroy you Gargoth.”
“Then come at me, Dragon Prince!”
Delphantez with his might jaws maws Gargoth's torso causing the ground beneath them to collapse sending them both flying in the floor below them. The sound of gods clashing can be heard down below.
Up above, Mr. Weasel who was observing the whole incident while eating peanuts is startled by Hati, Etans father.
“Gah, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Come along magical one, my son requires your assistance.”
“No, time to explain, come.”
Hati and Weasel teleport in front of Etan and Olivia who are preparing spell. This is the very spell used to defeat Gargoth centuries ago, according to Etan. The spell was created by Fables and Mundies during the time of Gargoths first fall. These are the main catalyst required to complete the spell and defeat Gargoth.
“Mr. Weasel, right? From reading this book, YOUR ancestor was among one the Fables who defeated Gargoth long ago... That only leaves two more...”
“Me..? A god slayer..?”
“That is what the book is implying, Mr. Weasel. Now we need to find the other Fable and Mundy who is a blood relative of the ones who defeated Gargoth.
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick,… more Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyon… [view original content]
Growing Up
Ten years later...
"Hey mom where's my headphones?" Ella asked
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"… moreThanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the fa… [view original content]
He did say she could be fixed, but yes she would need a new heart for that! I am contemplating on how I want to go about this but for the ti… moreme being she is in fact immobile. Well not entirely I'm sure Swineheart could do something if they found a heart!
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick,… more Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyon… [view original content]
Dear God... :0
No words can describe how awesome the Porgie Clan looks all Simified. That's not even language but who cares, right!? I mean, the detail in this! I can see he loves it! I do, too! You've done them justice just by what you've read and seen him draw. Lyla is stunning (that dress, girl, looks wonderful BTW) Katie is adorable. Our little mini-Lyla.
Georgie looks spot on (bottom he looks drunk XD HATE when they blink so much...) Junior looks awesome, too! Penelope is gorgeous. Loving the curls! Peter and Ethan...-fangirls- GAH! shmexy, these two! Emily is beautiful; she's my favorite, too and you did her perfectly! GAH!!!! I love them all!!!
Listen to me...on and on and on but I love these so much!!! I can't wait to see your OC's as well. All their babies and what you'll do next! I need to play the Sims 4 now JUST because of this. They look WONDERFUL! Great work, Emmy!

These are really cool! Maybe I should try this out too at some point...ANYWAYS XD I can't wait to see more of these EMMY!
OH! Do I detect some flirting going on, Michelle? I have a question to ask you. If you do not want to answer, that is cool. SOOOOO, is Ethan gay, bi or not sure? You mentioned a relatioship with Henry but also he's dated women in the past, too. I'm assuming he's bi; there are people who CAN have healthy relationships with both. I'm just curious....:P
Penkle, huh? Is he like Hobbs or a Bufkin to Ethan and Peter? His reaction to Michelle is priceless. XD
Also, the conversation Gren has with Thomas. I'm curious to know more about his estranged relationship with Gren and even Robert; I know you mentioned their other brother Isaiah but he seems to keep his distance. I was pleased to hear a bit more backstory on Grendels and their natural instincts. I swear, its as if YOU created the Grendels. There is so much information you have on them. So, pretty much, as soon as their 'balls' drop, they can sense their true mate and seek them out? How interesting....the markings, too?
Also, knowing Gren did sense his love for Emily is rather exciting to know about, too. I know it may come off as the 'dirty uncle' but he's only doing what is imbedded into his brain. At least he didn't ACT out on it, you know? Think he was hoping it was nothing and TRIED to ignore it by having a family and being with Carla. Makes sense why he thought Lyla was 'the one', too....Its all coming together.
Also interested to see how they'll teach the quads the ability to shapeshift; PEter, RJ and Lyla will be there, so this should be interesting.
Thomas' reasons, too. He mentioned replacing him when he dies...fights between Liam and RJ....
I loved this can can't wait like always.
Tee-hee. Oh Michelle, you're so cute when you're awkward! Man, Michelle certainly seems like she needs someone to warm up to after a hard day's work at the office.
Still looking forward to that story about her, whenever it happens!
Also good for ya, Gren. Did Emily and him have their marriage yet?
she is indeed the typical awkaward, yet loving young woman. I have plans for, did you want her story seperate from this one or does it matter? Just so I know; I've began writing down some information about her.
No, Gren and emily have not wed yet. I'll be doing that later in the chapters. I was going to do Holly and Peter's 1st, than cover his and Emily.
They must see that beneath all that gruffness Nick does have a caring side. Either that or they've not seen him cleave a man's head in two; who's to say? :P
Wow, these are amazing! You've designed them superbly - they look just like Pie's descriptions and characters but the clothes and hairstyles fit exactly too! Fantastic!! XD
He did far worse than that in TDAU!
Yet in spite of all this, he loves those he can call friends or family. He has a very strict code about kids: no violence... ever!
A separate story for her would be nice. You already have lots of conflicting conflicts in your current story as is, anyway. XD
Alright, sweet, sounds like a plan!
He's certainly proficient in the art of combat XD Do admire his code on no violence to children, though!
The sickness in the middle of the night must be a burden for both Scarlet and Carter; what is Carter's job? I fear I may have forgotten.
But the whole pregnancy thing - what with everything that's going on with Charlotte, makes me wonder if something might happen there, perhaps accidentally. Perhaps not, but it's hard to know what's what at the moment. (That's good though XD)
This phrase made me laugh, though I'm not sure why. XD England's Fabletown - did it even exist before Charlotte possibly, somehow, brought Belinda back? Ahh, so many questions - feel free not to answer them because you'll no doubt do so in the course of the tale.
It's cuz of a power he inherited from Death (although it's a more crude version of it) If Nick kills someone who is in fear of him then he claims their soul. That includes both memories and experiences...
I might have to explore the memories side of that power, give a sense of 'pity' to Nick for possessing countless thoughts of people who are not him
Nick is pretty OP though (I sorta regret it now, originally Nick was never supposed to be in any story outside of TDAU) because of this I decided to give him much more character than just 'unstoppable death-bringer' :P
The only way to kill Nick's body is by damaging his heart, but even then his spirit can only be killed by Death...
"Who wants to make this game interesting? How about we take bets on who wins and loses."
Tezoth, Robert, Draco, Catherine, Harmony, Nick, Mr. Weasel and Lyla sat at the Poker table in the living room. Robert pulls out his wallet and throws down a twenty. The others look over in his direction. Lyla was not too sure; she had no issues with gambling but it did not mix very well with Georgie. He was already yelling because the Cowboys lost the coin toss.
"I'm not so sure Robert... Lyla looks over. "I mean, I don't want to start anything-"
"Ah c'mon, Lyla. It will be fun. See? Georgie pudding n' pie does not even have to know."
Tezoth reaches for his wallet. "Does it matter how much or-"
Robert grabs his shoulder, pulls the unsuspecting Dragon in and smiles. "Not at all, my marshmellow roasting friend. AS much as you see fit."
Tezoth pushes Robert back. "Well....alright. I'll add ten into the pile."
Robert looks around. "Anyone else?"
Harmony fishes inside her purse. "Well, why the heck not! I mean, make this a bit more interesting. How about it, Lyla?"
"WHAT do we do if we lose, Robert. Ya' never specified the rules."
"Of course. Winner or winners will get the money, split it evenly and call it good. Loser, has to dance in their underwear, out in the snow-WITH Gren, I may add-and it has to be to the song requested the most by the people sitting at this table."
Lyla leans back. "ANY song?"
"Alright." Lyla takes out some cash. "Fifteen for me."
"Percy, your next."
Mr. Weasel pulls out a money clip and takes out a ten. "I say 'ol boy, this shall be slendid. I've never partook in the pleasures of bidding one's hard earned money to a fantastic game of tossing around a pigskin full of hot air."
Robert collects the money. "WELL, Percy my good man-er, um, Weasel-you're in for a treat.
Weasel claps his hands. "Oh slendid, Robert. I look forward to the one that must endure the humiliation in dancing with only their undergarments." Weasel coughs. "Robert." Coughs again. "Oh my...I seem to have caught a bit of a cold, I did."
While Robert flips Weasel off, Draco throws down a one hundred dollar bill. "Good lord, Draco. Confident, are we?"
Another cloud of smoke circles the Fable's head. "I'm KNOW my team will win and I'm not much of a dancer, to be honest. I'll enjoy seeing whoever loses anyway. Need something as a dessert after I watch this bountiful play we are about to receive."
Robert takes the money and adds it to the pile. "I'm not sure about that golbadee goop you just said but, alright! Nick, Catherine....what's it going to be?"
Catherine looks at Mikhail, who carefully listens to the young woman. Everyone waits in silence; the anouncer can be heard in the back, indicating a commercial before the game begins. Mikhail smiles and takes a twenty.
"Put us down, Robert. Catherine would be pleased to take place in your bet."
"Excellent choice, my dear lady."
Both bowing to one another, Nick is the last to add to the ever growing pile of money. Like Draco, he pulls out a one hundred dollar bill and some gold coins. Clink Clink! Everyone at the table watches the enormous man add the final coin. Smiling, Nick leans back into his chair.
"I'd love to, Robert. May I add something, just to make this more entertaining?"
"How about the loser or losers, sing a Lady Gaga song while out their dancing."
Gren hears the conversation; he had to get in on Robert's little game, takes out forty bucks and throws it down.
"OR Justin Beiber...."
"Ewww." Harmony's face immediatly turns sour. "Justin Beiber."
"Justin Beiber." Gren smiles. "AND, you have to smile while doing it...."
Everyone agrees. "Great. This should be interesting. Alright, who's ready for some Football?"
,`"AHHH FOOK, no!!!" Georgie sits up, knocking his Beer over. "GOOOOOO! GO! Woot the bloody actual fook, man!? Romo, ya' dumb mutha'fookin' idiot! THE ball is THERE! THERE! GO!!!"
Robert and Draco cover their mouths and try not to laugh at Georgie's misery. Mary had to 'excuse' herself from the room; Lyla could hear her laughing the kitchen while getting more chips and dip. Harmony and Tim, cuddling on the couch, were content sharing a sandwich and chips. Noah and Elora run into the living room, jumping up and down.
"Mom, mom, mom, mom. Dad, dad, dad, dad!"
Harmony looks down. "What, what, what?"
"Can we go outside and play?"
"Who's out there?"
Noah holds out his fingers. "Sheila, George, the twins Aubrey and Sophia. Ash, Robbie, Scar, Bella, Alice, Hope, Georgia, Laura-"
Harmony giggles. "Alright, baby. Alright. Go ahead. STAY out of the mud!"
"Okay mom!"
The kids high five, run out and nearly bump into Mary as she circles in place to avoid the eager children.
"Sorry Mrs. Porgie! Bye Mrs. Porgie!"
"Watch out, you little shits!" Mary chuckles. "Kids man...."
Junior follows right behind with a plate of potato salad and chicken. "Where do you want to sit, dear?"
"Hmmm..." Mary spots Nick. "Over there. I need to make my rounds and be cheery and social."
Junior chuckles. "Babe, be nice-"
"I will." Mary plops beside Nick, nearly causing Percy to go flying off the couch. "NICK! How ya' doing? Been awhile since I've seen you around Fabletown....still killing all those people and collecting souls?"
Junior nearly shokes on his chicken. Nick scoots away just in case. "Uh, hello Mary. Actually, no. I see you've never changed."
"Me? Nah. Only thing different is this bald guy that put a ring on it and six babies."
"Six huh? Take it Sheila is one of them?"
Mary playfully punches Nick. "THERE you go! You go it!"
Nick tries to catch his plate but it drops; Cindy manages to snatch it in time. Weasel notices the green olives rolling along the plate. For the trouble, he picks one up and immediatly eats.
"Mmm, I do say Cindy dear. Those are delicious."
"Would you like some, Percy?"
"Oh yes please, love. Thank you."
Mikhail waves Cindy down. "Oh um, Cindy. Could you grab us both another Dr. Pepper, please?"
"Sure thing you two. Anyone else?"
Rose nearly knocks Tezoth in the head as she flaps her arms around. "OH, oh, oh-another Coors Light, please. Thanks Cindy-lu-who."
Cindy rolls her eyes and enters the kitchen. Draco finishes his cigar, digs into his pocket and pulls out another. Robert beams.
"Got another one of those, Draco?"
Draco glares at Robert's direction. "Maybe..."
"Can I have one...."
Draco opens his mouth; a large flames exits his throat and lights the Cigar. Placing it in his mouth, Draco pulls another out and hands it to Robert.
"Thanks man."
Draco nods. "Don't mention it."
Gren leans over and holds his hand out. "HEY, got anothe rone for me, Draco?"
"No." No hesitation. "Last one."
Green Bay makes a touchdown; Georgie nearly pushes Tezoth off the couch as he screams and tosses his Cowboy hat down.
"FOOK! Romo, c'mon ya' bloody prick rat arsed bastard! This is bullocks! Bullocks, love! Ya' hear that!?"
Lyla points to the floor. "Pick that up, apologies to Tezoth for almost knocking him down-SIT down, calm your British ass up-and watch the game."
" didn't-"
Lyla snaps her fingers and points again. "DO it, Georgie. OR I swear to KNOW what I'll deny you tonight...."
Nick makes a whip cracking noise. "Better do what the lady said, Porgie. I hear pissin' a she-wolf off ain't too good for the groin area."
Tim chuckles, as Harmony flicks his ear. "That funny, Timothy?"
"Oh , ummmm...." Tim tries to find a way out. "I was...Georgie, he uh-it was funny what...Nick...said....I love you."
Harmony chuckles. "Uh huh. Love you too, butterscotch."
Cathrine giggles. "She thinks Georgie needs anther Beer." Mikhail tosses Georgie a cold one. "Here you go, man. Sorry about the touchdown...."
Georgie catches the Beer and sits. "Oh, don't ya' worry! We are only in the first quarter. Let's go Cowboys! WHOO HOOO!"
Weseal claps his little paws together. "Oh this is a rather dashing game of Football. So many things are occuring. Georgie, ya' should be the half time show, woot with all the bloody antics ya' be throwin' at us."
"Don't." Lyla points at Weasel. "Don't give him that option cause he will do it."
robert laughs. "Hey, if YOU don't want to dance, Lyla-should you lose-make Porgie do it."
"Do woot, love?"
"Nothing dear. I love you. Looky baby...Beer commercials."
Georgie turns to face the television. Tossing a pillow at Robert, he ducks and it lands on Weasel. The creature falls to the ground with a loud THUD. Cindy quickly picks him up.
"OHHHH PERCY! I'm soooo sorry! Are you hurt?"
Weasel holds a thumbs up. Gren claps, holding out his Beer. "SEE?! The little Rat looking thing is....did you see that? He can fly...."
Emily grabs the Beer. "I think that's enough Beer fa' ya', love."
"NO!" Gren sways in is seat. "I'm gunna get rklvoeobosk....did the Packers score or-"
"SSShhh, love." Emily pats his back. "Wootch the game, love."
Tezoth stands up. "I'm heading to the kitchen. Anyone want-"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH NO! NO, NO, NO!" Georgie stomps the ground with his feet. "WOOt the fook!? Why do ya' bloody suck ta'day, Romo?! Get ya' bloody finga' out ya' bumhole and pass the fookin' ball! NO! NO! UGH fooooooook...."
Rose laughs. "You better move fast, Tezzy baby. Porgie may toss a shoe or something-"
Running to the kitchen, a shoe comes flying past, nearly hitting Tezoth in the back.
"HA! Told you!"
Robert laughs. This was going to be good.
,`,Any questions or comments, leave them all below!
I love it so damn much!!!! XD
Too many funny things going on in this one!
That is something Nick would do! Although he'd probably say "ain't too good for your balls" :P
As for Nick, he's getting back on track... I'm waiting for Nick to pull out his own cigar, light it with his thumb and then give more cigars to anyone who asks him for one... unlike Draco :P
Also amazed that Mary managed to move him with that playful punch... still, he dropped his food! XP
I await more JJ!!!
I'll have to get around at doing Robert and RJ eventually
Glad you loved them, as Pie and everyone else seems to have. My two favorites are Emily and Ethan, I think 
You should get the demo, it's free on origin, if you don't want to buy the whole game. You can even mod it, and put in custom hair styles and cloths and what not, which is a plus. Honestly, the thing I enjoy most about the sims 4 is how detailed you can get with your sims. It's probably the best Create a Sim out of the entire franchise.
This game does wonders.
I'll be doing more eventually!
I'll do Rose and Tez when I get around to it XD
I tried my best, lol! Glad everyone loves them; I honestly thought they weren't going to be good enough.
That's very bleak! Under the circumstances you can see why the people might give up hope.
I hope Dewitt really teaches her a lesson after this!
Very atmospheric!
Tense fight between Luna and the Vampire! It's very sad that she's died or gone immobile; she might be fixable? A new heart? Dewitt did say she could be repaired, but then maybe only Luke would know how to do that.
You mean Jackson? Lol, it's okay XD I actually haven't described what his job would be, maybe I'll make him a carpenter or something. He seems like a manual labor kind of guy.
I've got a few ideas, but otherwise, it's up in the air. I might sort of link the siblings together in a respective manner, which will be fun to write about.
UMMM that's a good question! Seriously! Maybe without Belinda, it wouldn't have existed!? Time to write down some notes!
He did say she could be fixed, but yes she would need a new heart for that! I am contemplating on how I want to go about this but for the time being she is in fact immobile.
Well not entirely I'm sure Swineheart could do something if they found a heart! 
Well, you definitely did the right thing in deciding to post them regardless.
Yup. Sounds right. XD
Oh the images I've produced in my brain....NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! XD XD
Draco and robert are dicks to Gren and its funny as shit! How adorable are the kids....wait, the kids are alone. Outside? MARY and JUNIOR'S kids...are alone....outside...with others....NO....XD
Poor Weasel, I swear. He's too funny because he's like 'eh, whatever. I'm having a blast no matter what!' LOL
True. VERY
ROFL! XD XD OH JJ! This was priceless and so them! Deny Georgie sex and you'll have him clean the entire home. No questons asked! And then Tim with Harmony....XD Watch yourself, Tim!!! lol
This was too funny! I look forward to more, man!!!
I do! And Scarlet with an extra 't'! Sorry! No idea why I said that. XS Ahh, he does seem like a manual labor type actually.
There are so many possibilities with Charlotte's power, which is fun! Glad it was a good point!
These are way too funny! Which isn't a bad thing of course.
I think Pudding highlighted all of the really funny parts though so keep up the awesome humor JJ! 
I know. I absolutely love it, at least, sometimes XD
This sums it up.
Paris was warmer. That was the first thing Harmony noticed after stepping off the train, lugging her suitcase in her hand. She followed behind Tim, who was following behind Belinda and her son, as they rushed past people of all nationalities. Harmony heard a little bit of Arabic, a lot of French, and plenty of English speakers as well.
"Eurostar is one of the most used transportation methods between the two countries," Belinda explained. "Some people even commute back and forth."
"Interesting," Harmony said. She held onto Tim's sleeve, afraid of loosing him in the craze of people. They exited the train station, and the beauty of France captivated Harmony especially. She loved how old yet vibrant things felt, from the years of millions treading back and forth. Her quarrel from Tim was resolved, at least partially, before they'd gotten on the train, both of them apologizing on how they acted. Harmony herself felt a burden lift when they exited the Fabletown there; Everything about that place felt off, despite it's adorably doilies and tasty tea. They were able to walk normally when they were away from the crowd, travelling to where they were bunking for the next few days.
"I've got a townhouse here," Belinda told them. "It's more private than London's Fabletown, so don't worry. You won't be seeing any bre'er mice scurrying down the halls."
Belinda's peculiarly silent boy actually spoke up for once. "This is where daddey lives." He had a tiny child's voice, and his English accent was very thick. Harmony noticed that Belinda's grip tightened on her son's shoulder, enough to cause him pain, though the boy did not cry out. She said nothing, but suddenly had a nervousness in her eyes that spelled something was wrong.
They walked for several blocks, mostly along the river, which Belinda pointed out, was called La Seine. There were many things they passed in which Harmony wanted to visit, but Tim's sister seemed adamant on getting home first. Harmony felt a cold feeling in her gut, like something was definitely going to go wrong.
"Home, sweet home," Her voice breathed out, as if she were relieved to see it were there. She pulled keys out, leading Tim and Harm up some brick steps. The home wasn't much different from the one in London, though considerably smaller. Little balconies faced the front of the building, and it was three stories high, not including the possible attic space. They entered through the front door, which was a bright red to contrast the neutral colors of the building. The inside was very traditional, with older looking furniture. It was much simpler looking, Harmony noted. They flicked the light switches on, and Belinda took them on a very brief tour of the place.
"There's a kitchen facing the backyard, a small den, a study, and a living room, all on the ground floor. The upstairs has several bedrooms and another common area, and there are four bathrooms through out. Pick whichever room you prefer; Mine, however, is the last door on the second floor, and little Matthew sleeps in the room next door."
"Alright," Tim smiled. He followed Harmony, who was already halfway up the steps, to the room they would eventually pick to be theirs. It was the closest one to the stairs, and the room was very spacious. There were three windows, however the one in the middle was wall length, and opened up to a mini balcony overlooking the river, which ran behind the house. Harmony loved it. She opened the windows, and a breeze blew through, crisp and a little cold, and the thin silky curtains sways softly. She noticed the flower planters along all of the windows, the aged green shutters out there, and the direct view of the Eiffel Tower from where she stood.
"It's gorgeous, Tim," She breathed softly, almost a whisper. "Absolutely amazing."
His arms wrapped around her waist softly. She felt his breath on her neck, and it reminded her of home, and home reminded her of her family, and then she was suddenly homesick. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing; they were the type you had to let go.
"Shh," He whispered. "It's okay. What's the matter?"
"I miss them," She sniffled into his shirt sleeve. She was now facing him, her face buried into his shoulder. "The children. Our children."
"I know," He told her. "A couple more days, and we'll be home. Isn't Paris lovely?"
She nodded. "Of course it is. It's perfect."
He lifted her chin up, to make her face him. His thumb wiped away the tears shakily, he seemed to be holding his own emotions back. "I love you, Harmony. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings the other day. Sincerely sorry."
"I know you are," She replied, placing her hand on his cheek. "I love you too. Tim, I-" She paused, almost afraid to say what she was going to say. But it was too late to decide to say it, because a shrill scream pierced the air, blood curdling and loud.
Matthew was a boy. That much was obvious, on the outside. Inside, you could say he was part human, part monster. Demon, really. He was part demon. When he heard his mother scream, he didn't react like most people would. Daddy was home, after all.
He did react, when he heard his Aunt and Uncle clamor down the stairs. His ears perked, his vision turned from the television to the doorway. They peaked their head in the living room hastily.
"Where's your mother?" Tim gasped the words out.
"The kitchen," Matthew said casually. "With Daddey."
They ran past him together, a swift breeze coming with it. Matthew decided he wanted to see what would happen. To see if something bad was going to happen or not.
He had to push past his relatives, who were adamant at holding him back. "No," His Aunt Harmony said, tears flowing in a rush. "You can't, Matthew, you don't want to see it."
Uncle Tim was saying things, things that Matthew didn't care to hear. Until his uncle started hurtling the words 'Monster' and 'Killing Her' at his father. That was when Matthew got angry.
"Daddey's not a monster!" He screamed. He pulled from Harmony's gripped, and started punching Tim's legs. "Go away go away go away let me through!"
Slightly shocked, Tim didn't stop the boy when he did get through. Matthew then saw the scene. Blood, his nearly lifeless mother, his father, a black shadow of death and murder.
"Daddey," The boy said quizzically. "You hurt Mummy."
The creature, Matthew's father, grinned, if you could call it a grin. His sharp incisors cut through his lips, his completely black eyes cold and blinking. "Stay away, son. It has to be done. Get rid of the others."
Matthew had to obey. He turned to his aunt and uncle, both unable to move, out of fright he presumed. He morphed, changed, stripping the glamour away, growing in size. "Stay away from Daddey..."
Tim gulped, visibly. "Matthew, that thing is not your father. He's evil!"
Another cry filled the void. His mother, who must have been unconscious for a moment, woke up again, and started thrashing. Matthew turned to see his father, who'd bitten down on her through, cutting into it viciously. He faced his aunt and uncle again. Actually, Harmony had disappeared. It was just Tim standing there. Matthew launched himself onto his uncle.
Harmony had ran for cover as soon as Matthew changed. She had to think of something; anything. She was limited, as her energy levels weren't as high as they should have been. There must have been wards on the house; Preventative techniques to diminish the power of magical beings. She made a round-a-bout, finding her way to the other door that lead to the kitchen. She needed to surprise attack...whatever that creature was, and somehow restore her nephew to normal. She had no idea how she would do it. Right now, she was peeking between the clapboard door, the slits only partially hiding her body. She was lucky none of them saw her, except Belinda, whose slack composure meant that she very well might not be seeing Harmony, but might just be dead, or close to it.
And then, she watched in horror as Matthew launched onto Tim. She needed to do something-
Harmony screamed.
"Shh!" The girl, it was a girl, said. She had black hair and was a little shorter than Harmony, and her eyes seemed to glimmer in the darkness of the hallway. Harmony's head whipped back to the fight, but she was shocked when she saw how everything was completely frozen.
"I- What are- Who...?" Harmony stammered, sliding down the wall to the floor. She was physically shaking, fear blaring across her blue eyes.
"I'm Charlotte, you're granddaughter," She replied. She crossed her arms, walking slowly to greet Harmony. She held a hand out, and Harmony took it, shock filling her body.
"Why-... How are you here?"
"I have many talents," Charlotte tried to keep an aura of mystery. "Think of me as a sort of guardian. Um...." She turned her head, to look out the slits of the door. She saw the attack, the blood, the frozen battle between family. "You gonna do something about that?"
"I...." Harmony gulped. "You....Yes. I was..."
"So, breath, a second. Think about your capabilities. What are you able to do?"
"I...." She looked at her hands, and they were emanating the color green and blue, building up her power as she thought. "I can....disable the...demon on Belinda..."
"Okay," Charlotte said. She was awfully calm. "Then what?"
"I can...throw energy pulse toward Matthew. It won't hurt him, but he'll go unconscious."
"Good....And what about Belinda? She needs help from...not dying."
"Right..." Harmony opened the door, and stared at the scene. It was like being in a paused movie. She cringed when she looked at Tim, who'd already gotten a few good hits from their nephew, in the face and the gut. He was in the process of falling over.
"So do you know what you're going to do?"
"I think so..."
"I'm going to unpause reality. Don't screw it up, or I'm going to have to redo this, and that's not very fun on my part."
Harmony was still vastly confused, but she couldn't dwell on it very long, as reality did unpause, and now she was in the middle of the chaos. Quickly she threw a punch at the monster on Belinda's body. The strength in her fist was widely the power in her surging. A blast of blue energy went into the creature, incapacitating it as it slid down the wall lamely.
"Valemore!" She yelled, and the spell it stood for held the demon strictly in one spot, on the marble floor. She turned to Tim, who was on the floor, with scratches all over his exposed skin, down his arms and his face.
"Trinatad!" She yelled, her voice as strong as she could make it. The boy attacking her husband ceased to move and fell limp on the floor, sliding partway as he hit it. The blood made it massively slippery. Tim slowly rose from the ground, groaning loudly.
"Belinda," His voice went slack, as he hurried to his sister's side. Harmony just watched as he cradled her body against him softly, and began to weep.
"Tim," Harmony stammered. "Stay out of the way, or you'll get hit too. I'm going to heal her."
He hadn't said a word as he moved, laying Belinda's head carefully on the ground. He was now covered in her blood as he scooted on his butt against the kitchen island, eager eyes trained on his wife's hands.
She didn't have to say any words to activate a healing spell. She flicked her fingers, all ten of them, in Belinda's direction. From there, her body could do all the work. But much of her energy was draining, and this was the only chance they had at saving Tim's sister. She concentrated hard, using her mind to mold the wounds, to heal them.
She fell to the ground, her energy gone, her vision fading to blackness. She saw Charlotte's face again, as if it were burned against the insides of her eyelids. Her face pressed into the pool of blood that surrounded Tim's sister before she finally went unconscious.
Charlotte screamed. She jolted up in bed, still dressed in the cloths she wore to Wolf Manor.
"But I didn't even come home.." She whispered to herself. "What's going on? Why is this happening?" Questions whirled her head, and it began to pound hard, and she stood, and the room spun for a moment before settling down. She yelled at God, or whoever it was responsible for giving her these powers.
"I just want this to stop!" She screamed, at no one in particular. "Stop, stop, stop! I didn't mean to do those things, I didn't mean to bring those people back! Why am I being punished?"
"You're not being punished, Charlotte," The voice was warm and soft, like an angel's touch. Charlotte writhed on the floor, lifted her head up to see where the light was coming from. It was a woman, who was shining with the glory of God, dressing in silk white, spreading gold light across the room. "You're just transitioning. Making room, per say."
"Room for what? What is happening? And who the hell are you?"
The woman lifted her brow quizzically. "I am Hope."
"Hope? You mean...." Her brain turned on, the way it always did, and it was like a processor. Visions of her aunt Rose with Hope, visions of her grandmother Snow and Hope. Of Aunt Mary and Hope.
So many people have met her.
"You're Hope.....are you here to fix me?"
"Fix you? I am only a guide, as are you. You could say that you're replacing one who was once in your position."
"What does that mean? What are you talking about?"
"The balance of nature has been shifted, as it always does on it's own from time to time. You are the catalyst. A baby is to be born, one who will also need your guidance and love as much as you will need it's guidance and love. It's like a scale."
"You're making no sense..."
"That's what they all say in the beginning." Hope's voice purred softly, like a butterfly's beating wings. She was sitting gracefully in Charlotte's desk chair. Her feet lifted out from under her, and she took a stride to the window, her long flawless legs brushing against one another. Charlotte looked up at her from the floor, overcome with glory and slight terror over the greatness of the person in front of her. If she even classified as a person. She might as well have been God's top angel, the keeper of the very essence of hope and the future.
"What's going to happen to me."
"You ask many questions, but do you truly want to know the answer? You will be fine, Charlotte Montclair. You have favor in the Lord's heart."
"But so many things happening?"
"Your own heart is humble, Charlotte. You do what you think is the right thing to do, which, many who would have been placed in your position, would have not done. You don't go into the past for selfish reasons; You look to help those you love. You know the consequences, you know what you're responsible for. And better yet, you do not look for glory in it. You just want to help. You will be recognized in Heaven for such deeds."
"So I'm not going to Hell when I die. Whoopie. What about now, Hope? How come I'm not in control as much as I was in the beginning?"
"You're horizons are expanding. The power is doubling. It will distribute at the birth of your counter-part."
"Is it my sister or brother? The one my mom is having currently? Is that my counter part?"
"Hardly," Hope said. "But she is in the equation as well."
"It's a girl? I'm going to have a sister?"
"And a brother," Hope said. "I shant forget to mention him."
"I...." Charlotte was overcome with her emotions, still sitting across her bedroom floor. "So who is it then?"
"None that you're related to," She said. "The child will be born, and he will be an orphan. You will find him, you will take him in as your own."
"It's a boy? I'll.....But I'm only 16! I'm almost 17!"
"You're mother was your age when she had you."
"But it's not the same! It's not my son! It's a boy, right?"
"I....Whose baby is it?"
"Another Fable. That's all you'll know."
"But..." I know so much, she wanted to say. And she did. How could she not look into the eyes of the baby, and see his mother and father? It was something that just happened.
"He's connected to you, already," Hope said. "And you will find him, whether you're trying to or not. It's in the balance of nature. When he is born, he will cry out for you, and you will find him."
"And then what? What do I do with a baby?"
"You guide him, and he will guide you. I must leave, your mother is coming."
"Wait!" Charlotte said. "I'm still so confused!"
"Goodbye, Charlotte. I will visit again, in the future." Hope winked, and disappeared in a flash. The bedroom door opened immediately.
"Oh my god, Charlotte!" Scar cried out, putting her arms around her daughter who sat on the ground. "We had no idea where you went! Never do this to us again!"
"Mom," Charlotte murmured. "I was just over Grandma Snow's house."
"I know," She said. "We phoned, but Rose told us you left again. What on earth were you doing there?"
"Couldn't sleep anymore, Mom. I was bored and I wanted to see if Aunt Rose was awake. And she was. We watched some movies..."
"Just...don't do it again. Tell us before going. Oh, god..." Scarlett's arms were wrapped tightly around Charlotte. Charlotte felt the burden of Hope's words weigh her down, causing her to not want to stand, for the fear of falling through the ground, as if it were possible. She let her mother hug her and kiss her as her mind raced for answers that might never come to her.
That's enough for now, my hands hurt XD Too much typing. I made Harmony and Tim and the first litter on Sims, but I might wait until tomorrow to post it. You guy's will love it if you loved the other sims I made
Growing Up
Ten years later...
"Hey mom where's my headphones?" Ella asked
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"Thanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the farm and left the house. When she left the house she put on her headphones and unbuttoned her jacket and left for the farm.
That's it! Other things about Ella is she's actually really kind, sweet, and polite, despite her not listening to her mother XD When someone asks her to complete a task she normally does it without asking many questions. Also the in the picture she's supposed to look young sorry if she looks older or otherwise XD Any other questions or comments I can answer
Cute! I like her a lot
Looks so much like Makoto!
:O I can't wait, Emz! Let me know if you ever need a reference as to what Tez's appearance is like.
Thanks EMMY!
Glad you like her!
Chapter 12, All Out War, Gargoth Vs The Fabled Avengers.
The battle with Gargoth began, and blood was already spilled before this all took. Etan quickly changed into his wolf form and lead everyone. Bigby struck first grabbing Gargoth wings with his powerful jaws, but was pushed back by him from his overwhelming magic. He managed to leave a small dent on Gargoth, the first of many.
“Wolves and their biting. Is that all your kind can do?”
“Some of us are skilled in the magical arts too, Gargoth!”
Etan as he appears behind him delivers a strong blow to Gargoth's lower back. His body slightly cracks then heals. He also smacks Etan away like he did Bigby earlier.
“Etan... this isn't working. What the hell do we do now...?”
“Calm down Bigby, you are the last one I expect to be this nervous. You're reminding me of Daren.”
“I'm getting too old for this shit.”
“As well as I Bigby. We need to by some time. I have a plan to kill Gargoth, so we just need to get beat up for a little while longer- AHHHHH”
Etan is blasted away by magic from Gargoth. He think looks at Bigby and lets him know that he next. Then Tez comes flying in firing fireballs directly at Gargoths'. He shields himself from Tez's blast using his wings.
“Gah, more repulsive dragons!”
Then Nisa joins in with her sister Viera and the two try to double team him both striking him with their flaming swords.
“I see Aizaax trained you both well in the arts of swordsmanship. As powerful as you both are, YOU ARE NO MATCH FOR ME!”
Gargoth picks them both up by their necks with his giant powerful hands. He then decides whether to kill them both at once or save them for later.
Draco enters from the hole in the roof, and see's Gargoth with his hands around his wife. “Bad Idea” he thought and flies in guns blazing with fires that were as powerful as hell itself. He fires them directly at Gargoth's face hoping to melt it clean off. It was a good thing that Viera and Nisa we're both phoenix or they wouldn't survive Draco's fires.
Gargoth retreats to the center of the room and heals his minor injuries.
“Viera, Nisa are you alright?”
“We're fine Draco. I never seen you so angry like that... since.”
“Don't worry babe, I'm good. Now I assume that we have a plan to deal with this?”
“We're working on it, right now we need to buy some time.. And Draco, I don't know if this is a good time to say this but, I'm preg-”
“LOOK OUT” Tez as he incinerates the falling debris that would of fallen on Draco.
“Saved me again Tez, now I owe you two beers.”
“Let's hope we live through this first, Lord Jackass is heading this way..”
Gargoth seems to loses his patience. He then raises his right hand in the air the forms a dark ball of energy that is closely related something out of Dragon Ball Z. It gets bigger, bigger and bigger.... colossal.
“Shit, everyone, TAKE COVER NOW!” Etan as he shouted trying to create a protective barrier. Then Nisa, created a barrier big enough to protective Draco, Viera, Tez, and herself.
“No magical barrier can protect can protect you from my superior might. I have enough power in my hand to WIPE this city clean of the map. This we're you die Fabled Avengers. It is now time for bed, NOW SLEEP FOREVER!!!”
Everyone closes their eyes and braces themselves for the inevitability. This could be the very end for all of them.... but it's not.
As the room lights up brightly. Delphantez appears in his true dragon form. A large vast white dragon surging with infinite and unknown power. He neutralize the dark energy attack before it could harm anyone.
“I was wondering when you decide to step in, old friend.”
“We are not friends, Gargoth. We are sworn enemies, and I cannot sit back and let people fight my battle for me. This is my fault, releasing you into the world with my own foolishness.”
“If I recall, Delphantez, YOU we're told to dispose of my statue, yet you chose to obey your father and allowed me to released. Everything happening now is your own fault, but I won't blame you. I thank you for allowing me to achieve perfection.”
“You're right, Gargoth. It was my fault. Now I will atone my sins, for the sake of my son, and grandson, I will destroy you Gargoth.”
“Then come at me, Dragon Prince!”
Delphantez with his might jaws maws Gargoth's torso causing the ground beneath them to collapse sending them both flying in the floor below them. The sound of gods clashing can be heard down below.
Up above, Mr. Weasel who was observing the whole incident while eating peanuts is startled by Hati, Etans father.
“Gah, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Come along magical one, my son requires your assistance.”
“No, time to explain, come.”
Hati and Weasel teleport in front of Etan and Olivia who are preparing spell. This is the very spell used to defeat Gargoth centuries ago, according to Etan. The spell was created by Fables and Mundies during the time of Gargoths first fall. These are the main catalyst required to complete the spell and defeat Gargoth.
“Mr. Weasel, right? From reading this book, YOUR ancestor was among one the Fables who defeated Gargoth long ago... That only leaves two more...”
“Me..? A god slayer..?”
“That is what the book is implying, Mr. Weasel. Now we need to find the other Fable and Mundy who is a blood relative of the ones who defeated Gargoth.
To be continued
Tezoth: "Thank goodness Lyla was there, I may need to steal her something to show my appreciation for her standing up for me."
XD Another classic, man! Damn G.P. almost hitting Tez in the back!
I agree with Ems. She does have the same style as Makato; loving the headphones around her neck!
Great job, man!
Thanks Pudding!
Well, at least there's hope for the future! Swineheart is very useful. ^_^
You're absolutely nailing these chapters, dude! They're brilliant! XD