I agree with Emmy and Pie, Ella really does take after Makoto, mostly thanks to that excellent hair. Loving how she's always with her headphones like her father, and looking forward to reading more about her.
Growing Up
Ten years later...
"Hey mom where's my headphones?" Ella asked
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"… moreThanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the fa… [view original content]
Thanks Lupine! the hair was a hard choice to make, at first I thought to give her short hair with a ponytail but I decided to have long hair with awesome dark blue hair! I'm also glad everyone in general likes the headphones as well! She will be interesting to write
I agree with Emmy and Pie, Ella really does take after Makoto, mostly thanks to that excellent hair. Loving how she's always with her headphones like her father, and looking forward to reading more about her.
Growing Up
Ten years later...
"Hey mom where's my headphones?" Ella asked
"Should be on your drawer sweety!" Celeste told her.
"… moreThanks mom!" Ella replied
Ella found her headphones now she needed to find something to wear. She opened her closet and looked for some winter wear as it was snowing on the farm. She hated girls clothes she always found them uncomfortable to wear, but she also loved looking like her dad so she put on a t-shirt and turtle kneck with an unbuttoned wool winter coat,with black jeans and men's dress shoes. She slung her dad's headphones on and walked into the living room.
"Ella sweetie please button up your coat." Celeste said
Ella knew she wasn't going to win this so she buttoned up her coat. "Am I okay now mom?" she asked
"Yes you do sweetheart just because daddy does it doesn't mean you have to." Celeste said.
Ella smiled and told her mother that she was going to go play with people on the fa… [view original content]
And Draco, I don't know if this is a good time to say this but, I'm preg-”
Probably not a great time but it is great news!
“Let's hope we live through this first, Lord Jackass is heading this way..”
Gotta love Tez and his remarks. XD
Delphantez appears in his true dragon form. A large vast white dragon surging with infinite and unknown power.
The image that that description conjures - as well as the picture you used - really conveys the sense of how mighty-a dragon Delphantez is. Great choice of appearance.
Up above, Mr. Weasel who was observing the whole incident while eating peanuts is startled by Hati, Etans father.
“Gah, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
That is spot-on Mr. Weasel, Stone!! XD You've really got his character right, which is another reason why it's very pleasing he's one of the ancestors of the Gargoth god-slayers.
Chapter 12, All Out War, Gargoth Vs The Fabled Avengers.
The battle with Gargoth began, and blood was already spilled before this all too… morek. Etan quickly changed into his wolf form and lead everyone. Bigby struck first grabbing Gargoth wings with his powerful jaws, but was pushed back by him from his overwhelming magic. He managed to leave a small dent on Gargoth, the first of many.
“Wolves and their biting. Is that all your kind can do?”
“Some of us are skilled in the magical arts too, Gargoth!”
Etan as he appears behind him delivers a strong blow to Gargoth's lower back. His body slightly cracks then heals. He also smacks Etan away like he did Bigby earlier.
“Etan... this isn't working. What the hell do we do now...?”
“Calm down Bigby, you are the last one I expect to be this nervous. You're reminding me of Daren.”
“I'm getting too old for this shit.”
“As well as I Bigby. We need to by some time. I have a plan to ki… [view original content]
Chloe managed to grasp the concept of changing from beaset to human; when Peter showed her his true form, she clapped and understood her uncle's ability. On all fours, a six foot brown Wolf tilted his head towards the sky and bellowed out a mighty roar. Birds flew from the beast, the world seemed to pause for the moment and the others looking on were afraid to move. Chloe transformed into a Wolf the second Peter's voice no longer echoed. Batting at his paw, Peter grabbed his neice's attention. Closing his eyes, his form became a man within seconds.
The little girl followed. Shutting her Amber eyes, Chloe became an infant once again. Naked and rolling on the grass, Peter snatches her clothes and heads back to the others. Dressing her daughter, Emily presses her cheeks against Chloe's face and embraces the child. Chloe acknowledged her need to BE human; although the baby could only babble and was unable to form simple words, she did understand. Emily and her father begged for the child to remain as such. Alone at home was one thing; she could change and roam the fields of green in her Wolf form for as long as needed. But they made trips to the city. No mundy would believe she was a Dog, if Emily stuffed her into a purse. Mundanes were ignorant at times but there were those few that could see past it all.
No longer concerned for Chloe's wellfare, they move onto the next baby: Viviana. She was the only baby that did not change into either a Grendel or a Wolf. She was merely there with two issues to address. The ribbon and her floating. The ribbon was the result of Vivian trying to protect the young girl from the depths of hell and Hades' clutches. That was not the problem. Thomas swore the baby only floated into air when Vivian was around.
"That's not true, Thomas." Emily steps in. "Vivian ain't 'ere right now."
Thomas looks around. "Where is your guardian, miss Emily?"
"She's inside. Feels like she be betta' inside right now. I'm...I'm too happy with her right now."
Thomas nods. Emily returns with a crooked smile, places Chloe on the grass and returns to her spot beside Gren. Grasping his arm tightly, Emily leans her face against Gren's chest and watches. Sunflower assisted Thomas with Viviana. The little girl was released into the air and began to float. Sucking on her hand, Sunflower observed the floating baby. Curious, Gren stood under his daughter and watched her casually bounce in mid air.
"What is it, Sunflower?" Gren snatches Viviana's hand. "It it ain't Vivian doing this, then what the fuck is it?"
"Hmmm. Viviana seems to be some sort of Kinetic Energy, Grendel."
Gren glares. "In fuckin' English, Sunflower."
"Kinetic Energy is the object that possesses its ability due to the motion. To fully understand Viviana's true potential, she needs to demonstrate how she transforms to and from other sources of energy. In other words, Gren, kinetic energy in an object depends on the relationship the object and the observer."
"So, what you are telling me is, Viviana's power is by accident. She has the ability to fucking, what-float in air as she pleases like the damn wind?"
"Viviana's gift is truly by coinsidence, considering Emily has the ghost of Vivian watching over her as we speak. She MAY have had some influence in the child's ability to float but not by much. The wind seems to fuel this power and makes your daughter float. With the proper training, Viviana can control this. Energy can be controlled, Gren. We just need to understand WHERE Viviana is getting her energy from and-"
Emily's mind suddenly found itself scanning over the many books of spells and powers she'd seen in her life. Her daughter's gift was no accident; some of Katie and Jersey's girls possessed the power to manipulate certain things around them. Perhaps her daughter was one of these factors. If Vivian DID have some part in this, magic was at hand. Her guradian was attatched to her daughter in more ways than one. Emily stands beneath Viviana. The little blonde girl tries to reach for her mother. This inspired Emily to try her theory. For the sake of her daughter.
"C'mon, love. Come ta' mommy...."
Viviana tried to reach once more. Floating in mid-air, Emily only extends her arms out. Gren glances over, unsure of what to make of the situation.
"Emily, what are you doing?"
"Trying to see woot the bloody 'ell Sunflower is talking about. If our daughter is graspin' energy ta' float, there must be a way she's fookin' doin' it."
"We know its the wind, Emily." Gren looks around. The gusts were growing stronger. "Look around you! Have you fuckin' seen-"
"Ya' just proved me right, Gren." Smiling, Emily reaches for Viviana. "This has nuthin' ta' do with Vivian. The ribbon and the looks, yes-but not her powers."
"Powers?" Gren clutches his jacket closer. "What powers?"
Gren becomes silent. He watches Viviana wave her arms around in two complete circles; the winds remain a gentle flow, as the little blonde girl floats down and returns into the arms of Emily. Sunflower beamed. It made sense now.
"Excuse you?" Gren stares at the Fable. "Aeroki-what now?"
"Viviana has Aerokinesis-the ability to summon the wind and use its powers to control, manipulate, alter or create a force behind her floating. THAT'S how she's been able to float, even inside the home. She creates her own wind storm and uses it to fly high like the Birds and clouds."
"Son-of-a...." Gren rubs his forehead. "Great. Great....so, what are we to do about this? Seems like Viviana fuckin' gets she can do this shit as she pleases and-"
"Your mother." Thomas speaks, causing everyone to look. "Your mother knew how to do this, Grendel. This power comes from the Wood Elves. They had a way to manipulate and change the winds. It was for hunting and battles with the enemy. They'd meditate for a few moments, stand beneath the sun's rays and allow the Aerokinesis to flow from within."
"Mom's side?" Gren was confused. "So-"
Thomas beams. "YOU have that ability, Grendel. Seems like you AND Viviana have a lot to learn."
Annoyed, Gren huffs. "I DON'T fuckin' manipulate the goddamn air, dad. I ain't got not fuckin' powers-"
"That you acknowledge." Thomas picks up Seraphina, now chewing on a blade of grass. "For example, you have the same gift your mother possesed. Or, curse...as I used to call it. I know you've done it, too. Seraphina has the same thing."
Sunflower grabs Viviana. "Seems like nothing much to worry about as far as Viviana goes. She'll have to get the power under absolute control and not float as she pleases...least we can do it NOW and not years down the road."
Thomas beams. "Now, you miss Seraphina. Powers just like daddy..."
Emily folds her arms. "I've neva' bloody seen Gren kill plants before, Thomas."
"No. Not now. But back in the Homelands, he used his special gift to help his mother. Together, they destroyed life threatning plants and weeds that were harmful to Grendels and others alike. After her death and the Exile....seems like things may have changed, huh Grendel?"
"I don't know what your fuckin' talking about." Gren grabs Seraphina. "I ain't never done that before."
"Well, either way, Grendel, we must teach her to NEVER use this power out and about, especially around plants. The mundies take one look at this and our world is foever lost."
"How the 'ell are we ta' teach her, Thomas?"
There was only one soultion-Sunflower. Over the past few days, Thomas observed Seraphina's interactions with the plant Fable. Sunflower, too. They both seemed to have formed a bond, despite her ability to accidentally kill Sunflower if she wanted to. He, however, could not hold the little girl; he needed to wear special, thick gloves if he wanted to be around the child. It broke his heart and caused unimaginable pain to the Fable when it became a requirement.
"Come here, Sunflower." It had to be done. "I need your help for this one....its the only way she'll learn."
Sunflower did not hesitate to head over to Thomas. If it meant saving his precious Seraphina, he'd do anything to save her.
Emily noticed Thomas' plan. "Woot are ya' gunna do, Thomas?"
"I've noticed since arriving, Emily, that your daughter has formed a special connection with Mr. Sunflower here. The two have become quite the pair and its obvious what needs to be done. By SHOWING Seraphina why she needs to control her powers, it will more than likely make the little girl understand the importance of keeping it a secret."
"-Is like her mother, her uncles-like any beast capable of turning into man. She has that under control. It's THIS that worries me....your mother-"
Gren nods. "Mom had it too. I know...."
Gren stares at his hand. The blue faintly flowing from his finger tips. Within moments, it was gone and returned inside his body. Thomas continues.
"Sunflower, I-"
"I know." Tears flow from his eyes. "I don't wish to see her in pain but....I have to show you, sweetie." Sunflower cups the baby girl's face. "I need to show you...we can't-I can't...lose you to this...."
With a gentle kiss on the cheek, Sunflower drops the right glove. It slips off and falls to the ground. Thomas takes Seraphina's hand and places her palm down onto the Fable's hand. Within seconds, the hand turns a dark color, forms a blue cloud and slowly crumbles. Emily, tears streaming from her eyes, runs towards Thomas.
"Woot are ya' doin', Thomas!? Stop! Ya' will kill him!"
"This NEEDS to be done! We have to-"
"We can find anotha' way!" Emily begins to punch the back of Thomas. "Stop! He can die from this! Look at his fookin' hands! Seraphina, love-"
Seraphina noticed the pain and destruction upon Sunflower's face. Falling to the ground, the Fable craddles his arm. Kicking and screaming, Thomas places the little girl down. Reaching for Sunflower, he strokes her hair and continues to smile.
"I'm alright, baby girl." Sunflower tries to hold back tears. "I'll be alright. I'm more worried about you, sweetie."
Seraphina crawls over and chews on his hand. The skin distengrates in her mouth; the blue dust forms a cloud where his fingers once were and circles his entire arm and shoulder.
"Oh God no...." Emily turns away. "Fa' fook's sake. No, no, no...Get the doctor! Get, someone-"
"Wait." Gren points to the ground. "She's....she's healing him...."
Thomas smiles. "Wood Elves MAY have the power to destroy the weeds and harmful plants but they also carry the power to make things grow with beauty and return to what was once their own. Seraphina has that gift. She has nature on her side. Look."
Sunflower's hand returns to normal within seconds. Seraphina places both hands down on Sunflower's palm. Rocking back and forth, a yellow light shines from her palms and enters the body of Sunflower. A few seconds into this process, his hand grows slowly back. Sitting up, the Fable examines. Seraphina blinks and waits for any form of response. Thomas nods and watches as Sunflower scoops up the little girl. Nothing. No burns. No magic. Sunflower was in one piece.
"Woot did you do, Thomas?"
"The power of love is stronger than any magic out there, no Emily? By showing her the TRUE power behind that, Seraphina got a look at what damage could be done. Since he's a plant Fable, Seraphina was able to witness just how powerful it is...I doubt she'll do THAT again for awhile."
Thomas glares at Gren. Gren said not a word. He'd teach Seraphina to mask and conceal the power within her little hands. Like he had learned to do all those centuries ago. Finally, little Liam.
Liam refused to change; even with Peter, RJ and Lyla showing him how to transform from beast to man, it was not possible. He refused to change. Lyla makes the statement on Lycanthropy. It was well known by both Fables and mundies for the ability of man to shapeshift into a Wolf. Both Emily and Gren were aware of this; Katie and Penelope had it and managed to control the shapeshifting powers early on in their childhood. Emily watched her grandfather go from man to a towering, powerful Wolf in seconds. Her aunt Gina and Mary were the same way, too. It was the matter of her son, though, for it was not Wolf Liam changed into. But a Grendel and it was nothing like Lycanthropy.
Emily holds out her son, concern within her eyes. "He's not changing. At all. He did for awhile but...He's not gettin' it..."
Gren joins Emily at her side. "Maybe he needs a bit more time. He CAN learn it-"
"Gren, we don't HAVE fookin' time ta' be sittin' 'round and hopin' he'll learn. Woot if he never does? Then woot, we lose him forever?"
"That won't HAPPEN, Emily. We can fix this-"
"And I know how." Thomas holds out his arms. "Give him to me..."
Emily does as she's told; handing over her son, the little Grendel baby moves the stub of an arm towards his beaming grandfather. Holding Liam close, Thomas begins to picture his own sons and the heartbreaking decisions he made back in the Homelands. He pictured his beloved wife, concern with understanding in her dark green eyes. It had to be done. For the sake of Liam, his siblings and his son.
Reaching into his back pocket, Thomas clutches an unknown object. "I've seen this a million times. Child born to a beast and does not posses the ability to turn into what is expected. I know. It happened with you boys, Grendel-you refused to change. Robert can turn from beast to man, same with Isaiah and god bless their souls, Richard and Jason, too. But never you...and your mother wanted it that way."
Thomas pauses to stare down at Liam. A tear falls from his face. "But things are different now. Times have changed and your son's life depends on understanding the meaning of shapeshifting. I heard a story about a young woman that did this to a Wolf. A powerful, mighty Wolf that was incapable of turning. She stabs his with the Lycanthropy knife, giving him the chance to change from man to wolf and back again as he please..."
Gren notices a shimmering light behind Thomas' back. "Dad, what are you-"
Thomas continues. "Seems little Liam has the same thing. Unable to change. Well, papa can fix that, Liam. I'm sorry-"
Thomas pulls out a giant knife from his pocket. Emily and Gren stop; their minds racing, hearts thumping and Gren's sudden urge to change. In slow motions, Emily looks over and watches as her fiancee loses all self control and charges at his father. Emily remained hushed; the pure prostration before her caused the words to erase and mind blank. As Emily reaches for Gren, Thomas plummets the knife into Liam. Gren, now in full form, screams into the afternoon sky; Peter, RJ and Lyla stand back, all lost for words.
"I'm sorry..." Tears roll down Thomas' face. "It had to be done...."
I loved this chapter; Chloe has it down, Viviana needs some tweeking and she's good. Seraphina and Sunflower. I see a budding romance for some reaso. (Or they are just connected for the hell of it) But Liam....did Thomas just....is he alright?!? Please tell me he's arlight!!! OMG....my feelings, pie! STOP! So, Gren has the same powers that Seraphina has?? Interesting...
EDIT: Image. Yay. Stupid phone....lol
Chloe managed to grasp the concept of changing from beaset to human; when Peter showed her his tru… moree form, she clapped and understood her uncle's ability. On all fours, a six foot brown Wolf tilted his head towards the sky and bellowed out a mighty roar. Birds flew from the beast, the world seemed to pause for the moment and the others looking on were afraid to move. Chloe transformed into a Wolf the second Peter's voice no longer echoed. Batting at his paw, Peter grabbed his neice's attention. Closing his eyes, his form became a man within seconds.
The little girl followed. Shutting her Amber eyes, Chloe became an infant once again. Naked and rolling on the grass, Peter snatches her clothes and heads back to the others. Dressing her daughter, Emily presses her cheeks against Chloe's face and embraces the child. Chloe acknowledged her need to BE human; although the baby could only babble and was una… [view original content]
And Draco, I don't know if this is a good time to say this but, I'm preg-”
Probably not a great time but it is great news!
“L… moreet's hope we live through this first, Lord Jackass is heading this way..”
Gotta love Tez and his remarks. XD
Delphantez appears in his true dragon form. A large vast white dragon surging with infinite and unknown power.
The image that that description conjures - as well as the picture you used - really conveys the sense of how mighty-a dragon Delphantez is. Great choice of appearance.
Up above, Mr. Weasel who was observing the whole incident while eating peanuts is startled by Hati, Etans father.
“Gah, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
That is spot-on Mr. Weasel, Stone!! XD You've really got his character right, which is another reason why it's very pleasing he's one of the ancestors of the Gargoth god-slayers.
EDIT: Image. Yay. Stupid phone....lol
Chloe managed to grasp the concept of changing from beaset to human; when Peter showed her his tru… moree form, she clapped and understood her uncle's ability. On all fours, a six foot brown Wolf tilted his head towards the sky and bellowed out a mighty roar. Birds flew from the beast, the world seemed to pause for the moment and the others looking on were afraid to move. Chloe transformed into a Wolf the second Peter's voice no longer echoed. Batting at his paw, Peter grabbed his neice's attention. Closing his eyes, his form became a man within seconds.
The little girl followed. Shutting her Amber eyes, Chloe became an infant once again. Naked and rolling on the grass, Peter snatches her clothes and heads back to the others. Dressing her daughter, Emily presses her cheeks against Chloe's face and embraces the child. Chloe acknowledged her need to BE human; although the baby could only babble and was una… [view original content]
Getting to learn even more about the babies' powers and some of Gren's family history makes this an enjoyable chapter! Gren seems to be very exasperated by any problems at the moment, whereas Emily is taking it as it comes - interesting to see the two different reactions. Viviana and Seraphina really do have some pretty neat powers.
That picture is just Excellent; the design touch of Peter smoking and the words being in that is a great touch.
Also, good reference with the knife and Snow and Bigby!
EDIT: Image. Yay. Stupid phone....lol
Chloe managed to grasp the concept of changing from beaset to human; when Peter showed her his tru… moree form, she clapped and understood her uncle's ability. On all fours, a six foot brown Wolf tilted his head towards the sky and bellowed out a mighty roar. Birds flew from the beast, the world seemed to pause for the moment and the others looking on were afraid to move. Chloe transformed into a Wolf the second Peter's voice no longer echoed. Batting at his paw, Peter grabbed his neice's attention. Closing his eyes, his form became a man within seconds.
The little girl followed. Shutting her Amber eyes, Chloe became an infant once again. Naked and rolling on the grass, Peter snatches her clothes and heads back to the others. Dressing her daughter, Emily presses her cheeks against Chloe's face and embraces the child. Chloe acknowledged her need to BE human; although the baby could only babble and was una… [view original content]
I literally have a storage of images and gifs used to paint out the story as if it was a comic.
The end of Gargoth is nearing, its all going down by the next few chapters, but it won't end the story just yet. There's a plot twist.
As far as their reactions, nothing can phase Emily; she's seen it all, heard it-been through it. Gren, on the other hand, has tried for centruies, as Thomas stated, to ignore anything inregards to his Grendel or Wood Elf side. Although living like mundies annoys him, he'd rather do so, then acknowledge THAT side. I didn't want Viviana to come off as what Snow & Bigby's cubs; since Vivian is the main reason, I tried thinking of something related to ghosts or winds for her.
Seraphina's is awesome, too. I love it alot. Chloe and Liam don't have special powers....just yet, at least. And thanks; stupid phone made it difficult and it was the best image out of a million that I took. Glad the message DOES stand out.
Also, good reference with the knife and Snow and Bigby!
Getting to learn even more about the babies' powers and some of Gren's family history makes this an enjoyable chapter! Gren seems to be very… more exasperated by any problems at the moment, whereas Emily is taking it as it comes - interesting to see the two different reactions. Viviana and Seraphina really do have some pretty neat powers.
That picture is just Excellent; the design touch of Peter smoking and the words being in that is a great touch.
Also, good reference with the knife and Snow and Bigby!
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does… more not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
I love these and always look forward to your OC's on paper. The middle one. XD RUUUUUUUN, Georgie! Pregnant she-Wolf. Enough said. lol Good luck with that Thesis paper. Better you than me. :P
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does… more not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that happened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was angry, but not excessively rude in this message. The worst thing I said was "You copied the letter Bigby wrote to Snow word for fucking word!")
Since I saw that chapter, I have stayed away from WattPad; I have this horrible nagging sensation to go back onto the site and see what he has done next, but I'm not going to... I think the biggest kick to the balls is that he is essentially claiming it as his own work! Some people commented "Wow, you're such a good writer!" and he replies with "Thank you very much!"
I now have this view of 'Why should I bother?' with writing because of this guy. If he had apologised for not telling me or had actually bothered to name me as his source of inspiration then I would've probably been fine with it, but he didn't! In fact he NEVER replied to my message and he hasn't been on FF.net since I messaged him...
He hasn't just copied from me either, he copied an entire chapter from another author on FF.net (all he did was change character names) and claimed it as his work just like he did mine...
You people all know that if I used bits or characters from your work then I would give the necessary people credit for it. But he hasn't, so now I just see my work as something for people to use as they please...
I can't get over it, and it's been over 3 months now
Dude, I know how you feel man. That's why I write my stories on my notebook first before publishing it online. Wattpad for me is safer than fanfiction.net. In that website, you can easily copy paste whereas in Wattpad, you cannot.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
Robert went to bed in a blanket of bad dreams and a bed full of worries. Tossing and turning, he was out in the middle of a dark section of the woods. He was back in the Homelands but how? Looking down, Robert could see the long, dark claws, webbed hands and gray toned skin. Spikes all along the back of his arms and legs; teeth were fangs and his fin sat on the top of his head.
Opening his massive mouth, Robert lets out a thundering roar, smiles and runs in the dark. Light from the tops of the trees shun through and covers the forest floor with a golden warmth. Robert hears a nearby creek, heads towards and jumps forward; several other Grendels dive into the murky waters, chase after tiny Frogs and bathe in an opening near several rocks.
One male, a monsterous one at that, beckons for Robert to join. It was his father; the mighty beast, alpha of his own little tribe, sits upon a boulder and watches his sons bask and play in the water. His mother, long golden hair blowing in the wind, touching bunches of wild flowers and smiling at her son. His brothers all there: Jason, Isaiah, Richard....Grendel....all of them. It was strange, yet satisfying, to see his entire family together in one place. All happy and pleased.
Robert throws back the weeds and leaps into the cold water. He dives deep into the dark parts of the creek and chase after a large Salmon. It eyes the beast and pushes forward with his fin. Bubbles create a trail, leading Robert to his meal. Opening his jaw, Robert takes in gallons of water and the Fish. Not quick enough, Robert's jaws snap shut, snapping down on the creature's neck and with one last wriggle, falls still in Robert's mouth.
Merging towards the surface, he notices the color of the sky. It was a mix of reds, yellows and oranges; as if someone took oil paints and tossed them together on one painting. His head pokes through the water. Screams fill his ears; he notices several of the Adversary's men, Fables chained together and heading to an opening. Fire surrounds him. Robert's family is gone. No one was there. Robert spits out the fish and searches the forest.
Calling out his family's names, Robert is submerged in darkness. Standing before him, however, is Gren. Both remaining in true form. Robert calls out to his brother; he could hear Gren breathing heavy, his spikes lining both arms and legs and the look of war twinkling in his eyes. Before Robert could say another word, Gren turns and fights Robert. Natural instincts kick in; Robert say a wave of red and could taste the familiar blood of Grendels in his mouth.
Brother against brother, they fought in the dark. Both crash against rocks and trees. Robert's fang sink deep into Gren's shoulder, yanks out a chunk and devours the cold flesh. The warmth of the blood sticks to the roof of Robert's mouth. His eyes widen. He needed more. Leaping forward, Robert bites down once more only this time, Gren is prepred. With one blow, Gren knocks his older brother to the ground. Gren then jumps into the air, lands on Robert and proceeds to claw out ever intestine he could. A heavy stench of blood. Bits of flesh and bone. From behind Robert, he could see his father.
Robert tried to reach out. He noticed what this was? But why? Gren and Robert, from what he knew, had no desires to do so. But ignoring nature can happen for so long. Before Robert knew it, he and Gren were taking the fight near a cliff. All the while, his father smiling and watching the battle. Seeing who truly was capable of taking his place. Robert noticed a young woman with long, jet black hair; she called out to Robert, begging for him to stop. Leave Gren be. It wasn't worth it....
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Robert lifts up in bed. "Gren! Where-"
Drenched in sweat, Robert falls from the bed and searches his tiny bedroom. He could hear the honking outside his window. The strong smell of oil, grease and smoke from the city outside his window. The older lady was moving about upstairs. It must be near three in the morning; she was always up, cleaning her apartment and preparing a meal for that night.
Looking over, sure enough, three in the morning. Sighing, Robert sits on the edge of the bed. Fumbling with the sheets and pillow, there is a knock on his bedroom door.
"Dad-" RJ continues to knock. "Dad, are you okay?"
"Come on in, kiddo." Robert turns his lamp on. "Did I wake you up?"
"You're pale, dad." RJ touches Robert's face. "And...you're sweating. Did you have a bad dream?"
"I'm...I'm fine, son." Robert exhales deeply. "Go back to bed."
RJ jumps on Robert's bed. The springs squeak, as he covers his feet and smiles. "Can I sleep with you, dad?"
Robert smirks. "Aren't you a little too old to be sleeping with your old man? Thought it wasn't cool...."
"Please?" RJ seemed worried. "No one needs to know..."
Robert allows RJ access into the bed and before long, the boy is fast asleep once more. His snores carry around the room and blend with the noise outside the apartment. Robert, however, never returns to sleep. Eyes wide and eyeing the ceiling, he pictures the nightmare again. His brother covered in both their bloods; the look of determination and bloodthirst in his eyes. Robert willing to crush his brother's skull and destroy him. Kill Gren....that woman. She looked like Georgie with hair; very similar features but her voice was pleading and lost.
Rolling over, Robert tries to ignore it all but it was no use. There it was. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,``,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,
While RJ continued to sleep, Robert took his time to fix up some breakfast. He rarely went to the grocery store; even while he and Lyla dated, the two mostly went out to eat their meals. Since sharing custody of RJ, the fridge was constantly full of food. Never anything special. The usual things an eleven year old boy eats: Hot Pockets, Lunchables, TV Dinners and lots and lots of juices and soda. Those were always on certain occassions but Robert liked to have a cold one every now and then. And of course, the regulars. Milk, Eggs, bread, sandwich meat.
RJ told Robert of all the meals his mother made; meatloaf, fried Chicken, soups and his favorite, Chicken and Dumplings. Robert was pleased to know she was feeding him the way a young Grendel male should intake; meat, especially as puberty was around the corner, was important. Too little, the boy was weak, tired and prone to infections later down the line. Enough, you had the makings of a leader, alpha and potential mate. Not to mention his Wolf side. Robert noticed last night at dinner RJ devouring the meatballs and allowing little slips of growls escape.
Opening a package of ham, Robert adds the meat to a pan and cooks both sides. Next to him, another pan cooking scrambled eggs. Drinking a glass of cold milk, Robert tries to ignore the dream. He woke up angry. A failure, as if he DID fight Gren but lost the battle. The young woman, however, caused Robert to grunt, tremble as he cooked and lose control. She was stunning. Georgeous. Robert growls, as he flips the Ham slice.
"Morning dad." Robert returns, as RJ takes a seat. "Dad...you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah....fine, kiddo. How did you sleep?"
RJ laughs. "I should be asking YOU that. Did you EVEN go back to sleep?"
Robert takes a sip from his Milk. "A little bit, yes."
"What's for breakfast?"
"Ham and Eggs." Robert scoops a hefty amount of Eggs and adds two Ham slices. "Here you go. Ketchup is there, salt here and to drink-Milk with some chocolate and-"
RJ pushes the spoon back. "I got this dad. Thank you."
Robert often forgot RJ was not a child anymore. He envied Georgie at times for being the one there to view RJ grow up; although it was at the Farm and things were different back then, he often wished Lyla called him for visits. The Council would have never known.
"Good?" Robert grabs his plate and joins RJ. "I heard from mom you love Ham."
"Chicken, too." RJ pours ketchup over the meat. "Mom makes this really good soup and-"
"Chicken and Dumplings?"
"Hey, yeah." RJ smiles. "She tell you?"
"Yeah. She mentioned it. I can't make it but I know a place here in Fabletown that can make a pretty good batch."
RJ pushes his Eggs back with the fork. "Dad, how come you and mom are not together?"
His question caught Robert off by surprise. "What?"
"You and mom. I mean, I don't care. I love daddy Georgie and my brothers and sisters. But....I was just wondering?"
"Do you have friends who's parents are together?"
"some." RJ sips from his glass. "But there are three other guys in my class and they live with either one and visit the other. Like me."
"Does it make you SAD that mom and dad are not together?"
"No. I was just curious..."
Even Robert did not have an answer. The 'breakup' was so sudden; one day, they're together and the next, Wolf Council is after him and Lyla vanishes without a trace. Robert could recall that night in the park. He'd never wept or begged like he did. He waited, like always, for her return. When it didn't happen, Robert knew it was the end; Rose was his excuse to feel 'alive' and 'loved', although the feelings were never there for the red haired woman.
"We just are not, RJ. Mom loves Georgie and that's how its meant to be."
"Will you ever marry, dad?"
Was this RJ asking or a touch of his mother? "Why, son?"
RJ finishes off his plate. "Again, just asking, dad...."
"Alright. Well, I don't know. Maybe one day but not too sure. I'm fine with it being just you and me."
"Cool." RJ wipes his mouth. "May I be excused, please?"
"Sure. Wash up. The bus will be here..."
As RJ prepares for school, Robert finds himself washing dishes and thinking about not only the dream but his son's sudden sea of queastion pertaining to his non-existent love life. Last time Robert had an sexual encounter, was Rose; it was a casual hookup and nothing more. Enough to keep the 'urges' down for another month or so. He believed, somewhere in his heart, Lyla would change her mind. As awful as it may have come across, Robert wanted Lyla. No matter what.
Kissing RJ on the cheek, they head to the bus stop, where RJ is picked up and taken to school. Sitting near his friends, RJ waves back and soon, the bus is gone. The cloud of black smoke swirls in the air; for a moment, Robert notices the young woman with black hair, begging for Robert. Pleading.
Standing in the cold, Robert is lost. Even climbing up the stairs, he's consumed once more by the thoughts. They'd go away. In time, it would vanish. Like everything else did. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`
Any questions or comments, leave them below! After reading Pie's story, I was inspired to write a bit. Wasn't going to. Feeling 'meh' today. Feel, silly...a fool. Eh, listen to me...bothering with my stupid issues. :P Anyways, enjoy.
Dude, I know how you feel man. That's why I write my stories on my notebook first before publishing it online. Wattpad for me is safer than fanfiction.net. In that website, you can easily copy paste whereas in Wattpad, you cannot.
Report that fool! I can't stand people that use OTHER forms of people's work and never give them the proper credit! Even if its writing, drawing, sculptures....freakin chalk on the side of the road...whoever made it needs to be the one given the praise. I'm sorry this happened; reason why I stopped writing on FF.net; too many people taking other writer's ideas, re-wording them or simply taking as their own. I just write here now. AND, if I use anyone's character, I always tag them.
Don't let this asshole ruin your passion to write. You spoke highly of it and now, you're acting like its a bother to you. Don't take this the wrong way but pick yourself up, dust off, take a few days to think and get back in there. Slowly, but surely, the fire will ignite once more. If we all let ONE person ruin it for us, no one would be here. Again, so sorry that happened to you. At least you KNOW your writing is good.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
Report that fool! I can't stand people that use OTHER forms of people's work and never give them the proper credit! Even if its writing, dra… morewing, sculptures....freakin chalk on the side of the road...whoever made it needs to be the one given the praise. I'm sorry this happened; reason why I stopped writing on FF.net; too many people taking other writer's ideas, re-wording them or simply taking as their own. I just write here now. AND, if I use anyone's character, I always tag them.
Don't let this asshole ruin your passion to write. You spoke highly of it and now, you're acting like its a bother to you. Don't take this the wrong way but pick yourself up, dust off, take a few days to think and get back in there. Slowly, but surely, the fire will ignite once more. If we all let ONE person ruin it for us, no one would be here. Again, so sorry that happened to you. At least you KNOW your writing is good.
You have to send an email at reportabuse@fanfiction.com; there is a link on the corner of every page, too, where you can send a report, too. Scroll over 'help' and click 'support.' It will be there. Had to do that; this guy was literally spitting on my fanfic and I had to report him. Said some VERY hurtful and mean things. Ugly, ugly words....anyways, I can't remember, honestly. Something stupid. Been awhile.
There isn't a report button
You have to send an email at reportabuse@fanfiction.com; there is a link on the corner of every page, t… moreoo, where you can send a report, too. Scroll over 'help' and click 'support.' It will be there. Had to do that; this guy was literally spitting on my fanfic and I had to report him. Said some VERY hurtful and mean things. Ugly, ugly words....anyways, I can't remember, honestly. Something stupid. Been awhile.
He got the idea! lol Well, don't let that idiot bother you or stop. TRUST me. If he did it, someone else will. Get that spark going. Never let one person bring you down. Trust me....:)
I can't be asked to report him, for starters his copying was done on a completely different site...
And like I said, he hasn't been on FF.net since November, I don't think he's coming back :P
I remember you brought this up in a PM at some point. But I think JJ said it the best, just try and pick yourself up and dust it off or you'll become me and people will say how you have no empathy and you're apathetic.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
I remember you brought this up in a PM at some point. But I think JJ said it the best, just try and pick yourself up and dust it off or you'll become me and people will say how you have no empathy and you're apathetic.
Hehehe, I see your new Avatar, there! Awesome drawings, though! I especially love the embrace between Junior and Mary The detail of the marks makes it that much more awesome! Lyla and Georgie in the middle pic are hilarious XD He's making SURE she gets her food, or he knows the consequences XD Michelle looks cool, however I have no idea where she's from, if she's a new OC from your most recent chapters XP I'm so behind on some of them, it's ridiculous. She's cool though! I should start to read a few before bed tonight, lol.
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does… more not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
You're on a whole different scale with lack of empathy dude!! :P
It's been so long now though.... maybe I should go back and see what he has or hasn't done with that story
If he didn't have the tenacity to reply to your PM, I'd say report him and hope that he'll get what he deserves.
In my opinion, nobody should get away with copying other people's stories for their own. (unless the creators themselves give them permission to do so, of course)
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
If he didn't have the tenacity to reply to your PM, I'd say report him and hope that he'll get what he deserves.
In my opinion, nobody sh… moreould get away with copying other people's stories for their own. (unless the creators themselves give them permission to do so, of course)
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does… more not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
He hasn't been on there for ages, maybe someone else told him to stick it :P
I used a scene from his story with tweaks to it, but I messaged him saying I was going to use it and he replied saying he was fine with it
Ah, maybe he figured it'd be alright with you since you tweaked a scene from his.
Anyway, it's most likely best that you don't use other scenes from other people's stories from now on. (even if they say it's okay) XD
I hope you don't mind. I'll remove, if you wish. I just loved him so. ^.^ I missed drawing those two for that exact reason. AND, after having a pregnant fiancee in the home, I felt like Georgie needed to go through it on paper, too. XD She is a new OC; Peter and Ethan's assistant and the daughter to the Toothfairy. Don't worry about it, Ems. Took me awhile to catch up to the others as well.
Hehehe, I see your new Avatar, there! Awesome drawings, though! I especially love the embrace between Junior and Mary The detail of the mar… moreks makes it that much more awesome! Lyla and Georgie in the middle pic are hilarious XD He's making SURE she gets her food, or he knows the consequences XD Michelle looks cool, however I have no idea where she's from, if she's a new OC from your most recent chapters XP I'm so behind on some of them, it's ridiculous. She's cool though! I should start to read a few before bed tonight, lol.
I had this happen over at my DA site; someone took an image and claimed it as their own. Why I'm always putting PIE and the date on my images now. Anyways, I don't know how any of these sites work. I'd report him, like all the others have said. Forget that jerk. If I read correctly, you borrowed a section of his story but asked permission. Seems like HE did the same but went a bit too far.
Don't let this get to you, though. Ignore this fool and do what you love to do best.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
I agree with Emmy and Pie, Ella really does take after Makoto, mostly thanks to that excellent hair.
Loving how she's always with her headphones like her father, and looking forward to reading more about her. 
Thanks Lupine!
the hair was a hard choice to make, at first I thought to give her short hair with a ponytail but I decided to have long hair with awesome dark blue hair!
I'm also glad everyone in general likes the headphones as well! She will be interesting to write 
Nice drawing
Loving the hair for some reason :P
Probably not a great time but it is great news!
Gotta love Tez and his remarks. XD
The image that that description conjures - as well as the picture you used - really conveys the sense of how mighty-a dragon Delphantez is. Great choice of appearance.
That is spot-on Mr. Weasel, Stone!! XD You've really got his character right, which is another reason why it's very pleasing he's one of the ancestors of the Gargoth god-slayers.

Thanks man!
EDIT: Image. Yay.
Stupid phone....lol
Chloe managed to grasp the concept of changing from beaset to human; when Peter showed her his true form, she clapped and understood her uncle's ability. On all fours, a six foot brown Wolf tilted his head towards the sky and bellowed out a mighty roar. Birds flew from the beast, the world seemed to pause for the moment and the others looking on were afraid to move. Chloe transformed into a Wolf the second Peter's voice no longer echoed. Batting at his paw, Peter grabbed his neice's attention. Closing his eyes, his form became a man within seconds.
The little girl followed. Shutting her Amber eyes, Chloe became an infant once again. Naked and rolling on the grass, Peter snatches her clothes and heads back to the others. Dressing her daughter, Emily presses her cheeks against Chloe's face and embraces the child. Chloe acknowledged her need to BE human; although the baby could only babble and was unable to form simple words, she did understand. Emily and her father begged for the child to remain as such. Alone at home was one thing; she could change and roam the fields of green in her Wolf form for as long as needed. But they made trips to the city. No mundy would believe she was a Dog, if Emily stuffed her into a purse. Mundanes were ignorant at times but there were those few that could see past it all.
No longer concerned for Chloe's wellfare, they move onto the next baby: Viviana. She was the only baby that did not change into either a Grendel or a Wolf. She was merely there with two issues to address. The ribbon and her floating. The ribbon was the result of Vivian trying to protect the young girl from the depths of hell and Hades' clutches. That was not the problem. Thomas swore the baby only floated into air when Vivian was around.
"That's not true, Thomas." Emily steps in. "Vivian ain't 'ere right now."
Thomas looks around. "Where is your guardian, miss Emily?"
"She's inside. Feels like she be betta' inside right now. I'm...I'm too happy with her right now."
Thomas nods. Emily returns with a crooked smile, places Chloe on the grass and returns to her spot beside Gren. Grasping his arm tightly, Emily leans her face against Gren's chest and watches. Sunflower assisted Thomas with Viviana. The little girl was released into the air and began to float. Sucking on her hand, Sunflower observed the floating baby. Curious, Gren stood under his daughter and watched her casually bounce in mid air.
"What is it, Sunflower?" Gren snatches Viviana's hand. "It it ain't Vivian doing this, then what the fuck is it?"
"Hmmm. Viviana seems to be some sort of Kinetic Energy, Grendel."
Gren glares. "In fuckin' English, Sunflower."
"Kinetic Energy is the object that possesses its ability due to the motion. To fully understand Viviana's true potential, she needs to demonstrate how she transforms to and from other sources of energy. In other words, Gren, kinetic energy in an object depends on the relationship the object and the observer."
"So, what you are telling me is, Viviana's power is by accident. She has the ability to fucking, what-float in air as she pleases like the damn wind?"
"Viviana's gift is truly by coinsidence, considering Emily has the ghost of Vivian watching over her as we speak. She MAY have had some influence in the child's ability to float but not by much. The wind seems to fuel this power and makes your daughter float. With the proper training, Viviana can control this. Energy can be controlled, Gren. We just need to understand WHERE Viviana is getting her energy from and-"
Emily's mind suddenly found itself scanning over the many books of spells and powers she'd seen in her life. Her daughter's gift was no accident; some of Katie and Jersey's girls possessed the power to manipulate certain things around them. Perhaps her daughter was one of these factors. If Vivian DID have some part in this, magic was at hand. Her guradian was attatched to her daughter in more ways than one. Emily stands beneath Viviana. The little blonde girl tries to reach for her mother. This inspired Emily to try her theory. For the sake of her daughter.
"C'mon, love. Come ta' mommy...."
Viviana tried to reach once more. Floating in mid-air, Emily only extends her arms out. Gren glances over, unsure of what to make of the situation.
"Emily, what are you doing?"
"Trying to see woot the bloody 'ell Sunflower is talking about. If our daughter is graspin' energy ta' float, there must be a way she's fookin' doin' it."
"We know its the wind, Emily." Gren looks around. The gusts were growing stronger. "Look around you! Have you fuckin' seen-"
"Ya' just proved me right, Gren." Smiling, Emily reaches for Viviana. "This has nuthin' ta' do with Vivian. The ribbon and the looks, yes-but not her powers."
"Powers?" Gren clutches his jacket closer. "What powers?"
Gren becomes silent. He watches Viviana wave her arms around in two complete circles; the winds remain a gentle flow, as the little blonde girl floats down and returns into the arms of Emily. Sunflower beamed. It made sense now.
"Excuse you?" Gren stares at the Fable. "Aeroki-what now?"
"Viviana has Aerokinesis-the ability to summon the wind and use its powers to control, manipulate, alter or create a force behind her floating. THAT'S how she's been able to float, even inside the home. She creates her own wind storm and uses it to fly high like the Birds and clouds."
"Son-of-a...." Gren rubs his forehead. "Great. Great....so, what are we to do about this? Seems like Viviana fuckin' gets she can do this shit as she pleases and-"
"Your mother." Thomas speaks, causing everyone to look. "Your mother knew how to do this, Grendel. This power comes from the Wood Elves. They had a way to manipulate and change the winds. It was for hunting and battles with the enemy. They'd meditate for a few moments, stand beneath the sun's rays and allow the Aerokinesis to flow from within."
"Mom's side?" Gren was confused. "So-"
Thomas beams. "YOU have that ability, Grendel. Seems like you AND Viviana have a lot to learn."
Annoyed, Gren huffs. "I DON'T fuckin' manipulate the goddamn air, dad. I ain't got not fuckin' powers-"
"That you acknowledge." Thomas picks up Seraphina, now chewing on a blade of grass. "For example, you have the same gift your mother possesed. Or, curse...as I used to call it. I know you've done it, too. Seraphina has the same thing."
Sunflower grabs Viviana. "Seems like nothing much to worry about as far as Viviana goes. She'll have to get the power under absolute control and not float as she pleases...least we can do it NOW and not years down the road."
Thomas beams. "Now, you miss Seraphina. Powers just like daddy..."
Emily folds her arms. "I've neva' bloody seen Gren kill plants before, Thomas."
"No. Not now. But back in the Homelands, he used his special gift to help his mother. Together, they destroyed life threatning plants and weeds that were harmful to Grendels and others alike. After her death and the Exile....seems like things may have changed, huh Grendel?"
"I don't know what your fuckin' talking about." Gren grabs Seraphina. "I ain't never done that before."
"Well, either way, Grendel, we must teach her to NEVER use this power out and about, especially around plants. The mundies take one look at this and our world is foever lost."
"How the 'ell are we ta' teach her, Thomas?"
There was only one soultion-Sunflower. Over the past few days, Thomas observed Seraphina's interactions with the plant Fable. Sunflower, too. They both seemed to have formed a bond, despite her ability to accidentally kill Sunflower if she wanted to. He, however, could not hold the little girl; he needed to wear special, thick gloves if he wanted to be around the child. It broke his heart and caused unimaginable pain to the Fable when it became a requirement.
"Come here, Sunflower." It had to be done. "I need your help for this one....its the only way she'll learn."
Sunflower did not hesitate to head over to Thomas. If it meant saving his precious Seraphina, he'd do anything to save her.
Emily noticed Thomas' plan. "Woot are ya' gunna do, Thomas?"
"I've noticed since arriving, Emily, that your daughter has formed a special connection with Mr. Sunflower here. The two have become quite the pair and its obvious what needs to be done. By SHOWING Seraphina why she needs to control her powers, it will more than likely make the little girl understand the importance of keeping it a secret."
"She changes too, dad." Gren steps forward. "She-"
"-Is like her mother, her uncles-like any beast capable of turning into man. She has that under control. It's THIS that worries me....your mother-"
Gren nods. "Mom had it too. I know...."
Gren stares at his hand. The blue faintly flowing from his finger tips. Within moments, it was gone and returned inside his body. Thomas continues.
"Sunflower, I-"
"I know." Tears flow from his eyes. "I don't wish to see her in pain but....I have to show you, sweetie." Sunflower cups the baby girl's face. "I need to show you...we can't-I can't...lose you to this...."
With a gentle kiss on the cheek, Sunflower drops the right glove. It slips off and falls to the ground. Thomas takes Seraphina's hand and places her palm down onto the Fable's hand. Within seconds, the hand turns a dark color, forms a blue cloud and slowly crumbles. Emily, tears streaming from her eyes, runs towards Thomas.
"Woot are ya' doin', Thomas!? Stop! Ya' will kill him!"
"This NEEDS to be done! We have to-"
"We can find anotha' way!" Emily begins to punch the back of Thomas. "Stop! He can die from this! Look at his fookin' hands! Seraphina, love-"
Seraphina noticed the pain and destruction upon Sunflower's face. Falling to the ground, the Fable craddles his arm. Kicking and screaming, Thomas places the little girl down. Reaching for Sunflower, he strokes her hair and continues to smile.
"I'm alright, baby girl." Sunflower tries to hold back tears. "I'll be alright. I'm more worried about you, sweetie."
Seraphina crawls over and chews on his hand. The skin distengrates in her mouth; the blue dust forms a cloud where his fingers once were and circles his entire arm and shoulder.
"Oh God no...." Emily turns away. "Fa' fook's sake. No, no, no...Get the doctor! Get, someone-"
"Wait." Gren points to the ground. "She's....she's healing him...."
Thomas smiles. "Wood Elves MAY have the power to destroy the weeds and harmful plants but they also carry the power to make things grow with beauty and return to what was once their own. Seraphina has that gift. She has nature on her side. Look."
Sunflower's hand returns to normal within seconds. Seraphina places both hands down on Sunflower's palm. Rocking back and forth, a yellow light shines from her palms and enters the body of Sunflower. A few seconds into this process, his hand grows slowly back. Sitting up, the Fable examines. Seraphina blinks and waits for any form of response. Thomas nods and watches as Sunflower scoops up the little girl. Nothing. No burns. No magic. Sunflower was in one piece.
"Woot did you do, Thomas?"
"The power of love is stronger than any magic out there, no Emily? By showing her the TRUE power behind that, Seraphina got a look at what damage could be done. Since he's a plant Fable, Seraphina was able to witness just how powerful it is...I doubt she'll do THAT again for awhile."
Thomas glares at Gren. Gren said not a word. He'd teach Seraphina to mask and conceal the power within her little hands. Like he had learned to do all those centuries ago. Finally, little Liam.
Liam refused to change; even with Peter, RJ and Lyla showing him how to transform from beast to man, it was not possible. He refused to change. Lyla makes the statement on Lycanthropy. It was well known by both Fables and mundies for the ability of man to shapeshift into a Wolf. Both Emily and Gren were aware of this; Katie and Penelope had it and managed to control the shapeshifting powers early on in their childhood. Emily watched her grandfather go from man to a towering, powerful Wolf in seconds. Her aunt Gina and Mary were the same way, too. It was the matter of her son, though, for it was not Wolf Liam changed into. But a Grendel and it was nothing like Lycanthropy.
Emily holds out her son, concern within her eyes. "He's not changing. At all. He did for awhile but...He's not gettin' it..."
Gren joins Emily at her side. "Maybe he needs a bit more time. He CAN learn it-"
"Gren, we don't HAVE fookin' time ta' be sittin' 'round and hopin' he'll learn. Woot if he never does? Then woot, we lose him forever?"
"That won't HAPPEN, Emily. We can fix this-"
"And I know how." Thomas holds out his arms. "Give him to me..."
Emily does as she's told; handing over her son, the little Grendel baby moves the stub of an arm towards his beaming grandfather. Holding Liam close, Thomas begins to picture his own sons and the heartbreaking decisions he made back in the Homelands. He pictured his beloved wife, concern with understanding in her dark green eyes. It had to be done. For the sake of Liam, his siblings and his son.
Reaching into his back pocket, Thomas clutches an unknown object. "I've seen this a million times. Child born to a beast and does not posses the ability to turn into what is expected. I know. It happened with you boys, Grendel-you refused to change. Robert can turn from beast to man, same with Isaiah and god bless their souls, Richard and Jason, too. But never you...and your mother wanted it that way."
Thomas pauses to stare down at Liam. A tear falls from his face. "But things are different now. Times have changed and your son's life depends on understanding the meaning of shapeshifting. I heard a story about a young woman that did this to a Wolf. A powerful, mighty Wolf that was incapable of turning. She stabs his with the Lycanthropy knife, giving him the chance to change from man to wolf and back again as he please..."
Gren notices a shimmering light behind Thomas' back. "Dad, what are you-"
Thomas continues. "Seems little Liam has the same thing. Unable to change. Well, papa can fix that, Liam. I'm sorry-"
Thomas pulls out a giant knife from his pocket. Emily and Gren stop; their minds racing, hearts thumping and Gren's sudden urge to change. In slow motions, Emily looks over and watches as her fiancee loses all self control and charges at his father. Emily remained hushed; the pure prostration before her caused the words to erase and mind blank. As Emily reaches for Gren, Thomas plummets the knife into Liam. Gren, now in full form, screams into the afternoon sky; Peter, RJ and Lyla stand back, all lost for words.
"I'm sorry..." Tears roll down Thomas' face. "It had to be done...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
I have....there is nothing...omg....
I loved this chapter; Chloe has it down, Viviana needs some tweeking and she's good. Seraphina and Sunflower. I see a budding romance for some reaso. (Or they are just connected for the hell of it)
But Liam....did Thomas just....is he alright?!? Please tell me he's arlight!!! OMG....my feelings, pie! STOP! So, Gren has the same powers that Seraphina has?? Interesting...
I can't wait for more. I need to know more!!!
I literally have a storage of images and gifs used to paint out the story as if it was a comic.
The end of Gargoth is nearing, its all going down by the next few chapters, but it won't end the story just yet. There's a plot twist.
Viviana is the new avatar, now she just need to master the powers of earth, fire and, water!
Getting to learn even more about the babies' powers and some of Gren's family history makes this an enjoyable chapter! Gren seems to be very exasperated by any problems at the moment, whereas Emily is taking it as it comes - interesting to see the two different reactions. Viviana and Seraphina really do have some pretty neat powers.
That picture is just Excellent; the design touch of Peter smoking and the words being in that is a great touch.
Also, good reference with the knife and Snow and Bigby!
Well, you have a good eye for them!
A twist? Intriguing!
LMAO My fiancee said the same thing, too. XD
As far as their reactions, nothing can phase Emily; she's seen it all, heard it-been through it. Gren, on the other hand, has tried for centruies, as Thomas stated, to ignore anything inregards to his Grendel or Wood Elf side. Although living like mundies annoys him, he'd rather do so, then acknowledge THAT side. I didn't want Viviana to come off as what Snow & Bigby's cubs; since Vivian is the main reason, I tried thinking of something related to ghosts or winds for her.
Seraphina's is awesome, too. I love it alot. Chloe and Liam don't have special powers....just yet, at least.
And thanks; stupid phone made it difficult and it was the best image out of a million that I took. Glad the message DOES stand out. 
It worked VERY well for what Thomas did to Liam.
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens.
As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
I always love seeing your drawings Pie! They're so awesome!
I love these and always look forward to your OC's on paper.
The middle one. XD RUUUUUUUN, Georgie! Pregnant she-Wolf. Enough said. lol Good luck with that Thesis paper. Better you than me. :P
Great work, man. I love your drawings.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that happened in November last year. There was an author on FanFiction.net (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on FF.net but he never replied (I was angry, but not excessively rude in this message. The worst thing I said was "You copied the letter Bigby wrote to Snow word for fucking word!")
Since I saw that chapter, I have stayed away from WattPad; I have this horrible nagging sensation to go back onto the site and see what he has done next, but I'm not going to... I think the biggest kick to the balls is that he is essentially claiming it as his own work! Some people commented "Wow, you're such a good writer!" and he replies with "Thank you very much!"
I now have this view of 'Why should I bother?' with writing because of this guy. If he had apologised for not telling me or had actually bothered to name me as his source of inspiration then I would've probably been fine with it, but he didn't! In fact he NEVER replied to my message and he hasn't been on FF.net since I messaged him...
He hasn't just copied from me either, he copied an entire chapter from another author on FF.net (all he did was change character names) and claimed it as his work just like he did mine...
You people all know that if I used bits or characters from your work then I would give the necessary people credit for it. But he hasn't, so now I just see my work as something for people to use as they please...
I can't get over it, and it's been over 3 months now
Dude, I know how you feel man. That's why I write my stories on my notebook first before publishing it online. Wattpad for me is safer than fanfiction.net. In that website, you can easily copy paste whereas in Wattpad, you cannot.
Robert went to bed in a blanket of bad dreams and a bed full of worries. Tossing and turning, he was out in the middle of a dark section of the woods. He was back in the Homelands but how? Looking down, Robert could see the long, dark claws, webbed hands and gray toned skin. Spikes all along the back of his arms and legs; teeth were fangs and his fin sat on the top of his head.
Opening his massive mouth, Robert lets out a thundering roar, smiles and runs in the dark. Light from the tops of the trees shun through and covers the forest floor with a golden warmth. Robert hears a nearby creek, heads towards and jumps forward; several other Grendels dive into the murky waters, chase after tiny Frogs and bathe in an opening near several rocks.
One male, a monsterous one at that, beckons for Robert to join. It was his father; the mighty beast, alpha of his own little tribe, sits upon a boulder and watches his sons bask and play in the water. His mother, long golden hair blowing in the wind, touching bunches of wild flowers and smiling at her son. His brothers all there: Jason, Isaiah, Richard....Grendel....all of them. It was strange, yet satisfying, to see his entire family together in one place. All happy and pleased.
Robert throws back the weeds and leaps into the cold water. He dives deep into the dark parts of the creek and chase after a large Salmon. It eyes the beast and pushes forward with his fin. Bubbles create a trail, leading Robert to his meal. Opening his jaw, Robert takes in gallons of water and the Fish. Not quick enough, Robert's jaws snap shut, snapping down on the creature's neck and with one last wriggle, falls still in Robert's mouth.
Merging towards the surface, he notices the color of the sky. It was a mix of reds, yellows and oranges; as if someone took oil paints and tossed them together on one painting. His head pokes through the water. Screams fill his ears; he notices several of the Adversary's men, Fables chained together and heading to an opening. Fire surrounds him. Robert's family is gone. No one was there. Robert spits out the fish and searches the forest.
Calling out his family's names, Robert is submerged in darkness. Standing before him, however, is Gren. Both remaining in true form. Robert calls out to his brother; he could hear Gren breathing heavy, his spikes lining both arms and legs and the look of war twinkling in his eyes. Before Robert could say another word, Gren turns and fights Robert. Natural instincts kick in; Robert say a wave of red and could taste the familiar blood of Grendels in his mouth.
Brother against brother, they fought in the dark. Both crash against rocks and trees. Robert's fang sink deep into Gren's shoulder, yanks out a chunk and devours the cold flesh. The warmth of the blood sticks to the roof of Robert's mouth. His eyes widen. He needed more. Leaping forward, Robert bites down once more only this time, Gren is prepred. With one blow, Gren knocks his older brother to the ground. Gren then jumps into the air, lands on Robert and proceeds to claw out ever intestine he could. A heavy stench of blood. Bits of flesh and bone. From behind Robert, he could see his father.
Robert tried to reach out. He noticed what this was? But why? Gren and Robert, from what he knew, had no desires to do so. But ignoring nature can happen for so long. Before Robert knew it, he and Gren were taking the fight near a cliff. All the while, his father smiling and watching the battle. Seeing who truly was capable of taking his place. Robert noticed a young woman with long, jet black hair; she called out to Robert, begging for him to stop. Leave Gren be. It wasn't worth it....
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Robert lifts up in bed. "Gren! Where-"
Drenched in sweat, Robert falls from the bed and searches his tiny bedroom. He could hear the honking outside his window. The strong smell of oil, grease and smoke from the city outside his window. The older lady was moving about upstairs. It must be near three in the morning; she was always up, cleaning her apartment and preparing a meal for that night.
Looking over, sure enough, three in the morning. Sighing, Robert sits on the edge of the bed. Fumbling with the sheets and pillow, there is a knock on his bedroom door.
"Dad-" RJ continues to knock. "Dad, are you okay?"
"Come on in, kiddo." Robert turns his lamp on. "Did I wake you up?"
"You're pale, dad." RJ touches Robert's face. "And...you're sweating. Did you have a bad dream?"
"I'm...I'm fine, son." Robert exhales deeply. "Go back to bed."
RJ jumps on Robert's bed. The springs squeak, as he covers his feet and smiles. "Can I sleep with you, dad?"
Robert smirks. "Aren't you a little too old to be sleeping with your old man? Thought it wasn't cool...."
"Please?" RJ seemed worried. "No one needs to know..."
Robert allows RJ access into the bed and before long, the boy is fast asleep once more. His snores carry around the room and blend with the noise outside the apartment. Robert, however, never returns to sleep. Eyes wide and eyeing the ceiling, he pictures the nightmare again. His brother covered in both their bloods; the look of determination and bloodthirst in his eyes. Robert willing to crush his brother's skull and destroy him. Kill Gren....that woman. She looked like Georgie with hair; very similar features but her voice was pleading and lost.
Rolling over, Robert tries to ignore it all but it was no use. There it was.
,`,While RJ continued to sleep, Robert took his time to fix up some breakfast. He rarely went to the grocery store; even while he and Lyla dated, the two mostly went out to eat their meals. Since sharing custody of RJ, the fridge was constantly full of food. Never anything special. The usual things an eleven year old boy eats: Hot Pockets, Lunchables, TV Dinners and lots and lots of juices and soda. Those were always on certain occassions but Robert liked to have a cold one every now and then. And of course, the regulars. Milk, Eggs, bread, sandwich meat.
RJ told Robert of all the meals his mother made; meatloaf, fried Chicken, soups and his favorite, Chicken and Dumplings. Robert was pleased to know she was feeding him the way a young Grendel male should intake; meat, especially as puberty was around the corner, was important. Too little, the boy was weak, tired and prone to infections later down the line. Enough, you had the makings of a leader, alpha and potential mate. Not to mention his Wolf side. Robert noticed last night at dinner RJ devouring the meatballs and allowing little slips of growls escape.
Opening a package of ham, Robert adds the meat to a pan and cooks both sides. Next to him, another pan cooking scrambled eggs. Drinking a glass of cold milk, Robert tries to ignore the dream. He woke up angry. A failure, as if he DID fight Gren but lost the battle. The young woman, however, caused Robert to grunt, tremble as he cooked and lose control. She was stunning. Georgeous. Robert growls, as he flips the Ham slice.
"Morning dad." Robert returns, as RJ takes a seat. "Dad...you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah....fine, kiddo. How did you sleep?"
RJ laughs. "I should be asking YOU that. Did you EVEN go back to sleep?"
Robert takes a sip from his Milk. "A little bit, yes."
"What's for breakfast?"
"Ham and Eggs." Robert scoops a hefty amount of Eggs and adds two Ham slices. "Here you go. Ketchup is there, salt here and to drink-Milk with some chocolate and-"
RJ pushes the spoon back. "I got this dad. Thank you."
Robert often forgot RJ was not a child anymore. He envied Georgie at times for being the one there to view RJ grow up; although it was at the Farm and things were different back then, he often wished Lyla called him for visits. The Council would have never known.
"Good?" Robert grabs his plate and joins RJ. "I heard from mom you love Ham."
"Chicken, too." RJ pours ketchup over the meat. "Mom makes this really good soup and-"
"Chicken and Dumplings?"
"Hey, yeah." RJ smiles. "She tell you?"
"Yeah. She mentioned it. I can't make it but I know a place here in Fabletown that can make a pretty good batch."
RJ pushes his Eggs back with the fork. "Dad, how come you and mom are not together?"
His question caught Robert off by surprise. "What?"
"You and mom. I mean, I don't care. I love daddy Georgie and my brothers and sisters. But....I was just wondering?"
"Do you have friends who's parents are together?"
"some." RJ sips from his glass. "But there are three other guys in my class and they live with either one and visit the other. Like me."
"Does it make you SAD that mom and dad are not together?"
"No. I was just curious..."
Even Robert did not have an answer. The 'breakup' was so sudden; one day, they're together and the next, Wolf Council is after him and Lyla vanishes without a trace. Robert could recall that night in the park. He'd never wept or begged like he did. He waited, like always, for her return. When it didn't happen, Robert knew it was the end; Rose was his excuse to feel 'alive' and 'loved', although the feelings were never there for the red haired woman.
"We just are not, RJ. Mom loves Georgie and that's how its meant to be."
"Will you ever marry, dad?"
Was this RJ asking or a touch of his mother? "Why, son?"
RJ finishes off his plate. "Again, just asking, dad...."
"Alright. Well, I don't know. Maybe one day but not too sure. I'm fine with it being just you and me."
"Cool." RJ wipes his mouth. "May I be excused, please?"
"Sure. Wash up. The bus will be here..."
As RJ prepares for school, Robert finds himself washing dishes and thinking about not only the dream but his son's sudden sea of queastion pertaining to his non-existent love life. Last time Robert had an sexual encounter, was Rose; it was a casual hookup and nothing more. Enough to keep the 'urges' down for another month or so. He believed, somewhere in his heart, Lyla would change her mind. As awful as it may have come across, Robert wanted Lyla. No matter what.
Kissing RJ on the cheek, they head to the bus stop, where RJ is picked up and taken to school. Sitting near his friends, RJ waves back and soon, the bus is gone. The cloud of black smoke swirls in the air; for a moment, Robert notices the young woman with black hair, begging for Robert. Pleading.
Standing in the cold, Robert is lost. Even climbing up the stairs, he's consumed once more by the thoughts. They'd go away. In time, it would vanish. Like everything else did.
,`Any questions or comments, leave them below!
After reading Pie's story, I was inspired to write a bit. Wasn't going to. Feeling 'meh' today. Feel, silly...a fool. Eh, listen to me...bothering with my stupid issues. :P Anyways, enjoy.
I'm not as keen on WattPad in general though. Quite a few of the stories I read weren't that good...
It was either the characters were really OOC, the writing style was atrocious, or the plots kept changing with each chapter
Report that fool! I can't stand people that use OTHER forms of people's work and never give them the proper credit! Even if its writing, drawing, sculptures....freakin chalk on the side of the road...whoever made it needs to be the one given the praise. I'm sorry this happened; reason why I stopped writing on FF.net; too many people taking other writer's ideas, re-wording them or simply taking as their own. I just write here now. AND, if I use anyone's character, I always tag them.
Don't let this asshole ruin your passion to write. You spoke highly of it and now, you're acting like its a bother to you. Don't take this the wrong way but pick yourself up, dust off, take a few days to think and get back in there. Slowly, but surely, the fire will ignite once more.
If we all let ONE person ruin it for us, no one would be here. Again, so sorry that happened to you. At least you KNOW your writing is good. 
You used to write on FF.net?? What was your account name?
There isn't a report button from what I can see!!!
You have to send an email at reportabuse@fanfiction.com; there is a link on the corner of every page, too, where you can send a report, too. Scroll over 'help' and click 'support.' It will be there. Had to do that; this guy was literally spitting on my fanfic and I had to report him. Said some VERY hurtful and mean things. Ugly, ugly words....anyways, I can't remember, honestly. Something stupid. Been awhile.
I can't be asked to report him, for starters his copying was done on a completely different site...
And like I said, he hasn't been on FF.net since November, I don't think he's coming back :P
He got the idea! lol Well, don't let that idiot bother you or stop. TRUST me. If he did it, someone else will. Get that spark going. Never let one person bring you down. Trust me....:)
I remember you brought this up in a PM at some point. But I think JJ said it the best, just try and pick yourself up and dust it off or you'll become me and people will say how you have no empathy and you're apathetic.
You're on a whole different scale with lack of empathy dude!! :P
It's been so long now though.... maybe I should go back and see what he has or hasn't done with that story
Hehehe, I see your new Avatar, there! Awesome drawings, though! I especially love the embrace between Junior and Mary
The detail of the marks makes it that much more awesome! Lyla and Georgie in the middle pic are hilarious XD He's making SURE she gets her food, or he knows the consequences XD Michelle looks cool, however I have no idea where she's from, if she's a new OC from your most recent chapters XP I'm so behind on some of them, it's ridiculous. She's cool though! I should start to read a few before bed tonight, lol.
I'll take that as a compliment I guess XD
Who knows maybe he stopped it all together.
If he didn't have the tenacity to reply to your PM, I'd say report him and hope that he'll get what he deserves.
In my opinion, nobody should get away with copying other people's stories for their own. (unless the creators themselves give them permission to do so, of course)
He hasn't been on there for ages, maybe someone else told him to stick it :P
I used a scene from his story with tweaks to it, but I messaged him saying I was going to use it and he replied saying he was fine with it
He had another story going on, but he's left it unfinished...
Maybe more than one person assaulted him for his plagiarism
Very cool to finally see Michelle! I always figured she'd have her hair down, but the business-style ponytail(?) works too!
Ha! Good then he got what he deserved...
Ah, maybe he figured it'd be alright with you since you tweaked a scene from his.
Anyway, it's most likely best that you don't use other scenes from other people's stories from now on. (even if they say it's okay) XD
Agreed :P
I hope you don't mind. I'll remove, if you wish. I just loved him so. ^.^ I missed drawing those two for that exact reason.
AND, after having a pregnant fiancee in the home, I felt like Georgie needed to go through it on paper, too. XD She is a new OC; Peter and Ethan's assistant and the daughter to the Toothfairy. Don't worry about it, Ems. Took me awhile to catch up to the others as well. 
Still a sketching her out. I may change the business style ponytail in future sketches. I want to REALLY make her pop.
I had this happen over at my DA site; someone took an image and claimed it as their own. Why I'm always putting PIE and the date on my images now.
Anyways, I don't know how any of these sites work. I'd report him, like all the others have said. Forget that jerk. If I read correctly, you borrowed a section of his story but asked permission. Seems like HE did the same but went a bit too far.
Don't let this get to you, though. Ignore this fool and do what you love to do best.
Okay, so it is a ponytail - good to know!
I have no doubt you will, man. Make her glamorous! XD XD