Episode Discussion 'The Distance' ********* Is Here At Last
As I've done for the past two episodes, here's this one.
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As I've done for the past two episodes, here's this one.
Comment while you watch, spoilers beware!
I hope this isn't just another filler episode like last week. I know people argue that they're for "character development" but please, having 2 minutes of meaningful discussion and the rest of the episode just be them mindless walking around kill some random walkers isn't character development.
Rick is rude as hell to just knock him out.
No Chill
Damn Rick, that was a bit uncalled for.
I laughed out loud to that. He was like 'the next picture'...
That apple sauce scene had me laughing.
'I don't like apple sauce.'
So cheesy though.
Lol that Intel commercial.......
I go to high school in Alexandria. I've been waiting for this for ages. Hell yeah.
And Pete, name dropped, this is Pete:
Alexandria is here, it's about damn time.
That was a good episode, glad to see Alexandria here
I was like "Douchebag"
Aaron is gay again!!!!!!!!!!
This was in my opinion, the best episode we have seen in a really long time. Really well done. I'm sure comic readers may have an idea of what this community may be, but as I haven't read the comics at all, I legit don't know what to expect.
(I probably won't be poking around this thread very much, as I don't want to be spoiled)
Overall, I thought this was a huge improvement over last week's episode. I really enjoyed Rick and Michonne in this episode, how she's trying to be the voice of reason for Rick to try and trust Aaron but Rick, due to all the shit he's been through, is not ready to trust new people yet. This was a great episode, can't wait for next week when we really get to see inside Alexandria.
Also, am I the only one really paying attention to Chris Hardwick, hoping he'll drop some sort of information of TFTBL Episode 2.
That sucker punch was hella unnecessary . If you wanted to tie him up than just tie him up, he was already unarmed and surrounded
. Great episode, probably one of my favorites. Perfect blend of action and character moments, and it didn't take me long to start caring about Aaron. By the end, I was actually more so on his side than the group's. (But that's probably comic bias).
ahh jesus better get as much love as daryl does cause jesus actually deserves it and i don't even have to say anything about negan
I can't wait for Jesus, he is one awesome character.
Finally a great episode, been a while since we had one as fantastic as this IMO.
28 days later soundtrack at the episode felt great
Oh yeah, Pete! I completely forgot about that guy. I thought they were just making a new character.
I understand why it was there, and I'm sure some TV show watchers liked it, but since I knew Alexandria was going to be good, the episode was one of the most frustrating ever. It's like JUST FUCKING GO THERE ALREADY. I was really hyped on seeing the town for the first time, but we stop right outside the gate.
A great episode, was better than the last one. The question is, though, who shot the flare gun??
Last two episodes have been so boring. Starting to get disappointed.
Uh... Eric? They even said
What about that caravan? How Glenn knew where the batteries are?
I whink its the one from the GAME!!! :O
He knows because of Dale, it was a nod back to that
Yeah makes more sense
... but at least its very similar to the one from the game. Who knows where Lilly actually went in that caravan, maybe Washington? 
Good episode. Can't believe they're in Alexandria already. Can't wait to see how that gun rick planted plays out.
no the one from the game is dead
Oh, of course. Sorry, I must not have been paying attention properly or something. Forget I asked lol
Man, what a brain fade....
Where the fuck is Negan
Season 6
I hope Jesus replaces Daryl on the show. He deserves it so much more, I agree.
First one was a filler, I can understand. But this one? This one was really good IMO and actually had some story development.
Season 6 mid-season finale, I bet.
You're talking about the ending scene, right? They didn't actually use it, but wrote an orchestral piece that sounds an awful lot like Brian Eno's "An Ending (Ascent)"
Face getting bashed in or face not getting bashed in? That is the question.
I wonder how fans would react if they did it to Daryl instead.
The scene on the previous episode when Glenn was holding the bat made me think "oh crap" as it could be foreshadowing.
That, and also possibly the trough scene in Terminus where they almost smacked Glenn twice.